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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari, Tanggal : Senin, 6 Juni 2022

Kelas/Peminatan : X MIPA Waktu : 120 Menit


1. Elvira (sweep) the floor at her house last night
A. Sweeps
B. Was sweeping
C. Sweep
D. Swept
E. Sweped
2. and your family go last week?
A. Do
B. Is
C. Were
D. Did
E. Done
3. .........your mother the teacher in your school last year?
A. Does
B. Was
C. Were
D. Are
E. Am
4. They (think) about the problem very hard yesterday
A. thinks
B. tought
C. taught
D. thought
E. thinked
5. She (be) at the street when the earthquake happened last night.
A. Is
B. Has
C. Were
D. Was
E. Are
6. .... there ever been a war in the United States?
A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
D. Is
E. Are
7. ... you watched the movie yet?
A. Are
B. Have
C. Has
D. Can
E. Do
8. The rain... since last morning
A. Stop
B. Hasn’t stopped
C. Is stop
D. Stopped
E. Will stop
9. They have visitid their grandmother....
A. Several times
B. Today
C. Last week
D. Yesterday
E. Two days ago
10. Anna... (not see) the movie “Inception” in the cinema yet.
A. Is not seeing
B. Doesn’t see
C. Didn’t see
D. Have seen
E. Hasn’t seen
The following text is for questions 11 to 15.
The Battle on November 10, 1945
The Battle of Surabaya was fought between pro-independence Indonesian soldiers and militia against British and British
Indian troops as a part of the Indonesian National Revolution.
On 27 October 1945, a British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over Surabaya urging all Indonesian troops and militia
to surrender their weapons. The leaders of the Indonesian troops and militia were angered, seeing it as a breaking of the
agreement reached with Mallaby earlier.
Brigadier A. W. S. Mallaby, the British brigade commander in Surabaya, was travelling about Surabaya to spread the
news about the new agreement to his troops. Shortly after that, Mallaby was shot and killed. That made Lieutenant General
Sir Philip Christison was angered.
At dawn on 10 November, British troops began a methodical advance through the city under the cover of naval and air
bombardment. Fighting was heavy, with British troops clearing buildings room by room.
The battle was the heaviest single battle of the revolution and became a national symbol of Indonesian resistance.
Considered a heroic effort by Indonesians, the battle helped galvanise Indonesian and international support for Indonesian
It was a day now commemorated in Indonesia as Heroes’ Day.
11.   What kind of genre does the text above belong to?
A.    Personal recount.
B.    Historical recount.
C.    Biographical recount.
D.    Imaginative.
E.    Narrative.
12.  What is the passage about?
A.    The battle of Surabaya.
B.    In Indonesia as Heroes’s day.
C.   Battle the revolution.
D.    10, November.
E.    On, 27 Noveber.
13.   When and where did the battle take place?
A.    Yogyakarta, 27, November, 1945.
B.    Yogyakarta, 10, November 1945.
C.    Surabaya, 27, November 1945.
D.    Surabaya, 10, November 1945.
E.    Surabaya, 27, November 1945.
14.  What caused the battle?
A.   A British plane from Jakarta dropped leaflets over Surabaya urging all Indonesia troops and militia to surrender
their weapons.
B.    The leaders of the Indonesian troops and militia were breaking of the agreement reached with Mallaby earlier.
C.    Indonesia to lose weaponry which hampered the country’s independence struggle
D.    British troops began a methodical advance through the city under the cover of naval and air bombardment.
E.    Mallaby was shot and killed.
15.  We can check past verbs in text above.
A.    Dropped, made and began.
B.    Fought, troops, and independent.
C.    Spread, shot and killed.
D.    Made, angered, and began.
E. Considered, helped and commemorated
The following text is for questions 16 to 17.
General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian national revolution. He was the
first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country. On 12
November 1945, at an election to decide the military’s commander-in-chief in Yogyakarta. The 24 years old Sudirman was
chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close vote. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British and
Dutch forces in AmbarawA. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was
ultimately confirmed on 18 December. General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show
of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to
Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman’s tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where
he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch recognized Indonesia’s independence. He is buried at Semaki Heroes’
Cemetery in Yogyakarta.

