Iodine Value of Fats and Oils Cyclohexane-Acetic Acid Method
Iodine Value of Fats and Oils Cyclohexane-Acetic Acid Method
Iodine Value of Fats and Oils Cyclohexane-Acetic Acid Method
two pieces of filter paper to remove any solid impurities 9. Prepare and conduct at least one blank determination
and the last traces of moisture. The filtration may be with each group of samples simultaneously and similar
performed in an air oven at 80–85°C, but should be in all respects to the sample.
completed within 5 min ± 30 sec. The sample must be
absolutely dry. CALCULATIONS
Note—All glassware must be absolutely clean and (B − S) × N × 12.69
completely dry. 1. Iodine value =
mass of sample, g
2. After filtration, allow the filtered sample to achieve a
t e m p e rat u re of 68–71 ± 1°C befo re weighing the Where—
sample. B = volume of titrant, mL of blank
3. Once the sample has achieved a temperature of 68–71 ± S = volume of titrant, mL of sample
1°C, immediately weigh the sample into a 500-mL N = normality of Na2S2O3 solution
iodine flask, using the weights and weighing accuracy
noted in Table 1 (see Notes, 7). PRECISION
4. A dd 15 mL of cy cl o h exane + glacial acetic acid 1. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(Reagents, 5) on top of the sample and swirl to ensure (IUPAC)/International Organization for Standardization
that the sample is completely dissolved. (ISO) collaborative studies gave the statistical results
5. Dispense 25 mL of Wijs solution using the pipet shown in Table 2.
(Apparatus, 3) into the flask containing the sample,
stopper the flask and sw i rl to ensure an intimat e NOTES
mixture. Immediately set the timer for 1.0 or 2.0 hr, Caution
depending on the iodine value of the sample: IV < 150, Wijs solution causes severe burns, and the vapors can cause
1.0 hr; IV ≥ 150, 2.0 hr (see Notes, 8). lung and eye damage. Use of a fume hood is recommended.
6. Immediately store the flasks in the dark for the required Wijs solution without carbon tetrachloride is available com-
reaction time at a temperature of 25 ± 5°C. mercially.
7. Remove the flasks from storage and add 20 mL of KI Cyclohexane is flammable and a dangerous fire risk. It
solution, followed by 100 mL of distilled water (see is moderately toxic by inhalation and skin contact. The
Notes, 9 and 10). TLV in air is 300 ppm.
8. Titrate with 0.1 N Na2S2O3 solution, adding it gradu- Glacial acetic acid in the pure state is moderately toxic
ally and with constant and vigorous shaking (see Notes, by ingestion and inhalation. It is a strong irritant to skin and
11). Continue the titration until the yellow color has tissue. The TLV in air is 10 ppm.
almost disappeared. Add 1–2 mL of starch indicator Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and will cause severe
solution and continue the titration until the blue color burns. Protective clothing should be worn when working
just disappears. with this acid. It is toxic by ingestion and inhalation and is a
Table 2
Statistical analysis of results obtained in IUPAC/ISO collaborative study (11 laboratories) of Wijs iodine value with carbon
tetrachloride and cyclohexane + glacial acetic acid (1:1) solvents a.
Sunflower 133.6 132.9 3.00 3.60 7.20 4.80 1.07 1.29 2.57 1.71 1.43 1.71 3.44 2.28
Refined palm 53.1 53.0 0.65 0.82 1.43 1.90 0.23 0.29 0.51 0.68 0.12 0.16 0.27 0.36
Crude fish 109.1 108.5 1.67 1.40 4.35 2.80 0.60 0.50 1.55 1.00 0.65 0.54 1.69 1.09
Tung 164.5 163.1 3.47 2.39 5.27 4.32 1.24 0.85 1.88 1.54 2.04 1.39 3.10 2.52
Tallow (beef) 47.2 46.9 1.37 1.33 2.75 2.10 0.49 0.48 0.98 0.75 0.23 0.22 0.46 0.35
Crude palm 52.5 52.6 1.36 2.15 2.12 2.89 0.49 0.77 0.76 1.03 0.26 0.40 0.40 0.54
Used frying 37.7 37.7 0.97 1.38 1.18 2.48 0.35 0.49 0.42 0.89 0.13 0.19 0.16 0.33
Palm kernel 18.2 18.3 0.17 0.14 0.51 0.64 0.06 0.05 0.18 0.23 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04
Olive 82.3 82.2 0.75 1.75 1.86 2.62 0.27 0.63 0.66 0.94 0.22 0.51 0.55 0.77
HSBO1b 102.6 102.3 1.40 2.20 4.80 5.10 0.50 0.79 1.71 1.82 0.51 0.80 1.76 1.86
HSBO2b 74.7 74.8 1.70 1.50 3.70 2.10 0.61 0.54 1.32 0.75 0.45 0.40 0.99 0.56
HFOb 73.0 72.8 1.70 1.60 2.50 2.30 0.61 0.57 0.89 0.82 0.44 0.42 0.65 0.60
aSee References, 3. RSDr, relative standard deviation, repeatability; RSDR, relative standard deviation, reproducibility; SDr, standard
deviation, repeatability; SDR, standard deviation, reproducibility; CTC, carbon tetrachloride; CHX, cyclohexane + glacial acetic acid
(1:1); HSBO, hydrogenated soybean oil; HFO, hydrogenated fish oil.
