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PROF ED 3 2. You are assigned as a school head in a low-performing school.

Students are poorly motivated, parents and community are not

1. Which is the essence of servant-leadership? Leading is serving. cooperative, and teacher have low morale. As a leader, what
2. What is the message of situational leadership? should you do? Outline your steps.
b. A leader must fit leadership style to the follower’s level of answer:
readiness and willingness. AS A SCHOOL HEAD IN A LOW PERFROMING SCHOOL
3. Who is most interested in improving the present I. For poorly motivated students
status of an organization? Transformational leader A. Encourage the students
4. What must a leader do if wants an innovation to affect 1. Recognized and value the student's work.
substantially and positively school culture? b. Introduce 2. Encourage open communication and free thinking to make
innovation one after another. them feel important
5. Is a manager also a good leader? a. Yes. 3. Promote a child-friendly school
B. Get them involved
_FALSE_ 1. Leadership is interchangeable with
1. Ask for suggestions on any activities that are good for them and
management because they mean the same.
that they can enjoy. Also, the activities that could help to boost
➢ Not interchangeable with management because they do the confidence of the students.
not mean the same. C. Offer Incentives and recognition
1. Giving special awards for student's sense of accomplishment.
TRUE__2. A leader cannot be a manager and a manager Such as giving them a special privilege to an exemplary student.
cannot be a leader at the same time. 2. Giving student a simple recognition for representing the school.
FALSE__3. In the laissez faire leadership style, the leader II. For Parents and Community who are not cooperative.
fully interferes in the decision-making of his / her followers. A. All families are cordially invited to join the school community.

