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ADC Build Guide

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ADC Build Guide

Hi, I’m callum koi, a Challenger ADC player on the NA server who gets asked a lot about what
to build so I decided to make a fairly in depth guide on what to build on various ADCs. Certain
champions near the end of the guide will not contain in-depth reasoning for builds because I
don’t feel confident in what to build for them. This guide has last been updated on patch 11.21.

Any acronyms or shorthands that I might use that might be confusing to a non-native English
speaker or a new player will be described in the glossary at the end. If any terms are confusing,
please let me know and I’ll add it to the glossary.

Feel free to contact me at my discord, Callum#6327.

I also stream sometimes at ->
Table of Contents
Starting Items

Generally Useful Situational Items

Generally Useless Situational Items










Miss Fortune














Starting Items
Option 1: Doran’s Blade 1 Pot
Generally the most consistent start. This start is becoming less popular in higher elo as more
ADCs start greeding out for the long sword 3 start. In lower elo, I’d almost always recommend
going D.Blade since all-in fights occur spontaneously even in matchups where they should not
be occurring and matchups are not played properly on either side. In those scenarios, the extra 80
base health and more efficient combat stats tend to be favoured. This is also a less greedy start
since it delays your first item by 450 gold (270 if you sell it before your first item, which isn’t
recommended), compared to long sword which gets you 350 gold closer to your first item. In
high elo, I take this start into high kill pressure lanes (ex: leo or naut lanes) to survive using the
base 80 hp.

Option 2: Long Sword 3 Pots

This start has become more popular. In general, I take this start in higher elo lobbies against low
kill (all-in) pressure but high poke lanes (ex: enchanters/mage supports). This start allows you to
trade aggressively especially against ADCs that started D.Blade and build a huge HP lead from
the 450 hp that the three pots grant you instead of the base 80 hp and mediocre amount of
healing from the omnivamp. Some players even take Time Warp Tonic to abuse this start. If you
do that, go refill on your first/second recall.

Another thing to mention is that some ADCs can go long sword 3 pots more confidently than
others. Some champions like Jinx already have 610 HP at level 1, while some ADCs like Caitlyn
have 510. While both these types of champs can go both dblade and long sword, it’s important to
note that the amount of survivability that Caitlyn gets from dblade is more (in terms of
percentage increase) than Jinx.

Option 2.1: Long Sword Refill

Greedier start. Built in the same scenarios as Option 2 except if you are the hard winning side of
the lane (Think vs Ezreal Yuumi or something). You lose 200 hp of health initially while being
able to save gold later by not building more potions or refill later.

Option 3: Boots 4 Pot

A common start on certain champions that rely on short trades / spacing to properly win lane
such as Jhin, Kog’Maw or even Aphelios. TWT is often taken with this start especially on Jhin
and the extra 25 MS lets you abuse certain lanes quite hard. Again, into bots with a lot of kill
pressure, this start might not be the best idea since you might need the 80 base HP that DBlade

Option 4: Cull 1 Pot

Honestly, I never see this start anymore. Long Sword 3 has really overtaken it as the “greedy”
start since every ADC mythic builds out of NQ or Dirk compared to in season 10 where most
ADCs started IE which did not build out of any long swords. As a result, I don’t recommend this
start unless you just want to HARD FARM and play for 2 items power spike with an enchanter in
a super low kill pressure lane or something.

The synergy with Cut Down is super overrated imo, that’s not a reason to build this item.

Option 5: Dorans Shield 1 Pot

Another start I rarely see outside of extremely weak laners such as Vayne or Twitch. It’s viable
into hard poke lanes as a shorter range adc that can get abused easily.

Generally Useful Situational Items

Situational items are generally a second last item / last item purchase, perhaps even 3rd if the
situational use of the item is very urgent (ex: a fed assassin). Most Crit ADCs are locked into 4
items in almost every game: Mythic, Collector/Zeal Item/Essence Reaver, IE and LDR, so most
of the time you’ll only have 1 situational slot.

Control Wards
Not really a situational item, but nowhere else to put this that makes sense. Buy these, these are
op. Just because you’re an ADC who needs gold doesn’t mean you’re exempt from helping your
team with the vision game. No particular “purchase X per game” goal, but make sure your
placement is good and useful and you always have one down / about to put one down. Buy one
on every base that your control ward is dead and try to keep one in your inventory ESPECIALLY
when a major objective is about to be contested.

Lord Dominik’s Regard

This again is not really a situational item. This item is essentially built on an ADC’s full build in
99/100 games. Giant slayer is op vs bruisers/tanks/ap champs that stack hp. 35% armour pen late
game is OP especially against armour pen stackers. The issue with this item is the awful build
path, otherwise it’d be built earlier.

Quicksilver Sash / Mercurial Scimitar / Silvermere Dawn

Good vs CC and especially suppressions. A must buy vs certain champions like Mordekaiser
(especially if your champ can’t 1v1 him in the death realm or he’s ahead or he’s very behind and
you’re ahead and he’s just going to waste your time) or Skarner or TF etc etc. Don’t complete
unless you have exactly 1700 before a huge game deciding fight and that 1700 can’t go towards a
bigger spike or you’re on your last item.
Honestly even on champions like Ezreal I’m not sure if Silvermere is better than Mercurial, the
MS seems much more valuable than the slow tenacity, but the crit may be fairly useless.
Defaulting to Scimitar is fine.

Mortal Reminder
I tend to avoid building this item. Executioners is absolutely a must-buy in a lot of games, but
Thornmail, Chainsword and Morello are all better than this item. Try to get your team to build
enhanced GW if you are one of the primary carries. If you’re behind / not the win condition of
your team, build this item and become your team’s GW spreader especially on utility adcs or
champions that can spread it efficiently. If healing is REALLY a problem, you can replace your
zeal item with Mortal Reminder, although you are not really happy to do so. Notably better on
some champions who rely less on their damage and/or can spread it easily (Ashe, Sivir, Senna).

Guardian Angel
The standard situational item. Good vs AD burst but also good in general. Builds out of
stopwatch which is easily one of the best items in the game, and the passive effect can be fight
changing. People say this item sucks because you just die afterwards again but that probably just
means your positioning is shit sry. It is true that this item’s value does increase in higher elo
games though since they tend to be more calculated and higher elo ADCs tend to get caught less
in general thus wasting the 5 minute cooldown less.

An early chain vest if you’re against a fed AD burst champ can be very good, usually built after
1st/2nd item.

Stopwatch is broken especially if you have a large bounty and you’re ahead. BUILD IT.

At full build, (like even boots sold for a zeal item or something), sell this item on CD for another
damage or situational item like Randuins or Wits.

Wit’s End
This item has been gaining a lot of popularity recently, even becoming core on certain
champions. This item is really good on less crit reliant ADCs if you want MR.

Maw of Malmortius
This item is pretty underrated imo, but Wits out shadows it pretty hard currently. This item is
good on certain ADCs that don't want the attack speed & on hit effect from Wits (ex: Ezreal,
Jhin) if you want anti AP burst.

