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Environmental Site Walk Down: Implemented? Remarks Inspection Items N/A 1. Air Pollution Control

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Environmental Site Walk down Form Number :

Revision Number : 1
Date: 02/03/2020

Project: AHWC Main Plant Site Location: All Locations

Construction stage /
status during inspection: Construction Stage Inspection Time: 10:00 AM
Inspection Date : Month :

Inspected by : Anderson Joses Sign:

Implemented? Remarks
(i.e. specify location, good practices,
Inspection Items N/A problem observed, possible cause of
Yes No* nonconformity and/or proposed
corrective/preventative actions)
1. Air Pollution Control
1.1. Are the construction sites
watered to minimize dust 
1.2. Are stockpiles of dusty materials
(size with more than 20 bags 
cement) covered or watered?
1.3. Cement debagging process
undertaken in sheltered areas 
1.4. Are all vehicles carrying dusty
loads covered/watered over prior 
to leaving the site?

Are demolition work areas 
watered? (e.g. trimming activities
by using breaker)
1.6. Are dusty roads paved and/or
sprayed with water? 
Are dust controlled during 
percussive drilling or rock
1.8. Are plant and equipment well
maintained? (any black smoke 
observed, please indicate the
plant/equipment and location)
1.9. Is dark smoke controlled from 
1.10. Are there enclosures around the
main dust-generating activities? 
(e.g. grout mixing)
1.11. Hoarding (not <2.4m) provided
along boundaries and properly
maintained (any damage / 
opening observed, please
indicate the location).
1.12. Are speed control measures 
applied? (e.g. speed limit sign)
1.13. Others (please specify) 
Environmental Site Walk down Form Number :
Revision Number : 1
Date: 02/03/2020

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Implemented? Remarks
(i.e. specify location, good practices,
Inspection Items N/A problem observed, possible cause of
Yes No* nonconformity and/or proposed
corrective/preventative actions)
2. Water Pollution Control
2.1. Are water discharge licenses
valid? 
2.2. Are conditions of the license
compiled with? (check the 
monitoring records and observe
2.3. Are wastewater treatment system
being used and properly 
maintained on site? (e.g. desilting
2.4. Are there any wastewater
discharged to the storm drains? Is 
the wastewater being treated?
2.5. Are measures provided to
properly direct effluent to silt 
removal facilities? (e.g. provide
earth bunds / U-channels)
2.6. Are u-channels and manholes 
free of silt and sediment?
2.7. Are sedimentation traps and 
tanks free of silt and sediment?
2.8. Are all manholes on-site covered 
and sealed?

Are sandbags/earth bund 
adopted to prevent washing away
of sand/silt and wastewater to
drains, catch pit, public road and
2.10. Are vehicles and plants cleaned
before leaving the site? 
2.11. Are wheel washing facilities well
maintained to prevent overflow, 
flooding sediment?
2.12. Is sand and silt settled out in
wheel washing bay and
removed? 
2.13. Is the public road/area around the
site entrance and site hoarding
kept clean and free of muddy 
2.14. Is domestic water directed to 
septic tanks or chemical toilets?
2.15. Others (please specify)
Environmental Site Walk down Form Number :
Revision Number : 1
Date: 02/03/2020

