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The Relationship Between Physical and Mental Health: A Mediation Analysis

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The relationship between physical and mental health: A mediation analysis

Article  in  Social Science [?] Medicine · November 2017

DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.11.008


284 6,449

3 authors:

Julius Ohrnberger Eleonora Fichera

The University of Manchester University of Bath


Matt Sutton
The University of Manchester


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Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

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The relationship between physical and mental health: A mediation analysis MARK
a,∗ b a
Julius Ohrnberger , Eleonora Fichera , Matt Sutton
Manchester Centre for Health Economics, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Department of Economics, University of Bath, United Kingdom


Keywords: There is a strong link between mental health and physical health, but little is known about the pathways from
UK one to the other. We analyse the direct and indirect effects of past mental health on present physical health and
Mental health past physical health on present mental health using lifestyle choices and social capital in a mediation framework.
Physical health We use data on 10,693 individuals aged 50 years and over from six waves (2002–2012) of the English
Mediation analysis
Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Mental health is measured by the Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression
Older population
Scale (CES) and physical health by the Activities of Daily Living (ADL). We find significant direct and indirect
effects for both forms of health, with indirect effects explaining 10% of the effect of past mental health on
physical health and 8% of the effect of past physical health on mental health. Physical activity is the largest
contributor to the indirect effects. There are stronger indirect effects for males in mental health (9.9%) and for
older age groups in mental health (13.6%) and in physical health (12.6%). Health policies aiming at changing
physical and mental health need to consider not only the direct cross-effects but also the indirect cross-effects
between mental health and physical health.

1. Introduction factors explain up to 70% of the burden of disease (WHO, 2009). Social
capital includes factors such as social isolation, loneliness and exclu-
The prevalence of common mental disorders is on the rise among sion. These are strong risk factors for ill health and impose a high risk
the populations of western industrial nations (Twenge et al., 2010; on the health of older populations that could be easily avoided with
Hidaka, 2012). A strong link has been found between mental and low-cost interventions (Steptoe et al., 2012).
physical health (Nabi et al., 2008; Surtees et al., 2008). Ohrnberger, We estimate the total effects, composed of the indirect and direct
Fichera and Sutton (2017) find strong cross-effects between physical effects, of past mental health on physical health and of past physical
and mental health even after controlling for confounders. However, health on mental health among the older English population. We use six
little is known about the potential pathways through which mental waves of data from the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (ELSA,
health affects physical health and vice versa (i.e. so-called “indirect 2002–2012). For the direct effect estimations, we model the present
effects”). Understanding these indirect effects, and how they vary be- level of one form of health as a function of the stock of the other form of
tween population groups, could have important implications for the health, following Ohrnberger et al. (2017). The indirect effects are
design of health policies. modelled using individuals’ lifestyle choices (physical activity and ci-
The aim of this paper is to fill this gap by proposing a mediation garette consumption) and social capital (social interaction). We then
framework and estimating the mediating effects of lifestyle choices and calculate total differentials, which are marginal changes of a function of
social capital in the relationships between physical and mental health in variables conditional on marginal changes in another variable in a
the older population. The analysis is nested within the health economic multivariate regression framework, to estimate the direct, indirect and
framework of health production and consumption. It focuses on lifestyle total effects. This is similar to the product of coefficients method (Baron
factors and social capital as they are core input factors in health and and Kenny, 1986; MacKinnon et al., 2007).
relevant to health policies for older people (Artaud et al., 2013; Holt- Many psychological, epidemiologic, and economic studies have
Lunstad et al., 2012). A report by the Ageing Research Group (Melzer used mediation analysis, but none in the context of the relationship
et al., 2012) finds that approximately 55% of the burden of disease between physical and mental health and the pathways that we consider.
amongst the population aged 60 years and over is avoidable by changes A group of these studies has analysed direct and indirect effects of
in lifestyles in high income countries. On the full population, lifestyle anxiety and childhood traumas on mental health (Turner and Butler,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Ohrnberger).
Received 14 February 2017; Received in revised form 23 October 2017; Accepted 4 November 2017
Available online 08 November 2017
0277-9536/ © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
J. Ohrnberger et al. Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

