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5.m.ratan Maurya (M 5) 1

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( Redan Mearyq) + Chaphes - 2. ay Dkeplove —punge Get poi nd Siglayt, sich a. ehia_L adie _Zdisploys [AriLCO)," obber considerable [Saving Snpared with CRT. dsploys.. ‘ 5 The _wse af modern _Surhace = mounted device [S4p) and NUST. Trrbeqscted Circuit cthis sihis__malees possible _ ty Peeduce a mplex mi 7 on tathume complete with v ——S a BHLCH Disploy — prrametes Capab? lity hed exceed those ab _-boditfonal cet dispar main, advontage ave fn = [aside ee rebiabiditgs SS T ENED, povide fomved verbyrmonce fn _- ; Several locthey _ oveays — ” i high degree of. uniformity dy- lonfrance , aesoltfon ond _| TRauye over dhe ull & ey area.) * GB manmtarn. once j over “2 wide ong oe le) . — « i ( heiled el Es Cathede Syahece) and “Toms: _atrsacted ottraded by. fe (ve) Potential hat fppers ‘on_|varviowy ar stele Dace @_ |S lew oy Stein _entol by the wire d $e Hels ts puscble to yer dhe amount af elechan ‘passing Aah cthe guid, {hs Soballing she he Teeny ve_baigh s)-disphy on_ sthe___Syean- as SoA [| Fou lorales — ond Dos 2 | (Futdex omder Htoough hich __cthe — ele, am purses, iy “vawing the yelodive ‘al thee Sd), Hef. — oe posi! an : ¢ beam fy. much the ame “way 0 GI be bent and fyuued Using _g —— |° Bfconvey My NoteBi = Sian | final onde omde consist of; | \ Final anode is__given_o. (ver cWject of | ES Elechron beam ; sthe Cphosphor ree Oeqs eo ~ . Tohevert “culder_vieudag viewin 1_emgle and_widey) aditee Yonge ethan does athe —AMLeD bat — stan ees_the__RMLCD 1) Puke Ys Superfor_Yn__Ths = = ond _highely the ® deend _ te Beploee o_ C07 wtih _puen) > Sodividual_gictore [c [ew Toile by medal Pra beam! we cn do this Signal vallege ty \Gthode. ak = [Blecher beom__fs_being _vaptahy \ (Raith oy} andl OF £ tn) orde_do nid he Tela a SSE nv ltuc — Pincha) Dae Text con be east e_ Usployed by ahs) mrethod.c by re chrckss dy — Uchnackes omnping cht: Tabs — Was I > The _oldernative to _clectvostatfe, Sehlection fs thot _ab ufing es an @kemali,—opeNel—_ wegretfe & Yet) to »_deied= dhe electron beams — Tt ts Frown 9h ‘dkednmaasdle [“Epielion ond fe fs tesed on = ae | “placed { extermallu\ Tawund the neck de the CRT > l Raster fe genesated by applying (arm: (ose tenes appropiate Feeney __4e_she x _and_y “a Sustem + ———-5 nduce thee Solow” — { Sed, ave ot these Glows are ombine ft pra Uadvelmm and ensure «that _ethe qnd__engure tha _ethe __- bho them Rs _comect + aie —them Bs __sewect [ace thy) = ._. : \ \ CRT _Gritoley ok under) the ate _ol dedicated Po] Cpa). SS which Oceepts date date fmm _cthe [bu b grs_tthe data | ready vy ditiglay Direct: memory access (DHA) Ts used ty mint mee dhe se pet lunden on we ceo ——<———— S| Gihe patie reeqiied to [generate diphy cache st) pee ‘Shred in__dedie machey Generale —aome RON) > | Dota doa each Scon ‘ead oat from shi RON and dyembeded__tntn carn ah, bit _thich ar fulto| dhe. app WyMiote chops ——— My NoteBook Sign’ [DELTA [ron ) Hep \ v 4 ~ | oct LED pice Reasonable level ake lilt o1@ un a }prword Curvvent> at