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Eb630 Blower: Shindaiwa Owner'S/Operator'S Manual

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Read this manual and familiarize yourself with its contents.
Minimize the risk of injury to yourself and others. Do not operate or service
this machine unless you clearly understand this manual. Keep this manual at a
particular place so that you can reread it whenever you have a question about its
use. Always wear eye and hearing protection when operating this unit.

Part Number 68238-94310 Rev. 02/05

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Introduction Attention Statements
CAUTION! Throughout this manual are special
“attention statements”. Read and follow this man-
This blower is equipped with a spark- ual. Failure to do so could
arresting muffler! Never operate this result in serious injury.
unit without both the muffler and spark
arrester installed and properly function- WARNING! Wear eye and hearing pro-
ing! tection at all times during
A statement preceded by the triangular
Attention Symbol and the word the operation of this unit.
WARNING indicates a potentially
Before using this unit, consult local regula- hazardous situation which, if not
tions concerning noise restrictions and avoided, could result in death or Sound Power Level (mea-
hours of operation! serious injury. sured in accordance with
The Shindaiwa EB630 has been de-
signed and built to deliver superior perfor- CAUTION!
mance and reliability without compromise A statement preceded by the word
to quality, comfort, safety, or durability. CAUTION contains information The operational procedures described in
The information contained in this man- that should be acted upon to avoid this manual are intended to help you get
ual describes units available at the time of damaging the unit. the most from this unit and also to protect
production. While every attempt has been you and others from harm. These proce-
made to give you the very latest informa- dures are general guidelines only, and are
IMPORTANT! not intended to replace any safety rules/
tion about your Shindaiwa EB630 blower.
There may be some differences between A statement preceded by the word laws that may be in force in your area.
your EB630 blower and what is described IMPORTANT is one that possesses If you have any questions regarding your
here. Shindaiwa Inc. reserves the right to special significance. EB630 blower, or if you do not understand
make changes in production without prior something in this manual, your Shindaiwa
notice, and without obligation to make al- dealer will be glad to assist you. For ad-
terations to units previously manufactured. A statement preceded by the word “NOTE”
ditional information, you may also contact
contains information that is handy to know
Shindaiwa Inc. at the address printed on
Contents PAGE
and may make your job easier.
the back of this manual.
Attention Statements .................................. 2
General Safety Instructions ....................... 3
Unit Description .......................................... 5
Specifications ............................................... 5
Assembling the Blower .............................. 6
Mixing Fuel ................................................. 7
Filling the Fuel Tank .................................. 7
Starting and Stopping the Blower ............. 7
Adjusting Engine Idle Speed...................... 8
Adjusting the Harness ................................ 9
Using the Blower ........................................ 9
Maintenance .............................................. 10
Long Term Storage ................................... 12
Troubleshooting Guide ............................ 13

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General Safety Instructions
Work Safely
Blowers operate at a very high speed and WARNING!
can do serious damage or injury if they are Never make unauthorized modifica-
misused or abused. Never allow a person tions or attachment installations. Never
without training or instruction to operate use attachments not approved by
your EB630 Blower! Shindaiwa for use on this unit.
Stay Alert
You must be physically and mentally fit to
operate this unit safely. WARNING!

