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A Record of Continental Collision and Regional Sed

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A record of continental collision and regional sediment flux for the Cretaceous
and Palaeogene core of SE Asia: implications for early Cenozoic

Article  in  Journal of the Geological Society · August 2011

DOI: 10.1144/0016-76492011-004


44 111

2 authors:

Benjamin Clements Robert Hall

Equinor ASA Royal Holloway, University of London


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Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 168, 2011, pp. 1187–1200. doi: 10.1144/0016-76492011-004.

A record of continental collision and regional sediment flux for the Cretaceous and
Palaeogene core of SE Asia: implications for early Cenozoic palaeogeography

B E N JA M I N C L E M E N T S 1,2 * & RO B E RT H A L L 2
Statoil ASA, Svanholmen 6, N-4314 Stavanger, Norway
SE Asia Research Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham TW20 0EX, UK
*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: Palaeogene sedimentary rocks exposed in West Java were derived from local volcanic sources and
central Sundaland, the continental core of SE Asia. Detrital zircons from seven sandstone samples contain U–
Pb age populations with ages of 50–80 Ma, 74–145 Ma, 202–298 Ma, 480–653 Ma and 723–1290 Ma. Late
Cretaceous and Palaeogene zircons in Middle Eocene forearc sandstones are interpreted as derived from two
spatially and temporally discrete volcanic arcs located in Java and Sulawesi respectively. In contrast, all other
populations have a Sundaland provenance. Most Permian–Triassic zircons were derived from granites of this
age in the SE Asian Tin Belt. Mid-Cretaceous zircons in all Upper Eocene and Lower Oligocene formations
were derived from the Schwaner Mountains of SW Borneo. The differences in zircon populations reflect
changing Sundaland sources with time. In the Middle Eocene, sediment was derived mainly from the Tin Belt.
From the Late Eocene onwards a Borneo source became more important. Older zircon ages are from SE Asia
basement that once formed part of Gondwana. Zircons also record the timing of microcontinental collision at
the Java margin (c. 80 Ma) that halted Cretaceous subduction and probably resulted in the elevation of large
parts of continental SE Asia.

Supplementary material: Methods, sample locality list, tables for U–Pb zircon age measurements, point
count data and heavy mineral assemblages, sandstone petrographic descriptions and palaeocurrent data are
available at

Little is known of the palaeogeography, palaeodrainage and have indicated that the impact of India–Asia collision through
sediment pathways in continental SE Asia during the Late SE Asia is less important than ‘indentor-style’ models (e.g.
Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene. In the Early Cretaceous Tapponnier et al. 1982; Replumaz & Tapponnier 2003) suggest.
Sundaland, the area of continental crust that extends from The Palaeogene sedimentary fill of circum-Borneo basins (e.g.
Indochina southeastwards including the islands of Sumatra, the Crocker Fan in NE Borneo), appears to have a local (SW
Borneo and Java, and the shallow seas between them (Fig. 1), Borneo and Malay Peninsula) SE Asia provenance (based on
was broadly in its present position, and there was subduction at light minerals, heavy minerals and zircon geochronology; van
its western, southern and eastern margins. The addition of Hattum et al. 2006). However, detrital zircon geochronological
microcontinental fragments at the SE Sundaland margin (e.g. studies in East Java indicate that the Sundaland region did not
Smyth et al. 2007; Hall 2009: Hall et al. 2009) during the Early contribute significant volumes of sediment to SE Java during the
and early Late Cretaceous halted subduction beneath Sundaland Palaeogene (Smyth 2005). There have been no studies of regional
(e.g. Hall 2009; Clements et al. 2011). From the Late Cretaceous sediment flux in central and southern Sundaland (between the
to c. 45 Ma the margin was inactive (Hall et al. 2008; Hall 2009) islands of Borneo, Sumatra and Java).
and much of the Sundaland region was emergent (Clements et al. In this paper we report U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from
2011). As a consequence of this regional elevation there are sedimentary rocks in West Java that record broad-scale sediment
almost no sedimentary rocks of Late Cretaceous–Early Palaeo- pathways and fluxes across southern Sundaland during the
gene age in the region. At c. 45 Ma subduction recommenced Palaeogene. Interpretation is supported by analyses of detrital
(Hall 2009) and sediments started to accumulate within the modes of light minerals, heavy mineral assemblages and
Sundaland interior and at the continental margins. During the palaeocurrent data. Five formations with depositional ages that
Late Eocene and Oligocene, thick sequences of siliciclastic range from Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene were chosen, as
detritus were deposited across the region (e.g. Doust & Noble they provide important information regarding the dispersal of
2008; Smyth et al. 2008). sedimentary detritus during the erosion of a Cretaceous to
Today large rivers transport huge volumes of sediment from Eocene regional topographic high in Sundaland. This work also
the India–Asia collision zone through Indochina into SE Asia provides information about Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeo-
(e.g. Mekong, Irrawaddy, Red; Ludwig & Probst 1998). It has gene volcanic arcs, the timing of microcontinental collision at
been suggested that thick accumulations of sedimentary material the Java margin and evidence for the derivation of sediment
in SE Asian basins, particularly those that surround Borneo, were from SE Asian basement that was once part of eastern
derived from similar river systems in Asia during the Palaeogene Gondwana. This is the first study concerned with U–Pb dating
(e.g. Hutchison 1996; Métivier et al. 1999). However, more of detrital zircons in West Java, and the first that addresses
recently regional tectonic (e.g. Hall 2002; Hall et al. 2008) and patterns of sediment dispersal across this southern part of
provenance studies (van Hattum 2005; van Hattum et al. 2006) continental SE Asia.

