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Descriptive Analysis: Respondent Demographic Profile

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Descriptive Analysis

Respondent Demographic Profile

Period of employed in current school

Table 4.1: Descriptive analysis for period of employed in the current school

Period Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

(%) Frequency Percentage (%)

Less than 3 years 4 13.3 4 13.3

3 - 6 years 5 16.7 9 30

7 - 10 years 4 13.3 13 43.3

More than 10 year 17 56.7 30 100

Figure 4.1: Descriptive analysis for period of employed in the current school

The result above shows the period employed in the current school of the respondents who participated in
this survey. There are 4 teachers that are employed for less than 3 years in the current school with 13.3%,
5 teachers are employed between 3 to 6 years with 16.7%, 4 teachers are employed between 7 to 10 years
with 13.3% and 17 teachers are employed more than 10 years with 56.7%. Most of the respondents are
employed in the current school for more than 10 years.

Table 4.2: Descriptive analysis for qualification

Qualification Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

(%) Frequency Percentage (%)

Bachelor’s Degree 18 60 18 60

Graduate/Professional 6 20 24 80

Masters 6 20 30 100

Ph.D. 0 0 30 100

Figure 4.2: Descriptive analysis for qualification

The result above shows the highest qualification of the respondents who participated in this questionnaire
survey. There are 18 teachers that are Bachelor’s Degree holder with 60%, 6 teachers are Graduate or
Professional degree holder with 20%, 6 teachers are Masters holder with 20% and none of the teacher are
Ph.D. holder. Form the result above, it shows that most of the respondents are Bachelor’s Degree holder.

Table 4.3: Descriptive analysis for gender

Gender Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

(%) Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 1 3.3 1 3.3

Female 29 96.7 30 96.7

Figure 4.3: Descriptive analysis for gender

The result above shows the gender of the respondents who participated in the questionnaire
survey. There is only 1 respondent that is male with 3.3% and 29 respondents are female
with 96.7%. From the result above, it shows that most of the respondents are female.

Table 4.4: Descriptive analysis for age

Age Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

(%) Frequency Percentage (%)

21 - 30 years old 5 16.7 5 16.7

31 - 40 years old 10 33.3 15 50

41 - 50 years old 8 26.7 23 76.7

Above 50 years old 7 23.3 30 100

Figure 4.4: Descriptive analysis for age

The result above shows the age range of the respondents who participated in this questionnaire survey.
There are 5 respondents that are between 21 to 30 years old with 16.7%, 10 respondents are between 31
to 40 years old with 33.3%, 8 respondents are 41 to 50 years old with 26.7% and 7 respondents are above
50 years old with 23.3%. From the result above, it shows that most of the respondents are between 31 to
40 years old.
Daily average working hour

Table 4.5: Descriptive analysis for daily average working hour

Daily Average Working Frequency Percentage Cumulative Cumulative

Hour (%) Frequency Percentage (%)

6 hours – 8 hours 24 80 218 56.77

8 hours – 10 hours 6 20 295 76.82

10 hours and above 0 23.18 384 100

Figure 4.5: Descriptive analysis for daily average working hour

The result of daily average working hour is shown as above that respondent participate in questionnaire
survey. There are 218 of respondents are working between range of 6 hours to 8 hours per day with
56.77%, 77 respondents are working between range of 8 hours to 10 hours per day with 20.05% and 89
respondents are working between range of more than 10 hour per day with 23.18%. From the result above
show most of the respondents are working between the range of 6 hours to 8 hours per day.
Central Tendencies Measurement

According to Sekaran and Bougie (2012), central tendency can measure in three types of method which
are mean, median and mode. The mean score will be calculated using five interval scaled components
for the questionnaire. For instance, the measurement of job stress is using the five point Likert-scale
which are 1= strongly disagree (SD), 2= disagree (D), 3= Neutral (N), 4= agree (A) and 5= strongly agree
(SA). All the data are collected from the respondents and converted into percentage.

