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Building SDR Board

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Building and 
Using the 
Board and 
Band Pass 
Filter Board 

14th DRAFT
Last revised Friday, April
18, 2008, 2:19 PM

by Rick Meyer KI6LQL,

Dave Brainerd WB6DHW
and others

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 
Can You Build One? ............................................................................................................... 2 
Project Documentation ........................................................................................................... 3 
ORDERING PARTS ........................................................................................................ 4 
Adapting the Board for Intended Uses ................................................................................... 4 
Circuit Boards ......................................................................................................................... 4 
Free Sample Parts ................................................................................................................. 4 
Digikey Orders........................................................................................................................ 5 
Transformers .......................................................................................................................... 8 
Cabinet, Power, etc. ............................................................................................................... 8 
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ASSEMBLY ................................................................................. 9 
Surface Mount Techniques .................................................................................................... 9 
Program the Bootloader First? ............................................................................................... 9 
ASSEMBLING THE 995x BOARD ................................................................................. 10 
Overview .............................................................................................................................. 10 
Voltage Regulators ............................................................................................................... 11 
PIC ....................................................................................................................................... 13 
Clock Generator ................................................................................................................... 16 
DDS and LPF ....................................................................................................................... 17 
PIC Jumpers ..................................................................................................................... 18 
Signal Generator Section ..................................................................................................... 21 
Quadrature Clock Generator Section ................................................................................... 25 
QSD ..................................................................................................................................... 26 
Remaining Headers .............................................................................................................. 28 
Final Testing ......................................................................................................................... 29 
Receiver Test ................................................................................................................... 29 
RF Path Troubleshooting.................................................................................................. 31 
Attenuator Test ................................................................................................................. 31 
Jumpers ............................................................................................................................... 31 
External Connections, Cables .............................................................................................. 32 
Install Shielding, Enclose.................................................................................................. 35 
ASSEMBLING THE BPF BOARD ................................................................................. 36 
PCB Components................................................................................................................. 36 
Headers and Cables ............................................................................................................. 43 
Testing and Troubleshooting the BPF .................................................................................. 44 
INSTALLING and USING FIRMWARE and SOFTWARE .............................................. 47 
Firmware and Downloading Software ................................................................................... 47 
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 47 
System Requirements ...................................................................................................... 48 
Download Bootloader ....................................................................................................... 48 
Install MicroChip Software ................................................................................................ 49 

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page ii

Install Bootloader .............................................................................................................. 50 

Run the Bootloader the First Time to Install PC Drivers ................................................... 50 
Driver Installation Under Windows Vista .................................................................... 51 
Driver Installation Under Windows XP ....................................................................... 53 
Download PIC Firmware into the PIC ............................................................................... 54 
Testing the Firmware ........................................................................................................ 56 
Installation and Configuration ............................................................................................... 56 
DDS and Clock Multiplier .................................................................................................. 57 
VFO Multiplier ................................................................................................................... 58 
Configuring the PIC .......................................................................................................... 59 
A/D Converter ................................................................................................................... 59 
Transmit Controls ............................................................................................................. 60 
Band Pass Filter Settings ................................................................................................. 60 
Frequency Offsets ............................................................................................................ 60 
Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 61 
Receiver Tuning ................................................................................................................... 61 
Signal Generator Features ................................................................................................... 63 
EXPLORING PC SDR SOFTWARE .............................................................................. 63 
SIMPLIFIED THEORY OF OPERATION ....................................................................... 65 
995x Board ........................................................................................................................... 66 
Quadrature Sampling Detector (QSD) .............................................................................. 66 
DDS and Quadrature Clock Generator ............................................................................. 67 
RF Output Level Control ................................................................................................... 68 
PIC USB Microcontroller................................................................................................... 69 
Other Circuits ................................................................................................................... 69 
Band Pass Filter Board ........................................................................................................ 70 
THE DEVELOPERS ...................................................................................................... 71 
David Brainerd...................................................................................................................... 71 
Terry Fox .............................................................................................................................. 71 
Reid Bishop .......................................................................................................................... 71 
Tom Rowley ......................................................................................................................... 72 
Rick Meyer ........................................................................................................................... 72 
Installing the PickIt 2 Software ............................................................................................. 73 
Installing the Bootloader into the PIC ................................................................................... 73 
APPENDIX B: PILOT PRODUCTION RUN BOARD NOTES ........................................ 75 

Copyright © 2007, 2008 by Richard Meyer and David Brainerd. All rights reserved. However, complete copies,
including this notice, may be distributed freely for non-commercial purposes. 

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page iii

The AD995x direct digital synthesis and quadrature sampling detector (DDS/QSD) board and
companion band pass filter (BPF) board was designed by Dave Brainerd, WB6DHW, in
collaboration with other radio amateurs. It can be used as the front end for a powerful
software-defined radio (SDR) communications receiver for the 160 to 10 meter amateur radio
bands and intervening shortwave bands, with a tuning range from 1.5– 30 MHz. Additional
user-designed filters could extend the tuning range from VLF to 54 MHz and possibly higher.
Software to support this application is usable but still in development.

The hardware design is generalized for other uses such as a local oscillator for a SoftRock
RXTX or other external QSD or QSE, or as an RF signal generator at frequencies up to 160
MHz. Other uses, such as a spectrum analyzer with tracking signal generator and bandwidth
up to 192 kHz, and a vector network analyzer (VNA), are possible but software to support
these additional applications had not been developed when this was written. This document
focuses on the receiver application, with hints about the other possibilities.

You can more easily access different sections of this manual using Acrobat bookmarks. In
Acrobat Reader, select View | Navigation Panels | Bookmarks. A dynamic table of contents
will appear in a pane to the left, allowing you to jump to any section or subsection.

There will be errors and omissions in this document; please forgive the authors and send
corrections and suggestions and outdated links to If you have numerous
comments, you may edit a copy of the manual and send the marked up copy,

A receiver based on these boards consists of the following main components:

Component Function
Band pass filter PCB takes antenna input and selects one of 6 band pass filters
covering 1.5 – 30 MHz, under firmware control
AD995x PCB contains a direct digital synthesis (DDS) VFO oscillator for
tuning, a quadrature sampling detector (QSD), audio preamp,
and a PIC microcontroller with USB interface, and signal
generator section
Microcontroller firmware controls the functions on the 995x board such as tuning
A Windows Vista or XP hosts SDR receiver software and drivers. Contains USB 2.0
PC interface to the 995x board, and a sound card, preferably a high
performance one, to take in the I and Q outputs of the 995x
board, and put out sound through the PC speakers
SDR receiver software includes receiver user interface, control and DSP software.
Examples are PowerSDR, Rocky, or KGKSDR.
PC DDS Software allows you to set the VFO operating frequency in combination
with the SDR software, and other settings

The 995x board also contains an optional sine wave signal generator section with variable
attenuator and output level measurement. An optional daughtercard containing a quadrature

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 1

sampling exciter (QSE), quadrature clock generator, and RF stages producing 400 mW is in
development. A manual like this one will accompany it. Planned companion projects will
include further boards to make a complete SDR transceiver with 5 – 40 watts RF output.

Like the popular SoftRock software defined radios (see , the 995x system contains a Tayloe quadrature
sampling detector (QSD) at its core. (Note: this document contains many webpage links.
Apologies if some of them are out of date by the time you read this.) The QSD converts RF
from an antenna directly to “baseband” audio IF that can be fed into a PC sound card. Unlike
the simple but effective SoftRocks, which have a limited crystal-controlled tuning range, the
995x board contains a state of the art AD9954 direct digital synthesis (DDS) chip, made by
Analog Devices, as a local oscillator. This remarkable chip creates a very clean and stable
signal directly, using a 14-bit DAC that permits full range HF coverage. One possible use for
the 995x board is as a clock for a SoftRock RXTX.

The new AD995x DDS chip family has a spurious free dynamic range about 12 db better than
the popular AD98xx series predecessor, because it has a 14 bit instead of 10 bit DAC. This
significantly improves the performance of a receiver or signal generator using the chip as a
local oscillator. The new part has phase noise better than –120 dBc/Hz, excellent dynamic
performance and >80 dB narrowband spurious free dynamic range, according to the
manufacturer. The dynamic range on the amateur HF bands is even better.

When used with the companion BPF, the system has a continuous tuning range similar to
many 160 -10 meter HF amateur transceivers, with tuning controlled over USB by a small
application in the PC. An external BFP can extend the range to 6 meters and possibly beyond.

For a good introduction to software-defined radio, see Gerald Youngblood’s excellent QEX
article series entitled “A Software Defined Radio for the Masses” that led to the company
FlexRadio and to the free, open source PowerSDR software you may want to use with the
995x. These and other articles are here: The system
Youngblood describes is very similar in architecture to the 995x and there is a good overview
of DSP receiver algorithms. A good explanation of quadrature signals and their uses is at:

Can You Build One? 
This is not a project for beginners, just bare printed circuit boards and documentation. A kit of
parts that mount on the boards may still be available. It is definitely an advanced project. You
should have a technical background, previous surface mount (SMT) experience and have the
necessary tools and materials. The boards contain a large number of tiny surface mount
components, and ICs with very fine pitch leads, for which you need the right tools and
materials, good eyes, and some magnification. You will not have a technical support
department backing up the project, but volunteers on the board might help some. If you ruin a board, you
may lose a substantial investment in parts and labor. You will need an oscilloscope and
multimeter at a minimum to aid you in testing, and other tools. An RF signal generator or ham
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 2

transmitter and dummy load would also be useful. It is up to you to put the boards in suitable
shielding and a housing and supply connectors and power.

The SoftRock would be an easier project with which to get started if you are new to SDR
because you can get a kit, there are fewer parts, most of them are not surface mount, and
none of the ICs has as fine a pitch. At this point the SoftRock series is also more mature.
Later, a 995x board can be used as a tunable local oscillator for your SoftRock, although the
995x contains its own QSD receiver. There is a SoftRock model that contains an exciter, which
the 995x project currently lacks.

Dave Brainerd, the designer of the 995x and BPF boards, only supplies the bare PCBs and
some documentation. Collaborators have developed firmware and PC tuning software you can
use with the boards. If you undertake the project, you will have to buy all other parts yourself.
Most of them are available from Digikey. You will have to load the Microchip bootloader
program into the PIC microcontroller yourself, or find someone to help you do it. You will need
to select a cabinet, external connectors, and regulated 12V input power source yourself, and
you will have to assemble, test and debug the project yourself, and then make it work with the
firmware and the third-party SDR receiver software of your choice. Installation of related
software is currently largely a manual process. Note that while the system works with several
I/Q based third party SDR software packages, as of this writing, it is not fully integrated with
them, because band switching and coarse tuning must be done with a separate software
applet. Hopefully the authors of these SDR packages will be motivated to support this project
as it matures.

The 995x project has an optional band pass filter board covering 1.5 to 30 MHz in six bands. If
you only want to cover one band, or if you want to use a band not covered, you can design and
build a simple one band filter in place of or in addition to the BPF board. There are switched
connections to the BPF board that can be used to select among two outboard filters, based on
what frequency the DDS is tuned to. The BPFs have an insertion loss of about 5 - 7 dB.

Project Documentation 
The schematics, bills of materials (BOMs), and other documents for the boards are kept at , and . Before building the
project, you will want to print out and study the schematics, BOMs and the board layouts.
There is a simplified theory of operation later in this document. Note that the BOM for the 995x
board has two spreadsheet pages in it. A couple of the schematic pages are B sized
drawings and are hard to read when printed unless you print them on large paper, or in
sections. If you are using Acrobat Reader to view a document, you can print enlargements
using Tools | Select and Zoom | Marquee to select an area to magnify, and Print |
Print Range | Current View, to print what you selected with the marquee. Last minute
changes, errata, tips and the like are likely to appear in the YahooGroup first before they
appear in the system documentation, so look for relevant messages at before starting.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 3

Please read this entire section before ordering parts. There are several options and
considerations to think about.

Adapting the Board for Intended Uses 
There are at least three possible uses for the 995x board made possible by the current “group

1. An SDR receiver.
2. A signal generator
3. A DDS quadrature local oscillator for SoftRock series or other QSD or QSE.

None of these individual uses requires that you populate and power all sections of the board.
In addition, you can populate the entire board, and use it for all of these uses, although there
might be some small performance degradation if you do.

You should decide what uses you want before ordering parts. The assembly instructions
below include separate lists of components for each section of the board. The bill of materials
contains parts for all uses. If you decide to omit sections, you can refer to the tables of parts in
the assembly instructions to determine which parts to omit. The beginning of each section of
instructions describes the uses that require the parts in that section.

Circuit Boards 
Dave Brainerd will sell you one or both boards for this project, if you order them directly from
his web pages and using
PayPal. Check these pages to see if parts kits are also available. Dave is serving the amateur
community by providing the boards at a price near his costs. The 995x board contains a DDS,
QSD, and PIC microcontroller. It is a complete receiver front end, except for the RF filtering
between the antenna and detector to select a band of interest. It can also be used as a RF
signal generator or as a spectrum analyzer or VNA if software is developed for these latter two

If you want to build a 1.5 to 30 MHz HF SDR receiver, you should probably get Dave’s
companion BPF board. It covers the HF range in six bands with band switching for two
outboard filters. An interface between the two boards allows software to automatically select
the right filter depending on the frequency you tune the DDS to. If you are only interested in a
single band, or lower or higher frequencies you may want to design different or additional filters
yourself. If you can’t decide, you could try using an antenna tuner as a primitive preselector to
start with, before deciding on filters.

Free Sample Parts 
The most expensive parts for this project are the Analog Devices AD9954YSVZ DDS chip and
AD8310ARMZ logarithmic amplifier, and the MicroChip PIC18F2550-I/SO microcontroller.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 4

Luckily, both Analog Devices and Microchip have free sample programs. If you are able to get
free samples, then you can leave these parts off of your Digikey order. Click the Sample link at, and the Order Samples link at to request samples.

In addition to the AD9951, the hardware design can also support the other DDSs in the same
series, the AD9952, AD9953 and AD9954, which are pin-compatible 400 MHz, 14 bit DDS
parts. The initial “group” PIC software that is available is also compatible with all four
variations, but does not yet take advantage of the increased functionality of the AD9952,
AD9953, or AD9954. Future PIC and PC software could use the added capabilities of these
parts, such as frequency sweeping. The latest part with the most added features is the
AD9954, and it costs only a few dollars more than the AD9951. If you order from Digikey,
uncheck all but one of the parts.

You could use a PIC18F2455 PIC to save a little money, but the PIC18F2550 has more
program memory to accommodate expansion of the firmware. Unless you know the size of the
firmware you will be using, order the PIC18F2550.

Digikey Orders 
A readymade Digikey order for all parts to populate the 995x board corresponding to the bill of
materials (BOM), except for transformers T1, T2, and T3, is here:

Refrain from clicking that button to order just yet, because you will need to tailor your order,
depending on various options described further below. Group purchasing may be worthwhile,
as some components cost significantly less when ordered in larger quantities than it takes to
build a single unit. Also the minimum quantity for many small passive components is ten.
Check the DDS_CONTROLLER board for announcements of any currently open group

Also, a readymade Digikey order for all the parts to populate the BPF board, except for
transformer T1, is here:

The BOM Multi source link at can also be used for ordering. It
contains alternative BPF parts lists for Digikey, Mouser, and Farnell UK in case you prefer to
order from other suppliers.

Before ordering BPF parts, consider if you want to add or substitute your own custom filters –
there are provisions for two added filters in the band switching on the BPF board. You may not
even need a filter if you have other forms of selectivity in your rig, such as a highly selective
antenna. You could populate the existing BPF board with 7 pole elliptical filters of similar
design and compatible component physical sizes, or 5 pole Chebyshev filters with different
pass bands and component values. Inductors can be any size from 0603 to 1810. You could
also build high or low pass filters by leaving off capacitors or inductors off the existing design
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 5

or your design. You could use a second, partially populated BPF board to provide two extra
bands. If you decide to design your own filters, you may find the free tool that was used to
design the BPF, the AADE Filter Design (see to be useful.
Design files from this tool for the existing filters are on this page:
The input and output impedance of filters should be 50 ohms. An upgrade to the BFP is in
development using toroids in place of the SMT inductors.

There are many inductors on existing BPF BOM. There are equivalent Coilcraft parts that can
give somewhat less insertion loss in the BPF filters, and they also will fit the pads on the board,
but Digikey does not carry them. The multivendor BOM spreadsheet has a separate page with
the Coilcraft part numbers. In this case, delete the corresponding inductors from the parts
ordered from the main supplier. It has been proposed that hand wound toroids might give still
better performance, but this has not yet been tried.

The 995x board is flexible in the type of clock oscillator it accepts. The schematic shows a
default choice of an SMD oscillator – any standard 5 mm x 7 mm or 9 mm x 14 mm CMOS
oscillator may be used on the board. The parts for three versions of a low pass filter that
follows the DDS chip, at different frequencies, are on the BOM and you need to choose just
one set after choosing a DDS internal clock frequency of 400, 500, or 700 MHz. The low pass
filter suppresses aliases and quantization noise from the DAC output from the AD995x. The
corresponding maximum output DDS frequencies are about 160 MHz, 200 MHz and 300 MHz
and the low passes filters cut off a little above these values. The internal clock frequency is
calculated by multiplying the DDS master clock input times the internal DDS PLL clock
multiplier as set in the PC tuning applet’s Config menu. For example, 500 MHz should be
chosen if the specified 125 MHz SMD oscillator is used with a DDS PLL multiplier of X4 (125
MHz * 4 = 500 MHz). Only multipliers of 4 and above can be used with the AD995x series
DDSs. Other multipliers result in x1 or no multiplication. Overclocking does not increase power
dissipation to the point where a heat sink or other cooling is required.

Analog Devices specifies AD995x devices for a maximum clock of 400 MHz, but experiments
have shown that most individual parts may provide useful output using a 500 MHz clock, and it
may be possible to go higher. The 700 MHz clock has not been reported to be successful yet
but has not been tested in many parts. Choose the 400 MHz clock to get reliable operation
from any part – this will also support the full frequency range for which the receiver application
and the BPF are designed. For this you should choose a 100 MHz oscillator and a 4X
multiplier. You will probably be successful overclocking at 125 MHz * 4 = 500 MHz as several
boards are running at this speed. Choose the higher speeds only if you want to experiment or
to see if you can use the board as a VHF signal generator, bearing in mind that a particular
AD995x part may not work at the higher frequencies.

The values in the low pass filter at the output of the AD995x must correspond to the clock
frequency you choose. Uncheck the values for L1, L2 and L3 in the Digikey order as well as
C26-C32 for the two LPF frequencies you will not be using. Experiments to determine if a LPF
with a much lower cutoff frequency will improve receiver performance (while limiting maximum
DDS output frequency) are underway – check the DDS_CONTROLLER board for progress.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 6

You may also experiment with a CMOS or LVDS oscillator of your choosing instead of using
the oscillator on the parts list. In that case, follow the clock options instructions on sheet 2 of
the schematic and modify your Digikey order accordingly.

The minimum detectable signal of the board when used as a receiver is determined in part by
the noise voltage of U15, a dual low noise op amp that amplifies the microvolt range audio
signal following the quadrature detector. The MC33078 part in the bill of materials is an
inexpensive part with a good noise specification. You may be able to gain a couple dBm better
performance by substituting a more expensive part with better noise performance, such as the
Linear LT6231CS8. One builder reports good results with this part. Check the
DDS_CONTROLLER board for suggestions by those who may have tried this or other parts.