1188 B. C L E M E N T S & R . H A L L

Fig. 1. Major features of the southern part of the Sunda Shelf. Bathymetry is from Sandwell & Smith (1997). The approximate boundary between
Sundaland continental crust and Cretaceous mélange according to Hamilton (1979) is shown as a black dashed line. Acidic volcanic and plutonic rocks of
ages that correspond to age clusters discussed in this paper are shown. Inset (a) shows West Java; grey boxes correspond to Ciletuh Bay (A), the Bayah
Dome (B), the Sukabumi area (C) and the area around Padalarang (D). Samples are numbered 1–7: 28A (1), 30A (2), 8A (3), 4B (4), 2C (5), 22D (6),
13B (7). Black triangles are Holocene volcanoes. Inset (b) is a simplified geological map of West Java compiled from GRDC 1:200 000 scale maps
(Geological Survey of Indonesia 1977) by Lokier (2000) with location names discussed in this paper.
R E G I O NA L S E D I M E N T F L U X I N S E A S I A 1189

Tin Islands (Fig. 1). During the Jurassic and Cretaceous the
Geological background
region underwent several phases of uplift and erosion, accom-
Continental SE Asia is a composite region of continental panied locally by further episodes of granite magmatism. Cretac-
fragments or terranes that are separated by suture zones that eous granites are known from the currently submerged Sunda
represent former ocean basins. All of these terranes are Shelf (Hamilton 1979) and the Schwaner Mountains of SW
allochthonous and are interpreted to have been derived directly Borneo (e.g. Williams et al. 1988; van Hattum et al. 2006) as
or indirectly from Gondwana (e.g. Sengor 1979; Metcalfe 1988, well as smaller occurrences in Sumatra (Barber & Crow 2005)
1996) based mainly on comparative studies of the stratigraphy, and the Central Belt of the Malay Peninsula (Cobbing et al.
palaeontology and palaeomagnetism. The continental core of 1992).
Sundaland comprises the Indochina–East Malaya Block and the
Sibumasu Block, which separated from Gondwana in the Devo-
nian and Permian respectively and amalgamated with the South
Evidence for subduction and collision in SE Asia prior
and North China blocks in the Early Carboniferous (Metcalfe
to 45 Ma
2009) and Early Triassic (Barber & Crow 2009; Metcalfe 2009)
respectively. They are separated by remnants of the Permo-
Subduction and magmatism
Triassic Sukhothai arc (Sone & Metcalfe 2008). Two other Throughout most of Sundaland there are abundant plutonic
blocks, with Gondwana origins, were subsequently added to the and volcanic rocks of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age and
core of Sundaland; the SW Borneo Block (Hall 2009; Hall et al. many of these are commonly interpreted as subduction related.
2009) followed by the East Java–West Sulawesi Block (Smyth et These typically occur inboard from a zone of arc and
al. 2007; Hall 2009). ophiolitic subduction complexes (which were accreted to the
margin in the early Late Cretaceous; see below), and high-
pressure–low-temperature subduction-related metamorphic
Sundaland geology
rocks. This demonstrates that there was subduction beneath the
Many of the oldest rocks exposed in the region are poorly dated. Sundaland–Eurasian margin in the Early and early Late
In the Malay Peninsula basement rocks include Proterozoic Cretaceous prior to microcontinental collisions. This Jurassic
gneiss, marble, schist and phyllite that are overlain by Late to Early Cretaceous active margin can be traced along the
Cambrian to Permian sedimentary rocks (Metcalfe 1988). Proter- present SW margin of Sumatra, through West Java, across the
ozoic ages have been suggested by Liew & McCulloch (1985) Java Sea, and into the Meratus Mountains of SE Borneo (Fig.
for Malay Peninsula basement (based on U–Pb zircon inheri- 1). In contrast, there is almost no evidence for subduction-
tance ages (1.5–1.7 Ga) from granitoids). Sevastjanova et al. related volcanism during the latter part of the Late Cretaceous
(2010) demonstrated through zircon U–Pb dating and Hf isotope and Palaeocene, except in parts of West Sulawesi and Sumba.
analyses that basement beneath the Malay Peninsula is chronolo- The paucity in plutonic and volcanic rocks of this age
gically heterogeneous. Sibumasu basement is predominantly throughout the region is interpreted (along with other lines of
Palaeoproterozoic (1.9–2.0 Ga) but includes some Archean com- evidence; see below) to represent a period without subduction
ponents (c. 2.8 Ga) whereas East Malaya basement is also (Hall 2009).
Palaeoproterozoic but with a broader age range (1.7–2.0 Ga) and In Sumatra there are abundant plutonic and volcanic rocks that
also has Archaean components (2.7 Ga). In Sumatra, schists and record subduction through the Jurassic and Early Cretaceous.
gneisses that are exposed in the NW are considered to represent The majority of these form the Woyla Group (Cameron et al.
a pre-Carboniferous basement (Barber & Crow 2005) and else- 1980; Barber 2000) and represent the volcanic products of the
where continental basement is inferred from the presence of intra-oceanic Woyla Arc that was accreted to the Sumatra–
ignimbrites and granites of varying ages. The oldest rocks Sundaland margin in the early Late Cretaceous. There are also
exposed above basement are the Carboniferous Tapanuli Group, abundant Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous I-type plutons that
which consists of tillites, limestones, sandstones and shales. The formed along the active margin (McCourt et al. 1996) as well as
Permian and Triassic are represented by the Peusangan Group, associated volcanic products such as Early Cretaceous andesites
which comprises sandstones, shales, cherts, limestones and that occur in the Ombilin Basin (e.g. Koning & Aulia 1985) and
volcanic rocks. In Borneo, the oldest rocks exposed are those of other examples from within the Sumatra Fault Zone (e.g. Rosidi
the metamorphic Pinoh Group, which have been suggested to be et al. 1976). Palaeocene ages are restricted to mainly basaltic
Carboniferous–Permian or older (Pieters & Sanyoto 1993) rocks in southern Sumatra and minor basaltic dyke swarms in
although they are undated and known only to be intruded by northern Sumatra (Bellon et al. 2004).
Cretaceous granitoids. These, with rocks that van Bemmelen In SE Borneo there are andesitic lavas, tuffs and volcanic
(1949) called Crystalline Schists, form a continental core in West breccias that were assigned entirely to the Haruyan Formation by
Borneo that is surrounded by ophiolitic, island arc and micro- Wakita et al. (1998) or placed within the Alino Group by
continental crust accreted during the Mesozoic (Hamilton 1979: Sikumbang & Heryanto (1994) and Yuwono et al. (1988) that are
Hutchison 1989: Metcalfe 1996; Hall et al. 2008, 2009). interpreted to represent a volcanic arc suite. These lithologies are
Late Palaeozoic subduction and Triassic collision in Thailand approximately Late Aptian to Cenomanian in age (115–93.5 Ma)
and the Malay Peninsula was accompanied by several episodes of (Yuwono et al. 1988; Wakita et al. 1998). Overlying the Alino
granite intrusion. These were associated with subduction preced- Group is the Manunggul Group (Sikumbang & Heryanto 1994)
ing collision, and later with post-collisional thickening of the or Formation (Yuwono et al. 1988), which comprises volcano-
continental crust (Hutchison 1989, 1996; Sevastjanova et al. genic extrusive rocks that are intruded by basaltic to dacitic
2010). As a result, there are many Permian and Triassic granites dykes and gabbroic to granitic stocks with K–Ar ages that range
(Beckinsale et al. 1979; Liew & Page 1985; Krähenbuhl 1991; from 87  4 Ma to 72  4 Ma, interpreted by Yuwono et al.
Cobbing et al. 1992) in the region (Fig. 1). The majority of these (1988) to be subduction-related, based on their chemistry.
granites form part of the SE Asian tin belt, which extends from In contrast to the rest of the Sundaland region, there are
Myanmar through the Thai–Malay Peninsula into the Indonesian several occurrences of igneous rocks of Late Cretaceous and
1190 B. C L E M E N T S & R . H A L L

