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Assessment - Individual Report For IPSDA - Maria Fernandes - ID-S235955

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University of Suffolk

Individual Report- CFPBUS006- Integrated

Professional Skills in the Digital Age

Maria Fernandes- ID- S235955

I declare that this assignment is all my own work and that I have
acknowledged all materials used from the published or unpublished works of
other people. All references have been duly cited.
Word Count- 2615
This individual report on Integrated Professional Skills in the Digital Age aims to highlight the
importance of technology and the various aspects of it. With the help of various peer-reviewed
articles and journals, an extensive research has been done into exploring in depth about concepts
such as cloud computing, storage, digital privacy and security, and the likes. During the
pandemic, as the world came to a standstill and businesses incurred losses, virtual collaboration
tools came to the rescue by uniting employees and enabling remote working. Two such tools-
Microsoft Teams and Slack, have been discussed in detail. Keeping in view the current
international scenario with regards to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the paper also discusses at
length the meaning of private and public internet and the part it plays in this conflict. While the
mentioned topics have been discussed and literature has been reviewed, the advantages and
disadvantages of most of these tools have also been highlighted so as to get a clearer picture of
the intent of this individual report.

The world today revolves around technology, and having integrated professional skills in this
digital age, especially from the viewpoint of a business, holds utmost importance. This is exactly
what this report highlights, reviews, and discusses at length.

Table of Contents

Abstract 1

Introduction 3

Literature Review 4-7

Collaboration Tools 4

Cloud Storage 5

Cloud Computing 6

Privacy and Security 7

Analysis and Discussion 8-9

A. 2 Collaboration Tools- Microsoft Teams and Slack 8

B. Privacy and Security during the Pandemic 8

C. Private Vs. Public Internet (Russia-Ukraine Conflict) 9

Conclusion 10

References 11

The facilities and elements that enable modern computing are referred to as Information and
Communications Technology (or ICT).

Although there is no single, universal definition of ICT, it is widely accepted to refer to all
devices, networking components, applications, and systems that, when combined, enable people
and organisations (i.e., businesses, nonprofit organisations, governments, and crime syndicates)
to communicate in the digital world.

Although ICT and IT are sometimes used interchangeably, ICT is widely used to identify a
broader, more detailed list of all factors linked to computer and digital technologies than IT. The
list of ICT components is extensive, and it is still growing. Computers and telephones, for
example, have been around for decades. Others, such as smart mobile phones, digital televisions,
and robots, are newer.

Through the pandemic, one strategy consistently rose to the top: the implementation of digital
and mobile technology. Those businesses that realised they needed to adapt or deal with the
consequences are among fortunate ones that survived (Michael Stepner, 2021). By deflecting to
meet the employees' needs, associates, and clients by utilising digital technology to run their
business, they were able to sustain their success. Over 20% of SMBs polled said they had already
drastically altered their business models by November 2020, with another 31% saying they
would do so within the next three months (Small Business Insights, 2021).

This report mainly focuses on bringing out the importance of ICT, especially for businesses.
While the report discusses the importance, topics which describe the various collaboration tools,
cloud storage, cloud computing, and the issues surrounding privacy and security are also touched

Literature Review
Collaboration Tools

Collaboration software is intended to improve teamwork efficiency by providing a central

platform for employees to openly exchange ideas, data, and documents in order to fix specific
business issues or complete creative projects collaboratively. Team members collaborate from
anywhere in the cloud, stimulating innovation and propelling progress to boost revenue and
company growth. A collaboration tool basically works as a unifying factor for all people
involved in an organization and enables seamless communication.

An age-old example of collaboration tool would be Skype, which is still quite widely used.
However, with new emerging platforms, some other examples of collaboration tools would be-
Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Meet, Trello, etc. Throughout the pandemic, these tools and
some others were what kept businesses and employees connected. While different collaboration
tools have different features, most of them have similar basic functions or purpose of operation.
These include-

- Social networking
- Managing Documents
- Strong search engine
- Seamless managing of tasks
- Good user interface
- Thorough security measures

Advantages of Collaboration Tools Disadvantages of Collaboration Tools

- Flexibility - A feeling of disconnection

- Management of Projects - Chances of Miscommunication

- Increased Productivity - Delayed responses

- Concise directory of data - Unclear directory of expected results

- A positive digital workspace - Confusion due to inability to adapt to

new technology

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is the process of saving data to offsite storage technologies specifically for data
storage and security. Third parties are in charge of maintaining the systems. Instead of storing
data on a firm's storage unit or computer hard drives, data is saved in remote databases that can
be accessed via the firm's computers and the internet (Yum et al., 2015). This ensures data
security because natural catastrophes cannot disrupt or dismantle the stored information within
these systems. When compared to conventional storage systems and devices, cloud storage
provides numerous benefits and advantages.

