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Profession Based Puzzle Questions PDF For Sbi Clerk Rbi Assistant Mains Exam

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Expected Profession Based Puzzle for Upcoming Mains Exam

Puzzle Based on Profession

Directions (1-5): Read the following information who wears Pink shirt is three ranks higher than the one
carefully and answer the questions given beside. who wears Orange Shirt. U is Chairman and wears Beige
Color shirt. The shirt worn by V is of Grey color. T is 2
Seven employees of an organization namely P to V
ranks lower than U. The one having third lowest
belong to different ranks/roles in the hierarchy. Their
designation wears Brown shirt. Neither P nor Q wears
designations (not necessarily in same order) in
Brown shirt. Senior Manager wears Blue shirt. V does
descending order are mentioned below:
not belong to the top three ranks.
Chairman > Managing Director > HOD> Senior
1. What is the rank of P from Top as per given
Manager> Assistant Manager> Executive> Trainee
designation order?
They wear shirts of different colors as per the dress code (a) 3
decided by organization's HR for each role. The one who (b) 4
is an Executive wears Orange shirt. R whose designation (c) 6
is higher than that of S and he wears Black shirt. The one (d) Either (b) or (c)
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Expected Profession Based Puzzle for Upcoming Mains Exam
(e) 2 Directions (6-10): These questions are based on the
2. The person whose designation is HOD wears following information.
which color shirt? P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and Ware eight Employee are
(a) Brown working in three different Universities, Disha University,
(b) Blue Arihant University, G.M. University and not more than
(c) Orange three persons are working in the same University. Each
(d) Black of them has different designations viz. Director,
(e) Pink Principal, Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant
3. If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical Professor, Lecturer, Lab Assistant and Librarian, not
order from top to bottom with respect to necessarily in the same order. Designation order is given
designation order then T’s designation is in descending order. S works neither at Disha University
(a) Managing Director nor works in the same university as U works at. R and U
(b) HOD work in the same University and R designation is not 4th
(c) Senior Manager from bottom. Q is principal works at Arihant University
(d) Assistant Manager and T is the only other person who works in Arihant
(e) Executive University. Neither the Professor nor the Assistant
4. How many people are there between the one who Professor works in GM University. P designation is
like Beige color and the one who like Orange highest among them but does not work in G.M.
color? University. Neither V nor W holds 4th rank designation
(a) 3 from Top. U is a Lecturer and V is not least rank in
(b) 4 designation.
(c) 6 6. Which among the following groups works in G.M.
(d) 5 University?
(e) 2 (a) Q, R, S
5. If U related to ‘Pink color’ and R related to ‘Blue (b) T, V, U
color’ then S related to which color? (c) Q, S, T
(a) Black (d) P, S, R
(b) Grey (e) V, W, S
(c) Brown 7. Among the Following, Whose Designation is
(d) Orange Librarian?
(e) None of these (a) R
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(b) W Eight People A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H work in different
(c) S Engineering department as HOD posts. Each of them
(d) Q takes different number of lectures in a week, which was
(e) None of these different for each of them. Different number of lecture is
8. Which among the following groups of viz. 27, 24, 20, 16, 14, 10, 8 and 3. Also it is known that
Designations are from Disha University? different departments is in decreasing order
(a) Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Computer Science > Electronics > Civil > Mechanical >
Director Electrical > I.T. > Chemical > Biotechnology
(b) Principal, Professor-Librarian and Lab Assistant
(c) Librarian, Lab-Assistant and Principal G takes more lecture than B but fewer lectures than C
(d) Professor, Director and Lecturer and is HOD of Chemical department. Total lecture taken
(e) None of these by B is odd number in a week. Sum of total lecture taken
9. Four of the following five are alike in a certain by H and F is 51. F is not the HOD of Electrical
way based on the given information and so form a department. Total Number of lecture taken by E and F is
group. Find the one which does not belong to the 37 in a week. HOD of Electronics department takes
group. fewer lectures than the HOD of Computer department
(a) Q - Principal and their lectures are in multiple of 2. H takes more than
(b) S - Professor 20 lectures in a week but not the highest. C who takes 16
(c) U- Assistant Professor lectures in a week is works as HOD of Civil department.
(d) W- Lecturer The person who is HOD of Electrical department takes
(e) V-Librarian 20 lectures in a week. A take less lecture than D but
10. Which among the following is True as per Given takes more than G and E. Number of lecture taken by
Information? HOD of Mechanical department is just higher than the
(a) S- G.M.University - Professor HOD of Biotechnology department and difference
(b) Q- ArihantUniversity –Lab Assistant between numbers of lecture taken by them is three.
(c) T – Arihant University – Assistant Professor
(d) W-Disha University -Lab Assistant 11. Total lecture taken by HOD of Chemical
(e) None of these department?
Directions (11-15): These questions are based on the (a) 14
following information (b) 10
(c) 8
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(d) 20 Directions (16-20): These questions are based on the
(e) None of these following information.
12. What is the difference between number of lecture
Seven persons namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R working
taken by HOD of Civil and Mechanical
as a Trainee, AM( Assistant Manager), MGR(Manager),
SM (Senior Manager), MD (Managing Director), CMD
(a) 7
(Chief Managing Director), CEO(Chief Executive
(b) 4
Officer) not in the same order in a Company. Each likes
(c) 13
a different color namely Red, Green, Yellow, White,
(d) 11
Blue, Black and Brown not in same order.
(e) None of these
NOTE: positions are in the Ascending order of their
13. E is HOD of which department?
experience. CEO is most experienced person and Trainee
(a) Computer Science
least experienced.
(b) Electronics
Only two persons senior to N. O does not like Yellow
(c) Civil, Mechanical,
color. P is senior to the Person who likes White color
(d) Electrical
who does not the least junior. CMD is junior to the
(e) Cannot be determined
Person who likes Black color. Person who likes Yellow
14. Who is HOD of Computer Science Department?
color is senior to Q but junior to P. R is junior to P who
(a) B
is junior to MD. R is senior to Q who likes Blue color. M
(b) C
is senior to P but not the senior most. MD does not like
(c) A
Brown color. O is junior to R who is junior to L. MD is
(d) E
senior to the one who likes Green color.
(e) None of the above
16. Who among the following is CEO of the
15. Which among the following pair is odd from the
(a) P
(a) F,27
(b) M
(b) H,24
(c) The one who like black color
(c) G,8
(d) Q
(d) D,20
(e) None of these
(e) B,10
17. Who among the following Green color?
(a) R