Randuin’s Omen
The RAW defensive option vs AD threats. Especially good vs melee crit carries like Yasuo and
Tryndamere and especially good on champions that already have enough damage in their kit like
Vayne or Kog’Maw. More common than SV for sure.

Serpent's Fang
Not really an item you want to build that often unless you’re already an ADC that uses lethality
well / Building lethality already (ex: Leth Varus / Sivir, even someone like Aphelios can use this
decently). If you have an AD assassin-type champ they should be purchasing this item vs shield
heavy teams, but if you don’t then it’s not horrible on some ADCs.

Edge of Night
Good mix of offensive and defensive items on lethality ADC builds because of the stat profile
and spell shield. Otherwise, QSS is probably better.

Umbral Glaive
Viable on ADCs that appreciate lethality against certain threats such as a fed Teemo or AP
Shaco. Umbral can aid your team in neutralizing their effects and just controlling vision in
general using the passive, and is worth a slot in certain games.

The definition of a greedy situational item. 3400 for no real defensive stats is a huge investment.
If your team already has peel and your champion is very lifesteal heavy this item is viable but
generally I don’t see this item a bunch nor do I think it’s very good. This is a pretty common
purchase in lower elo games because it seems very appealing, but you’ll see it less the higher up
you go. This item DOES have utility vs high poke comps however, as it can aid in not getting
poked out, and is better on certain ADCs that are more AA focused and long range (ex: Aphel,
Jinx) than other ADCs that are shorter range and/or more ability heavy (Ezreal, Kai’sa).

Generally Useless Situational Items

Spirit Visage
The RAW defensive option vs AP threats. Good if you have enchanters because of the shield
amp and you have enough damage in your kit/build already (ex: Vayne/Kog) but generally not
really built since Wits is so strong. You can build both wits/maw and SV against 5 AP, but
otherwise this item probably shouldn’t be built.

Death’s Dance
Don’t think this item is very good on ADC. Maybe viable on Ezreal vs a full AD comp alongside
Frozen Heart, otherwise I rarely consider this item at all. Maybe if your GA is on CD and you
don’t like the zero offensive stats that Randuins grants.
The Black Cleaver / Seryldas Grudge
Both these items are generally overshadowed by LDR outside of certain use cases (Like Seryldas
on lethality builds in games where giant slayer doesn't get value or certain interactions like
Lucian’s The Culling or on Ezreal).

Black cleaver especially sees very little play on any adc.

Blade of the Ruined King

Ever since S11 hit we have not seen a ton of this item. Lifesteal is abundant on the champions
that want it, it’s not a good first item compared to the options currently available and it no longer
builds out of Bilgewater Cutlass, which was a big reason to buy the item. The onhit damage was
also nerfed from 8% current hp to 6%, which adds onto it being less appealing. With so many
better items and it providing little defensive utility (only really lifesteal, the slow isn’t too
relevant), the item has become less relevant.

The Collector
By this I mean second last / last item collector. Generally, I would avoid this item late game. As
with bloodthirster, spending 3k gold on a zero defensive utility item is incredibly greedy and
overkill most of the time. Again, something you’ll see more in low elo and almost never in high

Navori Quickblades
Also a pretty bait item for similar reasons to BT and The Collector. Situationally viable vs front
line heavy comps as a last item or possibly second last on caster heavy ADCs like Xayah, and
has also seen use in core builds on champions like Kog’maw in the past. In general, a very
greedy item that is ALSO generally undertuned that currently struggles to find a slot where it is
not outperformed by another item in most ADC builds.

Any Other Item Normally Built as a Core Build Item (EX: Essence Reaver, Zeal Items)
Again, very greedy and generally overkill. Avoid building these items unless you’re just building
full damage for fun.

An exception to this are Zeal items as a replacement to your boots. Since generally situational
items don’t have crit on them, it’s a good way to fill in 100% crit while maintaining decent
out-of/in-combat MS and is more slot efficient.
This is generally the third item decision of choice for most adcs, and thus I’ll just describe it in
this section instead of rewriting the same thing under a lot of ADCs.

When to go LDR:
- You’re expected to damage the enemy front line, who seems to be strong.
- The main threats on their team who you will be hitting the majority of the fight are
bruisers with Plated Steelcaps and/or other HP/Armour items that you would get stuck on
/ die to otherwise.

Downsides of building LDR:

- The build path really sucks. The Cloak of Agility feels awful to buy. Last Whisper is a
mediocre component that also has a huge combine cost. On the other hand, BF Sword
and Pickaxe are both great components that just give a ton of AD.
- You do less to low armour / hp targets.

When to go IE:
- Every other scenario that you don’t need a situational item.

Generally, when you go LDR third, you will want to build IE fourth unless you need a situational
item. LDR can be delayed slightly more since it’s less pivotal to crit builds, however you’ll often
find yourself buying it 3rd anyway.

I would say, overall, you want to go IE third most of the time although some games will call for
LDR third.

Note that, most Aphelios players are maxing Lethality second as of 11.13. Make sure to do this
especially if you’re going The Collector second as stacking Lethality is beneficial.

First Item:
Option 1: Immortal Shieldbow
The most common Aphelios mythic. Helps with survivability and the early Vampiric Scepter can
help a lot with laning. This is marginally worse if there is an AD assassin with Serpent’s Fang,
but it can still help. Best vs divers.

Option 2: Kraken Slayer

The highest damage option. Not much more to say, go this when you want damage and you have
peel or there is not a ton of threats on their team. Best in front to back games.

Option 3: Galeforce
The highest burst and mobility option. The dash helps Aphelios with one of his major issues,
getting into range. Furthermore, the recent lethality buffs make a burstier build with Galeforce
and Collector second more appealing when you max Lethality second. Best in games where you
struggle to get into range and/or the team is fairly squishy.

Second Item:

Option 3: The Collector

A common option as of 11.13. Provides the highest burst and very good vs squishier teams.
Would generally try to pair this item with games where you go Galeforce, or maybe Immortal
Shieldbow. If you’re going Kraken, I would say you usually want Runaan’s or PD to synergize
with the passive and play to maximize DPS instead of burst.

Option 2: Lord Domnik’s Regard

A great item vs beefier teams, build it whenever you need to deal with chonky boys. Super great
synergy with the 27 lethality you get for free on Aphelios now.

Option 3: Runaan’s Hurricane

Similarly to Jinx, this item can bring huge value in front to back structured fights, and can aid
with waveclear without wasting a lot of ammo on good combinations when you don’t have
Infernum (blue). This item also creates a dream scenario where you can apply a Calibrum (green)
mark and root multiple targets off of the Runaan’s (ex:, credit: Koog).

Since the lethality buffs, this hasn’t been a very common item.

Option 4: Phantom Dancer

Best for movement and single target DPS. Best vs Divers, and the stat line tends to lend itself
better to Aphelios than Runaan’s.

Since the lethality buffs, this hasn’t been a very common item.

