Dissertation: Analysis, Impact and The Future of Cryptocurrencies
Dissertation: Analysis, Impact and The Future of Cryptocurrencies
Dissertation: Analysis, Impact and The Future of Cryptocurrencies
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Course Name
The purpose of this research is to uncover variables that influence the price of crypto
currencies. We use data from 2013 to 2018 to analyze the four most popular crypto currencies
and the factors that influence them. Aside from the SP 500 index, we use factors that are
directly relevant to crypto currencies, including the number of generated crypto currencies.
We estimate that there are two Bitcoin ARCH models and three so-called altcoin models that
use ARCH-type specifications (alternative coins for Bitcoin). Recent investigations allowed
us to identify substantial links between the "US dollar, the Eurozone's Euro, gold/silver,"
currency market outcomes and nature of crypto currency marketplaces. Returns on dollars
have always been negatively related to returns on each crypto currency, whereas daily dollar
transactions have always been positively related to returns on each crypto currency. Other
Determinants can have a positive or negative impact on the Crypto currency being studied.
Keywords: “Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, crypto currencies, crypto currency price
This dissertation would not have been possible without all of the help and encouragement I
have received. As a starting point, I would like to appreciate Professor ……….and Professor
developing the study subject and methodology. I also salute my teachers and staff from the
Business School for their amazing support and for giving me with several opportunities to do
research and improve my dissertation. My parents are also to be thanked for their sensible
advice and understanding ear. Finally, there were my buddies, who helped me think through
our concerns and conclusions, as well as provide a cheerful diversion to let me reset my
School's Department of Economics”. With their aid, It was posibble to create our research
topic and techniques. A big thank you goes out to everyone at the Business School for their
support and encouragement, as well as the opportunities they've given me for furthering my
dissertation. My parents are also to be thanked for their wisdom and understanding. Finally,
there were my buddies, who helped me think through our challenges and conclusions, as well
Table of Contents
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………............................6
2. Review of literature…………………...………………………………………………7
4.1. Data……………………………………………………………………………...17
4.2. Methodology…………………………………………………………………….19
5. Results………………………………………………………………………………..22
6.2. Recommendation………………………………………………………………...34
6.3. Conclusions……………………………………………………………………...36
7. References………………………………………………………………………………...37
List of tables
Table 1. …………………………………………………………………………………...….22
Table 2………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Table 3………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Table 4. ………………………………………………………………………………………24
Table 5. ………………………………………………………………………………............25
Table 6. ………………………………………………………………………………………26
Table 7. ………………………………………………………………………………………27
Table 8. ………………………………………………………………………………………27
Table 9. ………………………………………………………………………………………27
Table 14………………………………………………………………………………………30
Table 15………………………………………………………………………………………31
Chapter 1
1. Introduction
"Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and Litecoin" will be studied using weekly data from 2013 to
2018 to see how macroeconomic conditions affect crypto currency returns. As a new market,
there is a lot of interest in cryptocurrency literature, but it is still in its infancy. I've made
some new discoveries in this dissertation. The study will look at not just one cryptocurrency,
but four, to see if there are any interactions between them, unlike most previous studies.
Price inflation in the bitcoin market has also occurred, as we've shown. For each of
the five crypto currencies, two ARCH-type models were estimated: one for each of the other
three altcoins; one for each of these altcoins, which are also known as "altcoins" (alternative
coins for Bitcoin). What we suspected was proven, namely that the profits on cryptocurrency
exchanges are in reality determined by factors such as number of produced currencies and
volume of transactions, including gold, silver, US dollar (USD), euro (EUR). For each
cryptocurrency, the return on investment is more closely tied to the return on the USD than
for the other way around. In the case of the cryptocurrency being researched, the other
characteristics are also essential, but they have either a positive or negative impact on the
final conclusion. On this paper an overview of the most current yet most successful studies on
cryptocurrencies and their primary study fields. Section three gives a quick rundown of the
bitcoin market's workings. Discussion of statistics and methods are done in this part. Finally,
Chapter 2
2. Literature Review
Cryptocurrency research questions are examined in this section. We also found the factors
that we used in our models for cryptocurrency returns in the literature that we studied.
