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Biga Elementary School: September 2021 Conrada I. Basing

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Biga, Lugait, Misamis Oriental


SY 2021-2022

Time/Month Topics Objective/s Persons -In - Charge Expected Outcome Expected Output

Listed problems Mapped out direction and

Conrada I. Basing encountered/development made self, set on the
Orient on the content and flow
Resource Speaker needs in the respective processes of the activities
SEPTEMBER 2021 Rationale of the LAC Session of the sessions.
learning environment and and workshop or
Implementation in the New Normal. LAC as part of Learning Support
experienced during Departmental Action Plan
in Times of Pandemic
teaching-learning processes.
Submission of sample
related output on the ff:
Familiarize on the process and Clint J. Monsanto Equipped with the skills on 1. Google drive link
OCTOBER 2021 Google Applications and Navigation tools of the different google Norie Joy C. Baslao the different tools and for department
applications. Resource Speaker applications in google. deliverables and
monitoring report.
Equipping 21st Century Teachers Discuss some 21st century Krystle Mary T. Roldan Knowledge and skills on the Screenshots of some
NOVEMBER 2021 with Strategies for the New Normal strategies for the new normal. Ermaleen Y. Abratiguin different teaching strategies strategies used during
Resource Speaker for the new normal. classes.
Making of Publication Materials and Craft a publication material
other Teaching Collaterals for used for science instructional Divina T. Bendijo Crafted an instructional E-Posters, leaflets,
Science Teaching. materials for students. Resource Speaker material for science certificates and flyers for a
teaching. chosen topic.
DECEMBER 2021 Virtual seminar on Mental Health Discuss some ways on how to Recognized the importance Acquired various ways on
Awareness in coping stress and take care of the mental health Romeladona J. Augusto of taking good care of how to cope up with stress
Understanding SOGIE during stress and Veberlyn B. Dela Cruz mental health in times of in the school and
understanding S.O.G.I.E to Resource Speaker stress and understanding understanding SOGIE in the
respect one’s differences. S.O.G.I.E in education education context

JANUARY 2021 Coping with the new normal and Discuss some experiential Ellen R. Almonicar Enhanced the importance of Screenshots of some ICT
remote learning through facebook learning using digitally created Maria Cristina A. Urgello digital skills of the teachers tools used and interactive
messenger and other social media content through ICT tools and Resource Speaker using the different online platforms used by the
platforms. interactive platforms such as platforms. teacher during her
Facebook. demonstration class.

Produce a contextualized and Ermaleen Y. Abratiguin Crafted a contextualized Produce a contextualized

FEBRUARY 2021 localized learning assessment Romeladona J. Augusto learning assessment per and localized learning
for students. Veberlyn B. Dela Cruz quarter. assessment by quarter per
Learning in Times of Pandemic: The Discussion on INSET Topics, Clint J. Monsanto Sustain INSET outputs curriculum level.
Role of Contextualized Learning Research Congress, and Krystle Mary T. Roldan Make research Improve teacing
Assessment reading kiosk. Norie Joy C. Baslao Make reading kiosk performance
INSET LAC SESSION Ma. Cristina A. Urgello make other activities
Research Congress Conrada I Basing
Reading Kiosk Ellen R. Almonicar
Bella D. Resma
Methuselah L. Pedrera
Resource Speaker

Development of Instructional Create an instructional video in Divina T. Bendijo Create an instructional video Submit 1 video per quarter
MARCH 2021 Videos in teaching Science Teaching Science Concepts Resource Speaker in teaching science concepts by curriculum level.

APRIL 2021 Remediation Program in the New Prepare remediation plan for Identified students who are Remediation tool such as
normal those students who are at risk Bella D. Resma at risk of failing. activities, attendance,
of failing Methuselah L. Pedrera grades (progress) per
Resource Speaker teacher by quarter.
MAY 2021 Teaching Ensure the quality of teaching Conrada I. Basing Observation of the teaching Observation tool from 1st to
Demonstrations/Observations and demonstration and COT of Resource Speaker demonstration of teachers. 4th quarters and screenshots
COT of teachers teachers during the observations

JUNE 2021 Guidelines on the Implementation Orient the teachers on the Updated teachers on the Narrative Report on IPCRF
of the Results-Based Performance Revised Guidelines for the Conrada I. Basing revised guidelines of RPMS Orientation with photo
Management System. RPMS for the SY 2020 – 2021 Resource Speaker in the new normal. documentation
Consolidation of Departmental Year Prompt teachers on the Revisited teachers’ Science department’s
– End Reports following year – end reports Ermaleen Y. Abratiguin strategies in monitoring consolidated data/report
for submission: Romeladona J. Augusto students’ attendance and 1) Modes of
1) Modes of Intervention Veberlyn B. Dela Cruz accomplishment of learning Intervention
2) Specific tasks/activities using various 2) Specific
Clint J. Monsanto
JULY 2021 Ways/Activities to means of communication Ways/Activities to
validate learner’s Krystle Mary T. Roldan and assessed effectiveness validate learner’s
performance Norie Joy C. Baslao of identified strategies in performance
3) Reasons for student’s Ma. Cristina A. Urgello terms of students’ academic 3) Reasons for
noncompliance of Conrada I Basing performance. student’s
requirements Ellen R. Almonicar noncompliance of
4) Modes of assessing requirements
Bella D. Resma
learner’s performance 4) Modes of assessing
Methuselah L. Pedrera
Resource Speaker performance


Prepared by: Noted: Certified True and Correct:


Teacher I / LAC Coordinator Principal I / LAC Adviser Principal III / DISTRICT INCHARGE/ LAC Consultant

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