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Whitepaper: The First Decentralized Autonomous Society (DAS) in The World, Called Virtual Albania

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The first Decentralized Autonomous Society (DAS)

in the world, called Virtual Albania.

Mission and Vision 4
Introduction 4
What is VIAL? 4
How will VIAL evolve? 4
How will we do it? 5
First steps 6
Market Overview: 7
Opportunity 7
Why are we building it? 7
The current gaps in the space: 7

Platform Introduction 8
Basic Concepts 8
The Project in Details 9
Ecosystem Overview 9
Gamification system 11

VIAL Mobile Application 10

DAO Governance Model 12
Key Benefits 13
Connecting the Albanian diaspora 13
A society ruled by its people 13
Fair economy and new sources of value 13

Technology 14
Technical Considerations 14
Blockchain and Token 14
System Overview 15
Third-party Integrations 15

Economy 16
General economic direction 16
Distribution 16
Future Plans 17
Future Vision 17
Overall Plan 17
Education in blockchain and cryptocurrencies for the Albanian community 17
Business development and marketing 18
Community building for VIAL Voice 18
The Next Ecosystem Components/Features 18
Launchpad 18
Marketplace 18

How Was the Idea Formed? 19

Roadmap 20
How Was the Idea Formed? 20

VIAL Community 21

Considerations 22
Risks 22
Key Challenges 22
Glossary of Terms 23
Disclaimer 23

Project purpose 24
Nature of the Whitepaper 24
Token Documentation 25
Deemed Representations and Warranties 25
Informational purposes only 26
Regulatory approval 26
Cautionary Note on forward-looking statements 27
References to companies and platforms 27
English language 27
ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Software is eating the world. Throughout Settlers – the members of the Society –
many business sectors, companies had to breathe life into ViAL. We – the founders
embrace the new status quo and become of the ViAL project – are the First Settlers
software companies. We can foresee – like the people who migrated from
that the same will happen to sovereign Europe to North America 500 years ago;
states. They will have to adopt blockchain we are migrating from Albania as a state
technology and transform into crypto to Virtual Albania in the Metaverse.
states – at least those that manage to
Unlike the First Settlers of old times,
we have the privilege to create our
Stepping on the principles and success
Decentralized Autonomous Society on
of DAOs in the crypto world, we see the
top of the greatest invention that enables
substantial opportunity for a new digital,
building digital societies. Blockchain
social, and economic community, uniting
technology is what makes real democracy
all people who are part of the Albanian
possible for the first time in human history
diaspora – nearly 10 million people1.
– all decisions are transparent and based
on public proposals and discussions.
What is ViAL? Cryptography guarantees a fair and
We propose the creation of the first secure voting process that reduces
Decentralized Autonomous Society (DAS) corruption and the lack of transparency
in the world, called Virtual Albania, or plaguing traditional states.
ViAL, that will exist in the Metaverse and
connect the Albanian diaspora in real life.
How will ViAL evolve?
ViAL is established to progressively become ViAL’s evolution will be rapid, yet it
a much more effective environment for will take many years to complete the
economic, social, and cultural life in the transformation. Every three months, the
Metaverse than traditional public and history of Society will continue in a new
private institutions in the physical world. Season.

ViAL’s economy is driven by its crypto- Each Season, the Settlers of ViAL join
asset – the ViAL token issued progressively forces in setting shared goals, proposing
throughout this transition in the next 100 projects and ideas, voting, and allocating
years. resources (people and capital from ViAL’s

1 Table of Albanian population

reserves) to accomplish the presented front of the complete Society at the end
good ideas. of each Season. This becomes a natural
way to allocate resources to the most
With the launch of the ViAL token, the
successful projects that yield the most
Settlers vote for the Constitution of ViAL.
prosperity for the ViAL Society.
Season 1 will then officially open. This initial
Season will materialize the dream of the After Season 1 comes Season 2 with new
First Settlers, launching the initial products proposals for innovations. New public
benefiting the Society, such as ViAL Voice institutions will be created, such as the
– the social platform at the heart of ViAL ViAL Education Hub, training the Settlers
that enables our democracy. to become ready for the new Metaverse
world of ideas and technologies; ViAL
ViAL embodies the true values of
Launchpad, financing the launch of new
democracy. All decisions are transparent,
innovative business and social projects;
and every single Settler is empowered to
ViAL Virtual Gallery, investing in NFTs by
propose their suggestions to improve the
Albanian artists and displaying them
Society for public discussion and voting.
publicly in front of the Settlers.
Guilds of Settlers will begin to form – the
Ultimately, all Albanians worldwide can
Guild of Engineers who build new digital
become Settlers in the ViAL Society,
products for the Society; the Guild of
completing the transformation to a
Economists and Financiers who manage
new network nation with rich cultural,
the ViAL treasury efficiently; Guild of Artists
economic, and political activity.
and Storytellers who create the culture of
the Society. Every single Settler can start a
new, meaningful Guild. Every single Settler How will we do it?
is free to be part of, contribute to, and get Over the last decades, the developments
rewarded by different Guilds aligned with in information and communication
their knowledge, skills, and aspirations. technologies have enabled us to share
large amounts of data with minimal delay
The creation of projects, which are
and create new digital experiences that
executed autonomously from the
were unimaginable before the advent of
governance of ViAL, helps achieve
the Internet.
effectiveness and efficiency in decision
making. The big, important decisions The current state of global digital services
are taken with consensus between all and transactions is highly dependent on
Settlers. After allocating the necessary infrastructure owned by central actors,
resources, every Guild or project team who control and extract value from it,
has the required autonomy to make quick adding unnecessary complexity, costs, and
decisions. These decisions remain fully negatively impacting users’ privacy.
transparent, and the Guild or group is
Today, the blockchain puts us on the brink
accountable for the results reported in

