Bsbops502 Task 2
Bsbops502 Task 2
Bsbops502 Task 2
Briefly describe at least two as they learn. Worlducation used to only offer B2B tablet PCs since they realized
objectives outlined in the their material and equipment were only useful if the full study hall was using
strategic plan (if there is no them and the educator was conducting the activities. It also assisted the
strategic plan for your
outreach team in focusing on larger agreements and reducing the number of
business, develop two
objectives for your work possible issues that could arise from individual clients. In any case,
area or business).
Functions and Activities of Critical Importance
Describe your job role.
1. Develop a cloud-firing technique that includes many clouds. A cloud-first
Explain how your job role
contributes to the broader strategy should extend beyond the IT department's scope. The entire
goals of the business or organization must understand and accept it. As a result, IT organizations
work area. must concentrate on more than just the technical aspects of a cloud-first
2. Improve our people's talents so that we may better serve our consumers.
Financial Information
The board of directors decided to create a cloud-based solution that will allow
consumers to access the software from their own devices. A cloud-based
solution is expected to cost $2 million, according to the board of directors.
Cloud policies are the rules that govern how businesses use the cloud. Cloud
policies are commonly used to protect the integrity and privacy of company-
owned data, but they can also be used for finance management,
cost utilization, performance management, and
security of network.
explain how the resource will be obtained/purchased following policy and procedures
Basic Services: basic support includes availability, which is defined as the amount
For each activity, establish measurable KPIs.
of time the service is available + maintenance time as a percentage of total time.
Show how you approached establishing
If the systemthe
canKPIs in arequests
process mathematical
within away using
certain problem-solving.
response time, it is considered
How do the KPIs reflect financial The KPIs mean time between failure and mean time to repair, which
indicate the time intervals at which failures should be expected and how long it
takes to repair them, are also provided.
Security: Security KPIs govern issues such as which software version levels should
be utilized, how long it should take to perform
List ways to monitor the an upgrade, and the breadth and frequency of security audits. Other
KPIs. essential KPIs monitor data encryption, anti-virus software use and
timeliness, and isolation and logging.
3. Service and Helpdesk: Controlling service and helpdesk KPIs such as the
times at which assistance is offered and the support techniques used.
6. Lack of staff with the skills to manage security for cloud applications
Consult with others The following are some of CGI's consulting services:
Summaries the outcomes of Formation of a cloud strategy and roadmap
your meeting with relevant
— For the shift to a cloud-enabled hybrid IT environment, CGI
professionals give consulting and planning across strategy, applications,
• Which stakeholders did data, and infrastructure. We assist clients with aligning business and
you consult with? technical requirements, documenting key indicators of cloud adoption
success, and developing a customized roadmap for moving ahead. To
• Why were these
stakeholders’ part of the enable enterprise transformation adoption, we use tried-and-true tools
consultation process? and frameworks, such as:
• Capture and aggregate enterprise data with CGI Unify360 Portfolio
• Were any changes to
your suggested
activities, resources, The CGI Unify360 Code Analyzer analyses source code to discover which
timeframes, KPIs and applications are most suited for cloud migration.
monitoring processes
Evaluation of the cloud situation
Describe how you
collaborated to achieve joint - CGI aids customers in examining their current applications in order to
outcomes. determine cloud suitability. We examine responsibilities (entire portfolios
or specific apps) together, and then devise a best-fit cloud foundation
How did you seek feedback,
arrangement plan for each. We discuss the re-engineering and costs
advice and support?
associated with inheritance applications. We plot cloud specialist co-op
(CSP) contributions based on the cost, risk, and effort of cloud move. The
cloud availability assessment aids in the planning, migration, and
management of the mixed IT biological system's advancement.
• Our specialists use data collecting and analysis tools like CGI Unify360
Portfolio Manager and other third-party tools to determine which apps
can be migrated to the cloud directly, which should be rebuilt, which
should be replaced (possibly with a SaaS model), and which should be left
• We use CGI Unify360 Code Analyzer to analyze source code,
detecting and resolving technical cloud migration barriers.
