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Azmera Final Research

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In technical usage, quality can have two meanings (A) “The characteristics of a product or
service that bears on its ability stated or implied needs and (B) A product or service free of
deficiencies.” Obviously, quality can bedefined in many ways, depending on who defined it and
the product or service it refers to.

In this proposal, we will provide a perspective on what quality means to customer and

*Quality from customers perspective; A business organization produces goods

and services to meet its customers’ needs

Customers want value and quality has become major factors in the value of product and service.
Customers know that certain companies produce better quality products than other and they buy
accordingly .That means a firm must consider how the customer defines quality. The customer
can be manufacturer purchasing raw materials or parts, storeowner or retailer purchasing
products to sell or someone who purchases retail products or services over the internet.
W.Edwards Deming, outer and consultant on quality, says, “The customer is the most important
part of production line. Quality should aim at the needs of the customer present and future

From this perspective, product and service quality is determined by what the customer wants and
is willing to pay for.

Since customers have different quality expectation. This results in a commonly used definition of
quality as a service or product is its intended use or fitness for use.

Products and services are designed with intentional difference in quality to meet the different
wants and needs of individual customer.

For example, A Mercedes and a Ford truck are equally “fit for use,” in the sense that both
provide automobile transportation for the customer and each may meet the quality standards of
its individual purchaser. However, the two products have obviously been designed for different
type of customers. This is commonly as referred to as the quality of design the degree to which
quality characteristics are designed in to the product. Although design for the same the same use,
the Mercedes and Fords differ in their performance, features, size and various other quality

*Quality from producer’s perspective ; An important consideration is achieving

quality of conformance at an acceptable cost.

Product cost is also an important design specification. If products or services cannot be produced
at a cost that results in a competitive price, then the final product will not have acceptable value,
which means product characteristics.

Thus, the quality characteristics included in the product design must be balanced against
production cost.

The role of employees in quality improvement; Job training and employee development
are major factors of a successful quality control program.

Increased training in job skills results in improved process that improves product quality.

Training in quality tools and skills such as statistical process control can enable employees to
diagnose and correct day-to-day problems related to their job.

This provide employee with greater responsibility for product quality and greater satisfaction for
doing their part to achieve quality. When achievement is reinforced through rewards and
recognition, it further increases employee’s satisfaction. In addition to this, in any business
organization, profit is the ultimate goal.

Quality is the measure of how closely a good or service conforms to specified standard. Quality
standard may be anything or a combination of attributes or variable of the product being
manufactured. These attributes include; performance, reliability, appearance and commitment to

delivery time; Variables may be some measurements like length, width, height, diameter,
surface, etc… (R.Panner Selvan 2005 p.406).

Quality is the ability of products or services to meet customer’s need. High quality products or
services are the most profitable (Jay Haizerd and Render 2000,p.190).


In Ethiopia, there are different textile factories, which are economical, political, social and
cultural contributions for the country. From these factories Almeda textile factory plc is the one.

Almeda textile factory is located in Tigray region Adwa town specifically located western part of
Adwa. Almeda textile is 7 km. far from Adwa center. It found or located on the main road to
Aksum and 1006km.far from Addis Ababa and 233km far from Mekelle the capital city of
Tigray region.

Alameda textile is standing proudly in the middle of beautiful mountainous area. This factory is
directly linked with the main port of Djibouti (for import-export purpose.)In addition to these,
the mill site is 236 km far from ASEB port.

Alameda Textile was established in 1994GC.Altex is the biggest manufacturing company in

Ethiopia .It has 210 million birr sales value annually. That 10%Sales value is local market and
30% sales volume is global market.

Currently, Alameda Textile PLC has 5300 workers. The main vision of this company is
becoming a best reference, leading Textile, garmenting industry, and creating a hub per
excellence in the Textile and garment fields in Africa in general and in Ethiopia in particular.