of the next step of digital evolution. Not DAO governance module. The Settlers
only can we share a lot of information on would vote securely and privately via a
a global scale but also relay meaningful standard mobile or web app. When a
actions and transact value simultaneously. new law has been approved through this
We do not need to depend on third system, it would automatically be recorded
parties, being the product they monetize in publicly and immutably on the blockchain.
their centralized platforms. No individual would have the ability to
manipulate the system. Thus, a proper form
This is why ViAL is building a virtual
of democracy enforced by smart contracts
society based on the latest and most
on a public blockchain is now more
reliable blockchain technology. ViAL is the
achievable than before.
place where people and organizations
can share stories and information, work
together, and take purposeful actions. It is First steps
a full-fledged Society that lives online and In a practical sense, ViАl will start as
on-chain, owned by its Settlers, instead of an app for people, businesses, and
being just yet another application owned organizations to interact with each other
by centralized entities. with minimal friction and a carefully
planned economic framework.
We understand that having a place to
communicate is not always enough to Users will be able to share various types
organize meaningful actions. Cooperating of content and react to other users’ posts
with people or organizations you’ve familiarly to what we’re used to doing on
only met online requires some level of the internet. Building on that, ViAL will have
trust, especially when money is involved. a marketplace for users and organizations
However, with the introduction of to do business with each other, as well as
decentralized autonomous organizations a discounts and promotions space where
(DAO), it is now possible to have a virtual companies can offer incentives for loyal
and transparent organization where you users or for specific actions that they can
don’t have to trust other people but only perform (filling surveys, testing features,
the DAO’s code. signing up, etc.). Another feature on ViАl will
support users or organizations that wish to
The DAO model provides the tools for a
crowdfund resources for any idea or start a
modern society to collaborate in many
new business.
ways, from a smaller scale business up
to possibly an entire nation applying These will be the first decentralized
democratic governance mechanisms applications (dApps) built on ViAL, and
through a DAO. this platform will serve as the stepping
stone towards creating the Virtual Albania
A DAO can decentralize the system of
DAS as described above. As the project
lawmaking – rules and laws come as
becomes more decentralized and the
proposals, which can be submitted to the
governance is shifted to the DAS model, Opportunity
ViAL will start rolling out tools and laying
Why are we building it?
the infrastructure to allow everyone to
Blockchain technology is not yet fully
create their dApps that leverage the
embraced by the Albanian community,
platform. Thus, society will naturally grow
which creates opportunities for projects
the ecosystem to fit the needs of ViAL
like ViAL. The Albanian diaspora amounts
to 9.8 million people, while the GDP of
Albania for 2020 has reached $14.8 billion.
Market Overview: It has been steadily growing in the past
There is no shortage of social platforms and seems to continue doing so. We
on the global market, but we have yet to believe that these numbers provide a
see a social app built with the philosophy promising avenue for creating solutions
of blockchain development in mind. Some that can capture the entire Albanian
crypto-based social platforms have tried community and potentially harness more
and failed to secure a meaningful market economic value.
share because of various reasons like the
The current gaps in the space:
relatively low education and user adoption
for crypto in general, as well as the sheer
dominance of existing social platforms like There is no singular “go-to”
Twitter, Reddit, etc. social network for the Albanian
community to share ideas and
We understand the difficulty of creating
discuss topics.
a social platform, but we believe that
the right way to launch successfully is to The community lacks a reliable
create a virtual space where people feel source for educational materials
that they’ll be heard and seen and that related to blockchain technology
they’ll be joining an engaged community, in an easy-to-understand
unlike some social platforms which have language.
felt like ghost towns upon launch. With that
There is no platform for easy
in mind, we’re planning to focus our efforts
exchange of value between
not only on technological innovation
businesses and consumers in the
through blockchain but heavily investing in
form of rewards and promotional
UI/UX and creating an incentive for users
discounts in return for exposure
to join and bring their friends along.
and user data.

The lack of engagement of

the Albanian diaspora in the
Albanian state and community.

ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Basic Concepts decentralized, transparent, and recorded
The project plans on utilizing blockchain on an immutable chain. The code will
technologies which is an intimidating topic process inputs and provide the programmed
for some people. To help with this, we’re outputs, which will also be recorded on the
adding a few brief explanations on the underlying blockchain. In practical terms, this
core concepts that the reader needs to be allows us to create self-executing contracts
familiar with. that can automate meaningful actions (like
moving valuable assets) without supervision.
Blockchain - To explain it in a sentence, a
blockchain is an immutable database that DAO - Decentralized Autonomous
records a ledger of valuable digital assets as Organization is meant to act like any other
well as transactions, deals, and contracts, organization with a common goal but with
among other things (based on the particular the difference of being governed by smart
blockchain). From this single summary, contracts and often incentivized through
one can endlessly expand and add more tokens. The people who participate in a DAO
specifics, but for the average user, the vital still need to act independently and provide
thing to remember is that blockchain is the human input as with any other organization.
technology that enables the existence of Still, they cannot individually tamper with the
digital currencies and applications that are programmed code of the DAO.
not owned by a central party therefore open
to potential manipulation.
The Project in Details
Smart Contracts - The concept of a smart This section will examine the project’s ideas
contract is old and has technically existed and offerings in more detail. However, it is
for a long time before blockchains came essential to note that the most crucial part of
into existence. One can argue that a coffee a society is its people. The rest is just technical
vending machine uses a smart contract details. This is why ViAL will always strive to
in its electronics since it automatically improve and facilitate the open-source code
provides a product when the correct input and the individuals and community behind
has been received (coin inserted and drink it. We bring this forward because the ideas
chosen). With that in mind, it is easier to presented here can be improved over the
understand smart contracts as they are development process and, more importantly,
used within blockchains. It is a code that is with the feedback from our community.
Ecosystem Overview
To facilitate all the needs of a decentralized of a community forum and social media
society, there needs to be a robust where people can connect, keep up with
framework with various features and systems friends, and find larger communities to
to ensure that people can communicate, participate in and discuss topics. Businesses
work, and grow together. The vision is for and organizations will also have a place on
the ViAL Platform to provide the following ViAL Voice, where they will have specialized
components : profiles and tools to interact with individuals
and expand their reach.
ViAL Voice
ViAL APP A significant part of ViAL Voice is using “ViAL
ViAL Rewards Points,” which will reward users for their
ViAL Education Hub activity and access to featured discounts
ViAL Marketplace and promotions available in ViAL Rewards,
ViAL Launchpad as detailed further below.
ViAL Causes
ViAL Tourism & Entertainment
Social forum for open community discussions
ViAL Vote
Business tools for companies to interact with
ViAL DeFi Services
their communities
User rewards and gamification through ViAL
Some of these are self-explanatory while
Points (more details below)
the others will need more elaboration.
Obviously, there is a lot of work ahead for
the ViAL project. This is why we believe that Gamification system
the best approach is to start with a core To build an engaged community and
that can be built reasonably and focuses kickstart the internal economy of ViAL, the
on communication and education for the platform will utilize a points system across
community while also laying the seeds for the many of its features. The system will reward
economic system that is to come. active community members, which will serve
as the foundation for the future economy of
ViAL Voice will be the first to launch as it
ViAL when it moves closer to being entirely
will lay the foundation for communication
between people. It will be a combination