This involves instances where the information is stored in cloud data storage and the firm can
access and add to the dataset from any place with internet access. It should be noted, however,
that users or people who access the data must be verified and authorised to modify or store the
information. Because such systems are online, there is no need to walk around with a mobile or
physical storage or mass device. It is also worth noting that the same computer that was used to
save a file is not required when trying to retrieve the file (Kasemsap, 2015)

Advantages of Cloud Storage Disadvantages of Cloud Storage

- Easy recovery of data - Lack of support from a cloud provider

- Extremely cost efficient compared to - May require physical hard drives to

physical storage space store data

- Virtual security factors for - Security may be breached through

authentication hacking or lack of good system

- Automatic syncing and updating of - Updating or downloading files from

data cloud may incur additional costs

- Ease of accessibility - Problems with internet connectivity for


Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a type of internet-based computing service that makes use of resource
sharing such as software and hardware, as well as other data that end users can access on their
cloud platforms (Hashem et al., 2015). Simply put, cloud computing is a method of renting
computer hardware, storage, and network resources on an hourly basis from companies
that afford such resources and assets in their data centres.

In fact, the various definitions refer to anything outside of a given company's or user's personal
firewall as their cloud computing platform. These cloud models are used by some of the most
well-known companies, including Amazon Inc.

Advantages of Cloud Computing Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

- Cost-Efficient - Downtime

- Good strategizing - Internet connectivity issues

- Backing-up and Storing of data - Lower Bandwidth

- Mobile access - Varying Performance

- Dependability - Security threat

Privacy and Security

The concept of privacy is based on the notion that an individual or entity has sufficient rights to
regulate the flow of their private details and how it is used. It is most popular in privacy policies
that come with the mobile applications we install and run on our phones on a daily basis. In
contrast, security refers to how private details are safeguarded (Chang et al., 2016). For example,
how are your email account username and password and account information protected? Data
protection refers to how data is protected from leaking. Although many people misunderstand
security and privacy, security does not include the sense of personal rights (Chang et al., 2016).

Data privacy and security are receiving much-needed attention at the moment now, as they ought
to. Given that businesses collect a large amount of vulnerable user information to enable their
services, it is reasonable to assume that protection must be one of the highest priorities.

One reason for this is the never-ending, and often winding, quest for greater insight into the
marketplace or key demographic than the competition. This process entails accumulating user
data, including personal details, as well as behavioural data and various activity logs. Facebook
alone has around 2.5 billion accounts, and it is unfathomable how much data a single user
generates in a single session from an analytical standpoint.

Data expansion is a significant challenge. Keeping up with it, all while preserving the data
together is extremely difficult. Companies must sustain the network system and keep it scalable
as data sources expand and the scope of the data expands exponentially as a consequence of
multiple forecasting and predictions. And you must keep all of this information in order to better
understand the big picture and recognise potential prospects. This factor gradually but steadily
degrades data infrastructure. As a result, data security suffers.

Facebook's decision to keep user credentials in clear text is an outstanding demonstration of this
mindset. Little problems accumulate here and there, and when a part fails, there is nowhere to

The following factors contribute to increasing operational complexity:

- The transformation to cloud computing systems

- The use of big data systems and services
- Divergent tools from different vendors that handle sensitive data.

Analysis and Discussion
A. Two Collaboration Tools that helped businesses during the Pandemic

1. Microsoft Teams
Microsoft's entry into collaboration tools is one of the most extensive products available,
with a comprehensive array of workplace features. Microsoft Teams features chat and
video conferencing, file storage, and wide application assimilation with other essential
workplace programmes. It's especially useful for organisations that already use other
Microsoft programmes because it includes a shared workspace with PowerPoint, Word,
Excel, and OneNote. There are several pricing options available. By mid-2021, Microsoft
Teams had completely replaced Skype for Business, which is owned and operated by

2. Slack
Slack is a piece of software that allows businesses, employees, and customers to
communicate in real time. Comments are automatically separated into project streams
that can be searched later, which is uncommon in most group communication systems
that do not allow for the retrieval of older messages.

