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Unit 4 Database Design & Development-2022

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The document describes a scenario where a university college needs to develop a database system to manage student, program, and employee data. They need a system to register students for programs, track modules and credits, and assign student counselors and lecturers.

The scenario describes an international university college called International School of Management and Technology that offers various education programs. They need a database system to manage student registration details, program and module information, batch details, and employee data for student counselors and lecturers.

The main entities involved are students, programs, batches, modules, employees (student counselors and lecturers). Student data includes registration details, program enrollments. Program data includes modules. Batch data includes start/end dates and student listings. Employee data includes department assignments.




Qualification Unit Number & Title

BTEC HND IN COMPUTING H/615/1622 – Unit 4: Database Design &

Development Systems
Student Name Assessor Name
Dhanajaya Kafle
Assignment Launch Date Due Date Completion Date
13 May 2021 12 July 2022
Session/Year 2021/2022 Assignment Number 1/1
Assignment Title Vehicles Management System

Assignment submission format

Each student has to submit their assignment as guided in the assignment brief. The students
are guided what sort of information is to produce to meet the criteria targeted. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system.


 Read the plagiarism notice and requirements at Page 5

 Word-limit- 8000 words (excludes cover page, table of content, figures, graphs,
reference list, appendix, and logbook)
 Accepted Sources: Research Papers (Journal Articles, Conference Proceedings,
Thesis), Textbooks, Governmental Data, Websites (only a registered organization, an
educational institution, government agency)
 Information taken from unreliable sources will not be accepted
 Must follow Harvard Reference Style

Learning outcomes covered

 LO1. Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a
substantial problem.
 LO2. Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system
 LO3. Test the system against user and system requirements.
 LO4. Produce technical and user documentation.


International School of Management and Technology is a new international university college

which conducts different education programs such as Higher National Diplomas, Bachelors and
Masters Programs. They have set of student councilors who register students for the programs.
Once a student registered, following details would be considered. Registration Number, Student
Name, Contact Details (Home, Mobile and Email), Address, and academic details. Same student
can register for multiple programs and a new registration number would be issued based on
registering batch and program. Batch would have a Batch Number, Relevant Program, Starting
Date, End Date and Number of Students.

Once students are registered, the respective student counselors’ ‘employee no’ should be
recorded for further reference. Usually, programs are conducted in both full time and part time
and should be finished within a given time period and payment amount. Each Program have
modules and modules would include Module Number, Name, Credit Value, No of Sessions and
Module leader Employee Number. Module leader is a lecturer.

The employee data should be recorded appropriately within a centralized database. And Each
employee is assigned to different departments such as Academics, Marketing, Accounts, etc.

For reporting you have to create some stored procedures as follows:

 List of Student names of a particular Batch

 List of Batch details and relevant student councilor information

 List of Program details with relevant modules that they relate to

International school of management and Technology is willing to enhance their information

system and to have a properly designed Relational Database Management System. Assume that
you have been assigned as the Database Designer and Administrator to prepare a fully functional
Database for a purposed system.

You need to demonstrate the following skills and understanding.

• Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial
• Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system
• Test the system against user and system requirements.
• Produce technical and user documentation

Assignment Task
Based on the context above, complete the followings.

Part 1
Produce a Report
 The design of the relational database system using appropriate design tools and
techniques. It should contain at least four interrelated tables.
 Clear statements of user and system requirements.
Produce a more detailed document, so you will produce a comprehensive design for a
fully functional system which will include interface and output designs, data validations
and cover data normalization and assess the effectiveness of design in relation to user and
system requirements.

Part 2
Once the designs are accepted, you have to develop the database system using evidence of user
interface, output and data validations and querying across multiple tables.
 You want to include more than just the basics so you will implement a fully functional
database system which will include system security and database maintenance features.
 You have decided to implement a query language into the relational database system.
1. Assessing whether meaningful data has been extracted through the use of query
tools to produce appropriate management information.
2. Evaluating the effectiveness of the database solution in relation to user and
system requirements and suggest improvements.
3. Once the system has been developed, you will test the system
4. You will produce a brief report assessing the effectiveness of the testing,
including an explanation of the choice of test data used.

Part 3
Lastly you will produce technical and user documentation.

You want to provide some graphical representations for ease of reference in the technical guide,
so you have decided to produce a technical and user documentation for a fully functional system,
including diagrams showing movement of data through the system, and flowcharts describing
how the system works.

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database

system for a substantial problem
D1 Evaluate the
P1 Design a relational M1 Produce a comprehensive design effectiveness of the
database system using for a fully functional system which design in relation to
appropriate design tools and includes interface and output designs, user and system
techniques, containing at least data validations and data requirements
four interrelated tables, with normalisation.
clear statements of user and
system requirements.

LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on LO2 and LO3
an existing system design
D2 Evaluate the
P2 Develop the database M2 Implement a fully functional effectiveness of the
system with evidence of user database system which includes database solution in
interface, output and data system security and database relation to user and
validations, and querying maintenance. system requirements,
across multiple tables. and suggest
M3 Assess whether meaningful data improvements.
P3 Implement a query has been extracted through the use of
language into the relational query tools to produce appropriate
database system. management information.

LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements

P4 Test the system against M4 Assess the effectiveness of the

user and system requirements. testing, including an explanation of
the choice of test data used.

LO4 Produce technical and user documentation

P5 Produce technical and user M5 Produce technical and user D3 Evaluate the
documentation. documentation for a fully functional database in terms of
system, including diagrams showing improvements
movement of data through the system, needed to ensure the
and flowcharts describing how the continued
system works. effectiveness of the

Grades Achieved

Note: Refer the unit details provided in your handbook when responding all the tasks above.
Make sure that you have understood and developed your response that matches the highlighted
key words in each task.

Plagiarism Notice

You are remined that there exist Academic Misconduct Policy and Regulation concerning
Cheating and Plagiarism.

Extracts from the Policy:

Section 3.4.1: Allowing others to do assignments / Copying others assignment is an offence

Section 3.4.2: Plagiarism, using the views, opinion or insights / paraphrasing of another person’s
original phraseology without acknowledgement

 It should be the student’s own work – Plagiarism is unacceptable.

 Clarity of expression and structure are important features.
 Your work should be submitted as a well presented, word-processed document with
headers and footers, and headings and subheadings.
 You are expected to undertake research on this subject using books from the Library, and
resources available on the Internet.
 Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document
and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document using Harvard
Referencing Style
 Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or
 All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 11/2 spacing.

The center policy is that you must submit your work within due date to achieve “Merit”
and “Distinction”. Late submission automatically eliminates your chance of achieving
“Merit and Distinction”. Also, 80% attendance is required to validate this assignment.

I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work and I understand that if
any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work
submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment.

Assignment Prepared By Signature Date

Dhanajaya Kafle 02 May 2022

Brief Checked By Signature Date

Dhruba Babu Joshi 05 May 2022

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