ViAL Voice ViAL Rewards ViAL Education Hub

Thus, at first, we will focus on the following three components that will be released in parts:

ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Our first app will gather a community Whatever activity you participate in,
of enthusiasts by promoting a healthy the most important thing is that you
lifestyle through a walk-to-earn blockchain maintain an active lifestyle, and ViAL
model. ViAL mobile application will monetizes your motions and provides
be available on IOS and Android as a additional advantages from them. As
highly user-friendly app that you can a new blockchain project, ViAL offers its
download and use even if you don’t customers the possibility to make income
have an account, although we wouldn’t from their physical activities using the
recommend doing so. This is due to our latest blockchain technology. Furthermore,
automatic tokenization mechanism, which traffic is seen as a significant detriment
transforms enjoyment into income by to our life due to its impacts on our
performing specific actions like swiping ‘V’ brain, which cause us to become drowsy,
once every 24 hours. After each swipe, you impatient, and unhealthy.
will earn credits, which may be converted
To summarize, the ViAL swiping function
to ViAL coins and used as standard
and the walking feature are closely
cryptocurrency in the near future. The ViAL
intertwined. For each milestone you
Token generating mechanism is closely
complete by walking, you will have another
connected to your everyday activities. The
opportunity to swipe the ‘V’ and collect
daily earnings of the ‘V’ swiping are traced,
more tokens throughout the day. This
and you may have an overview anytime
process will incentivize users to walk more,
by clicking on your profile. ViAL will reward
thus improving their health, and we, as
the users based on their engagement
ViAL, will be able to build a community
with a loyalty program powered by a
of committed users who believe in our
gamification approach; the more active
purpose and want to assist.
the user is, the more positive logarithmic
earnings will be.
ViAL Rewards will be another
Secondly, as a decentralized platform, component added to the platform and
ViAL has a distinction and originality that will plant the seeds for the future ViAL
is so creative that it may be considered economic ecosystem. ViAL Rewards is
an intriguing option if you are seeking where businesses can post special offers
a decentralized platform to invest in. and discounts for their loyal users. As
already mentioned, users can spend the
ViAL Points that they earned on ViAL Voice others. Users can also win VPs just for being
and App to get these promotions. logged in the system every day. With VPs,
users can unlock special platform features
such as fancy avatars, badges, rich media
Marketplace for claiming discount content, anonymous posting mode, etc.
Additionally, ViAL and its business partners
Tools for businesses to launch can post special deals within the Rewards
promotional campaigns to generate Center that can be redeemed only with
more traffic and user awareness. VPs. Business users on the platform can
also work towards earning special badges
ViAL Points (VPs) are internal, limitless, freely
and privileges through their activity on the
created, and given away to users for their
actions in the platform, such as creating
a post, commenting, sharing, voting, and The diagram above illustrates the ViAL

VP $ Coupons


ViAl Voice Rewards

Expired points

The diagram above illustrates the VIAL Points system and its flow

Points system and its flow. The rewarding Features:
model starts with the businesses that will
A variety of educational resources
use ViAL points to create campaigns and
related to blockchain tech.
issue a number of coupons (for discounted
services or products). Then, those coupons User incentives for active learners
are offered to the users via a special type
Monetization opportunity for content
of “reward” post within ViAL Rewards.
creators and educators who can
Users will be able to use some of their ViAL produce new educational materials
points to claim the coupons and receive a
unique code that can be spent at online
DAO Governance Model
or physical stores for a discount or special
DAOs should not be seen as automatic
offers (e.g., free gifts with purchase).
organizations that can work by
Businesses will have a limited supply of VPs themselves.
received upon registration in the system.
Behind a DAO, there are still humans
Once they “sell” or claim their coupons,
who need to cooperate with each other.
business users need to refill their balance
The DAO brings a level of integrity and
to issue new coupons.
transparency that allows these humans
ViAL Education Hub is the third core to work in a corrupt-resistant environment
component that will be added to the through smart contracts that hold the
ViAL platform. The Education Hub is how organization’s rules and the treasury. There
we plan to help our community with the is no need for a central authority that
challenge of blockchain technology which controls the treasury and polices the rules
plays an integral role in ViAL’s future. The through that model. Instead, the group
education component will present courses collectively votes and decides where
and lessons covering different levels of resources are spent and whether rule
blockchain topics. More advanced users changes should be made.
will also be able to submit content here
ViAL plans for a future where the
and receive rewards for their work.
ecosystem is controlled by such a
A user’s level of knowledge and their
DAO which is directed by the Albanian
progress on their learning path will be
community and token holders. At that
tracked on the platform, earning them
stage, ViAL hopes to have built a strong
rewards and unlocking certain features
foundation and a society behind it that will
within the ViAL ecosystem, like posting
not only operate with the ViAL ecosystem
original educational content and
but act as a cooperation mechanism
monetizing it.
for the economic engine and voice of
Albanians in the virtual world.
The model works by relying on a token-
based economy. Users who hold and stake
ViAL tokens are the platform’s owners
and share its revenue. They are also the
ones that decide the direction of the
project. This formulates a system where
the stakeholders are encouraged to propel
the organization’s interests as they are
economically aligned with their interests

Key Benefits
Connecting the Albanian diaspora
ViAL seeks to connect the Albanian society
under one virtual roof. The ViAL platform
will be the place where Albanians can
work, collaborate, trade, and communicate
with each other no matter where they are.

A society ruled by its people

Society is defined as a group of people
broadly distinguished from other groups
by mutual interests, participation in
characteristic relationships, shared
institutions, and a common culture.
No central control can manipulate the
ViAL DAO, and it will always follow the
community’s interests.

Fair economy and new sources of value

ViAL will build an environment where
people can extract the real value from
their efforts. Having a transparent and
largely autonomous economic system
through blockchain limits the bad actor’s
ability to exploit the honest people in the
market. Additionally, ViAL’s ecosystem and
the blockchain infrastructure will bring new
sources of value to society.

ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Technical Considerations
token and a system of smart contracts that
The long-term vision for VIAL is to operate
work together to decentralize and automate
as a fully decentralized, censorship-resistant
most of the platform operations and, more
network society. Unfortunately, despite
importantly, to form a DAO.
the current advancements of blockchain
technologies, there is still no fully mature We are currently considering what the most
decentralized/Web3 technology stack suitable blockchain to power VIAL is. Today,
that can fully enable us to build our vision. most DAOs run on top of Ethereum, but we
Therefore, we plan to start with a more see more examples on other chains. As we
centralized architecture using modern would like to build VIAL as an equitable
open source components to develop our economic system that empowers its Settlers
collaboration platform and progressively to create new products and services for
decentralize them as more proven Web3 the society, we are reviewing projects
stack components become available. such as Solana, Algorand, and Cosmos
ecosystem as possible foundations, but
Blockchain and Token we also want to make sure that we can
The final version of the platform, will run on achieve true decentralization of all society
a public blockchain powered by a native functions in the process.

ViAl Settlers

Private Services Public Services

Future private services Future private services
ViAl ViAl launched on top ofthe ViAl ViAl launched by and for
Marketplace Rewards ViAL Launchpad Voice Education the VIAL DAS

ViAL Launchpad ViALt ViAL DAS Governance

L1 Blockchain
Third-party Integrations
We plan to enable third-party integration
with other services outside of the VIAL
ecosystem that provides value to its Settlers.
Here are two examples:

Web2 and Web3 identity services

the VIAL Settlers can create their
pseudonymous profile and secure it with
their existing preferred authentication
mechanism, whether it’s Web2 (e.g.,
social networks) or Web3 (e.g. crypto

Payments and other financial services

VIAL will not exist in isolation within
the global Metaverse. Therefore, it
will certainly integrate via bridges
to existing financial services. Some
examples may include (the list is
preliminary) traditional financial rails
for on-ramp and off-ramp, Lightning
Network for global payments, DeFi
protocols for external funding, and

ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

General economic direction
VIAL will rely on a crypto token to be used 19% of all tokens will be sold on various
as a general vehicle of value within its sales to kickstart the early development
ecosystem and a governance token that of the project and “set the table” for when
will put the control over the project to VIAL transitions into a DAO model. The
everyone who has “skin in the game.” rest of the tokens are either supporting
the early contributors of the project or
VIAL’s end vision has a monumental
will be used towards the growth and the
scale, and this is why there must be a
development of the ecosystem.
carefully designed plan for its future.
Thus, we’ve laid out an issuing schedule The VIAL token’s distribution will use vesting
for the next 100 years, which will control schedules that go up to 5 years until
the release of VIAL tokens into circulation they’re fully unlocked for team members
and continuously provide some resources and advisors, while the ecosystem portion
for the development and growth of the will be gradually distributed for the next
project. ten years.

Of course, the token will be the main Nearly half of all tokens will be distributed
backbone of the governing process to active participants of VIAL’s
behind the DAS, as already detailed. Decentralized Autonomous Society (shown
This means that token holders will be the as “DAO Community” in the table above).
ones to vote on all decisions within the That distribution is scheduled to unlock
organization, including feature proposals, quarterly over the next 100 years.
system changes, and funds handling. In
Naturally, we’ve also set aside some tokens
other words, the DAS will have the option
to be used for more immediate purposes,
of molding their future to be constantly
such as marketing and creating a liquidity
aligned with the organization’s goals.
program that incentivizes token holders
Governance will not be the only function of who provide liquidity for VIAL tokens on the
the token. As shown, ViAl intends to build a market.
large ecosystem of services, and, of course,
transparent exchange of value, reducing
the DAS can decide to include even more
transaction friction with many of those
new features in the future. With many of
those outlets, the ViAl Token can be an
economical vehicle for a fair and
ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Future Vision
We are eager to show our vision of the future Rion takes a sip of his coffee and listens to
to everyone. We understand that it involves the children outside. He thinks of the future
a lot of things working together, which is for a while but then remembers something.
sometimes difficult to imagine fully. He checks his VIAL wallet and finds that
the community has rewarded him a fair
To help us illustrate it better, let’s imagine
bit of tokens through the platform for his
the following scene. Rion wakes up in his
apartment. The year is 20XX. Sun rays are
peeking through the window blinds, and the This calls for a small celebration. Rion goes
sound of children playing can be faintly heard back to VIAL Voice and contacts one of his
from outside. It is a beautiful day in Tirana. friends to see a movie. While he waits for an
answer, he moves to the Marketplace and
Rion goes through his morning ritual and
looks for the current offers. Perfect, there is a
finally sits down to enjoy his coffee. Time to
“two for one” promotion at the local cinema.
check what’s going on in the Metaverse.
His friend messaged back to say that she’ll
Rion loads up the VIAL app and navigates
come if they go for dinner after that.
to VIAL Voice, the place where everything
is discussed. One of his friends posted a It is a beautiful day in Tirana.
thread asking for user opinions about a
particular car model. Rion used to have a
Overall Plan
car like that, so he quickly types up some
The VIAL team will be heavily focusing on
advice, but that’s not what he really was
three areas of activity in its first year:
interested in. He opens up the #Tirana tag
and looks for that thread he was following Education in blockchain and
the day before. There was a proposal to cryptocurrencies for the Albanian
fund a green energy project for the city, but community
the vote was indecisive as many people There is not a lot of quality awareness for
disagreed with that plan. Rion is an expert anything related to blockchains within the
on renewable energy, so yesterday, he Albanian community. To achieve its larger
took the time to comment on the proposal goals, VIAL must prioritize activities to help
with his idea of improving the plan. Today the community learn and understand these
he sees that many people have agreed new technologies. This means that VIAL will
with him, and the proposal was updated organize and sponsor real-world events like
to include his ideas which moved the vote seminars and meet-ups as well as create
towards getting passed. accessible and comprehensive educational

materials within its Education Hub. All with will decentralize the governance of the
the goal of helping the Albanian community project and the community will then steer its
transition to the new decentralized world of future that lies beyond this paper.

