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Free Energy Generation Using Flywheel

Article in International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology · October 2019
DOI: 10.32628/IJSRST196522


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2 authors:

Mohammed Asif Kattimani Mohammed Ashfaque Inayath

Lords Institute of Engineering and Techonology LORDS Institute of Engineering and Technology


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© 2019 IJSRST | Volume 6 | Issue 5 | Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X
Themed Section: Science and Technology

Free Energy Generation Using Flywheel

Mohammed Asif Kattimani#1, Mohammed Ashafaque Inayath#2
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Hyderabad, India
2Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering Lords Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Hyderabad, India


The aim of our project is to generate free energy using flywheel. A mains motor of one and a half horsepower
capacity is used to drive a series of belt and pulley drive which form a gear-train and produces over twice rpm
at the shaft of an alternator. The intriguing thing about this system is that greater electrical output power can
be obtained from the output of the alternator than appears to be drawn from the input motor. This is done with
the help of Flywheel. The gravity wheel or flywheel is coupled with the gear-train in order to produce more
excess energy or free energy. Detail study is done with various parameters of flywheel to obtain the maximum
free energy outof the system.
Keywords : Motor, Flywheel, Alternator, Bearings, Shafts, Pulleys, Belts.

I. INTRODUCTION untouched forces of nature which are well familiar in

the scientific literature include earth batteries,
The term Free-Energy generally means a method of atmospheric electricity, telluric currents, and
drawing power from the local environment, without pressure system changes. The energy from perpetual
the need to burn a fuel. There are many different motion is considered fantastical forces. These devices
successful methods for doing this and these methods utilize quantum vacuum energy, quantum vacuum
span many countries and many years. The amount of perturbation, rotating magnets and purported
power which can be collected can be very high and methods to crack hydrogen.
the few kilowatts needed to power a household are
most definitely within the reach of most of the Free energy suppression is the notion that corporate
devices mentioned. energy interests intentionally technologies that may
provide energy at minimum cost. All other remaining
Free energy means zero cost energy. Mechanical untouched forces of nature which are well familiar in
energy which drives windmill or Solar energy in the scientific literature, which includes earth
solar cell which is converts into DC current other batteries, atmospheric electricity, telluric current and
energies obtained are from wind power, water power pressure system changes.
& telluric power. Free energy generator is a process
to generate these types of energy. Free energy Nikola Tesla once said that, all people should have
suppression is the notion that corporate energy energy sources for free. There is electricity
interests intentionally suppress technologies that may everywhere present in limitless quantities and can
provide energy at very low cost. Other remaining

IJSRST196522 | Received 10 Sep 2019 | Accepted : 05 Oct 2019 | September-October-2019 [ 6 (5) : 200-210]
Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

drive the world’s equipment without the need for gas, with various parameters of flywheel to obtain the
coal or oil. maximum free energy out of the system.[1]