There is a USB mini-B connector on the BOM that mounts on the edge of the board. If you
can mount the board close to the edge of your enclosure, you can expose the connector to the
outside. If this not possible, you may want to order a panel mount USB connector and connect
it to H19 and not order the PCB mount connector in the BOM, although it wouldn’t hurt to have

There are many headers and mating housings and pin on the BOM and they are not cheap.
Your uses may not require all of them. For example: to use the board as a receiver only, with
on board oscillator, you really only need four sets of headers, housings and pins. The final
subsection in the assembly main section contains a list of headers and their purposes. You
can reduce cost by determining in advance which ones you will use and omit the others from
your order. Omitting headers can help eliminate interfering radiation. Although you can
approximate crimping the pins with pliers, the connectors will be most reliable if the pins are
crimped with the proper crimper. A couple of the least expensive crimpers are the Molex Open
Barrel Crimper PHT-DS-STMP, $17.25, or the Ratchet Action Crimp Tool HT225D (RE) made
by RVFM.

If you need a DC-coupled QSD, for example for a VNA, then C61, C62, and C64 can be
replaced with jumpers, R22 and R23 removed, and the junction of C71 and C72 would need to
be connected to the center tap of T1 to bias U15 the same as the QSD switches. The VNA
application also requires separating the logarithmic detector’s input from the signal generator
output. Of course new software, not yet developed, would be required for this application.

The BOMs for both projects contain housings and pins that mate with all the headers on the
board for jumpers and cables to the “outside world.” You may need to order ribbon cable to
make connecting cables.

If you intend to program the bootloader firmware into the microcontroller in place on the board
rather than in a programmer with a compatible socket for the part, you may need to build a
special cable. See details in the Software section below.

If you decide to leave off certain sections of the 995x board, you may want to cross out the
assembly steps below relating to the parts you will leave off. This could save confusion while
you are building the board.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 7

There are three transformers in the 995x BOM and one on the BPF board that are not in the
Digikey orders because Digikey does not carry them. They are very much cheaper in
quantities of 10, so some builders have been pooling their orders – check the
DDS_CONTROLLER board for open offers. They are available directly from MiniCircuits Labs

The Coilcraft WBC1-1TLB is a substitute for the 2 transformers in the DDS section of the 995x
board and the Coilcraft WBC4-1TLB is a substitute for the transformer in the QSD section. See

Cabinet, Power, etc. 
The BOMs for the two boards only contain the parts necessary to populate the boards and
connect to their headers. You will need to design the rest of the system and choose and order
other parts. You will need at least a housing, a 12 VDC, 350 ma regulated power source, RF
in connector, RCA or mini phono audio connector(s), power connector or battery pack, a USB
mini-B to standard USB cable (as used with some digital cameras), some small diameter 50
ohm coax for RF connections, shielded audio cable, ribbon cable, #30 wire wrap wire or other
very fine hookup wire, and a larger hookup wire, such as #24, for power wires. The board will
be able to provide the interface between key paddles and SDR software that includes an
iambic keyer, so you may want a paddle connector. Maybe you will want a power switch and
pilot light. The best housings have a tight RF seal to keep out interference from a nearby PC
and other noise sources – die cast boxes are good for this reason. If you build the band pass
filter, you will need a separate metal box for shielding and four feedthrough capacitors for
power and switching signals.

U19 is a 5 volt regulator in a TO-220 package. If possible, attach it to the inside of an

aluminum case. If this is not possible, you should order and use a heat sink. This part can
dissipate over 2 watts when used with a 12 VDC power supply.

Make sure the two push buttons and two LEDs on the 995x board are accessible. The 12 volt
DC adaptor or other power source should be well regulated with low ripple, and, if it contains a
switcher, good RFI filtering to keep switching noise hash out of your sensitive receiver.
Inexpensive regulated black brick power adaptors are inevitably switchers and will usually
require an additional RFI filter. An unregulated 15 V adaptor with an external 7812 regulator is
a safe and simple choice. The solution should be capable of supplying 350 ma. Include a
battery pack and if you plan mobile use with a laptop computer. If you wish to run other boards
on the same supply, such as the forthcoming Quadrature Sampling Exciter (transmitter), or
Si570 programmable oscillator, you may want to use a supply capable of an ampere or two.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 8


Surface Mount Techniques 
You need prior surface mount (SMT) experience, and the necessary SMT tools and materials
before attempting this project. There are several good tutorials and tool and materials
suppliers available on the Web. One supplier who is participating in the 995x project is Cash
Olsen, KD5SSJ. See the SMT Soldering and Solder Paste links on his site: Among other tools, you will need a grounded tip soldering iron, as
the project contains CMOS circuits that are easily damaged by static electricity. If you live in a
dry region where static is a special problem, you may also need a wrist ground strap and to
take other special precautions. Use a conical tip with a .2 mm radius (about .015 inch
diameter) plus a larger tip for the larger components and grounds, (0.05 - 0.1 inch diameter),
and the power range of 15 to 20 watts. A 2% silver-bearing solder with diameter of 0.015
inches works well for SMT work, such as Radio Shack P/N 664-035. Parts can also be applied
individually or en masse using solder paste and hot air or an oven. Hobbyists have adapted
tools like embossing heat guns, pancake grills, cup warmers, toaster ovens and the like to
avoid the high cost of professional SMT gear.

One of several tricky areas is the QFN package devices, U11, U12, U20 and especially U6.
You can recognize these board locations by the square pad with the hole in it that is inside the
pin pattern. Dave Brainerd suggests the following technique:

“I put a dab of solder paste in the center hole and a dab on one of the pins on
the side with only 2 pins. Then I position the IC best I can and hold it there while I heat
the one pin with the soldering iron. I then recheck the positioning. If necessary, I re-heat the
one pin and re-position. Once positioned correctly, then I run solder paste around the other
pins and heat with the hot air until the paste melts. I then use the solder wick to suck up
the excess solder. Then a final inspection with the microscope. If any pins are not soldered, I
add a dab of solder paste and re-heat with the soldering iron.”

Program the Bootloader First? 
The PIC microcontroller needs to have the bootloader firmware loaded into it before it can be
used. If you have access to a programmer with the right adaptor for the PIC’s 28-SOIC
package, you may want to program in the bootloader before you solder the chip to the board.
If you don’t have a suitable programmer and adaptor, check the DDS_CONTROLLER board to
look for offers from people willing to do the programming for you. The PIC can also have the
bootloader loaded into it while it is in place on the board, but then you may want to temporarily
leave off C1 and C2, and you will need to build a special cable for your programmer. Recent
shipments of “the group buy parts kit” from Art, KY1K, have included a PIC with the bootloader
already installed. (See Install Bootloader section below.) These capacitors can interfere with
certain programmers.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 9

If you are building both the 995x and BPF boards and would like a refresher exercise with
surface mount soldering, try the simpler BFP board first. You may find it useful to study the
Theory of Operation section below before beginning assembly.

There are two possible ways to assemble the boards, incrementally using methods that mount
individual components or all-at-once methods that can mount all components in bulk using
solder paste and heat over the whole board. The incremental method, described below, gives
step by step instructions for building one stage of the circuitry, and testing it before proceeding.
If you are very confident of your surface mount skills and have the necessary equipment, the
bulk method can also work, although troubleshooting problems may be more difficult.
Otherwise, proceed with the steps below. Even if you plan to proceed incrementally, you will
still have to mount some very fine pitch ICs using solder paste and hot air, one at a time.

At various stages after the voltage regulators are installed, you will apply power to the board.
You should use a well regulated 12 VDC supply with adjustable current limiting. If possible,
set the current limit to a little over the expected drain, as described in the instructions, never
more than 350 ma. maximum, as the board should never draw more than 350 ma, even with
all components mounted and the BPF attached. It is also useful to be able to measure the
current drawn, as we will be checking this after each stage of assembly. After the board is fully
assembled, it is much harder to identify a component that is drawing too much or too little

At various stages, we suggest that you make measurements with your multimeter. The probes
that come with most multimeters are much too large to make measurements on fine pitched
ICs. You will need to improvise fine, needle-sharp probes to work on the 995x board, or you
will easily short out adjacent pins. An actual sewing needle or pin can be used. Even with such
a probe, we suggest you not probe the AD995x part directly, but only nearby connected parts.

At certain stages we ask you to make tests whose results depend on the PIC firmware you are
using. These tests assume that you are using the “group” firmware dated August 20, 2007 or
later. If your firmware is different, your test results may differ. Even if you ultimately intend to
use other firmware, you should install the group firmware for the testing, and then once the
board is fully working, install the other firmware.

Make sure that all diodes and polarized capacitors are installed on the board in the right
orientation. Polarity markings are included in the board layout document and board markings.
The positive end of some capacitors is marked with a band.

We delay installing some headers as they would otherwise make it difficult to install nearby
components. Otherwise, we proceed stage by stage.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 10

If any measurement you make is wrong, correct the problem before continuing, or you may
damage components or make troubleshooting more difficult. There are a number of jumpers
and 0 ohm resistors that can be used to disconnect various devices, simplifying debugging.

This manual describes assembly of Revision 2 of the board. This revision can be identified by
the board label “995X_R2.” It includes a new header, H20, that can separate the DDS sine
wave output through the attenuator U6 from the input to the log detector U7, permitting the use
of the board as a simple spectrum analyzer or VNA, together with software that is still in

There was a single run of 30 pilot production 995x boards distributed in August 2007. If you
have a later production board, it will be labeled 995X_Rx, where x is the revision number. If
your board lacks the revision number it is a pilot production board and you should read
Appendix B before proceeding.

Voltage Regulators 
Install the four voltage regulators that are required for all uses of the board, and associated

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 11

√ No. Part Value Size S* Notes

1 U19** MC7805 5 V regulator TO-220 T Heatsink
On sheet 1
2 U4 LP2992AIM5-1.8 regulator SOT23-5 T
3 U18 LP2992AIM5-1.8 regulator SOT23-5 T
4 U3 LP2992AIM5 -3.3 regulator SOT23-5 T
5 C82 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U19 All 10 uF caps are
6 C83 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U19 Non-polarized.
7 C6 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U3
8 C7 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U3
9 C77 .01 uF 0805 B-U3
10 C8 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U4 Designation is
unreadable, located
above C9
11 C9 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U4
12 C78 .01 uF 0805 B-U4
13 C80 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U18
14 C81 10 uF, 16v 0805 B-U18
15 C79 .01 uF 0805 B-U18 Designation is
unreadable, located
above C80
16 Jump*** TP12 to TP13, marked +5V Wire B Install jumper
17 H17**** 2-pin header .1” T Board 12V power
* Column S indicates whether the part is on Top or Bottom of the PCB and the location of a nearby major
component. There may be no connection to the component; the reference is for physical location only.

** A heat sink is recommended for U19 or it can be mounted against a metal chassis. On a fully populated
board it would otherwise run too hot. With 12 VDC input, it can dissipate about 2 watts.

*** Test/tie points marked “TPxx” on the schematic are marked differently on the board. One end of this
jumper is the first in a series of three points marked +5 at the output of U19 and the other end is under U3 at
a point marked +5 on the top of the board. This and many other jumpers are shown as thin white lines in the
silk screen printing. Use regular hookup wire for this particular jumper, as this wire carries power. Other
jumpers carrying signals may use wire wrap or other thin wire.

**** Pin 1 on this and other headers has a square pad. Other pads are round.

Measure the resistance from H7, pin 1, the 12VDC supply input, to ground. The resistance will
start low, but should increase to over 1 megohm with time as the input capacitors charge.

Apply +12 VDC power to H7 pin 1 and GND to H7, pin 2 with current limiting set to 5 ma, if
possible. The total input current drawn by the board should be approximately 3.3 ma at this
point. Measure the outputs of the regulators as described below and if any voltage is wrong,
disconnect power immediately. You can expect output voltages to vary up to 5% from the
nominal values.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 12

The + side of C83 should be +5V.

The + side of C7 should be +3.3V.
The + side of C9 should be +1.8V.
The + side of C81 should be +1.8 V.

U19, the 5V regulator should not be warm to the touch after running power for a minute.
Later, when everything is powered, the heat sink on U19 will be warm.

Install the parts below, which correspond to all parts on sheet 7 of the schematic. These parts
are required for all uses of the board.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 13

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

18 U1 PIC18F2550 28-SOIC T
19 C2* .1 uF 0805 B-SW2 Leave off if no bootloader
20 C1* 10 uF 0805 B-SW2 Leave off if no bootloader
21 C3 .47 uF 0805 T-D1
22 C4 18 pF 0805 T-H2
23 C5 18 pF 0805 T-H2
24 X1 20 MHz crystal 6 x 3.5 mm T-U1 Solder paste and hot air
works well
26 SW1 Push button B Reset
27 SW2 Push button B Program
28 R4 330 0805 T-X1 Install before LED's
29 D1 LED green 3 mm T-H1 Power. Long lead is + &
goes towards +5, the
square pad
30 D2 LED red 5 mm T-H1 Firmware state. Long
lead to square pad.
31 D3** BAS21 diode SOT-23 T-H3
32 J1 Mini USB connector T-H19 Or use external USB
connector wired to H19
33 R1 330 0805 T-H1
34 R2 10K 0805 B-SW1
35 R3 10K 0805 B-SW2
36 R48 10K 0805 B-H3
37 R49 3.3K 0805 T-H2
38 R50 3.3K 0805 T-H4
39 R51 3.3K 0805 T-H4
40 R52 3.3K 0805 T-H3
41 R53 5.6K 0805 B-H2
42 R54 5.6K 0805 B-H4
43 R55 5.6K 0805 B-H4
44 R56 5.6K 0805 B-H4
45 Jump*** Jumper 14 to TP15 wire B 5V power to PIC
46 H1 3 pins 3 x 0.1” T PIC power selector
47 Jump H1-1 to H1-2 Shunt 5V to PIC from board’s
jumper regulator, not USB port
48 H3 7 pins 7 x 0.1” T For ICSP programmer
* If you intend to program the PIC, U1, with the bootloader while U1 is in place on the board, and you are not
using the PICKit 2 programmer, we suggest you leave off C1 and C2 until the bootloader is programmed.

** D3 may be replaced with a jumper if you are using a PIC, that has the bootloader already installed for U1.

*** From a point marked “5V” near U19 to the point also marked “5V” near H1, using ordinary hookup wire, not
wrap wire.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 14


Once the PIC section of the board is completed, it is very easy to accidentally
reset the PIC, since the Reset push button is on the bottom of the board. When
the board is in use, it is recommended that the board be placed in a small vice, or
some other method used to prevent accidental activation of SW1 or SW2. This
can be done by using screws and nuts as legs, in the four mounting holes.

Measure the resistance between pin 20 of U1 and ground. It should be about 3 K if D1 has
been jumpered and about 9 K if D1 is in place.

Apply 12 volt power to the board and measure the current consumption. It should be about 13
ma. if no bootloader has been programmed into the PIC. Pressing the Program key should
cause the firmware to toggle the red LED alternately on and off. The USB cable may need to
be connected to the computer before these tests work properly unless the groupware and
bootloader are both preinstalled in the PIC. The red LED is used by the group firmware to
indicate PIC programming mode. Initially, the red LED may not be lit at all. Some versions of
the firmware listed in the Files section have a “heartbeat” that flashes the red LED about once
a second. If the board is connected via USB and you press and hold the Program button while
pressing Reset, the firmware will switch to bootloader mode and the red LED will flash several
times per second. At this point, the PC should recognize that a USB device has been

If you have not previously installed the bootloader, the group firmware and firmware specific
jumpers, you may do so now using an in circuit programmer, as described in the Software
section below. After installing the bootloader and firmware, apply power, press the Reset
button and make sure the red LED responds to presses of the Program key. Total board
current should be about 50-70 ma. If you put the board into bootloader mode, the red LED
should flash more quickly and current consumption will be about 63 ma. If you have omitted C1
and C2, you may now mount them.

From this point on, supply current will depend on what “mode” the PIC is in. This is primarily
due to the flash rate of the red LED. There are four modes:

1. Normal mode. The PIC DDS control software is functioning. The RED is flashing about
once per second.
2. Bootloader mode. The red LED is flashing quickly, and the PIC is waiting to load new
software into the PIC. Cleared by programming, hitting reset, or unplugging the board.
3. Board is “hung” with red LED off. Usually a forced mode, by disconnecting the USB
from the computer while the LED is off.
4. Board is “hung” with the red LED on. Same as 3 above, except board current will be
higher due to the red LED being on.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 15

Once the bootloader and firmware are loaded into the PIC, the PIC may not always start up
properly. Pushing the Reset button may correct this. Occasionally, the firmware gets hung up
if there is no USB connection to a computer. This often happens when the PIC is put into
bootloader mode without being hooked to a computer. If you cannot put the PIC into
bootloader mode, make sure the board is connected via USB to a computer.

Clock Generator 
If you are installing the standard clock circuit shown on the schematic, install the parts below,
which are required for all uses. These parts correspond to sheet two of the schematic.

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

49 U9* SMD oscillator 5x7 mm to T-U19 See BOM and theory
9x14 mm of operation for
50 R5 220 0805 T-H12
51 R6 68 0805 T-U9
52 R31 0 ohms 0805 T-U9
53 R32 100 0805 T-U2
54 C22 .1 uF 0805 B-U9
55 C23 1 NF (= 1000 pF, 0805 T-U2
56 C24 1 NF 0805 T-U2
* U9 has four pins, but mounts on a pattern with 6 pads. The printing on the top of its case should have the
same orientation as the horizontal silk screen legends on the board. To suppress interference, solder a very
short jumper from the lower right hand corner of the oscillator case to the nearby hole in the ground plane near
the edge of the board. On the bottom of the board, bend the wire over to touch the shiny edge of the ground
plane and solder it to ground there.

The following measurements may vary depending on the oscillator manufacturer and part
selected. Make sure the resistance between pin 6 of the SMD oscillator (if installed) is greater
than 150 ohms, after capacitors fully charge.

Apply 12 volt power with current limiting set to 125 ma. Make sure that current drawn is under
100 ma. If you are using group firmware with the heartbeat, with the red LED flashing slowly in
normal mode, the current should fluctuate from 85 - 95 ma. In bootloader mode, the current
should be near 91 ma.