Business development and marketing The Next Ecosystem

We recognize the monumental effort Components/Features
needed to create a decentralized society. There are many features planned for
The best way to make our plans a reality the VIAL ecosystem, which is why careful
is to establish partnerships and cooperate planning is essential. After the MVP is
with companies or organizations that share launched, VIAL will focus its development
our beliefs. Our business development team efforts on the following two components:
will start by looking for interested parties
who can share the costs of our education
The idea behind creating a decentralized
campaign. Additionally, we will seek to
autonomous society is not just for making
onboard businesses to our platform to
a digital administration or governance. We
expand their marketing reach and attract
believe that the VIAL DAS can make the VIAL
new customers.
society grow and expand into new ventures
Aside from domestic actors, our team will without facing the struggles of bureaucratic
also look for partnerships and integrations in centralized structure and authority.
the broader crypto space, collaborating with This is why VIAL will release a business
popular DAOs, DeFi services, NFT galleries, etc. launchpad where people can connect
and share resources and ideas towards a
Community building for VIAL Voice
common goal or, in other words, to organize
There would be no point in attracting
businesses together. Through the launchpad,
businesses to the platform if there are no
people and teams could present an idea or
individual users in it. The opposite also
a plan for a project and seek resources from
holds true, which is why VIAL must also
a crowdfunding campaign, all organized
attract individuals and hype up a positive
within the VIAL platform and enforced by
community that can help us grow even
smart contracts.
further. For this, VIAL will focus upfront on
shaping an influencer marketing strategy Marketplace
(with “serious & qualitative profiles” and Creating new businesses and forming novel
crypto enthusiasts) to reach a wider projects is only half of the work in our eyes.
audience and grow our brand exposure. For the virtual society to work fully, there
must be a free-flowing economy for people
In terms of technology, the VIAL project
and organizations to exchange and
will kick things off with the release of an
trade goods and services. To allow this,
MVP version of its ecosystem, which will go
VIAL will introduce a marketplace where
through a couple of significant updates
goods and services can be posted and
before VIAL introduces the DAO model that
exchanged. It will serve as an intermediary friction and eliminating censorship. The
between buyers and sellers and feature marketplace will strive towards gathering
special offers from partnering businesses. as many sellers with various products and
It will support an internal payment system services under one roof, which is currently
through crypto, reducing transaction not available in Albania as an offering.


Funnily enough, the root of the entire project and search for solutions together. With VIAL,
is the parking space problem in Tirana. A people in Tirana could openly discuss the
group of friends discussed this problem and issues behind the parking space problem
concluded that the only way to fix it was and find the correct resolution. With the current
for the community to communicate and Web3 and blockchain space development,
cooperate. This led to the idea of a forum this seed grew larger and became the
where everyone could express their opinion Decentralized Autonomous Society.

2021 Q4 Starting
Start Preparation
Forming a team
Marketing & Brand Awareness
Building a plan for the year 2022
Reviewing and revising the Whitepaper

2022 Q1 - Q2 Team Education

Research & Beta VIAL Voice infrastructure;
VIAL Voice Prototype Beta Launch;
VIAL App Infrastructure;
Content Preparation for VIAL forum;
Raising Private Round

2022 Q3 - Q4 Raising the first Private Round

Development VIAL App v.1.0 Release
Gamification & Tokenization module
Massive User Growth for VIAL
VIAL Voting Implementation
Raising the second Private Round
Revisioning and adding new features to
Decentralized Identity (d-ID) integration
with VIAL
Preparing for public auction (IDO)

2023 Q1-Q2 Further decentralization of VIAL App

Business development
Fostering partnerships with global key
actors in the industry
Preparing for the launch of the VIAL
ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

VIAL community is expected to be the
will ensure that material is simplified and
biggest community in Albania as the first
carefully handled for the readers.
decentralised initiative based on the
people. We aim to grow into a diaspora Our efforts are targeted at amplifying the
community with a massive growth marketing voices of VIAL members and communities
strategy. VIAL is going to make sure that wherever decisions affecting the future of
every one’s voice is heard. VIAL will be an our economic system are made. Community
online “meeting place” for Albanians where Catalyst helps state and local user activist
community members may debate, share groups engage in such conversations.
knowledge, and connect with others about Theoretical approach, counselling, decision-
a variety of blockchain issues that they are making- making, and community organizing
interested in addressing. support are among the technical services
we offer. We are collaborating to establish a
We seek to educate and maintain the VIAL
network of VIAL-sits devoted to establishing
team and members in the best possible
a more equitable and responsive education
way by ongoing webinars, podcasts, social
and networking system.
media participation, and VIAL Voice so that
they have a better grasp of Metaverse. A very important strategy will be the VIAL
Blockchain, NFT, Dao, and a slew of other Chapter Channels, in Albania or elsewhere
critical components Because we are a in the planet,where certain people may get
decentralized community, every decision will authorised to join VIAL to become brand
be fair, transparent, and people-centered. ambassadors with their referral code and
to manage their community in their home
In terms of customer experience, VIAL is a
country. VIAL will support its fellows by
sort of self-service assistance in which clients
providing a budget to better shape their
may solve their problems without having to
country-chapter and provide excellent
call a service person or seek for incredibly
detailed information on the internet. People
want to solve riddles for themselves, which
is why VIAL will provide articles of 90 words
or less written by the VIAL Content Team,
a group of highly skilled individuals who

ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Dorian Kane
Community Manager
Dorian is an entrepreneur-minded developer, who came a long way from JS developer to
managing teams and building projects for international markets. Across the way, he has
gained experience from programming, marketing, managing people, crafting the business
models, and therefore, he has insights from different points of view on building online
products/services. Over the last 5 years, he has had experience in online R&D for Dapps,
web applications, Crypto projects on designing products.

Dritan Spaho
Dritan is a senior administrative clerk with ten years of experience working for a US-
based company’s leadership. He is in charge of Human Resources in VIAL and other
US administrative operations. All document infrastructure is managed by Dritan as a
dedicated professional administrator, who started establishing VIAL in 2021 in USA and
is continuously monitoring the team’s KPIs. Dritan is a formidable force in the company,
inspiring others to work hard and succeed. His real estate investments have taught him to
be very tenacious in his decision-making.

Ermal Aliraj
Chief Technology Officer
Ermal Aliraj has a master degree in computer science at University of Florence. Currently
working for the European Commission as Software Architect. Ermal has 14+ years of
experience in IT working in multiple sectors like pharmaceutical, banking, transportation,
telecommunications and legal. He is currently completing a Postgraduate at university of
Leuven in Big Data and Analytics. Ermal built his first startup in 2012 and since then he always
finds the time to help startups solidify their IT ecosystems and build their MPVs.