Option 5: Rapidfire Cannon

Quite a niche item on Aphelios. Versus long range squishy teams, if you’re not particularly
ahead, this item is surprisingly good. Go Galeforce + RFC and play for Gravitum snares to create
opportunities for your team.
Third to Fifth Item: IE/LDR > IE/LDR / Situationals > IE/LDR / Situationals\

Boots: Berserker’s Greaves are standard and often a rush because of Aphelios’ high effective ad
growth due to his passive, while Plated Steelcaps can be situationally good vs AD heavy comps.
Bonus points if they are auto attack heavy. Mercury Treads are generally not favoured.

First Item:
Option 1: Immortal Shieldbow
The most common mythic item on Ashe. The lifesteal component helps early in lane and the
shield helps with survivability once completed, especially on a champion with as little
survivability as Ashe.

Option 2: Kraken Slayer

The highest DPS option first item on Ashe and the higher damage mythic option. With peel or
against comps with little threat or if you are expected to be the main damage source, Kraken
should be the item of choice.

Option 3: Wit’s End

The mix between Shieldbow and Kraken first item. Defensive vs ap heavier lanes / teams and
lots of damage with great stats and the high on-hit damage. This item is also cheaper than both
mythics. The main issue with this build path is the awful buildpath, with hearthbound axe being
okay, but negatron cloak not being something you really want to build early and building out of
less AD than both mythic items. However, when completed, the ms on hit and the damage is

Option 4: Galeforce
Not very common on Ashe since she’s not a burstier ADC and her range / engage range is
already long, but the dash can be useful in some games.

Second Item:
Option 1: Phantom Dancer
If you went a mythic first, this is generally your second item, especially with Kraken Slayer to
increase DPS further. The extra MS helps with kiting and the build path is great.

Option 2: Runaan’s Hurricane

If you went a mythic first, Hurricane is great versus comps with lots of front line this item can be
great to spread the slow and damage. Generally better with Shieldbow but also fine with Kraken
Option 3: Wit’s End
If you went a mythic first and you’re against a heavy AP team, Wit’s End second can be great.
Similar reasoning as above.

Option 3: Mythic
If you went Wit’s End first, either mythic should be built second. Generally Shieldbow is built
second to pile on survivability but Kraken Slayer can add a ton of damage as well.

Third Item:
Option 1: Infinity Edge
Great option if you went a mythic + zeal item. Lots of damage, not a lot more to say.

Option 2: Guinsoo’s Rageblade

The standard second item if you went Mythic > Wit’s End or Wit’s End > Mythic. Rageblade
synergizes well with Ashe’s sustained damage play pattern and Wit’s End’s on-hit.

Option 3: Lord Domnik’s Regard

Great option if you need to shred beefier targets.

Fourth and Fifth item:

IE or Guinsoo’s Rageblade if not built third. Otherwise, grab situational items and LDR if not
built third.

Notably, sell Guinsoo’s Rageblade late game for IE on Ashe since the DPS is always higher and
the slot is more efficiently used.

The boots built on Ashe will almost always be Berserker’s Greaves as the early spike provided
from Berserker’s is too large to give up in most games, with many Ashe players buying the item
prior to their mythic. However, Plated Steelcaps is viable versus very heavy AD.

First Item:
Option 1: Galeforce
Generally the mythic of choice for Caitlyn as she for her burst against most teams and she has a
consistent combo with Galeforce where you E Galeforce AA Attack Move to get a huge amount
of burst. (ex. Note that this can be done faster). In general, Galeforce helps to force favourable
engages which Caitlyn tends to struggles doing.
Option 2: Kraken Slayer
The highest DPS option, best against beefier teams. Build this when you need to be the one
breaking the front line threats.

Option 3: Immortal Shieldbow

Not very common but definitely viable on Caitlyn, anti-burst tech, especially good versus teams
that don’t have good Serpent’s Fang users.

Second Item:
Option 1: The Collector
Generally the most common second item. The burstiest of all the options, with a great build path
(serrated dirk is an overpowered item!)

Option 2: Stormrazor
Sets up traps with the slow, adds burst, and has a more favourable stat profile, giving more AD
than AS which is what Caitlyn wants. The BF sword is also a great part of the build path as it’s a
huge chunk of AD when you can buy it.

Option 3: Rapidfire Cannon

A common second item, adds burst and range against squishy comps that you may struggle to get
into range of.

Option 4: Phantom Dancer

Paired with Kraken Slayer or Shieldbow to maximize DPS on beefier targets. The extra
movement speed and attack speed at one / max stacks respectively can aid a lot in breaking
beefier targets.

Option 5: Lord Domnik’s Regard

Generally paired with Kraken when the only threats are beefy targets. Generally recommended to
go PD second and LDR third with Kraken, but you can go LDR second if they are really getting
too beefy to dent with PD. Viable in some scenarios.

Third Item:
Option 1 and 2: Lord Domnik’s Regard and Infinity Edge
Reasoning: IE/LDR

Option 3: Rapidfire Cannon

If you went Stormrazor third it can be nice to combine it with RFC for more burst and to catch
people out from further, but generally IE is recommended if you want to build more damage
versus squishies. Viable versus long range squishy comps.

Fourth and Fifth Item: IE/LDR/Situationals/RFC > IE/LDR/Situationals

Boots: Berserker’s Greaves are the boot of choice on Caitlyn as it provides the most damage and
can be built early to help with spacing and bullying in lane, even often being bought prior to
mythic. Plated Steelcaps is viable versus AD heavy comps, but Mercury Treads should be

Ezreal is a very unique champion in terms of builds, and thus his main situationals will be listed
at the bottom.

Note that tear start is technically viable but generally too large of a power loss to consider unless
you’re in a very passive lane.

First Item:
Option 1: Divine Sunderer
The main mythic on Ezreal. Since the nerfs on 11.13, it is not a must build anymore however
especially versus beefer comps, the % health damage spellblade and the mythic passive are very
good. This is also the mythic that makes Ezreal the tankiest and as a result the hardest to kill,
which makes this notably good into dive / hard engage.

Option 2: Trinity Force

A viable option as well, providing the highest DPS and highest damage spellblade procs for the
majority of the game, only being edged out by Essence Reaver very late. You’ll see this if you
want to 1v9 the game and deal the most damage you can.

Option 3: Essence Reaver

This used to be Ezreal’s main first item, but has fallen off in terms of popularity. It’s still a strong
option for burst and sieging, when you can’t stay in range for Trinity Force DPS but don’t need
the tankiness from Divine Sunderer. It’s also the cheapest of the three sheen items.

Option 4: Manamune
This isn’t really built first much at all anymore, but it’s okay if you want to spike mid-game
earlier at the expense of a much weaker first item. In general, this should be avoided though.
Second Item:
Option 1: Manamune
You generally will always get manamune second. The spike you get from Muramana is massive
and there aren’t any better second items. Note that you should be getting the tear before you
finish your first item, normally after completing sheen.

Third Item:
Option 1: Serylda’s Grudge
This is an extremely strong 3rd item for Ezreal. The slow procs on every Mystic Shot and the
armour pen helps a lot with making each Q hit harder. The build path problem LDR faces is not
present here since it builds out of Caufields instead of a Cloak. This is the standard offensive
second item.