It is not just supply and demand that determines the price of a cryptocurrency; there is also a
lot of room for speculation in the cryptocurrency markets. Because of speculation, the value
of this market may rise or fall significantly.. Because of the attention it receives from the
world's media, a bitcoin bubble is more likely to arise. A look at whether or not the bitcoin
Cheah and Fry explore Bitcoin bubbles (2015). To measure Bitcoin's value in dollars,
they utilized the Bitcoin Coin desk Index. With the use of the cointegration Johansen test, it
was discovered that Bitcoin is vulnerable to market-driven inflation. There is a huge "average
disparity" between fundamental and bubble pricing in Bitcoin prices, which indicates that
Bitcoin's core value is zero. This is one more indication that Bitcoin is a worthless medium of
Corbet et al. explore the date stamping bubbles in the Bitcoin and Ethereum markets (2017).
API data (in USD) from 2009 to 2017 and the Phillips unit root Phillips approach are used to
look for bubbles in both markets. In the opinion of the experts, Bitcoin is now experiencing a
period of overvaluation.
Researchers examine whether cryptocurrency may be used as a hedge in this area. They're
hedging strategy, they aim to find out if the price of cryptocurrency can be employed
effectively. According to Bouri et al. (2017), the presence of Bitcoin's safe-haven features
was investigated between 2011 and 2015. "Engle's bivariate dynamic correlation model"
concludes that Bitcoin does not make a good hedge and should only be used for
diversification reasons rather than for its own sake. When the Asian stock market experiences
weekly strong down swings, Bitcoin's hedging and safe-haven properties might make it a
explored (2017). According to the researchers, the Volatility Index was calculated using data
from Coindesk for Bitcoin and Thomson Reuters DataStream between 2011 and 2016. (VIX).
unpredictability, positively responding to both higher quartile and shorter frequency changes.
In the wake of Bitcoin's return, Demir et al. (2018) are looking for policy
recommendations. Using data from “Coindesk from 2010 to 2017 and the daily US Economic
Policy Uncertainty (EPU) index,” researchers demonstrated that Bitcoin's returns are
From 2010 to 2015, Datastream and the Financial Times Stock Exchange Index
(FTSE) were used to gather information about Bitcoin's value, and the current Bitcoin price
was retrieved from Coindesk. It is more difficult for Bitcoin to hedge against the US dollar
worthwhile investments because of their high level of liquidity. Because they are so
unpredictable, you can both win and lose money. The authors in this section explore the topic
of investing in cryptocurrencies.
Feng et al. (2017) used "data from bitcoincharts.com between 2011 and 2017" to
analyze intelligent trading in the Bitcoin market. The size of an order can be used to detect
traders who are making well-informed decisions based on information they have access to
before it is made public. It is possible that informed commerce exists in the absence of
“Brauneis and Mestel (2018)” used "Coinmarketcap.com data from 2015 to 2017" in
their study of cryptocurrency prices. The authors found that as liquidity grows,
cryptocurrencies become less predictable, which means that the bid–ask gap has the predicted
negative influence on efficiency. Data from "CryproCompare.com for crypto currencies and
Bloomberg for capital instruments was used to evaluate the dynamic linkages between crypto
currencies and other financial assets. " According to Diebold and Yilmaz's generalized
variance decomposition approach, investors with short investment horizons may profit from
Using asset returns' distribution tails, Gkillas and Katsiampa (2018) developed the
extreme value theory (EVT), which is used to determine which crypto currencies are perhaps
the most and least destructive. Coindesk.com and coinmarketcap.com.com were utilized to
acquire data on the top five cryptocurrencies. Consequently, they discovered that Bitcoin
Cash was the most dangerous option, while "Bitcoin plus Litecoin" was the safest.
Coin markets are examined by Ciaian et al. (2018), who focus on the virtual links between
from 2013 to 2016. The Chinese yuan against the US dollar and the euro, as well as two
exchange rates for the dollar against the euro, are also utilized. Autoregressive Distributive
Lag (ADL) modeling was used by the authors for these results. This model shows that the
Bitcoin and Altcoin markets have a substantial relationship; however the correlation is
The three major roles of money, according to economists, are to facilitate commerce, serve as
a unit of account, and serve as a repository for wealth. In order to find out if bitcoin can
match these three conditions, we're doing some research right now.
controlled by a central authority such as a government or bank, which is how the term
"decentralized money" is used. "Normal" money doesn't seem to be decentralized in the same
way that Bitcoin does to them. Yermack (2015) is curious about the money status of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is seen by many as nothing more than a financial instrument. Explains to him how
commodity money that does not include gold; it is also a fiat currency that does not have any
sovereign state; and it is a credit currency that does not have debt. The author describes
addition to investors, extraction challenges and market demand may all have an impact on
price variations. Crypto currencies and other types of digital money are the same thing.
