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Agriculture Bill: House of Lords Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee 34th Report of Session 2017-19

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Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform


34th Report of Session 2017–19

Agriculture Bill

Ordered to be printed 17 October 2018 and published 17 October 2018

Published by the Authority of the House of Lords

HL Paper 194
The Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee
The Committee is appointed by the House of Lords each session and has the following terms of
(i) To report whether the provisions of any bill inappropriately delegate legislative power,
or whether they subject the exercise of legislative power to an inappropriate degree of
parliamentary scrutiny;
(ii) To report on documents and draft orders laid before Parliament under or by virtue of:
(a) sections 14 and 18 of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Act 2006,
(b) section 7(2) or section 19 of the Localism Act 2011, or
(c) section 5E(2) of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004;
and to perform, in respect of such draft orders, and in respect of subordinate provisions orders made
or proposed to be made under the Regulatory Reform Act 2001, the functions performed in respect
of other instruments and draft instruments by the Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments; and
(iii) To report on documents and draft orders laid before Parliament under or by virtue of:
(a) section 85 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998,
(b) section 17 of the Local Government Act 1999,
(c) section 9 of the Local Government Act 2000,
(d) section 98 of the Local Government Act 2003, or
(e) section 102 of the Local Transport Act 2008.

The members of the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee who agreed this
report are:
Baroness Andrews Lord Moynihan
Lord Blencathra (Chairman) Lord Rowlands
Lord Flight Lord Thomas of Gresford
Lord Jones Lord Thurlow
Lord Lisvane Lord Tyler

Registered Interests
Committee Members’ registered interests may be examined in the online Register of Lords’
Interests at The Register may also be
inspected in the Parliamentary Archives.

The Committee’s reports are published by Order of the House in hard copy and on the internet

General Information
General information about the House of Lords and its Committees, including guidance to
witnesses, details of current inquiries and forthcoming meetings is on the internet at http://

Contacts for the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee

Any query about the Committee or its work should be directed to the Clerk of Delegated
Legislation, Legislation Office, House of Lords, London, SW1A 0PW. The telephone number
is 020 7219 3103 and the fax number is 020 7219 2571. The Committee’s email address is

Historical Note
In February 1992, the Select Committee on the Committee work of the House, under the
chairmanship of Earl Jellicoe, noted that “in recent years there has been considerable disquiet
over the problem of wide and sometimes ill-defined order-making powers which give Ministers
unlimited discretion” (Session 1991–92, HL Paper 35-I, paragraph 133). The Committee
recommended the establishment of a delegated powers scrutiny committee which would,
it suggested, “be well suited to the revising function of the House”. As a result, the Select
Committee on the Scrutiny of Delegated Powers was appointed experimentally in the following
session. It was established as a sessional committee from the beginning of Session 1994–95. The
Committee also has responsibility for scrutinising legislative reform orders under the Legislative
and Regulatory Reform Act 2006 and certain instruments made under other Acts specified in
the Committee’s terms of reference.
Thirty Fourth Report

1. The Agriculture Bill was introduced in the House of Commons on 12

September 2018 and had its Second Reading on Wednesday 10 October.
The Bill provides a legal framework for the United Kingdom to leave
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and establish a new system for
agricultural support in this country. It is a skeleton bill, the operation of
which is essentially a matter for subordinate legislation.
2. Normally we report on a bill in sufficient time to allow Members of the
House of Lords to consider it before the bill’s committee stage in this House.
Given the significance of this Bill as part of the suite of Brexit-related bills,
we have reported in time for Members of the House of Commons to consider
it at committee stage in their House. We adopted the same approach in
relation to the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, an approach that
appeared to be welcomed by MPs. In due course, we propose to report on
the Agriculture Bill in the form in which it comes to this House.