16. What is the text about?

A. A biography of General Soedirman
B. The family of General Soedirman
C. The death of General Soedirman
D. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian Armed Forces
E. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman
17. What can we infer from the monologue?
A. His uncle’s name was also Soedirman
B. January is the month of Maulud
C. Soedirman was shot and died in the military war
D. Soedirman died when he was relatively young
E. Soedirman died on 1 March 1949
The following text is for questions 18 to 20.
Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. He came from a wealthy family and
never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge with a degree of
He began a career as a scientist quite by chancE. On December 27,1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined the crew of
the HMS Beagle as a naturalist.The five years expedition collected hydrographic, geologic, and meteorologic data from South
America and many other regions around the worlD. Darwin’s own observation on this voyage led to his theory of natural
Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Adam Sedgwick and naturalist John Henslow in his
development of the theory of natural selection, which was to become the foundation concept supporting the theory of
evolution. Darwin’s theory holds that environmental effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in individuals
and groups of organisms. Natural selection tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary for survival. This
revolutionary theory was published in 1859 in Darwin’s now famous On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural
18. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution believed that ….
A. People could defend themselves naturally
B. Environment affected natural election
C. Organism needed adaptation to survive
D. People and nature supported to each other
E. Natural selection tend to adapt organism to survive
19. How was Darwin’s theory of natural selection developed?
A. Adapted by the necessary for survival
B. Influenced by his collection.
C. Supported the effect of environment.
D. Influenced by John Henslow.
E. Affected by groups of organisms.
20. The famous Darwin theory was published based on ….
A. Theories developed by other scientists
B. The influence of organisms adaptation in survival living
C. The success of his observation supported by geologist and naturalist
D. His expedition and natural observation data a scientist
E. The observation of other geologists’ natural selection
The following text is for questions 21 to 23.
Alfred Bernhard Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and ornament manufacturer. He was the inventor of
dynamitE. He also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a
major manufacturer of cannons and other ornaments. He held 355 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. In his
last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. He
was the third son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel. Born in Stckholm on 21 October 1833, he went with my
family to Saint Petersburg in 1842, where his father invented modern plywooD. He studied chemistry with Professor Nikolay
Nickolaevich Zinin. When he was 18, he went to the United States to study chemistry for four years and worked for a short
period under John Ericsson, who designed the American Civil War ironclad USS Monitor.
Returning to Sweden, with his father after bankruptcy of his family business, he then devoted himself to the study of
explosives, and especially to the save manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Acanio Sobrero, one of
his fellow students under Theophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Turin). A big explosion occurred on 2 September 1864
at his factory in Heleneborg in Stockholm, killing five peoplE. Among them was his younger brother, Emil.
The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth
for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honoured men and women for outstanding achievements in physics,
chemistry, medicine, literature and for work in peace.
21. Where did Alfred Nobel work with John Ericsson?
A. In Sweden
B. In the USA
C. In Stockholm
D. In Heleneborg
E. In Saint Petersburg

22. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

A. Alfred Nobel devoted himself to the study of chemistry
B. His success with explosive finally led to the 1864 tragedy
C. A big explosion in Heleneborg in Stockholm killed many people
D. A big explosion destroyed his factory in Heleneborg Stockholm
E. Alfred Nobel planned the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine
23. What was Bofor’s main business under Alfred Nobel?
A. It manufactured cannons and other ornaments
B. It designed the ironclad monitor
C. It produced iron and steel
D. It produced dynamite
E. It invented nobelium
The following text is for questions 24 to 25.
Born into a family of doctors in Kampung Ketapang, Kwitang Barat, Jakarta, Abdulrachman Saleh also became a doctor.
After finishing MULO, he studied at STOVIA. While still a student, he was appointed assistant at the laboratory of
physiology. Graduating from STOVIA, Abdulrachman Saleh continued his work at the lab while having his own medical
Abdulrachman Saleh’s role in medicine was significant. He became a lecturer in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and Klaten.
For his meritorious service in medicine, specifically in physiology, in 1958, the University of Indonesia bestowed him the
title of Bapak Ilmu Faal (Father of Physiology).
Abdulrachman Saleh was a man of many interests. He was involved in youth organizations like Boy Scouts and
Indonesia MudA. He was also a member of Aeroclub, and co-founded theVerenigde Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO), an
organization of broadcasters. It was he who established the Voice of Free Indonesia, the radio station which spread the
proclamation of Indonesia’s independence to the world.
24. The main idea of the first paragraph is that Abdulrachman Saleh …
A. Had his own medical practice,
B. Studied at the medical school in STOVIA.
C. Became a doctor because of his family.
D. Was appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology.
E. started his career as a doctor in STOVIA.
25. Besides medicine, Abdulrachman also had a special interest in ….
A. Laboratorium assistance
B. Student organizations
C. Aeroplane designing
D. Broadcasting
E. Politics
The following text is for questions 26 to 29.
The Origin of Landak River
Long time ago, lived farmer and his wife in a village by the side of a forest. They lived simply and they like to help other
people, especially one who in afflictions. One night, the farmer and his wife were resting in their house. The farmer was
sitting beside his sleeping wife. Suddenly, a white centipede came out from the wife’s head. The farmer was amazed. He then
followed the centipede until they reach a small pond not far from their house. Then the centipede suddenly disappeared. The
farmer went home and found his wife still soundly asleep
In the morning, the wife told his husband about the dream she had last night. “I was walking through a vast field, and I
came to a lake. I saw a giant hedgehog in the lake. It was glaring at me, so I ran away. “After he heard his wife’s dream, the
farmer went back to the small pond. In the pond, he saw something very shiny. He came to the shiny object and took it. It was
a golden hedgehog statue. It was very beautiful. Its eye were made of diamond. The farmer then brought the statue home.
At night, the farmer had a dream. A giant hedgehog came to him, “Please let me stay in your home. As return, I will give
you everything you want. Just caress the statue’s head and say the prayer. There are two kinds of prayers, one is to start your
wish and the second is to stop your wish. Now memorize the prayers.”
In the next day, the farmer told his wife about his dream. They really wanted to prove it. The farmer slowly caressed the
statue’s head. He said the prayer and asked for rice. Suddenly, rice came out of the mouth of the statue. The rice kept on
coming out from the statue’s mouth. The farmer immediately said the prayer to stop it. The rice then stopped coming out
from the statue.
The farmer and his wife then asked for other things, jewelry and other stuff they needed. They became very rich. But
they still like to help other people. A lot of poor came to them for help. Unfortunately, a thief found out about the secret of
the golden hedgehog statue. Pretending to be a poor asking for help, he stole the statue from the farmer’s house.
The thief blurred to the district area of Ngabang. There was a drought in the area. The thief wanted sympathy from the
people, so he said to them that he would provide them with water. The thief then caressed the hedgehog statue and said the
prayer. Water came out of the statue’s mouth. All the people were so happy. But the water kept on coming out. The thief
didn’t know the prayer to stop the wish. People who saw the incident were really scared. They ran away to avoid the water as
it was started to flood the area. The thief also wanted to run away, but he cannot move his legs. In his vision, there was a
giant hedgehog holding both his legs. Water kept coming from the statue and slowly it became a river. The thief was drowned
in the river. People then named the river as hedgehog River or Sungai Landak.