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(b) P C is junior than F, who is not Dean. The one who is Dean
(c) L is 5years younger than HOD. More than two persons are
(d) Q junior than A. Age of the one who is Lecturer is a perfect
(e) None of these cube of an odd number. Age of the one who is Lecture is
18. Which of the following color between O and P? not less than 25years. B is Junior than D but senior than
(a) Green C. Age of the one who is HOD is just double the age of
(b) Blue the one who is Lecturer. F is senior to E who is not
(c) Red Lecturer. D is not Professor. Age of the one who is
(d) Yellow Professor is a perfect square of number and 13years
(e) None of these younger than D. The one who is Chairman is 11years
19. How many persons is Senior to O? older than the one who is HOD. D is senior to A. F’ age
(a) Four is an odd number. E is 7years younger than D. B is
(b) One 9years older than C.
(c) Three 21. Who among the following is HOD of the College?
(d) More than four (a) F
(e) None (b) D
20. Who among the following MD of the company? (c) The one who is 32years old
(a) Q (d) A
(b) P (e) None of these
(c) M 22. Who among the following is 65years old?
(d) L (a) E
(e) N (b) B
Directions (21-25): Study the following information (c) F
carefully to answer the given questions: (d) C
Six people from a college participated in a cultural event (e) None of these
held in Indore. Each of these six people had different 23. What is the age difference between B and E?
designations. The designation of these people in (a) 22years
decreasing order is as Chairman, Dean, HOD, Professor, (b) 23years
Asst. Professor and Lecturer. Each of them was an expert (c) 24years
in different engineering branch. No one is older than (d) 25years
65years. (e) None of these
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24. How many persons are junior to F? M is the lightest and he neither ED nor GM in the
(a) Four company. The Weight of the second lightest person is
(b) One 171kg. The one who like Star is junior to the one who
(c) Three like ZEE. R is senior to Q. Weight of the R is not odd
(d) Two number. Weight of the one who is CGM of the company
(e) None of these is lighter than R. Weight of the one who is AM is lighter
25. Who among the following Lecturer of the than the one who is GM. R is junior to the one who like
College? IBC24. Weight of the second Heaviest person is 184kg
(a) A and O is not second Heaviest person. Weight of the one
(b) C who likes ABP is less than the one who is AM. The one
(c) D who likes ZEE is not DGM of the company. Q is not
(d) E Heaviest person but heavier than P. O does not like
(e) None of these Aajtak. M neither likes ZEE nor ABP.
Directions (26-30): Study the following information to 26. The one who is CGM of the company likes which
answer the given questions: of the following TV Channels?
There are six employees of a company and all of them (a) ABP
are working on six different positions – AM (Assistant (b) IBC24
Manager), MG (Manager), DGM (Deputy General (c) ZEE
Manager), GM (General Manager), CGM (Chief General (d) Star
Manager), ED (Executive Director). The positions given (e) None of these
are in increasing order of seniority. (AM is the least 27. Q likes which of the following TV Channels?
junior and the ED is the most senior.). Each person likes (a) AAJTAK
different TV Channels and Weight of each person is (b) Sony
different. (c) Star
(d) ZEE
M is senior to P, but the Weight of P is heavier than M.
(e) None of these
R likes Sony Channel and junior to N. Less than three
28. What may be the height of R?
person are senior to O. Weight of O is lighter than N but
(a) 173 kg
heavier than R. The one who likes Aajtak is senior to P
(b) 184 kg
but junior to the one who likes ABP channel. M does not
(c) 170 kg
like AAJTAK. P is not AM in the company. Weight of
(d) 185 kg
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(e) 186 kg whose weight is 25 kg. Only two persons are there in