Erion Maxhari
Project Assistant
An experienced bank manager with great know-how and hands-on card payments,
digital payment instruments, system integrations, and numerous experiences in bank
projects. High skills in project management and a great team accelerator in complex
mobile app projects delivering reliability. Erioni reads a lot for big data in his free time, and
he considers that as his biggest hoby, Machine Learning and Machine Vision. Excellent
programmer in R Language and Java. Loves empowering people!
Evi Spaho
Early Investor & Advisor
His experience relies on the United States and Albania, a 15-year-old self-made
entrepreneur. Angel investor with a strong interest in innovative technologies,
especially blockchain. Evi is an expert in the field of international business and
investments. He wants to give his passion and professionalism to VIAL in order for it to
become the finest decentralized community startup in Albania and the Balkans.

Eklind Vejsiu
Art and Creativity Director
Eklind takes care of visual aesthetics for the VIAL brand. He brings to us more than 15
years of experience as an Integrated Art and Creative Director. Graduated in Visual
Arts in Milan - Italy, Eklind’s client experience has ranged from telecommunication
companies like Vodafone, Albtelecom, big financial institutions and everything in
between. His mission is to conceptualize innovative and attractive design every day.
Through VIAL his goal is to spread knowledge with a unique demonstrated design.

Gerti Rrotani
Marketing & Performance Analyst
A digital marketer, online strategist, and Economics and Communication of Management
and Innovation MSc student, studied in Albania and in Italy. A self-motivated, hardworking
professional, who pays attention to detail, with hands-on experience in marketing, social
media, and communications. A quick learner, with a curious, open, creative mind, positive
attitude, and an aptitude to work well under pressure.

Henri Ndreca
Crypto Strategy Lead & Chief Content Editor
Enthusiast, consultant, and independent investor in crypto since 2017 where he co-
organized local blockchain events under “Blockchain Western Balkans”, the only
association of its kind in Tirana at the time. Translated “The Bitcoin Standard” in the
Albanian language along with the publication of his Bachelor and MSc thesis that
introduced academia to crypto-economics, smart contracts, defi, etc. A regular guest in
the media regarding crypto topics, while consulting early-stage crypto startups.

Kevin Caco
Business Analyst
Kevin Caco is working as a business analyst for VIAL. He graduated from LCC International
University, Lithuania with a degree of International Business Administration. His daily tasks,
regards conducting financial analysis of revenue streams, liabilities and companies assists.
Furthermore, he also participates in research & development projects as a consultant in crypto
design and blockchain systems. Aside from Vial, he is also involved in the banking sector as I
am Operational and Product Development Specialist in First Investment Bank Albania. Kevin
also shares a passionate interest in Investing, Financial Analysis, FinTech, Blockchain Tech.

Maria Shahamova
Chief Strategy Officer & Quality Assurance
Graduated from New Bulgarian University with a degree in information technology. An
extremely well-planned business-oriented engagement. Worked as a quality assurance and
product manager on a few software projects. She is the Founder of an IT Academy in Albania,
with Teachers from Bulgaria, after working in the software industry for a few years. She believes
that Albania will be the next developed software country in Europe, with a large number of
software engineers.

Judoris Merkaj
Chief Marketing Officer
Experienced Communication Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in project
development and marketing. Skilled in Communication Strategy, Content Marketing,
Coordination, Marketing Strategy and other online media tools. Strong media and
communication professional with a Master of Economics and Communication for Management
and Innovation from La Sapienza University. The last years she has been devoting totally to
helping businesses make their marketing more human while providing a modernized content

Rubin Velçani
IT & Operations and Quality Assurance
An inspired tech enthusiast with a broad experience in UX design, software development
and quality assurance. Rubin graduated at University of Tirana with a Bachelor in Business
Informatics, and continued his career in software development. Driven by his critical thinking
and attention to detail as well as his hands-on approach in every sector of the development
lifecycle, Rubin is eager to continue his growth as a tech adviser.

Valentin Çela
Project Manager & Communication Officer
Valentin Cela has a Bachelor of Science in BA and a Master of Science in Accounting and
Auditing at University of Tirana. Valentin is now serving as an assistant professor in the Faculty
of Economy and an assistant lecturer in the Faculty of Economy, Business, and Development
at the European University of Tirana. Valentin Cela has 7 years of experience in the startup
entrepreneurial ecosystem in Albania. Valentin is the founder of Tirana’s Start-Up City. Valentin
is the Albanian representative for Yes Europe and the International Day of Creativity. He strives
to foster innovation and create possibilities for young people’s creative ideas.

Xhesi Shehaj
Market Risk Specialist
Market risk specialist with the ability to gather information and maximize potential data
usage. Cryptocurrency analyst, advisor and trader. Business manager with a specific focus
in analyzing and reporting financial statements. Seeking to prepare knowledge and skills to
increase organizational efficiency.
Zhivko Angelov
Dev Ops
Zhivko is a Blockchain and DeFi enthusiast with over 19 years of professional experience as
a visionary data, BI, and AI expert. He has worked as a digital transformation consultant in
the financial services industry for many years. Zhivko has extensive expertise implementing
Blockchain, Mobile Wallet, CBS, CRM, and DWH projects. Zhivko is a project manager with
certification. Zhivko has over 12 years of experience in managerial positions and around 3 years
of international experience in the tech industry and he is very enthusiastic to be part of VIAL
and give his expertise.

Wu, James
Former General Consul of Publicly Traded Investment Bank
Traded on NASDAQ National Market. Currently Managing Member of
Bear Ventures and Owner of Bali Bay Resort.
Graduated from Georgetown University with a bachelor’s degree in finance and a law degree
from Washington University. Working on Wall Street is his daily occupation. Multimillionaire who
made his fortune on his own. Actively investing, notably in crypto, where he has made more
than $75 million. In bear enterprises, he is the main partner. The company owns about 1500
investment apartments and resorts. Committed to the next major round Vial has received a
startup investment. James is the general counsel of a NASDAQ national market publicly traded
investment bank.

Dean Celaj
Harvard Alumni, Entrepreneur, Founder of
Dean Çelaj, has won the first Startup Award at Harvard University, since graduating from
BSc Information Management for Business in 2021, he launched his start up - an
e-learning platform for schools in native Albanian language with over 500,000 registered users.

Gentjan Progni
Webmaster, Founder of
Experienced Webmaster with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology
and services industry building key applications in the domestic market. Skilled in Search
Engine Optimization (SEO), PSD to Wordpress, PhoneGap, PHP, and C++. Strong engineering
professional graduated from Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës.

