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Techonology and Livelihood Education Agriculture: Learning Activity Sheet No. 7 Quarter 1 - Week 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Bulan 6
Quarter 1 – Week 7
Name of Student: _________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

Plans for the Family’s Animal/Fish Raising Project

I. Introductory Concept
This learning activity sheet was designed to provide you with fun and
meaningful opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace
and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material
while being an active learner.

II. Learning skills from the MELCs

All the activities provided in this lesson will help you to:
• Differentiate direct selling to consumers / retailers TLE6AG-0h-9
• Identify the benefits that can be derived from animal/fish raising
• Identify successful stories of the entrepreneur in animal/fish raising
• Identify plans for the family’s animal raising project. TLEAG-0g-8
• Implements plan on animal/fish raising.
• Monitors growth and progress on animal/fish raising.
• Keeps an updated record of growth/progress on animal/fish raising.
• Expands/enhance one’s knowledge of animal/fish raising using internet

III. Activities
Before we start our discussion, let us have a short recall on our previous lesson.
 Name 3 kinds of four legged-animals being raised as means of livelihood.
1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. _______________
 Name 2 kinds of fish being raised as means of livelihood.
4. ________________ 5. _________________

Lesson 1
Direct Selling to Consumers

Direct selling to the customers guarantees the biggest earnings because all
expenses of commission and extra handling is cut out. The best way to sell
directly to consumers is to deliver these products to hotels, restaurants,
resorts, inns, and clubs. Doing so only entails a one-time shipping or delivery
of the entire product volume to one place. It is easier and they pay top price.
The only disadvantage of this method is the time spent in taking orders and
delivering them


Retailers are people who buy the products and resell them to customers. One
disadvantage of reselling is the amount of time the seller spends in going
around to distribute his or her products.

Lesson 2
1. Animals serve as sources of food for man. Animals give us meat such as
beef, pork and chicken. Aside from these, product like eggs, milk and their
by-products also benefit us.
2. Animals contribute materials for clothing such as wool and leather.
Clothing accessories such as purses, bags, and shoes are also sources of
3. Animals help us in enriching farms. Their manure contributes to the
fertility of the soil.
4. Animals also serves as the farmer workers and helpers. The carabao helps
in hauling products from the field to the market and back.

5. Animals help increase the income of the family and make their economic
standing better.
Benefits from Raising Fish
1. Fish, whether fresh or preserved, provide protein in the diet of people.
2. Fish is also a source of income in terms of exports.
3. Fish can also be a source of food for poultry animals. With the Filipinos
initiative coupled with patience and perseverance, livestock or animal
raising remains a rewarding and sustainable business enterprises.

Lesson 3
Successful Entrepreneurs in Animals and Fish Raising Animal and fish
raising is a profitable business that generates employment for many people.
Here are five known entrepreneurs who became successful in this field:
1. ROBERT PETINES- He is an ordinary fish farmer and because of his
dedication and commitment to this business venture, he became a model
entrepreneur. He was given a prestigious award as National Gawad Saka
Awardee and the Fish for Every Filipino Award in the industry. He
supported the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) where
he adopted the “Sex-Reserved Tilapia Production” he is now considered as
the most successful tilapia raiser in his region.
2. OSCAR GARIN- the owner of Octagon Farm Product and Supply from
Southern Iloilo. As a civil engineer it did not stop him from going back to
his original passion in raising sows or fully-grown female pigs in his
backyard. Accompanied by dedication and hard work eventually turned
into a commercial hog farm with 500 sows.
3. MARTIN AND PILAMAR OZEATA -The owner of (Gemsum
Marketing ) have been in the poultry business since 1994. They were able
to produce 55 ,000 eggs daily when they were starting. Martin did not have
a background in the poultry business.
4. JOEL MAGSAYSAY He left the corporate works, and pursued his
mission as a nature lover. He traded his prestigious life to live in his own
little farm. He incorporated first bee product into household items and able
to send this item as gift to friends and family but through word of mouth,
news about their products eventually spread.