29. Who among the following is MG of the company? ranks between J and the one whose weight is 35 kg who
(a) The one who is just junior to Q is senior to J. N is not the lightest. At least five people
(b) The one whose weight is more than R junior to K. J is just senior to N. M rank is immediately
(c) The one who likes AAJTAK after the one whose weight is 35 kg. P is just senior to
(d) The one who likes ABP the one who is the second heaviest. Only one person is
(e) The one who likes ZEE there in ranks between K and the person whose weight is
30. Which of the following statement is true about O? 41 kg. Only two persons are there in ranks between M
(a) O is junior to M and L. One of the persons is O.
(b) O likes IBC24 31. What is the weight of N?
(c) Weight of O is more than Q (a) 44
(d) Only three persons are lighter than R (b) 35
(e) None is true (c) 57
(d) 25
Directions (31-35): Study the following information (e) 41
carefully and answer the Questions. 32. What is the rank of the person whose weight 44?
(a) ACP
Seven persons works in Police at different Ranks. Their (b) API
ranks are C.P. (Commissioner of Police), D.C.P (Deputy (c) SI
Commissioner of Police), A.C.P (Assistant (d) CP
Commissioner of Police), P.I (Police Inspector), A.P.I (e) DCP
(Assistant Police Inspector), S.I. (Sub Inspector), A.S.I 33. How many persons are their between the person
(Assistant Sub Inspector), not necessarily in the same whose rank is CP and the person whose weight is
order. (Note: Rank decreases on moving from left to 51?
right). Each of them has different weight in kg viz, 41, (a) 3
51, 44, 35, 57, 19 and 25, but not necessarily in the same (b) 4
order. (c) 2
The one whose weight is 44 kg is either ACP or API. (d) 5
The rank of both J and N were lower than the person (e) 1
whose weight is 41 kg. Only three persons are there in
ranks between the one whose weight is 44 kg and the one
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34. If all the weight are arranged in increasing order Three departments are there between the person who
from west to east then what is the weight of the lives in Bhopal & U who is more experience than the
person whose rank is P.I.? person who lives in Bhopal. T’s is more experience than
(a) 41 the person who lives in Raipur. Neither the person who
(b) 44 lives in Chennai nor the person who lives in Indore has
(c) 51 most experience. W’s is more experience than S but less
(d) 57 experience than T. R & P lives in Hyderabad and
(e) 35 Mumbai respectively. No person lies between V & R.
35. Difference of weight of the person whose rank is Neither U nor Q lives in Pune. Neither W nor S lives in
DCP and ASI is? Raipur. Three persons are there between P & the person
(a) 29 who lives in Raipur. Q works in marketing & Sales
(b) 30 department. Two persons are lies between U & T. One
(c) 31 person lies between T & the person who lives in Pune. P
(d) 33 is more experience than V. The person who lives in
(e) 38 Indore is more experienced than the person who lives in
Directions (36-40): Study the following information Chennai.
carefully and answer the Questions 36. The person who lives in Pune works in which
Each people P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W works in the department?
same office but in a different department on the basis of (a) HR
experience namely Research and Development (R&D), (b) R&D
Public Relations (PR), Human Resources (HR), Quality (c) ACC
Management (QM), Production (PO), Accounts (ACC), (d) ADMIN
Marketing & Sales (M&S) and Administration (ADMIN) (e) PR
in the same order. Each person has been allocated to a 37. How many persons are there between the person
department as per decreasing order of experience with who works in HR department and Q?
the one in ADMIN being the least experienced while the (a) 2
one in R&D being the most experienced. They live in (b) 3
different cities of India like Raipur, Delhi, Mumbai, (c) 4
Chennai, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Pune and Indore (not (d) 5
necessarily in same order). (e) 1