Gerti Boshnjaku
CEO & Founder of New Media Group
Gerti is CEO and Founder of New Media Group; A Marketing Communications company
specialized in Design & Development of Online Solutions, Websites, Applications and Digital
Media. His career includes 18+ years of experience in the Marketing and Advertising industry,
working in well-known companies in Albania and managing the business operations of his
own company, which he founded in 2009. Recently he is leading AlbaniaTech, the first startup
database ecosystem in Albania.

Fabiola Duro
Founder of Innvest
An accomplished individual with 15 years of experience focused on national and international
economic developments for startups, MSMEs, SMEs, and Corporates. With in-depth knowledge
of innovation research, project implementation, and business strategy development, she is able
to work as a B2B, G2B consultant, lead business designer, and innovation mentor.

Eglent Bici
Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, Co-Founder of Mei Realty
Entrepreneur with over 12 years in the Albanian market focused mainly in the field of Real
Estate with his company Mei Realty. During his experience Eglent has assisted in about €
100,000,000 in transactions. He is a trainer at the School of Public Administration. He is also the
representative of Success Resources for Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia & moderator of SuperVlera

Dritan Mezini
Entrepreneur, CEO of DM Consulting
Senior consultant and Managing Director at DM Consulting Services has a great expertise
in Project Management as well as the development, implementation and assessment of IS
systems as a result of over 18 years hands-on experience in IT consulting in several countries.

Erich Dylus
Legal Engineer at API3
Attorney, legal engineer for API3 and LexDAO, and Solidity coder. Prior law firm experience in
domestic and international secured asset and aviation finance, general equipment leasing and
loans, securitizations, and aviation regulatory compliance.
ViAL | Whitepaper 2022

Risks Key Challenges
Uncertain Regulations. Technology.
There is no clarity behind the regulatory The blockchain space is evolving so fast
landscape for using blockchain technology, that by the time a product is developed, the
cryptocurrencies, and smart contracts market might have outgrown the technology
for businesses. The project’s progress it is built on.
can be hindered with future regulation
developments that include these Marketing. Building a virtual society
considerations. heavily relies on actually having people in it.
Development issues. There is the risk of User experience. Attracting people to try
failure to develop the ecosystem of products your product is one matter. Getting them to
or implement them as initially proposed. stay is entirely different and depends on the
UX and the value that you provide to users.
Security weaknesses.
Malevolent third parties can target the Creating a strong local community.
VIAL project in a range of ways to disrupt Education of the community around
its development or seize valuable assets. blockchain and crypto is crucial for this
Additionally, there is a risk of weaknesses project’s success since VIAL plans to tokenize
planted (even unintentionally) into the Albanian communities. Without proper
project infrastructure by members of the education and awareness of VIAL’s benefits
project team. to local users, we will lack the necessary
support and excitement to keep building
Other risks. The outlined risks in this and gaining adoption.
document are not exhaustive, and users
of the project and holders of any digital Information problem. The large
assets issued by VIAL are always a subject majority of people are still uninformed
of various risks, including ones that cannot about blockchains and cryptocurrencies.
be anticipated by VIAL. Full due diligence is Educating them involves not only creating
always recommended to users before they accessible materials but also convincing
decide to use a product, participate in an people to start learning in the first place.
organization, or hold a digital asset related
to the VIAL project. Negative bias. There is a persistent issue
with many people being prejudiced against
anything related to crypto. We believe that
the reason for this is twofold. On the one
hand, the crypto space is still young, and that are hosted on a blockchain and are
many of the teams working within it are still therefore not controlled by a central party
figuring out the best practices to fully utilize the and are resistant to manipulation.
potential of blockchain tech. This uncertainty
has also allowed many malicious actors to Metaverse
exploit the situation for their benefit, which A term that encompasses everything related
is why we have seen numerous examples of to the concept of a virtual world that exists
hacks, scam projects, and convoluted frauds alongside our “offline” world and allows
occurring in the space. us to connect and interact in new ways.
Metaverse can be discussed alongside
Glossary of Terms augmented reality, virtual reality, artificial
intelligence, and other technologies.
VIAL Points. Many actions within the VIAL
platform will reward these points, which
represent a user’s activity level and are used
Minimum Viable Product. This term is
for unlocking bonuses within the platform or
commonly used to describe the first iteration
for redeeming special rewards.
of a product that is built with the philosophy
to offer the maximum amount of value with
minimal effort. In other words, an MVP is
Decentralized Autonomous Organization.
usually a product release that includes only
A DAO is a type of organization governed
essential features.
through programmed and immutable rules