➢ Does not interfere 1) I will request a General Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
FALSE__4. In the consultative style of leadership, members meeting to personally speak with the parents and inform
of the organization arrive at a decision by way of consensus. them about the new program and plans. We'll talk about
the desired outcome, the assistance we'll need from
➢ Democratic them, and the cooperation we'll expect from them. I will
FALSE__ 5. In the democratic style of leadership, the also accept any ideas they will suggest.
members of the organization are consulted in decision 2) Every month, a Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
making. meeting will be done. To see if the ideas and programs
➢ Consultative suggested were successfully implemented.
B. Supporting their children
FALSE__6. The autocratic leader consults his /
1) Parents support is one of the reasons, a child will be
her followers. motivated to go to school.
2) Parents’ involvement in school and ensuring their children
➢ Consultative to be treated fairly.
C. Community Leader
FALSE__7. A transformational leader is content 1. I will also contact the community leader to discuss the
school's needed resources. Their support also is highly
with status quo.
2. Families and school staff work with community members
➢ Not content
to connect students, families and staff to expand learning
FALSE__ 8. In situational leadership, if followers are opportunities, community services and civic engagement.
“unwilling and unable” to do the job, leader must resort to
delegating. III. For low Morale Teacher
➢ Telling or coaching A. Get to know more the teachers
1) Give time for them, find out where they struggle and ask
FALSE___9. In situational leadership, if followers are on how you can help them.
“willing and able” to do the job, leader must resort to 2) I will motivate them and encourage to motivate also their
telling. coteachers.
B. Celebrate success
➢ Delegating
1) Give credits for their success. A simple celebration for
TRUE____10. Transformational leadership is focused on every success.
innovations. 2) Spending time to them. Having a dinner or to have a
III. Answer the following questions briefly. weekend vacation.
1. Based on this lesson and by means of an acrostic, give C. Asking for their opinions
qualities or specific behaviors of good leaders. See the 1) Ask everyone about their situation, and consider their
example below. suggestions to improve the school's reputation.
L – Loyalty. A great leader who builds loyalty among his/her 2) Inquire with the teachers about what needs to be
people will treat everyone with respect. changed.
E – Empower leader is able to step back from a situation and to 3) Listen to their responses and put them to the test.
review it with a clear head and do not just act. 4) Allow all of the teachers to vote on each suggestion,
A – Active leader provides one-on-one leadership coaching to allowing everyone to have a say in the decision-making
help you overcome personal and professional challenges. process.
D – Dynamic leader yearns for knowledge, for experience, to 5) When the suggested decision is already voted then we
improve their leadership skills will create the school program.
E – Excellence. Be a leader who is completely there for his/her 6) Then I'll appoint some teachers to carry out and lead the
team. programs.
R – Responsible means accepting failure and letting go, a true
leader has a vision and aim. 3. You are introducing an innovation in school.
S – Servant. He/ She is a servant first before becoming a leader. Sociologically, Filipinos are known for the
“ningas-cogon” mentality. How does this mentality affect
school innovation? As a leader, how will you counteract answer:
it? The leadership style employed in this methods is
democratic/participative leader. It values group discussion and
answer: promote a positive environment where share their ideas and
involved all of the employees.
The Ningas-Cogon mentality is an attitude that begins
something with interest and enthusiasm and then c. Enable others to act. Look for ways to grow.
abruptly loses interest, stopping whatever it is doing and answer:
leaving things incomplete. This Filipino mentality affects The leadership style employed in this method is coaching
school innovation in such a way that it causes a delay in leadership style because it provides regular feedback with
the process of teaching and learning innovation. As a challenging projects to promote growth.
result, it is a mentality that is regarded as a threat to the
school's development and progress. Before introducing d. Enable others to act. Empower others.
an innovation for school improvement as a leader, identify answer:
the people you want to entrust with your implementation. The leadership style employed in this method is laissez-faire
It is important that you are already aware of the type of or hands-off leadership style because it focuses more on
person you are dealing with. Furthermore, as a leader, I delegating the task to team members.
will respond by employing the principles of
transformational leadership. This leadership style is e. Set goals.
concerned with the introduction and maintenance of answer:
innovation that makes a positive difference in the The leadership style employed in this method.
organization by developing a new vision for the
organization collaboratively and mobilizing members to f. Build trust.
work towards that goal. The leader in this leadership style answer:
is not satisfied with the status quo and sees the need to The leadership style employed in this method visionary
transform the way the organization thinks, interacts, and leadership style it earns the trust of employees for new ideas.
operates. As a result of this type of setup, all members of
the organization will no longer experience a sudden loss g. Give the direction.
of interest and enthusiasm, but instead be more driven answer:
and motivated to sustain the school's innovation. To The leadership style employed in this method is Autocratic
accomplish this, as a transformational leader, I will Leadership because the leader is someone who make the decision
combine charisma, inspirational leadership, and alone or with small, trusted group and expect employees to do
intellectual stimulation to introduce innovation for what they’re asked. The leader gives direction to employees
organizational transformation. which is also called “military commanders”.

4. Two of your teachers are doing very well. Four strongly h. Encourage the heart. Give positive reinforcement.
resist Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Two are answer:
about to retire and are simply waiting to retire. To make The leadership style employed in the method is servant leadership
your school perform, as a school head, what moves will you because it put emphasis on employee’s satisfaction and
collaboration that allows employee to re-engage with their work.
take? Explain.
IV. Research Work: Make a synthesis and reaction
by forming a matrix/table in columns with the
following headings (Brief and concise only in bullet
As a school leader, for my school to function, I will strive
to adapt to introduce and support change and innovation. As form):
a 21st century teacher, we must adapt to change and
innovation to avoid feelings of boredom and thus reduce A. Leadership vs. Management
engagement at work. As we have four teachers who strongly
Leadership Management
oppose Continuing Professional Development and as the
principal of their school, I will become a transformational • Innovative. Their process is • Administer. Their process is
leader who will face resistance to change in order to be transformational: develop a transactional: meet objectives
successful. This is why to make sure that the innovation that vision and find way forward and delegate tasks
I will impose and introduce will inevitably lead to the
realization of my school, I will first seek the adhesion of the • People focused. The goals • Work focused. The goal is to
stakeholders. I will encourage those two teachers who are include both people and results. get things done. They are
They care about you and want skilled at allocating
simply waiting to retire to still participate in the Continuing
you to succeed.
Professional Development program as it is essential for
developing new teaching ideas or strategies, ways to • Have followers. They create • Have Subordinates. They
improve their skills, or new information that will help the circles of influence and lead by create circles of power and
students to be successful. Participating in this kind of activity inspiring lead by authority
can help them both became more effective teachers and as
well as to improve there teaching skills. • Do the Right Thing. Leaders • Do things right.
shape the culture and drive Management enact the
integrity. existing culture and maintain
5. Here are various methods that leaders employ. Identify
status quo
the leadership style employed in each method. Explain your
a. Model the way. Set the example.
B. Autocratic vs. Consultative vs. Democratic vs.
Laissez Faire
The leadership style employed in this method is pacesetter
leadership because it focus on the practice of leading by example Autocratic Consulta Democratic Laissez Faire
inside or outside the classroom. tive