bAdditional study involving 17 laboratories.
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Cd 1d-92 • Iodine Value of Fats and Oils
strong irritant to eyes and skin. The use of a properly operat- starches: Soluble Starch for Iodometry, Fisher S516-
ing fume hood is recommended. When diluting the acid, 100; Soluble Potato Starch, Sigma S-2630; Soluble
always add the acid to the water, never the reverse. Potato Starch for Iodometry, J.T. Baker 4006-04.
Potassium dichromate is toxic by ingestion and inhala- 6. The sodium thiosulfate solution may be purchased from
tion. There is sufficient evidence in humans for the carcino- a chemical supplier. However, it still must be accurately
genicity of chromium [+6], in particular, lung cancer. It is a standardized in the laboratory.
strong oxidizing agent and a dangerous fire risk when in 7. The weight of the sample must be such that there will
contact with organic chemicals. be an excess of Wijs solution of 50–60% of the amount
added, i.e., 100–150% of the amount absorbed.
NUMBERED NOTES 8. The indicated reaction times are those specified in the
1. When the iodine value is determined on mat e ri a l s IUPAC Iodine Value Method 2.205 (References, 1) and
having conjugated systems, the result is not a measure were the reaction times used in the IUPAC/ISO valida-
of total unsaturation, but rather is an empirical value tion study of the cyclohexane + acetic acid method.
i n d i c at ive of the amount of unsat u ration pre s e n t . Previous AOCS versions of iodine value methods speci-
Reproducible results are obtained that afford a compari- fied a reaction time of 0.5 hr, regardless of the iodine
son of total unsaturation. When the iodine value is value, but noted that “a longer reaction time may be
required on fatty acids, see Method Tg 1a-64. necessary for oils with high iodine value.” The longer
2. Because the preparation of the Wijs solution is time- reaction times appear to be particularly critical when
consuming and involves the use of both hazardous and cyclohexane is used as a replacement for carbon tetra-
toxic chemicals, this solution may be purchased from a chloride (References, 2).
chemical supplier. Solutions are ava i l able wh i ch 9. If the reaction is not terminated within 3 min after the
contain no carbon tetra ch l o ri d e, and such solutions reaction time, the sample must be discarded.
should be used. All Wijs solutions are sensitive to 10. The sample must be titrated within 30 min of reaction
temperature, moisture and light. Store in a cool and termination, after which the analysis is invalid.
dark place, and never allow to come to a temperature 11. M e chanical stirring is recommended for agi t at i o n
above 25–30°C. The laboratory preparation of Wijs during the addition of thiosulfate.
solution is noted in AOCS Official Method Cd 1-25.
3. Fresh cyclohexane should be used. Erratic results may REFERENCES
be obtained if old cyclohexane is used. See Reagents, 5 1. Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and
for a test for the presence of oxidizable substances. Derivatives, International Union of Pure and Applied
4. 1% starch solution may be purchased from a chemical Chemistry, 7th edn., Blackwell Scientific Publications,
supplier. 1987, IUPAC Method 2.205.
5. “ Po t ato Starch for Iodometry” is re c o m m e n d e d, 2. AOCS collaborative study results using cyclohexane
because this starch produces a deep blue color in the alone appear in J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 65:745 (1988).
presence of the iodonium ion. “Soluble Starch” is not 3. IUPAC collaborative study results using cyclohexane +
recommended because a consistent deep blue color may glacial acetic acid (1:1) appear in Pure Appl. Chem.
not be developed when some soluble starches interact 62:2339 (1990) and were reported in INFORM 1:484
with the iodonium ion. The fo l l owing are suitabl e (1990).
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