5. JEFFERY LIM- At an early age his family ran a noodle factory but
inspired raising a goat business. He and his wife raising six goats in 2001.
Began to soar high his venture last 2009, and he was able to sell more than
400 goats. He named his farm as JSJ Goat Farms which continues to
profits and goat raising has been his goldmine since he started.

Lesson 4
Planning for the Family’s Animal and Fish Raising Project. Here are some
suggestions to make the right decisions.
 Attend seminars sponsored by government agencies
 Read journals or magazines on livestock raising.
 Interview a person authority or experts on animal raising.
 Have enough capital or budget for the venture.
 Decide on what animal to raise.
 Determine the proper location or space for the chosen animals.
 Ascertain sufficient food supply for the animals.
 Look into the water system of the place.
 Check manpower

How to Plan Raising a Pig

The following detailed plan shows on how to raise a four legged animal.

1. Constructing a pigpen
Construct the pigpen after the pond has been constructed on the dikes near the
fish pond. Concrete sloping flooring toward the pond should be constructed to
catch pig manure and urine.
In preparing the pigpen, remember to provide the following.

1. Adequate shade and protection from extreme hot and cold temperature.
2. The pen should always be secured and safe.
3. All areas and structures of the pigpen must be sprayed with bleach mixture to
kill the bacteria to avoid the pigs from getting sick.
4. Always keep the ground soft to enable the pigs to exercise freely.
5. Provide clean and plenty supply of water.
2. Stocking
Stock the pig with one 8-10kg or 1.5-month-old weanling animal newly weaned or
detached from a source of dependence)

3. Feeding
Pigs maybe fed twice a day, “kangkong” and others supplemental feeds may be

How to Plan Raising a Fish:

The following is a plan on how to raise a fish. Raising Milkfish:

1. Constructing a pond

In constructing the pond of your milkfish raising business, consider the location.
It should be constructed near a water source. The pond must be free from
flooding so maintain the depth following the required measurement. Construct a
canal to divert excess manure into a compost pit.
1. Digging blade or spade is a tool that is firm and rigid tempered iron with a
handle at one end and flat spoon on the other end.
2. Sliding board made of wood is needed and set in inclined position to help the
movement of mud blocks from the excavation to the construction of the dike.
3. Wooden post from matured betel nut or trunks of anahaw tree is placed along
the side of the bamboo stakes to support both the perimeter of the fishpond and
the fence.
4. Bamboo is used in building of the railings or gabay sticks or tulos and battering
ram or suhay. Nylon or polyethylene twine or rope no.8 is used for tying the
nets to the railings of the bamboo.
5. Anchor materials are composed of stone sinkers or bamboo pegs that are to
secure the end of the perimeter and the breaker nets as well.
6. Synthetic nets are materials such as nylon , polyethylene, and nets made of
2. Stocking
Fingerlings are held in hapa nets for a while before placing them in the pond or
stocking. Then the fingerlings is transferred to the pond directly once they are
ready for stockings.
3. Feeding
• Feeding maybe done either by hand or by dropping a small amount amounts
into pond. Refrain from overfeeding to avoid water pollution.
• The nature and abundance of food depends on how fish is cultivated. The
growth of algae , diatom, planktons, and others is determined by the fertility of
the bottom soil.. Supplementary foods such as copra , rice mill sweepings, corn
and rice ban, fish meals leftovers, and pieces of bread.
4. Harvesting

Milkfish are caught by using a gill net.

Lesson 5
Implements Plan on Animal or Fish Raising

As with any business, it is important to keep records to assess whether your
farm business yields income or not. Assuming is good, farm products are
abundant, and daily operations are at their peak, you should be able to set
standards for all aspects of production. For example, quantity of milk produced
every day, number of young born every breeding cycle, number of animals sold
every selling season.