b. Share your vision. Enlist others.

among other.
• Strong • • Less control • No control
TRAIT THEORY – the trait theory of leadership states that certain
control Direct,
natural qualities tend to create good leaders. Having certain qualities
Coach, does not necessarily mean someone has strong leadership skills,
Support however. Some leaders may be excellent listeners or communicator
and CONTINGENCY THEORY -Those who support contingency theory
delegate suggest that the best leaders are those who known how to adopt
different styles of leadership in different situations. The contingency
• Autocratic • • Democratic •In laissez faire theory of leadership was one of the first situation leadership theories.
leaders do Consultat leaders allow or free-rein SITUATIONAL THEORY – the situational theory of leadership
decision ive the members leadership style, suggests that no single leadership style is best. Instead it depends on
making by leaders of the leaders avoid which type of leadership and strategies are best-suited to the task.
themselves. allow organization responsibility BEHAVIORAL THEORY – behavioral leadership theory is a
participat to fully and leave the management philosophy that evaluates leaders according to the actions
ion of the participate in members of the they display in the workplace. Supporters of this theory believe that all
members decision organization to you need to do to be an effective leader is to learn a certain set of
of the making. establish their behaviors.
organizati Decisions are own work. PARTICIPATIVE THEORY – these leaders encourage participation
on by arrived at by and contributions from group members and help group members feel
consultin way of more relevant and committed to the decision-making process. In
g them consensus. participative theories, however, the leader retains the right to allow the
but make input of others.
MANAGEMENT THEORY – management theories, also known as
transactional theories, focus on the role of supervision, organization,
and group performance. These theories base leadership on a system of
themselv rewards and punishments. Managerial theories are often used in
es. business; when employees are successful, they are rewarded and when
they fail, they are reprimanded or punished.
• Managers • It • the final •the group
RELATIONSHIP THEORY - Relationship theories, also known as
seek to make takes the authority of members are transformational theories, focus upon the connections formed between
decisions as opinion making given complete leaders and followers. Transformational leaders motivate and inspire
possible. of the decisions freedom in people by helping group members see the importance and higher
employee rests with the setting their own good of the task.
s before subordinates. goals and THIS THEORY DISTINGUISHES FIVE
making a achieving them TYPES OF LEADERSHIP STYLES
decision. which give them
complete Autocratic (A1)Leaders with this
autonomy. style believe that whatever information they have is enough to make
the decision and they require no additional input from their team.

Autocratic (A2)This type of leader consults with their team

C. Situational Leadership vs. Servant as a group to gather information and then makes the final decision
Leadership vs. Transformational alone.
Consultative (C1) This leader consults with their team
Situational Servant Transformational
members individually to consider everyone’s unique opinions. They
Leadership Leadership Leadership
will take suggestions seriously but will make the final decision alone.
• Telling • Valuing people. • Focused on the goals of
Servant leaders value the organization Consultative (C2) This type of leader consults at a wider level. They
people for who they might organize a team-wide meeting to discuss a situation at length.
They will gather suggestions but will eventually make a decision
are, not just for what
they give to the
organization. Collaborative (G2) This style focuses on reaching a consensus. These
leaders organize a meeting to discuss the situation and then facilitate
• • Listening. Servant •Use persuasion to promote
the discussion and ask every team member for input. The decision is
Participating leaders listen individualized influences.
then made together based on a vote.
receptively and
nonjudgmentally. How do you define LEADER?
They are willing to
listen because they A someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies
want to learn from people to move toward and better vision. Leaders can
other people. work toward making their vision a reality while putting people first.