WARNING! Never operate power equipment of any

Use Good Judgment kind if you are tired or if you are under
the influence of alcohol, drugs, medica-
NEVER run the engine when transport- tion or any other substance that could
ing the unit. affect your ability or judgement.
NEVER run the engine indoors! Make
sure there is always good ventilation.
Fumes from engine exhaust can cause WARNING!
serious injury or death. Minimize the Risk of Fire
ALWAYS stop the unit immediately if
it suddenly begins to vibrate or shake. NEVER smoke or light fires near the
Inspect for broken, missing or improp- unit.
erly installed parts. ALWAYS stop the engine and allow it
ALWAYS keep the unit as clean as to cool before refueling. Avoid overfill-
practical. Keep it free of loose vegeta- ing and wipe off any fuel that may
tion, mud, etc. have spilled.
ALWAYS keep the handles clean. ALWAYS inspect the unit for fuel
ALWAYS disconnect the spark plug leaks before each use. During each
wire before performing any refill, check that no fuel leaks from
maintenance work. around the fuel cap and/or fuel tank. If
ALWAYS turn off the engine before fuel leaks are evident, stop using the
putting the unit down. When trans- unit immediately. Fuel leaks must be
porting the unit in a vehicle, properly repaired before using the unit.
secure it to prevent the unit from over ALWAYS move the unit to a place
turning, fuel spillage and damage to the well away from a fuel storage area
unit. or other readily flammable materials
NEVER insert any foreign objects into before starting the engine.
the air intake or outlet opening of the NEVER place flammable material
blower while in operation. close to the engine muffler.
NEVER run the engine without the
spark arrester screen in place.

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The Properly Equipped Operator
Wear close-fitting clothing to protect legs and arms. Gloves offer
added protection and are strongly recommended. Wear hearing protection
Do not wear clothing or jewelry that could get caught in when operating this unit.
machinery or underbrush. Secure hair so it is above
shoulder level. NEVER wear shorts! Always wear eye protection such as a face shield or
goggles while operating this unit. Never operate the
blower when visibility is poor.

Wear a dust mask to reduce the risk of

inhalation injuries.

Keep a proper footing and do not

overreach. Maintain your balance
at all times during operation.
Always be aware of the strength
and direction of the blower dis-
charge stream. Never direct the
blower discharge stream toward
Wear appropriate footwear (non-skid boots people or animals!
or shoes): do not wear open-toed shoes
or sandals. Never operate the unit while

Be Aware of the Working Environment

Debris sometimes collects on the blower in-
take. Never clean out debris from the blower
while the engine is running! Make sure bystanders or observers
outside the 15 meter “danger zone”
wear eye protection.
Avoid long-term operation in very
hot or very cold weather.


Never operate the blower if any

component parts are damaged, Reduce the risk of bystanders
loose, or missing! being struck by flying debris.
Make sure no one is within15
meters—that’s about 16
paces—of an operating blower.

Be extremely careful of slippery

terrain, especially during rainy
weather. Never operate this blower Do not direct the air blast
Be constantly alert for objects and towards bystanders. The high
on a roof, ledge or ladder. debris that could be thrown from air flow could blow small objects
the air blast and bounced from a at great speed causing possible
hard surface. eye injury.