Job Stress

Table 4.6: Central Tendencies Measurement of Constructs: Job Stress

Percentage (%) Mean Ranking

Job Stress
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

I think that my - - - 46.7 53.3 4.5333 2

skills, knowledge
and experience
match the
requirements of
my job.
I think that the - 3.3 3.3 63.3 30 4.2000 5
class preparation
time is adequate.

I think that my - 6.7 3.3 70 20 4.0333 7

workload is just
about right.

The deadlines/ - 3.33 6.7 60 30 4.1667 6

targets of
submission of
reports are
reasonable and
I have a little time - 16.7 6.7 56.7 20 2.2000 12
for rest and
relaxation within
my working day.
My work is not 26.7 46.7 3.3 20 3.3 3.7333 8
appreciated and
seen as valuable.

My colleagues - - - 33.3 66.7 4.6667 1

and I assist and
support one
My job requires a 3.3 - - 43.3 53.3 1.5667 13
great deal of

I think that the - - - 50 50 4.5000 3

opportunities to
progress and
develop through
training are fair to
I feel that there - 3.3 - 50 46.7 4.4000 4
are opportunities
available in the
school to enable
myself to progress
in my career.
My personal and 3.3 43.3 26.7 16.7 10 3.1333 9
social life is
detrimentally  by
the events happen
at work.
My job leave me 3.3 33.3 33.3 23.3 6.7 3.0333 10
with little time to
get things done.

My health is being 6.7 30 20 36.7 6.7 2.9333 11

affected by my
work, physically
and emotionally.
There are 13 statements test about employees’ job stress, one of the statement is “I think that my skills,
knowledge and experience match the requirements of my job.” It receives the second ranking, with a
mean of 4.5333. There are 46.7% of respondents who agreed that their skills, knowledge and experience
match the requirements of my job. There are 53.3% of respondents who chose strongly agree.

“I think that the class preparation time is adequate” had scored the fifth for the ranking where the mean
is 4.2000. There are 63.3% of respondent who agree with it, 3.3% remain neutral, 30% strongly agree,
while 3.3% choose disagree. Besides, statement of “I think that my workload is just about right” is
ranked at seventh place with a mean score of 4.0333 followed by “The deadlines/ targets of submission
of reports are reasonable and achievable” which is ranked at sixth with the mean score 4.1667. For “I
have a little time for rest and relaxation within my working day,” 16.7% of the respondents disagreed
with it, 6.7% feel neutral with it. 20% of them feel strongly agree and 56.7% of them agree with it.
There is no respondents who strongly disagreed with this statement. Thus, it receives the twelfth rank
with a mean of 2.2000.

For the statement “My work is not appreciated and seen as valuable,” it is placed as the eighth rank with
a mean score of 3.7333 which contain 26.7% of the respondents who choose strongly disagree and 46.7%
of them feel disagree for this statement. It shows the low percentage of the respondents who choose
neutral with 3.3%. While the respondents who agreed with the statement is 20% and 3.3% for strongly
agree. As for the statement “My colleagues and I assist and support one another,” it receives the highest
ranking with a mean of 4.6667. There are 33.3% of respondents who agreed that their colleagues assist
and support one another. There are 66.7% of respondents who chose strongly agree.
“My job requires a great deal of concentration,” is placed as the lowest rank with a mean score of
1.5667. In this statement, 43.3% of respondents choose agree, 53.3% choose strongly agree and 3.3%
choose strongly disagree. Meanwhile, 50% of the respondents choose agree with the statement “I think
that the opportunities to progress and develop through training are fair to everyone,” and 50% of
respondents strongly agree with it. It was ranked as the third with a mean score of 4.5000.

Among the 30 respondents, 3.3% choose disagree, 50% choose agree, and 46.7% choose strongly agree
for the statement “I feel that there are opportunities available in the school to enable myself to progress
in my career.” It scored the fourth rank whereby the mean is 4.4000. “My personal and social life is
affected detrimentally by the events happen at work,” is the ninth rank and has 3.1333 for the mean. The
respondents who choose strongly disagree and disagree is 3.3% and 43.3%. On the other hand, 16.7% and
10% of the respondents choose agree and strongly agree with the statement, and 26.7% of the
respondents choose neutral.