Monitoring Growth and Progress of Pig

As a business venture, raising pigs does not require a big amount of capital to
start with. It demands careful attention and skills for these animals are always
prone to being affected by disease cause by insufficient nutrition, poor
sanitation, extreme climate and in adequate housing. Its growth was determined
through its genetics which inherited from parents and the environments that
include the following:

a. Care
It is necessary to give time with the pigs every day. Touch them as often
which include brushing, scratching, rubbing etc. Those pigs who are difficult to
tame should be given attention. Keep their pigpen clean pick up trash that can
harm them like wire, broken feeders, piece of plastic paper since it can cause
injury to them once it is swallowed.

b. Food / Diet
A starter ration is given to pigs from weaning day up to two months. Weaning is
the process of withdrawing the piglets from feeding.

They should be weighs 10 to 25 kilograms. The increased of growth is due to

the given needed nutrients. Pigs must also be feed like grass, ipil-ipil and
kangkong. Aside from water, these are the six basic nutrients in a pig ration
which include crude protein, metabolizable minerals, vitamins, proteins and
amino acids.

1. Water – this is the most important nutrients for proper growth and developments
of pig.
2. Crude protein – this is a higher protein level needed for proper growth of pigs.
3. Metabolizable energy – the nutrients contain carbohydrates and
4. Minerals – are important for bone growth.
5. Vitamins – needed to maintain pigs health and keep healthy against disease.

6. Protein Amino Acids – growing pigs needs more lysine than other essential
amino acids.

c. Maintenance and Breeding

The premises of the farm should be properly cleaned. They must be scrubbed
and disinfect before feeding the animals. The caretaker must also be clean to
prevent parasites and disease germs once inside the far. The young pig should
be 8-9 months old before it can be used for breeding. Mate it when in heat
which is done on the third day of the heat period. Take note of the date and add
112 – 114 days and this will be the date of furrowing or giving birth.

Lesson 6
Monitoring Growth and Progress of Milkfish

Starting a milkfish farming business requires intensive study. Proper

budgeting of the expenses used for equipment, maintenance and research can
both help venture to be profitable.

a. Care
The growth rate of milkfish raised in ponds is fast in the first year and from
being a fingerling to marketable size in five months from stocking. The growth
is high if the fish is well fed and quality food is always assured.

b. Food / Diet
Natural feeds such as bentha and plankton are produced in ponds.
Supplementary feeds such as rice ban, sesame oilcake, mustard oil cake is
produce by humans and can be sold at the pet stores.

c. Maintenance and Breeding

1. Great care should be given in maintaining the ponds.
2. Source of water should be adequate available to the entire size of the culture.
3. Milkfish reaches maturity at 1.5kg or 3.3lb. that takes eight to 10 ears in ponds.
4. Three to four million eggs of milkfish are produced its breeding cycle using
natural environmental cues or signals.

Harvesting fish is a very important part of fish farming and it is usually taking
place during cool weather (water temperature must be 60-65 degrees).

Two of the most common harvesting methods are:

a. Draining and seining (a large net with sinkers on one edge and floats on the
other that hangs vertically in the water) This method is also used as total pond
b. Multiple or partial harvest. It is selected according to fish size. Proper size of
nylon nets is used to assure that only marketable size are caught.

Lesson 7
Keep Updated Record of Animal Raising

It is very important in swine raising operations. It serves as future reference

for improving the business. It also helps you identify animals to be culled and
animals to be retained. It also tells whether the project is gaining or losing.
Prices of feeds and hogs are unstable. The demand for pork also penetrates.
Determining the best time of the year to produce more hogs can be accurately
done through experience and this can easily be predicted by keeping records.
This makes it possible to control and monitor production and reproduction
activities and to identify the results both technical and financial.

A. Identification Systems

A means of animal identification is an essential part of any recordkeeping

system. The most common identification systems are ear notching, tattooing and
ear tagging. However, when you have more pigs it is necessary to introduce an
identification system.

All the animals should be marked when they still are young.

Notching involves cutting small pieces of skin out of the edges of the ears.
This is a very cheap method of marking using only a very sharp knife. The
wounds made by the cutting should be disinfected with iodine. By having
different patterns of the cuts, these can be used for the identification of pigs.