Palaeocene age exposed in West Sulawesi. In the northern part of metamorphism (Miyazaki et al. 1998). Radiolarian biostratigra-
West Sulawesi the Latimojong Formation (Campanian to Maas- phy (Wakita et al. 1994) and K–Ar dates on muscovite from
trichtian), composed predominantly of marine sediments, tuffs quartz–mica schist (124–110 Ma; Miyazaki et al. 1998; Parkin-
and basaltic to dacitic flows, contains a number of U–Pb zircon son et al. 1998) yield Cretaceous ages for subduction-related
age populations, the youngest of which is 120–80 Ma (van rocks. In the Meratus Mountains, SE Borneo, ultramafic rocks,
Leeuwen & Muhardjo 2005). In southern Sulawesi the Balang- basalt, chert, siliceous shale, mélange and schist are interpreted
baru (Turonian to Maastrichtian turbidite fan; Hasan 1990) and to represent accreted arc and oceanic-type crust (Parkinson et al.
Marada (Campanian to Maastrichtian turbidites; van Leeuwen 1998; Wakita et al. 1998). Radiolarian biostratigraphy yields
1981) Formations contain volcanic lithic fragments and are, in ages that range from Middle Jurassic to Late Cretaceous (Wakita
places, associated with volcanic sills. Unconformably overlying et al. 1998).
the Balangbaru Formation in the Bantimala region of South Collision of the East Java–West Sulawesi block (Hall 2009)
Sulawesi is the Bua Formation (Sukamto 1982; Yuwono et al. was probably responsible for termination of subduction beneath
1988). This is predominantly volcanic (andesitic) and intrusive Sundaland (Smyth et al. 2007; Hall 2009). The collision must
rocks with K–Ar ages that range from 65 to 58 Ma (Yuwono et have been later than the youngest radiolarian ages (Wakita et al.
al. 1988). In the Biru region, further east, slightly younger 1994; Wakita et al. 1998) associated with pillow basalts in Java
(Eocene) volcanic rocks, called the Langi Volcanics (van Leeu- and Borneo (early Late Cretaceous), and the microcontinent must
wen 1981; Sukamto 1982), comprise predominantly andesitic have been in place before initiation of the present phase of
lithologies. Volcaniclastic rocks in the lower parts contain zircons subduction at c. 45 Ma (Hall 2002, 2009). The timing of
that yield a fission track age of 62  2 Ma (Hall 2009). The collision between the Woyla Arc and Sumatra is estimated at
Langi Volcanics are intruded by a tonalite–granodiorite with a 98–92 Ma (M. J. Crow, pers. comm.) based on overthrust
K–Ar age of 52–50 Ma (Yuwono et al. 1988). Both the Bua Aptian–Albian fringing reef carbonates and associated meta-
Formation and Langi Volcanics have a calc-alkaline character morphism of rocks of mid-Cretaceous age (Barber & Crow
(van Leeuwen 1981) and were interpreted by Elburg et al. (2002) 2009). Plate reconstructions (Hall et al. 2009), based on the
as subduction-related. evidence summarized above, interpret the microcontinent to have
The lower part of the Balangbaru Formation has been arrived between 92 and 80 Ma.
interpreted as representing part of a post-collisional passive
margin sequence by Hasan (1990) and Wakita et al. (1996),
Summary of the Sundaland Cretaceous active margin
whereas the abundance of volcanic detritus in the upper part is
interpreted to indicate derivation from a volcanic arc (van There are abundant granitic and acid igneous rocks older than
Leeuwen 1981). Hasan’s (Hasan 1990) interpretation of a Late 80 Ma exposed throughout the Sundaland region, the majority of
Palaeocene to Early Eocene volcanic arc setting for the Bua which are located inboard of the Early Cretaceous subduction
Formation is supported by geochemistry, and this interpretation zone that extended along the West Sumatra margin, through West
implies that the episode of subduction was relatively short-lived Java and into the Meratus Mountains in SE Borneo, and are
and of limited extent, as well as occurring after collision of the interpreted as the consequence of subduction of Tethyan oceanic
East Java–West Sulawesi Block. On the basis of structural and lithosphere (e.g. Hall 2009). In contrast, there is almost no
stratigraphic relationships, van Leeuwen (1981) suggested that evidence for subduction-related volcanism during most of the
this short-lived subduction system was westerly dipping. Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene, except in West Sulawesi and
On Sumba there are lithologies of similar character, and of Sumba, where there is evidence for a short-lived (westerly
broadly equivalent age, to those exposed in West Sulawesi (Hall dipping?) Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene subduction system.
2009). Late Cretaceous and Palaeocene turbidites that contain This paucity of volcanic rocks is interpreted to indicate the
volcanic detritus were assigned to the Lasipu Formation by termination of subduction in the early Late Cretaceous and a
Burollet & Salle (1981) and these rocks record two magmatic period without subduction during the remainder of the late
episodes based on K–Ar dating: (1) Santonian to Campanian Cretaceous (e.g. Hall 2009). Tectonic reconstructions (Hall et al.
(86–77 Ma); (2) Maastrichtian to Palaeocene (71–56 Ma) (Bur- 2009) predict WNW–ESE convergence between 63 and 50 Ma
ollet & Salle 1981). These were interpreted by Abdullah et al. in the region of present-day Sumba and West Sulawesi consistent
(2000) as a consequence of subduction at the Sundaland with a short-lived subduction system in the Palaeocene.
Consequences of continental collision in the Late
Subduction complexes Cretaceous
Cretaceous subduction complexes that include ophiolitic and arc- In addition to the paucity of volcanic rocks younger than c.
type rocks are exposed along the west coast of Sumatra, in Java 80 Ma the termination of subduction in the Late Cretaceous
and in SE Borneo, and are products of subduction beneath around much of Sundaland is supported by radiolarian ages from
Sundaland that continued until the early Late Cretaceous. In cherts associated with basalts from within the zone of accreted
Sumatra, the Woyla Group includes ophiolitic rocks, pelagic and rocks that lie outboard of the Early Cretaceous subduction zone
volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks, and basaltic–andesitic volcanic (e.g. Parkinson et al. 1998; Wakita et al. 1998). Except in West
rocks, interpreted as a Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous intra- Sulawesi and Sumba there was no subduction beneath the Sunda-
oceanic arc (Barber & Crow 2005). In Java, similar subduction- land region from about 80 Ma until 45 Ma. The paucity of
related lithologies comprise pillow basalts, cherts, limestones, sedimentary rocks of Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene age indi-
schists and metasedimentary rocks, interpreted as arc and cates regional uplift (Hall & Morley 2004; Hall et al. 2009)
ophiolitic fragments (e.g. Parkinson et al. 1998; Wakita 2000). during this time and has been interpreted by Clements et al.
High-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks (2011) as a response to changing dynamic topography, driven
at Karangsambung, East Java, such as jadeite–quartz-glauco- initially by subduction, and later by collision and subsequent slab
phane bearing rocks and eclogites, are diagnostic of subduction breakoff. Clements et al. (2011) suggested that during Jurassic
R E G I O NA L S E D I M E N T F L U X I N S E A S I A 1191