2003; Dour et al., 2014). A second group of studies has investigated the health condition (Contoyannis and Rice, 2001; García-Gómez et al.,
mediating effect of mental health on quality of life and labour outcomes 2013).
(Wong et al., 2010; Johar and Truong, 2014). A third group of studies Second, mental health may affect individuals’ decision making
has analysed the mediating role of health investments on labour out- process, impairing their ability to access information on their health, on
comes and quality of life (Han et al., 2011; Wicke et al., 2014; Bekele prevention, and on the quality of healthcare providers, and thus im-
et al., 2015 Burns et al., 2015). pacting on their physical health (Mani et al., 2013).
To preface our results, we find that both present physical and Third, physical and mental health are associated with lifestyle
mental health are explained by direct and indirect effects of past mental choices such as physical activity, smoking and alcohol consumption and
and physical health, respectively. The indirect effect accounts for about diet (Stampfer et al., 2005; WHO, 2009). Several studies have found
10% of the total effect in both models, mainly explained by past phy- that physical activity is negatively associated with depression/anxiety
sical activity. Estimation by subgroups shows heterogeneous effects by disorders and poor physical health outcomes (Gerber and Puehse 2009;
age and gender. The findings are robust to the timing of the mediators De Mello et al., 2013; Durstine et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2014; Hegberg
and how the stock of addiction is modelled. and Tone, 2015). Systematic reviews find strong evidence for positive
effects of exercising on both mental and physical health outcomes for
older people (Forbes et al., 2008; Clegg et al., 2012). A reverse-causal
2. Conceptual framework and mediation analysis
relationship is likely to occur as individuals with better physical and
mental health are also more likely to exercise. A systematic review on
2.1. Conceptual framework
the smoking cessation and mental health by Taylor et al. (2014) finds
general evidence for reduced depression, anxiety, and stress after
Grossman (1972) considered health as part of human capital, from
smoking cessation interventions. Reverse-causality is likely to occur as
which individuals gain both consumption and production benefits.
smoking rates are twice as high among adults with depression or an-
Healthy time is needed to enjoy leisure activities and provides direct
xiety disorders (RCP, 2013).
utility, like a consumption good. Healthy time is also an input to pro-
Moderate alcohol consumption has been found to have a positive
duction of income. Health itself is produced by using medical care and
relationship with both mental and physical health, and better mental
can be consumed or produced by lifestyle choices (Grossman, 1972).
health and better physical health have been found to predict moderate
Theoretical contributions since Grossman have added other determi-
drinking (Stampfer et al., 2005; Lang et al., 2007). Excessive drinking
nants of health such as the decision to retire, early childhood invest-
and abstention show negative effects on health outcomes and are pre-
ments and endowments, stress, social capital and socio-economic status
dicted by worse physical and mental health (Rehm et al., 2010; Frisher
(Bolin et al., 2003; Galama, and van Kippersluis, 2013).
et al., 2015). Dietary choices are another important lifestyle factor in
We adapt this economic framework to the study of two components
the health production function. A low-quality diet is associated with
of health capital, physical and mental health. To do so, we hypothesise
higher mortality risk (Haveman-Nies et al. 2003). Mujcic and Oswald
several channels through which physical and mental health may impact
(2016) find a strong and positive association of increased fruit con-
upon each other, drawing on theoretical and empirical evidence from
sumption with increased wellbeing and happiness.
the economic, medical and epidemiological literature. We graphically
Finally, social interactions are critical production factors in health.
represent these pathways in Fig. 1.
Previous studies have found a strong positive relationship between
First, physical and mental health may impact upon each other via
social interaction and mental health (Dour et al., 2014; Bekele et al.,
employment. Worse physical (or mental) health may imply a loss of
2015). Loneliness and social isolation have both been found to be as-
wages or productivity reducing access to healthier foods and environ-
sociated with increased mortality risk, whilst controlling for baseline
ments. This income effect impacts negatively on mental (or physical)
mental and physical health (Steptoe et al., 2012). Holt-Lunstad et al's.
health. Similar negative health effects may also be induced by lack of
(2012) systematic review shows a consistent effect of social
sleep or stress at work associated with having a mental (or physical)

Fig. 1. The direct and indirect effects between physical and mental health.