Quality or lack of quality affects the entire organization from supplier to customer and from
product design to maintenance perhaps more importantly, building an organization that can
achieve quality is demanding task.

When there is difficult to improve quality control process and product in the organization, such
as luck of work experience, budget cons entrant and shortage of raw materials, organizations
improve customer satisfaction, profit of the organization competition with other similar
organizations and to increase market share, to this extent the problem of product quality
controlling problem is fatally the company. Thus, this study attempt to examine the problems.


1. How Altex plc will minimize problem related to quality control activities

2. How does a manager confirms the quality standards set by quality standard authorities

3. What efforts do the managers exert in order to control the quality of their products?


1.5.1. General objective

The general objective of this study is to assess the quality control practice in Almeda textile plc

1.5.2. Specific objective

This study is going to assess specifically in Almeda textile factory based on the following

1. To identify how almeda textile factory will minimize problems related to quality control

2. To assess how the manager does confirms the quality standard set by quality standard

3. To identify that the efforts do the managers exert in order to control the quality of the


1. This study helps to the organization and others to see their weakness and strength in producing
quality products and meeting customer expectation;

2. It helps as a benchmark for other researchers;

3. It helps me to do my BA degree;

4. Serves the society to get quality product and service.


SCOP of the study is limited to assess the quality controling problem in Almeda textile factory and it
exclude that other company which found elsewhere.


probablesamplingbutitisgoodtousemoremethodtogetmoreexperiencedand skilledworkersinthefactorybutitn

Even though the researcher try to exert full potential, while to conduct this research, the
researcher will face the following limitations; such problems will be lack of transportation, lack
of returning the distributed questioners, lack of willingness to fill the questioner and lack of
experience of the researcher.



2.1. Definition of quality
As we know, different authors defined quality in different ways.

According to Scheroeder (2008, p 259), quality is defined as “meeting or seceding customer
requirements now and in the future,” This means that the product or service is fit for the
customer use.

Fitness for use is related to benefits received by the customer and to customer satisfaction only,
not the producer can determine it.

According to David Barnes (2008, p 277), quality is generally agreed to be a good and desirable
things. Organization in variably desirable themselves as being “quality” organization, and point
to the quality of their product and service. In the consideration of this issue, Garvin (1988)
usually comes up with five different bases on which quality can be defined;

1. Perceive: This approach is based on a view of quality as innate excellence. Quality is

“something that we know when we see it.”

2. Product based: this approach views quality in terms of superior product attributes that can
be designed and precisely measured. Quality is seen as a measurable set of characteristics. Thus,
the quality of a car can be determined by its performance as measured its top speed, its
acceleration, its fuel consumption, etc…

3. User based: This approach sees quality as fitness for use from the customers ultimately
decide what quality means and that the quality product or service is one that meets the
requirement of the customer. However, particularly in mass market there can be a danger that an
individual customer view of obtained by an aggregation of the view of all customers.

4. Operation based: This approach sees quality in terms of conformance to specification of

the product or service.

5. Value based: This approach modifies the user-based approach by reducing the nature of
cost or price in to the consideration for a quality. Quality is considered to be the best value for
money for a given purpose. Different consumers may be prepared to accept a product offered
with a lower specification if the price is low.

According to William J.Stevenson (2005 p 388), the degree of which product or service
successfully satisfies its intended purpose has for primary determinants.

(1)Quality of design: Starting point for the level of quality eventually achieved .Design involves
decision about the specific characteristics of product or service such as size, shape and
location .A poor design can result in difficulty of product or services.

(2)Quality of conformance: It refers to the degree of which goods and services confirm to the
intent of the designees.

(3)Ease of use of quality: The determination of quality does not stop once the product or service
has been sent or delivers

(4) Quality of service after delivery: For a variety of reasons, products do not always perform as expected.
Moreover, service does not always yield the desired result.


According to Pratibha Garg (2006 p 172), quality control is a process through actual quality performance.

