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Principles and Elements of Architectural Composition: 1.1 Plane 4

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Principles and Elements of

Architectural Composition

Sy llabus :

Principles and elements of Architectural Composition.

Qualities of Architecture : User friendly, contextual, eco-friendly, utility of spaces, future growth etc.

Role of “Urban Planner and Architect” in planning and designing In relation with spatial organization, utility, demand
of the area and supply.

1.1 Introduction Plane 4. Figure

Form, space, size 6. Background
- an . a = : organizing space not only Architecnxal Composition

is) Foca (b) Unity

- Theconstituents of beauty are structure, utility and aesthetics
the "Trinity" of Architecture. (c) Balance (d) Rhythm

— The term architecture applies only to buildings designed with (c) Harmony (f) Discord
(g) Texture (h) Contrast
a view to aesthetic appeal.

— It should therefore be noted that Engineering and (i) Monotony (j) Scale
(k) Proportion () Character
Architecture are fundamentally different.

— Engineering is based on scientific laws, whereas Architecture (m) Colour

is based on certain principles such as goodness, beauty and Space

(a) Positive and Negative Space
The principles of architecture are,
(b) Flowof Space
1. Goodness of convenient arrangement ~
(c) Continued Space
2. Beauty
(d) Circulation and Inter circulation
3. Truth
Mass- Volume 3. Style
(a) Clarity of purpose (b) Clarity of structure.
Light, Shade and Shadow 5. Dramatics

1.2 Elements of Aesthetics Visual impact-static and Dynamic

Art 8. Feeling
ics which
There are more than seventeen elements of Aesthet
Sky Line 10. Solid and Void
are given below :

1. Point 2. Line

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key Architocture & Town Planning (SPPU - Som 7- Civil) 1-2 Principlos & Elemonts of Architectural Composition

Out of these all elements the architectural Composition is These all elements are briefly explained here,
briefly explained in next section.
1.3.1 Focus

Syllabus Toplc: Principles and Elements of
Tt, isa prime point or. dlehient. of acathetlc
Architectural Composition ‘dointposition where centre ofa
attraction lies, |
1.3. Principles and Elements of - Central focus is necessary to order all number of foci may
Architectural Composition Not start competing to each other, which may destroy the

> (SPPU - May 12, May 13, Nov. 13, May 16, outcome,

May 17, Aug. 16, Dec. 16) - In town planning, focal point is considered as a building like
Q. * Expiain Row’ architectural planning principles helpIn recreational area, historical building etc is known every one.
» Iniptoon g and quality architecture,
- The focal point is always comparable with other element of

1.3.2 Unity > (SPPU - Dec. 15)

Q. Explain: i) Unity '

- In architecture, unity combines the various elements together
and gives coherence to the parts and integnity to the whole,

- Unity is oneness and brings harmony among elements in a

building like doors, windows, walls etc.

- A building has many times some point of interest or

attraction at some particular feature. If there are dual centers
Principles and Elements
of Architectural Composition of interest one will try to compete over the other and hence it
will spoil the feelings of unity in conception.
1. Focus
- A composition consisting of two equal and detached
—9f:2. Unity elements will create dual centers of interest.

>, 3. Balance
- To avoid this there must be one central feature which must -
dominate over the others having sub-ordinate relationship. -
| 4. Rhythm
And unity can be achieved by combining two elements
5. Harmony together with dominant central feature of interest.

+ 6. Discord

7. Texture

9. Monotony

10. Scale
Fig. 13.1: Unity
11. Proportion

12. Character
1.3.3. Balance > (SPPU- Dec. 15)
13. Colour -Q. Explain: Balance as Principles of architectural
Fig. C1.1: Principles and Elements of Architectural a “composition and “observed ‘Impact, (este fs
Composition expected).

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= Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 1-3 Principles & Elements of Architectural Composition

The principle of balance is a key design principle relative

the architectural design process. Balance occurs when
opposing forces or visual weights appear to be equal and

Balance can be achieved through use of three application ee AAT HG

Strategies symmetry, asymmetry and radial balance. Fig. 1.3.3 : Unsymmetrical ba!ance

Application strategies “> 3. Radial balance

of balance
- Radial balance is achieved through a balance of elements

1. Symmetrical balance around a center of focal point

- This type of balance is most often found in nature, very

2. Asymmetrical balance
infrequently found within architectural design due to the
\ 3. Radial balance nature of the way we inhabit or environment.

Fig. C1.2: Application strategies of balance 1.3.4 Rhythm

> 1.. Symmetrical balance
— Rhythm is a foundation of music. In architecturz, it means
It is the one that is easiest to achieve through must be repetition of certain eleinents after interval.
carefully considered relative to the architectural design
— It is closely associaied with texture and pattem within
requirement. architectural design principles. A balance between these three
|‘ principles will provide a satisfying accomplishment in

\ establishment of rhythm.

: - Rhythm—appeals to-human senses. It is an organized

movement such as dancing i.e. rhythm of motion.
| - Insculpture there is rhythmic use of lines. In architecture it is
repetition of pattems like series of arches forming an arcade
the rhythm of direction. This movement which we call
Fig. 1.3.2 : Symmetrical balance
thythm should be directed and controlled. A broken arcade
2. Asymmetrical balance has no rhythm.

This type of balance presents the greatest challenge to the — The use of rhythm within architectural design implies a

architect since effort must be extended to ensure there is melodic response incorporated into the built solution.

equitable weight of opposing sides. == -~ “Rhythm in architecture relates to a regular occurrence of

similar and like effects. Rhythm may be perceived through
Asymmetrical balance may be achieved through the use of
the sense of movement, sequence and pattem incorporated
design elements and principles including :
into the design solution.
o Colour

o Shapes and mass 1.3.5 Harmony

o — Scale and proportion - In Building, when two or more than two elements are of
o Orientation and placement _ Similar nature then the elements of similar nature produce
o Materials harmony. It can be achieved by form, material, colour,

o Light and dark values. texture and landscape.

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tg Architectura Town Planning

- Harmony can be achieved by various ways shown in figure

given below,


ni % 1, va
Fig, 1.3.5 : Texture
(a) Harmony by form
1.3.8 Contrast

Ailportante of one éle2 br to mankindby

Yj Contrada. OPT LD a eae
For example- White and Black, Up and Down, Rough and
Smooth etc. |

The use of contrast can be found through variation of design |

elements within a structure including :
(b) Harmony by same material and colour
o. Size
Fig. 13.4
o Shape and mass
@ For Example
o Colour
Taj at Agra is producing harmony by its landscaping because
o Texture and pattem
Taj made of white marble which has properties like softness,
smoothness and landscape has also same properties. o Lighting

o Placement or proximity within design.

1.3.6 Discord
Good architecture is devoid of monotony i.e. repetition of
It is a group of elements of entirely different nature so that same elements.

they have an unpleasant effect. These can be discord in all It is therefore necessary that the composition should avoid
elements of harmony. monotony and induce interest to the observer. This interest
will be obtained by careful and skilful introduction of variety
1.3.7. Texture
or contrast with experience and aesthetic sense.

It is a design element that relates to the surface appearance of Contrast Is Introduced in many ways
an item. Texture is perceived architecturally in two ways Contrast Is Introduced
In many ways
visual and tactile.
Texture in materials relates to the manner by which ke} (2) Contrast in form
perceive the fecling of an item's surface : smooth, rough,
kee} (b) Contrast in mass and bulk
bee! (c) Contrast in colour
The use of texture in design must be carefully considered in
combination with the use of colour smooth textures will be kes} (cd) Contrast in texture
perceived as hard while rough texture may present a soft
= (0) Solids and voids

- It helps to break the monotony and creates interest by ep} (f) Lights and shada
producing contrast in one material.
Fig. C13 : Contrast is Introduced in many ways

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Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU-S0m7- Chil) 1-5 Prine! & Elomonts of Architectural 0
“> (a) Contrast in form
- The effect of light and shade also helps in breaking the
This is done by providing cylindrical, spherical, cubical monotony and created interest in plain wall surfaces.
forms in a building
- On the exterior plain surfaces of Chandigarh houses
(b) Contrast in mass and bulk “sun-breakers” have been provided which are projections of
Tt can be introduced by providing big domes with two small bricks and concrete fins set at particular angles to the walls.
domes on cither side of it. - These sun breakers not only produce charming effective play
(c) Contrast In colour of light and shade but also absorb the rays of sun and keep
the houses cool during summer, but warm in winter,
~ The effect of colour is very important in general appearance
of a building. Red, white or black used simply over a large
Surface produce an impression of deadly monotony.

~ The white plastered cottage Amongst surrounding the green

trees has most charming effect. Red bricks and tiles of the
same shade would be gaudy for a large building. But red
bricks with brown tiles will make a good combination. (a) (b)
— The stones of different colour play an important role. Grey, Fig. 1.3.6
: Contrast

brown, black stones in combination wili produce an

1.3.9 Monotony
appearance of disgrace.
- The climate of the place should also be taken into account Continuous ; of 4
while selecting light on dark colours.

(d) Contrast in texture

Tt can be created by form, colour and texture.
This is done by providing textures like smooth or rough
surfaces on stone work or plastering.
(e) Solids and voids

In the design of building the treatment of solids i.e. walls,

columns and voids i.e. doors, windows play an important
part These develop from the fundamental needs of the

— It is necessary that there should be proper proportion between

solids and voids to provide contrast care should be taken to

see that solids are dominant and voids are subsidiary and in

well proportion, so as to bring a picture of solidity to the

building. (b)
(f) Lights and shade Fig.1.3.7 : Monotony

— These are important factors in the design of any building. 1.3.10 Scale
The contrast of light and shade may be formed not only by
- It means proportion of creation with respect to human being.
the difference in colour, tone, texture, but also by the actual
It is like a measure which regulates the division of parts in
shadows cast by projections on wall surfaces. These help to
building and it is by right use of sub-divisions that perfect
express the form and depend on aspect of building.
can be achieved.

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Princi los & Elements of Architectural Com

In a building, doors, windows, cornices should be in due For example, the "Pythagoras theorem" on a diagram schoo}
proportion to one another and to the general scheme, building,

By taking certain standard sizes, for different elements have Also in case of jail building, to convey a stern and fearful
been fixed to an eye, and if these standard sizes are changed expression it should be constructed with massive stone-walls
bad scale is produced. of great height, a narrow door opening with sharp nails

For example a small building should not be decorated with pierced on it.

omaments of big scale. If the scale is big the sizes of the Similarly a temple should be characterized by Gopuram a
elements should also be big and vice-versa. For deciding the church by itsspire and a mosque by the minaret and the
scale human figure is best factor. dome.