J. Ohrnberger et al. Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

relationships on decreased mortality risk. Reverse-causal pathways 3.1.2. Mediators

have also been established in the literature, with physical disability and We use a social interaction index as a measure for health invest-
poor mental health causing more isolation (Steptoe et al., 2012). ments related to social capital. The social interaction index is con-
structed by summing over the frequency of interactions with friends,
family and children (3 = at least once a week; 2 = once or twice a
2.2. Application to mediation analysis month; 1 = every few months, once or twice a year; and 0 = less than
once a year or never), and a binary variable which takes a value of one
We draw on this conceptual framework to motivate our mediation if the individual is in a relationship. The maximum value is 10, in-
analysis. Whilst we recognise the channels through which mental and dicating strongest possible social interactions. The lowest value is 0,
physical health impact on each other are many and varied, our ap- indicating lowest possible social interactions. The measure is similar to
proach considers physical activity, smoking and social interactions as Steptoe et al. (2012) and also reflects changes in social isolation and
the main mediating factors for the following reasons. Firstly, these loneliness.
mediators are important predictors of mortality. Smoking is the leading We include physical activity and cigarette consumption as measures
cause of preventable death in the UK (Office for National Statistics UK, of lifestyle choices. Physical activity (PA) is measured on a four-level
2016). Tobacco use explains 17.9% of all deaths and physical inactivity ordinal scale (0 = no PA, 1 = mild PA, 2 = Moderate PA,
explains 7.7% of all deaths (WHO, 2009). Social capital is similarly 3 = Vigorous PA). Cigarette consumption is defined as the number of
important in increasing the risks of social isolation, loneliness and ex- cigarettes smoked daily with a value of zero for non-smokers.
clusion of older populations, which lead to higher risks of mortality
(Holt-Lunstad et al., 2012; Melzer et al., 2012; Steptoe et al., 2012).
3.1.3. Control variables
Other potential mediators are less important for mortality. For example,
As demographic characteristics, we include gender, age, age-
alcohol consumption and dietary choices together explain only 4.1% of
squared, white ethnicity, the number of household members, and
deaths (WHO, 2009).
whether the individual has a higher educational qualification. We also
Secondly, other potential mediators such as stress and sleep are
include the following measures: retired from paid work, covered by
captured directly by our measure of mental health. Thirdly, other fac-
supplementary private health insurance, and log-yearly equivalised
tors such as obesity, high blood pressure and alcohol consumption are
disposable real household income deflated using the Consumer Price
widely used in the literature as health outcome measures (Banks et al.,
Index with baseline 2005 = 100. We also control for the geographical
2006). Using ELSA, Holdsworth et al. (2016) find that alcohol con-
region of residence (North, South, East and Midlands, London).
sumption is more an indicator of good mental and physical health than
an input factor into health. Fourthly, the employment channel is less
3.2. Summary statistics
important in the older population as 59% of our sample is retired. Fi-
nally, we have concerns over the measurement of other mediators in
The full sample size for all years is 10,693. Approximately 59% of
our dataset. For example, the ELSA started including questions about
the sample are retired, 45% are males, 59% have higher education
dietary choices only in the third wave and the phrasing of these ques-
qualifications, and the majority is from a white ethnic group (Table 1).
tions changed from wave 5 onwards.
Few respondents have supplementary private health insurance and the
For these reasons, we consider our estimates to be lower bounds of
average exponential log yearly disposable equivalised real income is
the indirect effects between physical and mental health and upper
£13,360. The modal respondent is in good present physical health and
bounds of their direct effects.
in moderate to good present mental health. He/she reports good
baseline physical health, moderate to good baseline mental health,
3. Data and summary statistics smokes little or not at all, is moderately physically active, is moderately
socially interactive, and lives together with another person at his/her
3.1. The English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) household. The sample split by waves shows respondents’ average
physical health and mental health are stable over time. The number of
The ELSA is an ongoing longitudinal survey which started in 2002 cigarettes smoked per day decreases over time. Physical activity and
(Marmot et al., 2017). We use six waves from 2002 to 2012. The data social interaction remain relatively constant over time.
are collected in interviews once every two years. The study is a re-
presentative sample of English population aged 50 years and older, 4. Methodology and empirical strategy
collecting objective and subjective data on physical and mental health,
and on socio-economic status. The first wave was conducted between We estimate the following reduced-form models for physical and
March 2002 and March 2003 and consisted of 11,304 individuals. The mental health:
sample was refreshed in wave 3 (2006/2007), wave 4 (2008/2009) and Pit = β0 + β1 Pit = 0 + β2 Mit = 0 + Lit − 1 β3 + β4 Cit − 1 + X it β5 + vit (1)
in wave 6 (2012/2013) to maintain the original sample size.
Mit = β0 + β1 Pit = 0 + β2 Mit = 0 + Lit − 1 β3 + β4 Cit − 1 + X it β5 + Pit (2)
3.1.1. Explanatory and outcome variables with Pit as the physical health of individual i at time t, explained by
We measure physical health using the six-item version of activities physical health at baseline Pit = 0 , mental health at baseline Mit = 0 , a
of daily living (ADL) developed by Katz et al. (1963). The ADL index vector of L lifestyle choices at t-1, social interaction (C) at t-1, a vector
measures difficulties in performing tasks required for personal self-care of X covariates at time t for individual i and an idiosyncratic error
and independent living in every-day life (see online appendix). The ADL component vit . The specification is similar for mental health Mit .
index ranges from 0 (most difficulties and worst physical health) to 6 We use the lagged values of lifestyle choices and social interaction
(least difficulties and best physical health). for three reasons. Firstly, health investments produce health in the
We measure mental health using the validated eight-item version of following periods (Grossman, 1972). Secondly, changes in mental and
the Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression (CES-D) developed physical health due to changes in health investments take time to ma-
by Radloff (1977). CES-D is a self-assessed depression screening test. terialise (see Kim et al., 2012; Will et al., 2001 for cigarette consump-
The CES-D scale ranges from 0 implying high depression and worst tion; Mansikkamäki et al., 2015 for physical activity; and Forsman
mental health to 8 implying no depression and best mental health (see et al., 2011; Umberson and Montez, 2010 for social interactions).
online appendix). Thirdly, by modelling the sequence of events we mitigate concerns over