26. Who lived at the side of forest?

A. Farmed
B. Hunter
C. Child
D. Beggar
E. Shoemaker
27. What animal came to the protagonist is his dream?
A. Lion
B. Centipede
C. Hedgehog
D. Armadillo
E. Dragonfly
28. What did the farmer do when he found the statue?
A. He caressed its head
B. He blow the head
C. He destroyed the head
D. He stole the head
E. He laughed at the head
29. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. Amuse of the reader
B. Retell the writer’s past experience
C. Encourage people to pet the hedgehog
D. Discuss the controversy of hedgehog
E. Tell the argument of the writer
The following text is for questions 30 to 33.
Malin Kundang
A long time ago, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, a woman and her son lived. They were Malin
Kundang and her mother. Her mother was a single parent because Malin Kundang’s father had passed away when he was a
baby. Malin Kundang had to live hard with his mother.
Malin Kundang was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. He usually went to sea to catch fish. After getting fish he would
bring it to his mother, or sold the caught fish in the town.
One day, when Malin Kundang was sailing, he saw a merchant’s ship which was being raided by a small band of pirates.
He helped the merchant. With his brave and power, Malin Kundang defeated the pirates. The merchant was so happy and
thanked to him. In return the merchant asked Malin Kundang to sail with him. To get a better life, Malin Kundang agreed. He
left his mother alone.
Many years later, Malin Kundang became wealthy. He had a huge ship and was helped by many ship crews loading
trading goods. Perfectly he had a beautiful wife too. When he was sailing his trading journey, his ship landed on a beach near
a small village. The villagers recognized him. The news ran fast in the town; “Malin Kundang has become rich and now he is
An old woman ran to the beach to meet the new rich merchant. She was Malin Kundang’s mother. She wanted to hug
him, released her sadness of being lonely after so long time. Unfortunately, when the mother came, Malin Kundang who was
in front of his well dressed wife and his ship crews denied meeting that old lonely woman. For three times her mother begged
Malin Kundang and for three times he yelled at her. At last Malin Kundang said to her “Enough, old woman! I have never
had a mother like you, a dirty and ugly woman!” After that he ordered his crews to set sail. He would leave the old mother
again but in that time she was full of both sadness and angriness.
Finally, enraged, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would turn into a stone if he didn’t apologize. Malin Kundang just
laughed and really set sail.
In the quiet sea, suddenly a thunderstorm came. His huge ship was wrecked and it was too late for Malin Kundang to
apologize. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship. He fell on a small island. It was really too late for him to avoid his
curse. Suddenly, he turned into a stone
30.   When and where did the story happen?
A.    Many years later. in small village.
B.     A long time ago. in forest.
C.     Many years later. in Sumatera north.
D.    A long time. In small village.
E.     Many years ago. in village forest.
31.   What happened many years after Malin Kundang join the sail?
A.    He became wealthy and also married to a beautiful woman
B.     He become richman.
C.     He become strong.
D.    He had passed away.
E.     He become wealthy.