and Early Cretaceous subduction there was a dynamic topo- The Ciletuh Formation consists of coarse polymict breccias,
graphic low centred on Sundaland. When subduction ceased in volcanogenic debrites and turbidites (Fig. 3e). The breccias
the Late Cretaceous the dynamic topography was reversed and contain abundant volcanic clasts (basalt and andesite) as well as
the entire region became emergent although without great laminated volcaniclastic clasts, several types of limestone clasts
elevation (as a consequence of a long-wavelength uplift) and and a small number of dacite, granite, and metamorphic clasts.
detritus, eroded from exposed Sundaland, was transported to the Grey–green fine- to medium-grained volcaniclastic turbidite
continental margins. This was deposited off the shelf, presumably sandstones are intercalated with the breccias and become increas-
later to be subducted when subduction resumed beneath Sunda- ingly abundant up-section (Clements et al. 2009). Many features,
land at 45 Ma. The sedimentary record for this time interval has such as the variable and highly angular nature of breccia clasts,
therefore been lost, but the oldest sediments deposited above the and contemporaneous basaltic volcanic rocks (see discussion by
unconformity, of Middle Eocene age, provide a reworked record Hall et al. 2007; Clements et al. 2009), of the Ciletuh Formation
of the broad-scale sediment fluxes that typified the Late Cretac- indicate active faulting in deep water and these deposits are
eous to Palaeocene regional elevation of Sundaland. interpreted to represent deformation and extension in a deep
marine forearc setting (Hall et al. 2007; Clements et al. 2009).
The Ciemas Formation comprises quartz-rich sandstones,
Stratigraphy pebbly sandstones and conglomerates (Fig. 3b and c). Pebbles are
predominantly vein and/or metamorphic quartz and are usually
Middle Eocene
highly rounded; they are interpreted to represent the multiple
In West Java Middle Eocene rocks (van Bemmelen 1949; reworking of sedimentary rocks of pre-Cenozoic age. Sandstones
Schiller et al. 1991; Clements 2008; P. Lunt, pers. comm.) are are typically texturally immature (indicated by poor sorting and
exposed in the Ciletuh Bay area (Fig. 1). These are the Ciletuh angular grains) but compositionally mature (composed predomi-
and Ciemas Formations (Clements & Hall 2007) and represent nantly of quartz, much of which is of metamorphic origin). Many
the oldest sequences above the basement (Fig. 2). features indicate rapid deposition and the formation is interpreted

Fig. 2. Simplified stratigraphic column of

the sedimentary sequences discussed in this
paper. Regions are shown in Fig. 1a.
1192 B. C L E M E N T S & R . H A L L

Fig. 3. Photographs of sedimentary rocks

discussed in this paper. (a) Quartz-rich
sandstones and coal horizons typical of the
Bayah Fm., near Sukabumi. Deposition was
in a coastal plain–coal swamp-type setting.
(b) Tidal deposits of the Ciemas Fm.
exposed in the Ciletuh area. (c) Cross-
laminated sandstones with mud drapes of
the Bayah Fm. near Bayah. Deposition was
in a deltaic setting. (d) Quartz-rich
sandstones and gravelly sandstones of the
Ciemas Fm. in the Ciletuh area. (e) The
lower part of the Ciletuh Fm. is
characterized by deep water polymict
breccias interbedded with volcaniclastic
turbidites. (f) Spectacular cross-bedding in
deltaic Bayah Fm. rocks exposed along the
coast just south of Bayah.

to have been deposited in relatively shallow water on the shelf marine mudstones and siltstones in the lower part that grade
edge (Clements & Hall 2007; Clements 2008). upwards into quartz-rich sandstones (Fig. 3f), pebbly sandstones
and conglomerates with interbedded coals (Fig. 3a) and rare
limestone stringers. Pebbly material is predominantly vein and/or
Summary of Middle Eocene formations
metamorphic quartz and is usually highly rounded and inter-
The Ciletuh and Ciemas Formations were deposited contempor- preted to represent the reworking of pre-Cenozoic sedimentary
aneously in the Middle Eocene and are now exposed close to each rocks. Palaeocurrent indicators indicate that material was sourced
other. The two formations are texturally and compositionally very from the north and the formation is interpreted to have been
different. Modal compositions (Fig. 4) show that only a minor deposited predominantly by large braided rivers (Kusumahbrata
Sundaland contribution is present in the forearc sandstones of the 1994; Clements & Hall 2007) as channel and overbank, deltaic
Ciletuh Formation, and there is no volcanically derived detritus in and coastal plain deposits (Fig. 3a, c and f).
the Ciemas Formation. The two formations are interpreted to have
been deposited far from each other and their present proximity is
Lower Oligocene
due to Miocene thrusting (Clements et al. 2009).
The Lower Oligocene Cikalong Formation (Clements 2008; P.
Lunt, pers. comm.) comprises quartz-rich sandstones, pebbly
Upper Eocene
sandstones and conglomerates intercalated with thick sequences
The Upper Eocene (van Bemmelen 1949; P. Lunt, pers. comm.; of marine carbonaceous siltstones. These are interpreted as
R. J. Morley, pers. comm.) Bayah Formation comprises dark turbidites (Clements & Hall 2007). Rare volcaniclastic (tuffac-
R E G I O NA L S E D I M E N T F L U X I N S E A S I A 1193