If you have an oscilloscope with sufficient bandwidth, you should be able to observe the CLK
RF output on pin 2 of H12. You should see a 3.3V square wave at the frequency of your clock
oscillator (125 MHz if you are using the oscillator in the standard parts list). The output could
be checked with a freq. counter. The Controller software provides a way to calibrate the
frequency and compensate for tolerance and aging effects in oscillator.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 16

If a heat sink is not used, U19, the 5 V regulator will run hot. Consider installing a heat sink

DDS and LPF 
Install the parts below from sheets 6 and 2 of the schematic, required for all uses:

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

57 U2* AD9954 48-TFP T Could use other 995x
58 T3** MiniCircuits TC1-1T+ T-U2 Or Coilcraft WBC1-1TLB
59 L1 See table below. 2.5 x 2 T-U4
60 L2 See table below. 2.5 x 2 T-U4
61 L3 See table below. 2.5 x 2 T-U5
62 C26 See table below. 0805 T-U4
63 C27 See table below. 0805 T-U4
64 C28 See table below. 0805 T-L2
65 C29 See table below. 0805 T-L2
66 C30 See table below. 0805 T-L2
67 C31 See table below. 0805 T-L3
68 C32 See table below. 0805 T-L3
69 R8 0 ohms 0805 T-U2
70 R9 3.92K 0805 T-U2
71 R10 24.9 0805 T-T3
72 R11 24.9 0805 T-T3
73 R26 10 K 0805 B-H5
74 R27 10 K 0805 B-H5
75 R28 10 K 0805 B-H5
76 R29 10 K 0805 B-H5
77 R30 10 K 0805 B-H5
78 R57 10 K 0805 B-H5
79 C10- .1 0805 T-U2
80 C12- .1 0805 B-U2
81 H5 2 rows of 6 pins 6 x 0.2”
* The exposed metal square in the middle of the bottom of the part must be soldered to the PCB pad beneath with
solder paste and hot air. It is the ground connection for the internal DAC.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 17

The inductors and capacitors in the low pass filter (LPF) have values that depend on your
choice of internal DDS clock frequency:

400 500 700 MHz

L1 39 nH 33 nH 22 nH
L2 56 nH 47 nH 33 nH
L3 68 nH 56 nH 39 nH
C26 12 pF 10 pF 6.8 pF
C27 12 pF 10 pF 6.8 pF
C28 27 pF 22 pF 12 pF
C29 6.8 pF 5.6 pF 3.9 pF
C30 33 pF 27 pF 18 pF
C31 2.2 pF 1.8 pF 1.2 pF
C32 22 pF 18 pF 12 pF

400 MHz is the rated maximum for the DDS series. 500 MHz works with at least most parts.
No success has yet been reported for 700 MHz – perhaps only a rare part could be
overclocked to this degree. All three sets of LPF filter values assume that you want to extract
the highest possible VHF frequency from the signal generator, a frequency several times
higher than is needed for 160 – 10 meter receiver. Experiments are planned to see if a much
lower LPF cutoff frequency will reduce receiver spurs – check the DDS_CONTROLLER board
for progress.

PIC Jumpers  
Interconnections between the PIC and the DDS, the attenuator circuit, and the transmit/receive
switching circuitry depend on the PIC firmware you are using. The firmware will not run
correctly without matching sets of jumpers. Make sure you install jumpers specific to the
firmware you are using. Jumpers described in this section assume use of the “group firmware”
and further testing instructions assume this firmware.

All of the DDS programming pins are brought out to H5. Normally only Reset-H5 pin 11,
SCLK-H5 pin 7, and IOUPDATE-H5 pin 2 are required. These pins are usually jumpered to
I/O lines from the PIC. Other programming lines may be left unconnected, as they are pulled
down. If you will never use them, you may jumper them to ground for less noise emission.
Note that the DDS programming pins are 3.3 V logic and the PIC pins are 5 V logic, requiring
voltage dividers. Dividers are provided for the 4 signals listed below.

Jumpers may be installed by first installing headers and using pins and housings, or by
omitting headers and soldering wires directly to the pads. Jumpers that do not carry power
may be made with #30 wire wrap wire, such as Kynar.

To use the group firmware, install the following PIC to DDS jumpers:

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 18


Jumper DDS Signal Connection PIC I/O Signal Connection
A Reset H5-11 A5 DDSR
B SCLK H5-7 B6 DSC pad just
above H4-12
C IOUPDATE H5-2 B5 DDSUI pad above
D SDIO H5-8 B7 DSIO pad just
above DSC pad
* Sheet numbers refer to schematic pages.

Measure the resistance of Dvdd, on pin 5 of U18, to ground. It should be about 53 – 57 K.

Measure the resistance of Avdd, on pin 5 of U4 to ground. It should be about 65 - 70 K.

Measure the resistance of Dvdd IO, on pin 5 of U3 to ground. It should be about 128 - 155 K.

Apply 12 volt power to the board with current limit set to 250 ma. The current should be about
200 ma. in bootloader mode. In normal mode the current should vary around 190 – 200 ma. If
the red LED if off, the current should be about 180 ma.

If you have previously programmed a bootloader and DDS control program into the PIC, upon
power-up the PIC should program the DDS to produce an output of approximately 14.11 MHz
(7.055 *2) if you used a 125 MHz oscillator. You should be able to see approx. 450 mV peak-
to-peak at T3’s secondary, or the input side of L1.

You should see approximately 500 mV p-p at 14.1 MHz at the junction of L3 & R40. If so,
congratulations – the PIC and DDS are functioning properly. If not, go back and verify that the
jumpers are installed correctly, and look carefully at the solder connections on U2. It is very
easy to have a solder short between pins, even in the upper shoulder area of the DDS IC pins.

If you have operation at a significantly lower frequency, try resoldering the pad under the
middle of DDS chip. Using a fine-tipped iron, put the tip through the hole on the bottom of the
board, to the DDS chip. Heat it up and feed new solder until you are sure the solder flows well,
not too much, however. Try to make sure the tip makes contact with the chip pad itself.

Some measurements to aid in troubleshooting the AD995x DDS chip are given in the table
below. These were measured on just one particular working example, so your measurements
may differ. Measure the AD995x chip only indirectly whenever possible. Even with a needle
sharp probe, it is easy to short adjacent pins. To measure a pin, find a part that connects to
that pin and probe it instead. Some possible probe locations are given in the table. Sharp
pulses may require a storage scope to capture.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 19

DDS Pin DCV Signal Probe Location

1 0 /IOUD H5-2
2 1.8 DVDD
3 0 DGND
4 1.77 AVDD
5 0 AGND
6 1.77 AVDD
7 0 AGND
8 1.25 /CLK R32
9 1.25 CLK R32
10 0.02 XTL OUT
12 0.33 LP FILTER R8
13 1.77 AVDD C10
14 0 AGND
15 0 AGND
16 1.77 AVDD
17 0 AGND
18 1.77 AVDD
19 1.77 AVDD
20 1.77 /IOUT T3 100 mV p-p RF
21 1.77 IOUT T3 100 mV p-p RF
22 0 AGND
23 0.86 DAC8P
24 1.25 DAC RSET R9
25 1.77 AVDD
26 0 AGND
27 1.77 AVDD
28 0 COMP OUT H8-4
29 1.77 AVDD
30 0.01 COMP IN H8-2
31 0.10 /COMP IN H8-1
32 0 AGND
33 0 DGND
34 1.79 DVDD
35 0 PWR DWN
36 0 RESET H5-11
vy narrow high pulse on reset
37 0 IOSYNC H5-9
38 0 SD0 N/C
39 0 /CS0 H5-10
40 0 SCLK H5-7 narrow pulses on data xfer
41 0 SDIO H5-8 narrow pulses on date xfer
42 0 DGND
43 3.28 DVDD_IO U3-5 power to IFC logic
44 0.32 SYNC IN H5-5
45 2.14 SYNC CLK H5-6
46 0 OSK H5-3
47 0 PS0 H5-4
48 0 PS1 H5-1

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 20

Install the following four resistors according to your uses:

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

82 R40 See table below 0805 T-L3
83 R37 See table below 0805 T-T2
84 R39 See table below 0805 T-U5
85 R43 See table below 0805 T-T2

Uses R40 R37 R39 R43

All uses (all components) 16.5 0 16.5 62
Signal gen., no quad. gen. 0 Omit 0 Omit
Quad. gen., no signal gen. 0 0 Omit 52.3
No, quad gen, no signal gen. 0 Omit 0 52.3

The remaining sections of assembly procedure are optional, except for the headers in the final
assembly section. Only build a section if you need the specific functions of the section.

Signal Generator Section 
Install the parts in the three subsections below only if you want to include general signal
generator capabilities or use the board as a local sine wave oscillator for other receivers or
transmitters. Clock generation for any QSD or QSE, including the on board QSD, does not
require these parts. [Installation of these parts may cause minor performance degradation of
the on board QSD???] [TF note: Not confirmed at this point, but Reid’s experience suggests

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 21

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

86 U5* MSA-1105 MMIC 05-SMD T Bump/dot near top
edge PCB. “A” to
the left.
87 C34 .01 uF 0805 T-U5
88 C76 .01 uF 0805 T-U6
89 C40 .01 uF 0805 T-U6
90 C37 .01 uF 0805 B-U7
91 C38 .01 uF 0805 T-U7
92 C42 .01 uF 0805 T-U7
93 C33 .1 uF 0805 T-U5
94 C36 .1 uF 0805 B-U6
95 C87 1 uF 0805 B-R12
96 C35 10 uF 0805 T-U6
97 C75 10 uF 0805 B-U7
98 C41 10 uF 0805 T-U7
99 C39 10 uF 0805 T-U6
100 C43 10 uF 0805 T-U6
101 L4 1 uH 1210 T-T3
102 R12** 115 ohms, 1 watt 2512 T-H10
103 R13 10 K 0805 T-T3
104 R14 499 0805 T-H10
105 R15 52.3 0805 T-U7
106 H4 2 rows of 6 pins header 6 x 0.2” T PIC signal header
107 H10 2-pin header 2 x .1” T-U7 RF out
107A H20 4-in header 4 x .1” T-U7 Atten. Out/log
detector in
107B Jump H20-2 to H20-3 Shunt
* U5, the MMIC amp is installed with the input, which is closest to the “A”, and has an angled-cut lead,
pointed down toward C33. The bump/dot is the output, and is toward the top edge of the board. The “A”
should point to the left.

** R12 may be reduced to improve second-harmonic performance. A second 115 ohm resistor may be
placed in parallel with the existing one. If this is done, the two should be mounted on edge, separated from
one another, allowing room for air circulation, not stacked on top of each other.

Because of their delicate installation, U6 and U7 will be installed after the MMIC amplifier is
verified to be working properly.

Temporarily solder a short jumper wire between the top of C35 and the bottom of C40. This
will connect the MMIC amplifier output directly to H10, the RF output connector. Do not get
any solder on the traces for U6.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 22

Resistance from TP8, located near the top of R12 and marked “12V”, to ground should be
approx. 7.9 K ohms. If so, install a jumper from TP8 to TP9, located near H17 and also
marked “12V”. This connects 12 VDC power to R12 and the MMIC amplifier.

Apply power with current limiting set to 300 ma. Current consumption should rise to about:

250-260ma in normal PIC mode

255 ma. in bootloader mode
240 ma. in red LED off mode.

If the DDS is running at this point, and you are using the group firmware you should see a 14.1
MHz (7.055 * 2) sine wave of about 2 volts peak-to-peak at the H10 connector, without a load.
Other voltages in the RF chain should be:

1. L1/T3 (DDS out): 250mV p-p.

2. L3/R40 (LP filter out) & MMIC in: 300mV p-p.
3. H10 (or MMIC output on pin 3 of U5) open: 2V p-p.
4. H10 (or MMIC output U5 pin 3) with 50-ohm load: 1V p-p.

Some approximate DC voltages for troubleshooting are given below, assuming R12 is 115
ohms. Both 12 V and 10 V power to the board are shown:

1. R12 top (power in): 12 V. 10 V

2. R12 bottom: 5.25 V 4.96 V
3. U5 (MMIC) in: 1.8 V 1.7 V
4. U5 (MMIC) out: 5.3 V 5.0 V

If these tests are successful, turn off the power and remove the temporary jumper between
C35 & C40. Install:

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

108 U6* HRF-AT4611 16-VQFN T Careful! Use solder
109 U7 AD8310 8-MSOP T
* CAUTION: Be very careful when installing U6 using solder paste. Unlike most QFN parts, the bottom plate
of the part must be soldered to the square ground pad underneath. The “pin” contacts are hidden under the
package. One successful technique is to apply individual tiny specs of solder paste to each contact on the
part and then place it very accurately on the board pattern, simulating a solder mask. Solder bridges on this
part are hard to remove and missing connections are common. Some experienced builders have taken three
or more attempts before U6 is properly functioning. It is not uncommon for parts of U6 to work fine, and
others not work. This often shows up as having missing attenuation steps as the level is changed, “jumps” in
level control instead of smooth operation. Apparently, each attenuator section has its own ground, and if a
ground is open, the section does not work – you can find these grounds on the datasheet on the Honeywell
website. If you have a problem with U6, reheating it to further solder flow may help. Rarely does U6 need to
be completely removed and soldered down again from scratch.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 23

Resistance from TP10, located near U6 and marked “5V”, to ground should be more than 10
megohms. If so, install a jumper from TP10 to TP11, located near U19 and also marked “5V”.
This connects 5V power to U6 & U7.

The group firmware makes use of the programmable attenuator and logarithmic detector. To
use these features, install jumpers between three attenuator lines and three PIC lines as
follows and a jumper between the logarithmic detector and the PIC:


Atten. Signal Connection PIC Signal Connection
E ATT-Clock U6 ”C”-TP2 * RA4 H2-5
F ATT-Data U6 ”D”-TP3 RB7 R52, PIC pin 28
G ATT-Out Enable U6 ”E”-TP1 RA2 H2-3
H PWR_Level U7 ”PL”-TP4 AN0/RA0 H2-1
Interpretation: connection is from a pad marked “C” on the board, near U6, designated
as “TP2” on the schematic.

Apply 12 V power with current limiting set to 300 ma. If the firmware is running normally, there
should be a signal at the MMIC output. Some expected approximate current readings are:


Normal (LED slow) 260-280 ma. 230 – 240 ma.
Bootloader (LED fast) 270 ma. 230 ma.
PIC stalled (LED off) 240 ma. 220 ma.

A no signal condition can occur if the board is connected to a computer with USB, but the
tuning software is not running, or is running but the frequency has not yet been changed. Once
the four jumpers above are installed and power is again applied, the PIC firmware will set U6
to 0 dB attenuation at power-up, with no USB connection and therefore no control by PC

Temporarily terminate H10 with a spare 52.3 or 47 ohm resistor, make the measurements
below, and then measure again without the termination. You should see approximate 14.1
MHz RF levels as follows:


L1/C26 (DDS out) 230 mV p-p --
L3/C32, (LPF out, U5 in) 270 mV p-p --
U5 pin 3/C34 (MMIC out) 1.2 V p-p --
H10 (RF out) 810 mV p-p (~ +1 dBm) 1.9 V p-p

U7 detects the output of U6 and puts out a DC voltage corresponding to the log of its
amplitude. With U6 set to 0 dB attenuation in the current test setup, you should see an output

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 24

voltage of about 1.88 VDC at the “PL” (power level) test point on the board. The range of this
voltage will go from the 1.88VDC at 0 dB attenuation, to about 1.08VDC with 31.5 dB of
attenuation, once PC software is controlling the attenuation.

You can test the attenuator without a USB connection. After a power up or reset, attenuation
is set to 0 dB. Every other time you press Program button, attenuation in dB will double from
.5 to 1 to 2, to 4 dB, etc.

With R12 at 115 ohms, the second-harmonic of 14 MHz is down about 46 dB. An additional 8
dB of second-harmonic reduction can be obtained by putting a second 115 ohm resistor in
parallel. That improvement comes at the cost of an additional 40 ma. of power supply current.

Congratulations, the signal generator section of the DDS board is now completed and working.

Quadrature Clock Generator Section 
The components in this section, shown on page 5 of the schematic, are only needed if you will
use the board as a receiver or as a quadrature clock generator for a SoftRock or other external

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

110 U16 LE33CZ 3.3 V regulator TO-92 T
112 C70 2.2 uF, Tantalum 0805 T-U16 Observe polarity
113 Jump* TP5 to TP6 “12V” Wire B Install jumper
114 U10 65LVDS390 16-SOIC T Band marks pin 1
115 U11 74AUC74 QFN-14 T
116 T2 TC1-1T+ T Or Coilcraft
117 R45 1.21 K 0805 T-U10
118 R46 3.00 K 0805 T-U10
119 R47 5.76 K 0805 B-U10
120 R59 2.0 K 0805 B-T2
121 R60 1.21 K 0805 T-T2
122 C88** .01 uF 0805 T-T2
123 C54 .1 uF 0805 B-U10
124 C55 .1 uF 0805 B-U11
* This jumper goes from a pad marked “12V” near C69 to another pad marked “12V” near H17. The board legend
shows this jumper.

** Ground side of C88 attaches directly to ground plane. There is no separate pad.

Resistance on the 3.3 V supply line, measured on pin 16 of U10, or pin 14 of U11 should be
more than 2K??? ohms.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 25

Install a jumper temporarily between pins 1 and 2 of H18 to select a /2 clock division.

Apply 12 volt power to the board, with current limit set to 300 ma. Verify 3.3 V output from
U16. The current drain should increase to about 210 ma. from its previously measured value,
assuming the firmware is running.

On pins 1 and 3 of H18 (no headers are mounted yet) you should see the opposite phases of a
square wave with a frequency of 7.055??? MHz.

On pins 1 and 2 of H13 and pins 1 and 2 of H14, you should see four phases of the 7.055 MHz
clock, starting at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees. These clock pulses will have a duty cycle of

Install the components in this section only if you will use the board as a receiver, making use of
the QSD on the board. Components from sheets 5 and 3 are shown. As well as the QSD and
audio preamp, parts installed include an IC that disables clock input to the QSD during
transmitting and another that modifies the quadrature clock pulse lengths.

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

125 U21 78L09 SOT-89 T No silkscreen designation
126 C66 .33 uF 0805 T

After installing these parts, apply 12 V power and check that the output voltage of U21 is about
+9 VDC. This regulator supplies the following parts:

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 26

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

128 U20 74AUC02 QFN-14 T
129 U12 74AUC08 QFN-14 T Pin 1 near the U12 legend
130 U13 74AUC2G66 8-SSOP T White band away from U14
131 U14 74AUC2G66 8-SSOP T White band away from U13
132 U15 MC3307B 8-SOIC T Or LT6231CS8 with beveled
edge facing R24
133 R17 10 K 0805 T-T1
134 R18 10 K 0805 T-T1
135 R19 10 ohms 0805 T-U14
136 R20 10 ohms 0805 T-U15
137 R22 10 K 0805 B-U12
138 R23 10 K 0805 B-U12
139 R24 4.99 K 0805 T-U15
140 R25 4.99 K 0805 T-U15
141 R33 3.3 K 0805 T-U16
142 R34 5.6 K 0805 B-U10
143 R35 10 ohms 0805 T-T1
144 R36 10 ohms 0805 T-T1
145 R58 0 ohms 0805 T-U15
146 C56 47 uF, tantalum 1206 T-T1 Observe polarity-banded side
closer to T1
147 C61 47 uF, tantalum 1206 T-U15 Observe polarity- banded side
closer to U15
148 C64 47 uF, tantalum 1206 T-U10 Observe polarity-banded side
away from U10
149 C71 47 uF, tantalum 1206 B-U15 Observe polarity-banded side
closer to R22
150 C62 10 uF 0805 T-H16
151 C65 10 uF 0805 T-H16
152 Step deleted.
153 Step deleted.
154 C57 .1 uF 0805 T-T1
155 C58 .1 uF 0805 T-U13
156 C59 .1 uF 0805 B-U14
157 C60 .1 uF 0805 T-U10
158 C63 .1 uF 0805 T-U10
159 C67 .1 uF 0805 T-U21
160 C69 .1 uF 0805 T-U16
161 C72 .1 uF 0805 B-U15
162 C84 .1 uF 0805 B-U14
163 T1* ADT4-6T T Or Coilcraft WBC4-1TLB
* The pads for T1 can also accept wires from a custom-wound toroid transformer.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 27

Resistance from the 3.3 V supply on the positive side of C70 and pin 14 of U12 should be
about 2K ohms.