The Bill’s overall approach to delegated powers

3. The Bill contains only 36 clauses and yet confers 26 powers on Ministers
to make law. The comparatively large number of delegated powers in an
otherwise small-to- medium-sized bill is ominous. The Government say that
the Agriculture Bill is a “deliberate departure from the approach under the
CAP of setting out detailed legislative rules”. The Bill will “provide the legal
framework required to transition out of the EU, replace the CAP and deliver
a range of reforms”. It will enable government to “move away from the rigid
bureaucratic constraints of the current CAP legislation”.1
4. We are dismayed at the Government’s approach to delegated powers
in the Agriculture Bill.
(a) The Agriculture Bill represents a major transfer of powers from the
EU to Ministers of the Crown, bypassing Parliament and the devolved
legislatures in Wales and Northern Ireland.2
(b) Parliament will not be able to debate the merits of the new agriculture
regime because the Bill does not contain even an outline of the
substantive law that will replace the CAP after the United Kingdom
leaves the EU. Most debate will centre on delegated powers because
most of the Bill is about delegated powers. At this stage it cannot even
be said that the devil is in the detail, because the Bill contains so little
(c) The Government encourage departments to engage in clear, concise,
purposeful, informative and targeted consultations before making new

1 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Agriculture Bill Delegated Powers
Memorandum, paras 6 and 7.
2 Schedules 3 and 4 to the Bill set out law-making powers conferred on Ministers in the governments
of Wales and Northern Ireland that are broadly similar to many of the powers in the Bill that are
exercisable by the Secretary of State in England.

law. Apart from the one consultation requirement in clause 24(5),3

consultation is merely optional so far as concerns the considerable
amount of subordinate legislation to be made under the Agriculture
(d) The central purpose of the Agriculture Bill is to provide a framework
that confers on Ministers extensive powers to make law in more than
two dozen classes of statutory instrument. Extensive powers are
conferred on Ministers with correspondingly few duties. The words
“The Secretary of State may” occur 36 times in the Bill. The words
“The Secretary of State must” occur three times.
(e) Significantly, powers are exercisable indefinitely and without sunset
clauses.4 They include unlimited monetary penalties, the ability to
create criminal offences punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment,
and the conferral of enforcement functions on third parties. We are not
convinced by the need for such extensive powers to be conferred on
Ministers indefinitely.
(f) It is one thing to move away from rigid and unnecessary bureaucratic
constraints. But a bill that is so short on substantive legislative changes
will require extensive bureaucratic regulation to fill in the gaps.
Parliamentary scrutiny of the Bill is minimised because most of the
Bill concerns a framework for future regulatory changes rather than
substantive legislative changes that can be debated here and now.
(g) In clauses 6, 9 and 11, the introduction of a test allowing Ministers
to make changes to existing law that they consider will “simplify or
improve” it introduces a wider test even than the heavily criticised
“appropriate” test found in the European Union (Withdrawal) Act
2018. One person’s improvement is another person’s vandalism.5
(h) It is regrettable that Defra has not supplied any indicative draft statutory
instruments alongside the Bill. This would have enabled Parliament to
see how some of the many powers in the Bill might in due course be
exercised, without committing the Government at this stage.
(i) The Government are committed to introducing other EU-exit bills,
including a fisheries bill, an immigration bill and legislation to
implement any withdrawal agreement. We would deplore such bills
being skeleton bills in the fashion of the Agriculture Bill.
5. At paragraph 2 of the Explanatory Notes to the Agriculture Bill, the
Government give an overview of the Bill in twelve points. All twelve points
involve Ministers having the power to make law, including:

• Powers to set unlimited monetary penalties and to create criminal

offences punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment

• Powers to modify retained CAP regulations

3 Relating to new sector-specific provision in regulations made under clauses 22 and 23.
4 Clause 7 gives power for the Secretary of State to phase out direct payments during an “agricultural
transition period” set, in clause 5(1), at seven years starting with 2021 and extendable. This power
will make way for other financial assistance schemes under clause 1. It is a transitional provision, not
a sunset clause.
5 See further para 14 below.