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Unit Description

Spark Plug


Case Starter



Fuel Tank
Air Cleaner
Fuel Filter
Cover On-Off Switch

Cable Clamp Throttle Trigger

Fuel Tank Tube
90 0 Discharge

Prior to Assembly Specifications

Using the figures above as a guide, fa-
miliarize yourself with the blower and Model ........................................................................................................................ EB630/EC1
its components. Understanding the Dimensions ............................................................................... (LxWxH) 350 x 460 x 495 mm
unit helps ensure top performance, Engine Type .......................................... 2 cycle air cooled gasoline engine, vertical cylinder
longer service life, and safer operation.
Bore & Stroke ....................................................................................................... 47.5 x 35 mm
Prior to Assembly Displacement ...................................................................................................................62.0 cm3
Before assembling the blower, make sure Max Output/min-1 ........................................................................................2.9 kW/ 7,500 min-1
you have all required components. Maximum Engine Speed ............................................................................................7,900 min-1
 Power unit and blower assembly. Engine Speed at Idling ...............................................................................................2,200 min-1
 Flexible tube, swivel tube, straight tube, Fuel/Oil Ratio ........................................................................................................................ 50:1
and nozzle. Carburetor .....................................................................Walbro rotary-type with primer pump
 Two tube clamps (100 and 85mm). Ignition ....................................................................... All transistor electronic ignition system
 This Owner’s/Operator’s Manual and a Spark Plug........................................................................................................Champion RCJ6Y
tool kit containing a tool bag, 3mm-4mm-
Starting....................................................................................................................Recoil starter
5mm hex wrench, and a combination
spark plug wrench. Stopping EB630 ....................................................................................................... Slide Switch
 Lead wire assembly (anti-static). Fuel Tank Capacity .......................................................................................................2,000 cm3
Carefully inspect all components for dam- Exhaust ................................................................................................... Spark arrester muffler
age. Air Filtration ........................................................................................................... Dry Element
IMPORTANT! Dry weight (without blower tubes) ..................................................................................9.0 kg
The terms “left”, “left-hand”, “LH”; “right”, Sound Pressure Level (in accordance with ISO 7917) ............................................. 96 dB (A)
“right-hand”, and “RH”; “front” and “rear” Sound Power Level (in accordance with ISO 10884.2) .......................................... 108 dB (A)
refer to directions as viewed by the opera-
Vibration Level (in accordance with ISO 7916) ............................................... Idling 1.2 m/s2
tor during normal operation.
...........................................................................................................................Racing 2.4 m/s2
Blow air speed ..................................................................................................................86 m/s2
Blow Air Volume ......................................................................................................17.4 m3/min
Specifications are subject to change without notice.

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Assembling the Blower
This unit is equipped with a static dis-
charge reduction wire. This wire helps
direct static buildup into the air stream
reducing the felt amount to the operator. Anti-Static Swivel
Wire Tube
1. Place the blower upright on the ground
or a sturdy work surface and note parts
orientation as shown.
2. Remove static wire from package and fix
eyelet to right hand engine cover screw. Tube Nozzle
3. Turn the dicharge tube out to a right Flexible Tube
angle and slip anti-static wire through
90° Discharge
the 100mm clamp and flexible tube. Tube
4. Slip the flexible tube over the end of the 100mm 85mm Swivel
90° discharge tube, and secure with the Clamp Clamp Tube
100mm clamp.
Check to make sure that the 900 discharge Throttle As- Align the lock pins with the
sembly lock slots, and push the
tube swivels freely from front to back. If any
tubes together.
binding is present, loosen 100mm clamp and
pull wire towards engine to get more slack Fold Wire
and recheck for free movement. A
5. Slide the throttle assembly over the Tube
swivel tube. Do not tighten clamp at this Lock Pin
Lock Slot
6. Insert the static wire through the swivel
tube, then install and tighten the 85mm Rotate clockwise to lock
clamp over the rotating band on the making sure the 3 lines are
swivel tube. aligned on both tubes.
7. Fold the end of the static wire back over Flexible Tube
the connection of the swivel tube. B
Static Wire
Static Wire
8. Grasp the straight tube, and push the Connector
tube over the swivel tube locking pins
securing the static wire.
9. Lock the straight tube to the swivel tube
by rotating the straight tube. IMPORTANT!
10.Grasp the nozzle tube and lock the Blower tube installation affects blower
nozzle to the straight tube noting the performance! Make sure the tubes and
alignment marks. nozzle are correctly assembled per above,
and that all connections are tight. Blower
11.Install throttle cable holder just forward tubes may come apart during use unless
of the 100mm clamp. tubes are aligned and locked into place.
12.Adjust throttle assembly for best opera-
tor comfort and tighten two socket-head

Throttle Cable Holder Danger from rotating impeller!
Stop the engine before installing or
removing the blower tubes! Never
perform any maintenance or assem-
bly procedures on this unit while the
engine is running!