Apply 12 volt power with current limiting set to 350 ma. There should be about 100 ma. more
current drain compared with the previous measurement. U16 runs hot. Assuming you have
built all the sections you intend to, this will be the total current drawn by your board. The BPF
draws only about 1 ma. more.

There should be about 1.65 V bias on pins 1 and 5 of both U13 and U14.

Observe the quadrature clock signals on the output of U20 on pin 4, 1, 10 and 13. The T/R
input can be left open for this test. You should observe the same clock signals you observed
in the previous stage on headers H13 and H14.

Observe the modified quadrature clock signals on schematic nodes TP16 – TP19. The board
legends for these test points, located surrounding U12, are marked as “0”, “90”, “180”, and
“270”. You should see square waves like the previous measurement, but clock pulses are
shortened to 90 degrees duration, corresponding to the four lower patterns on schematic sheet

With nothing connected to the antenna header connections, on the outputs of U15A and U15B,
you should see no measureable noise, and a DC voltage of about 4.5 V.

Congratulations, you have completed assembly of the board and can proceed to final testing!
You have not fallen by the wayside…

Remaining Headers  
If your board has passed all testing to this point, you can install all headers not previously
installed, if you need them. If your board has problems and you need to do further testing or
replace parts, some headers might interfere with this work. Obviously you do not need to install
headers located in sections of the board you omitted. Even in the sections you do build, it is
better to leave off headers that will not be used as these may radiate RF that interferes with
other sections, particularly the DDS. The section Connections to Headers, Cables further
below gives information on what should be connected to each header.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 28

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

164 H11 2 pin header 2 x 0.1” T Leave off if no ext.
clock, to reduce spurs
165 H15 2 pin header 2 x 0.1” T
166 H12 3 pin header 3 x 0.1” T Leave off if no ext.
clock, to reduce spurs
167 H13 3 pin header 3 x 0.1” T
168 H14 3 pin header 3 x 0.1” T
169 H16 3 pin header 3 x 0.1” T
170 H8 4 pin header 4 x 0.1” T
171 H18 4 pin header 4 x 0.1” T
172 H19 4 pin header 4 x 0.1” T
173 H2 7 pin header 7 x 0.1” T

Final Testing 
Current drain should be under 200 ma when PIC is not running before the bootloader is
installed and under 300 ma with bootloader running (red LED flashing).

Receiver Test 
You can test the receive capabilities of the board with no USB connection to a PC, provided all
necessary jumpers are in place and the group firmware is running. The firmware sets the
default receive center frequency to 7.055 Mhz. Connect H16 to shielded audio cables to your
sound card.

With nothing connected to the antenna, run your favorite SDR receiver software. The Software
section below lists some available SDR packages. Tell the software that it is interfaced to a
SoftRock with a center frequency of 7.055 MHz. You should hear and see the receiver’s noise
floor, which will be determined primarily by the quality of the sound card you are using. It will
usually be -80 to -130 dBm. Depending on your sound card, there may be some mild roll off at
the edges of the pass band. You may see at noise peak at the center frequency. This is
usually caused by the sound card or a ground loop, not the 995x card. As you tune up and
down the 40 meter band using the tuning control within the SDR package, you may see some
spurs but you should see no huge birdies or other aberrations. You cannot expect excellent
performance until shielding has been applied to the 995x board.

Next, connect a 50 ohm mini coax to H15, using a connector housing and pins. Connect the
other end to a 40 meter antenna or other weak signal source. Bear in mind that static voltages
on the antenna can damage board components, particularly the QSD. This device can
withstand between 1000 and 2000 volts, depending on the test methodology, but much higher
voltages can appear on antennas during some atmospheric conditions. You may want to
disconnect the antenna when not in use or add protective circuitry.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 29

Conversely, some of the clock signal leaks onto the ANT header, and can radiate from the
antenna, even through the bidirectional BPF. If you have interference problems due to this
effect, inserting an RF amplifier, buffer, or attenuator, may help. Depending on the design,
such extra circuitry could also reduce static vulnerability.

The 995x board, like all QSD-based receiver designs, is sensitive to input impedance. Any
filters and/or antennas connected directly to the RF input to the 995x board should have a 50-
ohm impedance. If necessary, use an antenna tuner to convert your antenna’s impedance to
50 ohms.

Running a 40 meter transmitter with a tone generator or CW carrier in the same room with no
direct connection to the board can often provide sufficient signal. You should be able to find
the signal within the receiver’s panadaptor display, and after setting an appropriate IF filter
within the SDR software, hear the signal.

After connecting an antenna, you should be able to use the system as a receiver. Bear in
mind that strong out of band signals from an antenna may overload the QSD receiver unless a
BPF or other preselector is used. Nearby AM or FM radio, or television broadcast stations are
a frequent source of out-of-band signals. The onboard QSD uses very fast components, and
can successfully receive signals around harmonics of the local oscillator frequency, even into
the VHF region, unless some method of limiting those signals is employed. The QSD circuit
will detect odd harmonics of the target frequency, until these frequencies are filtered. At this
point you will also be receiving images as well as the intended signals. You should receive
signals, just too many of them.

Next, use the calibration procedure for your SDR software to attempt to remove image
responses. Image calibration needs to be done either with an antenna connected and
receiving a single strong carrier signal, such as at night with 40 meter shortwave broadcasters,
or by feeding in a signal generator. If the calibration process does not succeed, one possible
cause is a phase or amplitude imbalance between the I and Q outputs of U15, or perhaps one
of the two signals is not reaching the sound card. You can diagnose the problem with the
troubleshooting test in the next section.

Next, complete the software installation and configuration process described in the Software
section below, run the PC tuning applet, and connect a USB cable between the 995x board
and the host PC. The software and the firmware should recognize one another, and you
should be able to use the tuning software to select the 40 meter band. Bear in mind that as
you tune, the 7.055 MHz frequency calibration in the SDR may not match the DDS frequency.
If you have not installed the QSD section, you can skip the receiver tests, but you should still
be able to tune the quadrature clock using the PC software.

At this point you can connect any 50 ohm band pass filter you may have by connecting it
between the antenna and the H15. If you are using the companion Brainerd BPF, as you tune
to different bands in the PC software, the PIC should automatically switch filters. The BPF
Test functions can be used to force a switch to a particular filter, but further tuning after such a
selection may invoke further automatic switching. You can expect to see an insertion loss of

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 30

about 5 to 7 dB due to the filters, with a little more loss possible at the filter band edges. See
the BPF assembly and test instructions for additional filter tests.

RF Path Troubleshooting 
If you are not getting a signal from one of the audio I/Q outputs, or cannot calibrate image
rejection in your SDR software, use this test to look for problems. The test uses the free
Rocky 1.5 SDR software, a signal generator, VFO or attenuated transmitter input, and an
oscilloscope. Drive the antenna input of the 995x board with the signal generator set to 7.065
MHz unmodulated, and monitor the audio outputs of the board with the scope and with the
DDS tuned to 7.055 MHz. The 10 KHz difference between the RF input and the received
frequency should result in 10 KHz audio output on both the I and Q outputs, equal in amplitude
and 90 degrees different in phase to within the accuracy of your equipment. Measurements
made on one working board were as follows:

RF Signal dBm Audio Peak to Peak mV Rocky Level dB

-60 50 71
-50 120 181
-40 400 91
-30 1300 101
-25 2600 106
-20 4000 Splatter from overload

Rocky shows signal level at the bottom of its window. If you have poor sensitivity, but the
audio levels on the DDS/QSD board approximate the ones above, the problem is likely in your
sound card, Windows software Mixer settings, or a bad audio cable.

Attenuator Test 
Conduct this test only if you have populated the signal generator section of the board.

With the PC tuning applet controlling the 995x board, reinstall the temporary 52.3 ohm
termination on H10, and measure the RF output on H10. With the attenuator control set to 0
dB, you should see about 810 mV p-p. As you very slowly increase the attenuation, the signal
level should smoothly drop to less than 1 mV p-p. If the response is not smooth, i.e., if there
are discontinuities, then there may be an installation problem with U6. Check for shorted or
open pins. Another possible problem area is the jumpers between U6 and the PIC.

1. A jumper is required from the 5V output of U19 to the 5V pad between U3 and U18.

2. If you plan to use the signal generator/oscillator capabilities provided by MMIC U5,
programmable attenuator U6 and the logarithmic amplifier U7, which are not needed in
receiver applications then you must install a power jumper from the 12V input to the 12V
pin near R12 at the top of the board. Software-dependent jumpers to the PIC are also
need. See the Software section below.
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 31

3. Jumpers that connect PIC signals to the DDS and to the programmable attenuator
circuit are software dependant and are covered in the Software section below.

4. A connection for T/R switching appears near U16. A plus five volt signal to the T/R
input disables the QSD thereby disabling the receiver during transmit; open or ground
enables it. It can also be used by PIC and PC software to control T/R, using these
software specific jumpers:


TX Signal Connection PIC Signal Connection
T/R T/R pad near U ???
J TX Input B4 Pin 25
K TX Output B3 Pin 24

5. The QSD circuit requires a jumper from the 12V pad just above H17 to the 12V pad at
the top of U16.

6. A 0 ohm resister connects the V- supply pin of U15, the low noise amplifier to ground. If
a higher dynamic range is needed, the 0 ohm resistor can be omitted, and V- applied
from a -9 VDC regulated supply. Such a supply must have no measureable noise or
RFI – additional regulation or filtering may be needed if it originates in a switching power

7. You can supply 5V power to the companion BPF board using test points marked +5 and
GND just above the 5 V regulator chip. (Pilot production and prototype boards lacked
these pads—but you can still connect directly to the regulator pins.)

External Connections, Cables 
The list below includes all of the headers on the board. The bill of materials and model Digikey
order form contain connector housings and pins that you can use to make cables for
connection to the board.

H17: Connect 12 volt DC regulated, RFI free power, capable of supplying 350 ma. for both
the 995x board and the BPF filter board, which draws very little.

H12: An external DDS clock oscillator may be connected to H12, provided corresponding
parts changes have been made, as described in the assembly section.

H11: Disable the internal oscillator by putting a jumper across pins 1 and 2 if you use an
external oscillator.

H1: Jumper pins 2 and 3 to supply 5 VDC power to the PIC from the USB port, or pins 1
and 2 for external power. Always use one jumper or the other.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 32

H2: Connects to PIC Port A pins, several of which are used by the DDS. Interconnections
between the PIC and DDS depend on the PIC firmware in use. See tables of
necessary jumper connections in the assembly section or documents for your

Pin H2-4, PIC signal RA3, is reserved for turning on and off an optional RF
preamplifier. Preamp on is high; off is low. The Polarity cannot be changed.

H4: Connects to PIC Port B and C pins. The use of these pins also depends on the PIC
firmware in use. The assembly section of this manual describes connections to H4
needed with the group software.

Pin H4-1, PIC signal RC0, is reserved for receiving dash/dah signals from a paddle.
PIC signal RC2 will be for dot/dit signals but is not now on any header. Signals are
active low only. The polarity cannot be changed. See Paddle Dots, further below.

Pin H4-6, PIC signal RB4, is reserved for PTT in signals as from microphone PTT
buttons, footswitches or other sources. It is planned that a configuration setting will
allow the polarity to be changed from active high to active low.

Pin H4-7, PIC signal RB3, is reserved for a TX out signal that can be used to put
SDR software into TX mode. It will control an RS232 signal, e.g. RTS, used by some
hardware, such as SoftRock, to put it into TX mode. Polarity will be changeable with
a configuration setting.

H15 Connect a 50 ohm mini coax cable to the ANT input on H15. The other end can
connect to H5 on the BPF board, or to a band filter of your own choice. The 995x
board, like all QSD-based receiver designs, is sensitive to input impedance. Any
filters and/or antennas connected directly to the RF input to the 995x board should
have a 50-ohm impedance. If your antenna does not present a 50 ohm load at the
operating frequency, it is very important to use an antenna tuner for impedance

H16 Connect two separate shielded audio cables to header H16 and the other ends to
whatever audio connector(s) you have chosen to mate with your sound card cable,
such as two RCA jacks or a mini phono jack.

H3: This header is used for loading software into the PIC. If the PIC did not have the
bootloader previously installed, you can connect it to an in-circuit programmer with a
specially built cable. See bootloader section below.

H10: This output provides a clean sine wave output that has been through the
programmable attenuator. It can be connected to an accurate frequency counter to
calibrate the system, although you could also calibrate by receiving WWV or another

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 33

frequency standard. It can also be used as a programmable signal generator output

(once software is developed for this application) or as a VFO for a transmitter, for
example. It is not needed when the board is used only as a receiver. You may want
to connect H10 to a BNC, SMA or other RF connector for these purposes. Use 50
ohm mini coax. It is also possible to solder an end launch SMA connector at the top
of the board at H10. See photo at

H18: Jumper pins 1 and 2 to divide the I/Q by 2, or pins 2 and 3 to divide by 4. Dividing by
2 allows higher frequency operation but potentially is not as accurate due to the 180
degrees developed by the transformer. Dividing by 4 will produce the most accurate
phase difference since both flip flops are clocked from the same source. For an
accurate frequency readout, the VFO Multiplier setting in the tuning software should
correspond to the jumper setting.

You may also use the square wave clock by connecting a cable to pins 3 and 4. For
clocking a SoftRock RXTX, remove the jumper JP1 on the SoftRock to disconnect
the built in crystal oscillator and run the 995x clock to the JP1 pin that connects with
U5-3 and the ground pin.

H13, 14: These provide four phases of 50% duty cycle quadrature I/Q clock for driving a future
Quadrature Sampling Exciter (QSE). It is possible to devise an interface to the
SoftRock RXTXs’ QSE and QSD that would use these signals.

H5: All DDS programming pins are brought to H5 for jumpering to pins on the PIC.
Jumpers are firmware dependent.

H8: Connects to the input and output pins on the DDS’s high speed comparator circuit.
This header is not used in current receiver applications. The comparator is designed
to be able to square the sine wave output of the DDS. The LVDS receiver on the
995x board now performs this function.

H19: H19 can be used for an optional externally mounted USB connector if you cannot
easily mount the board in a cabinet with the onboard connector exposed to the
outside. It can also be used for debugging the USB signals.

H20: Normally a shunt jumper connects pins 2 and 3 so that the output of the attenuator is
connected to the log detector, permitting the firmware to measure the level of sine
wave output on H10. For use with planned network/spectrum analyzer software, you
will be able to run a mini coax to pins 1 and 2 to provide input from the circuit under
test into the log detector U7.

H6, H7, H9:

These designations are no longer used.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 34

Other Connections:

T/R A 5V CMOS T/R signal on TP7 on sheet 5, located near U16 and marked “T/R”, will
disable the receiver by stopping the clock to the QSD.

Paddle Dots
RC2, PIC pin 13, is used by the Program button and is also reserved for paddle input
for dots/dits. This signal is not brought to a header.

Install Shielding, Enclose 
After you have tested the clock, receiver/QSD and signal generator sections on the bench and
planned for external connections, you need to install shielding, which helps reduce spurs in the
receiver output and may also improve the signal generator output. Before starting, measure
the resistance from the 5V and 12V supply points to ground, as reference points, and note the
current drawn by the board with the PIC and controller software running and the red LED

The board contains tinned ground traces around the perimeter of the board, and two other
dividers down the middle. There are also numerous holes in these areas for wires to connect
to the shielding. The shielding can thus be constructed, using the dividers, in three
compartments containing 1) the PIC, 2) the DDS and signal generator, and 3) the QSD. You
can run a copper or brass band about 1.5” wide around the outside of the board. Copper
flashing or hobby shop brass sheet are good materials to use. To the outer band, you can add
two dividers to create the three compartments, and finally a cover with holes for cables. Solder
everything together at frequent intervals to prevent RF leaks. Some builders have cut traces
that run between compartments and installed feedthrough capacitors between adjacent
sections. It is not known whether this measure or shielding the bottom side of the board, which
already has a ground plane, helps.

After installing shielding and before applying power, measure the 5V and 12V supply
resistances to make sure they haven’t changed due to shorts. Make sure to apply power only
with the current limit set a little above your measured drain also in case of shorts. Apply power
and retest receiver, local oscillator and/or signal generator functions as appropriate. If nothing
goes wrong, you are ready to enclose and package the board(s), and repeat the final tests.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 35


The BPF board, shown in the photo above, is easier to assemble than the 995x board because
there are only two chips and their pin spacing is less fine than that on the 995x board, and
there are fewer parts overall. If you want a refresher SMD warm-up exercise before tackling
the 995x board, the BPF board is the place to start.

If you have first production run board without holes in each of the pads that accepts the signal
inductors, a couple modifications, described below, will help performance in the upper stop
band of filters placed on the right side of the board, when viewed from the top with legends
reading right side up.

A potential upgrade to the board, using hand wound toroids instead of the SMD inductors, for
less insertion loss, is in development.

PCB Components 
We will be leaving the headers off the board until the end, because they could interfere with
the process of mounting nearby parts.

If you have a first production run board without holes in the signal inductor pads, there are two
modifications that have been shown to improve high stop band attenuation, bringing it closer to
its theoretical value. If you have a later production board, identifiable by have holes in all the
inductor pads, you will not need to make these modifications. With U1 at the top of the board
flip the board over from the side so that U1 remains at the top. There is a via adjacent to U1-16
in the top left hand (viewing from the bottom of the board) of the +5V solid area. Scrap off the
solder mask around the via and on the ground plane at the edge of the board above the via.
Solder a 0805 .1uF capacitor between the via and the ground plane. To the right of the +5V
plane and to the left and below the RF ground plane is the digital ground plane. Near the top of
the digital
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 36

ground plane is a via adjacent to U1-8. Remove the solder mask from the top of the digital
ground plane and the RF ground just above the digital plane. Solder a small jumper wire
between the two.

The TDK inductors and capacitors used on the board do not have their values printed on them,
so you must use extreme care in placing the correct value parts. It can be difficult to pinpoint a
improperly placed part after the BPF is assembled, so we have a way of incrementally testing
some of our work as we proceed. To make sure we get all the inductors in the right places we
will follow a procedure of placing the four series inductors in a filter strip, confirming some
resistance measurements, using Table 1 below, and only then proceeding to mount the
grounded inductors. The AADE L/C Meter IIB is a handy low cost LC meter you might want to
own. It can be useful in case the inductors get separated from their containers before putting
them on the board.

Many of the inductors used have DC resistance less than one ohm and may be hard to
measure with your multimeter. Many multimeters, however, can measure resistances is the
tenths of ohms, which may be sufficient to tell if you have the right inductor in the right place.
At these sub-ohm resistance levels, the connection of the test leads to the meter and to the
part under test can easily disturb measurements. Once the grounded inductors installed in a
particular filter, you can no longer measure its resistance directly but need to know instead the
resistance between two nodes of the network as given in Table 2 below.

To assemble the first 2.1 MHz filter strip:

1. Mount the four series inductors for this strip, skipping the grounded inductors.

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

1 L2 3.9 uH 1008 T Skip L1, L4 & L7 for now
2 L3 22 uH 1008 T
3 L5 2.2 uH 1008 T
4 L6 8.2 uH 1008 T

2. Measure the total resistance across the chain, from the input of L2 to the output of L6.
The measurement should be within 7% of the value in the Total field for the 2.1 MHz
filter in Table 1 below.