Option 2: Frozen Heart

Also an extremely strong 3rd item for Ezreal. Very strong vs heavy AD comps while also
granting an okay amount of damage from the mana > AD and the mana > on-hit damage
conversions on manamune. This item becomes better if you went Sunderer 1st as the HP and
Armour synergize well together and the HP scales the passive on Frozen Heart.

Option 3: Duskblade of Draktharr

Only viable if you go Essence Reaver. Standard third item and mythic for that build, however
you can go Seryldas 3rd and delay this to fourth.

Fourth and Fifth Item:

Chempunk Chainsword - Similar to Mortal Reminder in usage.
Ravenous Hydra - Similar to Bloodthirster in usage.
Guardian Angel - Described in the situational items section, very good on Ezreal.
Maw of Malmortius - Described in the situational items section.
Zhonya’s Hourglass - Surprisingly good on Ezreal, since his AP ratios (especially at later ranks
of W) aren’t horrible and Hourglass is an incredible defensive item.

Boots: Almost always Boots of Lucidities for the ability haste. Plated Steelcaps is viable versus
heavy AD and Mercury Treads is sort of viable against very very heavy AP and some CC.
Berserker’s Greaves should be avoided.

First Item:
Option 1: Galeforce
Honestly the only real mythic option for Jhin. The burst and dash provided by Galeforce is huge
for Jhin and he doesn’t synergize with any other mythic very well since the nerfs to Eclipse on
ranged champions.

Second Item:
Option 1: The Collector
Jhin’s main second item, since it provides a huge statstick of stats he loves alongside a bonus of a
synergistic execute passive alongside all of Jhin’s % missing health damage. Default to this item

Option 2: Rapidfire Cannon

A good option if you are struggling to get into range or playing for your root, RFC second is
viable. Unlike other ADCs, if you’re playing for burst The Collector tends to be a better option.

Option 3: Lord Domnik’s Regard

Not super common since Jhin doesn’t play well into beefy teams in general, but viable if you
need to break through a beefy threat.

Third Item:
Option 1: Rapidfire Cannon
Aids in the burst and helps Jhin mark targets for his W. Generally the most common third item
when not aiming for maximum damage / snowballing. The added range can also help in running
down targets.

Option 2: Infinity Edge

The maximum burst/damage option for Jhin. Very expensive compared to RFC, but a very viable
option if you’re just looking to do more damage. Notably this item makes your abilities hurt
much more than with Rapidfire Cannon since you get a lot of AD, and might become better on
11.16 with a pretty large AD ratio buff to Jhin’s ultimate.

Option 3: Lord Domnik’s Regard

Good versus beefier threats if you are expected to break through them. Not much more to say

Fourth and Fifth Item: Generally most Jhin builds will look something like Galeforce Collector
RFC IE LDR/GA and sell boots for the other one of the two since Jhin already has a lot of MS
from Galeforce Mythic Passive and RFC. Can replace GA with another defensive situational as
Boots: Generally Boots of Swiftness as it provides a cheap movement speed spike to play to
Jhin’s strength in short trades. Plated Steelcaps are viable vs heavy AD, and Mercury Treads are
a bit better than on other ADCs, but should generally be avoided. Berserker’s Greaves are
generally avoided, but can be fun as a full damage option.

First Item:
Option 1: Kraken Slayer
The most common Jinx mythic and first item. Provides the strongest first item spike generally,
granting the most stats and a consistent dps passive. Build this most games, especially when
there is a beefier front line that you are expected to be denting.

Option 2: Galeforce
Common on Jinx as well. Especially good vs squishier teams where the burst from the item can
ensure Get Excited! procs and get you into range to force engagements against teams that can’t
punish you with a tankier champ engaging onto you. You do lose the consistent dps and better
stats from KS however.

Option 3: Immortal Shieldbow

Not really built on Jinx. Maybe viable vs a heavy burst team but in my opinion the damage
granted by KS and GF is too important to give up in the large majority of games. Also, it’s
worthwhile to note that ISB loses value vs Serpent's Fangs users on the enemy team (so basically
any AD assassin).

Second Item:
Option 1: Runaan’s Hurricane
The best zeal item if you’re going to be fighting front-to-back (as in, the fights are going to be
very structured and not a ton of divers). Lower elo Jinx players love buying this item however it
is surprisingly low value if you’re not getting a ton of procs of the additional bolts. It is
incredibly satisfying however and the AOE damage it grants through rockets is incredible in the
right scenario.

Option 2: Phantom Dancer

The most common zeal item on Jinx in higher elo. This item grants double the MS in-combat
that Runaan’s provides and provides 20 AD, which is generally more useful than the attack speed
granted by Runaan’s / RFC. Fully stacked, PD gives more Attack Speed as well. Overall a very
strong DPS item and should be your baseline option in most games.

Option 3: Rapidfire Cannon

A bit rare, but good vs comps where you will struggle to continuously deal damage. I would say
every game that I have RFC, I built Galeforce first item, since they’re built in similar scenarios.
The burst is nice and the +150 range every few seconds is very useful for sieging / poking and
sniping kills/assists to proc Get Excited! A 875 range rocket AA can do a lot especially when
you complete IE.

Third to Fifth Item:

IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals

Usually Berserker’s Greaves. Can go Steelcaps vs a lot of AD esp if they are auto attack heavy.
Basically never mercury treads.

A bit unique, with many build paths and a common pre-first item build path. Thus, the
formatting for this section will be slightly different. Also note that if you go long sword start you
will need to build an extra longsword or something to get your Q evo with the Dirk -> NQ ->
Pick rush.

Every Kaisa build essentially has to go Berserker’s Greaves to get your E Evolution.

Build 1:
This build is good vs beefier comps and should generally be your default build path.

The pre-first build path described in build 1.1 can also be followed in this build to provide a
stronger early game.

Full Build: Kraken > PD/Wit’s End > IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals
Sell the dirk late game when you need the slot/gold.

Go Wit’s vs AP heavy comps, PD otherwise. If you go Wit’s 2nd, you cannot build IE third. Go
LDR or some situational item with crit into IE. Some people are experimenting with Runaan's
3rd or PD 3rd with Wits second, or Guinsoo's 3rd.

Build 1.1:
Good vs beefier comps when snowballing early. This build with Wits 3rd has also been gaining a
lot of popularity.

Pre-First: Dirk -> Noonquiver -> Pickaxe

This gives Kai’sa a fast Q evolution alongside a dirk which is a pretty busted component. Emp Q
hurts A LOT with the lethality and you hit it at 3275 gold into your build (+ dblade)
The order of these items can change depending on your back timings. Try to get dirk early and
buy as much AD on each back as possible.

This early build path can be skipped as well if you want to play for mid game.

Full Build: Kraken > The Collector > PD/Runaan's/Wits End > IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals
You can sell The Collector late game to fit a situational item.
PD is usually the choice, but Runaans is good if you’re playing front to back. RFC is technically
viable but not really built at all. Wits is a lot of damage and MR for survivability, but comes with
a much worse build path.

Build 2:
Good vs squishier comps especially when snowballing.
Pre-First: Dirk > Noonquiver > Pickaxe
Same reasoning as above.