• Delegating • Caring. Servant • Motivate with charisma to A great leader posses a clear vision, courageous, has integrity, honesty,
leaders have people attain a common goal. humility and clear focus.
and purpose in their
heart. LEADERSHIP is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals
to influence and guide followers or other members of an
BOSS – a boss is an individual who is in charge of the employee or an
In the world of leadership, there are many theories about how
leadership works, what makes good leaders, and how to be
LEADER – a leader is an individual who possesses the ability to
effective. These leadership theories explain how leadership styles work
influence and inspire others, towards the accomplishment of goals.
within a company to bring success.
LEADERSHIP THEORIES – are schools of thought brought forward
to explain how and why certain individuals become leaders. The
theories emphasize the traits and behaviors that individuals can adopt
to boost their own leadership abilities.
Leadership theories are the explanations of how and why certain
people become leaders. They focus on the traits and
GREAT MAN – the great man theory of leadership sates that excellent
behaviors that people can adopt to increase their leadership
leaders are born, not developed. This theory states that leadership is an
inherent quality. This type of leader often possesses the natural
attributes of intelligence, courage, confidence, intuition and charm
Strong ethics and high moral standards, great self-organizational skills,
efficient learner, nurtures growth in employees, and The thought that leaders gain the commitment of others’ by inspiring,
fosters connection and belonging are some top traits that a good encouraging and caring for them.
leaders possess.

THE MAJOR LEADERSHIP THEORIES Leaders with great power may seem highly efficient and get things
done quickly. The power theory can be seen in
1. GREAT MAN THEORIES organizations where hierarchy and promotion is key to success.

Great leaders are simply born with the necessary internal 10. SERVANT THEORIES
characteristics such as charisma, confidence intelligence, and social
skills that make them natural-born leaders. The thought that the leader starts by identifying the needs of the
followers and views their primary role as a serving others.
Great man theory assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent-
that great leaders are born, not made. These theory These leaders are focused on the performance of group members, but
often portray great leaders as heroic, mythic, and destined to rise to also want every person to fulfill their potential. Leaders
leadership when needed. with this style often have high ethical and moral standards.

The thought that Great Leaders are born… not developed. We expect from our leaders; honesty, forward-looking, competent and
We also expect character traits from our leaders; courage, integrity,
Assume that people inherit certain qualities and traits that make them resilience, generosity, and concern.
better suited to leadership. Trait theories often identify a
particular personality or behavioral characteristics shared by leaders. We also expect leaders to; go first, create hope, and focus on others.