Notching step-by-step:
a. Catch the pig and secure it well.
b. Clean the ears with methylated spirit.
c. Clean the knife or pliers to be used for cutting with methylated spirit.
d. Cut off the edge of the ear flap on the part of the ear that correspond to the
number you want to give the pig
e. Apply some disinfectant like iodine, healing oil or wound spray to the cuts in
the ear flap.

What does record keeping involve?

To keep records, use a notebook or exercise book. Dedicate a few pages for
each pig, and a few pages for what you buy and what you sell. Other
information should also be marked on a calendar (sow calendar), so that any
necessary preparation can start well in advance (for example preparing the
farrowing pen for the sow). Records will indeed make it easier for you to carry
out day to day activities on and for the pigs. When pigs are sick, you may note
down the symptoms, the treatment, and whether the pig recovered or not.

Record the following information :

1.Litter records
Birth weight ( is good)
Weaning weight (18kg is good)
2.Dams record
Number of piglets weaned per year (18 is good)
3.Marketing Age and weight
4.Conversion rate
Pigs that gain more weight from a given amount of food.
A satisfactory conversion ratio should be 1 kg live weight gain for 3 to 5 kg of

Simple and necessary record should be kept for all piglets e.g. date of birth,
dam and sire record, and weaning weight, feed type and feed consumption,
decrease etc.

Internet marketing, or let us say an online marketing, is the process of

promoting a business and services over the internet. It is a business without a
wall it has a wide array of business opportunities and may even work 24/7. It is
comfortable for those buyers who are busy, but may add cost for some reasons.

It may costs the buyer to pay for delivery direct to his home or the
customer may opt for meet ups for delivery of the product. The payment mode
can be either Cash on Delivery or through Online Banking payment to avoid

It has also its disadvantages because some products posted may not be the
product being posted on a certain site.


Activity 1.
Directions: Re-arrange the jumbled letter to form a name of a successful
1. ORTERB SENPIET – He was given a prestigious award as “National
Gawad Saka Award”. ____________________________
2. CASRO ARING - He is the owner of Octagon Farm Product.
3. EOJ YASSAYAMG – He left the corporate world and pursued in
producing bee product. ___________________________________
4. 4.REYFJEF IML - He ran a noodle factory but inspired raising a
goat business. ____________________
5. 5. AMARLIP ATOZEA – The owner of Gemsum Marketing and ran a
poultry industry in 1994. _______________________

Activity 2.
Directions: Select the best answers and encircle the letters.

1. In the Philippines, the animal used for hauling the product from the field to
the market is _____________.
a. Cattle c. Hog
b. Goat d. Native Carabao
2. Fattening ration is given to hogs and cattle that are __________.
a. Goats c. Ready for markets
b. Laying eggs d. With clear skin
3. This immunizes animals against specific disease is called _______.
a. Antibiotics c. Vaccine
b. Disinfectant d. Water
4. What is a full grown female pig is ___________.
a. Boar c. Calf
b. Broiler d. Sow
5. It refers to all fowls and feathered animals ___________.
a. Poultry c. Livestock
b. Prehistoric animal d. Swine

To wrap up everything that we have discussed in this lesson, identify what is
being asked in each item. Write your answer on the line.

______________1. Involves cutting small pieces of skin out of the edges of the

______________2. This nutrient contains carbohydrates and fats.

______________3. A means of animal identification in an essential part of any

record-keeping system.
______________4. It is selected according to fish size and proper size of nylon
nets are used to assure that only marketable sizes are caught.
______________5. This method is also used as total pond harvest.


Now, you are ready to apply the skills you learned in this lesson. Kindly
answer the given situation.
I. You have noticed some food inside the cupboard and was about to get
spoiled. A neighbor is asking for food to feed their pigs. What will you do
with those food?
II. Directions: Identify if the following are maintenance and breeding in
Monitoring Growth and Progress of Milkfish. Check (√) the box if it’s included
and cross (X) if not.
_____1. Great care should be given in maintaining the ponds.
_____2. Source of water should be adequate available to the entire size of the
_____3. Milkfish reaches maturity at 1.5kg or 3.3lb. that takes eight to 10 ears
in ponds.
_____4. Natural feeds such as bentha and plankton are produced in ponds.
_____5. Three to four million eggs of milkfish are producing its breeding cycle
using natural environmental cues or signals.

