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Topic 1: Prehistoric Art: Activating Prior Learning

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Topic 1: Prehistoric Art

Activating Prior Learning

Name: Sphinx Name: Pyramid

Place: Egypt Place Egypt

Name: Manunggul Jar Name: Ziggurat

Place: Philippines Place: Mesopotamia

Name: Taj Mahal Name: Colosseum

Place: India Place: Italy

Countries Artworks How does the artwork describe the culture of the country?
Philippines Spoliarium The painting features a glimpse of Roman history centered on the bloody
carnage brought by gladiatorial matches. Spoliarium is a Latin word
referring to the basement of the Roman Colosseum where the fallen and
dying gladiators are dumped and devoid of their worldly possessions
The Making of the Fernando Amorsolo made this painting to show the citizen of the
Philippine Flag Philippines of how the Philippine flag was made and to remind them the
traditions and customs that we did not realize it becomes faded.
China Dwelling in the This hand scroll painting not only represents scenery of reclusion in
Fuchun Mountains Funchun, it, even more, reflects Huang Gongwang’s idealized image of the
landscape transformed through his exploration of nature
Seated Buddha Chinese Buddhist sculpture frequently illustrates interchanges between
China and other Buddhist centers
Greece The Pergamon altar The carvings in the frieze showed the war between the Greek gods and the
Titans, called the Gigantomachy.
The Riace bronzes The Riace bronzes are major additions to the surviving examples of ancient
Greek sculpture
Rome Sarcophagus of Some scholars think the images are highly symbolic of Roman religious
the Spouses beliefs and conceptions about death and the afterlife
 Bernini's Apollo Bernini depicts the mythological drama that occurs between Apollo, god
and Daphne of music and poetry, and Daphne, a virginal nymph
Egypt Nefertiti Bust The head of Nefertiti represents all the other millions of stolen and
looted artifacts all over the world currently happening
Colossi of Memnon These colossi were not only there to instil awe in viewers — but they were
also representations of fertility and the life-giving abundance of the River

II. Read and analyze the given statements, then identify whether it is true or false. Give explanation to
support your answer.
Statement Answer Short Explanation
1. In pre-historic times, artworks True In this era, people started to create
reflected the beliefs of humans an artwork that will represent their
about life and fertility culture and beliefs about life
2. Asian art is essentially religious True Asian art has its sole theme focused
in nature. on the life of the Gods and the
mythical begins.
3. The impact of contacts with True Because of the influence of other
peoples of mainland Asia and the Asian countries, Filipinos were able
middle East resulted in new ideas in to create new ideas of art that will
art among the Filipinos. be significant to Filipino culture
4. Different places in the world True We are known because of what we
were known because of their create, these artworks will represent
famous art creations such that how talented Filipinos are and will
China is noted for its pottery, while be recognized by other countries
India is famous for its Taj Mahal and also encourage them to visit our
and Pantheon is to Greek; country the Philippines.
Parthenon is to Rome.
5. The art works found in burial True Its because that is their culture.
sites reveal the traditional practice
“pabaon” among people on
Southeast Asia.

• Palaeolithic Period

• Music and Dance

• Calligraphy
• The "S" for
• Early Metal Age
• Great Sphinx
• Mastaba
• The Colosseum

• The Corinthian
• Written Communication

II. Write a one-liner statement about the prehistoric arts of the different countries in the world
Countries One-liner Statement
Philippines If we don’t go back and paint this on a wall, no one’s
ever going to believe it!
China The age of Irreverence.
Greece I wish medusa stop objectifying people.
Rome What was the most common game played by Greek
Gods? Hydra and seek.
Egypt Who does the mummy go to for moral support? To his

Topic 2: Appreciating the Philippine Indigenous Art

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Score: below 5
III. Indigenous Art Appreciation
Choose one of the following samples of indigenous art and try to analyze the artwork by answering the
following questions. Write your answers on a paper and be ready to share your ideas to the class.
Questions for Analysis
1. Based on the design that you see from the artwork, what story does it tell about the indigenous group it
The Manunggul Jar shows that the Filipinos' maritime culture is paramount that it reflected its ancestors'
religious beliefs. Many epics around the Philippines would tell how souls go to the next life, aboard boats,
pass through the rivers and seas. This belief is connected with the Austronesian belief of the anito.
2. What do you like about the artwork? Why?
The fine lines and intricate designs of the Manunggul Jar, because it reflect the artistry of early Filipinos.
These designs are proof of the Filipinos' common heritage from the Austronesian-speaking ancestors
despite the diversity of the cultures of the Filipinos.
3. What characteristics of the artwork describe the indigenous group who created it?
*The Manunggul Jar is a unique Neolithic secondary burial jar with an incised running scroll and
impressive decorations. It is painted with hematite. On top of the cover is a boat with two human figures
that represent souls on a journey to the afterlife.

2. B
3. D
5. C

III. Appreciation
Create a pattern or design inspired by our indigenous arts that can be used as decoration of any material
such as Shirt design, textile, ID lace, furniture or others. Sketch the product bearing the design. Write a
short description of the inspiration of the design.

-For me U shape because for me it symbolizes how flexible Filipinos

are in things. Flexible thinking like when there is a disaster
they choose to be happy even with difficult problems.
Topic 3: Western Art Influence to the Philippine Art
Roman Art Greek Art Christian Art
Produced realistic portraits Evolved during the four periods represent intangible spirituality
influences from the Greek which Greek art shows artistic perfection elaborately decorated and biblical
has subjects and
humanistic basis theological ideas are represented
Romans modified Greek columns The golden age of Greek art Characteristics of Byzantine Art
design emerged
in the 5th century as shown in
paintings on vases.

III. Let’s try this.

Write your observations on the diagram.
Both Greeks and Romans used Corinthian, Ionic, and  Greek architecture has made the most
Doric columns for structural support and beauty. They impact on the modern world of all the
both made extensive use of columns, and the Romans ancient architectural styles.
refined them using concrete
 Libraries, theatres, civic structures,
museums, and many modern building
styles: it is essential to understand Greek
 Greek architecture was distinguished into
three orders. The Doric order, Corinthian
order, and Ionic order.
 The use of concrete allowed their structures
to be sounder hence the numerous
museums with Roman history.
 Roman architecture was characterized by
several standard components, the Arch, the
Vault, the dome, and the use of concrete.

• T
• T
• T
• T
• T
• T
• T
• T
• T
• T

B. Essay.
As a Filipino, how are you going to utilize the western influences in the arts without forgetting to give
importance to our indigenous art?

*Arts are important to all people. Art is beauty and art is history. Indigenous arts are just art that a culture
makes for itself that is reflective of its history and values. For me we can use western influence and
indigenous arts at the same time if we use it well. Western influence is no longer a big problem in our
recognition of our indigenous arts if we have in our hearts and minds how much we value our own
culture.There should be no distinction between indigenous art and any other type of art. It is just all art
and tells a story and history of those that create the art and the people they come from.

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