William J. Stevenson (2005, p 389), says quality of product affect the organization, some the major ways
that quality affect the organization, which includes loose of business, liability, productivity cost and the


Quality control is the process through which means the actual quality performance and compare
it with the standard and take corrective action.

Quality control is a systematic control of varies factors such as materials, tools, labor, used
during production that affect quality the product (PratibhaGarg, p 112)


1. To take the company’s product more acceptable by customer and thereby increase the sale of
the company.

2. To reduce the cost of production by proper control of outgoing product by reducing the

3. To achieve interchangeability

4. To develop quality consciousness in the organization. PratibhaGarg (2006, p 172)



3.1. Research Design
This study used descriptive research type, because it helps to describe the existing phenomena it
is and to assess the strength and weakness of quality control practices and a research used cross-
sectional research design because the study conducted in a specific period of time .. And it has
been understate to investigate the quality of defect in Altex factory and analyzed various types of
data on quality aspects.

3.2. Source of Data
To gather relevant data the study used both primary and secondary source of data. Primary
source of data are collected by using questioner, through interview and observation concerned by
managers and employees as respondents of the target company that helps the researcher to get
relevant information of Target Company’s problem and effectiveness .And secondary source of
data are gathered from the company policy manuals, books and internets, website


3.3.1. Population and Sample Size

The target population of the researcher is in Almeda textile factory. In this factory there are
around 5300 employees. From the total populations who work in quality control department are
268. Therefore, the researcher select is 25 sample

3.3.2. Sampling Method

To meet the objective of the study, the data has been gathered through non-probable sampling
technique; specifically judgmental sampling technique. Because judgmental sampling technique
is more ease, it saves time, it is convenient to use and is enabling to carefully identify from the
population that are to be include in the sample and it permits the researcher to complete selecting
individuals freely who can provide relevant information about the organization.


Thedatahasusedquestionersofclose-endedquestions for the employeesofAltexplcfactory.The
researcher used the
ssessmorerealinformations deeply about the target company.


After gathering relevant data through questioner, the data has been presented and
analyzed in to a meaning full ways .Such as table, graph and percent. The researcher has
Summarized the respondent’s responses and conclude them by using quantitative and qualitative

probablesamplingbutitisgoodtousemoremethodtogetmoreexperiencedand skilledworkersinthefactorybutitn




This chapter present analysis of data and conceded to determine the company’s quality
controlling practice a sample survey of 25 respondents were undertaken. Out of 25 respondents
20(80%) of them were property filed and returned back to the researcher and 5(20%) are not

4.1 Back Ground of the Respondents
Table 4.1 Respondents age and sex

No Demographic characteristic s R e s p o n d e n t s
Respondents number Percentage
s e x M a l e 1 5 7 5
F e m a l e 5 2 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0
A g e B e l o w 1 8
1 8 - 2 0
2 0 - 3 0 1 6 8 0
3 1 - 5 0 4 2 0
A b o v e 5 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Sourc : Questionnaire 2017

As indicated in the above able 4.1 60% (15) people of the responds are males and 40%(10
people) are female conceding their age 64% (16 peoples) are found between the age of 20-30
followed by the years between 31-50 respondents whichaccount 36% (9 peoples). This age
internal mostly should adult and young people because 100% of the respondents age lies 21-50
obviously people in this age class are hard labor have and create, fromthis the researcher
conclude that, majority of the company workers are hat labor poor and create in their activities.

Table 4.2 Respondents by their educational background and work experience

Demographic characteristic s R e s p o n d e n t s
Respondents number Percentage
Educational level B e l o w 1 0 - -
10-12 completed 3 1 5
C e r t i f i c a t e - -
D i p l o m a 4 2 0
D e g r e e 1 3 6 5
A b o v e d e g r e e - -
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0
Work experience with in the company U n d e r 5 y e a r s 3 1 5
5 - 1 0 y e a r s 1 0 5
1 0 - 1 5 y e a r s 5 2 5
Above 15 years 2 1 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source: Questionnaire 2017

Table 4.2 show that most of the respondent’s educational background is diploma in the company
20% (4 respondents). And fevered by degree their 65% (13resdpondnets) in terms of work
experience in the company, majority of them are found in 5-10 years (50%) and followed by
those people found in 10-15 years (25%) and then under 5 years (15%). This indicated that they
may give available response regarding to the quality control practice depending up on their
experience, so, the research may increase by a reliable data to conclude he quality controlling
practice in Almeda textile factory.