Crypto currency market study is focusing on the elements that affect the price of the digital
fundamental factors such as trade, money supply, and price level. Another aspect that affects
Bitcoin's value is the excitement of investors. Finally, it doesn't appear that Bitcoin is a
It has been examined by Ciaian et al. (2016), that concentrates on the economic
dynamics that have influenced Bitcoin's value.. As a financial indicator, Bitcoin's US dollar
value, the daily volume of transactions, the number of unique Bitcoin addresses, as well as
the oil and stock market indices from 2009 to 2014 are taken into consideration. A Vector
Autoregressive model shows a strong connection between Bitcoin's price and interest in the
digital currency (VAR). This is despite past studies showing that the price of Bitcoin is driven
by macroeconomic variables.
A study by Hayes (2017) uses the cost of production method for analyzing Bitcoin to
examine the development of cryptocurrency value. The research makes use of Bitcoin blocks,
algorithmic difficulty, and market price data. Production rates per unit and algorithmic
complexity are all factors that affect competitiveness among bitcoin producers.
Understanding how the Bitcoin price is generated and its main repercussions were the
motivations for reading Vieira's essay (2017). “Data on gold prices, verified financial
transactions, unique Bitcoin addresses, total coin base block rewards, transaction fees paid to
miners, and the number of daily searches in Wiktionary for the term "Bitcoin" are all
included in this report.” You now have complete access to all of the knowledge you need to
succeed. On the website, you can also see the current gold price on a daily basis, as well as
historical gold prices. The material for this research was gathered via the use of government
statistics and grokstatistiken, which were utilized to create the dataset. According to models
such as the GARCH in mean and the VEC, the price of Bitcoin is dropping as it moves away
from a long-term equilibrium. (“The impact of negative shocks on volatility is far greater
than the impact of positive shocks”) (“negative shocks have a higher influence on volatility
Volatility study of the price of Bitcoin will be used by academics to determine if the currency
Dyhrberg (2016) use GARCH and exponential GARCH models. From 2010 to 2015, the
Coin desk Price Index used data from DataStream for all of the daily variables used in this
study. The author considers gold to be particularly helpful for hedging because of its capacity
to maintain value and its negative correlation with the USD. In contrast, Bitcoin returns are
less volatile because positive volatility shocks to other variables (such as currency exchange
If Bitcoin returns and volatility can be forecast using volume data, then Balcilar et al.
(2017a) study this. This study used the Bitcoin index and trading volume as variables. Data
from Bit Stamp, Europe's largest Bitcoin exchange, was used in this investigation. The
causality-in-quartiles test may be used to forecast returns based on volume, with the
exception of bear and bull markets in Bitcoin. Predicting the investment performance of
bitcoin using only the quantity of bitcoin accessible at any one moment in the distribution is
very challenging.
Bariviera et al. (2017) derived their empirical results about the Cryptocurrency market
from DataStream data collected between 2011 and 2017. In spite of Bitcoin's volatility, the
Hurst Exponent has been calculated by using DFA technique to measure long-term memory.
The long-term memory of this coin is also unconnected to the liquidity of the markets.
With the use of Bitcoin Chart data from 2010 to 2014, Blau (2017) is doing study on
the Bitcoin network's financial and technical aspects. For the same time period, the author
also utilizes Bloomberg to compile historical exchange values for 51 different currencies.
According to estimations based on the GARCH model, the exceptional surge and subsequent
Speculative trading is closely tied to Bitcoin's unusual volatility because of the Bitcoin
Catania and Grassi (2017) utilize data from the coin market cup and the standardized estimate
methodologies GHSKT and GARCH. According to the study's results, using a strong filter to
Volatility in Bitcoin has been studied by Katsiampa (2017), using daily closing price
data for the Bitcoin Coin Desk Index from 2010 through 2016. An examination of Bitcoin's
price volatility using conditional heteroscedasticity demonstrates that it has been more
accurately represented since its inception "they use both GARCH and AR-CGARCH."