3. Confirm the resistance across each of the four mounted inductors, as shown in Table 1
below. Each unique inductance value used in the BPF luckily has a unique resistance.
However, this method of testing will not catch all placement errors because some of the
differences in resistance values used are less than .1 ohms, which probably makes
them impossible to distinguish if your ohmmeter only has .1 ohm accuracy. But it can
catch a high proportion of placement errors. (To make more accurate readings, you
could create your own ohmmeter by passing 100 ma through any inductor, or any series

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 37

of inductors using a bench power supply, and measuring millivolts of voltage drop. The
lowest rated maximum current of any of the inductors is 125 ma.)

4. TDK does not specify a tolerance in the resistance values, only the inductance
tolerance, but it is probably close to the inductance tolerance, which is + or – 5%. If any
resistance measurement is more than say 7% off, you may have a problem and if so,
you should correct it before proceeding.

5. Mount the grounded inductors:

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

5 L1 1.5 uH 1008 T
6 L4 1.0 uH 1008 T
7 L7 1.5 uH 1008 T

6. Measure the node resistances for the 2.11 MHz filter in Table 2 below. If any node’s
resistance is substantially off, measure the adjacent node resistances. The inductor
between two nodes whose resistance is the farthest off is likely to have an incorrect
value, or be shorted or open. Again, if resistance tolerances of the inductors are
possibly near 7%, then node tolerances are probably similar.

7. Mount the capacitors for this filter strip:

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

8 C1 .0047 0805 T
9 C2 270 pF 0805 T
10 C3 .0018 0805 T
11 C4 .0068 0805 T
12 C5 820 pF 0805 T
13 C6 .0027 0805 T
14 C7 .0047 0805 T

Unfortunately, most multimeters cannot be used to confirm accurately the placement of

capacitors the way we have been confirming inductor placements.

8. Repeat the node resistance measurements to make sure you have not shorted out any
of the capacitors.

9. This 2.11 MHz filter is finished. Repeat steps 1 – 14 for each of the other five filters
using components L8 – L42 and C8 – C42, using the step tables below. All these
components are on the top of the board. Capacitors are in 0805 or 0603 packages. For
each filter, repeat the measurements in Table 1 after the first four inductors and Table 2
after the remaining three inductors:

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 38

3.51 MHz Filter

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes
15 L9 2.7 uH 1008 T
16 L10 12 uH 1008 T
17 L12 1.5 uH 1008 T
18 L13 4.7 uH 1008 T
19 L8 .68 uH 1008 T
20 L11 .56 uH 1008 T
21 L14 .68 uH 1008 T
22 C8 .0033 0805 T
23 C9 150 pF 0805 T
24 C10 .001 0805 T
25 C11 .0039 0805 T
26 C12 510 pF 0603 T
27 C13 .0015 0805 T
28 C14 .0033 0805 T

5.89 MHz Filter

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes
29 L16 1.8 uH 1008 T
30 L17 8.2 uH 1008 T
31 L19 1.0 uH 1008 T
32 L20 2.7 uH 1008 T
33 L15 .39 uH 1008 T
34 L18 .27 uH 1008 T
35 L21 .39 uH 1008 T
36 C15 .0024 0603 T
37 C16 110 pF 0805 T
38 C17 560 pF 0805 T
39 C18 .0033 0805 T
40 C19 330 pF 0805 T
41 C20 .001 0805 T
42 C21 .0024 0603 T

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 39

9.27 MHz Filter

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes
43 L23 1.0 uH 1008 T
44 L24 4.7 uH 1008 T
45 L26 .47 uH 1008 T
46 L27 1.8 uH 1008 T
47 L22 .27 uH 1008 T
48 L25 .22 uH 1008 T
49 L28 .33 uH 1008 T
50 C22 .0012 0805 T
51 C23 56 pF 0805 T
52 C24 390 pF 0805 T
53 C25 .0015 0805 T
54 C26 220 pF 0805 T
55 C27 680 pF 0805 T
56 C28 .0012 0805 T

14.73 MHz Filter

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes
57 L30 .56 uH 1008 T
58 L31 3.3 uH 1008 T
59 L33 .33 uH 1008 T
60 L34 1.0 uH 1008 T
61 L29 .18 uH 1008 T
62 L32 .12 uH 1008 T
63 L35 .18 uH 1008 T
64 C29 750 pF 0805 T
65 C30 39 pF 0805 T
66 C31 220 pF 0805 T
67 C32 .001 0805 T
68 C33 120 pF 0805 T
69 C34 390 pF 0805 T
70 C35 680 pF 0805 T

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 40

24.71 MHz Filter

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes
71 L37 .39 uH 1008 T
72 L38 1.8 uH 1008 T
73 L40 .22 uH 1008 T
74 L41 .68 uH 1008 T
75 L36 .12 uH 1008 T
76 L39 82 nH 1008 T
77 L42 .12 uH 1008 T
78 C36 390 pF 0805 T
79 C37 24 pF 0603 T
80 C38 120 pF 0805 T
81 C39 510 pF 0603 T
82 C40 68 pF 0805 T
83 C41 220 pF 0805 T
84 C42 390 pF 0805 T

The next assembly steps follow the tables below.

Table 1
Band Pass Filter TDK Inductor Resistance (ohms)

Band La Lb Lc Ld Le Lf Lg Total (4)

Input Output
2.11 MHz 2.1 5.5 1.55 3.05 12.2
L1-7 1.3 1.1 1.3
3.51 MHz 1.7 3.8 1.3 2.3 9.1
L8-14 .85 .75 .85
5.89 MHz 1.45 3.05 1.1 1.7 7.3
L15-21 .65 .55 .65
9.27MHz 1.1 2.3 .68 1.45 5.53
L22-28 .55 .5 .8
14.73 MHz .75 1.9 .6 1.1 4.35
L29-35 .4 .3 .4
24.71 MHz .65 1.45 .5 .85 3.45
L36-42 .3 .75 .3

La through Lg represent the seven inductors used in each filter starting with the input and
ending with the output. For example, in the 2.11 MHz filter, La = L1, Lb = L2 … Lg = L7, etc.
As a visual aid, the grounded inductors are shown in the bottoms of the table’s shaded cells,
the series inductors in the tops of cells. The Total (4) column gives the total resistance across
the four series inductors before any of the grounded inductors have been mounted.
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 41

Table 2
Band Pass Filter TDK Node Resistance

Band Node
La-Lb Lb-Lc Lc-Ld-Le Le-Lf Lf-Lg
Input Output
2.11 MHz 1.13 2.22 0.84 1.60 0.83
3.51 MHz 0.75 1.62 0.58 1.21 0.58
5.89 MHz 0.57 1.32 0.43 0.95 0.43
9.27 MHz 0.48 1.03 0.39 0.75 0.38
14.73 MHz 0.35 0.75 0.24 0.55 0.24
24.71 MHz 0.27 0.64 0.42 0.55 0.44

Next, install the remaining (non filter strip) components:

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 42

√ No. Part Value Size S Notes

15 U1 FST3251 16-SSOP T
16 U2 FST3251 16-SSOP T
17 T1 ADT1-1 T
18 C43- .1 0805 T
19 C55 .1 0805 B
20 C56 .1 0805 B
21 C57 .1 0805 T
22 C58 10 uF 0805 B
23 C59 10 uF 0805 B
24 L43 100 uH 1210 T
25 L44 100 uH 1210 B
26 R1 3.3K 0805 B
27 R2 3.3K 0805 B
28 R3 10K 0805 B
29 R4 10K 0805 B
30 R5 10K 0805 B
31 H1 4 pin header .1 “ x 4 T
32 H2 2 pin header .1 “ x 2 T
33 H3 2 pins .1 “ x 2 T
34 H4 2 pins .1 “ x 2 T
35 H5 2 pins .1 “ x 2 T
36 H6 2 pins .1 “ x 2 T
37 H7 2 pins .1 “ x 2 T
38 H8 2 pins .1 “ x 2 T

Headers and Cables 
H1: Connects the switches on the BPF to PIC signals on the 995x board, using a short
length of ribbon cable. Connections are as follows:

BPF Board 995x Board

Header Signal Header Signal
H1-1 S0 H4-4 RB0
H1-2 S1 H4-5 RB1
H1-3 S2 H4-6 RB2
H1-4 Gnd H4-12 Gnd

Pins 1 and 2 on H4 are closest to the USB connector. Viewed from the bottom, pin is
closest to the board edge and pin one is beside it. BPF pin 1 on H1 is closest to U2.

H6: Use small diameter 50 ohm coax to connect H6, the RF input, to the RF connector of
your choice for antenna connections.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 43

H5: Connect this RF output to the ANT input on H15, on the 995x board using small 50
ohm coax.

H2: Supply 5 volt power to the BPF board through H2. You can find +5 and GND pads
on the 995x board near the 5 volt regulator.

H3/8: You can connect a custom designed filter of your own design between H8 and H3,
using 50 ohm mini coax, or short wires if to a daughtercard. Alternatively, you can
connect a jumper between the two header positions to create a BPF bypass position.
In the software, the “BPF Filter Set” position corresponding to these headers is called
“Pass Through”, but this selection with work with either a jumper or an outboard filter.

H7/4: Use for a second custom filter, or leave open, for a “disconnect antenna” setting. In
the software, the “BPF Filter Set” position corresponding to these headers is called
“Open Conn”, but this selection with work with either an open connection, a jumper or
an outboard filter.

Testing and Troubleshooting the BPF 
Before powering up the board, make sure the resistance from the +5 V supply input to ground
is at least 10 megohms.

When you first apply power to the BPF board, you can check to make sure that the board
draws only about 0.75 ma. If you apply +5 VDC to the board, but leave the band switching
inputs on H1 disconnected connected, the highest frequency filter, 24.71 MHz, will be active.
There will be a low resistance, less than 15 ohms, between pins 5 and 12 of both U1 and U2.
All other switches will be open, at high impedance. [Can this be measured with an
ohmmeter??? probably need a voltmeter shunted by a resister(1 to 10K?) to check the voltage
on the output. The DC voltage would mess up an ohmmeter. Granted there is a DC bias at
one end, but the other sides of the switches are open circuits for DC.]

You can inject an RF frequency into H6, and see the same signal, very slightly attenuated, on
the output of a switch. You can also inject RF into the output header, H5, and see signal on
the pins of U2, since the entire design is bidirectional. You should see no signal or highly
attenuated signals (due to stray capacitive coupling and a high impedance scope probe, for
instance) on the inactive pins.

Pulling combinations of signals S0, S1 and S2 low with jumpers or a temporary DIP switch can
be used to test the various bands as follows:

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 44

S2 S1 S0 U1, U2 Pin Band

L L L 4 2.1 MHz
L L H 3 3.5 MHz
L H L 2 5.9 MHz
L H H 1 H3 to H8
H L L 15 H7 to H4
H L H 14 9.3 MHz
H H L 13 14.7 MHz
H H H 12 24.7 MHz

Each of the filters has a pass band that overlaps the others slightly. Insertion losses of the
filters are around 5 - 7 dB, using the TDK inductors in the main BOM, not the Coilcraft parts,
which will give a little less loss.

You can manually sweep the 995x board’s signal generator or another signal generator
through each of the filters, using a signal below 1 volt peak to peak to confirm that there are no
major anomalies in the responses, using the input and output headers, while using jumpers to
select bands. Connect the signal generator output from H10 to the BPF input on H6, and
measure the filter outputs on H5. Select filters using the software’s “BPF Filter Set” window
and the “General” band. You could also use a transmitter on low power, run into a dummy
load, and use an attenuator set to about 1 V peak to peak output, and connect it to the BPF,
making sure the transmitter power output stays constant as you change frequency.

The characteristics of one sample BPF board made with TDK inductors were measured and
the results are summarized in the table below. The test was conducted on the bench and not
in an enclosure, which might have affected the results. Your measurements may different by
several percent, due to the combined component tolerance variations of the sample tested and
your board. All the filters except the 23.2 MHz filter slope evenly away from a central pass
band peak to the -6 dB points. The 23.2 filter has two peaks and a slight dip in the center.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 45

Summary Measurement of BPF filters (TDK Inductors)

Nominal Actual Min. Loss Insertion Lower 6 B Upper 6 Lower Upper 30

Center Center Freq. Loss dB point MHz dB point 30dB Point dB Point
Freq. Freq. MHz MHz MHz MHz
MHz* MHz
2.1 2.11 2.09 6.28 1.43 2.79 1.24 3.28
3.5 3.51 3.37 4.91 2.60 4.42 2.30 4.91
5.9 5.91 5.89 6.98 4.19 6.62 3.67 7.53
9.3 9.27 9.28 6.89 6.53 12.00 5.66 13.92
14.7 14.73 14.01 4.77 10.76 18.87 9.39 21.92
24.7 24.71 25.73 4.83 17.66 31.75 15.60 38.60
*Nominal center frequency is the value given on the schematic. Actual center frequency is the
measured midpoint between the two 6 db points. Min. Loss Freq. is the frequency where attenuation is
least, this attenuation is defined as the Insertion Loss. 6 dB and 30 dB attenuation points are measured
relative to the minimum loss attenuation: measured attenuation at these points, relative to the input, will
be the figures in the table plus the insertion loss. This table summarizes detailed measurements
available at:

If you don’t have test equipment to measure the filter outputs, you can monitor them, once your
full receiver is up and running, by using the S-Meter in the SDR receiver software of your
choice, comparing noise or a known signal with and without a filter, switching to the “Pass
Through” filter position and back with the software. PowerSDR’s meter can be set to dB for
better accuracy. Rocky and KGKSDR currently only have conventional S-meters and so can
only do a rough job.

For the least amount of noise pickup, the BPF board should be mounted in a separate shielded
box, using .1 uF feedthrough capacitors for the switching and power signals. Connect a single
ground to the shielding from the point where the RF and digital ground planes meet. (First
production run boards needed a jumper at this point.) [Identify this point more clearly.RM]

An interesting potential enhancement has been suggested by Alain, FR5CU, for using the BPF
board in a stand-alone (PC-less) design: using a daughterboard driven by the same PIC
signals as the BPF, you could have a third FST3251 that turned on LEDs to indicate the
selected band. Such a board could also contain Tx and Rx LEDs.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 46


Firmware and Downloading Software 

The 995x project is an open source system – it can be used with any firmware and PC
software you want, including software for applications beyond receiving. So far, those who
have written software are making source code freely available. Different versions of PIC
firmware can be readily downloaded into a PC and then into the 995x board from the PC.
There are several existing SDR software packages that receive I/Q signals from previously
designed hardware such as the FlexRadio products and the SoftRock series. They should
work with the 995x in receive mode, as described further below, although most are not fully
integrated at this time. One powerful package, PowerSDR, has been adapted by Reid Bishop
to control the 995x board directly, without having to use a separate application for tuning.

This section focuses on the installation and use of the bootloader, PC drivers and some of the
first firmware and PC software that has been developed for the board, but much of the
information will apply to other software. Monitor the DDS_CONTROLLER board for
announcements of new compatible software and look in the Files section in the folder “Current
Release” and other folders.

There are several pieces of necessary PIC firmware and PC software associated with the 995x
board when used as a receiver:

1. Bootloader software permanently loaded into the PIC

2. A Windows driver from Microchip that provides low level USB communications
3. Another Windows driver, usbser.sys, supplied with Windows, provides RS232C
4. PIC firmware written for the 995x that is downloaded from the PC to the PIC to handling
tuning, band switching and other tasks
5. A Microchip utility, PDFUSB.EXE, to do the download described above
6. Free PC SDR of your choice that implements receiver functions, from various sources,
and written for previous hardware from other sources such as the SoftRock series. See
Exploring PC SDR Software below.
7. A small PC application in the PC to control DDS frequency and other parameters and
communicate with the PIC over USB, written for the 995x. It expects to see the
Microchip driver and the RS232C emulation driver. This little application may become
optional if support is integrated into your favorite SDR package

Reid, W0CNN, Tom, W2TER, and Terry, WB4JFI, and others have collaborated on PIC
firmware and corresponding PC software, with bits of code from still other engineers, that is
currently called the group software, for want of a better name. It is kept at

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 47

This folder also contains the specially adapted version of PowerSDR. The procedure for
installing and using other such software is similar to that described in the rest of this section.

System Requirements 

You must have a Windows Vista or Windows XP PC to run the PC software that allows
firmware to be downloaded to the 995x, the MicroChip drivers. Most SDR receiver software
also requires Windows. Most testing so far has been on Windows XP, but Vista also appears
to work. The MicroChip downloader application, PICDEM FS USB Demo, is compatible with
Windows Vista, starting with version 1.2. However, the General Purpose USB driver,
mchpusb.sys, does not currently support 64-bit operating systems. On some computers, you
may need administrative access in order to install USB drivers on your PC. The tuning
software is Vista compatible.

If you are unsuccessful using the software under Windows Vista or other versions of Windows,
please report your experience on the DDS_CONTROLLER board. The PC needs to have an
available USB 2.0 port, or a USB 1.0 high speed port. The USB interface on the board has a
maximum speed of "Full Speed," not "Hi Speed."

To process the I/Q signals that the 995x board generates, you need a stereo sound card. The
best performance is obtained with a professional quality sound card with 24 bit stereo
“recording” input at a 192 KHz sampling rate. Rates of 96 kHz or even 48 kHz will also work
but will result in corresponding restriction on the portion of a ham band that can be visualized
in the SDR program’s panadaptor display. It is important that the sound card have a high
signal to noise ratio, as this will determine the ultimate dynamic range of the receiver. Other
specifications also matter. Almost any card or even motherboard sound can be used to
confirm that the 995x is working, but good performance requires a better one. Cards have
been tested for SDR use by FlexRadio and ARRL.

The requirements of the SDR software you choose must also be taken into account in
choosing the host PC because real time graphics and signal processing used in the packages
can use a lot of processing resources. A newer, high power machine is preferable, especially if
you expect other applications to run concurrently with the SDR software.

Download Bootloader 
A bootloader program from Spark Fun Electronics must be installed in the PIC’s flash memory
before any other firmware will work. You may be able to find someone on the
DDS_CONTROLLER board who will program it into your PIC. If not, you will need to
download it and install it using a programmer device, such as the MicroChip PICKit 2.

After the bootloader is installed, when you power up the 995x board, or press the Reset switch,
the bootloader gets control of the PIC. It checks to see if the Program switch is pressed. If so,
it runs its own USB code that enumerates the 995x board as a PIC18F2550 Family
Device under Other Devices in the Windows Device Manager, which communicates with
the PC via Microchip's custom driver. You then run a MicroChip application on the PC to erase

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 48

the flash memory on your 995x board used for firmware (except for the bootloader itself) read it
and write it. This permits you to quickly and easily put new firmware on your 995x without ever
using a programmer again.

Download the Bootloader from this page:

under the link

Bootloader Hex File for Spark Fun UBW board (uses 20 MHz resonator
instead of 4MHz)

You need to place the Bootloader in a known folder. Its filename will be


Install MicroChip Software  
You also need MicroChip software to aid you in downloading firmware, once the Bootloader is
installed. If you have a previous version of the program installed, you must uninstall it first and
delete the directory C:\MCHPFSUSB. To download the standard Microchip package, go to

and download MCHPFSUSB_Setup_v1.x.exe. Make sure you use version 1.2 or later. You
will need to use the Spark Fun Bootloader you downloaded above, not the MicroChip
Bootloader that is included in this MicroChip package. The MicroChip Bootloader has been
found to be incompatible because it assumes a 4 MHz PIC clock, but we use 20 MHz.