J. Ohrnberger et al. Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

Table 1
Descriptive statistics.

Variables Definition 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012

n = 6147 n = 5423 n = 5283 n = 6601 n = 6491

ADL 0-6 scale; with 0 = worst physical health and 6 = best physical 5.62 (0.95) 5.64 (0.93) 5.68 (0.84) 5.69 (0.86) 5.69 (0.87)
CES lagged CES: 0–8 scale; with 0 = worst mental health and 8 = best 6.38 (2.02) 6.61 (1.88) 6.71 (1.83) 6.61 (1.86) 6.79 (1.77)
mental health
Baseline ADL Baseline ADL 5.66 (0.88) 5.69 (0.84) 5.74 (0.76) 5.76 (0.73) 5.77 (0.72)
Baseline CES Baseline CES 6.57 (1.88) 6.61 (1.84) 6.67 (1.82) 6.70 (1.81) 6.69 (1.83)
Lagged Physical Activity 0 = no PA, 1 = mild PA, 2 = Moderate PA, 3 = Vigorous PA 2.03 (0.86) 2.06 (0.82) 2.08 (0.80) 2.06 (0.84) 2.06 (0.83)
Lagged Cigarettes Number of cigarettes smoked daily, 0 for non-smokers 1.77 (5.29) 1.50 (4.87) 1.41 (4.78) 1.28 (4.49) 1.13 (4.17)
Lagged Social Interaction 0 = lowest social interaction; 10 = highest social interaction 6.71 (2.14) 6.63 (2.12) 6.65 (2.10) 6.63 (2.10) 6.57 (2.11)
Male 1 if male, 0 if female 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
White 1 if white, 0 otherwise 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98
Age Age of the respondent 66.26 (9.60) 67.21 (9.40) 66.88 (9.67) 67.03 (9.00) 68.26 (8.70)
Higher Education 1 if higher education (university +), 0 otherwise 0.53 0.56 0.60 0.62 0.63
Household Size Number of household members including respondent 1.92 (0.76) 1.92 (0.76) 1.94 (0.77) 1.95 (0.75) 1.93 (0.74)
Private Insurance 1 if has supplementary private health insurance, 0 otherwise 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.13
Retired 1 if retired from work, 0 otherwise 0.55 0.58 0.58 0.60 0.65
North 1 if resident in northern England, 0 otherwise 0.31 0.31 0.29 0.28 0.29
South 1 if from southern England, 0 otherwise 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29
East and Midlands 1 if from East and/or Midlands, 0 otherwise 0.33 0.32 0.34 0.35 0.34
London 1 if from London, 0 otherwise 0.08 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.08
Log-equivalised household Yearly log-equivalised real household income in GBP 9.44 (0.65) 9.46 (0.66) 9.51 (0.70) 9.53 (0.64) 9.55 (0.63)