Baur et al. (2018) investigate "Bitcoin, gold, and US money" using data from
"coindesk.com and Data stream." Garch believes that Bitcoin's volatility and correlation
Chapter 3
currencies like the US dollar during the global financial crisis of 2008. There will be many
more cryptocurrencies in the future. The value of other cryptocurrencies is largely influenced
by the value of Bitcoin. In the cryptocurrency world, they're known as "Altcoins" (alternative
coins). The worldwide financial crisis of 2008, which sparked the emergence of the first
cryptocurrencies, was mostly caused, according to the Bitcoin founder, by governments and
central banks. Some advantages, like as minimal transaction costs, secrecy, and rapid and
easy setup, may exist with this method. In contrast, a lack of accountability might encourage
the underground economy. Now each cryptocurrency may serve a multitude of purposes as
the notion has evolved through time. Tokens used on virtual platforms can be purchased
Supply and demand determine cryptocurrency exchange rates, which mean that they are
subject to wide swings. Bitcoin had a value of $19,000 in December 2017, according to Coin
Desk, before plunging to about $7,000. Price is based on nothing concrete in the end. Some
economists believe that the price of a crypto currency is directly related to the amount of
energy it takes to create it. In the same way that gold coins may be swapped for their digital
equivalents, digital currencies have value. Cryptocurrencies can be used for purchases, or
they can be held and hoped that their value would grow. Transacting in cryptocurrencies is
achievable by the transfer of cryptocurrency from one digital wallet to another. There are
several places where you may store an electronic wallet: on your computer's hard drive, your
Smartphone or tablet, even in the cloud. Wallets can be tied to a user's digital code rather than
a person's name. People who donate their computers to the network, known as miners, solve
An auditing company is entrusted with the security of block chain ledgers. In return
for their labor, bit coin miners are rewarded with new coins. As the challenge becomes more
tough, the amount of bit coin they are handed increases. Cryptocurrencies rely on the block
chain, which is a basic data ledger file. It is possible to create a distinct block chain for each
user and wallet. All transactions are recorded on the public ledger, making it easy to check
their legality and fight fraud. Minor costs are associated with bit coin use. In certain cases,
server owners and online exchanges may charge transaction fees when a client swaps bitcoin
for fiat cash on their servers. Cryptocurrency information may be found on Coin desk,
Crypto News, and CCN.com, among others. We've got all the main cryptocurrencies covered,
including those that have just lately entered the market or are likely to do so in the near
future. You may get anything from market analysis to expert comments to pricing data on
these websites.
Starting with Bitcoin (BTC), which accounts for roughly 30 percent of overall market
volume, is a good place to begin. The support program will also cover Ethereum, the second-
largest cryptocurrency by market value (ETC). It has a volume share of about 20% of the
whole market. This coin is mostly used by programmers to pay for Ethereum network
services. As a last resort, the LTC cryptocurrency will be used. It has a market share of
roughly ten percent. Originally, it was intended to be a cheaper alternative to Bitcoin. More
coins will be accessible on the market, which means speedier transactions and a higher
maximum possible currency supply. That's all I can say. Despite these benefits, Bitcoin
continues to command a higher part of the cryptocurrency market than any other coin. Ripple
(XRP), a cryptocurrency designed especially for banks and private businesses, will complete
out our list “for example, UniCredit, UBS, or Santander are using Ripple technology.” The
main goal is to make worldwide financial transactions of all sizes quick, cheap, and free of
chargebacks for its customers. The value of one XRP (a Ripple currency unit) has stayed
Bitcoin-like in its usage of software and market dynamics, Litecoin is a great example
of an Altcoin. On the other hand, Ethereum has significantly different underpinnings than
Bitcoin, yet its value is still strongly linked to that of Bitcoin. Finally, there is the Ripple
cryptocurrency, which is separate from the rest. Prices, goals, and the intended audience are
Chapter 4
4.1 Data
- In this area, you'll find the data. The variables' acronyms, which we'll use in the database,
are highlighted in yellow. We also know where the data comes from and how long ago it was
(01.05.2013 - 02.05.2018)”
-“ from coinmetrics.io: PRICEUSDETH - the daily USD price for Ethereum (10.08.2015 -
(07.08.2013 - 02.05.2018)”
- “Downloaded from www.federalreserve.gov daily nominal effective exchange rate for the
- “EUR - EUR nominal effective exchange rate for the day, retrieved from
www.ecb.europa.eu (European Central Bank) (May 1st, 2013 - May 2nd, 2018, inclusive)”
- “www.investing.com's true effective price of silver for the day (01.05.2013 - 02.05.2018)”
volume (i.e., how much value denominated in US dollars flows on a day) for Bitcoin
chain transaction volume (the amount of value denominated in USD that flows on the
- “Daily on-chain Ripple transaction volume (how much USD money is circulating on the
(07.08.2013 - 02.05.2018)”
- “For Litecoin, the TXVOLUMEUSDLTC is the on-chain daily transaction volume (the
amount of money in USD that is exchanged each day) retrieved from coinmetrics.