byw SS MA and Se mh ted L z fi 22 || Round type | LED befng mest popular.) es : . ° ~ Round LEDs ase _cmmeny quai loble_tn {ihe 3 mm and Sm __[e-2 fnch) dfameky plast'e packcacye and also in a, Srom x 2 row “sectangudey format ea (Be a fr angle fey wound LED tend ty be in _cthe vegies F SSS EEE ee e a! 20—4o0" tan types Ado amund ~ 400° | = | Spectral svespence | Tt the Et Skt output most rms uit a__peale = Fs} 650 nm.) \; . | 0000 Sood 1 CCTs zu Ta 4 UT oe ae O07} 5 ——_ Sp} Sry ta Doo gz Ty 4 | boo numerfeal data A - 3 7 7 7 SY Solid hove frigid waliguler! Stucord while dhe ng, - = ae | tn the Vaults chorge thera Cereimetion « _ovfent, hie ~ ond are able to noes _ & partfcwlos property of sigaid Cy stale sthat make S a abhactive fos we ay _ the basis a. elechoric dg a = : {s_ethot [ihe Gptecialfon ap wel ecaleg— ore oda by _cthe application al an felec bx owns Sy__evder #y a Several Sern Seg LED. the _methode. ak, Lndeajacieg 4 thee - digit LED boa Microcontalles » > losge Aphonymerfe LED erganised on dye! =e oe 40 | | Cheacteys awarged In two Lines v <= ae © = passive mahy x dicpfay | : 1 Handlin Semi - conduchoy device o_domage ~ from - {Srey elechve chav \\=_ th hove wide ethet ore _Susceptibl | Bonge elect on dotal_-fajluve a}, the Mine septa unit CERY) ge _ without ony visible _sfyn nah davag.e ano BARS ve device) WL ESPs) ave are decbore perk “that ore _prone do drage rom ‘Stray — 4 eleckie chong fewer ~_ Wis. problem § is facials! Prevalerd with modern {est\ qnd. VEST) devfee, Gib Tr _dso _elhect os, — hoodie display and _ tomy __sthey _Wedern_elechor¥e, eves \ Sie fe Elecreretry 4 {State cleRy be. ante with in Ts most _atorgome i Synthedte motel used bye cendtting Clothing Interfor ere capable pty (0 J When hoo _dissimi lor, —iniifally tincharged pon Cenducig cece_“Subbed _dogethes, the friction 1S _fmsthumenh | tn dant hevting cherge. r , and consequeithty raising, she elec Ls: dhe he th bo elec chic sees Classihfes ditherent wif mn how well they Create State. elect e with another _ wedevtod : 7 least Sign, Neutral tithe ceetic Sede) { Neqabive “ge lyo ApcchPe, — a) od = Seach neqalive )) re ex, asd vubbey ; —“mfeleal, Copper 1 bray and Silver SL, _hasd_vutbbey , —“nfclee) Cop 5 ond and —pledinum palyestey , aly eshrene J: Pelyeth lene Pie, OS Js — Da Test neaalive) - es lavges+ _amow: induce. wi we: up _Stalie tharge due to_dvy Fy all-_Githn chahep_t Gin fe ectsfe ed e+) distste charg © ese “tr -weadilyy S590 > _Human hate becomes | G)ve > in cha ge A aN = A —Plosiie Comb, sll Sed neyadive chasgey atic €_Gn__adsn be poduee when _madesfed ith chi'bo eleetic,_ palenfty are wbbed “beg sus | \ | very SS —Jenetate = when different maicvial ase “nubbed ae Shay! 2 erg Clechostade petendiala] Gn _be esily eyed is is roe move. dy. {Pronoun ed “when et _hased _on grater _dhen ave Include device , “dhe use op \ fae lhe bipolar “jordin _ technalogy. Cos { Such or » Novi gst oi - = ris) _ aev cv de ov Rov kv lov Sev do USOV | Pew a _tnenbly | |_can_alse “alse bel a te = leet static _ di ene = warning \ ISHTve_Gmponert— are tnveriably tomsked uth