There are four types of scale in architecture

1.3.13 Colour
Types of scale In
architecture Colour reflects light from an object. It is an aspect of
architectural design which provides a wide array of potential
>| 1. Natural Scala
>| 2, Intimate Scala Colour may be used strategically to provide emphasis to the
—>| 3. Monumental Scala character of a building or component it may be used to
accentuate form and materials or it may be used to separate
—>| 4. Shock Scale
and define distinct divisions of an overall scheme.

Fig. C1.4 : Types of scale in architecture Colour may also be used to convey the intended spirit of
1.3.11 Proportion
Colour is not however the solution to bad design. A paint job
Proportion relates to a perceived equality of ratio between is merely the application of product, not a remedy to
eiements of architectural design. An understanding of aesthetic failure.
proportion combined with its effective use will aid the
The use of colour is one of the most appealing design
architect to create aesthetically complete compositions.
elements to enhance the product, not resolve it. Colour as an
Proportion establishes a consistent set of visual relationships entity contains three related characteristics.
between the buildings individual components, the
1. Hue — it is related to pure state of colour, its essence.
components to the whole and the whole composition to its
2. Value - related to depth of hue contained either defined
as light or dark.
The principle of proportion is most closely related to the
3. Intensity - relates to the saturation of colour, chroma.
principal of scale in architectural design. Both of these
Principles relate to the relative size of the element or This characteristic defines the purity of final colour relative
composition. to ils original state.

1.3.12 Character Syllabus Topic : Quallties of Architecture

The extemal expression gives ihe building the characters

1.4 Qualities of Architecture
Which it is intended to posses. The purpose of building may
be made clear by the use of symbolic ornaments at the
Before emphasizing on qualities of architecture it is
frontage of the building.
important to understand the qualities of architect.

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et Architecture & Town Plannin (SPPU-Sem7-Civil) 1-7 Principles & Elements of Architectural ith

The qualities which must be bome in an architect should be : “orphane from the rest of architecture. The whole is an
It is the architect who combines the art of plannin
g and orchestration of the parts.
designing into an aesthetic whole. pot T Tt 4
| 1
I '
2. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever” must be his motto. | !
| !
3. A good architect requires the sculptors and painters modes of I I
| !
vision in addition to his own spatial imagination. I I
4, The architect should have imagination, the ability to visualize I I ee
pe a J
and make the use of materials and in still into hem an
Fig. 14.1
aesthetic meaning. So as to transform the building into a
piece of architecture. Cohesion runs within functional sub-components of
5. His aim should be to "design in beauty and build in truth". architecture.
6. He must use his knowledge to combine all the elements in Failing to ensure common purpose and coherency in the
the construction to produce harmonious unity and beauty.
elements of a design results in fractured experience that
7. Architects should aim to make new types both functionally frequently requires manual intervention where automation
and aesthetically satisfactory.
be expected.
8. Architects should possess a sound knowledge of new
> 2 Completeness
materials, their properties, strength and new techniques of
design. Having all the necessary or appropriate parts.

The architect must also focus on qualities of architecture for Oo Oo O

a master piece.

The qualities of architecture are : Oo OO 83

of architecture
Oo 0 O
Fig. 1.4.2
There are no missing parts to the design and there are no
elements of the design that have been Jeft with a weaker
description than the rest. The solution is complete and
4, Equivatence
architecture balanced.

> 3. Elegance

Pleasingly ingenious and simple.

Fig. C1.5 : Qualities of architecture

These do not define how to achieve an architectural design,

but they do describe what architecture output feels like.
> 1. Cohesion
The action or fact of forming a unified whole. The
Fig. 1.43
independent elements of architecture function in harmony to
fulfill a clear common purpose, no element is left behind
The architecture weaves together the ingenious use of
technology with processes and organization to complete tasks

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1-8 ts
of Architec
Principles & Elemen tural Composition
ET architecture & Town Planning (SPPU-Sem7-Civil)
Oo yy
ws we
and fulfill objectives. The architecture oozes innovation
without confusing the observer, the solutions infuriatingly
simple ("why did not I think of that). Oo Cc Ga
Achieving this degree of quality, requires dedication, time
oa oo cd
and Lags of experience.
Fig. 14.6
Complex solutions often result in misinterpretation or
redundant features. Causing waste or even dysfunction, a The architecture utilizes @ science of pattems to establish

costly outcome for a cost saving measure. repeatability in design.

> 4. Equivalence The repeatable pattems may vary for esch instance, but
and used to
Equal in value, amount, function, meaning etc. common characteristics are cleverly recognized
produce an efficient architecture.

lo—o—o] This result in efficient construction, which reflects in

cost, time and resource effectiveness in schieving design


7. Vision

O—O—O A mental image of what the future will or could be ke.

Fig. 144

Without equivalence in the composition of architecture, the

designs become heavily coupled across boundaries of logical

This can result into duplicity in design, which may produce

inconsistency and inevitably lead to ambiguity in its
interpretation for implementation.
> 5, Hierarchy Fig. 1.4.7

AD arrangement or classification of things according to The vision need to be articulated from the perspective of each
relative importance or inclusiveness. key stakeholder group.

Syllabus Topic : User Friendly

15 User Friendly Architecture

, Fig. 1.45
> 6. Modularity The structure which is designed should be easy to use or
Employing or involving a module or modules as the basis of understand.
design or construction. There should be “a proper grouping for an easy use of the
rooms and a fair and measured allotment of any structure

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et ASU A Town Paring (SOPU- Som? -Ge_19 Principles & Elements of Architectural Composition

Sccording to its purpose”, and can be seen as the quality of a efficient throughout a building's life cycle from sitting to
building of corresponding entirely to the porpose for which it design.
Was Created,
- Construction operation, mzintenance and renovation to its
In other words, the ideal effectiveness and functioaality of demolition. This requires abutting -co-operation of the
the built space defines its utility and caa be jodged by
: architecture team, the architects, the engineers and the
The placement and orientation of the rooms in a building, 2s applicant
at all activity stages.
well as of the structures in the building site; Green architecture must mean :

The way in which certain issues have been handled, such as 1. Reduced maintenance/replacement costs over the activity of
Connecting the roms and making sure there is easy access the building.
both horizontally and vertically throughout the isterior of the
Energy conservation.

3. Greater architectural flexibility.

Syllabus Tople : Contextual Architecture Green builders use eco-friendly architecture in projects

becanse of its resewability. Eco-friendly is long lasting and user

1.6 Contextual Architecture friendly, is simple and flexible. User friendly, eco-iriendly eco
friendly makes use of
=> (SPPU - Aug. 16)
- Local building materials

— Local workers

— Renewable sources for water

— It is an architecture that responds to its surroundings by
Tespecting what is already there, unlike Constructivism or - Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind

Deconstructivism which deliberately work against — Protection of natral habitats

established geometries and fabric.
- Planzed replacement for any resources
— Contextual Architecture is an architecture whose design
- Non-polluting construction practices and industries
inspiration comes from acknowledging not only the
- Adaptive reuse of older buildings
immediate, but the larger context of the building.
— Use of recycled architectural salvage.
Syllabus Tople : Eco-friendly
In recent years, use of eco-friendly and user friendly
architecture has become much more prominent among home
1.7. User Friendly and Eco-friendly
builders, architects, developers and city planners in the
construction of residential and commercial buildings and
> (SPPU - Dec. 15, May 16, Aug. 16, May 17, Dec. 16) communities. These practices aim to conserve natural resources
and attempt to lessen the effect of greenhouse gases, global
warming and other environmental threats.
Chon. Architecture ee
TEGEITa em Syllabus Topic : Utility of Spaces
i “‘fendly
1.8 Utility of Spaces
the samme by’ using difiorant oracles. ee
> (SPPU- Dec. 15, Aug. 16)
— — Green architecture refers to an anatomy and application
action that is environmentally amenable and resource

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Principtos & Elomonta of Architectural Composition

To fulfill their job roles, they often must travel to examine

land features,

In architecture utilization of spaces along with form Duties

most important sole to give a good effect. The
utility of - Urban planners develops plan and programs for use of
Spaces should be done keenly wherever require
d like a miser land for town, cities, countries, regions, while taking
as per the function and should be done whole
heartedly to into account environmental, zoning, legal issue.
fulfill the function and give good impact to the structu
re as a
- They meet with decision makers and public to
determine needs and limitations, gather and analyze
The utility spaces, include Space for kitchen,
washing census data, environmental.
machine, etc. it should be given the architectural
effect to suit
- Studies and economic report and review site plans
to its purpose at the same time should have good aesthet
ics created by developers and architects.
Telative to the need,
They also conduct ficld investigation identity project
Syllabus Topic : Future Growth feasibility and any plan change recommends whether
proposal should be approval or denied.
1.9 —Future-Growth They often present report to goverment Officials and public
about land use projects.
> (SPPU - Aug. 16)
Transportation planners create methods of transporting
people and freight within an area, taking into account future
population and economic change.
In any architecture, the provision should be such that at layer
Environment Planners look for way to mitigate effects of
stage it should not appear outdated or irrelevant after future development on natural areas and resource. -
Urban design planner maximize look and function public
Hence at design stage future growth should be considered to spaces so they meet development and design goal.
balance environmental, social, economic needs. Design
Urban planner uses several tools and methods to fulfill their
should be long term planning.

Syllabus Topic : Role of Urban Planner - For example, They uses GIS. GPS to analyze and
manipulate about area.

1.10 Role of Urban Planner - Software tools include statistical software, financial
spreadsheet, database manager, and visualization and
- May 12, Dec. 16)
=My presentation program,

They formulate plans for development and nianagement of

urban and sub-urban areas, typically analyzing land use
Urban planners are also known as regional planner depending compatibility as well as economic, environment, social
upon size of area they handle. trends.

They determine development of communities and 10. In developing their plan for community commercial
metropolitan areas and must spend much of their time residential, agricultural, natural, urban planners must also
collaborating with others, including politicians, engineer, consider wide array of issues such as sustainability, air
developer. pollution, traffic congestion, crime, land value.