metamorphosed basic and intermediate igneous or sedimentary

rocks (e.g. Zack et al. 2004). A high-temperature metamor-
phosed sedimentary source is supported by the presence of rare
sillimanite in two of the samples. Chromian spinel (most
abundant in the Ciemas Formation) indicates a minor ophiolitic
contribution. The presence of cassiterite (between 1 and 3% from
all samples) is interpreted to indicate a contribution from the tin
belt granites (Fig. 1). Tin in the tin belt occurs in the form of
cassiterite (SnO2 ) and is commonly found in offshore placer
deposits (e.g. Hosking 1977).
Apatite is typically associated with acid igneous rocks (pluto-
nic and volcanic). In this study apatite is abundant only in
Cikalong Formation samples (between 7 and 20% of the
assemblage) and is present as both elongate–euhedral–weakly
pleochroic–clouded and rounded–pitted–clear crystal forms
(Fig. 5), indicating volcanic and plutonic–sedimentary sources
respectively. The apatite in predominantly siliciclastic sandstones
could be from the collapse of ash clouds that originated from
active margin volcanoes. However, lack of apatite in other
formations suggests that this process is unlikely to have con-
tributed the majority of apatite to the Cikalong Formation.
Fig. 4. Quartz (Q), feldspar (F) and lithic fragments (L) plotted on a Instead, volcanogenic sandstones that have been mapped (Clem-
ternary diagram (after Dickinson et al. 1983) showing the bulk ents 2008) in close proximity to Cikalong Formation quartz-rich
composition of sandstones discussed in this paper.

eous) sandstone beds indicate a contribution from a distal

volcanic source.
The Oligocene Cijengkol Formation (Clements 2008) is
exposed in the Bayah Dome (Fig. 1) and comprises quartz-rich
sandstones and conglomerates, volcaniclastic sandstones and
conglomerates and shallow water coralline and foraminiferal
limestones. Quartz-rich sandstones and conglomerates were
deposited in terrestrial to shallow marine conditions and palaeo-
current indicators suggest that material was sourced from the

Heavy minerals; non-volcanic samples

With few exceptions, heavy mineral assemblages are similar for
each of the four quartz-rich formations analysed and are
dominated by zircon with significant amounts of rutile, tourma-
line, anatase and minor apatite and monazite. Minor amounts of
other heavy minerals, including cassiterite, garnet, amphibole,
spinel, chlorite, andalusite and cordierite are also present (Fig.
5). Various zircon types, including euhedral, subhedral, rounded
and zoned, are common in all samples. Zircons are mostly
colourless, but purple and brown grains are not uncommon.
Rounded zircon grains (mostly colourless and some purple) have
strongly pitted and frosted surfaces, suggesting sedimentary
reworking. This is consistent with the wide range of zircon ages
in all samples (see below). Euhedral zircon, angular brown
tourmaline, monazite and cassiterite also indicate granitic
sources. Zircon, tourmaline, rutile, apatite, monazite and cassiter-
ite are minerals that are associated with acid igneous and
metamorphic source rocks. Anatase indicates a contact meta-
morphic and/or granitic source or hydrothermal activity. A
contact metamorphic contribution is also supported by rare
garnet that is locally anisotropic suggesting a variety of grossular
(Mange & Maurer 1992) as well as vesuvianite (derived from
impure limestones) although both minerals may be associated
with contaminated volcanic rocks such as those reported from
the Somma–Vesuvius volcanic products, Italy (e.g. Lima et al.
2007). Rutile, although present in acid igneous rocks (Feo- Fig. 5. All samples analysed for heavy minerals from Palaeogene quartz-
codecido 1956), is more common in medium- to high-grade rich sandstones discussed in this study.
1194 B. C L E M E N T S & R . H A L L