Table 4.3 Respondent’s response regarding to whether or not quality controlling department in
their company.

Q . N o 1 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 1 4 7 0
N o 6 3 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source: Questionnaire 2017

From the above table 4.3, a few numbers of respondents3%(6 people) and of 20 respondents are
not aware about the existence of quality controlling department in their company. However, 70%
(14 people) responded that they are aware of that there is quality-controlling department in their
company. This data indicates that, as there is quality-controlling department in the company. As
the respondent indicated more than half percent, (70%) there is absolutely known that there is
quality-controlling department in organization.

Table 4.4 Response regarding to whether or not the annual budget for the quality control in the

Q . N o 2 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 1 5 7 5
N o 5 2 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

According to the filled data presented in the above table 4.4 75% (15respodents) responded that
as there was not any annual budget to control quality effects. In addition, 25% (5 respondents)
responded that there is not any annual budget to control quality defects in the company.

Tale 4.5 Response of respondents regarding to whether or not enough budget allocated in the

Q . N o 3 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 1 5
N o 1 9 9 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

According to the filed data presented in the above table 4.5 5%(1 respondent) out of 20
responded there is enough budget allocated in the company to control quality defects. However,
96% (19 respondents) of the company responded there was not enough budget allocated to
quality control practice.

Figure 3.1 Responsibility of Quality related issues in the company

Source: form questionnaire 2017

According to graph of 4.1 majority of the respondents (92%) or (18 out of 20) respondents)
responded that there was quality controlling department in the company taken a responsibility of
the quality controlling issue. This means the quality-controlling department is responsible for
any issue related with quality problems. And few of the respondents responded that there was
10%(2 out of 20 respondents) responded general manager involved in quality related issue in the

According to response of the manager, the highly responsible body for quality related issue is a
quality control department.

Table 4.6 Respondents response to the company`s Quality improvement from time to time

As Q . N o 5 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 1 4 7 0
N o 6 3 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0
indicated in the above table 4.6, 70% (14 out of 20 respondents) responded that here was
continuous quality improvement within their company. That means there was on advancement
and quality controlling practice form time to time. But 30%(6 respondents out and 20)responded
that there was no continuous improvement in quality controls.

Table 4.7 Response it respondents regarding to whether there is good relationship with their
input supplier

Q . N o 6 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 1 7 8 5
N o 3 1 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

According to the field, data presented in the above table 4.7 majorities of respondents of the
company 85% (17 out of 20 respondents) that there is good relationship and company and their
input suppliers. However, 15% (3 respondents out of 20) there was no good relationship between
the company and the input suppliers.

Figure 4.2 Factors that affect quality improvement in almeda textile

Source: questionnaire 2017

Figure 4.2 comparison of factor that affects quality controlling practice professional
according to the graph 4.2 most of the respondents 50%(10 out of 20 respondents) that lack of
professional personal was the major factors that affect quality controlling practice in their
company. This means that the absence of professional personal leads to less quality product in
the input and output level. Some of the other respondents responded that lack of training problem
as a factor affect quality contributing practice in the company 30% (6 out of 20 respondents). In
addition, lack of capital and lack of modern technologies 10% (2 out of 20 respondents) with
equal weight responded that there was lack of capital and lack of modern technology.

According to response of the manager, the factors that affect quality control of the
product are almost that internal factors like.