“My job leave me with little time to get things done,” had scored the tenth rank where the mean is
3.0333. There are 3.4% of respondents who strongly disagreed with this statement, 33.3% of the
respondents disagreed and 33.3% remain neutral, 6.7% strongly agree and 23.3% agree. Furthermore,
6.7% choose strongly disagree, 30% choose disagree, 36.7% of respondents choose agree, 6.7% strongly
agree and 20% choose neutral for the statement “My health is being affected by my work, physically and
emotionally.” The mean is 2.9333 and scored the eleventh rank.
Emotional Intelligence

Table 4.7: Central Tendencies Measurement of Constructs: Emotional Intelligence

Percentage (%) Mean Ranking

Intelligence Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree

I realize immediately - 3.3 6.7 73.3 16.7 4.0333 6

when I lose my

I know when I am - - - 40 60 4.6000 1


I usually recognize - 3.3 6.7 70 20 4.0667 5

when I am stressed.

I am always able to - 10 6.7 60 23.3 3.9667 7

see things from the
other person's

I am an excellent - - 10 60 30 4.2000 4

I can usually - 20 6.7 63.3 10 3.6333 8

understand why
people are being
difficult towards me.

I generally build - - - 53.3 46.7 4.4667 2

solid relationships
with those I work

I like to ask questions - - - 66.7 33.3 4.3333 3

to find out what it is
to people.
The result above shows that the top ranked statement is, “I know when I am happy,” where the mean is
4.600. There are 40% of the respondents who choose agree, and 60% strongly agree.

The second higher ranked statement is “I generally build solid relationships with those I work with,” with
the mean score 4.4667. There are 53.3% of the respondents who choose agree, and 46.7% choose
strongly agree.

For statement, “I like to ask questions to find out what it is important to people,” it has the mean value of
4.3333 which is placed as the third in ranking. There are 66.7% of the respondents who choose agree and
33.3% who choose strongly agree.

The statement “I am an excellent listener” is the fourth ranked statement with the mean score of 4.2000.
There are 60% of the respondents who choose agree, followed by 30% for the strongly agree and 10% of
the respondents remained neutral.

The following statement is “I usually recognize when I am stressed,” which received the fifth rank. It’s
mean is 4.0667. There are 70% of the respondents who choose agree and 20% strongly agree. The
respondents who remained neutral is 6.7% and 3.3% for the respondents who disagreed.

For statement, “I realize immediately when I lose my temper,” it is ranked as the sixth with the mean
score 4.0333. There are 73.3% of the respondents who choose agree. Then, !6.7% for the respondents
who strongly agreed, followed by 6.7% who remained neutral and 3.3% for the respondents who

“I am always able to see things from the other person's viewpoint” is ranked at seven with the mean score
3.9667. There are 60% of the respondents who choose agree, 23.3% strongly agree, 6.7% for the
respondents who remained neutral and 10% for those who disagreed.
The last ranked statement is “I can usually understand why people are being difficult towards me” has the
mean 3.6333. Most of the respondents choose agree which is 63.3%. For those who strongly agree had
10%, 6.7% for those who remained neutral and 20% for those who disagreed.

Job Performance

Table 4.8: Central Tendencies Measurement of Constructs: Job Performance

Percentage (%) Mean Ranking

Job Performance Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

I worked towards - - - 66.7 33.3 4.3333 6

the result of my

I had trouble setting 3.3 26.7 33.3 36.7 - 2.9667 12

priorities in my

I could perform my 3.3 16.7 26.7 46.7 6.7 3.3667 11

work well with
minimal time and

I could fulfill my - - - 53.3 46.7 4.4667 5


Communication - - - 46.7 53.3 4.5333 4

with others led to
the desired result.

I asked for help - - - 33.3 66.7 4.6667 2

when needed.
I think the students - - 3.3 73.3 23.3 4.2000 8
were satisfied with
my work.

I will improve my - - - 30 70 4.7000 1

job knowledge to
have better
productivity in my

I came up with - - - 73.3 26.7 4.2667 7

creative solutions to
new problems.