sandstones are the probable source of the majority of volcani- dispersed age group; 11 of the 32 grains from Population A are
cally derived apatite. Non-volcanic (plutonic) apatite is likely to from the Ciemas Formation.
have originated from granitic rocks.
It is important to note that the Cikalong Formation was
Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic
deposited in relatively deep water (several hundred metres)
whereas all other quartz-rich sandstones were deposited in a Population B spans the Mesoproterozoic to Early Neoproterozoic
terrestrial or shallow marine setting (Clements & Hall 2007; with an age range of 1290–723 Ma (76 grains; 15.1% of the
Clements 2008). Apatite is considered unstable under conditions sample set). Population B is present in all samples (Fig. 8).
of acidic weathering and more stable during burial diagenesis
(Morton 1986), indicating that apatite could have been removed
Mid-Neoproterozoic to Cambrian
by chemical dissolution from formations that were deposited in a
terrestrial setting (and subject to acidic weathering for longer Population C has an age range of 653–480 Ma (56 grains; 13.2%
periods). However, the presence of andalusite, which is consid- of the sample set). It forms one prominent age cluster and is
ered relatively unstable in deep burial conditions (e.g. Morton & present in all samples. The majority of grains have ages between
Hallsworth 1999), in some of the samples is a good indicator that 607 and 480 Ma (49 grains; 11.6% of the sample set).
these rocks were not subjected to significant diagenetic dissolu-
Carboniferous and Devonian
In all samples analysed for heavy minerals (all quartz-rich
formations) it is predominantly the ultra-stable heavy minerals Population D has an age range of 422–305 Ma (17 grains; 4% of
that are present (Fig. 5). This is interpreted as partly due to the the sample set). It forms one broadly dispersed age group and is
significant contribution of material from granitic rocks that present in all samples. The majority of grains have ages between
commonly contain heavy minerals such as zircon, apatite, 379 and 305 Ma (15 grains; 3.5% of the sample set).
tourmaline, but also reflecting about 50 Ma of sediment rework-
ing in Sundaland, with probable multi-cycle terrestrial reworking
Permian to Triassic
of clastic detritus, and removal of less stable heavy mineral
varieties. This polycyclic history for some of the clasts in the Population E has an age range of 298–202 Ma (73 grains; 17.3%
sandstone samples is supported by the highly rounded detrital of the sample set). It contains two prominent sub-clusters, one
zircon varieties (of all ages) in all samples. between 298 and 252 Ma (23 grains; 5.4% of the sample set) and
one between 246 and 202 Ma (50 grains; 11.8% of the sample
set). Population E is present in all samples although there are
Palaeocurrent data notably few grains from this population in the Middle Eocene
Palaeocurrent data were collected as part of an extensive field Ciletuh Formation samples.
programme in West Java during several field seasons. All data
are unidirectional and include cross-bedding, current ripples, and Jurassic
flute and groove casts. The majority of palaeocurrent indicators
are from quartz-rich sandstones. These data indicate that clastic Population F has an age range of 199–145 Ma (20 grains; 4.7%
material was derived from the north and this is consistent with a of the sample set). It forms one small broadly dispersed age
continental Sundaland provenance. Forearc sandstones of the group and is present in all Late Eocene and Early Oligocene
Ciletuh Formation also have a northerly provenance but contain samples. Zircons of this age are most abundant in Lower
little continental debris, suggesting derivation from a forearc Oligocene formations, particularly the Cijengkol Formation
high. (Sample 13B). Two grains from this population are also present
in one Middle Eocene Ciletuh Formation sample (Sample 30A).

Detrital zircon geochronology Early to mid-Late Cretaceous

A total of 594 zircon U–Pb analyses were obtained from seven Population G has an age range of 145–74 Ma (70 grains; 16.5%
samples and five formations. Two samples are from the Middle of the sample set). It forms one prominent age group that is
Eocene volcaniclastic Ciletuh Formation, which was deposited in represented in all Late Eocene and EArly Oligocene samples.
a forearc setting. All other samples are quartz-rich sandstones
deposited in terrestrial and marine settings. These are the Ciemas
(Middle Eocene), Bayah (Upper Eocene), Cikalong and Cijeng- Latest Cretaceous to Palaeocene
kol (Lower Oligocene) Formations. At least 60 grains per sample Population H has an age range of 110–50 Ma (38 grains; 9% of
were analysed to ensure 95% confidence levels in defining the sample set). There are two prominent sub-clusters, one
populations present at 5% (Dodson et al. 1988; Anderson 2005). between 110 and 87 Ma (15 grains; 3.5% of the sample set) and
Detrital zircon ages, from all samples, range from 3629 to one between 82 and 50 Ma (22 grains; 5.2% of the sample set).
31 Ma. In this study we define nine populations on the basis of Population H is present only in Middle Eocene volcanogenic
age ‘clusters’ on probability–age distributions from all samples forearc sandstones of the Ciletuh Formation.
analysed (Fig. 6).

Eocene to Oligocene
Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic
Population I has an age range of 40–31 Ma (nine grains; 2.1% of
Population A spans the Archaean to Palaeoproterozoic with an the sample set). Detrital zircon grains from Population I are
age range of 2590–1717 Ma (32 grains; 7.5% of the sample set). present in Samples 30A (Middle Eocene Ciletuh Formation), 4B
Population A has no distinct clusters and represents a broad (Upper Eocene Bayah Formation) and 22D (Lower Oligocene
R E G I O NA L S E D I M E N T F L U X I N S E A S I A 1195

Fig. 6. Probability density plots for detrital zircon ages presented in this study: (a) entire range; (b) 0–350 Ma. Plots are an accumulation of single
Gaussian curves of each age measurement normalized to unity and grain densities. Vertical bands represent age ranges for different sources; colours
enhance clarity.

Cikalong Formation). Ages of these grains are all similar to ent characteristics, which have been juxtaposed by Miocene
depositional ages (within error) of these formations and were thrusting. The Ciemas Formation broadly resembles the Late
probably sourced from the Palaeogene volcanic arc. Eocene to Early Oligocene quartz-rich sandstones of West Java,
which are compositionally mature. Compositional detrital modes,
heavy mineral assemblages and palaeocurrent data for all these
Discussion and conclusions sandstones support a northerly Sundaland continental derivation.
Most West Java Palaeogene sandstones are quartz-rich and were In contrast, the Ciletuh Formation sandstones contain little
deposited in a variety of settings from terrestrial through margin- quartz, have a volcanic arc provenance, are texturally and
al marine to fully marine but close to the shelf. Middle Eocene compositionally immature, and represent a deep water environ-
sandstones have been separated into two formations, the Ciemas ment. They were deposited in an active continental margin
and Ciletuh Formations (Clements et al. 2009), with very differ- setting far south of the emergent Sundaland landmass but zircon
1196 B. C L E M E N T S & R . H A L L

age data show that they too have a minor Sundaland component.
The zircon age data from all the sandstones help construct a
picture of the changing eroding hinterland of Sundaland during
the Palaeogene. We discuss first the character of the volcanogenic
forearc sandstones, and then the character and provenance of the
quartz-rich sandstones.