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ey Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Clvil Principles & Elements of Architectural Com

11. Works to improve welfare of people and their communities Differences between the Working
by creating more convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient Strategles of an Urban Planner
attractive place for present and future generation. and an Architect
(GPPU- Dac, 16)
Syllabus Toplc : Role of Architect

1.11. Role of Architect

> (SPPU- May 12) CGV) Lae ANG Att

LS AOS, “e
“Arehilert 7’

Urban planner works for large Architect basically work for

area like town, country or individual buildings,
- An architect is person who plans, designs the construction of
Urban planner basically deals Architect basically deals with
- Architect have skills to co-ordinate and manage, in
~ conjunction with your internal decision making mechanism. with the context. the built environment,

- The role of architect is to turn your vision into reality. Urban planner deals with Architect tends to deal with
large plans such as master the function anddesign
of |.
— Role is important in every stage of building construction
from their initial concept to opening ceremony.
plan of city. smallerarca—

Urban planning provides base Architecture gives a broad

— The aspect of work can be split into three main role
of utility for development of insight on the aesthetic design
Role of Architect a city or town depending on | of a_ building based on
certain mules and regulations requirements, bye-laws and
(i) Design Inid by the Govt. various
other parameters,

(i) Documentation Urban planner predominately Architect work with 2D & 3D|
works with
2D spaces, spaces,
(iii) Construction role

Fig. C1.6 : Role of Architect

@ Design
Q.1 State and explain any one elament of architectural
Architect is hired by client to produce detailed design.
(ii) Documentation
Q.2 Distinguish between unity and discord.
- During documentation phase, responsibilities are to capture
Q.3 Explain qualities of architect in briof,
the design on paper, producing detailed drawing.

— This stage can involve continuous revision, budget and Q.4 — Explain qualities of architacturo.

regulation. Q.5 Explain in bref user friendly and eco-friendly

=> (iii) Construction role architecture,

— These are construction docume.its, which translate the design Q.6 — Explain role of architecture in town planning.
into instructions and technical specification.
Q.7 Explain role of urban planner in town planning.
— Ones project reaches construction stages architect will be
involved in site visit, meetings, resolving problem at site.


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Principle of Landscaping and

Urban Design

Syllabus :
* Landscaping: importance, objectives, principles, elements, material (soft and hard).

* Urban renewal for quality of life and livability.

* Importance of sustainable architecture, urban conservation with case study.

Attractive and accessible landscapes invite and encourage

2.1 Landscaping
physical activity,

Beautiful landscaping can increase the property value.

Landscaping refers {0 any activity that modifies the visible
features of an area of land. Proper landscaping reduces soil erosion.

Landscape architecture is the design of outdoor public areas,

Syllabus Topic : Landscaping objectives, Elements
landmarks, and structures to achieve environmental, social-
behavioral, or aesthetic outcomes. : 2.1.2 Purpose or Objectives
Landscape architects enhance the quality of our lives by
Creates pleasant and cheerful envircnment.
adding beauty to the environment.
Decorales open space.

Syllabus Topic : Landscaping Importance Impart beauty.

Trees in soft landscaping reduce pollution and reduces

2.1.1 Importance of Landscaping temperature.
=> (SPPU - Dec. 15) @ Basic elements of landscape design
Basic elements
of landscape design

Landscapes are important to us for many reasons. 1. Colour

Landscaping can make dull and solid areas pleasing to the
eyes. 2. Form

It is responsible for making ordinary homes into spectacular 3. Line of sight

ones and office buildings into warm, livable spaces.
4, Scale or balance
Proper landscaping reduces nitrate leaching from the soil into
the water supply Plants safeguard water quality 5. Texture
Nature increases productivity of the peoples.
Fig. C2.1 : Basic elements of landscape design

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& Town re
> lL. Colour
achieved by linking elements and features to create a
It is important to use a complementing colour scheme consistent character in the composition.
throughout the yard, Sometimes Contrast can create some
Unity is sometimes referred to as harmony, the concept of
interest and excitement. everything fitting together. By comparison, scattered
Colour is very f owerful tool in creating mood and feeling. groupings of plants and unrelated garden ornaments are the
> 2 Form opposite of unity.
> 2. Balance
Form can be expressed through built objects or trees and |_|
shrubs of various shapes and sizes which create natural The plants, walkways, and other features of outdoor plan
patterns, should be laid out in an asymmetrical design that

3. Direction or Line complements

the entire area.
3. Transition
Linear pattems are used to direct physical movement and to
draw attention to areas in your garden. Changes in colors, plant styles, and accessories will blend

4. Scale better with planned transitions to slowly mave into the new
' look.
Your outdoor design should balance the size of the buildings
4. Proportion
or established plants it surrounds, while maintaining a
comfortable human environment for the individuals who will It simply refers to the size of elements in relation to each
use the area. other.

5. Texture Most of the elements in landscape design can be intextion2lly

planned to meet the proper proportions.
Paving and building materials along with plants with varying
textures can add to the atmosphere of your outdoor area. 5. Repetition

Repetition is created by the repeated use of elements or

Syllabus Topic : Landscape Principles
features to create patlerns or a sequence in the landscape.
Repeating line, form, color, and texture creates rhythm in the
2.1.3 Principles of Landscape Design
Principles of Landscape
Design Repetition must be used with care, too much repetition can
Create monotony, and too little can create coafesion. Simple
1. Unity repetition is the use of the same object in a Eine or the
grouping of a geometric form, such as a square, in an
2. Balance
organized pattem.
3. Transition
Syllabus Topic : Landscape Material
4, Proportion
(Soft and hard)
5. Repetition
2.1.4 Types of Landscaping
Fig. C2.2 : Principles Of Landscape Design
> (SPPU - Nov. 13, Nov. 14, Aug. 16)
7? 1. Unity
Q. Explain
soft andhard landscaping. «TED
Unity is One of the basics of landscape design is creating a
Q. Explain landscaping
with hard and so types.
central theme to build your outdoor plan upon. Unity is

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Principle of Landscaping & Urban Design

S& Deciduous tree -~o—o— WoodFence

SS —*—*— Metal Fence

Types of Landscaping Evergreen tree
== Brick wall

1. Soft > Juniper Shrub Sand

2. Hard
Sp Tall Shrub
Fig. C2.3 : Types of Landscaping
“> 1. Soft landscape a Medium Shrub

— Soft landscaping is the process of designing the

= Wood deck
elements of a
x Small Shrub
landscape that do not involve construction, — Shrub border

— The term soft landscape; is used by practitioners of landscap

ip Ground Caver f—] _Builtin bench
design, landscape architecture, and gardeners to describe the

vegetative materials which are used to improve a landscape Fig. 2.1.1: Symbols used in soft and hard landscaping

by design. 2.1.5 Role of Landscape Architecture

- Changing the soft elements of the landscape can be an easy
— Investigate the natural elements of a site.
way to change the entire look of the outside of the home,
— Selection of the material. The material which is locally
especially when using methcds such as selecting different
available can be preferred.
annual and perennial flowers for the gardens and flower beds.
— Study the laws and regulations that may affect the site.

— The range of soft landscape materials includes each layer of — Prepare detailed site plans and layout of the site.

the ecological sequence: aquatic plants, semi-aquatic plants, - Develop a planting plan of trees, flowers, shrubs, and other
field layer plants (including grasses and herbaceous plants) plants.

shrubs and trees.

Syllabus Topic : Importance of Sustainable
> 2. Hard landscape
Architecture with Case Study

~ Hard landscape is used to describe hard wearing materials

2.2 Sustainable Architecture
such as stone, concrete and other decorative construction

materials, > (SPPU - May 16, Aug. 16, Dec. 16, May 17)

— A wide zange of hard landscape materials can be used, such

as brick, gravel, rock or stone, concrete, timber, bitumen,

glass, metals, etc.

— Hard landscape can also describe outdoor furniture and other

landscape products.

— Itincludes Pathways, waterfalls, Rock placement, Lamp post

pedestals etc,

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(er Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 2-4 Principle ofLandscaping & Urban Design

Sustainable architecture or green design is a philosophy of Sustalnable Bullding

designing buildings to comply with the principles of social,

“economic and ecological sustainability, 1. Bamboo Flooring |

~ Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to 2. Low VOC Paint

minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by

3. Wool Carpeting
efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy,
4. Cotton Bat Insulation
and development space. Sustainable architecture uses a

conscious approach to energy and ecological conservation in 5. Ecological Concrete

the design of the built environment.

6. Paper Insulation Panels

- The “GREEN” factors an architect or designer attempts to

Fig. C2.4 : Sustainable Building Materials
safeguard are - air, water and land by choosing eco-friendly
> 1. Bamboo Flooring
building materials and construction factor
Bamboo is a long lasting and rapidly renewable material that
- Amarchitect has the ability to change entire building process
is beautiful and easy to install.
with the stroke of a pen by specifying a material with low
Rapidly renewable materials are normally harvested within a
carbon dioxide emissions in its fabrication.
10-year or shorter cycle. It does not harm indoor air quality

2.2.1. Need Sustainable Architecture since it does not contain volatile organic compounds
> (SPPU - May 13)
2. Low VOC Paint
- The built environment has a massive impact on the natural

environment, human health, and the economy. By sustainable VOC's stands for organic volatile compounds, which are

architecture, we can maximize both economic and chemical compounds emitted from most paints and can affect

environmental performance. human health.

Low VOC paints are usually odourless and have no chemical

~ Sustainable construction methods can be incorporated into
solvents so they will greatly improve your indoor air quality.
buildings at any stage, from design and construction, to
3. Wool Carpeting
renovation and deconstruction.
Woven wool is a clean, environmentally friendly option for
- However, the most significant benefits can be obtained if the
residential and commercial carpeting.
design and construction team takes an integrated approach
from the earliest stages of a building project. Wool is a rapidly renewable material, has low VOC

emissions, is fire resistant, biodegradable, and compostable

2.2.2 Sustainable Bullding Materials and adds a layer of insulation to the floor.
> (SPPU - Nov. 13, Nov. 14)
4. Cotton Bat Insulation

Cotton is also a rapidly renewable material and is a natural

way to provide insulation.

building materials are materials that are Cotton provides high thermal resistivity values, emits no
is not
ecologically responsible because their impact on the planet VOC's, works as a sound attenuator, is non-toxic, and 100%

as damaging as traditional building materials. recyclable.

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> 5. Ecological Concrete “© Nocosalty of groen building
Concrete is one of the most used materials In the construction Buildings have major environmental impacts during their
industry. The problem is that generating concrete has a large life. Resources such as ground cover, forests, water and
impact on global warming. The solution is to use concrete energy are dwindling to give way to building.
mixtures that contain recycled materials.
Resources intensive materials provide structure to n building
Recycled wood chips, crushed glass ar slag can be added to and landscaping add beauty to it.
————_the. concrete. mixture. Concrete has a very long life; it can be
Energy-consuming systems for lighting, air conditioning, and
formed into any shape and is recyclable.
water heating provide comfort to its occupants.
> 6. Paper Insulation Panels
Hi-tech controls add intelligence to ‘inanimate’ buildings so

These insulation panels are made from recycled newspapers that they can respond to varying conditions, and intelligently

and cardboards, monitor and control resource use, security, and usage of fire
fighting systems and other such system in the building.
They are an ecological alternative to using insulating foam
and they are made fire-resistant by adding boric acid and Water, another vital resource for the occupants, gets

calcium carbonate. consumed continuously during building construction and

2.2.3 Benefits of Sustainable Material
Several building processes and occupant functions generate
> (SPPU - May 12, May 13, Nov. 14)
large amounts of waste, which can be recycled for use or can

be reused directly,

Buildings are thus one of the major pollutants that affect

urban air quality and contribute to climate change.