I purposely left my 40 46.7 - 10 3.3 4.1000 9

work so that
someone else had to
finish it.

I complained about 20 56.7 13.3 10 - 3.8667 10

unimportant matters
at work.

I quarreled with my 66.7 26.7 3.3 3.3 - 4.5667 3

colleagues at work.

According to the results, the highest ranking statement, “I will improve my job knowledge to have better
productivity in my work,” has the mean score of 4.7000 with 30% of respondents who agreed and 70% of
the respondents strongly agree.

Second in the ranking is the statement, “I asked for help when needed.” It has mean value of 4.6667.
Among 30 of the respondents, 33.3% of them chose agree and 66.7% chose strongly agree.

Moreover, the statement, “I quarreled with my colleagues at work,” has the mean value of 4.5667 which
puts it the third rank. The respondents who strongly disagreed is 66.7%, those who disagreed is 26.7%,
3.3% of the respondents remain neutral and 3.3% choose agree.

The statement, “Communication with others led to the desired result,” has the mean score of 4.5333 and
receives the fourth rank. There are 46.7% of the respondents who chose agree, and 66.7% strongly agree.

The fifth in rank statement turned out to be, “I could fulfill my responsibilities,” which has the mean
value of 4.4667. There are 53.3% of the respondents who chose agree, and 46.7% chose strongly agree.

The sixth in rank statement turned out to be, “I worked towards the result of my work,” which has the
mean value of 4.3333. There are 66.7% of the respondents who chose agree and 33.3% choose strongly

“I came up with creative solutions to new problems,” has the mean value of 4.2667 and is placed in the
seventh rank. There 73.3% of the respondents who agreed and 26.7% who strongly agreed with the

The statement, “I think the students were satisfied with my work,” has the mean value of 4.200 which is
placed in the eighth rank. There are 73.3% of the respondents who chose agree, 3.3% remained neutral,
and 23.3% chose strongly agree.

The statement which is in the ninth rank is, “I purposely left my work so that someone else had to finish
it.” It has mean value of 4.1000. There are 40% of the respondent who strongly disagreed, 46.7% choose
disagree, 10% who chose agree and 3.3% of the respondents strongly agreed.

The tenth rank statement is, “I complained about unimportant matters at work.” It has the mean value of
3.8667. There are 20% of the respondents who chose strongly disagree, 56.7% disagree, 13.3% remain as
neutral and 10% agreed with the statement.

The statement which is in the eleventh rank is, “I could perform my work well with minimal time and
effort.” It has mean value of 3.3667. There are 6.7% of the respondents choose strongly agree, 46.7%
agreed with the statement, 26.7% remaine d neutral, 16.7% disagree and 3.3% of t h e respondents
strongly disagreed.

Lastly, the statement, “I had trouble setting priorities in my work,” has scored the lowest mean which is
2.9667. There are 3.3% of the respondents who strongly disagreed, 26.7% chose disagree, 33.3%
remained as neutral, and 36.7% agreed.

Inferential Analysis

Pearson Correlation Coefficient

The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to measure the strength, direction and the importance
relationship between two variables which are independent variable and dependent variable. It has been
differentiating into 3 parts which are +1, 0 and
-1, each of them represents a different meaning of linear correlation. +1 is a total positive linear
correlation, 0 is no linear correlation and -1 is total negative correlation.

Table 4.9: Rules of Thumb about Correlation Coefficient Size

Coefficient Range Strength of Association

+0.91 - +1.00 Very strong

+0.71 - +0.90 High

+0.41 - +0.70 Moderate

+0.21 - +0.40 Small but definite relationship

+0.01 - +0.20 Slight, almost negligible

*Assumes correlation coefficient is statistically significant.

Table 4.10: Relationship between Independent Variables and Dependent Variable Correlation
Job Stress Emotional Job
Intelligence Performance

Job Stress Pearson

1 - 0.62
.0001 .0001
N 30 30 30

Emotional Pearson 0.49

Intelligence Correlation
- 1
.0001 .0001
N 30 30 30

Job Pearson 0.62

Performance Correlation
0.49 1
.0001 .0001
N 30 30 30

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Hypotheses 1

H0: There is no significant relationship between job stress and job performance.
H1: There is a significant relationship between job stress and job performance.