When you run USB Bootloader Setup_v1.X.EXE, it will ask for a license agreement
confirmation and then create a folder C:\MCHPFSUSB. Use only this default folder. Then it
installs over 18 megabytes of files in the new folder. Look in this folder. See the installed
release notes file for a description of directory contents. The Documents folder contains a
manual, but only for software development, and links to further documents. The setup program
installs many files, not just the bootloader, including a little firmware download applet, a demo
program, and lots of source code that you will not need.

In Windows Vista, some users have found it necessary to browse to the file:


Right click on the filename and select Properties. In the Properties dialog box, select
Compatibility. Check the box for “Run this program in compatibility mode for:” and choose
“Windows XP …” in the pull down menu below.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 49

Install Bootloader  
Installing the bootloader can be done in certain types of programmers before the PIC is
soldered to the board, but you will need an adaptor that fits the PIC’s 28-SOIC package and
the programmer. If you don’t have a programmer and the necessary skills, you may be able to
find someone on the DDS_CONTROLLER board who is willing to program unmounted chips
for you. Kits contains a pre-programmed PIC.

An alternative is to program in the bootloader while the chip is in place on the board, using a
cable between H3 and your programmer. Sheet 7 of the schematic shows which PIC signals
connect to H3. Documentation for your programmer and the PIC part will allow you to
construct a cable if needed.

Some users of the 995x board have been using the low cost PICKit 2 programmer
( The programming connector is on one end of the device and the whole
programmer will plug into the first 6 pins of the ICSP connector on the 995x board. Pin 7 is left
open. The other end of the programmer has a jack for a mini USB cable. It also will allow you
to debug chips that have the debugger version of the bootloader built in. No cable needs to be
fabricated for this particular programmer, and it is not necessary to leave off C1 and C2 before
programming. Appendix A explains how to use the PICKit 2 to install the 995x’s bootloader.

If you use another in-circuit programmer (ICSP) to program the bootloader in place, we
recommended earlier that you leave off C1 (10uF) and C2 (.1 uF) across the VDD supply.
They seem to interfere with some programmers’ control of VDD. Some users have reported
programming problems related to diode D3. After the bootloader is loaded, you will not need
to use the programmer again and can mount C1 and C2. These parts are on the bottom of the
board near SW2. Diode D3 is only used for programming and can be removed.

If you have successfully programmed in the bootloader, when you next apply power, or press
the Reset switch, the red LED should begin flashing. If it does not flash, you may have a
problem with power supply ramp up time affecting the PIC start up. Try leaving the power
supply on, and plug in the 995x to it. If it works only by plugging it in, you will probably want a
power switch on your 995x cabinet to start the board.

Run the Bootloader the First Time to Install PC Drivers 
With the 995x board powered from 12 V, or the PIC alone powered through USB via a jumper
on H1 between pins 2 and 3, and with the board plugged into an available PC USB port with a

1. Press and hold the Program switch on the 995x board.

2. Press and release the Reset switch.

3. Release the Program switch.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 50

This will start the bootloader running. The red LED may not be flashing yet. If this is the first
time you've run the 995x in bootloader mode with your PC attached, Windows will play the
“found USB device” sound and begin installing a new device.

At this point, driver installation varies between Windows Vista and Windows XP. Skip the
following section if you have Windows XP. You should only have to do this new device driver
procedure in one of these two sections once, unless your system becomes corrupted or you
want new versions of the driver files to be installed. The procedure involves installing two
drivers, one that provides an RS232 interface for the USB driver, which is the driver that
actually communicates with the 995X firmware, for use by the VFO Controller application. The
other driver is necessary for the firmware downloader application, PDFSUSB.EXE to run.

Driver Installation Under Windows Vista 
1. In Windows Vista, a dialog box starts saying “Installing device driver software”,
identifying the devices as “UBW Firmware C v0.1”

2. Press reset again to start another dialog box entitled “Found New Hardware.”

3. Select “Locate and install driver software.” After an unsuccessful search for the driver,
Windows asks to insert a disk.

4. Choose “I don’t have the disc. Show me other options.”

5. On the next dialog, select “Browse my computer for driver software.”

6. Tell Windows to install the driver from a known location on disk, not to search for it.

7. Point the dialog box to the folder where the INF file is located:

C:\MCHPFSUSB\fw\Cdc\inf\ win2k_winxp_winvista32

Windows will find and use the install information file, MCHPCDC.INF, that it finds there.

8. Continue through any Windows message related to the driver being unverified, and
choose “Install this driver software anyway.”

9. A message will pop up stating that your new device is ready to use, and the red LED
should be flashing rapidly. It is not necessary to reboot after installing the driver.

10. Confirm installation by looking in Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT) for a new
COM port.

11. Right click and examine its properties.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 51

12. In the General tab you should see “Manufacturer: Microchip Technology, Inc.” You will
not see a device for the hardware.

13. Remember or note down which is the new COM port.

14. Now disconnect and reconnect the USB cable. Windows will again say it found new
hardware and will start trying to install another necessary driver, “Unidentified Device.”
This does not indicate that your previous driver installation failed, just that a second
driver is needed.

15. After Windows fails to find the driver, tell it that you can locate the driver on disk.

16. Choose “I don’t have the disc. Show me other options.”

17. On the next dialog, select “Browse my computer for driver software.”

18. Tell Windows to install the driver from a known location on disk, not to search for it.

19. Point the dialog box to the folder where the INF file is located:


Windows will find and use the install information file, mchpusb.inf.

20. Click through the dialog boxes to install using the INF file. The exact sequence of
installation depends upon your version of Windows. The driver will be installed.

21. Ignore the Windows warning about verification of the driver.

22. Windows will display a message stating that your new device, “Microchip Custom USB
Device”, is ready to use. Close this dialog box. It is not necessary to reboot after
installing the driver. The red LED should begin flashing rapidly, indicating that you are
in downloading mode.

23. Confirm the proper installation of this driver in Device Manager, where the device will be
listed under the heading “Custom USB Devices”, as “Microchip Custom USB Device.”
You need to modify the device settings now, as this device may disappear from Device
Manager under certain conditions later.

24. Right click on the device and from the menu choose Properties.

25. On the Power Management tab, uncheck the box entitled “Allow the computer to turn off
this device to save power.” A symptom of failing to do this is that the downloader
application cannot program the device.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 52

If you need to modify the Custom USB Device settings later, you can force the device to
appear in Device Manager by putting the board into download mode using the Hold Program –
Press Reset – Release Program button sequence.

Provided the red LED is still flashing rapidly, you may now skip to step 7 of the section
Download PIC Firmware into the PIC.

If you ever unplug the USB cable from a running 995x board under Vista, you may see that the
red LED stops flashing, indicating that the firmware has frozen. If you reconnect the USB
cable in this state, Vista may not be able to recognize the 995x board until you press its reset

Driver Installation Under Windows XP 
1. In Windows XP, tell Windows to install the driver from a known location on disk, not to
search for it.

2. Point the dialog box to this (different) INF file:

C:\MCHPFSUSB\Pc\MCHPUSB Driver\Release\mchpusb.inf

In XP you can select this particular file; in Vista only the folder.

3. Click through the dialog boxes to install using the INF file. The exact sequence of
installation depends upon your version of Windows. The driver will be installed.

4. Ignore the Windows warning about verification of the driver.

5. Windows will display a message stating that your new device is ready to use. It is not
necessary to reboot after installing the driver. Once the driver is installed, the red LED
on the 995x board should begin flashing rapidly.

6. Confirm success of device installation by looking for PIC18F2550 Family Device

immediately after installing the driver or UBW Firmware C vx.y, after downloading
firmware and Resetting or powering up and down under Other Devices in the
Windows Device Manager. Note that Device Manager will report that no driver has
been installed, even though there is one. Driver installation is not complete until
usbser.sys has been installed.

7. Now disconnect and reconnect the USB cable, or press Reset.

8. Windows should find the existing device driver and say it found UBW Firmware C
vX.Y, and ask to install another driver.

9. Install from this INF file:

C:\MCHPFSUSB\fw\Cdc\inf\ win2k_winxp_winvista32\MCHPCDC.INF

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 53

This process will install usbser.sys, an RS-232C emulation driver that the Windows
tuning applet uses. This driver is included with Windows but is only installed by
applications that need it. If Windows does not ask to install this driver, you will have
another chance after downloading PIC firmware in the next section.

10. After successful installation of usbser.sys, Device Manager will show the board as
Unsupported Device.

11. Confirm installation by looking in Device Manager under Ports (COM & LPT) for a new
COM port.

12. Right click and examine its properties.

13. In the General tab you should see “Manufacturer: Microchip Technology, Inc.”

14. Remember or note down which is the new COM port.

Download PIC Firmware into the PIC 
Use the procedure in this section to load initial PIC firmware and later to reload new versions.
You must have previously loaded the bootloader firmware and the Microchip downloader
Windows application and PC drivers as described in previous sections. The software works
identically under Vista and XP.

PIC firmware for receiver applications, currently called the “group software”, for want of a
better name, is kept at

Some of the other sections of this manual assume that you are using this firmware.

1. Download the current release to the PC host you will be using and make note of the
folder containing the HEX file for the firmware.

2. Apply 12 volt power to the 995x board, or set the board to power the PIC from the USB
port by temporarily jumpering pins 2 and 3 on H1.

3. Connect the 995x to an available PC USB port using a USB cable.

4. Press and hold the Program switch on the 995x board.

5. Press and release the Reset switch on the 995x board.

6. Release the Program switch. This sequence activates the bootloader. You will hear
Windows device found and device removed sounds. The red LED will begin flashing
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 54

7. Locate on your PC the HEX file for the firmware you want to download.

8. Run the PC bootloader Application C:\MCHPFSUSB\Pc\Pdfsusb\PDFSUSB.exe

You can start this program with

Start | All Programs | Microchip | MCHPFSUSB v1.x | PICDEM FS USB DEMO TOOL

(Actually, it doesn't matter if you start PDFSUSB.exe first or put your board into
bootloader mode first.)

9. Once running, select the PICDEM FS USB 0 (boot) selection from the Select
PICDEM FS USB Board pull down menu, which connects the bootloader PC app with
the PIC bootloader code.

10. Click Load HEX File and navigate to where the new firmware HEX file is that you
want to download. All other buttons should be grayed out.

11. Click Program Device. You will see a window saying Message – Erasing and
Programming Flash and the red LED on the 995x board should flash a little slower,
indicating that programming is in process.

12. After a delay of up to 10 seconds, you will see the message Message –
Programming Flash completed, and the 995x red LED will again flash more quickly.

13. You may reset and run the newly installed firmware with the Execute button. The red
LED will flash slowly indicating the new firmware is running. You may ignore the log
message “WARNING – Failed to RESET board”—it is false.

14. Close the PICDEM FS USB Windows program.

15. Unplug the 995x board the USB cable at either end. Windows should play the “USB
device disconnected” sound.

16. Plug the USB cable back in. Windows should play the “USB device connected” sound,
but this time there should be no messages about a new device. However, if there is a
message about a new device, it may be an indication that the RS232 driver has not yet
been installed – point the installer at


as described in the previous section. The red LED on the 995x board should begin
flashing about once per second, indicating that the newly downloaded firmware is

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 55

17. Congratulations – you’re done!

This all sounds complicated, but once you do it a couple times it becomes faster. The same
procedure described in this subsection can be used to download a new version of the group
software or software for another purpose. Make sure to use jumpers on the 995x board
consistent with the firmware version you will be using.

Testing the Firmware 
After the bootloader and firmware are loaded, and without a USB connection to a PC, you can
apply power to the 995 board. It will detect that there is no USB connection and set a default
receive frequency of 7.055??? MHz and set the corresponding 9.27 MHz filter on the BPF
board???. Some versions of the group firmware start the red LED flashing about once per
second, but not the current production release.

There is a test function built into the firmware. With no USB cable connected, if you press the
Program push button, the red LED should blink, and then stop blinking with a second button
press. Also, every other button press the attenuation should double, i.e. .5 dB, 1 dB, 2 dB, 4
dB, etc. You should be able to confirm this by looking at the sine wave output on H10 on a
scope. Reattach the USB cable only when the red LED is blinking, or press the reset button.

You should be able to trace the I/Q clock circuitry running at this frequency and receive
antenna signals around this center frequency with compatible I/Q receiver software. Until your
SDR software is calibrated, you will be receiving images as well as signals. If you don’t yet
have a band pass filter installed, you can experiment with receiving using an antenna tuner, or
RF preamp for front end selectivity. The input of the 995x board expects to see a 50 ohm

The current release version of the DDS frequency tuning software for Windows is kept in the
Files section of the DDS_CONTROLLER board, in the Current Software Release folder.
Currently, only a Windows version for this software is available. This is early software that is
still in active development and debugging. It works, but still contains some partially
implemented features and some features useful only for testing purposes. Version 1.1 is
described below, but there may be later and earlier versions available. If you need to install a
different version or reinstall, be sure to remove the current installation with Windows’ Control
Panel | Add/Remove Programs. Please report bugs and suggestions to the

Installation and Configuration 
Unzip the download and install the software using the setup.exe file. It will first verify that
system requirements are met before installing. You can ignore the Windows security warning,
since we are not a registered publisher. There are no choices to make during installation.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 56

Make sure the board is running, with the green LED on, and the USB cable connected and
then run the program, which shows up in the Start | All Programs menu as USB VFO
Controller. Set the USB Port pull down menu to the COM port you are using to
communicate with the 995x board. If the 995x is already plugged into the PC USB port at the
time you start the application, the port will be listed in the pull down menu. You can find the
port by going to My Computer | System Information | Hardware | Device
Manager | Communications Ports and looking for the newly assigned port whose
properties show MicroChip as the Manufacturer. Alternatively, you can start the PC application
and then plug in the 995x USB cable to the running board. The application will recognize the
newly assigned port and automatically select and open it for use.

Use the Connect toggle button to open the currently selected port before attempting to tune.
Pressing the button a second time disconnects. It is not necessary to disconnect before exiting
the application, unless you have other uses for the port. It will be unnecessary to reconnect
each time you open the program if you pull down the Config menu and select Auto
Connect Enabled. A check mark appears next to this item when it is enabled.

DDS and Clock Multiplier 
The software is capable of controlling different DDS families. Use Config | DDS Device |
AD995x command to select the 995x as the DDS device. On the popup box that appears for
this device, choose as DDS Clock the frequency of the SMD or other oscillator you are using
as a clock for the 995x and a clock multiplier setting.

The clock multiplier can be set to correspond to the low pass filter values (LPF) you installed
on the output of the DDS (L1 – L3, C26 – C32.) Multiplying the DDS Clock input frequency
times the multiplier, gives the internal DDS clock frequency. This value can correspond to the
frequency of the low pass filter. For example, if you installed a LPF corresponding to a 500
MHz clock and a 125 MHz oscillator, choose the 4x multiplier, since 125 MHz x 4 = 500 MHz.
Other common settings are: 100 MHz x 4 = 400 MHz, and 100 MHz x 5 = 500 MHz. You can
try overclocking even beyond this – please report your success on the DDS_CONTROLLER
board. Some parts have been successfully clocked at 125 MHz x 5 = 625 MHz, but not 700
Mhz. Multiplier values above 5 have been found not to lock on the proper clock frequency in at
least some 995x parts, when used with the 125 MHz oscillator.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 57


Do not attempt to use clock multipliers below 4 x with the 995x. The PC software
is designed to be used with other DDS families that can use these multipliers, but
the 995x series cannot use these multiples. If you choose a * 3 multiplier or
lower values, the part will pass the oscillator frequency without multiplication, and
you will not get an error message. Instead, if you are using the board with a
QSD, you will start receiving aliases and accentuated spurs, and this problem
may not be obvious, particular since you may receive some signals you are

You can set a clock multiplier that gives an internal clock frequency higher than the frequency
the LFP is designed for, but then you will be able to tune to frequencies higher than the LPF
can pass, with a drop off in output level that can be seen in the signal generator output, or can
cause the QSD to stop receiving.

VFO Multiplier 
Next set the VFO Multiplier (actually a divider) on the main window to 2X, if you have set
the clock divider to 2X on H18 on the 995x board, and to 4X if you used the 4X jumper
position. The setting adjusts the frequency display to correspond to the way you have
configured and are using quadrature clock generator on the board. The highest frequency you
can receive using the built in QSD or an external one is governed by the following approximate

Max. receiver frequency = oscillator freq. * clock multiplier * .4 / VFO “multiplier”

This is because the oscillator is multiplied by in the DDS by the clock multiplier to generate the
internal clock. The maximum DDS output frequency is about .4 times that internal clock, and
the VFO “Multiplier” divides that maximum frequency by 2 or 4 in the process of creating a
quadrature receiver clock from the DDS sine wave output. For example, if you are using a 125
MHz oscillator with a 4X clock multiplier and a /4 VFO multiplier, the maximum received
frequency will be 125 x 4 x .4 / 4 = 50 MHz. With the 2X VFO multiplier you would be limited
to 100 Mhz. If you overclock at 625 MHz, you will be able to receive up to 62.5 MHz, even with
the 4X VFO multiplier. The board has been tested as a receiver only up to 54 MHz, so the
limits may not affect you.

The 1X VFO multiplier does not correspond to any frequency you can receive with the QSD,
but you can use the 1X setting with the signal generator, so that the frequency display is
correct. The signal generator output is not divided the way the quadrature QSD is. Note that
the VFO multiplier is different than the DDS PLL internal clock multiplier. The VFO Multiplier
setting will remain the same when you exit and restart the application.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 58

Configuring the PIC 
Config | PIC Bd Config allows you to change settings affecting the 995x board hardware
by checking check boxes and then using the UPDATE button to store your changes. USB
Responses is an internal setting allowing the firmware to respond to commands it receives
from the PC software as well as accepting commands. Some software features will require
that this setting be turned on. LED Heartbeat causes the firmware to blink the red LED at
about one “heartbeat” per second. Check Tx Pin Hardware if you plan to receive
(send???) transmit/receive changes. Check EEPROM Write to enable writing of values to the
EEPROM memory contained in the PIC. When fully implemented, the Get BoardID will
allow you to retrieve hardware and software identification information from the board –
currently these values would have to be written to the PIC memory manually. You can set PIC
Mode so that either the PC software or the PIC firmware, or both, control the tuning frequency
– there is no effect on the user controls no matter which you choose. Config EEPROM allows
you to read and write directly to the EEPROM on the PIC – do not check the Write On
checkbox to enable writing unless you know exactly what you are doing, or the software may
stop working correctly. To read EEPROM you must enable Config | PIC Bd Config |
USB Responses.

A/D Converter 
Config | A/D Conv. Setup leads to a menu for configuring the A/D converter that is part
of the PIC. If you included the signal generator section of the board and followed the assembly
instructions, you will have connected the output of the logarithmic detector to the A/D converter
input. The detector provides a voltage proportional to the log of the amplitude of the signal
generator output. Thus software has access to the signal generator amplitude reading. Future
software enhancements may make it possible to read the output level convertor and set the
signal generator’s attenuator to provide a calibrated output level.

There is an A channel and a B channel A/D convertor, and each can have up to 8
subchannels, which you will be able to set with the A/D Channel A and A/D Channel B pull
down menus in a future release. Currently, only channel 0 is used. To read A/D samples, you
must set Config | PIC Bd Config | USB Responses on. In Config | A/D Conv.
Setup, set the A/D No. Samples pull down menu to determine how many samples you
want it to collect. “Cont” will collect samples continuously. Set Sample Rate to determine
how frequently samples are collected. The number you put in is multiplied by 10 milliseconds –
the default setting is one second. A/D samples can be directed over the USB port to be
reported within the tuning software, or sent to the PIC firmware or both. To initialize the A/D
converter, click the A/D On radio button. It is possible to interleave A/D measurements from
both the A and B channels. After making all your selections, click UPDATE to save them. The
DEFAULTS button restores all settings to their initial state.