Hence, there is a need to design a green building, the essence

No bad impact on environment
of which is to address all these issues in an integrated and
Low cost
scientific manner.
Easiiy available
It is a known fact that it costs more to design and construct a
Waste reduction
green building compared to other buildings.
Good aesthetic view
However, it is also a proven fact that it costs less to maintain
Good for human health a green building that has tremendous environmental benefits

Eco-friendly ———_——---------~—- and provides a bettcr place for the occupants to live and work
2.3 Green Building Thus, the challenge of a green building is to achieve all its
benefits at an affordable cost.

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~ Avctitecture & Toan Planning (SPU Sam 7- Geil) 2-6 Principle of Landscaping & Urban Design

Trainings lt: efficieer ceuling systams have sensors that can sense the heat generated from human body and automatically

adiuse the cou tamgensnae, saving emergy. It applies to lighting systems too.

~ Grven sdidlings have a smarter lighting system thar automatically switches off when no one is present inside the rooms.

— Simgie meboelinges Eke aie heed Aushing system in .oilets that avoids water use by 100%, Use of energy efficient LED's and
CRU imsnad of conventions! incandescent lamp, sew generation appliances that consume less energy, and many other options help
un oaaking She hatlitings geeea and make them: different from conventional

NX Alteimaine energy source Building with trees

| for elacticdy-pholoveltaiic shaded on east
e Ww panei cn the south side ie
| Metaltight
| paabeiredwa colored roofing
Dok work sealed
‘wih mastic

Safe room ‘rain walter
Lostero"VOC"” exsaGY zu s < . 3
foeemgard reitt «sjaR we
0 dehumidificatin
qesn _ Seed ae Natve plantings
aaumsysiem collection
Acolances & mechsnics's
Sght Scturas

Fig. 23.1 : Green building

i. Sim piester. 2.3.1 Benefits of Green Building

2 Bileranckpe din, > (SPPU - May 12)
3 Boling system desis (HVAC [Heating Ventilation and Air

Conditiosing], Echtine, electrical, and water heating).

> -Innsetaion of resewable energy sources to generale energy A green building has lower resource consumption as
oo-site compared to conventional buildings. The following is the
percentage reduction of various resources in a building and
3. Water sod waste misagemest i ‘
their respective reasons.

& Selection of ecologically sustainable materials (with high Green buildings consume 40% to 60% (depending on the
recycied coatent, rapifly resewable resources with low range of measures adopted) lesser electricity as compared to
emission potential zed so oa). conventional buildings.

7. Indoor eavironmental quality (maintain indoor thermal and Green Buildings also used to generate renewable energy
= nfoet and air quality). utilization to cater to its energy needs.

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eg. - All of these can be achieved al a minimal incremental cost
(i) Solar thermal energy can be used to generete hot water. with an estimated payback period-*of about 3-5 years

(i) Solar PV panel can be used to generate electricity. (excepting renewable energy for power generation),

— Green buildings consume 40% to 80% (depending 2.3.2 Building Materials used In Green
on the
fange of measures adopted) lesser water as Buildings ‘
compared to
conventional buildings by utilizing ultra low-flow
dual_plumbing systems, waste-water recycling system — Green building uses ecologically sustainable materials
s and
rain-water harvesting, etc. typically considered to be ‘green’. They include rapidly
renewable plant materials like bamboo and straw, lumber
- Green buildings generate lesser waste by employing waste
form forests certified to be sustainably managed, recycled
management strategies on site. They also generate energy
stone and recycled metal.
from waste.
- Other products that are used are non-toxic, reusable,
- Green buildings generate lesser pollution both during
renewable, and/or recyclable e.g., sheep wool, panels made
construction as well as while in use.
from paper flakes, baked earth, rammed earth, clay,
— Through best-practices such as proper storage of construction vermiculite, flax linen, sisal, sea grass, cork, expanded clay

materials, barricading of the site to prevent air and noise grains, coconut, wood fiber plates and calcium sand stone.

pollution during construction, proper storage and disposal of - Ensure that the embodied energy of materials used for
waste during construction. construction is low. For example, use of brick that removes

Green buildings offer higher image and marketability. precious top soil and uses high heat to get baked.

Green buildings restrict the use of high ODP - They should have zero or low off gassing of harmful air

emissions, zero or low toxicity.
(Ozone Depleting Potential substances in their systeras as
well as in finishes). - They should be sustainably harvested materials, having high
recyclable strength durability and longevity. 7
— — Green buildings ensure proper safety, health and sanitati
the laborers (during constniction) and the
facilities for

occupants (while in use).

"Resource efficient”
manufacturing process :*
Locally available

Salvaged, refurbished or.

remanufactured ~~:

" Fig. 2.3.2 : Green building material

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er Architecture & Town Planningi (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 2-8 Principle of| Landscaping & Urban Design
- They should have been local! ly produced. Such products Some important features those are considered for planning
Promote resource conservation and efficiency. and designing of build
lesigningof green buildings are :
— Reuse and recycle construction and demolition materials. For
1. Zero water discharge and 100% water recycling.
example, using inert demolition materials as a base course for
a parking lot keeps materials out of landfills costs less. 2. 50% saving in energy.
— Require
eq plans for i
managing i
materials through | 3. Reduction in requirement
of water by 35% to 40%.
deconstruction, demolition and reconstruction.
4, Waterless urinals.

2.3.3__D Ign-o _G - g 5. Application of fly ash, cement blocks, seatents crapets etc

Green architecture starts right from the judicious choice of | 6. Roof gardening.
ne ques ofof using
to the techniques i
usi them. Regional i
difference has | 7 ;
Utilization of day light for most part of building. If 75% of

(0 be respected and houses should be built in a manner that work building is designed to use lighting is achieved
with the environments in which they fit.
8. Use of cavity walls.
- Green building design challenges designers to go beyond
9. Use of high performance glasses for glazing.
‘meeting building code requirements’ and minimize life-
10. Recycling of almost all possible waste materials like ceramic
cycle environmental impact and cost.
. 2
tiles, glass, buildi
nae . Blass, building waste, concreie waste i
building design is based on the philosophy of
— Green construction waste.
sustainable design that attempts to minimize negative human
and | !1. Solar thermal heating for hot water requirement.
impacts on the natura! surroundings, materials, resources
Vastushastra | 12. Use of boards for partition, manufactured from
processes that prevails in nature. This is where
energy with indoor waste.
come in, which is used to balance human
13. Use of vermin composting to treat canteen waste.
14 Use of wind turbines.
forms this design goal into |
Green building rating system trans
a framework to for pathways and
ific performance objectives and rovide 15. Use of solar lights around the building
spectlic perle : P oo,
assess overall design. other areas illumination.

i i i d other material efficienc Use of bamboo and old furniture

waste for flooring entire
7 16.
Use dimensional planning. ® buildin;
i e. ‘es reduce the amount of corporate area or by refurbishmen
t and reuse.
strategies. These stuleBi® truction cost. .
materials needed and cut cons n into consideration
These and many other points if take
ili ling g collection g of building and then its construction,
- Design with adequate space to fac! ilitate recycun while planning and designin .
waste mani agement t
pro program that
a green building i.e. also called as sustainable building can be
and to incorporate 2 solid
prevents waste generation.
n buildings is
rgy saving in case of gree stems
__-—The potential of ene Green Building Rating Sy
of construction of about | 2.4
40% to 50% with an increased cost "> (SPPU-May 12, May 13,
Nov. 13)
entional design cost.
to 8% with respect to conv
- Typ ical energy consumpti
on pattem in building
ght, 15% for
ioning, 20% for li
60% for air condit s
fans. Thu
s and 5% for ventilation
miscellaneous equipment ing
two most ene ry consum
lighting are
air conditioning and
le desi gning green
en top priority whi
area, these are giv

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_2-9 Principle of Landscaping

& Urban Design
et Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil)
and internationally accepted benchmerk for the design,
Three major rating systems used through the world are,
construction and operation of high performance green
1. BREEAM 2. GB Toal 3. LEED
Major rating systems —
The (India Green Building Council) IGBC has Lceased the
LEED green building standard from the US green buildin
council and currently is responsible for cerufying LEED-
2. GB Tool New construction and LEED-Core and shell buildings
India. All other projects are certified through the US green
building council.
Fig. C2.5 : Major rating systems
LEED concentrates on five different categories of building
BREEAM, GB Tool, LEED rating differ in terminologies, design and life-cycle performance. It also gives special credit

structure, performance, assessment methods, relative importance for innovatioa and design process adopted for the below

on environmental performance categories and documentation mentioned five different aspects. Viz.

required for certification. (a) Sustainable sites,

the -aim- remains the same i.e. to promote (b) Water efficiency
environmentally sensitive built-up development.
(c) Energy and atmosphere
> 1. Building Research Establishment Environmental
(d) Maiesials and resources,
Assessment Method (BREEAN)
(e) Indoor air quality.
- Recognized by building industry in UK, Australia and
Canada. Categories of bullding design
and IIfe-cycle performance
=> 2. Green Building Challenge Assessment Framework
(GB tool)
(a) Sustainable sites

- Collaborative effort by more than twenty countries

(b) Water efficiency
committed to developing a global standard.
(c) Energy and atmosphere
— First draft assessment framework prepared in 1998, popularly
known as GB Tool. (d) Materials and resources

— Professed developing regionally sensitive rating framework.

(e) Indoor air quality
— Recognized in Korea, Italy, and Brazil.
Fig. C2.6 : Categories of building design and life-cycle
-> 3. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

- Developed by US Green Building Council in 2000, popularly For each aspect, a number of pre-requisites and credits with

known as LEED rating. specific design performance criteria exist.

- Widely accepted rating system due to its simplicity. Pre-requisites do not provide any credits towards score, but
must be met irrespective of meeting other credit
- 12-15 percent of the public construction in US abide LEED
requirements. Credits can be obtained when the building
tating system.
design meets or exceeds the requirement depending upon the
2.4.1 LEED Rating System in India performance level achieved.