Full Build: Galeforce > The Collector > Zeal Item > IE/LDR > IE/LDR
You can sell The Collector late game to fit a situational item.
The zeal item can be any of the four. The most common is Runaan’s, but RFC can help to
activate your ult vs long range comps and add more burst. PD tends to be avoided on this build
because you don’t hit E evolution until level 15. Mortal Reminder struggles with the same
problem and is also generally the weakest of the four, but it can be good vs strong healers.

Build 3:
Good if you need magic damage and/or you’re against heavy AP. Very strong DPS build as well,
and allows you to build situationals like Hourglass.

Generally, the dirk start is skipped on this build.

Build Path: Kraken Slayer > 2x Long Sword > Wit’s End > Nashor’s Tooth

This build nets you all three evolutions alongside heavier magic damage compared to the other
two builds and grants a lot of on hit damage.
The standard fourth and fifth items are Zhonya’s Hourglass and Rabadon’s Deathcap. You can
also get a Banshee’s Veil or even a Void Staff. Some players are also experimenting with
Rageblade because of the amount of on-hits on this build.
First Item:
Option 1: Immortal Shieldbow
Your standard first item on Kalista. Lifesteal and the shield when low works well with her
backloaded damage, especially if Shieldbow procs before you pull a lot of spears with Rend. The
gold standard.

Option 2: Wit’s End

Viable vs AP bot lanes and/or heavy AP teams. Helps with survivability and gives more damage
than Shieldbow does through the flat 40 AD and the onhit magic damage. Viable in certain

Option 3: Kraken Slayer

Generally not built on Kalista but viable as a raw DPS option.

Second Item:
Option 1: Runaan’s Hurricane
Generally the best second item on Kalista as it helps with waveclear and spreading Rend stacks
during a teamfight. Will be built most games, but may be useless in some games if you’re
constantly getting dove on.

Option 2: Guinsoo’s Rageblade

The best DPS option for second items. Notably helps with taking Dragons and Barons since you
stack Rend much faster and deal stronger single target DPS.

Option 3: Wit’s End / Immortal Shieldbow

If these were not built first, they’re viable at this point in the game with the same reasoning as

Third to Fifth Item: Essentially every Kalista full build will contain Runaan’s Hurricane and
Guinsoo’s Rageblade as a part of her core DPS options. From there, defensive situationals or
Bloodthirster (or LDR against a quite tanky team) are viable to round out her build and maintain
survivability. Guardian Angel is notably good on Kalista to help with her short range vs burstier

Miss Fortune
Similar to Sivir, Miss Fortune also has two main builds and as a result each option will be tagged
with (L) or (C) to denote which build it belongs to. Lethality builds tend to prefer playing against
squishier teams while crit builds tend to lend themselves to beefier comps. Crit builds also
generally scale better and play better without good Bullet Time setup while lethality is very
Bullet Time dependent.

First Item:
Option 1 (C): Kraken Slayer
Miss Fortune has a surprising amount of interactions with Kraken Slayer’s passive, with Double
Up granting up to two stacks and granting her a lot of single target DPS that she tends to lack
with standard builds, since so much of her damage lies within Love Tap. If you want to break
through beefier targets or you are playing less for your ultimate and more for your extremely
strong Strut active.

Option 2 (C): Galeforce

This is Miss Fortune’s other mythic option for crit, adding mobility and burst alongside a great
stat profile. Go this mythic if you want to go crit but don’t need the DPS Kraken provides.
Generally paired with The Collector to synergize the execute effects and the lethality Collector
provides lends itself well to the style of games you build Galeforce in.

Option 3 (C): Immortal Shieldbow

A viable option for survivability, or if you don’t want to go eclipse but still want vamp scepter to
stay in lane longer / abuse trades vs champs that rely on poke to gain space in lane like Ziggs.

Option 2 (L): Eclipse

The main Lethality Miss Fortune mythic. The early vampiric scepter can help sustain through
high poke lanes / take even trades and make them favourable and the shield can aid in surviving
burst later into the game. The mythic passive tends to be better as well as 4% pen synergizes very
well with the lethality and pen stacking, while the 5AH on Duskblade is nice but not too

Second Item:
Option 1 (C): Bloodthirster
Often built with Kraken Slayer, Bloodthirster is often built on Miss Fortune. Not only are the
stats appealing to Miss Fortune, with the raw AD and lifesteal aiding in staying in range, the
shield can help deter divers and prevent your Strut movement speed from breaking. A great
option for DPS focused MF builds.

Option 2 (C): Essence Reaver

Not a horrible option if you’re finding yourself needing to spam Q to keep up with waveclear.
I’m not the biggest fan, as I think Collector or BT are often better but the item has quite an
appealing stat line. The main issue with this Item on MF is that her base AD is quite low and as a
result, even with a lot of bonus AD, the spellblade passive won’t be doing a bunch. In general, a
viable but not super recommended option.

Option 1 (C & L): The Collector

The Collector is a great option for MF with a plethora of ways to trigger the execute passive
within Make it Rain and Bullet Time. The stat profile is also great for Miss Fortune as she loves
Lethality and raw AD, and it’s fairly cheap compared to other options. The crit is an added bonus
on the lethality build as it can add chunks of damage to Bullet Time and random auto attacks.

Option 2 (C & L): Lord Domnik’s Regard

If you’re against a super beefy threat, LDR 2nd can be okay to push damage onto them on either
build using the % armour penetration and the giant slayer passive.

Option 3 (L): Yoummu’s Ghostblade

Yoummu’s is the main second item when building eclipse first. Extremely overstatted and cheap
right now, and lets you skip t2 boots unless you need defensives bc of the MS passive & active.
Great choice.

Option 3 (L): Serpent’s Fang

Serpents has a decent stat profile and price point for Miss Fortune and is a great buy on Lethality
Miss Fortune versus teams with a lot of shielding.

Option 4 (L): Manamune

This can also be finished second item if you want to buy a tear early and still maintain the mid
game power of a manamune. Manamune in general is not really a common item on Lethality MF

Third to Fifth Item (C): IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > IE/LDR/Situationals

Third to Fifth Item (L): Three Of LDR or Serylda’s Grudge, Serpent’s Fang, EoN, GA, Maw
of Malmortius, The Collector.

LDR vs Serylda’s Grudge on MF: Generally, LDR will have more value, however Serylda’s
Grudge is beneficial in games where Giant Slayer won’t grab a lot of value because of low HP
bars. Getting % armour pen is a must, as it synergizes incredibly with lethality stacking as it
applies first. Adding a slow onto Bullet Time can be quite impactful as well.

Boots: Berserker’s Graves are preferred on Crit MF, and Plated Steelcaps is viable versus heavy
AD teams. Again, Mercury Treads should generally be avoided. On lethality Miss Fortune, boots
are sometimes not completed since you generally play from quite far away and your Strut
passive may not be commonly triggered. Boots of Swiftness can be used to maintain distance,
Boots of Lucidities can be used to lower your cooldowns further (especially Bullet Time) and
defensive boots are always viable.