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38. Which of the following combinations are true for specialization department on the basis of experience
V? namely Accident and emergency (A&E), Physiotherapy,
(a) HR – Hyderabad Cardiology, Gynecology, Nephrology, Neurology and
(b) M&S - Raipur Radiology, in the same order. Each person has been
(c) ADMIN - Mumbai allocated to a department as per increasing order of
(d) PR - Chennai experience with the one in Accident and emergency
(e) ACC - Raipur (A&E) being the least experienced while the one in
39. How many person have more experience than that Radiology being the most experienced.
the person who lives in Raipur? Only one person has less experience than Q. The one
(a) 2 who has less experience than Q works for Care Hospital.
(b) 3 Only one person has more experience than L. The one
(c) 4 who is specialized in neurology works for Forties
(d) 5 hospital. Only two people have more experience than the
(e) 6 one who works for Vasan healthcare. R works for
40. Four of the following five pairs are alike in a Narayana health and has more experience than the one
certain way based on their positions in the above who works for Vasan healthcare. O has less experience
arrangement and so form a group. Which of the than the one is specialized in Gynecology, but more
following does not belong to the group? experience than the one who works for Apollo hospital.
(a) U- Chennai P neither has the least experience nor did he specialize in
(b) R – Indore Nephrology. M is not specialized in Nephrology. The
(c) S - Bhopal one who works for wockhard hospital not specialized of
(d) Q – Mumbai Gynecology.
(e) T - Bhopal 41. Which of the following is Cardiology Specialist?
Directions (41-45): Study the following information (a) L
carefully and answer the Questions (b) M
Seven Person namely L, M, N, O, P, Q and R are works (c) N
in different specialization of different hospitals namely (d) Q
Apollo Hospitals, Care Hospitals, Fortis Hospitals, Mittal (e) O
Hospitals,Narayana Health,Vasan Healthcare,Wockhard 42. Person who works for Fortis Hospital is
Hospitals but not necessarily in the same order. Each specialized in which department?
doctor works in the different hospitals but in a different (a) Radiology
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(b) Gynecology moving from left to right). They like different movies
(c) Neurology URI, MangalPandey, Border, Raazi, Fauji and Airlift.
(d) Nephrology Only four persons are Rank lies above Q. Only Three
(e) Cardiology persons rank below the likes MangalPandey. U does not
43. Person who works for Vasan Healthcare is hold lowest Rank but Rank below to the one who likes
experienced than how many persons? Airlift. The person who is General rank does not like
(a) 1 Airlift. S Rank is not below the one who likes Fauji. T
(b) 3 does not like URI. R has lower Rank than Colonal.
(c) 4 Neither U nor P likes Raazi. More than two persons
(d) 2 Rank’s below the one who likes Raazi. The one who
(e) 5 likes Fauji is not Caption but rank above to the one who
44. Which of the following hospitals doctor is most likes Border. P’s Rank is above the one who likes
experience? MangalPandey. R’s rank below P but rank above to the
(a) Fortis one who likes Border.
(b) Apollo 46. Which if the following Movie Liked by T?
(c) Mittal (a) MangalPndey
(d) Narayana (b) URI
(e) Vasan (c) Fuji
45. How many person are their between the L and the (d) Razzi
person who is specialist of Cardiology? (e) Border
(a) 2 47. Who among the following likes Border?
(b) 3 (a) P
(c) 1 (b) U
(d) 4 (c) T
(e) 5 (d) S
Directions (46-50): Study the following information (e) Cannot be Determined
carefully to answer the given questions: 48. How many persons are junior to the person who
P, Q, R, S, T and U work in Army at different levels. likes Airlift?
Their ranks are General, Brigadier, Colonel, Major, (a) One
Captain and Lieutenant. (Note: Rank decreasing on (b) Two
(c) Three
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(d) More than three (e) None of these
(e) None of these 50. Who among the following is just junior to P?
49. The one who’s Rank Is Brigadier like which (a) T
among the following Movie? (b) S
(a) URI (c) Q
(b) Razzi (d) R
(c) Airlift (e) U
(d) Fauji
Solution and Detailed Explanation