ViAL | Whitepaper 2022


Project purpose
All contributions will be applied towards any product, item, or asset (whether digital
advancing, promoting the research, design, or otherwise). The information may not be
and development of, and advocacy for the exhaustive and does not imply any elements
decentralized autonomous society, based of a contractual relationship. There is no
on DAO practices that will extend to form an assurance as to the accuracy or completeness
ecosystem of services under the VIAL name. of such information and no representation,
The Company, the Distributor, and their warranty, or undertaking is or purported to be
respective affiliates would develop, manage provided as to the accuracy or completeness
and operate the VIAL project. The Company of such information. Where the Whitepaper
is acting solely as an arms’ length third party or the Website includes information that has
in relation to the VIAL tokens sale, and not been obtained from third party sources, the
in the capacity as a financial adviser or Company, the Distributor, their respective
fiduciary of any person with regard to the affiliates, and/or the VIAL team have not
sale of VIAL tokens. independently verified the accuracy or
completion of such information. Further,
Nature of the Whitepaper you acknowledge that circumstances may
The Whitepaper and the Website are change and that the Whitepaper or the
intended for general informational purposes Website may become outdated as a result;
only and do not constitute a prospectus, and neither the Company nor the Distributor
an offer document, an offer of securities, a is under any obligation to update or correct
solicitation for investment, or any offer to sell this document in connection therewith.
Token Documentation and Conditions and the Whitepaper or the
Nothing in the Whitepaper or the Website Website, the Terms and Conditions shall
constitutes an offer by the Company, the prevail.
Distributor, or the VIAL team to sell any
tokens (as defined in the document) nor Deemed Representations and
shall it or any part of it nor the fact of its Warranties
presentation form the basis of, or be relied By accessing the Whitepaper or the Website
upon in connection with, any contract or (or any part thereof), you shall be deemed to
investment decision. Nothing contained in represent and warrant to the Company, the
the Whitepaper or the Website is or may be Distributor, their respective affiliates, and the
relied upon as a promise, representation, or VIAL team as follows:
undertaking as to the future performance of In any decision to purchase any VIAL tokens,
the VIAL project. The agreement between you have shall not rely on any statement set
the Distributor (or any third party) and you, out in the Whitepaper or the Website;
in relation to any sale, purchase, or other You will and shall at your own expense
distribution or transfer of VIAL tokens, is to be ensure compliance with all laws, regulatory
governed only by the separate terms and requirements and restrictions applicable to
conditions of such agreement. you (as the case may be);
The information set out in the Whitepaper, You acknowledge, understand and agree
and the Website is for community discussion that VIAL tokens may have no value, there is
only and is not legally binding. No person no guarantee or representation of value or
is bound to enter into any contract or liquidity for VIAL tokens, and VIAL tokens are
binding legal commitment in relation to the not an investment product including for any
acquisition of VIAL tokens, and no virtual speculative investment;
currency or other forms of payment are to None of the Company, the Distributor, their
be accepted on the basis of the Whitepaper respective affiliates, and/or the VIAL team
or the Website. The agreement for sale and members shall be responsible for or liable for
purchase of VIAL tokens and/or continued the value of VIAL tokens, the transferability
holding of VIAL tokens shall be governed and/or liquidity of VIAL tokens and/or the
by a separate set of Terms and Conditions availability of any market for VIAL tokens
or Token Purchase Agreement (as the through third parties or otherwise; and
case may be) setting out the terms of such You acknowledge, understand and agree
purchase and/or continued holding of VIAL that you are not eligible to purchase any
tokens (the Terms and Conditions), which VIAL tokens if you are a citizen, national,
shall be separately provided to you or made resident (tax or otherwise), domiciliary and/
available on the Website. The Terms and or green card holder of a geographic area
Conditions Documentation must be read or country (i) where it is likely that the sale
together with the Whitepaper. In the event of VIAL tokens would be construed as the
of any inconsistencies between the Terms sale of a security (howsoever named),

financial service or investment product and/ should carefully consider and evaluate all
or (ii) where participation in token sales risks and uncertainties (including financial
is prohibited by applicable law, decree, and legal risks and uncertainties) associated
regulation, treaty, or administrative act with the sales of VIAL tokens, the Company,
(including without limitation the United the Distributor, and the VIAL team.
States of America, Canada, New Zealand,
People’s Republic of China (but not including Informational purposes only
the special administrative regions of Hong The information set out herein is only
Kong and Macau, and the territory of conceptual and describes the future
Taiwan, Thailand, and the Socialist Republic development goals for the VIAL project to
of Vietnam); and to this effect you agree be developed. In particular, the Whitepaper
to provide all such identity verification project roadmap is being shared to outline
document when requested in order for the some of the plans of the VIAL team, and
relevant checks to be carried out. is provided solely for INFORMATIONAL
The Company, the Distributor, and the VIAL PURPOSES and does not constitute any
team do not and do not purport to make, binding commitment. Please do not rely
and hereby disclaims all representations, on this information in making purchasing
warranties, or undertaking to any entity decisions because ultimately, the
or person (including without limitation development, release, and timing of any
warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, products, features, or functionality remains
timeliness, or reliability of the contents of at the sole discretion of the Company, the
the Whitepaper or the Website, or any Distributor, or their respective affiliates, and is
other materials published by the Company subject to change. Further, the Whitepaper
or the Distributor). To the maximum extent or the Website may be amended or
permitted by law, the Company, the replaced from time to time. There are no
Distributor, their respective affiliates, and obligations to update the Whitepaper or the
service providers shall not be liable for any Website or to provide recipients with access
indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or to any information beyond what is provided
other losses of any kind, in tort, contract, or herein.
otherwise (including, without limitation, any
liability arising from default or negligence Regulatory approval
on the part of any of them, or any loss No regulatory authority has examined or
of revenue, income or profits, and loss of approved, whether formally or informally,
use or data) arising from the use of the of any of the information set out in the
Whitepaper or the Website, or any other Whitepaper or the Website. No such action
materials published, or its contents (including or assurance has been or will be taken under
without limitation any errors or omissions) the laws, regulatory requirements, or rules of
or otherwise arising in connection with the any jurisdiction. The publication, distribution,
same. Prospective purchasers of VIAL tokens or dissemination of the Whitepaper or the
Website does not imply that the applicable for those which relate to the Company,
laws, regulatory requirements, or rules have the Distributor, or their respective affiliates)
been complied with. does not imply any affiliation with, or
endorsement by, any third party. References
Cautionary Note on forward-looking in the Whitepaper or the Website to specific
statements companies and platforms are for illustrative
All statements contained in this document, purposes only.
statements made in press releases or in
any place accessible by the public, and English language
oral statements that may be made by the The Whitepaper and the Website may
Company, the Distributor, and/or the VIAL be translated into a language other than
team, may constitute forward-looking English for reference purposes only and in
statements (including statements regarding the event of conflict or ambiguity between
intent, belief or current expectations with the English language version and translated
respect to market conditions, business versions of the Whitepaper or the Website,
strategy and plans, financial condition, the English language versions shall prevail.
specific provisions, and risk management You acknowledge that you have read and
practices). You are cautioned not to understood the English language version of
place undue reliance on these forward- the Whitepaper and the Website.
looking statements given that these
statements involve known and unknown No Distribution
risks, uncertainties, and other factors that No part of the Whitepaper or the Website
may cause the actual future results to be is to be copied, reproduced, distributed, or
materially different from that described by disseminated in any way without the prior
such forward-looking statements, and no written consent of the Company or the
independent third party has reviewed the Distributor. By attending any presentation on
reasonableness of any such statements this Whitepaper or by accepting any hard or
or assumptions. These forward-looking soft copy of the Whitepaper, you agree to
statements are applicable only as of the be bound by the foregoing limitations.
date indicated in the Whitepaper, and the
Company, the Distributor, as well as the VIAL
team, expressly disclaim any responsibility
(whether express or implied) to release
any revisions to these forward-looking
statements to reflect events after such date.

References to companies and

The use of any company and/or platform
names or trademarks in this document (save


The first Decentralized Autonomous Society (DAS)

in the world, called Virtual Albania.

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