exchange volume (dollar value of the volume at exchanges like Bitfinex) Ethereum
(10.08.2015 - 02.05.2018)”
- “Coinmetrics.io's coinmetrics.io site provides a daily breakdown of the dollar worth of the
daily exchange volume (the dollar value of the volume traded on exchanges like Bitfinex)
(01.05.2013 - 02.05.2018)”
- “Every day, the number of new Bitcoins that have been created may be found here:
- “daily generated coins for ethereum, downloaded from www.coinmetrics.io (number of new
The four “EXCHANGE VOLUME USD” factors may be clearly seen in relation to each
other. TXVOLUMEUSD is the only variable we include in our models because of the
4.2 Methodology
This section explains economic analysis methods. Two ARCH models are used in this
dissertation. Time series data may be analyzed with ARCH models in econometrics. The
error term is included in the model using a conditional variance equation. ARCH models can
be employed in times of high volatility. Analysis of financial time series using ARCH models
is quite useful.
To better understand Bitcoin's price movement, we used the TARCH and ARCH-in-
mean models, both of which take advantage of the wealth of publicly available data. For
ETH, LTC, and XPR, we used ARCH-in-mean, TARCH, and ARCH, respectively, because
they had the least quantity of data. For financial time series data, ARCH-in-mean and
TARCH are the most popular models because of the high volatility of cryptocurrencies.
ARCH-type models were examined and found to be the most accurate for our data. The
fastest and most effective way to solve our issue is to use variance-oriented models. ARCH-
in-mean integrates the variable's conditional variance, while TARCH has asymmetric
conditional variance; with volatility being higher in "bad times" (observed returns below its
expected value).
The model's specs have also been checked using the Breusch-Pagan and Jarque-Bera
tests. Ramsey RESET is another option. In linear regression models, the Breusch-Pagan test
or not a sample is normal. As a result of the Ramsey RESET test, it is possible to assess if the
explanatory factors you've selected are sufficient to explain your dependent variable.
There was also a conversion of all variables into weekly rates of increase (log
differences). Weekly returns are now used to gauge the success of the four most important
cryptocurrencies "marked in the tables below by "ret" before each variable name."From the
other four monetary factors (USD, EUR, Gold, Silver and SP500). For easy reading (returns
independent of measurement units), growth rates are used. They also impose stationary
variables. Volume and Generated Coins (pc, percentage change) weekly growth rates are also
examined for this reason (to ensure stationarity). A few variables now have an additional
delay "a one period lag in the tables below is represented by L1, i.e., L1t should be read as t-
1". The predictors of each cryptocurrency output were estimated using a mean equation
β14ipc_generated_coins_L1i,t + εt ……………………………………………………….(1)}”
Where “[i= btc, eth, ltc, and xpr and εt is the model’s error term]”. The final model excludes
Chapter 5
5. Results
Equivalently, the model in Equation (1) may be used to forecast Bitcoin's returns, and the
Table 1.
All things considered, it can be said that the model's ability to forecast BTC returns had a
significant influence. Investors seem to be substituting other financial assets for bitcoin with a
negative coefficient applied to the returns on the USD, the Euro, silver, the SP500 index, and
gold (all delayed one week) (all lagged one week). Silver is the most harmful to the
performance of Bitcoin. The return of the euro is linked to the recovery of silver by one
week, which has a positive association. The biggest influence on Bitcoin's return is the
(contemporaneous) return on Euro. Transaction value (in dollars) determines the return;
volume of transactions determines supply, which reduces return; this link between volume of
pr adj Chi2
F[3253] 20.72
Prob>f 0.0000
The Ramsey Reset test was used to evaluate our model's linearity assumption, as shown in
Relative normality and the Ramsey Reset tests show that our model in equation (1) is
In order to estimate the equation, a multiple regression model with TARCH effects is
applied (1). The findings are shown in Table 4. All of the model's predictive components
prepared for this. The returns of the USD, the euro, and gold all have a negative connection
with the returns of bitcoin, calculated one period after bitcoin's actual return. As far as
Bitcoin returns are concerned, gold has the greatest detrimental effect. The return on the
SP500 index, the euro, silver, and silver with a one-period lag, and the return on the BTC are
all positively correlated. The growth in the euro's value has the greatest impact on Bitcoin's
returns. Bitcoin transactions volume and the quantity of new bitcoins are consistent with the
previous estimate.