rodfces+ _ These soe “Ust on Chapter “+ \ ———___ |S Sabtwase encompasses bath executable de ruven | | aie tomputey ay well ay data ahat ther | Also covey opesating Ss Say waree Classiecdien | c V : ) = BIC Sabkwore dite divided (rao five_ levels according oo | sh Ad 2A. highest level fs — Sensequce.t hove eal tadashoghfe a < le2esd us| mngos flay So tegere baile) { i {pb Winer hedlave )/Grorktead i Hkin Fete) i == ( Bigeowe rag CS LT te cer par apes WSappbon yall appear Ti ‘My NoteBook Sign. 3 Sokibave certiveation | al — (Design _evgontsalfon) shall re vide evidence that the ge are hay been designed, ested “and_jnteguabed sith the 1 Storderd. associated _hardwove. fy a _manney that __ Sods Mes De- NE B/Er 2am a CEH) hind ~12B- Pg recused ee | D FRapRowre “enfijut oer be! cfpcctive Atreghou athe Ghe ah athe sqtipment- eS _slevels AB ond C) Mat be made unless Hiss ved by athe (Oy modi}feation made to fajtwore | rust fe jdeatTped | — =o lea Sontwolled Pn _aecordonce with che — (CNP- (B)| fs the de facto Stondesd for the deve man en- Tortie Sojorre (BD) dea with all tevel | C4 2. Horlware and Sahtwove) |e imply beoou a cheng ing fn hawdwar< J porstlel, govt, 25 Safety ayrernaent process (spr) _fsq do thet ob dhe S)s s_|devslep ment PRG} _—__ 3 _Testtoq dates place _ttamughaut™ the developmeth preety. “4. T 2) Saependent devi ove usually [Ganfed_out a wales ensyse Ghat the _vesuills feshase valid) - Oi Do- 198g) Cripeva- [rrceabitily a Rebhowe] fsa | Kei tmponeid af aie [Bracenlb ists Sa | (Field Inedable sakhware FLS \ = arto) the she _apprscd desfqy_ond_- Aheve! yee Tb a on ale oh un ~ = nae park _rrehing _ _foemal_ycleaye doaumentation xcteane domummertahien - sex medidtable Saltwore = L = celeaved Me hall 7 be \up coded by the (ac _opevedos [DELTA /Pa to. bi lopten Seleclable Sabsuere | YY ~ paeneh oss Saktware dhe Ordain}) approved and. validated Compe and combinations) ah Go sthet rey be actyected of Hardware fps OSS Gnbe jound m — ¢ fodulay | avionges, (ame) units ,- @uae Deke bore Meld Joadabse data =e bare _thselfy is_on_Jembedded Them Abad] -resiebes wis, hardware and {s not) Fsells “Preld. Loadabl? = | process oft Joading ab data hae 1s _mesth G_0F__pveywaiting Old dota fet => updated Tovey @ which ' file con ee contain “various prot + \ | Bep) ex Headed mat, Tn] (Nekeval Binary inary _ acto) produce sthe | most cempact| a chisest dle fies but Lethe data _ave nok a humans s (ana Ks season} Rep cy heredecinad —“Iermet by eet avs _Some_ time, __prelheved« ° BHD a The dato used by _prrarane Tnvalfdloy Lovet ths may be ie et Prxardene Bur a! | GSerdition |- th ts necesserry to treat aS | tn_much the Same _tanney cy th [Extadoble ede) x —we Hy Fa eye ther. Gon : = os manageinerd- Sompucter Nc’ pir) Gn awareness warring Sis TRWS) Spiders, ed_moduley avionics (/TMA) fonvts. Cay Stributien methode | — : Gn be _dsh¥buted by _Verfous medhod (2) ~ letechonfe are a ———— Sign (etsjoy [ pFLp) sathiness | . | EASA femal uy [Far a 8120-3 ] shouts Bus FLS_(excadle code) that fs “requived to meet | ainworthiness ox _spenatfonal svequirment oy _‘eaqustetin— 