• Powers to intervene in exceptional market conditions

• Powers to regulate marketing standards for agricultural products

• Powers to control contractual dealings between producers and first


• Powers for the Secretary of State to legislate for the UK to comply with
the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Agreement on Agriculture.
6. 17 of the 26 delegated powers allow for regulations to be made by the
affirmative procedure. This is a high proportion by the standards of most
bills. However, the affirmative procedure offers nothing like the scrutiny
given to a bill. A bill typically goes through several substantive stages in
each House and can be amended. An affirmative statutory instrument is
unamendable during its making and is debated once in each House. The fact
that Defra proposes to make so many classes of affirmative instrument in the
Agriculture Bill is an acknowledgment that the Bill covers matters of great
importance to farmers, the food industry and consumers. The Bill provides
an extensive framework for a wholly new agricultural regime. And yet the
Bill is very short on matters of substance.
7. The Delegated Powers Memorandum says:
“This memorandum includes examples of how the powers might be
used. One of the reasons for taking delegated powers is that this Bill
will be before Parliament before the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from
the EU are known, and while full-scale design of future farming policy
is under development in consultation with stakeholders and the sector.
Any examples used in this paper are therefore illustrative of the way
the powers could be used and do not represent confirmed plans at this
8. We have made it clear that if a bill is wholly or mainly a skeleton bill, we
will expect a full justification for the decision to adopt that structure of
powers.7 Given the significant delegation of powers in this Bill, we did not
find convincing the Government’s attempted justifications that consultation
is ongoing and that there is not yet a withdrawal agreement. The Agriculture
Bill could have contained more detail than it does. There could have been
more statutory consultation as a pre-condition to making subordinate
legislation. The subject-matter of clause 20 (marketing standards and carcass
classification) is worth a bill on its own. As for the structure of the powers
in the Bill being justifiable because it is being debated before the withdrawal
agreement has been finalised, we disagree. The Government have committed
to legislating to give effect to any withdrawal agreement. At that stage, any
necessary changes to the Agriculture Bill can be made. The existence or
otherwise of a withdrawal agreement is not an argument for giving Ministers
so many law-making powers in a bill that offers so little substantive detail.

6 HMG has issued a policy statement and two press notices which give some information: ‘The future for
food, farming and the environment’ (13 September 2018):
the-future-for-food-farming-and-the-environment-policy-statement-2018 [accessed 17 October
2018]; ‘Landmark Agriculture Bill to deliver a Green Brexit’ (12 September 2018):
government/news/landmark-agriculture-bill-to-deliver-a-green-brexit [accessed 17 October 2018] and
‘UK Government Agriculture Bill - Scotland myth-buster’ (13 September 2018):
government/news/uk-government-agriculture-bill-scotland-myth-buster [accessed 17 October 2018].
7 See para 36 of our Guidance for Departments issued in 2014.

9. It is true that the extensive powers in this Bill largely replace directly
applicable EU regulations. But the practical effect of the Bill is that
very considerable repatriated powers are momentarily returning to
Parliament on exit day only to be immediately granted to Ministers
of the Crown.

Particular delegated powers

Clauses 3(2)(g), 20(4)(e) and 23(4)(d): monetary penalties
10. Clauses 3(2)(g), 20(4)(e) and 23(4)(d) confer power on the Secretary of State
to make regulations about monetary penalties concerning the following:
(a) checking, enforcing and monitoring in connection with the financial
assistance provisions of the Bill (clause 3(2)(g));
(b) marketing standards relating to certain agricultural products (clause
(c) requirements on recognised organisations who benefit from certain
competition law exemptions (clause 23(4)(d)).
11. These provisions relate to enforcement and allow the Secretary of State to
make regulations “imposing monetary penalties”. By contrast, clause 16(4)(a),
relating to the enforcement of information requirements, gives considerably
more detail about the imposition of monetary penalties in regulations under
that clause:
“(a) provision for the imposition of monetary penalties for non-
compliance with requirements, whether penalties—
(i) of a specified amount, or
(ii) of an amount calculated in a specified manner, or
(iii) of an amount, not exceeding a specified maximum or a maximum
calculated in a specified manner, decided by a specified person or
a person of a specified description, or
(iv) by way of suspending, or withholding, payment of any amounts;
(b) provision for recovery of amounts due in respect of monetary
penalties, including provision for any of interest, set-off and security for
12. We recommend that the Minister be asked to explain why the extended
treatment for monetary penalties found in clause 16 should not also
apply to clauses 3(2)(g), 20(4)(e) and 23(4)(d).