 Lack of knowledge and skill from the starting up to the end of the process
 Lack of training
 Lack of proper maintenance

Table 4.8 Respondent’s response regarding to whether or not quality controlling mechanism in
the company

. N Questionnaire 2017
o 8 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 1 4 7 0
N o 6 3 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0
data indicated in the above table 4.8, few respondents 20%, (4 out of 20 respondents) responded
that there was no quality controlling mechanism in the company. However, majority of
respondents (80%) responded that there is a mechanism to control quality in the company.

Table 4.9 Response of respondents related to method that the company use to control

Q. No 9 D e s c r i p t i o n Frequency Percent
By using international study 150 2009 5 2 0
By suing customer feed bake 1 4 7 0
By following its own quality control method 1 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source questionnaire: 2017

From the above table 4.9, majorities of respondents 70%(14 out of 20 respondents) responded
that he company`s best quality controlling practice was through by using customer`s feedback.
Some of the respondents (30%) 6 out of 20 respondents) responded that the company uses
international study ISO 900.

Table 4.10 Respondent`s response regarding to whether or not investigation of governmental and
non governmental body in their product quality.

Q . N o 1 0 descriptio n F r e q u e n c y P e r c e n t
Y e s 1 7 8 5
N o 3 1 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source: questionnaire 2017

As described in the above table 4.11 the majority of the respondents responded that there was
investigation in product service 85% (17 out of 20 respondents). However, very few respondents
15% (3 out of 25 respondents) responded that there was no investigation of governmental and
nongovernmental organization in their company.

Table 4.11Respondentsresponse regarding to whether or not training program in the company to

control quality standard.

Q. No 11 descriptio n F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 6 3 0
N o 1 4 7 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source: questionnaire 2017

According to the filed data presented in the above table 4.11, the majority of respondents
responded that 70% (14 out of 20 respondents) as there was no training in the company. But 30%
(6 out of 20) respondents responded that there was training program in the company to minimize
problems regarding to the quality controlling system.

The manager replied as no, up to now they are not giving training for their employees because of

 Management instability
 Lack of budget

Table 4.12 Response of respondents regarding to what is the base to make a quality control
within the company

Q. No 12 D e s c r i p t i o n frequency Percent
Profitability of the company 2 1 0
Customer satisfaction 1 6 8 0
Product performance 2 1 0
O t h e r - -
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source: - questionnaire 2017

As described in the above table 4.12 the majority of the respondents responded 80% (16
out of 20) that the companies use customer satisfaction as a base to quality controlling practice.
However, few of the respondents (10%) responded that the company uses profitability of the

Table 4.13 Response of respondents regarding inspect and take corrective action during
production within the company

Q . N o 1 3 Description F r e q u e n c y Percent
Y e s 2 0 1 0 0
N o - -
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source questionnaire 2017

As data indicated in the above table 4.13, (100%) all of the respondents responded that
there was inspection and take corrective action during production.

Table 4.14 response of respondents regarding making each worker responsible for quality
of his or her work.

Q. No 14 D e s c r i p t i o n frequency P e r c e n t Source:
Y e s 1 5 7 5
N o 5 2 5
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0
questionnaire 2017

From the above table 4.14 majority of respondents 75% (15 out of 20 respondents)
responded that there is letting each worker responsible for quality of his or her work. But few
number of respondents (25%) (5 out of 20 respondents) responded that there is no letting each
worker responsible for quality of his or her work.

Table 4.15 response of respondents regarding practice team approach within the company

Q . N o 1 5 descriptio n Frequency P e r c e n t
Y e s 1 2 6 0
N o 8 4 0
T o t a l 2 0 1 0 0

Source: questionnaire 2017

According to the above data presented in the table 4.15 most of the respondents60%( 12
out of 20 ) responded that there was a practice of team approach. Butfew numbers of respondents
40% (8 out of 20) responded that there was no practice of team approach. From those 40% of
respondents responses no and briefly discuses in the open ended questions like.