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Mixing Fuel Filling The Fuel Tank Starting the Engine
Mix only enough fuel for your immediate
Danger from rotating
Minimize the risk of fire, needs! If fuel must be stored longer than
burns, and personal injury! impeller!
30-days, it should first be treated with a
stabilizer such as StaBil™ or equivalent The impeller will rotate whenever the
 STOP engine before refueling.
product! blower is operated! Never operate this
 ALWAYS allow the engine to cool blower unless the intake cover and
before refueling blower tubes are properly installed and
 Use only fresh, clean unleaded gasoline
 ALWAYS open the fuel cap slowly with a pump octane rating of 87 or in good working order!
to allow any pressure build-up higher.
in the tank to release fuel vapor
slowly.  Mix fuel with a Premium 2-cycle WARNING!
mixing oil designed for use with high- Danger from thrown dust
 ALWAYS transport and store fuels
performance 2-cycle air-cooled engines. or debris!
in an approved container.
 Refer to the following examples of 50:1 Always wear eye protection when
 Avoid overfilling and wipe up all
spilled fuel. Move the engine at fuel to oil mix quantaties: operating this machine! Never direct
least 3 meters from the fueling the blower stream toward people or
point, storage area, and other Gasoline 2-cycle mixing oil animals!
readily flammable materials before liters milliliters Never operate this blower unless all
restarting. 2.5 l ............................. 50 ml controls are properly installed and in
5 l ................................ 100 ml good working order.
 ALWAYS inspect the unit for fuel
10 l .............................. 200 ml
leaks before each use. During
each refill, make sure there are no 20 l .............................. 400 ml
fuel leaks around the fuel cap and/
or tank. If a fuel leak is evident, The recoil starter can be damaged by
CAUTION! abuse!
stop using the unit immediately.
Fuel leaks must be repaired before Never attempt to mix fuel in the unit’s
using the unit. fuel tank. Always mix all fuels in a  Never pull the starter cord to its full
 NEVER smoke or light any fires clean approved container. length!
near the engine or fuel source.  Always engage the starter before
 NEVER place any flammable ma- 1. Place the unit on a flat, level surface, cranking the engine!
terial near the engine or muffler. and wipe any debris from around the  Always rewind the starter cord
 NEVER operate the engine without fuel cap. slowly!
the muffler in good working condi- 2. Remove the fuel cap. Never operate the blower if blower
tion. tubes are missing or damaged!
3. Fill the tank with clean, fresh fuel.
ALWAYS move the unit to a place
well away from a fuel storage area 4. Replace the cap, and wipe away any
or other readily flammable materi- spilled fuel before starting the engine. Starting procedure
als before starting the engine. 1. Place the blower on the ground.
2. Prime the fuel system by repeatedly de-
pressing the fuel primer bulb until no air
CAUTION! bubbles are visible in the fuel discharge
This engine is designed to operate on
a 50:1 mixture consisting of unleaded IMPORTANT!
gasoline and a premium 2-cycle mixing The primer system only pushes fuel
through the carburetor. Repeatedly
oil only. Use of Non-approved mixing pressing the primer bulb will not flood the
oils can lead to excessive maintenance engine with fuel.
costs and/or engine damage.

Some gasolines contain alcohol as
an oxygenate! Oxygenated fuels may Open
cause increased operating tem-
peratures. Under certain conditions,
alcohol-based fuels may also reduce Fuel Primer
the lubricating qualities of some mixing Bulb
oils. Never use any fuel containing
more than 10% alcohol by volume!
Generic oils and some outboard motor 3. Cold Engine Only. Choke the engine
oils may not be intended for use in by moving the choke lever up. (choke is
high-performance air cooled 2-cycle closed).
engines, and should never be used in
your Shindaiwa engine!