Note: Descriptive statistics are provided for the estimation sample. n indicates the number of individuals. Variable means with standard errors in parentheses.

potential reverse causality between physical and mental health. We

assume that, conditional on baseline health, lifestyle choices and social
= β2 + ( ∂P
∂ PhysAct
∂ PhysAct
∂M )+ ( ∂P
∂M )
interaction are exogenous to mental and physical health. + ( ∂P
∂ SC Index
∂ SC Index
∂M ) (5)
The baseline values for physical health and mental health are the
earliest recorded information for each respondent. Thus, we analyse the
direct and indirect pathways from past mental and physical health to
= β2 + ( ∂M
∂ PhysAct
∂ PhysAct
∂P )+ ( ∂M
∂P )
present physical and mental health through intermediate levels of
physical activity, social interaction and cigarette consumption. This
+ ( ∂M
∂ SC Index
∂ SC Index
∂P ) (6)
approach has been used in past longitudinal mediation analysis (Dour The right hand-side of (5) decomposes the total effect of past mental
et al., 2014; Burns et al., 2015). It differs from dynamic models with health on present physical health into: (i) the direct effect of the stock of
lagged health because the effect of health lags is captured by the past mental health, β2 ; and (ii) the indirect effect (terms in parentheses)
mediators. Using a baseline value that pre-dates the mediators mitigates as cross-derivatives. The first term in parentheses denotes the indirect
concerns over reverse-causality and captures earlier life investments in effect through physical activity. The second term reflects the indirect
health and health endowments. The baseline can be treated as exo- effect through cigarette consumption. The third term gives the indirect
genous as it reflects a constant stock of mental and physical health effect through social interactions. Equation (6) is the equivalent of (5)
which is not determined by the time varying parameters in the model. for the effects of past physical health on present mental health.
The strong cross-effect state-dependence in mental and physical health The mediating factors in (5) and (6) are estimated in three addi-
further justifies the use of the initial conditions as strong predictors of tional equations (7)–(9). Equation (7) captures the effect of both past
present physical and mental health (Ohrnberger et al., 2017). mental health and past physical health on past physical activity
To estimate the indirect effects, we modify (1) and (2) into (3) and
(4) respectively by adapting the notation of Han et al. (2011) PhysActit − 1 = γ0 + γ1 Mit = 0 + γ2 Pit = 0 + X it − 1γ3 + τit − 1 (7)
with additional covariates X it − 1, and the error component τit − 1.
Pit = β0 + β1 Pit = 0 + β2 Mit = 0 + β3 PhysActit − 1 (Mit = 0) + β5 CIGit − 1 (Mit = 0)
Equation (8) shows the effect of past mental and physical health on
+ β6 SCIndex it − 1 (Mit = 0, ) + Xit β7 + vit cigarette consumption
(3) CIGit − 1 = α 0 + α1 Mit = 0 + α2 Pit = 0 + X it − 1α3 + ωit − 1 (8)