Users can communicate in real time, and the organisation recently introduced a voice
feature that allows project members to record notes on a per-project basis. There are
various price points available depending on the size of your project, but here's more proof
of how user-friendly and manageable Slack is:

It is used by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The same people who put a rover on
Mars are big users of Slack. It can easily handle any Earth-based task you throw at it.

B. Privacy and Security during the Pandemic

The pandemic has altered nearly every single aspect of corporate activities, but the implications
on security and privacy programmes may be the most significant. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella
stated in April 2020 that the company had completed two years of digitalization in two months.

That's not unusual since world has seen an unprecedented shift to online interactions across
individual and commercial platforms, from widespread adoption of digital fitness platforms to
new ways of interacting with doctors and government entities, and the now-standard use of
virtual collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom.

Simultaneously, the events in the last year have diminished public's confidence in our institutions
and private sector organisations, both in terms of the physical damage caused by the pandemic
and the digital disarray caused by data infringements that have become as common as the online
platforms we continue to use despite our skepticism.

If the employees at an organization have been working majorly in a remote setting, the
organization should concentrate their information security and privacy efforts on the four areas
most vulnerable to an infringement. This may help to reduce the likelihood of a breach occurring
and restrict any future risk. The 4 ways to ensure preventing the data infringement threats are-

- Password Protection and setting up of multi-factor authentication

- Thorough security of E-mail
- Updating and maintaining all devices in the organization
- Web safety by ensuring valid website browsing

C. Private Vs. Public Internet

Aside from the fact that connectivity to a private network is closely regulated while access to a
public network is not, the primary difference is that addressing of gadgets on a public network
must be carefully examined, whereas addressing on a private network has a little more flexibility.

In the Ukraine-Russia conflict, digital media serves an essential, if not decisive, role. As the
conflict escalates, so do cyber-attacks. Big Tech and social networking platforms' decisions
about which facilities to provide or block, have a direct effect on the situation on the ground.
Cryptocurrencies, for example, are discovering new applications. Punitive measures will have an
impact on the advancement of technology and e-commerce.

The conflict in Ukraine began on multiple levels, both on the ground and in cyberspace. Cyber
weapons became a precursor to all-out war on February 23, the day before Russia's attack of
Ukraine. DDoS attacks were launched against computer systems in a number of Ukrainian
organisations, governmental entities, and financial institutions. Wiper attacks, according to
researchers, wipe away the entire drive, rendering the entire system inaccessible.

The current political environment increases the likelihood that cyber-attacks will spiral out of
control and expand beyond the conflict in Ukraine. Some nations have already voiced concern
about potential cyber warfare on their critical infrastructure. And there are several circumstances
in which escalation could take place in the foreseeable future.

Whether we like it or not, we are constantly threatened by data breaches. Every week, there is a
news article about a major corporation that had a security breach that exposed and sold a
humongous amounts of customer data on the black market. Reputations have suffered, trust has
been lost, and money has been lost.

It is critical to understand why these things are permitted to occur and to recognise how much is
at serious risk when it comes to individual data and other confidential material. The report made
an attempt to cover the important aspects of technology and how it has proven extremely
essential in the current world scenario. The various technologies that have come in handy during
the pandemic and the security measures that businesses should take owing to the vast amounts of
data, is highlighted and discussed in detail.


1. Cedefop (2016), “The great divide: Digitalisation and digital skill gaps in the EU

2. Chang, Victor, Yen-Hung Kuo, and Muthu Ramachandran. (2016) "Cloud computing
adoption framework: A security framework for business clouds." Future Generation
Computer Systems57 (2016): 24-41.

3. Hashem, Ibrahim Abaker Targio, et al. (2015) "The rise of “big data” on cloud
computing: Review and open research issues." Information systems 47 (2015): 98-115.

4. Kasemsap, Kijpokin. (2015). "The role of cloud computing adoption in global business."
Delivery and adoption of cloud computing services in contemporary organizations. IGI
Global, 2015. 26-55

5. Skills for a Digital Word, 2016 Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy, Background Paper,
OECD, 2016, p. 6.

6. Small Business Majority, 2021.

7. Stepner, M., 2021 (Opportunity Insights, Harvard)

8. Yum, Takkin G., Matthew J. Threefoot, and Cheul Shim. (2015) "Cloud service
brokering systems and methods." U.S. Patent Application No. 14/015,750.


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