First Item:
Option 1: Immortal Shieldbow
Honestly, Samira has no other real mythic options. Shieldbow interacts too well with how she
plays and she has too many lifesteal interactions within her kit to pass up this item.

Second Item:
Option 1: The Collector
This is Samira’s main second item and the one you will build in 95/100 of your games. Samira is
a clean up style champion who wants to come in as CDs are used and HP bars have been
chunked a bit and The Collector aids in securing resets. Collector is also just the best ADC item
for Inferno Trigger, being a huge stat stick of AD and Lethality, and making sure resets are more
easily achieved.

While items like Essence Reaver would grant higher DPS in theory, you don’t play Samira for
her DPS and instead to get big value out of her ultimate.

Option 2: Lord Domnik’s Regard

This is a viable second item for Samira vs very tanky comps. You’ll definitely feel the damage
loss vs squishier targets but if your main targets are tankier targets this is okay.

Third to Fifth Item:

IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals
Situationals of note: Bloodthirster is a good greedy situational item on Samira for similar
reasons that Immortal Shieldbow is. GA is very good to aid in diving in. Spirit Visage is your
main MR option since you can’t build Maw with Shieldbow.

Most games you’ll find yourself going Plated Steelcaps to survive the dive and lane better.
Mercury Treads are sort of viable vs unavoidable CC and heavy AP. I personally wiIl default to
Lucidity boots as the CDR and summoner spell CD is very important on a champion like Samira
however some prefer Berserker’s Greaves as a greedier boot to weave in autos faster.
This guide will focus on fasting Senna build paths. If you don’t know what fasting is, the
following video is a bit outdated but still describes the thought process behind it:

First Item: Spectral Sickle > Black Mist Scythe

A must on fasting Senna. Gold generation and strong efficiency. A big reason to play fasting
Senna at all.

Second Item:
Option 1: Divine Sunderer
DS is often the mythic of choice. The build path is a bit sad for Senna, since Sheen is not a great
item for her since she has a base AD of 50 which never increases. Therefore, you should build
Phage > Kindlegem/Sheen > Sheen/Kindlegem. Kindlegem is often favoured second for the
survivability it grants but Sheen’s damage can be useful in some scenarios. DS offers tankiness
and alright damage and a pretty large spike.

Option 2: Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is my preferred mythic. It provides higher damage and more attack speed and
therefore much more DPS. Furthermore, proccing KS from very far away by charging it then
Q-ing a minion or ward can provide a lot of damage. You do lose out on a lot of the survivability
that DS provides however and is generally not preferred over DS.

Third Item:
Option 1: Guinsoo’s Rageblade
The highest DPS second item choice. Phantom Hit surprisingly interacts very well with many
parts of Senna’s kit (0.2 AD on-hit on her passive, her passive can instantly proc, her Q cd) and
the crit>on-hit conversion essentially allows Senna’s Q to “crit”, since it can proc on-hits but it
cannot crit. Go Rageblade for maximum damage.

Option 2: Rapidfire Cannon

The burstiest second item choice. If you can master the RFC Q+AA combo where both your Q
and AA proc from the RFC range, this item becomes even better. If you’re struggling to get into
range or you just want more burst OR you can just buy an RFC, this is a great choice.

Consider buying a rageknife beforehand to allow your Q to “crit” and get even more damage.

Option 3: Black Cleaver

Mainly built with Divine Sunderer as your mythic choice, this provides strong utility for your
team with the armour shred & ability haste and provides even more survivability.

Fourth Item:
Option 1: Guinsoo’s Rageblade
Every full Senna build will want a Guinsoo’s Rageblade, so you want to look to fit it in
anywhere. Same reasoning as above.

Option 2: Rapidfire Cannon

Similarly to Guinsoos, RFC will essentially be in every Senna build. The reasoning to build it is
the same as above.

Option 3: Lord Domnik’s Regard

Very good vs tankier comps, especially since you’re generally underleveled as Senna and
therefore at a greater health deficit. Senna also likes the armour pen more than your average
ADC because she essentially only does physical damage and has a very strong, low cooldown %
current health physical damage in the soul pull part of her passive. Notably, this item is worse on
Sunderer Senna because of the HP that Divine Sunderer (and possibly Black Cleaver) gives but
is still viable.

Option 4: Vigilant Wardstone

A surprisingly very good option even on fasting (non-traditional support) Senna. Very cheap for
a lot of stats and the extra stealth ward and control ward can win games.

Fifth Item: Situationals (Notable: Serpent’s Fang, Mortal Reminder), any of

RFC/Rageblade/LDR that you did not build, Vigilant Wardstone.

Boots of Swiftness are standard, since Senna really like the extra movement speed it provides
and the cheap cost.
Plated Steelcaps are good vs AD heavy teams.
Avoid Mercury Treads generally, since if you get CC’d you’re probably dying, and Mercury
Treads doesn’t provide any MR compared to null-magic mantle.
Boots of Lucidities are viable if you’re playing to provide more utility.
Berserker’s Greaves aren’t really a serious option. If you want maximum DPS go zerkers but
otherwise avoid this option.

ADC Senna
After the recent ADC Senna buffs, it has definitely become viable. I like going Kraken >
Rageblade/RFC > RFC/Rageblade/LDR > LDR/RFC > Situationals
The explanations are very similar to above, except you have an extra slot for an item without
buying AD spellthiefs.

Sivir is most commonly played as a lethality champion in solo queue but the crit build is
definitely viable, although it takes longer to become very strong. Thus, this guide will cover both

Any item marked with L will be part of the Lethality build, while any item marked with C will
be part of the Crit build.

On lethality Sivir, Tear start is viable to ride out early laning with Q spam to clear waves.

First Item:
Option 1 (L): Manamune
Manamune tends to be built early on Lethality Sivir compared to Varus or Ezreal because she is
able to easily neutralize lanes with the extra mana and scale into mid game faster. Furthermore,
she stacks Tear slower than the aforementioned champions and as a result Manamune first is
more appealing. This is the standard first item for Lethality Sivir

Option 2 (L): Duskblade of Draktharr

Duskblade is the mythic of choice and building it first on Sivir brings the strongest spike at first
item. It does slow down your mid game spike slightly however and thus should maybe be

Option 1 (C): Galeforce

The standard item of choice for crit Sivir as it helps her get into range and adds a bit more burst
into her combo. The % movement speed mythic passive also helps further with kiting with her
short range.

Option 2 (C): Kraken Slayer

Similarly to Xayah, Kraken helps with maximizing DPS vs comps that may be running into you,
or just when you want more damage. Galeforce tends to be the mythic of choice but Kraken is
viable as well.

Option 3 (C): Essence Reaver

Essence reaver first has fallen out of meta a bit but it is still viable on Sivir. She’s able to
stalemate lanes quite efficiently with the mana refund and while you’re much weaker than a
traditional mythic rush you can constantly waveclear a lane and continue to scale. This type of
playstyle isn’t particularly conducive to solo queue however.

Second Item:
Option 1 (L): Manamune / Duskblade of Draktharr
Complete the item you had not gotten first. Reasoning is the same as above.