Free Energy generally means a method of drawing Siddharth Shroti has worked on Free Energy
power without fuel to be burnt from the local Generation Advanced Research. A mains motor of
environment. There are many different ways for capacity (1/4horsepower) is used to drive a series of
doing this. These ways span many years and belts and pulleys which form a gear-train which
countries. The amount of power which can be produces over twice the rotational speed at the shaft
obtained can be very high and the few kW needed to of an electrical generator. The intriguing thing about
power a household are most definitely within the this system is that greater electrical power can be
reach. drawn from the output generator than appears to be
drawn from the input drive to the motor. How can
The bottom line is that energy can definitely be that be? Well, Mr Tseung’s gravity theory explains
drawn from the local environment in sufficient that if a energy pulse is applied to a flywheel, then
quantities to supply all of our needs. For whatever during the instant of that pulse, excess energy equal
reason, conventional science appears determined not to 2mgr is fed into the flywheel, where “m” is the
to accept this basic fact and denies it at every mass (weight) of the flywheel, “g” is the gravitational
opportunity. It seems likely that vested financial constant and “r” is the radius of the centre of mass of
interests are the root cause of this refusal to accept the flywheel, that is, the distance from the axle to the
the facts. The true scientific method is to upgrade point at which the weight of the wheel appears to act.
scientific theory in the light of observed fact and new If all of the flywheel weight is at the rim of the wheel,
discoveries, but the true scientific method is not the “r” would be the radius of the wheel itself. This
being followed at the present time. means that if the flywheel is driven smoothly at
constant speed, then there is no energy gain.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW However, if the drive is not smooth, then excess
energy is drawn from the gravitational field. That
S.U.Maji , M. S. Mane C, Kshirsagar, A. Jagdale, D. energy increases as the diameter of the flywheel
Malgar has worked on free energy using flywheel. increases. It also increases as the weight of the
This Paper deals with the concept of free energy and flywheel increases. It also increases if the flywheel
its generation using flywheel system. A mains motor weight is concentrated as far out towards the rim of
of half horsepower capacity is used to drive a series of the flywheel as is possible. It also increases, the faster
belt and pulley drive which form a gear-train and the impulses are applied to the system.[2].
produces over twice rpm at the shaft of an alternator.
The intriguing thing about this system is that greater Akhilesh Barwahe, Amrendra Kumar, Ankit Domde,
electrical output power can be obtained from the Deepak Dhakad, Manish Kumar Dhadse, Vishal
output of the alternator than appears to be drawn Wankhade has worked on electricity generation
from the input motor. This is done with the help of using flywheel— Flywheels have been under
Gravity wheel. The gravity wheel or flywheel is consideration to be used for energy storage purposes.
coupled with the gear-train in order to produce more In developing countries like India, with rapid growth
excess energy or free energy. Detail study is done in the economy, the demand for electricity is also

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

increasing. With the rising demand for reliable, cost- connecting people from different places. A mode of
effective, and environmentally friendly energy transport is a solution that makes use of a particular
storage, the Flywheel Energy Storage System FESS is type of vehicle, with the increase in population the
quickly coming into its own. This study presents an number of vehicles on road is also increasing. The
analysis which shows that using an FESS is a transportation plays a major impact on
promising alternative in mitigating energy storage environmental-creates air pollution, including
problems in decentralized electricity generation nitrous oxide and other particulates and is a
projects where an uninterrupted power supply UPS is significant contributor to global warming through
required. An electrical machine is used as a motor to emission of co2. This paper presents a Flywheel based
store kinetic energy when the solar energy is Bicycle Generator. A mode of transportation due to
available, and then the stored energy is converted their low cost, ease of use, health benefits and
back to electrical energy by running the machine as a mobility. The main objective of this paper is to
generator when the solar energy is no longer convert the rotational energy of rare wheel of the
available. Flywheel Energy Storage systems FESS bicycle into electrical energy so that we can recharge
using advanced technology have come up as a the battery.[5]
promising alternative to the traditional
electrochemical battery. The amount of energy III. DESIGNING AND CALCULATION
storage depends on the mass, flywheel shape, and
rotational speed of the rotor. A FESS can have energy In this System Design We Mainly Concentrate on the
fed into the rotational mass of a flywheel, store it as Following Parameters which can be seen in the fig.
kinetic energy, and release it upon demand. 3.1.The system consists of design of various parts like
Keywords [3]. Pulley, Flywheel, Belt drive, Shaft, Bearings etc.

Sudipta Saha, Abhik Bose, G. SaiTejesh, and S.P. 1) Design of Shaft and Bearings: There are 2 shaft in
Srikanth has worked on Analysis of Flywheel. The the Layout of the system. Thus Design of Shaft is
importance of the flywheel design specification to be calculated in order to find the proper Shaft
selection and its contribution in the energy storage diameter which would withstand the load easily
performance. This contribution is demonstrated on and to ensure the maximum energy is transfer
the example cross-sections using computer aided with minimum loss. Bearing selection is also
analysis and optimization procedure. This Proposed some important criteria in order to ensure
Computer aided analysis and optimization procedure smooth and long lasting functioning of the
results shows that suitable design of flywheel system.
geometry design could both have a significant effect 2) Design of Belt Drive: At the first stage we
on the Specific Energy performance and minimize selected pulley as per standard specification. We
the operational loads exerted on the shaft/bearings know that a belt drive is useful for the power
due to reduced mass at high rotational speeds.[4]. transmission using pulley. Each pulley has
different diameters and speed. The belt, wire
Yadav R , Punith P , Sharatbabu, Dr. Jyothi P (rope) drives are used for the power transmission.
Koujalagi has worked on flywheel based bicycle In the project, we are going to use total six
generator. Transportation is very important pulleys, so we need three different belt drives.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