where ωit − 1 is the error term. To quantify the effect of the stock of past
Mit = β0 + β1 Pit = 0 + β2 Mit = 0 + β3 PhysActit − 1 (Pit = 0) + β5 CIGit − 1 (Pit = 0)
mental and physical health on social interaction, equation (9) is esti-
+ β6 SCIndex it − 1 (Pit = 0, ) + Xit β7 + ρit mated with the error term ϕit − 1.
SCIndex it − 1 = η0 + η1 Mit = 0 + η2 Pit = 0 + X it − 1η3 + ϕit − 1 (9)
We assume that the indirect effects of past mental health on current The computation of the indirect effects is similar to the product
physical health and of past physical health on current mental health are method discussed by Baron and Kenny (1986). For example, in order to
mediated through lagged effects of the individual health investments, calculate the indirect effect of mental health on physical health through
including past physical activity (PhysActit − 1 ), past social interactions social interaction, the coefficient η1 is multiplied by the β coefficient for
(SCIndex it − 1), and past cigarette consumption (CIGit − 1). We disentangle social interaction, which reflects the association of social interaction
the direct from the indirect effects by total differentiation of physical with physical health in equation (1).
health with respect to our mental health component Mit = 0 , and our We assume that the errors vit and ρit in equations (1) and (2) are
physical health component Pit = 0 respectively: uncorrelated. Potential interrelations of mental and physical health are
accounted for by the inclusion of baseline health values. We account for

J. Ohrnberger et al. Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

unobserved heterogeneity by including random effects (RE) in all appendix).

equations, assuming a composite error term vit = μi + εit with time-
invariant individual component μi and time-varying error εit . OLS in- 5.2. Models for the mediators
troduces bias into the coefficient estimates by not accounting for het-
erogeneous effects as has been shown in Ohrnberger et al. (2017). Fixed Columns (3) to (5) in Table 2 display the estimates from the physical
Effects or Correlated Random Effects are not applicable as they lead to activity, smoking, and social interaction models for the full sample.
downwardly biased estimates of the lagged variables because of the low Subsample analyses by age and gender are presented in the appendix
number of time points (Contoyannis and Li, 2011). RE rules out cor- tables A3 to A5. We find that better baseline mental health increases the
relation between the regressors and the unmeasured variability across intensity of physical activity on average by about 10% in the full sample
individuals. This is an important assumption for our model where in Table 2 (3). The baseline value of mental health is significant and
choices of health investments and consumption are maximised over positively associated with physical activity with similar magnitudes in
health requiring that errors are not serially correlated and choices are the different samples (table A3). A one unit increase in baseline mental
independent of previous choices. Another advantage of using RE for our health implies a 4% increase in the intensity of physical activity on
model estimation is that the effects of important explanatory individual average.
time-invariant predictors such as health baseline values, educational Column 4 in Table 2 shows the estimates of the past cigarette
attainment, gender or ethnicity are estimated. smoking model for the full sample. Past cigarette smoking is strongly
We approach the estimation as follows: Firstly, we estimate the associated with baseline mental health. Better baseline mental health
entire model (equations (1) and (2)) with the full sample and for sub- decreases the average number of smoked cigarettes by about 16%.
groups of gender and age (50–60; 60–70; 70–80; 80 + years). Secondly, Subsample analysis presented in table A4 shows that the effect de-
we estimate each of the three additional equations (7)–(9) of the po- creases over age from the first age-quartile with −0.363 to the fourth
tential mediators for the full sample and the sub-groups. Finally, we age-quartile −0.096. The coefficient is slightly stronger for females
estimate the direct effects, indirect effects, and total effects and boot- with −0.237 than it is for males with −0.205.
strap their values. Bootstrapping takes both the longitudinal structure Past social interactions are also positively associated with baseline
and the random effect error assumption into account. mental health. Subsample analysis presented in table A5 shows that this
association decreases in age and is stronger for males (0.099) compared
4.1. Robustness analysis to females (0.078).