SOLUTION(1-5): 5. The one who wears Pink shirt is three ranks higher
than the one who wears Orange Shirt
Chairman > Managing Director > HOD> Senior 6. Senior Manager wears Blue shirt
Manager > Assistant Manager > Executive > Trainee

Explanation in detail:

1. The one who is an Executive wears Orange shirt.

2. U is Chairman and wears Beige Color shirt.
3. T is 2 ranks lower than U.

7. The shirt worn by V is of Grey color.

8. V does not belong to the top three ranks.
9. R whose designation is higher than that of S and he
wears Black shirt.

4. The one having third lowest designation wears

Brown shirt.

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10. Neither P nor Q wears Brown shirt

1. d

2. e

3. d

4. b

5. b


Explanation in detail:

1. Q is Principal works at Arihant University and T is

the only other person who works in
2. U is a Lecturer.

11. Only S is left now.

12. Position of P and Q not fixed.

Final Arrangement

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3. P designation is highest among them but does not 8. Neither V nor W holds 4th rank designation.
work in G.M 9. V is not least rank in designation
4. S works neither at Disha University nor works in the
same university as U works at.
5. R and U work in the same University

Final arrangement:
6. Neither the Professor nor the Assistant Professor
works in GM University.
7. R designation is not 4th from bottom

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6. e

7. b
4. Sum of total lecture taken by H and F is 51.
8. d 5. H takes more than 20 lectures in a week but not
the highest
9. a

10. c

SOLUTION (11-15): 6. Number of lecture taken by HOD of Mechanical

department is just higher than the HOD of
Explanation in detail:
Biotechnology department and difference
1. The person who is HOD of Electrical department between numbers of lecture taken by them is
takes 20 lectures in a week. three.
2. C who takes 16 lectures in a week is works as
HOD of Civil department.
3. G is of Chemical department.