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Starting the Engine (cont.) Adjusting Engine Idle Speed
Idle A clean and unrestricted airflow is essen-
tial to your blower’s engine performance
Throttle and durability! Before attempting any
Lock Lever Ignition Never operate the blower unless all carburetor adjustments, inspect and clean
Switch controls are properly installed and in the engine air filter as described on page
Full Throttle
good working order. Never operate the 10 of this manual.
blower if the cylinder cover is missing
Lever or damaged!
Blower tubes and the air cleaner must
be in place while adjusting engine idle!
Starting A Flooded Engine
4. Slide the ignition switch to the "I" (ON) Engine idle speed will also be affected if
1. Disconnect the spark plug lead, and the blower tubes are blocked or incorrectly
position, then depress the throttle lever
remove the spark plug (see page 11 for installed!
half way and lock throttle by moving procedures).
throttle lock lever halfway down.
2. If the spark plug is fouled or is soaked
with fuel, clean or replace the plug as 1. Place the unit on the ground and start
the engine, then allow it to idle 2-3 min-
3. With the spark plug removed, open the utes until warm.
Pull upward choke, put the throttle lever in the full
rapidly 2. If a tachometer is available, the engine idle
throttle position, then clear excess fuel speed should be final adjusted to
from the combustion chamber by crank-
2,200 (min-1).
ing the engine several times.
4. Install and tighten the spark plug, and Idle Decrease
reconnect the spark plug lead.
5. Repeat the starting procedures for a
warm engine.

6. If the engine still fails to start or fire,

refer to the troubleshooting flow chart at
the end of this manual.

5. Hold the blower firmly with your left OFF

hand on the volute case.
6. Using your right hand, pull the starter
handle slowly until you feel the starter Ignition
Switch Idle Adjustment
engage. Screw
Idle Increase

7. As the starter engages, pull the starter

handle upward rapidly.
8. If necessary, repeat Steps 6 and 7 until Stopping The Engine NOTE:
the engine starts. 1. Cool the engine by allowing it to run at Carburetor fuel mixture adjustments are
idle for 2–3 minutes. preset at factory on units with emission
When The Engine Starts–
control systems and can not be serviced in
1. Open the choke (if it is not already 2. Slide the ignition switch towards the the field.
open) by moving the choke lever down . rear to "O" OFF.
2. If the engine does not continue to run,
repeat the appropriate starting proce-
dures for a cold or warm engine.
3. Operate the throttle to reduce engine to
idle speed until operating temperature is
reached (2–3 minutes).
The blower should now be ready for use.
If The Engine Does Not Start–
Repeat the appropriate starting procedures
for warm or cold engine. If the engine still
will not start, follow the “Starting a Flooded
Engine” procedure.

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Adjusting The Harness
To tighten straps…
The Shindaiwa EB630 Blower features an Comfortable Easy-adjusting
advanced harness system that helps ensure Back Pad Buckles
maximum operator comfort and ease of Quick-adjust
operation. Buckle

 The shoulder harness is filled with soft Pull strap

padding for reduced operator fatigue. loops
 The simplified adjustment system
makes it easy to match the harness to
every body size and type.

To loosen straps…

Pull the
buckles up…

Quick-discon- …and pull the

nect Spring straps down.
Quick-adjust Pull on the loops to
Buckle quickly tighten the har-
ness straps
Using The Blower
OPERATING TIPS Throttle Limit Function Adjusting throttle limit:
In the hands of an experienced operator, The EB630 has a throttle limit function that 1. Remove the plug located at the top of
the EB630 can efficiently move a wide allows the operator to pre-set the maxi- the throttle assembly.
variety of debris ranging from grass clip- mum full-throttle setting. This is useful for 2. Move the throttle limit lever to the
pings to gravel. As a general rule, operate limiting the noise emitted by the blower in "limit" setting.
your blower at the lowest throttle setting sound sensitive areas.
required to get the job done: Setting throttle limit: 3. Using a small Phillips screw driver, Turn
the adjustment screw clockwise to de-
 Use low throttle settings when clearing Move the throttle limit lever located on the crease limit RPM and counter-clockwise
lightweight materials from around lawns right hand side of the throttle control to the to increase until desired limit RPM is
or shrubbery. dB setting. achieved.
 Use medium to higher throttle settings Limit Lever Adjustment 4. Reinstall limit plug.
to move grass or leaves from parking
lots or walkways. Full Throttle Set- Remove limit
 Use full throttle when moving heavy ting adjustment plug
loads such as dirt or snow.
Throttle Limit
Blower noise increases at higher throttle Setting
settings! Always use the lowest throttle
setting required to get the job done!
Throttle Limit