We undertake three forms of robustness analysis. First, we add 5.3. Estimates of the mediating effects
CIGit = 0 and CIGit − 2 to equations (1), (2) and (8) which is the classical
dynamic model structure with CIGit = 0 being the initial smoking condi- Table 3 presents the bootstrapped estimates of the mediation ana-
tion reflecting attitudes to smoking and the stock of addiction and lysis of the full sample on physical health in column (1) and mental
CIGit − 2 being the second lag estimator of smoking (Contoyannis et al., health in column (2). Analyses by sub-samples are presented in the
2004). Second, in equations (5) and (6) we include the second-period appendix tables A6 and A7.
lagged values of our lifestyle and social capital variables. Third, we test The mediation analysis on physical health shows that the effect of
for attrition in running the analysis on a balanced panel and by in- baseline mental health on present physical health is significantly
cluding a dummy variable that switches from zero to one if the in- mediated by past physical activity and by past social interaction. Better
dividual leaves the survey in the following round. past mental health at baseline has positive effects on both social in-
Ethics approval is not required for this study. All data used in this teraction and physical activity which in return exert positive effects on
study is available publicly from the NHS Health and Social Care present physical health. The total indirect effect, the direct effect, and
Information Centre. As a result, no data was collected directly from the total effect of past mental health on physical health are statistically
human subjects. significant. The total indirect effect accounts for 9.7% of the full effect
of mental health on current physical health. Physical activity explains
5. Results the main share (77.27%) of the total indirect effect. Social interaction
explains 13.63% of the total indirect effect. The share of the indirect
5.1. Models for the direct effects effect in the total effect through physical activity is 7.55%. Social in-
teraction explains 1.33% of the total effect of past mental health on
The estimated coefficients for the full sample are reported in present physical health.
Table 2. Subsample analyses by age and gender are presented in ap- The mediation analysis on mental health in column (2) shows that
pendix tables A1 for physical health and A2 for mental health. For the the total indirect effect, direct effect, total effect and the share of the
physical health models, the coefficient of baseline physical health is total indirect effect in the total effect, are all significant and positive.
positive and statistically significant in all specifications. This effect is Only physical activity mediates the effect of baseline physical health on
stronger for the sample of 50–60 year-olds. The baseline value of current mental health, with a positive association. Better baseline
mental health has a statistically significant and positive direct effect on physical health is positively correlated with physical activity which has
present physical health. The magnitude of past mental health increases a positive impact on current mental health. The total effect is positive
gradually across age quartiles, indicating stronger mental health effects and increases present mental health by about 3.5%. Physical activity
in older age groups. No differences are observed in the effects of explains all of the total indirect effect of past physical health with
baseline mental health between males and females. present mental health. The proportion of the total indirect effect of
Past physical activity and social interactions improve physical baseline physical health with present mental health is 8%.
health. Physical health is further explained by a set of covariates Table A6 presents the results of the mediation analysis of past
varying across the subgroups. Age has a non-linear relationship with mental health with present physical health by age groups and gender.
health, with a positive effect up to 57 years and then a negative effect We find significant mediation effects through past physical activity in
thereafter. Higher education has a positive effect on physical health in all sub-samples, past cigarette consumption for 50–60 year old, and past
all but the second and the fourth age-quartiles (table A1 in the ap- social interaction for 70–80 year old and females. The association of the
pendix). Associations of mental health with baseline physical and mediators is positive with present physical health. The total indirect
mental health, physical activity and social interaction are similar to effect, direct effect, and total effect are statistically significant across all
those in the physical health models (Table 2 (2) and table A2 in the sub-samples. The total indirect effect and total effect increase with age.

J. Ohrnberger et al. Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

Table 2
Random effects regression models for physical health, mental health, physical activity, smoking, and social interactions.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ADL CES PA (t-1) CIG (t-1) SI (t-1)

Physical Activity (t-1) 0.067*** 0.087***

(0.006) (0.013)
Cigarettes (t-1) −0.001 −0.013***
(0.001) (0.003)
Social Interaction (t-1) 0.007*** 0.013**
(0.002) (0.005)
ADL baseline 0.601*** 0.240*** 0.245*** 0.023 −0.008
(0.016) (0.021) (0.009) (0.062) (0.025)
CES baseline 0.041*** 0.432*** 0.051*** −0.225*** 0.086***
(0.004) (0.010) (0.004) (0.031) (0.011)
Male −0.009 0.228*** 0.070*** −0.042 −0.415***
(0.012) (0.025) (0.012) (0.092) (0.038)
White −0.003 0.257** 0.161*** 1.267*** 0.239*
(0.050) (0.104) (0.045) (0.204) (0.129)
Age 0.045*** 0.083*** 0.066*** −0.277*** 0.086***
(0.009) (0.017) (0.008) (0.039) (0.020)
Age Squared −0.000*** −0.001*** −0.001*** 0.002*** −0.001***
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Higher Education 0.039*** 0.114*** 0.163*** −0.844*** −0.277***
(0.013) (0.027) (0.013) (0.101) (0.040)
Household Size −0.011 0.113*** −0.016** −0.127*** 0.172***
(0.008) (0.017) (0.007) (0.043) (0.020)
Private Insurance 0.006 0.044 0.064*** −0.182*** −0.008
(0.012) (0.028) (0.013) (0.065) (0.032)
Retired 0.012 0.097*** 0.039*** −0.145*** 0.118***
(0.011) (0.026) (0.012) (0.054) (0.027)
Log-equivalised household income 0.006 0.106*** 0.036*** −0.081** −0.022
(0.007) (0.017) (0.008) (0.036) (0.016)
Constant 0.425 −2.101*** −2.003*** 15.088*** 3.356***
(0.347) (0.632) (0.279) (1.482) (0.709)