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(i.e. specify location, good practices,
Inspection Items N/A problem observed, possible cause of
Yes No* nonconformity and/or proposed
corrective/preventative actions)
3. Noise Control
3.1. Is the CNP (Construction Noise
Permit) valid for work during 
restricted hours?
3.2. Are copies of the valid
Construction Noise Permits 
posted at site entrance/exit?
3.3. Do air compressors and
generators operate with doors 
3.4. Is idle plant/equipment turned off 
or throttled down?
3.5. Do air compressors and hand-
held breakers have valid noise 
emission labels (NEL)?
3.6. Any noise mitigationmeasures
adopted (e.g. use noise barrier / 
Are silenced equipment’s
3.7. utilized? 
Others (please specify) 
4. Waste Management
4.1. Is the site kept clean and tidy?
(e.g. litter free, good 
4.2. Are separate chutes used for 
inert and non-inert wastes?
4.3. Are separated labelled containers
/ areas provided for facilitating
recycling and waste segregation? 
4.4. Are construction wastes/
recyclable wastes and general 
refuse removed off site regularly?
4.5. Are construction wastes collected
and disposed of properly by 
licensed collectors?
4.6. Are chemical wastes, if any,
collected and disposed of 
properly by licensed collectors?
chemical waste producer
4.7. s 
license covers all major chemical
wastes produced on site?
Environmental Site Walk down Form Number :
Revision Number : 1
Date: 02/03/2020

4.8. Are chemical wastes properly

stored and labelled? 
4.9. Are oil drums and
plants/equipment’s provided with 
drip trays?

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Implemented? Remarks
(i.e. specify location, good practices,
Inspection Items N/A problem observed, possible cause of
Yes No* nonconformity and/or proposed
corrective/preventative actions)
4.10. Are drip trays free of oil and 
4.11. Is there any oil spillage? Clean-
up the contaminated soil 
4.12. Is litter, foam or other
objectionable matters in nearby 
water drain/sewer cleaned?
4.13. Are asbestos wastes handled by
registered professionals? 
4.14. Others (please specify)

5. Storage of Chemicals and Dangerous Goods

5.1. Are chemicals stored and
labelled properly? 
5.2. Does storage of DG comply with
license conditions (include types
and quantities if DG store is 
available, check the DG store
5.3. Are proper measures to control
oil spillage during maintenance or 
to control other chemicals
spillage? (e.g. provide drip trays)
5.4. Are spill kits / sand / saw dust
used for absorbing chemical 
spillage readily accessible?
5.5. Others (please specify)

6. Protection of Flora, Fauna and Historical Heritage

6.1. Are disturbance to terrestrial flora 

minimized (e.g. plants to be
6.2. Are disturbance to terrestrial
fauna minimized (if rare species 
6.3. Any historical heritage exists on
site? If yes, ensure appropriate 
measures taken to preserve it
6.4. Others (please specify)
Environmental Site Walk down Form Number :
Revision Number : 1
Date: 02/03/2020

7. Resource Conservation

7.1. Is water recycled wherever 

possible for dust suppression?

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Environmental Site Walk down Form Number :
Revision Number : 1
Date: 02/03/2020

Implemented? Remarks
(i.e. specify location, good practices,
Inspection Items N/A problem observed, possible cause of
Yes No* nonconformity and/or proposed
corrective/preventative actions)
7.2. Is water pipe leakage and
wastage prevented? 
7.3. Are diesel-powered plants and
equipment’s shut off while not in 
use to reduce excessive use?
7.4. Are energy conservation
practices adopted? 
7.5. Are metal or other alternatives
used to minimize the use of 
7.6. Are materials stored in good
condition to prevent deterioration 
and wastage (e.g. covered,
7.7. Are pesticides used under the
requirement of Agriculture, 
Fishers and Conservation
7.8. Others (please specify)

8. Emergency Preparedness and Response

8.1. Are fire extinguishers / fighting
facilities properly maintained and 
not expired? Escape not blocked
/ obstructed?
8.2. Are accidents and incidents
reported and reviewed, and 
corrective & preventive actions
Identified and recorded?
8.3. Others (please specify)

*Any “No” recorded represents the potential breach of regulation or improvement needed
and details of nonconformity (NC) shall be recorded in the Remarks.
* Report NC in the following forms. Each NC should make reference into the checklist as
coded. The responsible personnel shall identify the root cause of NC and adopt appropriate
corrective and preventive actions (CPA) for mitigation. Confirmation of the effectiveness of
the CPA shall be verified by Project Manager within an agreed time.

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