Depending on the total points accrued, a label or certificate is

- Leadership in energy and environmental design
issued recognizing the green building.
(LEED-INDIA) green building rating system is nationally

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Prinicle of ‘
SPPU - Som 7 - 2-10
ea Architecture & Town
“P (a) Sustainable sites (14 points maximum) pre-requisites
(vill) Light polluthon reduction (1 potas)
Ienprove night thy access s0d redoce Gevelopmnat
(i) Erosion and sedimentation control
To reduce the negative impact on water quality. on nocturnal eavisonrattt.
= Credits
<> (b) Water efficiency (5 prints maximam) credits
(1) Site selection (1 point) ngs)
(2 point
Water efficient landscapi
- Avoiding farmland/parkland/habitat of endangered species. landscage irsigation
Limit of eliminate the wie of potable water for
~~~ Land elevation higher than 1.5 m of 100 year flood evel. Ghroogh high efficiest
(a) Reduce water wage by $0 peronst
- Proximity to wetlands. irrigation technology (1 potst)
water tough we of
(ii) Urban redevelopment (1 point) : (b) Complete elimination of potable
site watex adésticaal | oes)
infrastructure. captured rainwaterirecycied
— Tochannel development in areas with existing
es (I point)
ties and facilities. (ii) Innovative waste water technologi
Avoid under/over utilization of ameni
te water and indirecly edo
: pedoce geceration of was
(iii) Brownfield developmeat (1 point) -
potable water demand.
rehabilitation of damaged sites and reduce
To promote
Increasing local aquifer Et
pressure on undeveloped land.
ce by SO pescest
Cotting down sewage conveyea
sportation (4 points)
(iv) Alternative tran ent to tertiary standards.
100 & waste water treatm
ation (1point)
(a) Access to public transport
(additional ! Water ose reduction (2
e and changing rooms
(b) Access to bicycle storag Been
icacy mad moder
Maxinize woercse eff
point) lE
e and allied facilitie
s to alternative
muni suppplyaSE
e i
(c) Parking advan tag
l 1point) ccos (1 poist)
vehicles (additiona (2) 2G percest reda
«car «= USE
reduction 10 curb ion (sisson! post)
(d) Parking capaci ty
(b) 30 percent reduct

(additional 1 point) re (17 poists maxina)

7 © Energy and atmosphe
(e) Reduce site disturbance (2 points
limiting site disturbance @ Pre-requisites
en space through
(fF) Protect/restore op point) ng system Comm
of vegetauon (1 Fundasoestal beikdi
ork and clearing a)
including earthw ics
ss roads 20d that feadamestal bark
ve lo pm en t foo tpr int including scce
Minimize de
s (additional T-point)
other paved area
(2 points)
(vi) Storm water management
f run-off (1 point)
(3) Reduce rate and quantity © ;
(additional 1 point)
prov ision for run-off
(b) Treatm ent

island effect (2 point)

(vii) Heat
, site (1 point)

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ert Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 2-11 Principle of Landscaping & Urban Design

Ff Credits (vi) Green power (1 point)

(i) Optimize energy performance above pre-requisite Encourage the use and development of local-level renewable
standards (10 points) energy technologies i.e. wind power, solar power, bio-mass,
geo-thermal etc.

At least 50 percent of the building energy usage from

15 5 1
renewable energy sources.
20 10 2
-> (d) Materials and resources (13 point maximum)
25 15 3
@ Pre-requisites
30 20 4
(i) Storage and collection of recyclables,
35 25 5
To facilitate reduction of waste generated to be hauled and
40 30 6
45 35 7
50 40 8
i) Building reuse (3 points)
55 45 9
Extending lifecycle of existing building stock, conserve
60 55 10
Tesources, reduce waste and environmental impacts of new

(ii) Renewable energy (3 points maximum) buildings related to materials manufacturing and transport.

(a) Maintain 75 percent of existing walls, floors and roof

Encourage increasing levels of onsite renewable cnergy to
(1 point)
reduce environmental impacts associated with fossil fuels.
(b) Maintain 100 percent of existing wal!s, floors and roof
(a) At ieast 5 percent of the total energy usage (1 point)
(additional | point)
(b) At least 10 percent of the total energy usage (additional
(c) Maintain 100 percent of shell and 50 percent of non-
1 point) shell/structure (additional 1 point)
(c) At least 20 percent of the total energy usage (additional
(ii) Construction waste management (2 points)
1 point)
Divert construction, demolition and land clearing waste from
(iii) Addition commissioning (1 point)

Engaging commissioning authority in early design phase. Redirect recyclables back to manufacturing process

(iv) Ozone protection (1 point) Redirect reusable materials to appropriate site

- Reduce ozone depletion and support early compliance with (a) Divert 50 percent from landfill (1 point)
Montreal Protocol. (b) Divert 75 percent from landfill (additional 1 point)

- Achieved particularly by installing HVAC and R and fire

(iii) Resource use (2 points)
suppression system not containing HCFC and Halons.
Reuse buil¢ing materials and products to reduce demand for
‘v) Measurement and verification (1 point)
virgin materials

- Continuous monitoring for accountability and optimization of Reduction in extraction and processing
building energy and water consumption.

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- — Toreduce waste indirectly Primary Rating systoms
In india
(a) At last 5 percent of building materials from salvaged,
refurbished of reused materials / products / furnishings
(1 point)

(b) At least 10 percent of building materials reused


(iv) Recycled content (2 points)

Fig. C2.7 : Primary Rating systems in India

- Encourage demand for building products thal incorporate > 1. Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
Tecycled content materials. (GRIHA)

~ Reduction in extraction and processing of new virgin Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) is
materials India’s own rating system jointly developed by TERI (The

Energy Research Institute) and the Ministry of New and

(a) At least 5 percent of the total value of materials used in
Renewable Energy, Government of India
the project (1 point)
(b) At least 10 percent of the total value of materials used It is a green building design evaluation system where

in the project (additional 1 point) buildings are rated in a three-tier process. The process

initiates with the online submission of documents 2s per the

(v) Local materials (2 points)
prescribed criteria followed by on site visit and evaluation of
— Encourage materials extracted or manufactured locally, the building by a team of professionals and experts from
thereby supporting local economy and reducing the
GRIHA Secretariat. GRIHA rating system consists of 34
environmental impacts of transportation of building
criteria categorized in four different sections.
© Site selection and site planning,
(a) At least 20 percent of the building materials
o Conservation and efficient utilization of resources,
manufactured within 500 miles radius (1 point)
o Building operation and maintenance,
(b) At least 50 percent of building materials extracted
tegionally for regionally manufactured component o Innovation.

(additional 1 point).
2. Indian Green Building Council (IGBC)
There is a huge amount of construction waste, and the
The Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED)
potentia] to reuse this to reduce landfill and new materials is
is the rating system developed for certifying Green
enormous. When reclaimed materials are secured from an existing
building site, the environmental impact is virtually zero. Even
when they are sourced from far away, reclaimed materials are sti!] LEED is developed by the U.S. Green Building Council

the most environmentally friendly option for supplying materials to (USGBC), the organization promoting sustainability through

the building industry. Green Buildings.

LEED is a framework for assessing building performance

2.4.2 Green Building Certification in India
against <ct criteria and standard points of references.

Whether Green buildings are really green is to be decided The benchmarks for the LEED Green Building Rating
against the predefined rating systems. There are three primary System were developed in year 2000 and are currently
Rating systems in India. available for new and existing constructions.

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Principio of Landscapln & Urban Dosign

Civil) 2-13
ea Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem7-
Green Buildings - Rating recelved
LEED ‘Gold’
3, | Anna Centenary Library Building,
Chennai rated

4. | Biodiversity Conservation India Ltd
‘Platinum’ rated
(BCIL) - Bangalore
r LEED ‘Gold’
5, | Birla International Schuul, Jaipu

6. | Cll-Sohrabji Godrej Green
Business Centre ‘Platinum’ rated

7. | ITC Green Centre - Gurgaon
‘Platinum’ rated
Fig. 2.4.1
8. | Olympia Technology Park - LEED ‘Gold’
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) formed the Indian rated
Green Building Council (GBC) in year 2001.
9. | Rajiv Gandhi International Airport ~ LEED ‘Silver’
IGBC is the non profit research institution having its offices Hyderabad rated
in Cll-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre, which is itself
10. | Suzlon Energy Limited - global LEED
a LEED certified Green building. ‘Platinum’
headquarter in Pune
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has licensed

the LEED Green Building Standard from the USGBC. IGBC 2.4.3 Case Study Suzlon-One Earth Pune
facilitates Indian greea structures to bocome one of the green => (SPPU - May 13, Nov. i3, Nov. 14, May 16)
Q. Write a short note on “Green building case study.” ”!
IGBC has developed the_following green building rating
systems for different types of building in line and conformity
@. Explain Green Building case study. [ETRE
with US Green Building Council. Till date, following Green Q. Write a short note on green bullding case study. os
Building rating systems are available under IGBC.
1. LEED India for New Construction
Q. Elaborate : Importance of sustainable architecture
2 LEED India for Core and Shell
with Gasé study. Ea
3 IGBC Green Homes
Suzlon One Earth is Suzlon group global headquarter based
4. IGBC Green Factory Building
at Hadapsar, Pune, India.
5. IGBC Green SEZ
Suzlon One Earth is the only building in India which has got
6 IGBC Green Townships
highest ratings from both Rating Systems by LEED India and

From LEED it gets Platinum Certification with 57 points out

of 69 points and from GRIHA it gets 5 stars rating with 96
ABN Amro Bank N.V., Ahmedabad | LEED
points out of 100 points.
‘Platinum’ rated
American Embassy School, Delhi LEED ‘Gold’
fated Suzlon One Earth, Pune

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Location :- Near Kumar IT Park, Magarpatta, Hadapsar, Suzlon one earth is 100% powered by onsite and offsite
Pune.- 28 renewable sources.

Plot Area: - 45,392 Sq. M. The campus has 18 hybrid wind turbines that fulfill 7% of the

Built up Area :- 70,865 Sq. m total energy consumption; the rest of energy demand is met
from offsite wind turbines. 90% of the occupied spaces in the
Accommodation ;- 2500 Employee
campus have daylight exposure; all the lighting used is also
Master Plan includes following building components:- Office LED that reduces the overall consumption.
complex, Corporate Learning Centre.
Daylight-sensors-and occupancy sensors are installed across
@ Features of the project
the building that automatically controls the artificial lighting
Passive design strategies ensuring visual and thermal in presence of daylight and tum off the lights when no one is
comfort. around.

Majority of building facades face North, South, North - West More than 70% of the building material used has a reduced
and South — East enabling adequate day lighting and glare carbon footprint. Jet fans are installed in the basements that
control Buffer spaces located on the overheated south- air and bring in fresh air from time to time, this
push out stale
western exposure. systems consumes 50% less energy as compared to
Glazing on the first-and second floors has been shaded from conventional ducted basement ventilation system.
direct solar radiation using louvers. are
Even the pavements and roads within the campus
The landscape incorporates the landscaping method that designed to enable water percolation and thereby control
employs drought — resistant plants in an effort to conserve storm water runoff thus, contributing towards an increased
resources with efficient water management systems. water table level.

Use of higher ration of native and naturalized plant species to

sustain and enhance local ecology.

* Minimum * Use of low emitting » Green design

¢ Minimum site Rain water « Energy efficient
construction waste —s materials education
disturbance harvesting HVAC
» Creating green
*Healisland effect * Use oflowflow —* Enerpy efficent * Use of regional ® Indoor potlutants
enerpy resource