3) Design of Flywheel: This Project is all about

generation of free energy with using the
gravitational energy. Thus we are using flywheel
of mass 50kg that can utilize the gravitational
energy and give us more output.

A. Calculation

Fig.3.1 Line Diagram

K.E = ½ IW^2
Input Rpm to Wheel
𝑁1 𝐷 1720 6
= 𝐷2 = 𝑁2
𝐍𝟐 = 860 𝐫𝐩𝐦
𝑁3 𝐷 860 4
= 𝐷4 = 𝑁4
N4= 1935 rpm
K=0.9 flywheel rib/rim
m = 50kg
I = Kmr2
I = 0.9×50×9.81× 0.45722
I = 92.277 Kg-m2
2𝜋𝑛 2 × 𝜋 × 1935
𝜔= =
60 60
𝜔2 = 41060.02171 𝑟𝑎𝑑
K.E = ½ x 92.277 x
K.E = 7.7786068x10^10

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

B. Components Used
USED 1) AC Motor: An AC motor is an electric motor
A. Working Principle driven by an alternating current AC. An AC motor of
In free energy generation process the motor with 3 1.5 HP is used to rotate the flywheel using 2
inch pulley runs the shaft on which the two pulleys shafts. Specification of AC motor as mentioned in the
are fitted with the help of belt. Motors pulley is table below.
connected with 6 inch pulley which is fitted on one TABLE I
end of shaft with the help of belt. The motor and the SPECIFICATIONS OF AC MOTOR
shaft1 rotates at same speed. The other end of the S. No Specifications Units
shaft1 on which 9 inch pulley is fitted drives the 1 1.1 kW
another shaft that is shaft2 on which different 2 1.5 HP
dimensions of pulleys and one flywheel is fitted. This 3 1720 RPM
9 inch pulley is connected with the 6 inch pulley 4 190/230 Volts
which is fitted on the one end of shaft2 with the help 5 1 Phase
of belt. which twice the speed of shaft2. Due to this 6 11.5 AMP
the flywheel which is fitted on the shaft rotates with
high speed and stores the energy. The other end of
the shaft2 on which 4 inch pulley is fitted drives the
alternator with the help of pulley and belt. The
energy stored in the flywheel is supplied to run the
alternator to produce maximum amount of current
required. When the maximum amount of current is
generated in the alternator this current is supplied to
the motor with the help of electrical connection to
run the motor . The electric supply which we have
first used to run the motor is disconnected and the
current produced in the alternator is used to run the
motor. Now with the help of shaft, pulleys, and belts Fig. 4.2.1 AC motor
the alternator runs the motor and vice versa. Due to 2) Alternator: An alternator is an electrical generator
this the free energy is produced. that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy
in the form of alternating current. 7.5KV alternator is
used to generate electric current with the help of
flywheel stored energy. The maximum RPM of
alternator used is 1800RPM.the detailed specification
of alternator is shown in table below.

Fig. 4.1.1 Assembled Model

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

TABLE II. SPECIFICATIONS OF ALTERNATOR 4) Shaft: A shaft is a rotating machine element,

which is used to transmit power from one part to
S. No Specifications Units another part using transmission element such as
1 7 KVA pulleys and gears. Two shaft of length 32 inch and 2
2 1 Phase inch diameter is used to transmit the motion for AC
3 1800 RPM motorto flywheel.
4 18 AMP
5 230 Volts

Fig. 4.2.4 Shaft

5) Pulley: A pulley is a wheel on an axle or shaft

that is designed to support movement and change of
direction of a taut cable or belt, or transfer of power
between the shaft and cable or belt. four pulleys of
different diameters are used to transmit motions.