Option 1 (C): Essence Reaver

The mana refund on Sivir is quite effective and the spellblade effect is surprisingly good on her.
The stats are also great as Sivir loves raw AD and Ability Haste, and Sivir doesn’t need a ton
more movement speed from zeal items with her ultimate, passive, and possible galeforce mythic

Option 2 (C): Mythic

Grab your mythic if you got Essence Reaver first.

Third to Fifth Item (L):

Three of Serylda’s Grudge / EoN / Serpents / Guardian’s Angel / Maw of Malmortius / The

Seryldas is a must on every full Lethality Sivir build, with the pen and stats being irreplaceable.
The Collector is surprisingly good later into the game on lethality Sivir since ricochet procs the
passive and Crit is always nice on ricochet, but it is a greedy option. All other items are
situationally useful as described in the Situational Items section.

Third to Fifth Item (C):

IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals

Lucidities on lethality Sivir, Berserker’s Greaves or defensive boots on crit sivir. Plated Steelcaps
is also viable on lethality Sivir. Avoid Mercury Treads in 99% of scenarios.

First Item:
Option 1: Kraken Slayer
The most common mythic for Tristana. Very large first item spike and Tristana already brings a
lot of burst, so Galeforce isn’t needed in a role where your DPS matters a bit more than in
midlane. Highest DPS option.
Option 2: Galeforce
Also very viable on Tristana, notably good when the enemy team is squishy and you’re ahead to
add to your already large amount of burst. Your dps tends to suffer slightly and you become a bit
more reliant on your cooldowns, but still viable for sure.

Second Item:
Option 1: Phantom Dancer
The standard second item on Tristana. Gives everything she wants and more, not a lot more to

Option 2: Stormrazor
Not very common on Tristana but viable if you want to burst even harder alongside Galeforce

Option 3: Wit’s End

Viable vs heavy AP but generally Tristana wants more crit to synergize with her burstier
playstyle and her Explosive Charge.

Option 4: Lord Domnik’s Regard

Viable vs very tanky comps, but generally Phantom Dancer into LDR third will perform better.
Only go this second when the main threats are quite tanky.

Third to Fifth Item: IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals

Boots: Generally will be going Berserker’s Greaves for maximum DPS and early-mid game
power spike. Plated Steelcaps is viable versus heavy AD, Mercury Treads however should be

Varus is mainly built with a Lethality build currently, but on-hit builds are also viable. This guide
won’t get too in depth into the on-hit builds, but if one wants to go on-hit the thought process on
what to build is very similar to the Ashe section.

First Item:
Option 1: Duskblade of Draktharr
The main option on Varus since the Prowler’s Claw nerf. Incredible stat profile for Lethality
Varus and the ability haste provides further ability haste to spam more Piercing Arrows and
Chain of Corruptions. The invisibility is a further bonus.

Option 2: Eclipse
A less popular but viable option on Varus. It’s great for surviving divers with the shield, but lacks
the ability haste that Duskblade provides. Generally not built often, but situationally useful.

Second Item:
Option 1: Manamune
Similarly to Ezreal, this should almost always be built second. However, there is a bit more
leniency here because Varus tends to not fully stack manamune by his second item. Building
manamune allows you to finish it faster and immediately get a huge boost of AD.

Option 2: Serpent’s Fang

Alternatively, against shield heavy teams, SF second is viable to provide a stronger immediate
boost and shield shredding capabilities.

Third to Fifth Item:

Three of Manamune if not bought second / Serylda’s Grudge / Edge of Night / Serpent’s Fang /
GA / Maw

Vs shielding, purchase a Serpent’s Fang, especially if you don’t have another champion on your
team that uses it well. Generally you always want a Serylda’s Grudge third or fourth item and
EoN, GA and Maw are all viable defensive situationals.

Almost always Boots of Lucidities, with Plated Steelcaps as an option vs heavy AD. Berserker’s
Greaves is good if you’re going on-hit instead of lethality. Boots of Swiftness are also viable as it
reduces the slow on the charge-up of Piercing Arrow and helps him maintain space, although
Lucidities are often preferred.

First Item:
Option 1: Kraken Slayer
The first item spike from Kraken is larger but your survivability as a low range adc suffers,
generally a viable option, but currently ISB is preferred.

Option 2: Immortal Shieldbow

The defensive option for Vayne. Worse first item spike, but you get a better build path (vamp
scepter can turn hard losing lanes into even ones) and more survivability throughout the game.
Vayne already brings so much damage within her kit that it’s not necessary to purchase a damage
focused mythic to deal damage, unlike a champion like Jinx.
Second Item:
Option 1: Phantom Dancer
The standard second item. The movement speed and stats this item grants are gigantic for Vayne
and helps her kite, and the stacking nature of the item synergizes well with Vayne’s fight

Option 2: Wit’s End

Viable as a second item on Vayne versus an AP heavy team. Serves a similar purpose to Phantom
Dancer, granting more attack speed and damage at the cost of movement speed, both out-of and
in combat. Buy this against heavy AP threats.

Option 3: Guinsoo’s Rageblade

Generally not built second, but viable against beefy threats. Buying this early allows you to come
online versus those targets faster, although the movement speed from PD will often outshine the
damage granted by this item.

Third Item:
Option 1: Guinsoo’s Rageblade
Generally the third item of choice, providing damage versus both squishies and tankier targets.
The burst from the interaction of Silver Bolts and Press the Attack adds a lot of burst while the
acceleration of Silver Bolts procs adds a lot of damage to tankier targets. This item also has the
benefit of being much cheaper than other options, coming in at 2600 gold.

Option 2: Infinity Edge

A viable option, especially if you’re ahead and/or you’re against a squishier team. Less common
since the price reduction on Guinsoo’s Rageblade but still viable. You also cannot buy this item
if you went for Wit’s End second. In general, better for burst, worse for DPS.

Option 3: Wit’s End / Phantom Dancer

Viable third after Guinsoo’s Rageblade second, or even the other one of the two (ex: Wits >
Phantom Dancer). Generally you will go Guinsoo’s Rageblade or IE third however.

Option 4: Situationals
After Vayne completes Kraken + Guinsoo’s / Phantom Dancer, Vayne already outputs a ton of
damage. Therefore, in certain scenarios, it is okay to skip another damage item and get a niche
situational item such as Randuins against a fed melee AD target or Maw against a fed AP target.
Even Anathema’s Chains aren’t horrible if you’re against a single fed target and there are no
other Anathema’s buyers on your team, since 30% reduced damage alongside 650 HP adds a lot
of effective health.
Fourth and Fifth Item: Situationals (Notable: Wit’s End, Guardian Angel, QSS/Mercurial
Scimitar, Bloodthirster, Randuins).