 There is no good relationship between departments

 The production department did not take care in their work.

The manger replied us yes; we use a team approach by the help of kaizen principle or


5.1. Summary








Toachievetheseobjectives,theresearcher conducted with both primary and secondary sources of

hroughobservationconcernedbyto 25
nypolicymanuals,booksinternets and website;thedatahasbeengatheredthroughnon-
whocanproviderelevantinformationabout the organization.

Finally the collected data were analyzed by both qualitative and quantitative techniques and set
the following results.

* 14 respondents of the company responded that, as there is quality-controlling department in the

* As the majority of the respondents (75%) responded that there is annual budget to control
quality defect in the company

*Almost all respondents responded that allocated budget is not enough as much as possible as
required to control quality

* 90% of the respondents responded that there are quality control department in the company
responsible for quality issue

* More than half respondents (970%) responded that there is improvement in quality from time
to time, but few of the respondent responded that no improvement in quality from time to time

* 85% of the respondents responded that there is good relationship between input and supplies
and company to improve quality-controlling practice

* Half of the respondents (50%) responded that, there is lack of professional person which is the
main factor that can affect quality controlling practice in the company.

* More than half portion of the respondents (80%) responded that, there is quality controlling
mechanism in the company.

* More than half (70%) respondents of the company use customer feedback to control quality of

* Majority of the respondents (85%) responded, as there is intervention of government and non-
governmental agencies in investigation of product

* 70% respondents responded that, there is no training program in the company to central quality

* The majority of the respondents (80%) responded that the company uses customer satisfaction
as a criterion to measure quality

* All the respondents (100%) responded that there is inspection and take corrective action during

* Majority of the respondents (80%) responded that, there is making each worker responsible for
quality control of his or her work

* More than half of the respondents (60%) responded that, there is proactive of team approach

The following conclusions are drawn from the previous chapter that the researcher’s
presentation, interpretation and analysis:-

 The company has own quality controlling department who take responsibility regarding
to quality defect.
 There is annual budget in almeda textile factory to quality controlling practice even if it is
not enough as required.
 Quality controlling department is the only responsible body regarding to quality defect in
almeda textile.
 There is improvement in quality controlling practice from time to time in the company.
 There is good relationship between the company and input suppliers, which has the way
for source to quality inputs from them.
 Lack of professional person is one of the challenges in quality controlling practice in the
 There is quality-controlling mechanism in the company.
 Customer feedback is used as a benchmark to assess and measure quality performance in
the company.
 There is an intervention of government and non-governmental bodies in their products of
their company.
 There is no training program in the in the company to control quality because of

*Management instability

*Lack of budget

* Customer satisfaction is a base to make quality control within the company.

* There is an inspection and taking corrective action during production.

* The company makes each worker responsible for quality of his or her work.

* There is a practice of team approach in the company.

Product quality is a current issue even in our country where business is getting more competitive.
Almeda textile factory is one of the companies that produce different products and provides to its
customers, currently there are many companies in computing this company by having a way
designed quality-controlling procedure and producing quality products by of getting the
importance of quality control of almeda textile factory.

# To produce quality product and service, the company should have to do a lot of things such as
training program and managers’ involvement in the field of quality controlling practices;

# The Company should use laboratory and computerized way of inspecting materials instead of
physical inspection;

# The Company should use internationally accepted standard in quality control that helps the
company to challenge its competitors;

# Replacing the older and out dated equipments by new and modernized equipments;

# The Company should assign enough budgets to quality controlling practice;

# The Company should have recurred professional personnel.





R.PannierSelvan(2005)productionandoperationmanagement(2 ndedition).

RobertaS,RussellandBernandW.Taylor(1998),operationmanagement(7 thedition).PrintedatChoud

RogerG.Schroeder(2008),operationmanagement(4 thedition),McGrawHillinternationaledition.Am
erica,New York.