Table 4. Modeling of the BTC using Multiple Regression Analysis and TARCH Results
Chi2(7) 12,9
Prob>chi2 0.0856
Using the results from Table 6 (Equation 1), we were able to identify which factors had the
The model's predictive properties had a significant influence on the ETH outcomes, as shown
by the regression analysis. This means the return on investment (RoI) of ETH is negatively
related to USD, EUR, silver and the SP500 index's returns on investment. There is a strong
association between silver's present and historical returns. Gold is the most significant
element affecting Ethereum results. Negative Ethereum creations are exactly the same as
This shows that regression residuals are not normally distributed, as seen in Table 7 (p-value
F(7.230 0.49
Prob>f 0.8465
results (Table 8). In other words, the regression model used to predict the ETH returns is
Ramsey reset
F(3,127) 0.29
Prob>f 0.901
The model's assumptions were checked for linearity using the Ramsey Reset test, which can
be shown in Table 9. With a p-value of 0.9, the model specifications were confirmed to be
correct. ETH's trajectory was examined using a regression model based on data from the
homoscedasticity analysis.
For the purpose of determining which elements are most essential in impacting the Litecoin
returns, Table 10 provides the estimated outcomes of the model specified in equation (1).
All of the model's predictive properties had a substantial influence on LTC returns, according
to a regression analysis. The LTC return coefficients exhibit a negative association with the
SP500 and USD return coefficients from previous periods. Currency depreciation hurts
Litecoin's value the greatest. the coefficient for silver is favorably associated with LTC
returns (delayed one week). This cryptocurrency market's number of transactions and the
pr pr adj Chi2
Because the p-value for the test is less than 0.05, the regression residuals do not have a
Chi2(7) 8.47
Prob>chi2 0.2931
There is no way to rule out homoscedasticity of the random components, as shown in Table
Ramsey reset
F(3253) 0.15
Prob>f 0.9288
The Ramsey Reset test may also be used to verify the linearity of our regression function.
Table 13 summarizes the findings. The test got a p-value of 0.9 using the right model
When analyzing long-term care expenditures, a regression model has been proven to
be a suitable tool for uses other than checking residual distribution normality and identifying
For the assessment of Ripple's (XPR) return on investment, the model given in equation (1)
yielded the results shown in Table 14. (ROI). The regression showed that all of the model's
predictive parameters had a significant impact on XPR results. Ripple returns are expected to
diminish for every unit rise in gold and silver returns, assuming all other parameters stay
constant (delayed one period). If the Euro, silver, the USD, and the S&P 500 index all climb
during the next term, ripple returns should grow as well. Due to Euro returns, the majority of
xpr-L1 2
There is no normal distribution for the regression's residuals in table 15 since the p-value is
so low.
Breusch pagan
F(6243) 187
Prob>f 0.0864
We cannot rule out homoscedasticity of the random components based on the Breusch-Pagan
Ramsey test
F(3240) 0.27
Prob>f 0.7422
The linearity of the regression function's assessment was tested using the Ramsey Reset
method. The model's specification appears to be valid based on Table 17. (the p-value is
equal to 0.7). According to normality, homoscedasticity, and the results of the Ramsey Reset
test (apart from residual normality), the XPR regression model is accurate (aside from
Chapter .6
Technology developments may one day abolish some of the existing constraints on
cryptocurrencies, such as the chance that a computer catastrophe would wipe away one's
digital riches or that a hacker will get access to one's virtual vault. For the simple reason that
they contain a fundamental contradiction, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are doomed to
failure: as their use becomes more widespread, there is a greater chance that they will be
assumption that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are legitimate financial instruments.
Regardless of the fact that cryptocurrencies currently represent a small portion of the
overall population, there has been a growth in the number of companies that take
cryptocurrencies in recent years. Cryptocurrencies will take some time to achieve broad
acceptability among the general population before they can be used in large scale
currencies, the great majority of individuals who use them will be turned off by them.