Fig. 4.2.2 Alternator

3) Flywheel: A flywheel is a mechanical device

which stores rotational energy. A rib type 50 kg
flywheel of
18 inches diameter is used to store energy. This
stored energy is transformed through the belt drives
to the alternator for generation of electricity. figure 4
shows flywheel mounted on c-chanel frame.

Fig. 4.2.5 Pulley

6) Belt: A belt is a loop of flexible material used to
link two or more rotating shafts mechanically, most
often parallel. Belts may be used as a source of
motion, to transmit power efficiently or to track
relative movement. Belts are looped over pulleys and
may have a twist between the pulleys, and the shafts
need not be parallel.

Fig. 4.2.3 Flywheel

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

Two V- type belts of specified length are used to

couple two shafts, motor, flywheel and generator.
figure 7 shows V-type section B-belt.

Fig. 4.2.8 Journal Bearings

A. Boring
In machining boring is the process of enlarging a hole
Fig. 4.2.6Belt that has already been drilled or cast by means of a
7) Structural frame: Structural frame is used to single-point cutting tool or of a boring head
transmit the loads and vibrations of rotating members containing several tools. A hole of 2 inch diameter is
to ground. C-Chanel frame of 2 inch thickness, 45 bored in 4 pulleys are bored with a diameter of 1 inch
inch length and 23 inch width is used to carry all the to fix these pulleys on shaft.
components. Figure 8 shows the fabricated model of
C frame structure.

Fig. 5.1.1Boring of pulley

B. Keyway
Fig. 4.2.7 C-Chanel Frame Keyway is a machining process which is performed
on the shafts to hold the pulleys. A slot of 4 mm
8) Bearings: A bearing is a machine element that length is machined on both the shafts to grip the
constrains relative motion to only the desired pulleys using keys.
motion, and reduces friction between moving parts.
Four journal bearing of diameter 2 inches is used to
support shaft 1 and 2.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

Fig. 5.2.1 Key Way on Shaft Fig. 5.4.1 Drilling of C-Chanel

C. MIG Welding E. Cutting

MIG welding is an arc welding process in which a Cutting is the separation of a physical object, into two
continuous solid wire electrode is fed through a or more portions, through the application of an
welding gun and into the weld pool, joining the two acutely directed force. On cutting machine two C-
base materials together. By using MIG welding the Channels of 20ft each are cut into 6 different lengths
structural C-Chanel are welded to make structural in which 4 are of 6ft and 2 are 3ft.
frame for mounting all the components on it.

Fig. 5.5.1 Cutting of C-Chanel

F. Fitting
After all above the operations by using nuts and bolts
all the components used are mounted on the
structural C-Chanel frame.
Fig. 5.3.1 MIG Welding
D. Drilling

Drilling is a cutting process that uses a drill bit to cut

a hole of circular cross-section in solid materials. A 1
inch diameter holes are drilled on the structural C-
Chanel frame for fixing of all components on it.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

The other main advantage of Conventional Free

energy using flywheel is that it can generate energy
without extra equipment and this free energy
generation is nonhazardous and environmental
friendly. Can be use in various applications like
electric fuel cars, and increase the efficiency of
traditional electrical Equipment’s


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Fig. 5.6.1 Assembled Model
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Dhadse, Vishal Wankhade, “electricity
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Energy stored in the flywheel through 1.5 HP motor [5]. Kumud Pant, Jyoti Mehra1, Ketan Naula, Sunil
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has been utilized for domestic purpose. No: 2249-3255.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

Mohammed Asif Kattimani et al Int J Sci Res Sci Technol. September-October-2019; 6 (5) : 200-210

Cite this article as :

Mohammed Asif Kattimani, Mohammed Ashfaque

Inayath, "Free Energy Generation Using Flywheel",
International Journal of Scientific Research in
Science and Technology (IJSRST), Online ISSN :
2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-6011, Volume 6 Issue 5,
pp. 200-209, September-October 2019. Available at
doi :
Journal URL :

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology (

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