32.  Why did Malin Kundang and his mother have to live hard?
Answer :Because……
A.    He was deligent and strong boy.
B.     His mother passed away.
C.     He leaft his mother alone.
D.    His father had passed away.
E. He wanted to become a richman.
33.  What is the moral of the story?
A.    Don’t hurt to your mother because she was poor.
B.     Don’t ashame have parents like a dirty and ugly woman.
C.     Love your mother.
D.     Be an enthusiastic person.
E.     He wanted to become a richman.
The following text is for questions 34 to 38.
The Legend of Redfish
Once upon a time there were many swordfish in the sea near Singapore. These swordfish caused a great deal of
trouble. They flew into boats and sometimes killed fishermen. There were so many of these swordfish that the Raja decided
to kill them.
So the Raja brought his army down to sea to fight the swordfish. Many people came to watch the battle, and among
them was a very clever little boy. The little boy watched the soldier in their uniform, their long swords shining in the sun. He
thought to himself that he would like to be a soldier when he grew up.
When the captain gave the signal, the soldier stood in long line on the beach and waited for the swordfish to attack.
Soon the swordfish came leaping and flying across the water. Wave after wave of then came. They noses, and many soldiers
died. Suddenly, the little boy saw the raja sitting sadly beneath a tree. He ran to raja and said. “Please, sir I think I know how
to stop the swordfish.”
“Do you. Indeed, little boy?” said the Raja looking to a cut at the boy’s bare feet and ragged clothes.
“Yes, Sir,” the boy said. “Tell the soldiers to take those the banana trees over there. Then tie the trees together to make a wall
to stop the fish.”
“That’s wonderful idea,” said the Raja. He turned to his captain. “Why didn’t you think of that, Captain? Tell your men to
start at once.”
The captain looked angrily at the little boy before he told his men what to so. The soldiers cut the banana trees and
tied them together with strong ropes. They used more ropes to pull the wall to the edge of the water. This time, when the
sword came, they flew out of the water and their swords stuck in the wall of banana trees. They couldn’t move, and so it was
easy for the soldier to kill them. “Well done, men.” said the Raja to the soldiers. “And thank you, little boy’” he said to the
The little boy bowed to the Raja and ran back to his home on the hill by the sea. The Raja thoughtfully watched him
go. That’s very clever child,” he said to the captain.
The captain was still angry because the boy had made him took stupid. “Perhaps, sir, he is too clever. Clever little
boy can grow into dangerous man.”
The Raja thought about this, and the more he thought the more he worried. A few days later the captain came to see
him again. “Sir” he said. “I am worried about that little boy. He is too clever. Someday, he will make a lot of he will make a
lot of trouble for us.” “You are right, Captain,” said the Raja. “I think we should stop him now, before it’s too late.” “Good,”
said the captain. “I’ll take care of it tonight.” That night the captain and some of his soldiers climbed the hill where the little
boy lived. They quietly went into his house and killed him with their swords. The little boy’s blood ran freely down the hill.
Soon the whole hill had turned red, and it is red to this every day. When the people heard the Raja’s captain had done, they
named his place Redhill. And even now, they remember the story of the clever little boy who stopped the swordfish.
34. What kind of animal caused trouble?
A. Swordfish
B. Whale
C. Shark
D. Dolphins
E. Milkfish
35. What is Captain’s feeling towards the little boy?
A. Happy
B. Proud
C. Humble
D. Jealous
E. Sad
36. What happened to the boy at the night?
A. He was killed.
B. He was appointed as the soldier.
C. He got a reward from the king.
D. He married to one of the king’s daughter.
E. He was accepted as the king’s son.

37. What is the little boy’s characteristic?

A. Smart
B. Stupid
C. Naïve
D. Brave
E. Coward
38. Who killed the little boy?
A. Captain
B. The king
C. The little boy’s parents
D. The grandmother of the little boy
E. His neighbor
The following text is for questions 39 to 40.
Kebo Iwa
Once upon a time in Bali, lived a wealthy man and his wife. They have been married for a long time but did not have any
children. They prayed to God to give them a child. They prayed and prayed God finally answered their pray. The wife got
pregnant and they had a baby boy. They were very happy. The baby was extraordinary. He was very much different from
other babies. He ate and drank a lot. Day after day he ate more and more. His body was getting bigger and bigger. And by the
time he was teenager, his body was a big as a buffalo. That’s why people call him Kebo Iwa, it means Uncle buffalo. Because
of his eating habit, Kebo Iwa’s parents spent a lot of money to buy his food. They finally went bankrupt. They had no other
choice but to ask the villagers to help them provide the food.
The villagers then worked together to cook and build a big house for Kebo Iwa. He was like a giant. He could not stay in
his parents’ house anymore because of his big body. After a few months, the villagers also couldn’t afford to cook him the
food anymore. They then asked Kebo Iwa to cook his own food. The villagers just prepared the raw materials. Kebo Iwa
agreed and as an expression of his gratitude to the villagers, he help built a dum, dug wells, and he also protected the villagers
from animals and people who wanted to attack their village. It was easy task for him since he also had incredible strength.
Meanwhile, the kingdom of Majapahit was planning to attack Bali. They knew about Kebo Iwa. And they also knew that
they could not conquer Bali with Kebo Iwa there. Kebo Iwa was more powerful than they were. The Maha Patih of Majapahit
then planned something. They were pretending to invite Kebo Iwa to Majapahit to help them dig some wells. They said that
Majapahit was suffering from a long dry season and needed water. Kebo Iwa did not know the plan, so he went to Majapahit
to help them. When Kebo Iwa was busy digging a well, the Majapahit troops covered the well. Kebo Iwa had difficulty in
breathing and buried alive. He died inside the well. After the death of Kebo Iwa, Bali was conquered by Majapahit. Until
now, people still remember Kebo Iwa because he had done a lot for Bali.
39. What kind of animal that has made the baby changed?
A. Cow
B. Buffalo
C. Eagle
D. Crow
E. Tiger
40. What is Kebo Iwa’s characteristic?
A. Kind
B. Weak
C. Coward
D. Grumpy
E. Furious
The following text is for questions 41 to 43.
Read part of a song below and answer the questions!
. . . .I have a dream a song to sing
To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail . . .
41.  What is the suitable title for the song?
A. Song of dream                                     
B. A fantasy dream    
C. A dream song                                     
D. I have a dream
E. You can take the future
42.   . . . to help me cope with anything. The underlined word has the opposite meaning with . . .
A. Weak                                                  
B. Hopeless                
C. Nervous                                              
D. Helpless
E. Honest