WilliamJ,Stevenson(2005)operationmanagement(8 thedition)TheMcGraw-




Dear respondents

The purpose of this study is to assess the quality control practice in Altex factory. This
questioner is meant secure relevant data to the study, which is believed to come up with valuable
recommendation for problems observed. Therefore, yourgenuine support in responding to the
raised questions has prominent importance for the attainment of the study’s objectives.

Note, you can answer the close and open-ended part of the questioner just by putting “x” marks
in the space provided

*You need not put your name

Part one: Personal information

1. Sex Male Female

2. Age below 18 18-20 21-30 31-35 Above 50

3. Educational level, below 10 10-12 complete Certificate

Degree Above

4. How many years you serve or work experience in your company

Under 5 years 5-10 years 11-15 15 and above

Part two: Information about quality control practice of Almeda textile factory

1. Do you have any awareness that your company /factory has quality control department

Yes No

2. Does your company has annual budget for quality control

Yes No

If your answer for question number’ 2’is yes answer the 3rd question

3. Do you think it is enough

Yes No

4. Who is responsible body for quality control related issue in your company

A. General Manager B. Quality control department

C. Employees of the company D. Other specify …………….

5. Does the company practices continuesquality control improvement

Yes No

6. Does the company has good relationship with the suppliers of row material to improve the
performance of quality control of raw material

Yes No

7. What are the factors affecting quality control of the product in your company?

A. Lack of professional personnel

B. Lack of capital

C. Lack of modern technology

D. Lack of training

E. Other specify ……………………………………………………..

8. Is there any quality control mechanism in the company

Yes No

9. Which method is best for quality control for your company

A. By using ISO 2009 B. By using customer feed back

C. By following its own quality control method

D. Other specify………………………….

10. Is there any governmental and non-governmental organization has made investigation on
your company product or service

11. Does your company give training for employees in the area of quality c0ntrol

Yes No

12. What is your base to makequality control?

A. Profitability of the company B. Customer satisfaction

C. Product performance D. Other specify……………………..

13. Does your company inspect and take corrective action during production

Yes No

14. Is the company making each worker responsible for quality of his or her work?

Yes No

15. Does the company practice team approach?

Yes No

16. If your answer is ‘no’ for question number 15;

Table of Contents
Content Page




List of table list of figure ………………………………………………………………………IV

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTIN......................................................................................................................................1
1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................1
1.2. BACKGROUND OF THE ORGANNIZATION..............................................................................3
1.3 STETEMENT OF THE PROBLEM..................................................................................................3
1.4. BASIC RESEARCH QUESTION....................................................................................................4
1.5. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................4
1.5.1. General objective.......................................................................................................................4
1.5.2. Specific objective.......................................................................................................................4
1.6. SIGNIFICANTS OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................4
1.7. SCOPE OF THE STUDY OR DELIMITATION.............................................................................5
1.8. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY......................................................................................................5
1.9. Organization of the paper.................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................5
2. RELATED LITRATURE REWIEW.......................................................................................................5
2.1. Definition of quality.........................................................................................................................5
2.2. DETERMINANTS OF QUALITY...................................................................................................7
2.3. QUENSEQUENS OF POOR QUALITY.........................................................................................7
2.4. QUALITY CONTROL.....................................................................................................................7
2.4.1. OBJECTIVE OF QUALITY CONTROL..................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREES...................................................................................................................................8
3. RESEARCCH METHODOLOGY AND DESIGN.................................................................................8
3.1. Research Design...............................................................................................................................8
3.2. Source of Data..................................................................................................................................9
3.3. SAMPLE AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUES..................................................................................9
3.3.1. Population and Sample Size.......................................................................................................9
3.3.2. Sampling Method.......................................................................................................................9

3.4. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION.............................................................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................10
4. DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION....................................................10
4.1 Back Ground of the Respondents.....................................................................................................10
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................21
5.1. Summary............................................................................................................................................21
5.2. CONCLUTION..............................................................................................................................22
5.3. RECOMMENDATION..................................................................................................................23








ID NO: AKUR/0106/07


JUNE, 2017


First and for most, I would like to thankour Almighty GOD and his mother saint virgin MARRY,
who give me the ability, willingness and opportunity in my success of life.