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MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT OR WARNING! Using non-standard replacement parts could
REPAIR OF EMISSION CONTROL invalidate your Shindaiwa warranty.
Before performing any mainte-
DEVICES AND SYSTEMS MAY BE nance, repair or cleaning work on the
PERFORMED BY ANY REPAIR unit, make sure the engine is com-
ESTABLISHMENT OR INDIVIDUAL, pletely stopped. Disconnect the spark
HOWEVER, WARRANTY REPAIRS plug wire before performing service or
MUST BE PERFORMED BY A DEALER maintnenance work.
MAY IMPAIR THE EFFECTIVENESS OF Non-standard parts may not operate
THE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM properly with your unit and may cause
AND MAY HAVE A BEARING ON THE damage and lead to personal injury.

Daily Maintenance
Prior to each workday, perform the
WARNING! The engine is cooled by air drawn
 Remove all dirt and debris from blower
into the air intake cover on the blower
To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine exterior and the engine. Check the
housing. The blower fan then pushes
and muffler free of dirt, debris, and cooling fins and air cleaner for clogging
the cooling air through an opening
leaves. and clean as necessary.
in the fan housing, forcing it past the
cylinder cooling fins. Failure to keep  Inspect the engine, tank, and hoses
the cooling system and its passages for possible fuel leaks, and repair as
clear of debris will likely result in necessary.
engine overheating, a major cause of  Inspect the entire blower for loose,
serious engine problems that can lead damaged, or missing components, and
to failure. repair as necessary.
 Carefully remove any accumulations
of dirt or debris from the muffler and
fuel tank. Dirt build-up in these areas
can lead to engine overheating, fire or
Every 10 Hours premature wear.

(more frequently in dusty conditions)

Cover Air Cleaner
Cover Latch
1. Remove the air cleaner cover by loosen- Pre-Filter Element
ing the thumb screw and lifting up.
2. Remove and inspect the pre-filter. If the
pre-filter is torn or otherwise damaged,
replace it with a new one.
3. Clean the pre-filter with soap and water. Thumb
Let dry before reinstalling. Screw

4. Inspect the air cleaner element. If the el-

ement is damaged or distorted, replace
it with a new one.
To remove the cover, loosen the thumb
The EB630 uses a special high capacity screw on the bottom and lift up.
dry-type air filter element. The filter should
not be cleaned with a liquid cleaner and IMPORTANT!
must NEVER be oiled! CAUTION!
Direct the air stream at the inside face of
the filter only! Never operate the blower if the air
cleaner assembly is damaged or miss-
5. Tap filter gently on a hard surface to
dislodge debris from element or use
compressed air from the inside to blow 6. Install the filter element, pre-filter and
debris out and away from the air filter cover in the reverse order of removal.


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Every 10/15 Hours
Counteclock- 1. Use the spark plug wrench to remove
wise to remove CAUTION! the spark plug.
Never allow dirt or debris to enter the 2. Clean and adjust the spark plug gap to
cylinder bore! Before removing the 0.6mm. If the plug must be replaced,
spark plug, thoroughly clean the spark use only Champion RCJ6Y or equivalent
plug and cylinder head area! type plug of the correct heat range.
Allow the engine to cool before servic-
3. Install the spark plug finger-tight in the
ing the spark plug! Cylinder threads
cylinder head, then tighten it firmly
can be damaged by tightening or loos-
with the spark plug wrench. If a torque
ening the spark plug while the engine
wrench is available, torque the spark
is hot!
plug to 16.7 - 18.6 N-m.
Clean the spark
plug and check
0.6mm the gap at the