foctures lighting materials control
¢ Minimum light
« Uses of
of day
Use of rapidly —»-* Naluraluse onsite and offsite
pollution * Use of sensor » Green house
renewable enemy renewable Nght and view of
based fixtures keeping
« Use of native malenal outdoor spaces
e Water efficent « Sensor based ¢ Zero waste
plants « Recycle andreuss * Increase ventilation
Inigation lighting and policy
ventilation of material * Minimum pollution
© CFC and HCFC
© 100 % use of
sewage water Energy efficient « Use of high recycle = during construction
feeriatora use content material
* Promate public . electrical
transport » Water efficient equipment
HVAC system
Less water

360 Degree approach to Sustainability at Suzion

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ey Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 2-15 Principle of Landscaping & Urban Design

2.4.4 Infosys Limited, Mysore Bullding Case
Study > (SPPU- May 17)
Syllabus Toplc : Urban Renewal For Quality of Life
and LIvabllity

2.5 Urban Design and Renewal for

Quality of Life and Livability
Water Efficiency
- May 13, Nov. 14, Dec. 15, May 16,
There has been a 58% reduction in overall water Aug. 16, May 17)
consumption in the building through the use of efficient
°Q. Explain the efficiency of urban renewal for Itveabilty.
plumbing fixtures, plus only recycled water is used for
a. Enlist the parameters on which quality
of life besed
Energy Efficiency
“~~ and“establish
the relation of the’same-with urban
The building is 40% more efficient than the globally
reneiidl proposal: =~ XETE
accepted ASHRAE standard and has the potential to save Q.” How’ arid’ why “ucbai renewal” and “qualityof life"
about 800,000 kgs of carbon emissions. This has been concepts are interlinked? . Ps
achieved through an efficien: building envelope, which ‘@.” Develop
the “Aélation betwesn qiliy et lifé and
includes insulated walls and roof, along with spectrally - - livability’. TS ESE pe ° SE TR
selective double glazed windows which are appropriately
‘G.- ~ Enist the parameters for Ivabilty and elaborate any
shaded. Adding to that is the use of efficient equipment and
smart automation leading to a 40% reduction in energy costs.

Lighting “quality
of fifa end fivabiitty*. = GREE
90% of this office space harvests natural light, reducing the ‘The term URBAN has Greek origin from the word "URB"
need for_artificial iighting during daytime. Lighting: 90% of which means “Centre of any activity”. It means centre
this office space harvests natural light, reducing the need for development starts from centre.
artificial lighting during daytime.
Urban design is the process of designing and shaping cities,
The contrasting brightness within the building has also been towns and villages whereas architecture focuses oa
reduced by using light color surfaces and ceilings, thus individual buildings, urban design sddress the larger scale of
reducing the strain on pupils, and as a result, employees are groups of buildings of streets and public spaces, whole
less tired. neighbourhoods and districts, and entire cities to make urban

Green Power areas functional, attractive and sustainable.

100% energy consumption of this building is met with green Urban design is about making connections between people
and places, movement and urban form, nature and the built
fabrics. Urban design draws together the many strands of
Efficient Material Selection and Management: For this
place making, environmental stewardship, social equity and
project, Infosys has diverted construction waste from
economic viability into the creation of places with distinct
landfills. 10% of the total construction material used was
beauty and identity.
recycled material including aluminium, pies and steel. 41%
of the total project material by cost was manufactured ‘The term urban design is associated with designing the third

regionally, thereby reducing pollution due to transportation. dimension for the master plan of settlement. Esch of the type
of land uses may have different architectural features and
architectural styles. The third dimension of a city should be

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: et Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 2-16 Principle of Landscaping & Urban Design

part of planning process so that from concept level only the > 2. Landmark

land uses can be organized in such a way to create an These are the individual building or the complexes or the
interesting urban skyline. natural sites which are popular by city population as well as
There are various elements of urban design such as the the visitors from outside.

People, the culture, architecture and various types of These are generally used as references for locating various
landscape features. types of building and their addresses. Hand marks are also
divided as major and minor.
‘There are various urban design theories. Urban design theory
deals primarily with the design-and-management of public Major landmarks are less in numbers -but-they are able to

Spaces, and the way public places are experienced and used. define the image of the city to its people as well as visitors
from outside. The minor landmarks may not be recognized at
Public space includes the totality of spaces used freely on a
the city level but they are recognized at neighborhood or
day-to-day basis by the general public such as street, plazas
colony level.
and parks and public infrastructure.
3. District
Kevin Lynch technique is the most simple to understand
It is designed as specific area with two dimensional extent
urban design features [It is explained in book "Image of city”
which bears common architectural and cultural character one
by Kevin Lynch].
city may kave number of major district depending on its
2.5.1 Kevin Lynch Technique morphological growth.

Kevin Lynch has explained urban design with the help of There are two types of district; major district is substantially
following five elements : larger area which is part of pre-stages of morphological

Elements of Kevin Lynch

growth of the city.
Minor district may be part of large size major district which
shows further specialty about architecture and culture for a
1. Path
specific small area.
2. Landmark
For example : In Nashik city the old core may be treated as

3. District major district while the various streets and lane which have
individual character may be treated as minor district.
4. Edge
4. Edge

5. Node
It is a linear element such as river, railway line, or road

which act as boundary for the district.

Fig. C2.8 : Elements of Kevin Lynch Technique
The maior edges are defined as the edges which bounds the
1. Path major districts while minor edge“is defined as the edge which

It includes all the types of roads and accessories in a specific bounds minor district.

town. These are further divided as major paths and minor For example : The river at Pune acts as major edge to divide
paths. All the arteries and important roads are parts of major two major district that is the old core and the newly

paths. developed a:ea around Deccan Gymkhana.

Sometimes major paths act as the edge for the major district. 5. Node

The minor paths are roads and lanes which connect various It is an intersection of two or more numbers of path. The
built areas to major path. intersection of major path is referred as minor node.

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__ Principle of Landscap
= Souvetives the gps of node also depends on various land 2.5.4 Urban Cognition
uses around it,
~ Urban design includes urban cognition. Urban cognition
2.5.2 Garden Cullen Technique means the way we understand urban environment.

~ This wehnique is known as “Serial Vision Technique" and is - Urban planner has to consider lifestyle, culture, behaviour
describad in book “The concise TOWNSCAPE by Ganden pattem in addition to technical aspects during urban design.
Culler, ~ — Inurban cognition for example:
— Serial nwans a seties of views while approaching towands the = "If we sky scrapper
it is in Mumbai or New York".
major Landmark er the image of city.
— "Small houses with king post, Iueen post, roof of teak wood,
~ The awhitectural beauty of the image of city canbe red or yellow coloured, they are in Assam, Meghalaya or
appreciated in a better way if it is approached through a Kerala”.
series of interesting view, Here when the viewer finishes his
- Thus, the character, tells about the culture. The facade the
jeumey and reaches to the coneem image, last and most
building is having talks about the architecture.
interesting view of series is referred as “END VIEW".
- Insouth temple, the emphasis is on height i.e. Gopuram, thus
~ Serial vision can be achieved by using topographical
facade talks about architecture.
advantage or it can be created by means of various lendscape
features, Serial vision survey is carried out either by making - Unless one understand the behaviour, style of people
the sketches in the sequence or by clicking photographs in planning will not be successful.
the sequence,
- Forexample In design for mall it is necessary to consider that
2.5.3 Considerations In Urban Design commodities like bread, butter, milk which are required

"> (SPPU-Nov. 14) everyday should be on ground floor and could be accessed by

old age people, whereas commodities tike Television,

Urban design may encompass the preparation of design
guidelines and regulatory trame works or even legislation contro! furniture which one buys once in 5 years should be located
development advertising etc. on first floor.

1. Pedestrian cones - Thus the need should be taken into consideration,

2. Incorporation of nature within a city ie. cognitions is necessary before design.
3. Aesthetics
2.5.5 Spatial Organization
4. Urban structure

ain Withe
> (SPPU - Aug. 15)
Urban typology, density and sustainability
Accessibility WESs

land USe Zoning’


7. Way finding
8. Animation [Designing places to stimulate public activity) - Spatial organization is all about creating space through land

9. Function and fit form, built elements & Trees.

10. Complementary mixed uses - The essence of landscape lies in the creation of quality space
11, Character and mearing (Recognizing and valuing the in temporal scale.
difference between one place and another)
- A spatial organization puts more attention on Spatial
12. Order and incident
pattern/distribution of land-uses/resources,
13. Continuity and change.

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Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil)
See 2-18 Principle of Landscaping & Urban
a Design
Land use zoning is defined as the regulation by
the law for
the use of land in specific areas for the purpose of securin
convenience, health, safety and general welfare of the

There are different types of zones, such as residential zone,

commercial zone, recreational zones etc.
Proper allocation of each types zones by considering spatial
organization leads to effective land-use planning.
In Mumbai, there is linear development or linear expansion
and hence travelling is north-south.
2.5.6 Urban Transportation
Whereas in case of Delhi multisided development can take
It is another aspect of urban design if includes considerations place. However a very efficient rail system is the need of the
for. time as in case of number it is called the "Life-line". Rail
system can be underground or elevated.
Urban Transportation 26

1. Roadway

(a) Vehicular 3. Airway

The days have gone, when travelling by airway was

(b) Pedestrian
considered as status symbol or privilege or dream Now-a-
2. Railway days with change in economy and change in lifestyle
congestion in air traffic is also observed. Flights are taking
3. Airway
off every 3 minutes.

4. Waterway During planning a large township or city it is of utmost

importance to provide a proper position or location of airport.
Fig. C2.9 ; Urban Transportation All ancillary requirement for airport will also require
> 1. Roadway planning.

Road development is looked upon in two ways : 4. Waterway

(a) Vehicular It can be seen through two aspects :

With changing standard car occupancy rate has increased, (a) Vehicles that nun in water

Urban life style has lead to increase car occupancy ratio. And (b) Constructing roads in water (sea).
hence it has become very much important to have planned Waterway is very important for Mumbai. Some years back
vehicular way. However draft ran in Mumbai-fora-short-period of-about 8 to
Segregation of Cargo traffic from regular commuter traffic is 10 days. Because west coast of Mumbai is little tocky it was
must. In many cities, on many roads cargo transports, are not not feasible.
allowed between moming 8.30 am to evening 8.30 p.m. In Kerala, available waterway facility is used for tourism
(b) Pedestrian which fetches Kerala government economy,

People should not be forced to exert up and down to cross Thus, different means of urban transportation are very much

