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Post-Test Neurologic Nursing: Prepared By: Prof. EJ Flaminiano

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Prepared By: Prof. EJ Flaminiano
May 2021 Philippine Nurse Licensure Examination Review
6. A client is at risk for increased intracranial
1. Nurse Kelly is caring for a patient who had a pressure. Which of the following would be the
CVA. As the nurse is giving morning care, she priority for the nurse to monitor?
notices that some of the client’s belongings are
a. Unequal pupil size
scattered on the floor. In an attempt to prevent
unilateral neglect, the nurse must bear in mind b. Decreasing systolic pressure
that belongings must be within reach on the: c. Tachycardia
a. Affected side d. Decreasing body temperature
b. Unaffected side 7. Which of the following respiratory patterns
c. Bed indicates increasing intracranial pressure in the
d. Bedside table brain stem?
2. Nurse Kelly understands that patients with right
a. Slow, irregular respirations
sided hemiplegia also have:
a. Impaired judgement b. Rapid, shallow respirations
b. Unilateral Left neglect c. Asymmetric chest excursion
c. Anxiety, depression d. Nasal flaring
d. Risk for injury 8. Which of the following nursing interventions is
3. For patients with CVA, nurses must recognize appropriate for a client wit increased intracranial
that the priority nursing diagnosis is: pressure of 21 mmHg?
a. Impaired tissue perfusion to the brain
a. Give the client warm blanket
b. Altered thought process
c. Impaired respiratory function b. Administer low-dose barbiturates
d. Ineffective airway clearance c. Encourage client to hyperventilate
4. The nurse has been assigned to assess the d. Restrict fluids
stroke patient’s GCS. Which of the following 9. A client has signs of increased intracranial
Scores for Motor category is most pressure. Which of the following is an early
commensurate for the patient displaying a
indicator of deterioration in the client’s
decorticate posture?
a. 4 condition?
b. 3 a. Widening pulse pressure
c. 2 b. Decreased in the pulse rate
d. 1 c. Dilated, fixed pupils
5. An unconscious client with multiple injuries d. Decrease in level of consciousness
arrives in an emergency department. Which 10. Which intervention should the nurse suggest to
nursing intervention receives the highest help a client with multiple sclerosis avoid
priority? episodes of urinary incontinence?
a. Establishing an airway a. Limit fluid intake to 1000mL/day
b. Replacing blood loss b. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter
c. Stopping bleeding from open wounds c. Establish a regular voiding schedule
d. Checking for neck fracture d. Administer prophylactic antibiotics, as

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11. Which of the following manifestations will be d. Violent contractions followed by regression
managed, for a patient with multiple sclerosis, lasting 20 seconds
by application of alternating eye patch? 17. A patient admitted by the physician with a
a. Blurring of vision diagnosis of seizures is on bed about to suffer
b. Tunnel vision from seizures. Which of the following nursing
c. Double vision interventions best deals with the problem to
d. Loss of vision follow?
12. The patient who has Myasthenia Gravis will most a. Raise the side rails up
likely be characterized by: b. Restrain the client to prevent falls
a. Descending body weakness as a c. Let the patient lie on the floor while
result of decrease in supporting the head
neurotransmitter which initiates d. Let the patient lie on the bed while
movement supporting the torsoe
b. Weakness and fatigue due to absence of 18. A physician prescribes medications to a patient
neurotransmitter for movement who has seizures. One of the medications is
c. Descending paralysis due to destruction of Dilantin. As a nurse, which of the following
nerve junctions nursing considerations is best to better deal with
d. Descending body weakness due to the side effects of Dilantin?
demyelinization of myelin sheathe a. Use a straw to avoid staining of the teeth
13. Which of the following is the best diagnostic b. Instruct patient to take Dilantin only twice
procedure for Myasthenia Gravis? daily
a. Enoxaprin c. Inform patient that Dilantin can cause
b. Edrophonium spasms of muscle
c. Methotrexate d. Instruct patient to make use of soft
d. Pyridostigmin bristled toothbrush
14. The patient with Myasthenia Gravis is anxious 19. Which of the following is contraindicated for a
about his condition. He asks the nurse about the patient who suffers from a seizure?
manifestations of this disorder. The nurse a. Maintain patent airway by making
correctly explains to the client that the sign that use of padded tongue blades
best indicates Myasthenia Gravis is: b. Put the patient’s side rails up to prevent
a. Difficulty breathing falls
b. Weakness and fatigue c. Suction secretions as ordered
c. Drooping of the eyelids d. Remove hazardous objects
d. Akathisia 20. A 23-year-old client has been hit on the head
15. A patient was admitted with a diagnosis of with a baseball bat. The nurse notes clear fluid
Myasthenia Gravis. Which of the following draining from his ears and nose. Which of the
indicates that the patient has a Myasthenic following nursing interventions should be done
crisis? first?
a. Patient was overmedicated a. Position the client flat in bed
b. Patient was undermedicated b. Check the fluid for dextrose with a
c. Patient has weakness of the diaphragm dipstick
d. Patient has paralysis c. Suction the nose to maintain airway
16. Seizure is defined as abnormal electrical patency
conduction in the brain. Which of the following d. Insert nasal and ear packing with sterile
describes a seizure activity? gauze
a. Body stiffening followed by tremors lasting
3-5 mins
b. Jerky movements from head to toes
lasting 20 mins
c. Blank stare with drooling of saliva
lasting 20 seconds

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