Every 50 Hours
(more frequently if reduced  Inspect the filter element for signs of
performance is noted) contamination from debris. A contami-
 INSPECTION Inspect the entire blower nated fuel filter should be replaced with
and tubes for damage, including loose a new Shindaiwa replacement element. Hooked
Before reinstalling the filter, inspect the Wire
or missing components, and repair as
necessary. condition of the fuel line. If you note Fuel
damage or deterioration, the blower Filter
 SPARK PLUG Replace the spark plug should be removed from service until it
with a Champion RCJ6Y (or equivalent), can be inspected by a Shindaiwa-trained Fuel Tank
gapped to 0.6mm. service technician.
 FUEL FILTER Use a hooked wire to  COOLING SYSTEM Use a wood or plas-
extract the fuel filter from inside the fuel tic scraper and a soft brush to remove
tank. dirt and debris from the cylinder fins
and crankcase.
Make sure you do not pierce the fuel
line with the end of the hooked wire.
The line is delicate and can be dam-
aged easily.

Spark Arrester Maintenance

Engine 3. Inspect the screen carefully, and replace
Arrester Cover any screen that has been perforated,
WARNING! Screen distorted, or is otherwise unserviceable.
Never operate this blower with a dam- 4. Press the spark arrester into the ex-
aged or missing muffler or spark arrest- haust tube. A soft mallet may be used to
er! Operating with missing or damaged tap the spark arrester home.
exhaust components is a fire hazard, If carbon accumulation in the muffler or
and can also damage your hearing! cylinder are severe, or if you do not notice
an improvement in performance after
Hard starting or a gradual loss of perfor- Arrester Screen servicing, have the unit inspected by an
mance can be caused by carbon deposits authorized servicing Shindaiwa dealer.
lodged in the spark arrester screen. For 1. Use a needle-nose pliers to remove the
maximum performance, the spark arrester spark arrester from the exhaust tube.
screen should be periodically cleaned as The arrester is press-fit in place; there
follows. are no screws to remove.
2. Use a plastic scraper or wire brush to re-
move carbon deposits from the arrester
screen and exhaust tube.


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Long Term Storage
Whenever the unit will not be used for 30
days or longer, use the following proce-
dures to prepare it for storage:
 Clean external parts thoroughly.
 Drain all the fuel from the fuel tank.
All stored fuels should be stabilized
with a fuel stabilizer such as Sta-Bil™ if
Shindaiwa One oil with fuel stabilizer is
not used.

To remove the remaining fuel from the

fuel lines and carburetor and with the fuel
drained from the fuel tank.
1. Prime the primer bulb until no more fuel
is passing through.
2. Start and run the engine until it stops
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the engine will
no longer start.

Gasoline stored in the carburetor for
extended periods can cause hard start-
ing, and could also lead to increased
service and maintenance costs.

 Remove the spark plug and pour

about 7 grams of 2-cycle mixing oil into
the cylinder through the spark plug
hole. Slowly pull the recoil starter 2 or 3
times so oil will evenly coat the interior
of the engine. Reinstall the spark plug.
 Before storing the unit, repair or re-
place any worn or damaged parts.
 Remove the air cleaner element from
the unit and clean it as outlined on
page 10.
 Store the unit in a clean, dust-free area.


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Troubleshooting Guide
What To Check Possible Cause Remedy
Does the engine crank? NO Faulty recoil starter. Consult with an authorized
Fluid in the crankcase. servicing dealer.
Internal damage.
Good compression? NO Loose spark plug. Tighten and retest.
Excess wear on cylinder, piston, rings. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.
Does the tank contain fresh NO Fuel incorrect, stale, or contaminated; Refill with clean fresh unleaded gasoline with a
fuel of the proper grade? mixture incorrect. pump octane of 87 or higher, mixed with
Shindaiwa Premium 2-cycle mixing oil at a
50:1 gasoline/oil ratio.
Is fuel visible and moving in NO Check for clogged fuel filter and/or vent. Replace fuel filter or vent as required. Restart.
the return line when priming?