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11. HOD of Electronics department takes fewer

lectures than the HOD of Computer department
and their lectures are in multiple of 2.

7. Total Number of lecture taken by E and F is 37 in

a week.(we have found that F = 27)

8. Total lecture taken by B is odd number in a

week.(B takes 3 lecture in a week)
9. G takes more lecture than B but fewer lectures
than C

10. A take less lecture than D but takes more than G

and E.

If G takes 14 Lectures than only 20 is left for D and A.

which is not possible. So G takes 8 lectures

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Final arrangement:

3. P is senior to the Person who likes White color who

does not the least junior.
4. P who is junior to MD

For this three case are their

11. c CASE 1

12. d

13. b

14. c

15. e

SOLUTION (16-20):

Explanation in detail:

1. Only two persons senior to N

2. CMD is junior to the Person who likes Black color.

CASE 1 a

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5. Person who likes Yellow color is senior to Q but

junior to P. 9. The one who likes Yellow color is senior to Q but
6. R is junior to P who is junior to MD. junior to P.
7. R is senior to Q who likes Blue color.
8. M is senior to P but not the senior most CASE1
CASE 2 Eliminated


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Final Arrangement

10. O does not like Yellow color.

11. MD is senior to the one who likes Green color.
CASE 1a Eliminated
16. C
CASE 1 17. B

18. D
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19. D
D>B>C (D is not professor)
20. E

SOLUTION (21-25): F>C (F is not Dean)

Explanation in detail: F>E (E is not lecturer)

1. Age of the one who is Lecture is not less than

2. Age of the one who is HOD is just double the age
of the one who is Lecturer.
3. The one who is Chairman is 11years older than the
one who is HOD
4. The one who is Dean is 5years younger than HOD.
5. Age of the one who is HOD is just double the age
of the one who is Lecturer

6. D is senior to A.
7. More than two persons are junior than A.
8. B is Junior than D but senior than C.
9. C is junior than F, who is not Dean.
10. F is senior to E who is not Lecturer.
11. D is not Professor.
12. F’ age is an odd number.

Brief hints:

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21. d
13. Age of the one who is Professor is a perfect
square of number and 13years younger than D. 22. c
Note: Case-1 & Case-2 gets rejected since D’s
age is 65 years & professor age is 13 years 23. E
younger than D i.e. 65-13=52 years, but it is not 24. e
a perfect square
25. b

SOLUTION (26-30):

Explanation in detail:

1. Weight of M is the lightest.

2. Weight of P is heavier than M.
3. Weight of O is lighter than N but heavier than R.
4. The Weight of the second lightest person is 171cm.
5. Weight of the R is not odd number.
6. Weight of the second Heaviest person is 184cm and
O is not second Heaviest person.
7. Q is not Heaviest person but heavier than P.
14. E is 7years younger than D.
From above information we arrange all the person in
15. B is 9 years older than C.
Decreasing order of their weight.
Note: E’s age is 42 (49-7=42) and B’s age is 36

8. Less than three person are senior to O.

Final Arrangement
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9. The one who likes Aajtak is senior to P but junior to
the one who likes ABP channel. M does not like CASE 2
10. Weight of the one who is CGM of the company is
lighter than R.
11. M is senior to P.

16. The one who likes Aajtak is senior to P but junior to

the one who likes ABP channel.
17. M does not like Aajtak. O does not like Aajtak
18. Weight of the one who likes ABP is less than the one
CASE 2 who is AM
19. R likes Sony Channel
20. M neither likes ZEE nor ABP.