The Table 4.14 shows the result of there is a positive relationship between job stress and job performance.
Job stress has a 0.024 correlation with the variable of job performance. Although there is no statement
proving that there is negative relationship between job stress and job performance, but it proved that job
stress might be one of the little motivation to increase the job performance when a little job stress

The value of correlation coefficient 0.024 is fall under the coefficient range from
+0.01 to +0.20. This shows that the relationship between job stress and job performance is slight and too
small. The p-value shows 0.0001 which is less than significance alpha value 0.01. Thus, the researchers
reject H0 and support H1. There is a significant relationship between stress and job performance.

Hypotheses 2

H0: There is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance.
H1: There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance.

The table above show a result of there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and job
performance. Emotional intelligence has a 0.532 correlation with job performance. Thus, this statement
shows that the better the person can control their own emotional intelligence, the better job performance
they will have.

The correlation coefficient show a value of 0.532 is fall under the coefficient range from +0.41 to +0.70.
This shows that the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance is moderate. The
result also shows that the p-value is 0.0001 which is less than significance alpha value 0.01. Thus, the
Job Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Extrinsic Motivation on Job

reject H0 and support H1. There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job


The data are collected from questionnaires that were analyzed in this chapter. Firstly, descriptive analysis
is discussed, the demographic analysis of target respondents is obtained to comprehend their background
and characteristic and central tendencies measurement of constructs also obtained mean value of data.
Secondly, the reliability test of this research is analyzed. Finally, Pearson Correlation and Multiple
Regression Analysis are obtained and analyzed. Further discussion will be discussed in chapter 5.

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Job Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Extrinsic Motivation on Job

Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion

5.1 Introduction

For the last chapter, will be further discuses about the statistical analysis include summary of descriptive
analyses and inferential analyses, follow by implications of major study which discussed from the
statistical analysis. Limitations and recommendations for this research also discussed. Lastly, the overall
conclusion of this research study will be proposed.

Summary of Statistical Analysis

Summary of Descriptive Analyses

According to previous demographic profile from chapter 4 for this study, among the respondents who
answering the questionnaires, 57.55% of them are senior teacher, 39.58% are junior teacher and 2.87%
are assistance or vice principle. School principle is not involves in this study.

For the period of employed in current school, the highest of service in current school is more than 10
years which 36.71% among the respondents. The second highest, 29.95% of respondents service in
current school for range of 3 to 6 years, followed by 23.44% of respondents service is less than 3 years.
There are 9.9% of respondents’ services ranged from 7 to 10 years.

In addition, most of the responded primary school teachers are degree holder up to 56.51% from the total
of 384 respondents. 36.71% of them are Graduate or Professional Degree holder. Respondents who
holding Masters only 6.77% and there is zero for Ph.D. holder.

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Job Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Extrinsic Motivation on Job

This study has the most female respondents consist of 65.89%, which greater than male respondents
34.12% due to the target group of people are school teachers while the majority of them are lady.

Based on the aspect of respondents’ age, majority of them are fall in ages between 31 to 40 years old
(36.72%) and followed by 33.33% of respondents are ages between 41 to 50 years old. There are
23.18% of young respondent ages between 21 to 30 years old. The lowest 6.77% of respondents are
above 50 years old.

Moreover, most of the respondents are receiving range of RM3100 and above monthly salary (73.44%),
followed by RM2600 to RM3000 (20.57%). The lowest monthly salary range is RM2100 to RM2500,
while none for RM1000to RM1500 and RM1600 to RM2000.

In perspective of daily average working hour, most of the respondents are work for 6 hours to 8 hours
(56.77%), 20.05% work for 8 hours to 10 hours, while 23.18% work for 10 hours and above.

Summary of Inferential Analyses

Reliability Test

According to the test from 384 respondents, all of the variables have reliability above 0.6. This result
shows moderately reliable of the questionnaires for survey.