To view the A/D samples collected, use Config | Debug Mode On to expand the window to
include three additional panes, one of which shows A/D Results. Clicking the A/D START
button will initiate collection of the number of samples you specified, using the specified
channels and intervals. The A/D measurements reported in a sequence of measurements will
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 59

vary as you move the attenuator control around. The Debug window also has panes showing
commands sent over the USB connection and responses received back from the PIC firmware.
You can turn off Debug Mode or resize the main window to remove the debug panes.

Transmit Controls 
The Transmit Controls pull down menu leads to controls that tell the firmware whether
and how the board is configured to receive transmit/receive switching signals. When fully
implemented, the Transmit Enables will allow the software to receive T/R from a USB
connection, a serial port connection, or a signal on the 995x board. The Transmit hardware
settings will allow you to configure the PIC to receive and send T/R signaling.

Band Pass Filter Settings 
Use BP Filter Set to tell the software whether or not you are using the companion set of
band pass filters to preselect the band you are receiving on. Check Brainerd BPF
Enabled if you have connected the filter set, and then click UPDATE. Normally, as the
software is used to tune to different frequencies using band selection, the right filter is
automatically selected. You will usually use the Coverage pull down menu on the main screen
to select bands. However, you can force the selection of a particular filter with the Band Pass
Filter radio buttons. If you want this filter to stay selected while you tune outside its normal
range, first tune within its range, enable the BPF and UPDATE. Then select the filter you
want, and click UPDATE. Then uncheck Brainerd BPF Enabled, and click UPDATE again to
disable the band switching that would otherwise occur automatically. This control is currently
the only way to choose the headers on the BPF board’s headers that can be use to bypass the
filters or to connect a 7th or 8th outboard filter. In the current software version, when using the
General band, you must force band switching as it does not happen automatically yet.

Frequency Offsets 
The Set Parameters menu current leads to the Get_Set Offsets controls. These
controls allow you to set transmit and receive offsets so that the transmit or receive
frequencies are a set amount higher or lower than the displayed frequency. Any receive offset
you may set is added to any additional offset you may have entered using the RIT Control on
the main screen, and any calibration adjustment. The offset controls allow you to determine
whether the PC software or the PIC firmware implements the offsets you choose – either way,
the results will be the same. To enable either offset, use the check boxes for either Win or
PIC. Enter the desired offset in Hz and then click the appropriate button to save the setting,
such as Win Set. You can read back previously set offsets using the Get commands. Using
sets of three radio buttons, the offset you specify can either be added to the displayed VFO
frequency or subtracted from it. You can also subtract the VFO frequency from the offset. One
possible use for the offsets are to compensate for tuning you do in the SDR software you are
using. For example, if you prefer to receive on a frequency 10 kHz higher than the SDR center
frequency to avoid the noise peak that may occur at the center frequency, you can subtract
10,000 Hz from the VFO frequency using an offset. That way, the tuning software will display
the actual received frequency. In the current version, the offset settings are lost when you
close down the VFO Controller program.
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 60

The Maximum Frequency settings within the Get_Set Offsets controls, when implemented,
will allow you to set a maximum VFO tuning frequency to prevent the 995x chip from being set
out of its range. Currently, if you tune to a frequency higher than the DDS can create, given it
clock frequency and clock multiplier, the software will crash.

The DDS frequency will be close to accurate without calibration, but you can use Config |
Calibrate to attain more accuracy. You should make sure to calibrate accurately if you plan
to use the board with a QSE or other transmitter, to help stay within band limits. If you have
included the signal generator circuitry on the board and installed the necessary jumpers as
described above, you can measure the sine wave output on H10 using an accurate frequency
counter. In this test, set the VFO Multiplier to 1X for an accurate frequency reading. You can
also connect a counter to the square wave quadrature outputs on H18 which operate at the
received frequency. In this case set the VFO Multiplier to 2X or 4X.

With the 995x board warmed up and settled at normal room temperature, drag the Calibrate
slider left and right, and click Done, repeatedly until the displayed frequency matches the count
the counter or the necessary multiple. You can fine tune in small increments using the left and
right cursor control keys. If you run Calibrate again, it will display zero, not the current
calibration value. If you need to make a large correction, you can run Calibrate multiple times.
Each use adds to (or subtracts from) the stored calibration value. Use the Clear
Calibration button to zero out any existing calibration.

If you do not have access to a counter, once you have the 995x board operating as a receiver,
you may be able to receive WWV (or WWVH) on one of their several broadcast frequencies
and calibrate using their very accurate signal. Set your SDR receiver software to CW or SSB
and zero beat on the WWV carrier using the Calibrate slider. Make sure to take into
consideration any offsets you may have set and whether there is also a RIT offset. Make sure
your audio output makes it possible to hear low frequencies. You can zero graphically with the
panadaptor display.

You may want to recalibrate every a few months for a year or two, to compensate for the aging
of the new crystal in the oscillator. The need for this will depend on the type of oscillator you
used. It is not necessary to recalibrate otherwise unless you change the DDS clock oscillator
circuit, or plan to operate outdoors in subzero temperatures in the Arctic (or Antarctic) on a
regular basis, or in a tent in Death Valley, California in August at noon.

Receiver Tuning 
You can use the Coverage pull down menu to select the band you wish to tune, or you can
select General and then use the entire tuning range from 500 Hz to over 199 MHz. Do not
tune higher than your DDS can operate, or the software may crash. Note that if you are using
the companion BPF without any of your own add-on filters, your useful tuning range will be 1.5
– 30 MHz. If you select the 6M band, the firmware will switch in any filter connected between

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 61

H8 and H3. If you have built filters for other bands, you will need to use the General band

When you select a specific band, your tuning range is limited to that band. However, the
Precise Frequency control will allow you to tune up to one kHz higher or lower than the
ham band limit. The tuning controls will not currently prevent you from transmitting outside a
ham band, if you are using the 995x board as a transmit VFO. Neither will it prevent you from
using lower sideband when tuned to the lowest end of the band or upper sideband when tuned
to the upper edge. The SDR software further extends the effective tuning range, so be
thoughtful before you transmit because the system will not limit you.

Coarse tuning is done with the Frequency slider. Click on the arrow buttons at either end of
the scroll bar to tune in 1 kHz increments. Click inside the bar itself but outside the slider to
tune by 10 kHz increments, or by 1 MHz increments in General band only. You can also
hover the mouse pointer over any of the digits of the frequency display and tune in increments
that are the same as the digit you are pointing at, using the mouse wheel, if you have one. For
example, hover over the 10 Hz digit, and then each click of the mouse wheel will turn by 10 Hz.
You can also hover below or above the digits to control them. In addition, while hovering near
digits, the left mouse button will tune down by one increment, and the right button will tune up
by one increment. If you are not hovering near a digit, the mouse wheel tunes in 1 kHz
increments. The up and down keys also tune up and down by 1 kHz, as to the left and right
keys. The PageUp and PageDn keys tune up and down in 10 kHz increments. If you are
hovering and tuning by 100 Hz increments only, you are limited to a 1 kHz range. With any
other increment, you can tune to any frequency.

Fine tuning over a plus or minus 1 kHz range can also be accomplished with the Precise
Frequency slider. While Precise Frequency is being used and the locus of control is on the
slider, the left and right arrow keys, or the up and down keys, tune in 1 Hz increments. Click
the RECENTER button to center the slider and set the frequency to an even kilohertz value

The RIT Control will offset the received frequency up to 5 kHz higher or lower than the
displayed frequency. Change RIT by dragging the slider, or using the arrow keys. RIT is only
active if you press the RIT button, turning on the virtual LED within the button. Click the Zero
button to reset RIT to 0 Hz.

The Transmit button will put the system into transmit mode, disabling the clock to the QSD,
and potentially signaling a connected QSE or other transmitter. A red virtual LED comes on to
indicate you are in receiving mode, and the “RX” status above the button changes to “TX-U.”

The VFO Select pull down menu, when fully implemented, will allow you to keep track of
three separately stored VFO frequencies for transmitting and receiving. The controls will allow
you to transmit and receive on either an A, B or D frequencies. You will also be able to
transmit on one of the frequencies will receiving on another, and to copy or swap frequencies.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 62

The 995x board will retain its last set frequency, even when the tuning software is not running,
and even after the 995x board has been powered down or the Reset button is pressed. The
Hex Command field shows the hexadecimal frequency tuning byte string that will be
programmed into the DDS chip by your choice of frequency, and other commands. If the 995x
board is reset or momentarily loses power, do not attempt further tuning. Shut down the
software, then press Reset or cycle the power and start up the software again. Otherwise you
will get error messages.

Signal Generator Features 
If you have installed the signal generator section of the board, you can use the tuning software
and attenuator control to control it. Set the VFO Multiplier to 1X so that the displayed
frequency is the same as the sine wave output frequency. The frequency can be set as high
as 199 MHz, but depending on your oscillator and clock multiplier settings, you may be limited
to a lower frequency as explained above. Avoid crashes by limiting the highest frequency.

The Attenuator slider control provides from 0 to 31.5 dB of attenuation of the signal level of the
RF sine wave output that appears on H10. It does not affect receiver functions. However, to
avoid interference with the QSD, it is best to leave it set at 31.5, maximum attenuation, when
not in use. The current version of the PC software reads U7’s output (the logarithmic detector)
but does not use this value in a closed loop to adjust the RF output to a calibrated level – this
is a planned enhancement. A shunt jumper must be in place between pins H20-2 and 3 so the
detector reads the attenuated RF.

The signal generator output has an impedance of 50 ohms and a maximum output level of
about 810 mV peak to peak with a 50 ohm load (about +1 dBm) and about 1.9 V peak to peak
unloaded. Honeywell, the attenuator’s maker, says the attenuation accuracy is +- 0.3 dB plus
+- 3% of the programmed attenuation. The input IP3 is better than 38 dB. The presence of
the QSD on the board may increase the amount of spurious signals in the output. [You may be
able to reduce these by stopping the quadrature clock with T/R switching??? You will not
damage the circuitry with an accidental short circuit on the output???]

The 995x board puts out typical I and Q audio signals that are compatible with much SDR
software. There are several different free SDR software packages for Windows PCs that
accept I/Q input through sound cards and are compatible with the 995x’s I/Q signals. Below is
a description of four such packages, in no particular order.

PowerSDR This is very full featured transceiver software developed using open source
collaboration. It was originally designed for FlexRadio’s groundbreaking SDR
transceivers developed by Gerald Youngblood, K6SDR. The software is
distributed by FlexRadio ( ), but do not try to use the software
from the FlexRadio site; instead use the version stored at:

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 63

This version was adapted for the 995x by Reid Bishop, W0CNN. The download
contains a file of installation and use instructions. Also, get the extensive manual
for the PowerSDR software directly from the FlexRadio website, http://flex-, but bear in mind that the different underlying hardware in the 995x
board does not support all features of FlexRadio’s hardware. You may need to
download the manual for one of FlexRadio’s products to obtain the software
documentation. There are a number of people collaborating continuously on
improving this software and a feature request and bug database are on the
FlexRadio website. New versions released by FlexRadio will not work until 995x
specific changes have been integrated into them and the new version is posted
in the DDS_CONTROLLER Files area. The software contains an S-meter that
can be calibrated configured to read in dBm, a help in testing band pass filters
and making other precise measurements.

A different adaptation of PowerSDR, version by Guido, PE1NZZ, made in

March 2007 is available at

Guido has written instructions for using the software with the SoftRock, available
at , and many of his points
apply to the 995x. This version does not have tuning control over the 995x
board, but it may prove easier to interface when transmitting.

Rocky This is freeware written by Alex, VE3NEA, It was written

for the SoftRock but it should work with the 995x. It has a full screen spectral
panadaptor display that is exciting to use and a sophisticated automated
background method for eliminating image responses. Download from here:

KGKSDR This is also freeware originally used with the SoftRock, written by Duncan,
K0KGK. It features automatic calibration, auto notch and noise reduction among
many other features. Learn about and download the software from and discuss it at .

SDRadio A nice, free receive-only package from Alberto I2PHD is available at It was designed for use with the SoftRock but can
also accommodate simple mixers that do not produce I/Q outputs, with the
tunable bandwidth reduced by half.
LINRAD This open source package runs under Linux as well as Windows and has unique
analysis features, such as display of spectra in the millihertz range. It is suited
for earth-moon-earth communications.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 64

There may be other equally good packages in existence. This list is meant to be illustrative,
not exhaustive.

All of these packages contain controls for frequency tuning, but currently you must use the
separate software widget to tune the 995x, since these packages, with the exception of Reid’s
PowerSDR adaptation, have not yet been customized to interface with the 995x. You can
however, usually use the 995x widget to set a round center frequency such as 7.200 MHz, and
then use the tuning controls within the SDR package to move around within the limits of the
sound card’s bandwidth, which will be either 48 kHz, 96 kHz, or 192 kHz if you have a high end
card. In this case the frequency you are receiving will be the base frequency set by the 995x
plus or minus an offset from the center IF frequency as set within the SDR package.

Some of the SDR programs let you set the center frequency to a round number to facilitate
offset calculation. To facilitate frequency calculation in PowerSDR or Rocky, you can set the
center frequency to 0, so that the frequency display shows plus and minus offsets that can be
added directly to the 995x frequency. In Rocky, go to View | Settings | DSP. Under the
Local Oscillator section, click on single-band, and set the frequency to 0. In
PowerSDR, go to Setup | General | Radio Model and set it to Soft Rock and also
set Center Frequency MHz to 0.

The 995x board generates sharp spurs when it is tuned to specific frequencies. These are
apparently due to undesired interactions between various sections of the board. You can
avoid these sharp spurs by tuning a couple kilohertz away from the problematic frequency and
using the tuning controls within the SDR software to select your operating frequency.
Operating with a /4 rather than a /2 clock divider can also improve performance somewhat. If
you devise other methods of avoiding spurs, such as shielding, please report your success on

Three of the packages described above can transmit as well as receive, when used with
transceiver hardware such as the SoftRock RXTX series. The 995x board does not yet have a
companion exciter, so the transmit functions of your software will not work. You may be able
to interface another transmitter, if you have the necessary engineering skills. The board puts
out a VFO sine wave that you may be able to use as the transmit as well as receive VFO and
there is a header supplying the I/Q clock signals necessary for an external quadrature
sampling exciter (QSE). A 5V CMOS T/R signal on TP7 on schematic sheet 5, located near
U16 and marked “T/R”, will disable the receiver by stopping the clock to the QSD. Dave
Brainerd, designer of the 995x board, has designed a companion QSE daughtercard, now in
prototype phase. Check his website for progress.

The simple description below gives an overview of the circuitry to help you appreciate, test and
troubleshoot the circuit. It avoids math, but skips over many details and focuses primarily on
the receiver application.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 65

995x Board 

Quadrature Sampling Detector (QSD) 
The heart of the 995x system is on sheet 3 of the schematic. The antenna will normally
connect to the companion BPF board or another preselection filter (see band pass filter
documentation) and the output of the filter to the ANT header on the 995x board, shown on the
left of sheet 3. Note that there has been no RF amplification here or on the BPF and will be
none in this circuit. Transformer T1 will drain any static charge that builds up on the antenna
(if the antenna is directly connected.) It splits the signal into two phases 180 degrees apart.
Each phase goes into one side of the QSD detector, U13 and U14. A DC bias of 1.65 volts is
supplied through the secondary of T1 by R18, R18, C56 and C57.

The detector is a commutator, a set of four sequenced switches. At any time, one and only
one switch is closed. A different switch closes at 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees of a clock cycle
and it stays closed for 90 degrees of the cycle. The four phase clock waveforms are shown on
sheet 3 as I*Q, /I*Q, I*/Q and /I*/Q. While a switch is closed the RF signal charges or
discharges a capacitor, C60 or C63, integrating the instantaneous amplitude of the RF input
signal during the sampling period. The capacitor then holds the charge for the next portion of
the clock cycle. This sample and hold property is what makes this a sampling detector.

One capacitor, C60, is connected to the 0 and 180 phase switches, and the other, C63, to the
90 and 270 phase switches. The 0/180 capacitor accumulates the I or in-phase signal that will
make its way to one of the two inputs to the sound card. The 90/270 capacitor, C63,
accumulates the Q or quadrature signal which makes its way to the other sound card input.
The four phase quadrature clock is running at a frequency close to the frequency that we want
to receive, so the RF is converted directly to an audio or baseband signal. Some of the clock
signals leak through to the input of the QSD, and can appear on the connected antenna if
there is no intervening isolation.

The I and Q signals contain both amplitude and phase information about the signal, so they
can form the raw input for nearly any type of demodulation process, CW, AM, FM, PM, SSB,
and the digital modes. Actual demodulation is performed in DSP software on the PC sound
card, so that new software can be added easily for new modes, providing a good platform for
experimentation. Because the DSP can be easily programmed for new or improved types of
demodulation, filtering and other processing, we have a software defined radio.

The I/Q signals contain information about a band segment that will be seen as limited in
bandwidth to 44, 96 or 192 kHz, depending on your sound card, a segment that can be viewed
on a panadaptor spectrum display in your SDR software. DSP and PC software provides fine
tuning within the band segment, image rejection and variable band pass filtering as well as
demodulation, so you can have a 100 Hz CW filter, a 3 KHz SSB filter and many other choices.

An image is contained in the signals reaching the DSP, but luckily its phase information is
different than the signals of interest, so that DSP software can remove the image, provided you
have carefully calibrated the SDR software. A more detailed and rigorous discussion of Tayloe

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 66

detectors and typical DSP algorithms such as are used in the Power SDR software you can
use with this circuit is contained in Gerald Youngblood’s articles cited earlier.

The I and Q signals from C60 and C63 go through R19, R20 and DC blocking capacitors C61
and C64, R22, R23, C71 and C72, which bias the amplifier to one half the supply voltage. I
and Q are amplified in U15, a very low noise amplifier, and sent out to the sound card via a
header. A jumper connects the V- supply pin of U15 to ground. If a higher desired dynamic
range is needed, the jumper can be omitted, and V- applied from a -9 VDC regulated supply.

DDS and Quadrature Clock Generator 
Next, let’s look at how the clock is generated, on sheet 6, then sheet 5, and then back to sheet
3. The key component on sheet 5 is U2, the DDS chip. This powerful and flexible chip is
described in literature you can find on Analog Devices website. It uses an internal clock signal
of 400, 500 or perhaps even higher, and puts out a stepwise sine wave and its inverse on pins
IOUT and its inverted counterpart, at frequencies up to about 160, 200 or higher, depending on
your choice of clock. The DAC used to generate the stepwise sine wave have a resolution of
14 bits, up from 12 in predecessor parts that had some spur problems, increasing the spurious
free dynamic range by about 12 db to >80 db. R9 determines the DAC maximum output
current. The 3.92K value sets the peak current to 10 Ma. R8 and C10 are the loop filter for
the clock PLL, if used.

The clock signal for U2 can be generated in three optional ways, as shown on sheet 2. An
external clock can be brought in on H2, or CMOS or LVDS oscillators can be used with parts
changes noted on the sheet 2. The method shown in the schematic and BOM uses an
integrated SMD oscillator, U9. The chip puts out the clock and an inverted clock signal on CLK
and /CLK which go fairly directly into the two clock inputs of the DDS. A signal brought to H1
can turn the on board oscillator on and off.