All models are estimated on the full sample size with 10,693 individuals and 29,944 observations. For models (3)–(5) the time-variant covariates take on (t-1)-lagged values (e.g. Age (t-
1), Age Squared (t-1), Higher Education (t-1), Household Size (t-1), Private Insurance (t-1), Retired (t-1), Log-equivalised household income (t-1)). We control in all models for year and
regional effects. Robust standard errors in parentheses; ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

Table 3 10.8% for Age (80+). Social interaction explains 1.3% of the total in-
Mediation effects on physical health and mental health. direct effect and 0.19% of the total effect amongst 70–80 year olds. For
females, social interaction explains 18.2% of the total indirect effect
(1) (2)
and 1.74% of the total effect. Cigarette smoking explains 41.7% of the
Physical Health Mental Health total indirect effect and 5.4% of the total effect for 50–60 year olds.
Mediation Mediation The sub-sample analysis by age groups and gender on mental
health, presented in table A7, is consistent with the full sample analysis
(A) indirect physical activity 0.0034*** 0.0213***
(0.0004) (0.0032)
in finding that only physical activity mediates the effect of baseline
(B) indirect cigarette 0.0003 −0.0003 physical health with current mental health. The total indirect effect is
(0.0003) (0.0008) positive, increases by age and is stronger for females. The total effect is
(C) indirect social interaction 0.0006*** 0.0001 positive and moderated by age groups with decreasing magnitudes from
(0.0002) (0.0003)
the first (0.307) to the fourth (0.158) age-group. It is more pronounced
(A + B + C) total indirect effect 0.0044*** 0.021***
(0.0006) (0.0035) for females (0.627) than males (0.045). The proportion of the total
(D) direct effect 0.041*** 0.24*** indirect effect of past physical health on present mental health ex-
(0.004) (0.021) plained by the mediators ranges from 2.5% (Female) to 13.6% (Age
(A + B + D + C) total effect 0.045*** 0.261***
70–80), and is higher for males (9.9%) than females (2.5%).
(0.0041) (0.021)
Total indirect/total effect 0.097*** 0.08***
(0.015) (0.0149)
5.4. Robustness test of stock of addiction and time-lags in mediators
The pathway in model (1) is baseline CES with the outcome ADL. The pathway in model
(2) is baseline ADL with the outcome CES. Both models are estimated on the full sample The findings on robustness are presented in the tables as follows: for
size with 10,693 individuals and 29,944 observations. Bootstrapped standard errors in
the stock of addiction in cigarette consumption (A8) and (A9); two-
parentheses ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1; Based on 200 replications; we tested
for more replications without significant differences. period lagged mediators (A10) and (A11); mediation analysis for the
two-period lagged mediators and the stock of addiction in cigarette
The share of the total indirect effect in the total effect is lowest for consumption is in table A12 in the appendix.
60–70 year olds (7.9%) and highest for 50–60 year olds (12.9%). We find similar results for the indirect and direct effects for both
Physical activity explains the main share of the total indirect effect. It mental health and physical health mediation models with and without
varies across the subsamples between 47.22% (Age 50–60) and 93.81% the stock of addiction. Our main findings are robust to including t-2
(Age 80+) and is stronger for males than for females. The share of lagged mediators in equations (5) and (6). We do not find any quali-
physical activity in the total effect ranges from 6.2% for Age (50–60) to tative changes when the coefficients are estimated on a balanced
sample or when an indicator for attrition is included.

J. Ohrnberger et al. Social Science & Medicine 195 (2017) 42–49

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