09 gselibfecfon _tpehieeatfon Ref |S EBSR ema ov FAR m_ _SI30-2 Should accompany, tL = = | ony DELD thet fs Tequired do meet Spsdhic _Ayw ov : : Y 2 Spegetiont re quivment gs Vegulation ov —_cerfiffeatfon pailt j = = = = sf eH of Acceptance’) 28 equivalent _ghould acompany ae aeleaye. a, any wigational deta base ! DFLD Teas J an EASA dorm 1 ov : Fan S130-3 Gnnat be provide VW LE techoni shi bation] ts [A being eyed ae parser] FLS ov ov DELD From the _ Supplies “dyn ne petador, SSpetahy maintain a resists thet provide the 4 jellowing nkermation — __ __— FLS ond DFLD Installed = which _ale FLS_and DFLD Thstatled on EeiNais.s Sis_and BeBe ther Oy ee age aes E : 4 j I i Shrg media ay well ay | Sakhwore fonctions that dhe Yeeerded FES or OF LD proper |= whe cn _dedie whethes am _upayode _fis_veeded. ond Hher |_outhertse thet apgrade. uEsreceunseseeeee > a Weerd ake ad _neplicaded “FLs| “FLD , teceoble to oral Source y__downJoadal _ uting ecoutten |inchide dhe We | Lfe prevent —_tmouthor'sed _assey to local _Sewvess and Saftwore - I aic bell ® Disconnect cleetvical aynector from _ eee Po L Gnnect rthex end aly cthe PDL ble te cnncehr of EEC De Wai 2evpe de the bun lack (=) _and_shleld termin the dealer ble « 9+ tl tote | appre. __12-16 minute to) lead “he = = EEC. _ Ne move han [2 atthempts Gm be made Ts she fall mere hen [ee a See a recurs? foai= preok = kK i t vase a fe : As Beas GZ] Stoo me these ore Used to _prvide_an tndicedioa et iA Pile hay become _Comupt, bub neither is is employ = » — Seas oom mas Checkegums § — 23, cthe_Valu —— 6% wks Ty_tckah ~ the ied and _reculks do the “bile [DELTA reve) (Cate Cg 4 Uy tere tele remainder) when the file Te deber Ph when checked by (dividing by the Some numbers a Ce jen 2. the file cn be med to be free fam © Es > i Level_ : _ - Ao ey [RHR], ops Tos eee re “Typical BIC “OP pLcadten = HLS] ELS | SATINAY) VOR, pesee| \ Sh 8 | [reps] URDse tecpondey|, efit sereeke)) / @ _ [pre) [VHF vorce VOICE Smmunieation — Remote [ y DS | [Runes adowalte devel Jag \ THC) [CE DIO | Prsble| Dato _Joades weather radar - E - \ [Sn- FOphE _ entertainment) anh Pe ea — =e = =e EMc is > the peel aby an 1 clecteal OF _ sles pt T oeealee Sy Lin tenins “Finmnuni ty Jo dthe ta EE —» / wn BMY) 98 Fn 9 EE Fee Yone | Ha rmonkes | 4 “Bn | Pte gea roulliple ) ah; _urdamented —trequenny fs fs. Known ay | Harmon | " Second _hernende hay — twfee phe Fesquenyy oh indent Third bermonic _her- Yee Hines the frequen damend-eal + lI... °.(.. : 12 cenpten wove ve_te (ode _up_foa) a Zaumbes of, sing = ——— L. {-— Ffquy_ Spechun oh pase) | t 3) J |= (Be saectongult_pu pulse “com paises) a__fundimensal component} “Prpcetver with on [inflette sexi Reckangules pulse, Sompesiite wore form Gn be analysed tnt ine pllosing _bmpenent = i oO ay E ‘ fundomerdal _Gmponent oct fesquerey yf 1 and _emplitade int a dthivd havmonie Component od frequen | Bf and " 7 ompltude Yo Qt a fp, hurmon%e _bmponent ect fiequencey Sf) and f } j — rrp Ys ys my And Ses _on- Od- thio) i 5 ec perheds Square waver the omplitade ah dhe Thermorics Shoulds. decays i accoxdonce with thelr