I. Directions: Read each sentence. Fill in the blank with the correct
word or words from the box below.
Tilapia Protein Jeffrey Lim Clothing
Fish pen Hog meat Benefits Robert Petines

1. Fish, whether fresh or preserved, provide _____________ in the diet of
2. One way of raising tilapia is by using _______________ or pond.
3. ________________ is from Nueva Viscaya . He received recognition
being the “ Magsasaka Award.
4. _______________is one of the popular meats in the market. It is also a
good source of phosphorus.
5. Most animals can produce material for ______________.

II.Directions: Read the sentence carefully. Write P in the blank if the statement is
for raising a pig and F if it is for raising a fish.

_____1. Feeding maybe done by dropping a small amount into pond.

_____2. Construct the pigpen after the pond has been constructed on the dikes near
the fishpond.
_____3. Always keep the ground soft to enable the pigs to exercise freely.
_____4. Feeding maybe done either by hand or by dropping a small amount amounts
into pond. Refrain from overfeeding to avoid water pollution.
_____5. Provide clean and plenty supply of water.

IV. Answer Key

Let us Practice
Activity 1. 2. FISH PEN
Practice More
Activity 1.
1 √ 4. HOG MEAT
Activity 2 2 √ 5. CLOTHING
1. D II.
3 √
2. C 1. F
4 X
3. C 2. P
5 √
4. A 3. P
Activity 2. Answer may vary
5. A 4. F
5. P

V. References
Gloria A.Peralta. 2016. Life Skills Trough TLE, 1253 G, Araneta Quezon City :
The Vibal Group Inc.
Juanito S. Dela Rosa/Ulysses L. Roleado.2017.Technology and Livelihood
Education,Units T & U, 5/F Future Point Plaza 3 No.111 Panay Ave. Quezon
City: The Library Publishing House, Inc.
Susana V. Guinea, Ma. Gilmina G. Sotoya, Randy R. Emen, 2016. Technology
and Livelihood Education 6, 776Aurora Blvd., cor. BostonSt., Cubao, Quezon
City, Manila, Philippines: Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph.D., John Sebastian D. Basbas,2018. Learning and Living
in the 21st Century 6, 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr.
St.1977 C.M. Recto Avenue. Manila, Philippines: REX Bookstore.
Josephine C. Bernardino, Maria Gracia A. Fulgencio, Estefania Gloria L.
Lee, Alma L. Paragas, Edita T. Rafael, 2016. Home Economics and Livelihood
Education 6 Second Edition , Phoenix Building , 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon
City, Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

Prepared by:



Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon
Bulan 6
Name of Student: _________________________________________________

School: ________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

I. Direction: Write T if the statement true and F if it is false. Write your

answer before the number.
____1. It is necessary to give time with the pigs every day.
____2. Pigs must also be feed like grass, ipil-ipil and kangkong.
____3. Crude protein is needed to maintain pigs’ health and keep healthy
against disease.
____4. Natural feeds such as bentha and plankton are produced in ponds.
____5. Starting a milkfish farming business do not require intensive
____6. Milkfish reaches maturity at 2.5kg or 5.5lb. that takes eight to 10 ears
in ponds.
____7. Draining and seining (a large net with sinkers on one edge and floats
on the other that hangs vertically in the water) This method is also used as
total pond harvest.
____8. Determining the best time of the year to produce more hogs can be
accurately done through experiment and this can easily be predicted by
keeping records.
____9. To keep records, do not use a notebook or exercise book.
____10. Prices of feeds and hogs are unstable.

II. Direction: What is the difference between direct selling to retailers?

(Write 3-5 sentences)



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