Middle Eocene Sundaland margin volcanic sources

(Ciletuh Formation)
The Middle Eocene Ciletuh Formation is exposed in the Ciletuh
Bay area (Fig. 1). The two samples from the Ciletuh Formation
are dominated by Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene grains (Fig.
6). Sample 28A has Palaeocene and Cretaceous populations
(Population J), with the Cretaceous population dominant. It also
contains significant Palaeozoic and Proterozoic zircons (Popula-
tions B, C, D, E and G). We interpret this sample to contain
material eroded from the Sundaland continent, the pre-collisional
Cretaceous arc (Parkinson et al. 1998; Smyth et al. 2007; Hall
2009; Hall et al. 2009) and a Palaeocene arc. In contrast, Sample
30A contains few grains that suggest a Sundaland continental
source but is dominated by Palaeocene and Eocene grains
(Population J), suggesting that most material came from the
Palaeocene arc. The Palaeocene to Eocene grains in both samples
are tentatively correlated with the Bua Formation and Langi
Volcanics of West Sulawesi and perhaps the Lasipu Formation of
Sumba. They are interpreted to represent a contribution from an
arc that formed as a consequence of a short-lived phase of
subduction in the present-day area of West Sulawesi and Sumba
(Fig. 7). There may have been a contribution from the syndeposi-
tional active arc (Clements & Hall 2007; Smyth et al. 2007, Fig. 7. (a) Plate reconstruction of southern Sundaland at 100 Ma
2008; Clements 2008), but if so it was small, as most zircons (modified from Hall et al. 2009; Clements et al. 2011) showing the
predate initiation of the Eocene to Early Miocene arc. The sharp impending collision of the East Java–West Sulawesi continental fragment
break in zircon ages at c. 80 Ma (Fig. 6b) suggests cessation of with Eurasia. Prior to collision of the East Java–West Sulawesi Block
magmatic activity, and subduction, which we interpret to have there was subduction beneath Sundaland at the Java–Sumatra margin.
followed collision of the East Java–West Sulawesi block with WA, Woyla Arc, exposed onshore Sumatra as the Woyla Group (Nappe)
Sundaland (Fig. 7). (e.g. Barber & Crow 2005); IA, Incertus Arc (after Hall et al. 2009),
The pre-Cretaceous zircons are similar in age to zircons which is correlated with the Mawgyi Nappe of western Burma. (b) Plate
present in all the quartzose sandstones discussed below. In configuration at c. 60 Ma for southern Sundaland (base map modified
Sample 28A there are minor Permian–Triassic (Population G), from Hall 2009). This shows the approximate position of the extinct
Late Neoproterozoic (Population C) and Late Mesoproterozoic Cretaceous Java–Sumatra arc after collision of the East Java–West
(Population B) age clusters. In Sample 30A there are fewer older Sulawesi microplate. There was subduction only beneath West Sulawesi
zircons with Permian–Triassic (Population G), Early Carbonifer- and Sumba between 63 and 50 Ma, which was accompanied by a short-
lived phase of strike-slip faulting south of Java prior to the resumption of
ous and Late Devonian (Population D) age clusters, and a very
subduction beneath Sundaland at 45 Ma.
small number of Proterozoic grains. Permian–Triassic and Late
Proterozoic ages are also present in most non-volcanic siliciclas-
tic samples (Fig. 6). These ages are typical of a Sundaland Late Neoproterozoic (Population C) (Fig. 6). These age clusters
basement signature and it is suggested that, despite being are present in all other quartz-rich sandstone samples described
dominated by volcanic arc material, contributions from Sunda- in this paper and likely sources are discussed below. The Ciemas
land are present in both Middle Eocene Ciletuh samples. The Formation sample contains significantly more Precambrian grains
Palaeocene and Cretaceous arcs were built on Sundaland con- (46 (71% of sample)) than any other sample. The contrast with
tinental crust, so the association of Palaeocene–Cretaceous and the Ciletuh Formation is not unexpected, as field observations
older zircons is not surprising. It is consistent with the positions indicate that the Ciemas and Ciletuh Formations were deposited
of the arcs at the Sundaland margin, with drainage systems that in very different settings (Fig. 8). The very small number of
transported Sundaland-derived detritus into relatively deep water Eocene and Cretaceous zircons in the Ciemas Formation sand-
in the Middle Eocene forearc (Fig. 8) (Hall et al. 2007; Clements stone indicates that almost all detritus from the active and older
et al. 2009). Cretaceous arcs was deposited in the forearc, whereas Sundaland
material was deposited on West Java in depocentres close to the
Middle Eocene coast and did not reach the forearc.
Middle Eocene Sundaland detritus (Ciemas Formation) The Ciemas Formation zircon ages display no distinct clusters
Zircon ages from the Middle Eocene Ciemas Formation are and thus are difficult to interpret. Some of the Ciemas Formation
markedly different from those of the Ciletuh Formation. Only ages are not present in other samples, notably a small number of
one Eocene and two Cretaceous zircons are present and the most Archaean and some early Mesoproterozoic grains. Sundaland is
prominent age clusters are Permian–Triassic (Population G) and composed of continental basement blocks of different ages
R E G I O NA L S E D I M E N T F L U X I N S E A S I A 1197

Fig. 8. Schematic interpretation of the

Ciemas and Ciletuh Formations (Middle
Eocene) in SW Java. The Ciletuh Formation
was deposited in deep water within the
forearc. The Ciemas Formation was
deposited contemporaneously but in
shallower water, probably on or just off a
narrow shelf. Their present juxtaposition is
interpreted as resulting from thrusting
(Clements et al. 2009). Modified from
Clements et al. (2009).