hevmenic enter sand hey ust oll be Tn phase My NoteBook a Ig. wrth the fe (SETA [Date eI _Lomplex_taverform (_Such os (Baueee wove fpr) Compe g © Sa fundoyentel together wih a _lerge. rumber sh) bevwaie S Components - ~paudl > _Bvionle equipment Tocenporatss | Jow-pods ila i ovdey 4o_vefect neige_ard Spurious _hermonte. Signal might _ Sthevwise be Conveyed andj © Bodie) om, Supply voltage Comectony 1 Nese fs _debined as any Unwanted Signal _‘omponed Noise Gn be arise -fvom various | Source and, fy _poefiug Suttching circus}. _ ————— arnedy, ai c\ ct CENC _menummeds fave SR—taca ENC CENC _menummeds fave SR—taca frvalve a fam a DELTA Fe ne the(Goqaetth mre ompligier) Consist ale on frftial T FT te Stage followed bi [reo BedB gein- Limiting amplifies | > so - she inferoprecesi07 Garfes out the main digtlad _sfgnal_processiny and also _generates dhe digital J Video Signals thed’ ave fed to display tive. 3 et = S230 CPO opereades tn Snjunction with an _&k en BOM \ Gonbalne She Root Zaltwere mae Stowe the video and’ Calibration ae eae En AVigHE Theo diploy Sis uses a veal raster i) J S4% Lines disphyed N each having a _vertfeal recoluton Sh 192( pinds) bib: a reac) Signal :componertk, ; shoo _tursoxs — (ee a tp but the DELTA/Po ne.) (CT a a 5 ° i t UrtFar ultimate Sensitivity ale a Tastewmerd _}s deter by athe nofse produced fe the _fnstrument” Thee aS fs usually refered ay _ the inghurmentis noise = oa, = inedessn _nsbument—Ay¢ fealty )hev (noise. phos a) Prag SSIB one and = Sto dB- each | me | fhechane awe qf Ent | ENT telude — exeps fn inctumentel indfcadfon’ | lyne_whistless_pyewad onl” audio Seed — rod fntercom and Clin _phint Sk lone 7 7 ai Has Hah sty heal” _eyholleya,Tpducon metrs>_\ ond__Sijht- dfomiing Great __Ciengacens ond aeons ed _Orcw tlsed ~ high frequency Grail bus ta Statfeaicharg ey _awie Eghtatag ~ by Eendution) ov Gadi F chegenery wange | wavelenght | _ Desh Tgnetfon - mje | | S00 Hz eH | lorrKmAo lovkm — Exhenly re feenlad [| ict to gore lkm 40 Jorn Very low Frequeny CULP) Beka to ee kth!) lokm 40 dew) bow Pequeny (LE) E Ukr fo Joom | mediim feyumy CME). loom Jo torn. | igh CHR) lomdo am | USVHE (very hgh), Vm do 10cm | UAE (Wis igh) « foCm to 4 em Super high dre (SHF). Press in which energy fs tramftied mucttv thes Bs wsually measured iOvey ‘ned a ‘ovey a abhined, spectyam { € “So kt : SD 2 The sccurvence of ENT Gabe Catequrised os being etther pevfodic fontineusly repel Hive) Ca @ paied [ prediethic ae = bub nat consid) ov een Ceisly unpsedictalble yy, | a) $ | My NoteBook Sign wedves: || and then _ ensure hak athe enclosure Ts odequadeh _geundcl = We pansion _ Suppression on bn _Teeys ,_seitcher and cor = Thotgt and J oy shield _ bes wofres and dal ————— - Cheek that enclosures: sacks and other Supeyring Stucure are -grounded elective a wee =a ep pulse vise Hmes ay Sloe ad Yong. ay poss | [ NX L | Reduide “else Coupling | = ) —_Sepeste power leads fom Interconnect fin signal wise: = Thist/ +6 Shield Ais wives and deta bus comes’? = Fit _an_ optical Afbee™ dada fou, where _pasiibde Mj NoteBook Sign. __a pee] — Reh grind teed Shert