Is there spark at the spark The ignition switch is in “O” (OFF) position. Move switch to “I” (ON) position and re-start.
NO Shorted ignition system. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.
plug wire terminal?
Faulty ignition unit.
Check the spark plug. If the plug is wet, excess fuel may be in Crank the engine with the plug removed,
the cylinder. replace the plug, and re-start.

The plug is fouled or improperly gapped. Clean and re-gap the plug to 0.6 mm.

The plug is damaged internally or of the Replace the plug with a Champion RCJ6Y or
wrong size. equivalent type spark plug of the correct
heat range. Adjust the spark plug electrode gap
to 0.6mm; Restart.


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Troubleshooting Guide
What To Check Possible Cause Remedy
Operator is overworking the unit. Use a lower throttle setting.
Is the engine overheating?
Carburetor mixture is too lean. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.

Improper fuel ratio. Refill with clean fresh unleaded gasoline with a
pump octane of 87 or higher, mixed with
Shindaiwa Premium 2-cycle mixing oil at a
50:1 gasoline/oil ratio.

Fallen leaves or debris on intake cover. Clean the intake cover.

Fan, fan cover, cylinder fins dirty or Clean, repair or replace as necessary.
Carbon deposits on the piston or in the Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.

Engine is rough at all speeds. Clogged air filter. Clean or replace the air filter.
May also have black smoke
and/or unburned fuel at the Loose or damaged spark plug. Tighten or replace the plug with a
exhaust. Champion RCJ6Y or equivalent type spark plug
of the correct heat range.

Air leakage or clogged fuel line. Repair or replace filter and/or fuel line.

Water in the fuel. Refill with fresh fuel/oil mixture. See Page 7.

Piston seizure. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.

Faulty carburetor and/or diaphragm. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.

Overheating condition. See above.

Engine is knocking.
Improper fuel. Check fuel octane rating; check for presence of
alcohol in the fuel. Refuel as necessary.
See page 7.

Carbon deposits in the combustion Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.



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Troubleshooting Guide
Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
Clogged air filter. Clean or replace the air filter.
Poor acceleration.
Clogged fuel filter. Replace the fuel filter.

Lean fuel/air mixture. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.

Idle speed set too low. Adjust: 2,200 min-1

Ignition switch turned off. Reset the switch and re-start.
Engine stops abruptly.
Fuel tank empty. Refuel. See page 7.

Clogged fuel filter. Replace filter.

Water in the fuel. Drain; replace with clean fuel. See page 7.

Shorted spark plug or loose terminal. Clean or replace spark plug with a
Champion RCJ6Y or equivalent type spark plug
of the correct heat range.

Ignition failure. Replace the ignition unit.

Piston seizure. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.

Engine difficult to shut off. Ground (stop) wire is disconnected, or Test and replace as required.
switch is defective.

Overheating due to incorrect spark plug. Replace spark plug with a

Champion RCJ6Y or equivalent spark plug
of the correct heat range.

Overheated engine. Idle engine until cool.

Debris build-up in impeller. Clean debris from impeller as required.

Excessive vibration.
Loose or damaged impeller. Inspect and replace impeller as required.

Loose or damaged engine mounts. Tighten or replace engine mounts as required.

Engine overspeeding Blower intake or discharge ports or Inspect and remove debris.
tubes are clogged with debris.

Impeller blades are missing or damaged. Consult with an authorized servicing dealer.


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Shindaiwa Inc.
11975 SW Herman Rd.
Tualatin, Oregon 97062
Telephone: 503 692-3070
Fax: 503 692-6696

Shindaiwa Kogyo Co., Ltd.

6-2-11, Ozuka-Nishi,
Asaminami-Ku, Hiroshima
731-3167, Japan
Telephone: 81-82-849-2220
Fax: 81-82-849-2481

© 2005 Shindaiwa, Inc.

Part Number 68238-94310
Revision 02/05
Shindaiwa is a registered trademark of Shindaiwa Inc.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

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