Migration and transformation are two words that come to mind while
thinking about migration and transformation.
Key benefits:
6 months
school visits
Develop a contingency plan.
Activity required to Risk associated with How you will mitigate the risk
realize objective the activity
Make a web User Privacy Is Treating user data with respect (due to the importance of
advertisement for Being Invaded privacy) by acquiring legal authorization for the use of a
the new product. name or likeness in advertising, and protecting your users'
Organize a live Defamation All of their information is thoroughly vetted, and they avoid
demonstration for making disparaging remarks about a competition.
current clients.
Educate salespeople Lack of product You can increase your sales team's performance and
on how to use the knowledge assist your firm further its mission by identifying,
new product. monitoring, and mitigating risks.
Arrange for school It's possible that A brief follow-up email following each stage of the free trial
visits. prospects will take (signing up, live demo, etc.) encourages your users to take
longer to convert into action.
paying clients.
Approve plan Dear CEO,
Follow organizational policies I'm sending you this request for your approval of our functional layout
and procedures to seek for our next project. I've attached an itemized plan that the group and I
approval for your operational created to this email. When you accept our proposal, we will
plan: immediately begin working on the project. You'll find this arrangement to
be a comprehensive response to better engaging our present customers
• Who will you seek
with retargeted advertising. I'm sure you've been seeking for an answer
approval from?
to how we might generate more repeat business, and I'm confident that
• How will you seek this is it. I'm looking forward to your response.
Document resource Searching the internet for cloud-based businesses that fit the budget. If
requirements Worlducation receives what it requires, it will enter into a cloud
computing collaboration agreement to ensure the confidentiality of
Document the resource
Worlducation's data in the cloud, as well as the security of company
requirements (following
data, in line with existing privacy regulations.
organizational policy and
Attach proof to this section of Requirements for Physical Resources The delivery of various services
the portfolio. over the Internet is known as cloud computing. These resources include
data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software, among other
tools and applications.
Incorporate Intellectual Here are a few things to keep in mind when incorporating our company's
Property (IP) requirements intellectual property (IP) requirements:
Affiliations can look through a wide range of data security devices, and
taking effective risk countermeasures is critical to reducing the risks
associated with IP. This includes performing certain controls to monitor
customer activities as well as maintaining access controls. Data Loss
Prevention (DLP) strategies, like Endpoint Protector, are an important part
of any online security strategy. This method can locate sensitive data, both
moving and fixed, and track how and by whom it is utilized. Similarly,
encrypting important corporate data or creative work data can reduce the
chance of difficulties.
Thank you for taking the time to read the information I've provided above.
• Is it likely to be completed
2. The first 11 months should be measured on a graduated scale, with
within the timeframe set?
the first month's measurement equaling the first month's availability, the
• Will it meet budget? second month's measurement equaling the average of the first two
• Are any additional months, and so on.
resources required?
Attach documented
performance to this section of
your portfolio.
Negotiate and approve Many beneficial outcomes are realized by our organization.
• What did you negotiate • Behavioral and systematic biases in your forecasts and variance results
(e.g., adjusted timeframe are eliminated.
to allow for additional • A better grasp of the relationship between profitability drivers and
training)? other indicators like price/volume.
• How can you support the
resource going forward?
Gain approval from relevant I've computed the variance in our project budget; please see the table
stakeholders for the below for the data; I'll need your approval for the budget variance. Thank
negotiated variation(s). you very much for your approval.
Confirm that support is In light of the group's disappointing performance in the Wolrducation
provided where necessary distributed computing advancement project, I propose that we lead
according to policy and optimal preparation with CGI as one of our outside advisers. For a while,
procedures (e.g., email to I'll give you some advice. I am confident that we will all be invested in
arrange training). this preparation. I am optimistic that this cloud advancement project will
improve the usefulness of firms who have suffered a setback as a result
Attach proof of confirmed
of COVID-19. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
support to this section of your
With regards,