Boots: Generally Berserker’s Greaves, since the spike from an early (prior to mythic or right
after mythic) is really nice for Vayne since she synergizes very well with both movement speed
and attack speed. Plated Steelcaps are viable vs heavy AD, but generally I would avoid Mercury

Note: I personally think Blade of the Ruined King is generally a thing of the past on Vayne. It
used to be her best first item by a long shot. However, now there are better spikes and better
lifesteal options (Bloodthirster, Ravenous Hunter & Legend: Bloodline) and better anti-tank
options (LDR), BoTRK has fallen out of favour. BotRK isn’t particularly good against tanks
without armour pen from LDR and Guinsoo’s regardless. I think this item is situationally viable
5th in a full anit-bruiser/tank build alongside Kraken PD Guinsoos LDR but generally should be

First Item:
Option 1: Galeforce
Galeforce is Xayah’s main mythic option, since it covers her main weakness of being unable to
get into range with the dash. The burst also aids in securing kills and the dash can be used to
reposition the Bladecaller (E) to land a big snare.

Option 2: Kraken Slayer

Kraken Slayer is viable on Xayah if you’re against a beefier team that will be running into you.
Galeforce will not be very useful in those games and as a result Kraken’s DPS will be more
beneficial in those scenarios.

Option 3: Essence Reaver

Although less common after the nerf, ER first is still viable to neutralize lanes using the mana
refund. ER first enables you to constantly waveclear and never run out of mana, and can be
useful in some scenarios.

Second Item:
Option 1: Essence Reaver
The main second item on Xayah. Cheap and provides a lot of burst. The mana refund helps as
well since Xayah can get a bit mana hungry while wave clearing and spamming Q E to poke.
The stat line is also great on Xayah as she loves raw AD and Ability Haste.
Option 2: Phantom Dancer
Okay option if you have Kraken Slayer, helps with kiting further and synergizes on a basic level
with Kraken Slayer. Also just the highest DPS option.

Option 3: Galeforce / Kraken Slayer

Grab your mythic second if you built Essence Reaver first. Decision making on which one to get
is the same as above.

Third to Fifth Item:

IE/LDR > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals

Notable Situationals: RFC 3rd to 5th item can be good if you’re struggling to get into range and
want to play more towards your utility with your snare combos. You do lose out on damage /
survivability, but sometimes this is a worthwhile trade.

Navori Quickblades are theoretically very good on Xayah, but the price point and the lack of
direct defensive utility makes this a hard to fit purchase. Often, there will be a better item in the
slot, however, they are worth considering versus heavy front line comps to maintain your W
steroid since you will always be hitting in a fight.

Berserker’s Greaves are standard, while Plated Steelcaps can be situationally good vs AD heavy
comps. Bonus points if they are auto attack heavy. Mercury Treads are generally not favoured.
Boots of Lucidities are being experimented with alongside a Q max second build to play more
poke orientated and lower her cooldowns across the board.

From this point in the guide, I don’t feel confident to describe the thought process behind these
champion’s builds, so I will be listing full builds that I see and the profiles of notable players of
these champions.

Full Build 1: Serrated Dirk > Essence Reaver > Immortal Shieldbow > IE/LDR/Situationals >
IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals
Sell dirk late or build into Collector after Shieldbow.
Full Build 2: Serrated Dirk > Immortal Shieldbow > The Collector > IE/LDR/Situationals >
IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals
Lethality Build: Serrated Dirk > Essence Reaver > Duskblade of Draktharr / Eclipse / Prowler’s
Claw > Collector/LDR/Situationals > IE/LDR/Situationals > Situationals

Boots: Generally Berserker’s Greaves for damage, but Plated Steelcaps is viable against heavy
AD comps. Mercury Treads is viable against AP bots but generally avoided.

Notable Players:
I’m sure I missed a bunch so feel free to let me know if you want any more accounts listed.

Tank Kog’Maw: Wit’s End > Runaan’s Hurricane > Randuin’s Omen / Spirit Visage > Frostfire
Gauntlet / Immortal Shieldbow / Spirit Visage / Kraken Slayer > Situationals / Mythic if not built

Build 2: Immortal Shieldbow / Kraken Slayer > Runaan’s Hurricane / Phantom Dancer / Wit’s
End > Guinsoo’s Rageblade > Situationals

Build 3: Phantom Dancer > Navori Quickblades > Kraken Slayer / Immortal Shieldbow >
Infinity Edge / Situationals > Situationals

Boots: Generally Berserkers Greaves as it provides a strong early spike for Kog’Maw. Plated
Steelcaps are viable versus heavy AD. Generally avoid Mercury Treads.

Notable Players:
Honestly don’t know any other notable Kog’Maw players so feel free to let me know of more.

Full Build: Kraken Slayer/Galeforce > Essence Reaver > IE/LDR/Situationals/Seryldas >
IE/LDR/Situationals > IE/LDR/Situationals
Seryldas is common on Lucian even after the crit ult change because it makes his ult that much
more consistent, and the lower CDR for E is really really nice.

Boots: Boots of Lucidities as a base line option, for ability haste. Plated Steelcaps versus heavy
AD, Mercury Treads versus heavy AP. Zerkers popular on kraken slayer build.

Notable Players:

Full Build 1: Dark Seal + Nashor’s Tooth > Rabadon’s Deathcap > Riftmaker > Two Of
Zhonya’s Hourglass / Banshee’s Veil / Cosmic Drive / Mejai’s Soulstealer

Full Build 2: Kraken Slayer / Galeforce > Runaan’s Hurricane / Wit’s End > Infinity Edge /
Guinsoo’s Rageblade / Lord Domnik’s Regard > Situationals > Situationals

Boots: Boots of Lucidities on AP, Berserker’s Greaves on AD as baseline options. Plated

Steelcaps is viable on both versus heavy AD, Mercury Treads should generally be avoided.

Notable Players:
I’m sure there are plenty more so feel free to let me know of more.
AD - Attack Damage, may also be used to refer to heavy physical damage teams.
AP - Ability Power, may also be used to refer to heavy magic damage teams.
BC - Black Cleaver
BT - Bloodthirster
D.Blade - Doran's Blade
ER - Essence Reaver
EoN - Edge of Night
GF - Galeforce
Guinsoo's / Rageblade - Guinsoo's Rageblade
GW / Grievous - Grievous Wounds
IE - Infinity Edge
ISB / Shieldbow - Immortal Shieldbow
KS - Kraken Slayer
LDR - Lord Domnik's Regard
Lucidities - Boots of Lucidities
NQ - Noonquiver
PD - Phantom Dancer
RFC - Rapidfire Cannon
RH / Runaan's / Hurricane - Runaan's Hurricane
SF - Serpent's Fang
SR - Stormrazor
SV - Spirit Visge
Swifties - Boots of Swiftness
TWT - Time Warp Tonic
Wit's - Wit's End
2021/07/28 - Created and initial post-release edits off of common comments.
2021/07/28 - More cleanups and added Miss Fortune.
2021/07/29 - Clarified some points about Berserker’s Greaves. Added ER under MF. Added
some terms to the glossary.
2021/10/04 - Updated Miss Fortune, Senna, Lucian. Plans for this build guide aren’t certain, I
may continue to make small updates.

- Maybe add graphics.
- Add Miss Fortune lol oops
- Add full write ups for the 4 bottom champs using other people’s knowledge.
- Kindred?
- Lethality senna builds?
- Runes?
- Lethality Caitlyn?

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