I do not have words to express my heartfelt gratitude and indebtedness to my advisor Mr.,
Haftom.A for his professional assistance, constructive and valuable comments in reviewing,
improving, reading and correcting this paper from the beginning to the end.

I also take this opportunity to express my gratitude and to my family who brought up me with the
best character and support me everything from birth to this remarkable stage, and they helped me
financially and morally not only during conducting this paper, but also in my stay at the campus.

Finally yet importantly, special goes to my friends, all managers and employers of Almeda
textile sharecompany for their sincere operation in providing reliable and honest information,
which is, help full for this research.


I, AzmeraHiluf, declared that this work titled “QUALITY CONTROL PRACTICE THE CCASE
OF ALMEDA TEXTILE” is my own effort and study that all source of material used for the
study have been dully acknowledged. I have prided it independently accept for the guidance and
suggestion of the research advisor.

This study has not been submitted for any degree in this university or any other university. It is
offered for the partial fulfillment of degree of BA in Logistics and supply chain management.

Name: AzmeraHiluf


Place of submission: Aksum University

Date of submission: ___________

Mr. Haftom. A


This is to certify that this thesis entitled assessment of quality control practice in case of almeda
textile factory submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the requirements for the
award of bachelor of art (BA) degree in logistic and supply chain management to the college of

business and economics ,Aksum university through the department of logistic and supply chain
management done by Azmera HilufID AKUR(0106/07) in an authentic work carried out by her
under our guidance the matter embodied in this thesis has not submitted earlier for award of any
degree or diploma to the best of our knowledge and belief


This research is designed to assess quality control practice in Almeda Textile share Company.
The objective of this study is assessing of quality controlling practice in Almeda Textile share
Company. This study takes 25 samples (respondents) from the company employee and used
judgmental sampling technique. In the study, both primary and secondary data were used. In
addition, I used qualitative and quantitative research design with descriptive research type. To
analyze the collected data descriptive analysis are used. The study explain different concept like,
quality of products. The major finding of this research was there was lack of professionals in the
organization, there was lack of training in the organization, and the organization adopts team
approach in the work areas.


List of table

Table 4.1 Respondents age and sex………………………………………………………....10

Table 4.2 Respondents by their educational background and work experience…………….11

Table 4.3 Respondent’s response regarding to whether or not quality controlling

department in their company………………………………………………………………...12

Table 4.4 Response regarding to whether or not the annual budget for the quality control in the

Tale 4.5 Response of respondents regarding to whether or not enough budget allocated in the

Table 4.6 Respondents response to the company`s Quality improvement from time to time…14

Table 4.7 Response it respondents regarding to whether there is good relationship with their
input supplier…………………………………………………………………………………….14

Table 4.8 Responds response regarding to whether or not quality controlling mechanism in the

Table 4.9 Response of respondents related to method that the company use to control……….16

Table 4.10 Respondent`s response regarding to whether or not investigation of governmental and
non governmental body in their product quality………………………………………………...17

Table 4.11Respondentsresponse regarding to whether or not training program in the company to

control quality standard…………………………………………………………………………17

Table 4.12 Response of respondents regarding to what is the base to make a quality control
within the company…………………………………………………………………………….18

Table 4.13 Response of respondents regarding inspect and take corrective action during

production within the company………………………………………………………………….18

Table 4.14 response of respondents regarding making each worker responsible for quality of his
or her work………………………………………………………………..19

Table 4.15 response of respondents regarding practice team approach within

the company………………………………………………………………………………..19

List of figure

Figure 3.1 Responsibility of Quality related issues in the company…………….…..…13

Figure 4.2 Factors that affect quality improvement in Almeda textile…………………15


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