Moreover, 0.665 is coefficient alpha value for job stress, for the emotional intelligence is 0.787, and lastly
the extrinsic motivation is 0.798. This figure had proved that the outcomes are excellent reliability for all
of the independent variables. Besides, result for job performance is our dependent variable and 0.797 is
the value for alpha.

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Pearson Correlation Analysis

A technique for measuring and investigating the relationship of all the variables is the Pearson Correlation
Coefficient. Depending on the data obtained from the analysis, it had clearly illustrated all the
independent variables (job stress, emotional intelligence, extrinsic motivation) had a strong relationship
among the job performance. Among the variables the value for correlation coefficient from the lowest
until the highest which are 0.024 for job stress, 0.532 for emotional intelligence and 0.647 for extrinsic

Multiple Regression Analysis

The output of Multiple Regression Analysis, alpha value is 0.05 which is greater than p-value which the
value is less than 0.0001 and the F value is 107.91 which is significant. Therefore, the independent
variables which are job stress, emotional intelligence and extrinsic motivation are significantly explaining
the variance in job performance. Furthermore, the value from the output for the R-Square is 0.4600. It
mean the independent variables, job stress, emotional intelligence and extrinsic motivation can explain
the 46% of the variation in dependent variable which is job performance while the remaining 54%
unexplained the variations.

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Job Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Extrinsic Motivation on Job

Discussion on Major Finding

Table: 5.1 Correlation Value between Independent Variables and Job Performance

Hypotheses P-value Conclusion


Hypotheses 1 p= 0.0001 H1 is supported.

H1: There is a significant r= 0.024
between job stress and job performance.

Hypotheses 2 p= 0.0001 H1 is supported.

H1: There is a significant r= 0.532
between emotional intelligence
and job

Hypotheses 3 p= 0.0001 H1 is supported.

H1: There is a significant r= 0.647
between extrinsic motivation
and job

Job Stress

Hypotheses 1

H1: There is a significant relationship between job stress and job performance.

The hypothesis tested on the relationship between job stress and job performance among primary school
teachers in Malaysia. As result show, the p-value is 0.0001 and r-value is 0.024 which is shown a
significant positive relationship. The little of job stress able drive job performance increase. However, job
stress should have negative relationship with job performance as mentioned at previous chapters.

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Job Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Extrinsic Motivation on Job

Based on the research of Nyangahu and Bula (2015), they claimed that appropriate stress level will
increase the job performance, and this is called as eustress. For instance, employee performance will
pushed to their best as short deadline given. Besides, Nyangahu and Bula (2015), average job stress will
positively influence a better job performance. However, too much of stress will negatively influence a
poorer job performance. The study of Zafar, Ali, Hameed, Ilyas and Younas (2015) supported that
eustress is motivate job performance and positively promote work effort of employee. Besides, job stress
able to increase the employee capabilities and appropriate of stress level can increase the employee
effectiveness and efficiencies.

Emotional Intelligence

Hypothesis 2

H1: There is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance among
primary school teachers in Malaysia.

The hypothesis tested on the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance from
primary school teachers in Malaysia. As an output, p-value is
0.000 which mean it is less than the alpha value (0.05). The value of Pearson correlation coefficient
which is +0.532and it show the positive sign it mean that there is a positive relationship between the
independent variable (emotional intelligence) and dependent variable (job performance). This indicates
that the greater emotional intelligence the better job performance. In other words, emotional intelligence
of teachers will lead to excellence job performance.

According to Dhani, Sehrawat and Sharma (2016), they found that the emotional intelligence and job
performance have the positive relationship between each other. Those people who are emotionally
intelligence generally develop themselves continuously and aim on inculcating vision thus they are
able to achieve better

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performance (Shamsuddin and Rahman, 2014). This indicates that emotional intelligence contributes
positively to job performance among the teachers from primary school in Malaysia. Refer from the study
of Nwankwo (2013), emotional intelligence plays a significant role in key job outcomes in the
organization. The previous research outcome mentions that the relationship is positive between emotional
intelligence and job performance had been proved. Thus, based on the previous studies the H1 is being

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