separated by suture zones that have been intruded by numerous Formations, and the Middle Eocene Ciemas Formation, corre-
granitoids, which could account for the ages of Ciemas Forma- spond well to known isotopic ages of Permian and Triassic
tion zircons (e.g. van Hattum et al. 2006; Smyth et al. 2007; granites distributed throughout the Malay Peninsula and Indone-
Sevastjanova et al. 2010). The wide spread of ages without sian Tin Islands.
distinct age clusters probably reflects several episodes of recy- The Proterozoic zircon ages do not match any exposed sources
cling from multiple sources before deposition as the Ciemas in the Sundaland region or basement sources interpreted from the
Formation. few studies published up to now (van Hattum et al. 2006; Smyth
et al. 2007; Sevastjanova et al. 2010). A 500–650 Ma age signal
has been attributed to ‘Pan-Gondwana’ assembly and post-
Late Eocene and Early Oligocene Sundaland detritus collisional extension (e.g. Veevers 2003, 2007) as well as to
(Bayah, Cikalong and Cijengkol Formations) Ross–Delamerian orogenic cycles in eastern Antarctica and
Late Eocene samples (Bayah Formation) and Early Oligocene eastern Australia (e.g. Goodge et al. 2004; Gibson et al. 2011).
samples (Cikalong and Cijengkol Formations) have very similar Other Precambrian age clusters similar to those of the West Java
zircon age profiles. There are a small number of Eocene grains sandstones are commonly reported from detrital samples in
(Population K) suggesting a contribution from the active Eocene Western Australia (Sircombe & Freeman 1999; Cawood &
volcanic arc of East and West Java (Smyth et al. 2007, 2008; Nemchin 2000; Veevers et al. 2005, and references therein) and
Clements 2008) most probably from air-fall deposits. The most have been interpreted (e.g. Sircombe & Freeman 1999) to
prominent age clusters are mid-Cretaceous (Population I) for represent provinces such as the Leeuwin block (480–850 Ma)
Samples 4B, 2C and 22D, and Late Jurassic and Cretaceous and Albany–Fraser orogen (1000–1300 Ma). Therefore, we con-
(Populations H and I) for Sample 13B. Most of these ages are sider that these Proterozoic ages in West Java sandstones record
older than the Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene clusters in ages of basement that was once part of Gondwana but that now
the Ciletuh Formation samples that are interpreted as derived from forms the basement to Sundaland. This is consistent with
the West Sulawesi–Sumba volcanic arc, and therefore represent a proposals for a NW Australian origin for basement blocks in SW
different source. The Cretaceous ages are typical of those Borneo and East Java–West Sulawesi (Hall 2009; Hall et al.
expected from the pre-collisional Sunda arc that extended from 2009).
Sumatra through Java into SE Borneo. Zircon ages correspond There are also sedimentary sources that may have contributed
well to known isotopic ages of Cretaceous granites from the zircons. There are thick, laterally extensive sedimentary sequences
Sunda Shelf (Williams et al. 1988), and the Schwaner Mountains of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous age exposed over large areas of
of SW Borneo (van Hattum et al. 2006). A Jurassic population Indochina and the Malay Peninsula referred to as the Khorat
(Population H) is well defined in the Cijengkol Formation (Sample Group and lateral equivalents (Racey 2009). It is unclear how far
13b) and was probably derived from Jurassic igneous rocks known south these, and equivalent sequences, extended prior to regional
from Sumatra (McCourt et al. 1996) (Fig. 9). uplift in the Late Cretaceous and development of the SE Asia
Other age populations are common to the samples from the Regional Unconformity (Clements et al. 2011), but it is probable
Bayah, Cikalong and Cijengkol Formations; these are Permian– that some of these rocks were extended well south into Sundaland,
Triassic (Population G), Late Neoproterozoic (Population C) and and were reworked into Cenozoic sediments.
latest Meso- to earliest Neoproterozoic (Population B). The There are other possible pre-Cenozoic sedimentary sources for
Permian–Triassic ages for the Bayah, Cikalong and Cijengkol zircons in the region (e.g. beneath East Java) where zircons of
1198 B. C L E M E N T S & R . H A L L

varying ages (many of which are Archaean, Proterozoic and

Palaeozoic) were transported to the high levels in the crust by
magmatic processes and are now found in Palaeogene igneous
rocks as xenocrysts and in reworked volcanic ash deposits of the
Eocene to Early Miocene volcanic arc (Smyth et al. 2007). These
igneous rocks are clearly sampling an older source and the large
variation in zircon ages within these rocks probably indicates a
sedimentary cover deposited above a Proterozoic basement,
rather than Archaean basement, of a Gondwana fragment (Smyth
et al. 2007; Hall 2009).
This suggestion is supported by recent discoveries of deep
sedimentary basins, or keels, in the NE Java Sea (e.g. Granath et
al. 2011), which illustrate that there is significant potential for
important sedimentary sources within what has traditionally been
referred to as pre-Cenozoic ‘basement’ in the Sundaland region.
Imaging of these basins has been possible only through the
acquisition of new, long offset, long record crustal-scale seismic
data by ION-GXT. Granath et al. (2011) reported a sedimentary
section up to 8.5 km thick preserved within a fault-bounded
basin beneath the Cenozoic sedimentary section in the NE Java
Sea and interpreted these sequences as Mesozoic to possibly
Precambrian in age. This interpretation implies that these basins
developed on continental crust prior to the break-up of Gondwa-
na and therefore are filled with sedimentary rocks that record an
Australian–Indian or Gondwana affinity, rather than a long SE
Asian record. It is probable that similar sedimentary sequences
are present in other parts of Sundaland (e.g. between West Java
and SW Borneo), which could have been eroded during the Early
Palaeogene and contributed polycyclic sedimentary detritus, such
as detrital zircon, to the Palaeogene sequences discussed in this
paper. It is also reasonable to expect some degree of tectonic
inversion and exhumation of these deep basins during collision
and amalgamation to Eurasia (e.g. East Java–West Sulawesi at c.
80 Ma; discussed above), and during resumption of subduction at
about 45 Ma.

This project was funded by the consortium of oil companies that support
the SE Asia Research Group. We thank A. Carter from University
College London for all his assistance with the U–Pb analysis, I.
Sevastjanova for help and discussions on many aspects of the heavy
mineral work presented, A. Harsolumakso, B. Sapiie and other Institute
Teknologi Bandung (ITB) geologists, and D. Sukarna and the Pusat
Survei Geologi (former GRDC) for their co-operation, help and support.
I. Yulianto and E. Slameto provided invaluable field support. We are
grateful to H. Smyth and colleagues in the SE Asia Research Group, and
P. Lunt for discussions regarding the geology of Java and support during
fieldwork. Finally, we thank T. van Leeuwen and A. J. Barber for their
thorough and constructive reviews.

Fig. 9. Schematic palaeogeographical maps of the Sunda Shelf region for

the Middle and Late Eocene and Early Oligocene. During the Middle
Eocene there is no contribution from the Schwaner Mountains to West
Java. The Ciletuh Formation was deposited in deep water, to the south,
and sourced mainly from a local volcanic arc source, and the eroded
products of the Cretaceous and Palaeocene arcs, with only minor
contribution from Sundaland. During the Late Eocene both the Schwaner
Mountains and the tin belt granitoids are interpreted to have been
supplying material to West Java. During the Early Oligocene there was a
possible waning of the Schwaner Mountains source; sediments, however,
continued to be sourced from Sundaland. Sediment flux for northern
Borneo is from van Hattum et al. (2006). Increasing water depth is
indicated by darker contour fills. Java and Borneo are rotated in
accordance with tectonic reconstructions (Hall 2002).
R E G I O NA L S E D I M E N T F L U X I N S E A S I A 1199

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Received 18 January 2011; revised typescript accepted 26 April 2011.

Scientific editing by Quentin Crowley.

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