Clauses 6, 9 and 11(2): basic payment and financial support

13. Clause 6(1) allows the Secretary of State to make regulations amending
or repealing legislation governing the basic payment scheme8 for or in
connection with making changes the Secretary of State “considers will
simplify or improve” the scheme so far as it operates in relation to England.
Clauses 9 and 11 contain similar provisions allowing the Secretary of State to
simplify or improve retained direct EU legislation relating to the financing,
8 As defined in clause 4(3).

management and monitoring of the CAP (clause 9) and support for rural
development (clause 11).
14. During the passage of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018,
Ministers came under sustained criticism for taking powers to make law that
they considered “appropriate” (rather than necessary) to correct deficiencies
in retained EU law arising from the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the
EU. At least section 8(2) and (3) of that Act gives an exhaustive definition of
what counts as a deficiency in retained EU law. By contrast, the “simplify or
improve” test in clauses 6, 9 and 11 of the Agriculture Bill gives the Minister
a much wider discretion than does the “appropriate” test in the European
Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. It allows Ministers to do what they like,
providing they consider it a simplification or improvement. The Government
acknowledge that the powers under clauses 6, 9 and 11 can significantly
increase bureaucratic burdens providing they qualify as improvements or
simplifications.9 Indeed, something could qualify as a simplification even if
not amounting to an improvement, and vice versa.
15. In the context of clause 6, the Government’s expressed intention is only
to make “technical changes” to the basic payment scheme. The negative
procedure is justified on the ground that the amendments will “largely be
minor or technical simplification measures”.10 But this restriction does not
appear on the face of the Bill. The delegated powers in clauses 6, 9 and 11
allow for much more than minor or technical simplifications. The powers
allow highly controversial and indubitably major “improvements”.
16. We regard the “simplification or improvement” test in clauses 6,
9 and 11 as inappropriate. It is a highly subjective test. A clearer,
more focused and proportionate test is required. If the delegated
powers in clauses 6, 9 and 11 will largely be for “minor or technical”
simplification measures, the Bill should say so.

Clause 20: marketing standards

17. Clause 20 is a very significant clause, allowing the Secretary of State to make
affirmative regulations concerning marketing standards in relation to a wide
range of agricultural products, including milk, beef, veal, poultrymeat, eggs,
fruit, vegetables, hops, wine, olive oil and live plants. We would ordinarily
expect a clause of this exceptional range to be a bill in its own right.
18. Clause 20(2) states that the regulations “may cover matters such as” (implying
that they may go beyond):

• Grading into classes, weight, size, age and category

• Presentation, labelling, packaging

• Appearance, consistency, product characteristics, water content

• Content, purity and identification of substances used in production

• Types of farming and production method

9 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Agriculture Bill Delegated Powers
Memorandum, paras 29 and 45.
10 Ibid., paras 32 and 60.

• Frequency of collection, delivery, preservation, handling, temperature,

storage and transport

• Use and restrictions on use

• The place of farming or origin

• Conditions of disposal, holding, circulation and use of products not in

conformity with the marketing standards.
19. The regulations allow Ministers to create a powerful enforcement regime
against farmers, food processors and others, including:

• powers of entry, inspection, search and seizure;

• unlimited monetary penalties;

• criminal offences punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment; and