12. R likes Sony Channel and junior to N.

13. R is senior to Q.
14. Weight of the one who is AM is lighter than the one
who is GM.
15. P is not AM in the company.

CASE 1 is Eliminated because O is GM and then

AM must be lighter than GM i.e. either R or P,
but P is not AM and R is senior to Q.

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21. The one who likes ZEE is not DGM of the company. 26. b
22. The one who like star is junior to the one who like 27. c
23. M neither likes ZEE nor ABP 28. a

Case-2-A gets rejected since P must like ZEE, but the 29. e
one who like ZEE is not the DGM.
30. E
SOLUTION (31-35):

Explanation in detail:

1. The one whose weight is 44 kg is either ACP or API.

2. Only three persons are there in ranks between the one
whose weight is 44 kg and the one whose weight is
25 kg


Final arrangement:

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3. At least five people junior to K. CASE 2a

4. Only one person is there in ranks between K and the
person whose weight is 41 kg.

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9. P is just senior to the one who is the second heaviest.
10. N is not the lightest

5. The rank of both J and N were lower than the person

whose weight is 41 kg.
6. Only two persons are there in ranks between J and
the one whose weight is 35 kg who is senior to J.
Final Arrangement
7. M rank is immediately after the one whose weight is
11. One of the persons is O.
35 kg.
8. Only two persons are there in ranks between M and

From here case 1 and case2a eliminated (8th

statement not satisfied)

31. c

32. b

33. b
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34. a

35. e

SOLUTION (36-40):

Explanation in detail:

1. Q works in marketing & Sales department.

2. Three department are their between the person who
lives in Bhopal & U who is more experience than the
person who lives in Bhopal.
3. Two person lies between U & T
4. One person lies between T & the person who lives in
5. W’s is more experience than S but less experience
than T.


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11. Neither U nor Q lives in Pune.

12. Neither the person who lives in Chennai nor the
person who lives in Indore has most experience
13. W’s is more experience than S but less experience
than T.
6. R & P lives in Hyderabad and Mumbai respectively. 14. The person who lives in Indore is more experienced
7. No person lies between V & R. than the person who lives in Chennai.
8. T’s is more experience than the person who lives in
Raipur CASE 3
9. Three person are their between P & the person who
lives in Raipur
10. P is more experience than V.

From here CASE 1, Case-2 and CASE 4

Eliminated (simultaneously all the above
statements not possible)


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Final arrangement:

6. R works for Narayana health and has more

experience than the one who works for Vasan
7. O has less experience than the one is specialized in
36. a Gynecology, but more experience than the one who
works for Apollo hospital.
37. b

38. e

39. d

40. c


Explanation in detail:

1. Only one person has less experience than Q.

2. The one who has less experience than Q works for
Care Hospital.
3. Only one person has more experience than L.
4. The one who is specialized in neurology works for
Forties hospital.
5. Only two people have more experience than the one 8. P neither has the least experience nor did he
who works for Vasan healthcare. specialize in Nephrology.
9. M is not specialized in Nephrology.

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10. The one who works for wockhard hospital not 45. a
specialized of Gynecology.

Explanation in detail:

1. Only four persons are Rank lies above Q.

2. Only Three persons rank below the likes Mangal

Final Arrangement

3. P’s Rank is above the one who likes Mangal

4. R has lower Rank than Colonal.
5. R’s rank below P but rank above to the one who
likes Border.

41. e

42. c

43. c
6. More than two persons Rank’s below the one
44. d who likes Raazi.
7. Neither U nor P likes Raazi.
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11. S Rank is not below the one who likes Fauji.

8. The person who is General rank does not like 12. The one who likes Fauji is not Caption but rank
Airlift. above to the one who likes Border.
9. U does not hold lowest Rank but Rank below to 13. T does not like URI.
the one who likes Airlift. Final Arrangement
10. Neither U nor P likes Raazi.

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46. E

47. C

48. d

49. c

50. e

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