43.  The song suggests that anyone is encourage to?

A. Do not be afraid of having a dream   
B. Do not be helpless in your dream
C. Everyone must have a dream             
D. The dream come true
E. Dream is important
The following text is for questions 44 to 48.
Song by: Jason Mraz
All day I’ve been inside
And I’ve got the feeling
I’m trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And I’m trying to get back
Back in the cool, cool air where the sun is shinning
Nothing’s going to stop me
It’s all in the timing
It’s finally again my turn
It’s time to return
‘Cause I won’t stay inside no more
No more
I can’t wait to go
Well open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty you’ll feel
Loved, loved, loved, loved
Listen to the music of the wind and the brides sing
We’re just one big family
And all of nature deserves to be
Loved, loved, loved, loved,
So, I won’t stay inside no more
No more
It can’t wait, I’m sure
There’s need to run and hide
Let’s go explore
It feels so great let’s go outdoors
(Don’t cha do)
Everyone come on
come on out there
where the air is fresh and clear
So, I won’t stay inside no more
No more
It cannot wait
Let’s go out doors
Well, open up your door and be like me
Open up your door and then breathe free
And look at all the beauty and you’ll find
The earth and the sky is yours
So please go, there’s no need,
There’s no need to hide inside
Let’s go explore
This will, this will feel so great
Let’s go outdoors
44. What does the singer want?
A. Sleep
B. Go outside
C. Play inside his house
D. Live in a sedentary life
E. Live his life

45. What does the writer feel when he’s inside the house?
A. Trapped
B. Angry
C. Happy
D. Excited
E. So so
46. Based on the song above, who sing the song?
A. Children
B. Winds
C. Birds
D. Musicians
E. Trains
47. Who is Jason Mraz?
A. Singer
B. Child
C. A bird
D. A wind
E. A composer
48. What is the message can be found in the text above?
A. It is a wasteful time to live your life adventurous
B. It is important to life an adventurous life
C. We must always be inside home
D. We must be careful with our wishes
E. We will be a superstar
The following text is for questions 49 to 50.
By: Katy Perry
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?
Do you ever feel already buried deep?
Six feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there’s still a chance for you
Cause there’s a spark in you?
You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July
Cause baby, you’re a firework
Come on, show ‘em what you’re worth
Make ‘em go, oh, oh, oh
As you shoot across the sky
Baby, you’re a firework
49. What is the title of the song above?
A. Spark
B. Baby
C. Firework
D. A plastic bag
E. Sky
50. What is the definition of firework?
A. Device containing chemicals that burn or oxplode with colored flames
B. Burning that produces light and heat
C. Open space in a wall for a fire in a room
D. Part of a room beside the fire
E. Something can be burned

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