toad. Rather they should be provided with facilities for needed in day to day life of urban community. Yet the
comfortable walk. Golden mean for all this is
"Live where You Work" OR
Arrangement of footpath, pedestrian is must.
"Work where you live"

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le Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) _2- Principle of Landscaping& Urban Daalgn

This will reduce road on all means of traffic as well as will unavoidable accidents, This is the point where urban renewal
help community in getting physical and mental peace. takes place.

2.5.7 Urban Housing 2.5.8 Urban Renewal

- Aug. 16)
Shelter is amongst oue of the basic necessity of mankind so 75S" of lite?
HOW does urban ronawal lmprove the quallty
is it for urban community.

Slum whether we like it or not is the part of our environment - — Itis a programme of land redevelopment in areas of moderate
and our society. -——~to high density urban land use,

Various categories of housing are : Urban renewal involves relocation of businesses, demolition
Various categories of of structures, relocation of people and the use of eminent
housing domain as a legal instrument to take private property for city
initiated development projects.
1. EWS (Economically Weaker Section)
In some cases, renewal may result in urban sprawl and less
congestion where areas of cities receive free ways and
2. LIG (Low Income Group housing)
express ways.
3. MIG (Middle Income Group housing) Urban renewal has been seen as an economic engine and a
reform mechanism, a mechanism for control,
4. HIG (High Income Group housing)
2.5.9 Flow chart for “Urban Renewal
Fig. C2.10 : Various categories of housing Process
> (SPPU - Dec. 16)
Housing is seen through two aspects
‘os watt vg
Q.~ Draw a flow chart for.“Urban Rendwal Process", _
(i) Economical (ii) Social

People always prefer to live in groups economical as well as

Survey of area
social. They really feel secured and say esteem is raised
when they find themselves in a surrounding circled by human Issue identification
of same caste, religion and economy. Because they are not let A
down by caste or economy discrimination. Knowledge of act and DCR
However neighbourhood concept includes housing in
UDPFI Guidelines
percentage for each category. 4
A person’s financial status is judged from the area in which Proposal for urban renewal
he lives.
‘Review Questions:
The name of area reflects social picture, economic picture
and industrial activity that take place in that area. Thus, Q.1 What Is landscaping ? Explain its importance.
housing like other elements of urban design is very
Q.2 Explain objective and principles of landscaping.
Q.3 Give a note on types of landscaping,
In urban housing, when high rise structures are constructed it
Q.4 — Give anote on types of sustainable architecture,
becomes very essential to say that enough space is available
Q.5 — Give anote on types of sustainable material.
between two buildings for fire engine to cnter in case of
crisis or for rescue operation. Q.6 — Explain “Green Building” with its bonefits,

However, it is seen that increasing population, haphazard Q.7 — Whatis green building rating system ? Explain any
growth is unknowingly pressurizing urban amenity exporting
them to the extent possible and planning knowingly for Q.8 — Explain concept of green building with case study.
Q.9 — Give anote on urban renewal.


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Town Planning and Various

Levels of Planning

Syllabus :
e Goals and Objectives of planning; components of planning; benefits of planning.

* Levels of planning : Regional plan, Development Plan, Town Planning Scheme.

¢ Neighborhood plan; importance of New Towns.

° Legislative mechanism for preparation of DP; MRTP. Act 1966.

meet the various needs such as social, cultural, economic and

3.1 Introduction
recreational etc. and to provide healthy conditions for both
rich and i 1 lax etc.
- Never in the history of man, has planning been so much in ne a porto Ive, ‘ work, and to3. play or re as
the forefront as it is today. Without planning nothing
succeeds. So we have defense planning at national level,

regional planning, urban and rural planning at the state level

so on and so forth to family planning at domestic level. Our
India has so far already implemented its eleventh five year
- Town planning includes village planning, town planning, city
plan (2007-12) for the development of the country in all
planning, metropolitan planning, regional planning and
national physical planning etc.

3.1.1. History of Town Planning

Town planning is not new idea or science in India. It is as old

- Town or city is a place of urban living, Urban means an as its rich culture and tradition. The following is the history of

environment in which natural surroundings have been town planning at different periodsin India.
dominated by artificial or manmade surrounding which man | (1) Indus - Valley civilization - (3000 B.C.)
builds for himself. As per census of India “A place becomes (2) Vedic period — (up to 400 B.C.)

urban if it has more than 5000 populations, more the 75% of . .

a. . (3) Buddhist period - (up to 320 A.D.)
which are engaged in non-agricultural occupation and density . bh ,

is more than 1000 persons per square kilometer. However (4) - (up to 14" century)
Medieval period
there are some exceptions. There was a gradual development of trade and commerce. In

- — Town planning is an art of shaping and guiding the physical this period we have the famous cities such as :
growth of the town creating buildings and environments to (i) Dhaka for malmal

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J Architecture
& Town Planning (SPPU - Som
7 - Civ Town Planning and Various Levols of Planning

ii)i ) Krish nanagar for

fi clay modes Objectives of town
(iii) Agra for marble and perfumery planning

(iv) Murshidabad for silk 1. Health

(v) Jaipur
2. Zoning

For palatial buildings of artistic excellence.

3. Convenience
5 Moghul period (1526-1707A.D.) : Cities like Agra, Delhi

————— 4. Beauty
were redeveloped. Fatehpur, Bijapur, Lucknow etc. was
entirely planned, Fig C3.1 : Objectives of Town Planning

(6) Pre-independence period or British ~—_— Period > (1) Health

(Till 1947) : British introduced street planning and adopted To create and promote healthy conditions and environments

straight roads regardless of the cost or damage to social for all the peoples rich and poor, to live, to work, to play or

structure of the town. In the first decade of 20" century, they relax.
> (2) Zoning
took up the outstanding work of building of New Delhi, the
new capital of India. To make use of the land for the right purpose by proper
division of land called zoning such as residential, industrial,
(7) Post independeace period (After 1947) : Many industrial
institutional and recreational etc. in order to avoid future
towns were planned after independence mentioned in below :

(i) Durgapur
— West Bengal —> (3) Convenience

(ii) — Bihar
Jamshedpur The object of convenience is meant in the form of various

(iii) -— Gujarat
Gandhi Nagar needs of the community such as social, economic, cultural

Chandigarh — Punjab etc. and recreational amenities etc.

—= => (4) Beauty
Syllabus Topic : Goals and Objectives of Town To preserve the beauty of the town by developing it on its

a — most suited natural condition e.g. preservation of tress,

natural greenery, improved types of domestic buildings,
3.1.2 Goals and Objectives of Town building of cultural and historical
temples, churches,

@ Necessity of Town Planning

(i) Increased industrial population has given rise, to the

formation of squatter settlements, slums etc.

(ii) Every road has become a highway, increasing traffic

congestion, resulting in accidents.

(iii) Noisy traffic has almost disturbed the peace of the city.

(iv) Lack of public amenities such as water supply, drainage,

sanitation, electricity etc.
objectives of
According to the town planning acts, the main caused
(v) Insufficient open spaces, parks, playgrounds have
the town planning are :
unhealthy conditions of living.

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ey Architecture & Town PI lanning (SPPU - Sem 7

- Civil) ‘3-3 Town Planning and Various Levels of Planning
(vi) The people will have to take long uncomf > 3. Recreation Centres
ortable journey
from place of reside
to the
nceplace of work.
(vii) Safety of each person living, private properties important
place ete, from theft.

3.1.3 Principles of Town Planning

- May 12)

Principles of Town

> 1, Housing Fig. 3.1.1

= 2. Public building A recreation centre is a place where people can work out,
play sports, and sometimes also serve as a social hub for
+ 3. Recreation Centers
some people.
+ 4. Road systems
According to the size of town enough space should be

5. Transport factlities reserved for Recreational activities.

- Development of any town is planned based on Living,

= 6. Green Bett
Working and Leisure utilities/purposes. Also design of all
sp 7. Zoning
buildings is finalized based on these and the proportion of
human figure.
Fig. C3.2 : Principles of Town Planning
Sometimes peace, enjoyment, and essence are the objectives
> 1. Housing
of such type of building hence the design has to reflect all
— Housing includes Buildings or structures that individuals and such character e.g. Gymnasiums, Yoga centers, theatres,
their family may live in that meet certain regulations. Multiplexes etc,

- It is important to provide accommodation to various “> 4. Road systems

categories of people very carefully. A Road system plays vital role in development of any
- There should be No developments of slums. country.

- If exists should be removed by some alternative arrangement Properly designed road system puts a great impression in the
like SRS. minds of people.
“> 2. Public building > 5. Transport facilities

- There should be well balanced grouping and distribution of Tt includes all the land, water, air routes and other
various public buildiags throughout the town. transportation assets.

~ Unmecessary concentration of public buildings should be Adequate transport facilities should be available so that there
avoided. is minimum loss of time from a one place to another.

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Sem 7-Civil) 34 Town Planning and Various Levels of Planning
er Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU -
=> 6. Open Spaces and Green Belt (1) Profit-making use of land

berRETION (2) Non-profit-making use of land

i ——

— The loads contained in the green belt are to be used
carrying out the agricultural activities and the construction of
building in green belt is strictly prohibited.

— If however the necessity arises the construction work may be

carried out over the lands in green belt with special
permission of the authorities concem. It is provided for the
following purposes:.

(i) Itcan be developed as a parks and playgrounds.

(ii) It can be created as a picnic spots and recreation

grounds. It thus helps in preventing the slum

formations. @ Qbjects of Zoning

s for designing the

nursery. (1) The town planner gets ample opportunitie
(iii) It can be developed as poultry farm or .
it future growth and development of the town due to zoning
(iv) It defines the size of city or town and in this respect
in suitably designing the various public | (2) The zoning affords proper co-ordination of various public
agencies such as transport facilities, water supply drainag
amenities for the city or towa.
electric power etc.
(v) It prevents from spreading of town.
> (SPPU - May 12) | (3) The zoning proves to be an effective instrument in the
=> 7. ZONING
de in as. the regulation by. law of the of the town planner for making any town planning scheme
effective and successful.
ye t height
1 (or) buildings. and of the.
tn specific dreas ‘for the|| @ Aspects of Zoning
"purpose of ‘securing ‘convenience, sia The zoning is related to the following aspects :
and.‘general. welfare of thé comm unit y.
Aspects of Zoning
— — It is used for two aspects of planning :
(i) Allocation of land for specific use and (i) Density zoning
of the
; (ii) Control of the use, height and construction
(ii) Height zoning
tion. The (iii) Use zoning
- There is a difference between zoning and reserva
zoning is applied to certain types of general uses. {1) Residential zone (40 - 50%)

c nature
reservation is applied to the uses of land of specifi
(2) Commercial zone (2-5%)
such as gardens, schools, markets, police stations, fire
brigade, stations, parks, playground etc. LY (3) Industrial zone (2-25%)
@ Uses of Land
LJ (4) Recreational zone (remaining %)
The uses of land in town planning can broadly be classified
into the following two categories : Fig. C33 : Aspects of Zoning