a4 Phushealy pelocate —veciveys ond Sensitive equipment cweny fom Interheren ee Source - SS | Yevease suscep bihity _-Yrvethaddy yy —_ Ensure that _endosuves ave qyeunded and hak ‘Internal Sereen awe fitted « ee = Fit componente that ave inhewably Jess) susceptible | to Whe clked ah, (Soy tadioted HUGS T Rfraht wising ond Cbting | ss —z — patentfal Source of; ENE ave present fra alc. whing and, Calling _ thos a @u_Crucfal On} pata bili TT When man Gained space a Tale to pla tn twaincong electromagnetic Sm GIL Ceacquate wire separation “should be maindained byw 71S Sons hog tal Sapte EB rrfdyd?d tds My NoteBook ack tainimure> (4) 4] equipment: gpunds mutt net be lengthened beyond dest Speciffeatoms & Circe+ ground with too mech Tnpedonce ay no longer be a tue Yrund+ a ue \iGroundeng and bending | S Ee, ending Gon algo be fostumertal fn dhe = effect of — Highs Trtencity oadfe ny fields (HERE). enmmating fom high power chansmidtey And raday equipment + and bending resistances ah, tess than — 02001 Os003 Save usually Wequired « as cess electrcalll ettpey a dnductivé r- Protech afvesabi, crew and _pagseng.exs aqins} cthe_efpeds shi aa i — = Bending neers to _cthe Clechieal__connectfon ah. two 6¥ move Senducting objec that are nat _othens?se adequctey Sormected. Sigg | = GipoIEAT wating Fit “The main Aypes of, bonding arc— @. = tmpedandd pathy $2 Fic stuckere, = Neko suahace bonding - QR | Stave bonds 8” Au fu (tol ated. _Snduelng and peside sthe ale with oF mechanfeally Secerse elechical Connect dhe alc ohy_clequale! & Conductivity to diesipate pestle Stalfc ghegess Gp — SnfHfal_ contr ek EME fe achived fn_modem ale by | Creehul design and vigorous esting» Rew-ine_melnteran ch raottlet # ensere Hhejahaekl veleiny elechormynele Neeson ceaiy apy EMT, penne to 9 minnie. ney bw TS ethene _gounding and bonding oe @__rocony s 4 L = the “dedhfial inbegsity al, the alc zpicuwe a J ‘ooo, = mfaiasiog che elbeds_ of HERE breias aod sth earns ascoaed ith | viny__and (Sabie Gidea = 7 2 SS MEARS fs q |vigital data ink jsis_ ay. oa Typical ACARS massages Catex for the rant aoe couttne mation Such ay — = ° fassenqes Soa, 7 ° dep. asluse weposts (=- DTA 8 aseival posts» e ab deta S$ _ Cengine peelprmance day zat 7 _Pafor_ to ACARS dhs type ok fnformation wowd have been ranshemed via — VHE volte communfeatfon: v = 2. these ae two types oh Renes massages Downlink 7 massages cthat ose “oviginahe twm _ Frequencies used’ fox _cthe _cvansmfasfon_and gost abl Taste yess 19S aqb}___ ave Tn_ethe band _ extending fem 129 Nize do toy nye WHO) conete! } |BeRRS mosage tncich af] = SE || — cite Menthe ye = Giroule Tent an ~ SoneMlebel Fe ~ CBloag Kdendities rr = fessage nubibes i )) r -__Gigit wombs SL anorne) | — = Crstige_ ade) co ~~ > Mest modern Passenges gic we electronic. Sige aS Toshumerd Sis) EFT)» splays | in Fmowwn as the | what hos becom Glos cock pit? . = WBE? A metotle Ueaienjaoc ineveare in [ ENT. DUAR the shoo a St __ Common) turd ERTS ¢ — Situedion tnditadey | ENSE\a= sthe_Cleobuni ¢ OdHhade dire (DELTA Jha ne. bate — || __&mpowy SIS) wader wk mekey cay deca SIs One