Turning back to sheet 6, the frequency of the DDS, U2, is controlled by connections from the
PIC, not shown on the schematic. These PIC signals control an internal phase-locked loop
(PLL) clock multiplier that can be set to multiply the external clock signal up to several hundred
MHz to operate the internal phase accumulator and DAC. The PIC firmware can be
commanded by the PC software to change the multiplier. Only multipliers one and 4 – 20 work
with the 995x series DDSs. Use of other multipliers will result in x1, or no multiplication.

The sine and inverted sine outputs of the DDS are combined in transformer T3. The primary
center tap provides the voltage for the output DAC. The two 24.9 ohm resistors on the
primary, R10 and R11, provide the proper impedance matching for the 50 ohm low pass filter
following the transformer.

Because the DAC outputs contain quantization noise and alias responses, a low pass filter of
several poles, C26 – C32 and L1 – L3, smoothes the sine wave and eliminates aliases. Three
different sets of values for this filter are given in the bill of materials, depending on whether a
400, 500 or 700 MHz internal clock is used. The 700 clock has not been successfully tested.
The clock frequency, as explained earlier, is the frequency of the external clock times the PLL
multiplier as set by the PIC firmware. A different internal clock frequency might benefit from a
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 67

custom-designed filter. The chosen values provide a cut-off frequency of approximately 40%
of the clock frequency, which is the maximum DDS output frequency. The cutoff frequency
was chosen to permit using the sine wave output of the DDS at the maximum possible
frequency allowed by the internal clock frequency, for use as a signal generator. This
frequency is much higher than is needed when using the board as a receiver. You could
achieve lower spurious outputs by using a filter only a little higher than the maximum frequency
you wish to receive, sacrificing the VHF signal generator capabilities. At the LPF output, a
splitter consisting of R40, R37 and R39 directs the signal Isine to both to the quadrature clock
generator circuit, and on to MMIC amplifier U5.

The filtered Isine VFO signal from sheet 6 goes to the quadrature clock generator on sheet 5.
The signal is divided into in phase and inverted phase signals in T2 and then turned into two
square waves by the differential line receivers in U10, 180 degrees out of phase. A resistor
divider on the center tap of T2 provides bias for the line receivers’ inputs. The signals from the
line receivers clock two type-D flip flops, U11A and U11B. The output clock frequency is
divided by two if pins 1 and 2 on H18 are jumpered or by four if pins 2 and 3 are jumpered.
Applying the same signal to both clock inputs produces output at ¼ the inputs. Applying a
signal to the second clock that is 180 degrees out of phase with the first clock produces output
at ½ the inputs. Dividing by two allows the maximum clock frequency but dividing by four gives
higher phase accuracy and therefore a better spurious free dynamic range in receiver
applications. Their outputs contain four clock phases we will need for the QSD, but at 50%
duty cycle.

These signals go to headers H13 and H14 for routing to a planned companion exciter board.
A transmit/receive switching signal T/R that would be received from such an exciter or other
transmitter controls the four gates in quad 2-input NOR gate, U20, to shut down the clock
signals to the QSD while transmitting, thereby disabling the receive function. A plus five volt
signal to the T/R input disables the QSD; open or ground enables it.

The four clock phases we have so far are all symmetrical square waves, with rising edges
starting every 90 degrees, but the pulses last for 180 degrees. We need 90 degree pulses to
run the QSD as we saw earlier, so the clocks are ANDed in the four gates in U12 on sheet 3 in
various combinations, to generate the four phase 90 degree pulse clocks the QSD requires, as
shown in the waveforms.

RF Output Level Control 
From MMIC U5, the in-phase filtered and amplified sine wave from the DDS flows to U6, a
programmable attenuator with a range of 0 to 31.5 db attenuation in .5 db steps with +- .4 db
accuracy. The three programming lines for U6, OE, clock and data must be connected to three
PIC Port C lines – these connections are not shown on the schematic, because some builders
may decide not to connect them and to use the free PIC Port C bits for another purpose. The
firmware you use will have an associated table of the necessary jumpers.

The output of the DDS DAC varies somewhat over its wide range and the attenuator can be
used to provide a constant or otherwise precisely controlled output. The attenuated sine wave
is made available off the board on H10. It also goes to U7, a logarithmic amplifier that detects
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 68

the RF signal amplitude and puts out a voltage proportional to the RF signal level in decibels,
shown as the signal PWR_Level on the schematic, at the rate of 24 mV per db. This permits
the output of the programmable attenuator to be measured accurately, and supplied through
signal PWR_Level from test point “PL” and used by PIC in a feedback loop to control the

Jumpers that connect PWR_Level to an A/D converter within the PIC, and connections
between the Clock, Enable, and Data on the attenuator and the PIC are not shown on the
schematic because they are dependent on the firmware used. The firmware will have an
associated jumper table.

PIC USB Microcontroller  
That’s the basic receiver. The only thing remaining is a way to change bands and VFO
frequency and connect to a PC. This is done by the PIC microcontroller, U1 on sheet 7. The
controller circuit was patterned after the Universal Bit Whacker (see
The PIC includes a clock oscillator that uses 20 MHz clock crystal X1. It also includes a full
speed USB 2.0 interface to your PC that is connected directly to USB mini-B connector J1. To
operate, the PIC must first have been programmed with the bootloader program as described
above. Programming is done via connecting an external programmer via a special cable to In-
Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) connector, H3.

On power up the PIC runs the firmware that has been loaded into it. The particular software
described above starts with various initialization tasks, including setting modes in the DDS and
then waits for a frequency tuning or other command sent from the PC over the USB interface.
When the user selects a new frequency, the PC program calculates a new frequency tuning
command and sends it over the USB link to the PIC which, in turn forwards it to the DDS. The
PIC program also knows what band it is operating on or receives band switching instructions
from the PC and sends appropriate band switching commands to the companion band pass
filter board over the signals available on the PIC headers.

If you design your own preselector filter(s), you could also use the band switching signals. If
the PIC firmware crashes or gets stuck in a loop, the reset button, SW1, can be used. This is a
hardware reset which will restart the firmware from the beginning as well as resetting all the I/O
pins to their default states; it is also used when loading firmware. The Program pushbutton,
SW2 is used during firmware loading and the firmware can give it additional functions. The red
LED, D2 is connected to bit 1 of PIC Port C and is thereby under control of the PIC software.
Depending on the PIC software, the LED could flash to indicate the software is running
correctly, but future PIC software could use it as a programmable indicator, like the “check
engine” light on the dashboard of some modern cars. LED D1 illuminates when power is

Other Circuits 
The PIC operates on 5 volt TTL levels. To interface to 3.3 V parts, there are several voltage
dividers for several signals shown on sheet 7. There are also several voltage regulators on the

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 69

board for use with ICs that require different supply voltages. U3 supplies 3.3V to Dvdd_IO. U4
supplies 1.8V to Avdd. U18 supplies 1.8V to Dvdd.

Many components have not been described above because this is intended to be a brief,
simplified overview.

Band Pass Filter Board 
The band pass filter board contains six receive filters that cover the 1.5 to 30 MHz range in six
bands, switched by three signals normally driven by the PIC on the 995x board. Input and
output impedances are both 50 ohms.

Each of the six filters is a seven pole elliptical filter of similar design and similar layout on the
board, but different component values. The one page schematic shows the center frequency
of each of the filters. The bandwidth of each filter overlaps the others a little to facilitate full
spectrum coverage. Dave Brainerd provides filter design files and measurements made on the
filters here: These files may help in designing other compatible

The appropriate filter is selected by a coordinated pair of 8-channel switches, U1 and U2, one
on the input and one on the output. The switches are designed for use as
multiplexer/demultiplexers, but the circuit uses them as simple analog switches, and they have
low loss and low noise. The three bits of control signals from H1, namely S0, S1 and S2 have
eight possible combinations for eight possible bands, and the same bits control both switches
in tandem. These three lines are pulled high by R3, R4 and R5. Only 6 bands are used – two
are spares for expansion. A table describing which filter is selected by which bits is in the BPF
section above. If nothing is connected to H1, the 24.7 MHz filter is selected.

A bias voltage of 2.5 volts is created by R1 and R2. It is applied to switch U2 by RF choke
L43, and to U1 through the secondary of T1.

The input signal from an antenna on H1 is transformer-coupled to the all the input switches
and six of the eight outputs are connection to the inputs of filters. The inverse is true at the
output of the filters, with the final output appearing on H5. Transformer T1 will also keep any
static charge from building up on the antenna, provided that the return on H1 is properly

There are eight switch positions but only six filters. The extra two switch positions are brought
out to four headers, so that one extra filter can be connected between H8 and H3, and another
between H7 and H4. This way a 6 meter filter or low frequency filters could be added, or other
filters with special characteristics substituted. Alternatively a jumper can be used to bypass
the BPF. Note that if the 995x board is used at frequencies higher than 30 MHz, it may be
necessary to include an RF amplifier to get really good performance. The group’s firmware
can select any of the eight filters, if the appropriate command is sent to it from PC software.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 70

The 5 volt power for the pair of switches, supplied on H2, is RFI filtered by a pi network to
make sure there are no spurious signals received in this sensitive circuit, which may operate in
the microvolt range.

Five men are primarily responsible for the development of the 995x system and its
documentation. Dave designed the hardware. Reid tested the hardware and worked on
software. Terry, Tom and Reid developed firmware and software. Rick asked stupid
questions, wrote this manual and is probably responsible the mistakes. Other contributors
include Cash Olsen who provided DDS initialization code, and Tom Hall who wrote
asynchronous receive code in the PC software. You can reach several of these developers or
offer to contribute your skills to this project by posting to

David Brainerd 
Retired electronic engineer. Worked for the Navy Civil Service for 30 years, testing and
evaluating air to air missiles. He took an early retirement offer during a downsizing at China
Lake and moved with the XYL to Idaho to build a house on 10 acres. Nine years later they are
still working on the house but have lived in it for the last 6 years. David also took flying lessons
in 1979, but, never completed the license as he got married
and the XYL didn't like flying. David has been a ham (WB6DHW) since 1963 and got his extra
class license in 1976. Since retiring, David has built some test equipment and designed some
small projects. He is currently trying to make a small business out of designing ham projects to
pay for his toys!

Terry Fox 
Retired television broadcast engineer and corporate engineering manager for 23 television
stations, with over 30 years broadcast experience. Amateur operator WB4JFI with 40 years
experience "fiddling with the hardware". Co-founder and original president of Metrovision, the
first licensed amateur television repeater. Past-president of, and continuing contributor to
AMRAD, the Amateur Radio Research and Development Corporation, based in Washington
DC. One of the developers of AX.25, and author of the AX.25 packet protocol document. Other
past areas of interest include Linux, LF, spread spectrum, HF transceiver design, DDS, and
DSP as related to amateur radio. Presently living in Charleston, SC with wife Judy. Involved
with SDR hardware design, PIC programming, and learning about Windows/Linux user-
interface programming. Private pilot since 2005.

Reid Bishop 
Senior Network Systems Engineer for large Telecommunications company for 15 years. Have
spent some 25 years tinkering in all sorts of electronic fields as a hobby, including PC
hardware design, Remote Control components for the model aircraft & helicopter fields, and
various RF components. Amateur Radio operator W0CNN, licensed relatively short time since

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 71

2003. Experienced systems design in everything from the smallest 2K microcontroller, all the
way up to IBM mainframe systems. Colorado native which has contributed to my favorite
hobbies of extreme four-wheeling with my purpose built Jeep Wrangler, RC flying, camping
and fishing in extreme remote locations in the Rocky Mtn. West, and teaching challenging
survival skills to my children.

Tom Rowley 
Currently CEO of a public VOIP telephone company; founder of a dozen technology
companies in areas of voice processing, internet security, computer hardware and software
equipment. Author of two patents - voice processing and cryptography. Experimenter in
robotics - founder of the Robot Sumo competition in the US - and ham radio electronics and
antennas. Founded this group in Jan 2007 to experiment with USB-controlled HAM devices.
Also a pilot (Single Engine Land) but I also build and fly gyrocopters.

Rick Meyer 
Retired product manager for personal computer products and high tech consultant. Was
technical publications manager for an early personal computer company. Ran small company
manufacturing multimedia projection equipment. Author of two patents, a facsimile testing
system and a simple sensor circuit. Artist responsible for a one-man touring multimedia show
that was exhibited at the San Francisco Museum of Modern art and several other museums
and colleges. Held ham license K1LZY as a teenager and recently took up radio again as
KI6LQL with an interest in SDR. Recently designed a magnetic loop antenna that eventually
should handle 1.5 KW on 80 and 40 meters. First Tenor in the globe-trotting Cabrillo
Symphonic Chorus. Lives above the beach near the surfing town of Santa Cruz, California
with wife, small cat and occasional insects.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 72


These steps will first install the Microchip PICKit2 support software, then program a bootloader
into the PIC chip on the 995x board. After this, the PIC DDS control program can be
programmed into the PIC using the bootloader.

A new PIC chip usually has the program area completely blank. If looked at with a PICKit2, or
other tool, it will read back as all 0xFF. The PIC18F2455/2550/4550 family allows different
sections of the erasable/reprogrammable program memory to be independently erased and
programmed. Many PIC users have taken advantage of this feature. Microchip has created a
“bootloader”, which can take over control of the PIC chip and reprogram the larger remainder
of program memory. The bootloader will reside in program memory 0x0000 to 0x07FF; it takes
up about 2k of program space.

Once the bootloader is installed, it will look at PIC pin RC2 after PIC reset. If RC2 is low, the
bootloader takes over control of the PIC, and the PIC enters “bootloader” mode. This mode is
determined by the red LED flashing rapidly. Bootloader mode is normally entered by:

1. Pushing and holding the PIC “PROGRAM” pushbutton/switch

2. Pushing and releasing the PIC “RESET” pushbutton/switch
3. Releasing the “PROGRAM” pushbutton/switch

Installing the PickIt 2 Software  
(to be done by Terry)
(don’t forget to place the bootloader .hex file in a proper location)

Installing the Bootloader into the PIC 
The next step will program the PIC with a bootloader. This normally only need to be done
once. Once the bootloader is in the PIC, it will enable the user to update the actual PIC DDS
control at any time with only a USB connection.

1. On the Brainerd DDS board, temporarily move the H1 jumper to pins 2&3. The PIC will
now receive power from the USB connector.
2. Plug the PICKit2 USB connector into an available computer USB port. Windows should
recognize the PICKit2 and play the normal “found USB device” music.
3. Start the PICKit2 software, by clicking on the PICKit2 icon on the Windows desktop, or
selecting it with the Start/All Programs/Microchip/PICKit2 menu.
4. In the PICKit2 window information window (upper-middle of screen), a message saying
“PICKit 2 found and connected” should show up.
5. In the top menu, click on the “Device Family” tab, and then select PIC18F.
6. Plug the DDS board into the PICKit2 ICSP connector, being careful to observe polarity.
Pin 1on the DDS board (closest to H2) should line-up with the PICKit2 arrow. You only
need six pins on the DDS board when using the PICKit2.
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 73

7. Just under the Microchip name and red “Meatball” trademark in the PICKit2 software,
you will find the VDD PICKit2 groupbox. Make sure 5.0 is selected for voltage, then
click the “ON” checkbox. That will turn power on to the DDS board from the PICKit2.
The amber PICKit2 LED and the DDS board green LED should both come on after a
few seconds.
8. Click on the “Blank check” button. After a few seconds, a message should appear.
Normally it will be “Configuration is not blank”. This just means some internal
configuration bits are still set. They are normally set at the manufacturer. If the device is
NOT blank, you can click on the “Erase” button to clear out the PIC program memory.
9. Click on the “Auto Import & Write Device” button.
10. Select the bootloader HEX file to program into the PIC program memory. If using the
Spark Fun bootloader, the file name is FW_B_20.HEX.
11. The PICKit2 software will now program the bootloader into the PIC program memory.
This will take about 5 seconds or so.
12. When it’s done programming, a message saying “Programming successful, waiting for
file update” will be displayed. Click the “Auto Import…” button again to exit program
mode. It will then say that it exited Auto Import…” mode.
13. To double-check proper programming, click on the “verify” button. The software will
read the PIC for about 5 seconds, and then it should say “Verification Successful”.
14. Click on the VDD PICKit2 checkbox to turn OFF the VDD to the DDS board. The amber
PICKit2 LED and the green LED on the DDS board should go out.
15. Unplug the DDS board from the PICKit2.
16. Close the PICKit2 software on the computer.
17. Unplug the PICKit2 hardware from the computer USB port.
18. To verify the bootloader is working, plug the DDS board into an available USB port on a
computer. If the Windows Microchip USB driver has not yet been installed on the
computer, the board may not be recognized by windows. For this test, that doesn’t
matter. While the DDS board is plugged into the computer, push and hold the DDS
“PROGRAM” switch (SW2). Then push and release the DDS RESET (SW1) button.
Finally, release the PROGRAM button. After a second or two, the red LED on the DDS
board should start flashing quickly, indicating the DDS board is in bootloader mode.
19. Unplug the DDS board from the computer. Move the H1 jumper back to pins 1&2. The
PIC power will now come from the board’s 5V regulator.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 74

These notes apply only to the single run of 30 pilot production 995x boards distributed in
August 2007. If you have a later production board, it will be labeled 995X_Rx, where x is the
revision number. Note the following before you begin assembly:

1. The silk screen label for C15 is missing. You can find it on the bottom of board between
C14 and C16.

2. The silkscreen label for U21 is missing. It is surrounded by C66, C69 and H16.

3. There is no thermal relief on ground side of C88, but there is no problem soldering in
the part.

4. D3 pins 1 and 2 are reversed on the PCB but not the latest layout document, which
corrects the problem. Also pin 3 connects to the cathode, not pin 2. If D3 is installed
normally and then pins 2 (nearest to pin 1 on the ICSP connector) and pin 3 (on the side
with only one pin) are jumpered together, it should work.

5. The pads for the SOT-23 package voltage regulators, U3, U4 and U18, are a little wider
spaced than necessary, but you can still mount the parts successfully.

6. Jumpers required to use the board’s attenuator are optional and are software
dependent. They are not shown in the design documents, but are described below.
Pads to facilitate jumpering the PIC to the attenuator were added to production boards
but are not on pilot production boards.

7. Jumpers required for the PIC to control the DDS are software dependent and are not
shown in the design documents but are described below or in documentation for your

8. C56, C61, C64, C70 and C71 are polarized capacitors, but the polarization is not
marked on pilot production boards. The layout diagram for the production boards
contains the proper polarity.

9. The 995x board is capable of supplying 5 V power to the BPF board. Production boards
have two pads marked +5 and GND that can be used for BPF power, but the pilot
production run lacked these.

10. On pin 6 of U10, a 65LVDS390, there is a circuit board trace going to ground that is
unintentional and is not shown on the schematic. It does not cause much of a problem,
but it can be fixed by cutting the trace between the feed through hole between pins 6
and 7 and the ground plane. Be sure to leave the connections between pins 6 and 7
and the feed through hole. This problem was corrected in the first production run of 100
Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 75

You may want to mark these areas on your copy of the board layout and/or the PCB itself, to
remind you when you get to these places in the assembly process.

Building and Using the WB6DHW AD995x Board  Page 76

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