Those wishing to get their cryptocurrency recognized into the mainstream banking
system may be required to fulfill a wide variety of conditions in order to do so. In order to
reduce fraud and hacker attacks, the system would need to be mathematically complicated
while still being simple for consumers to understand; decentralized while still providing
adequate consumer protections and security; and anonymous while not serving as a conduit
for tax evasion or money laundering activities. As tough as meeting these high standards may
be for today's fiat currencies, can we expect the most popular cryptocurrency of the future to
be something in the middle of what we have right now and what we could see in the future?
Though it seems improbable, there is little doubt that the success or failure of Bitcoin in
dealing with the difficulties that it is now facing has the potential to have a substantial
investments the same way you would any other high-risk investment. In other words, be
aware that you might lose all or most of your money. If a customer is willing to pay for a
to large price fluctuations, increasing the likelihood that an investor may suffer a loss. When
Bitcoin dropped from $260 to $130 in just six hours on April 11th, it was a record-breaking
day for the cryptocurrency. For those who are unable to handle the level of risk, you should
look for an alternative investment opportunity. The advantages of investing in Bitcoin are still
hotly debated. Proponents point to its limited quantity and increasing use as value drivers,
while skeptics view it as simply another speculative bubble. A cautious investor would do
6.2. Recommendation
A steady stream of new ideas and answers to old problems being generated by the Bitcoin
There are a number of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, that have gained popularity and
are now commonly accepted as genuine payment options. A number of countries, such as
Iceland, are even considering the creation of their own cryptocurrency as part of their
research and development efforts (Hofman, 2014). Blockchain technology is going to be very
important in the future, and Bitcoin is going to be a big part of that. Other currencies will
follow. Bitcoin transactions are thriving in Europe and Latin America, which shows that they
are real. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have a lot of things you need to know about them.
Research into how Bitcoin affects currencies that have been floating for a long time and how
Using cryptocurrency to make small transactions may allow it to fill a gap in the
economy that traditional state-sponsored currencies can't. This will require a lot more
research into the market and the economy to figure out. If you want to make smart contracts,
you could use the block chain technology that makes Bitcoin possible (Hileman, 2016).
Programed payments are made when certain conditions are met. Because a company's
excellent area for future innovation. Finally, the creation of a digital asset via the use of
cryptography has resulted in cryptocurrency. Music in many forms of media has helped to
promote digital property as a new frontier. In contrast, coins and music may not be the only
types of digital property that become more popular in the future. Humans are now able to use
digital currencies because to the efforts of the man who founded Bitcoin eight years ago;
nonetheless, he was the only one who made it possible for the rest of the world to use digital
currencies. If cryptology, the science that made bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies possible,
can be used to the development of new and exciting digital technologies, it is probable that
they will do so in the very near future. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are made feasible
6.3. Conclusions
In this study, we examine the most important factors that influence the value of
cryptocurrencies. ARCH-type models have been used to estimate the use of four popular
cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin (USD), Ethereum (ETH), Lightning (LTC), and Ripple (XRP). It's
important to note that the models employed in this dissertation are far more comprehensive
than those utilized in earlier research, including data on created coins and the value of
transactions. When compared to past work that only employed two coins, we've used four.
according to our opinion. It's important to note that when making an estimate, the return of
the USD and volume of bitcoin transactions are both positive. The one-period delay in the
USD repatriation is a good sign for Ripple. The returns of the euro (contemporaneous) and
the returns of Bitcoin and Ripple have a positive correlation. Ethereum's future does not look
promising based on the current omen. With regards to XRP we have a good connection with
Bitcoins, Ethereum and Litecoin (in the current term).Bitcoin's recent returns have a negative
correlation with those of Ethereum and Ripple, but positive correlations with those of Bitcoin
(BTC) and Ripple. When ARCH-in mean is used, no such correlation is seen.
A positive sign is shown by the lagged returns of Bitcoin (ARCH in mean and
TARCH models) as well as by Litecoin, whereas a negative sign is shown by the lags of
Ethereum and Ripple. Coins like Bitcoin (ARCH and TARCH) and Ripple (Ethereum) have a
negative coefficient for gold returns, whereas Ethereum has a positive one (prior period).
Bitcoin (ARCH-in-mean model) is negatively correlated with the SP500 Index's returns,
while the correlation between Bitcoin (TARCH model) and Ripple is positively correlated.
Finally, for Bitcoin and Ethereum, the number of newly created coins has a negative
correlation with their respective returns, but this association is positive for Litecoin.
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