ZT pneu and yeriead _navigalfy etme OWomabfe_divedten Hnder (APES [ERIS System Gmprice ) = | = - Dee PRED + tee display, diploy select _pameh (ps?) ja... ——— Spy presses unit (DP0) | westhey sacar pane) LWXP yn apt LMED) | ulifuntion —_ prroeeshoz Uret( BPO _mubsitolous CRTos ANLCD dteplautng aj JS a flight ontel sys Steering temnands, ol J is movides| flight enol 8)5 |tnode annuneh annucedion, athe Sour ne me eb So innucjedion = Slow devotion or angle ~ ex cessive Tus deviate . ————— eS Feploy UND) provides _a plan view | SS . wigation Situations nd _taocKy VoR, TLS ot RW AV woe VOR, TLS source annunciasion , Joy Hmedy = i igh — yr nat'o SURE _ Grud} cyadey daha a ppech)] oimat oy te en aed Taade permed 46th lon (ithe weather rade 4S “ fneluded 7 fn. ahs splays. ~ ~ oo [sip _ pore eles ( | ME aag whe mubitention, diiptey (uFD) fe _@_Calowo CRT mc De Pictorial “tip which tnalud ng_4 on event oh Teller any “these. dixpley © he cou fnjsonotion Gen be Shown on sthe aging ae OSL feet fora) + che ses presser uns Cppuy/ rlligenetion PE nit (MPU) provides SenSo input roveing_ ond S88 a... ction and video ef . The DPW. [DELTA Jeo no fOELA | (exe es fo | EFLTS operations | } _ y = The sis fs based on (Qeeve Symbol —“genesaiad®) os Simply _dhree x Clem preener = axed _sompuckey £.)-Pec deta ‘wecived frm q wide vecotey af die SIs (Vor, DME TRE) top, 2 [ate dey Symbol _genevaigy ) 5 Supplies | dhe Grains, EAT and — Eee ener while dhe aig ol _gansvabvy > Supplies the frst offer EMST and EADT, Z pay) uestion SD (Renteal Ggmbal _generadoy pevides Q backup |_ SIS _cthat can be used do ‘veplace cthe set or eight symbe generetoy Fr the ever a fouluve + = bee ole frm _the lel and Centve Symbol _ganeroad) ave Av ier to the (digttal TURF dake gequisttion wh) DES BU) oo 2 4s Sthe. Signals do produce a digital gudpud which 1s Sent 3 tp_the — Caftal Beye doda_wecorder( DF DE). y5 The_ meer dota 'Sleved in) Crash - postected eonderney intide the | DEDR .) = —___| 2 wed FDR Ts turned on ausomadoatly when dhe alc fs. in hg ———|_the ground then an engi: fc running: (The sis fem —__| nuala er, on athe data management —! rested by ‘meas s Suiteh Ay Not = “DGRo | > [yt -vecorder_ Sie _Te mentored (Gntfnourby [by bay ba i fo_test equipment { BITE) ducting opetation. © Comp Ss folivee ove Wiployed on othe — es pee Gntw\ pone and on the Yor ont\eng Las) a oat cad Le _ Rema 3e Gre of. CRT iploy), hoo _typer ofp “Searing rt used ~ sigh Rastey Scamming \— Usually dates place ot reeks ob eas ES Ls 7 (Stee Ge HES _ fT stoke Scanning se Ts_techafque used fo sfoploy _suyvtel Le Qnd__Cheachoas = w 3 ‘the [olouy CRT splays | use_[eechomegnetfe “effet ie zen Vc and {ral anede _Valhage ))omund ASK | : = The defeddion tl are _ mounted im Goke comet dhe E Chekya,. cer, : ! oe =, The Seaming Natage wovelsrm \hax 4 be — [fupeacit ban — Me in_& i ¢_Fadher Sthon dhe | bineay vam wave boom thet _would be _appropfate hy elec. deflections Symbols are displayed Ty vero Colours — | ite. = Ps Stuy Symbol {es ed =! fos warring Cale. as NoleSook : Sign. 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