• the conferral of enforcement functions on third parties.11

20. The current EU legislation relating to marketing standards will become
retained EU law under the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018. Changes
to such law made by regulations under section 8 of that Act are limited by
the need to show that changes are appropriate to correct deficiencies in that
law arising from the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and by the provision that
no regulations may be made under section 8 more than two years after exit
day. By contrast, regulations made under clause 20 of the Agriculture Bill
are subject to no such restrictions.
21. The Government have not given much indication as to how they propose
to use their extensive powers under clause 20. Paragraphs 112 and 116 of
the Delegated Powers Memorandum state the Government’s intention not
to impose an “excessive burden” on farmers or other members of the food
supply chain. Paragraph 116 states that the regulations will amend overly
bureaucratic EU rules. However, the Bill neither prevents excessive burdens
being imposed nor requires the removal of overly bureaucratic rules.
22. Clause 20 contains an inappropriately wide delegation of power
to Ministers. The Bill should contain more detail on the relevant
principles, policies and criteria underlying marketing standards in
the various agricultural sectors.12

Clause 25(3)(b): fair dealing obligations of first purchasers of agricultural products

23. Clause 25 addresses the relatively weak economic position of some primary
producers compared with food processors and others in agri-food supply
chains. The Secretary of State has power to make regulations imposing
contractual obligations on first purchasers of agricultural products from
24. Clause 25(3) allows three types of obligation to be imposed under regulations:
(a) The obligation to contract in writing.

11 For example, clauses 20(4) and 29(5).

12 The Government may add further sectors by a Henry VIII power: Schedule 1, Part 3, para 1.

(b) The obligation to include, or not to include, contractual terms dealing

with matters specified in regulations.
(c) Where such terms are included: (i) obligations relating to the provision
that must be made by those terms and (ii) obligations to comply with
specified principles and practices as to the provision that should be
made by those terms.
25. Regulations under clause 25(3)(c) must adopt the affirmative procedure;
other regulations need only adopt the negative procedure.13 The Government
justify the affirmative procedure because intrusion into the commercial
relationship between third parties warrants a higher degree of parliamentary
scrutiny. However, for regulations to require the parties not to include
certain specified contractual terms is also an intrusion into the commercial
relationship between third parties. We recommend that regulations
under clause 25(3)(b) should be subject to the affirmative procedure.

Schedule 1, Part 3, paragraph 1(1)(a)

26. Part 1 of Schedule 1 lists the agricultural sectors for which marketing
standards may be set (clause 20). Part 2 of Schedule 1 lists the agricultural
sectors in which producers are eligible for producer organisation recognition
(clauses 22–24) and the agricultural sectors in relation to which the Secretary
of State may make regulations promoting fair contractual dealing by first
purchasers (clause 25). Paragraph 1(1)(a) of Part 3 contains a Henry VIII
power allowing the Secretary of State to add or remove an agricultural sector
to or from Part 1 or 2 of Schedule 1. The power is subject only to the negative
27. We normally expect Henry VIII clauses to be subject to the affirmative
procedure in the absence of compelling reasons to the contrary. Here the
effect of adding new agricultural sectors to Schedule 1 is to impose significant
new burdens on industry. It is not necessarily correct to say, as the Delegated
Powers Memorandum does, that the power will be “exclusively of a technical
nature”.14 We recommend that regulations under paragraph 1(1)(a) of
Part 3 of Schedule 1 should be subject to the affirmative procedure.

13 Clause 25(8) and (9).

14 Para 207.


Committee Members’ registered interests may be examined in the online Register

of Lords’ Interests at
and-interests/register-of-lords-interests/. The Register may also be inspected in
the Parliamentary Archives.
For the business taken at the meeting on 17 October 2018, Members declared the
following interests:
Baroness Andrews
Vice President, National Parks Association
Lord Lisvane
Countryside Alliance
Lord Tyler
Ambassador, The National Forest, UK

The meeting on the 17 October 2018 was attended by Baroness Andrews,
Lord Blencathra, Lord Jones, Lord Lisvane, Lord Moynihan, Lord Rowlands,
Lord Thomas of Gresford and Lord Tyler.
The Chairman recused himself from the deliberation and took no part in it because
of his role as Deputy Chairman of Natural England.

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