The thought that there are ideal characteristics for Leaders. 1. Who is someone who can see how things can be improved and
who rallies people to move toward and better vision? Leader
3. CONTINGENCY THEORIES 2. A great leader possess different characteristics EXCEPT.
Bad tempered
Focus on particular variables related to the environment that might 3. Is the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence
determine which particular style of leadership is best suited and guide followers or other members of an organization.
for the situation. Leadership
4. What are the explanations of how and why certain people become
The thought that since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all-model, leaders? Leadership theories
organizations must choose an appropriate leader. 5. 5-6. Strong ------ and high ------ standards, great self-organizational
skills, efficient learner, nurtures growth in employees, and fosters
4. SITUATIONAL THEORIES connection and belonging are some top traits that a good leaders
possess. Ethics and moral
Propose that leaders choose the best course of action based upon 6. Theories that often identify a particular personality or behavioral
situational variables. The leader is most knowledgeable characteristics shared by leaders. Trait theory
and experienced member of a group. 7. The thought that the leader starts by identifying the needs of the
followers and views their primary role as a serving others Servant
The thought that there isn’t one-size-fits-all-model, leaders must adapt. theory
8. The thought that Great Leaders are born… not developed. Great
9. Leaders with great power may seem highly efficient and get things
Are based upon the belief that great leaders are made, not born. This done quickly. The power theory can be seen in organizations
leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders, not where hierarchy and promotion is key to success.Power theory
on mental qualities or internal states. People can learn to become 10. The thought that there isn’t one-size-fits-all-model, leaders must
leaders through teaching and observation. adapt Situational theory
11. The thought that people follow leaders based on transactions inside
The thought that adapting styles like being autocratic and demanding, a mix of rewards, incentives and punishments.Management
democratic and participative or laissez fair and theory
unengaged. 12. The thought that since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all-model,
organizations must choose an appropriate leaderContingency
13. The thought that adapting styles like being autocratic and
Suggest that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of demanding, democratic and participative or laissez fair and
others into account. These leaders encourage unengaged. Behavioral theory
participation and contributions from group members and help group 14. The thought similar to transactional theory, but stresses the
members feel more relevant and committed to the presence of an in group and out group.Participative theory
decision-making process. 15. Focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers
Relationship theory
The thought similar to transactional theory, but stresses the presence of 16. Leaders with great power may seem highly efficient and get things
an in group and out group. done quickly. Power theory
17. Theory assume that the capacity for leadership is inherent- that
7. MANAGEMENT THEORIES great leaders are born, not made None of the above
18. This leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders, not on
Focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance. mental qualities or internal states. Behavioral theory
Managerial theories are often used in business, which 19. Focus on the role of supervision, organization, and group
employees are successful, they are rewarded and when they fail, they performance Management theory
are reprimanded or punished.
The thought that people follow leaders based on transactions inside a ➢ Is a social structures and social mechanisms of social order and
mix of rewards, incentives and punishments. cooperation that govern the behavior of its members.
➢ Is a group of social positions, connected by social relation,
8. RELATIONSHIP THEORIES performing a social role.
➢ Any institution in a society that works to socialize the group of
Focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. people in it.
Motivate and inspire people by helping group members
see the importance and higher good of the task.
Characteristics of an Institution
Palispis (1996)
▪ Institutions are purposive.
▪ Relatively permanent in content.
▪ Institutions are structured.
▪ Institutions are a unified structure.
▪ Institutions are necessarily value-laden.

Functions of an Institutions
1. Institutions simplify social behavior for the individual person.
2. Provide ready-made forms of social relations and social roles
for individual.
3. Act as agencies of coordination and stability for the total
4. Control behavior.

Major Social Institutions

▪ The Family
▪ Education
▪ Religion
▪ Economic Institutions
▪ Government as a Social Institution

The Family
▪ The smallest social institution with the unique function or
producing and rearing the young.
▪ It is the basic unit of Philippine society and the educational
system where the child begins to learn his ABC.
▪ The basic agent of socialization because it is here where the
individual develops values, behaviors, and ways of life through
interaction with members of the family (Vega, 2004).

Characteristic of the Filipino Family

▪ The family is closely knit and has strong family ties.
▪ The Filipino family is usually extended one and therefore, big.
▪ In the Filipino family, kinship ties are extended to include the
“compadre”or sponsors.

Functions of the Family

1. Reproduction of the race and rearing of the young
2. Cultural transmission or enculturation.
3. Socialization of the child.
4. Providing affection and a sense of security.
5. Providing the environment for personality development and the
growth of self-concept in relation to others.
6. Providing social status.

Kinds of Family..according to STRUCTURE

a. Conjugal or Nuclear Family -the primary or elementary family
consisting of husband, wife and children.
b. Consanguine or Extended Family -consist of married couple,
their parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunt s, and cousins.

…according to term of MARRIAGE

Palyandry – one woman is married to two or more men at the
same time.
Polygamy – one man is married to two or more women at the
same time.
Cenogamy – two or more men mate with two or more women in
group marriage.

---according to DESCENT
Patrilocal – when the newly married couple lives with the
parents of the husband
Matrilocal – when the newly married couple lives with the
parents of the wife.
Neolocal – when the newly married pair maintains a separate
household and live by themselves.

----according to AUTHORITY
Partriarchal – when the father is considered the head and plays a
dominant role.
Matriarchal – when the mother or female is the head and makes
the major decisions
Equalitarian – when both father and mother share in making
decisions and are equal in authority.

▪ a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, and habits
of a group of people are transferred from one generation to
the next through teaching, training, or research.

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