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(et Architecture
eee && Town
Town Planning
Planning (SPPU
(SPPU -- Sem
Sem 77 - - Civil)
Civil) 35
3-5 __ Town
own Planning
ang and Various
eee Levels eee
of Plannin
“> (i) Density zoning The zones are usually classified into the following categories :
In density zoning, the density of population in the residential > (1) Residential zone (40-50%)
areas is controlled by means of suitable rules and regulation.
It is largest occupied area of a town compared to other zones.
It is quite evident that it is not practicable to restrict the
Its location depends on neighborhood market, noise and
number of persons from occupying any residential unit.
smoke, parks and playground etc. It should be located
Hence following indirect measures are adopted to have
windward and upstream with respect to the industrial zone.
effective density zoning.
The main purpose of this zone is to provide the residents
(1) The front, side and rear margin are specified from peaceful, healthy, hygienic surrounding.
boundaries. => (2) Commercial zone (2 -5%)
(2) “The maximum height of the building is specified. ‘The zone should be near the center of traffic and preferably it
(3) Minimum size of allotment for each house is specified. should be approach from the roads. It includes the use of land

(4) The number of houses per unit are is limited. for providing facilities to nearby residential area, for banks,
Offices, god owns, shops etc.
(5) The ratio of total size area to total built up area is
=> (3) Industrial zone (2-25%)

> (ii) Height zoning Great care should be taken in providing units of industrial

It is controlling the height of building by considering zone in various parts of towns. The light industries and

following factors : factories running on electric power and causing no nuisance

(1) Bulk or cubical content of building : to nearby areas may be allowed to be set close to the

residential zone. On the other hand, the heavy industries

The volume of the building is made equal to the
volume of the prism with plinth area as base and height giving out insufferable gases and fumes and developing noisy
equal to the width the area i.e. (3 area X height) : atmosphere may be placed on the outskirts of the town. It

should be placed near to the railway lines or ports.

(2) Street width and open spaces :
-> (4) Recreational zone (Remaining %)
In this case height of building is limited by drawing a
It includes mainly parks and playgrounds, cinemas, theatres,
light plane at an angle of 45° or 63.50° to the
town halls, clubs, libraries, restaurants, stadium and other
horizontal, the latter being very common as it gives the
community needs. This zone is scatted throughout the plan of
ratio of height to width of road as 2 : 1.
town so that the people will adequately use such amenities.
@ Advantages

(i) It controls development of central business area of cities. Syllabus Topic : Benefits of Town Planning

(ii) It solves the problem of traffic congestion.

3.1.4 Benefits of Town Planning
(iii) It gives pleasing aesthetic appearance.
> (SPPU - May 17)
(iv) It supply enough day light to the building.
“What are the benefits of town planning
2: < EIEN
(v) The land value not allowed to go up very high in certain
1. Increases attractiveness
favored areas only.

+> (iii) Use zoning Cities are planned by considering the aesthetics. Planners
enhance the attractiveness of a town through applying
It is the most important aspect of zoning and it depends on
various tools like growth management and zoning to manage
the uses to which various parts of the town will be put.
land use.

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(FP architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 3-6 Town Planning and Various Levels of Planning

2. Proper utilization of spaces Considerations taken while

preparing a land use plan
Various units are properly placed as per planning. Sufficient
open spaces are left for playground, parks, theaters etc. (1) Area allocation

Prevents slum development (2) Population and demography

Rapid urbanization has resulted in the formation of slums in (3) Land market

aor cities allover the-world;especially in developing (4) Location

nations. Appropriate Town planning strategies are very
(5) Natural rasources
important as they help to prevent the development of slums.

In such scenarios, cheaper housing options may be given to (6) Topography

prevent the need to create slums.

Fig C3.4 : Considerations taken while preparing a land
Promotes renewal use plan

> (1) Area allocation

Town planning also promotes renewal and reconstruction.
This is clear in cities sewerage and power. Historic, social Area allocation for residential, commercial and industrial
and religious centers can also be preserved in the new town areas is decided depending on the city and its activities.
plan. (2) Population and demography

Promotes security Population and demography index are important factors

Town planners usually have to consider threats like storm while deciding about residential commercial and industrial

surges and floods when planning resources within a town. areas.

Extreme weather or other kinds of emergencies like fire have (3) Land market

to be considered to create evacuation routes within the town.

Land prices are determined frem a land use plan. Land plan

3.2 Concept of Land Use can be a measure to control land prices and also a reason to

increase land prices.

Land use planning is planning of a region or a town (4) Location
according to the use of land. It is very important tool for
Location for industry, commercial and residential areas are
making development plan or master plan.
considered while making a land use plan.
Land use plan shows residential zones, industrial zones,
een™ water bodies roads,
~ public-zones,open-and-grspaces, (5) Natural resources

railway etc. Every town has existing land use plan also helps
Rivers, sea, hills, lakes etc. are considered. Also mines,
to understand present situation.
chemical and other resources are identified before preparing
Overall economic transport activity can be analyzed from the
a land use plan.
existing land use plan and overall life pattern of the people
residing in that region can be understood.
(6) Topography

Following are the considerations taken into account while Topography of the region i.e. hills slopes etc. are considered.

preparing a land use plan.

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(ey Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU -Som7-Civil) 3-7 Town Planning and Various Levals of Planning
SS ese

Syllabus Topic : Regional Plan 3.3.1 Reasons for Regional Planning

3.3 Provision of technical assistance to local governments,

Reglonal plan
Development of regional plans to guide, direct, and/or
coordinate local planning.

Expression of local interests and perspectives to other levels

of government.

Establishment of two-way conduit between local

governments and other agencies.

Syllabus Topic : Development Plan (DP)

or Master Plan

3.3.2 Development Plan (DP) or Master Plan

- It is plan of the larger area than town which is known as
region. > (SPPU - May 16, Aug 16, May 17)
— Regional planning deals with the efficient placement of Jand-
use activities, infrastructure, and settlement growth across a

larger area of land than an individual city or town.

- Regional planning is the science of efficient placement of

infrastructure and zoning for the sustainable growth of a
“Development” is defined as the carrying out of building,
engineering, mining or other operations in or over, or below
~ Regional planning is a sub-field of urban planning as it land or water, or the making of any material change in any
relates land use practices on a broader scale. building or land, or in these of any building, or land and

— A regional planning agency prepares plans that serve as a includes redevelopment Jayout and sub division of any land

framework for planning by local governments and special and reclamation “to develop” will be constructed
districts. accordingly.

Hierarchy of town planning atstay rs.

fité a's (ort note On; "hierarchy of towni'planning” |

National level planning

Regional planning

State / district level planning

A development plan is an ideal plan showing the full

Special township development of the town at future date. The development

tT plan is nothing more than a Skelton prepared on various
Development plan assumptions and approximations.
If properly prepared, it ensures that the develo
Neighborhood planning pment and
growth of various parts of the town will be in harmon
y and
Site planning Proper proportion. Once the details of development
plan is
finalized, the detailed planning of various section
is taken in

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Town Planning and Various Levels of Plannin
(SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 3-8
ee Architecture & Town Planning
op: ment plan and
sal of development (2) Preparation of a tentative draft of the devel
hand and if found necessary the propo suggestions and discussion
every five years. notifying the same for comments,
plan are reviewed periodically, usually
from experts and the public.
Necessity of DP ts and the public
Considerations of views received from exper
any prejudice.
with sympathy and without
haphazard development and make the area
@) To control
plan accommodating the
(4) Preparation of revised developme nt the
received from experts and
(ii) To control the development of industrial cluster
. good aspects of comments
indirectly. public also.
——{iii)—To curb the migration of rural population
in which the development
owding of the (5) Determination of the sequence
(iv) To cut down the problems arising from overcr
plan will be implemented.
supply, traffic
area such as shortage of houses, water
Syllabus Topic : Town Planning Scheme
congestion, inadequacy of open spaces, insufficient
facilities etc.
To develop the connection between regional plan
and other 3.3.3 Concept of Town Planning Sch
short term action plan. (TPS)
Objectives of DP

to fulfill the needs and

Gi) Serving 2s a policy framework
aspiration of the community.

(ii) Promoting larger interest of society.

en physical socio-
(iii) Providing effective co-ordination betwe
ashtra Regional and
that are responsible The state cabinet’s approved the Mahar
economic, cultural and political forces
1966, tc accelerate
y and the technical Town Planning Act (MRTP Act),
for formulating the structure of the societ
implementation of town planning (TP) schem
means to regulate it.
is the finai
of the region in all — Under the MRTP Act, 1966, the state government
(iv) Formulating sustainable development
and healthful and authority for town planning.
aspects such as functional, efficient,
aesthetically satisfying the needs of
human activities. _ TP Schemes greatly benefits the growth of any city.
to life may be seen after s to a
(v) Providing the following aspects - Town planning scheme is a legal document that applie
such as safety, housing defined area.
successful imple! mentation of D.P.
sewage disposal, solid
facility, water supply, sanitation, — The aim of a town planning scheme is to ensure
orderly and
adequate and evenly located
waste disposal, developed roads, proper planning.
facilities, all transport
parts, market facilities, educational pooling
— The basic concept of Town Planning Scheme is
. _.
facilities etc. the land under different ownerships and
together all
@ Stages of Preparation of DP redistributing it in a properly reconstituted form after

The procedure to be followed in the preparation of a deducting the land required for the open spaces, social
and takes ly weaker
development plan for a town is quite lengthy infrastructure, services, housing for the economicai
lities are to be
considerable time as many factors and Jegal forma section and road network.
for convenience, the various stages of to develop land
observed. However, The process enables the local authority
summarized as follows :
preparation of a development plan can be without fully acquiring it and gives it a positive contro
l over

(1) Collection of data and relevant information

from civic survey the design and the timing of the urban growth.
and other resources.

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Town planning schemes ase prepared yiving
micro level ~ — Infortation to each band owner,
Planning for smaller areas of about 100 hectar
~ The band runer can appeal to the judge of district coort.
- In the state, approximately 45 TP tchemes
have been
~ — For te appeal againat the valoation part, the land ownes can
implemented till the date,
approach the Board of appeal, constituted by the state
© Objectives of T. P. Schemes
- Pooling of land,
- The Beard of Appeal (BOA) gives its decisions after the
~ Reconstruction of plot boundaries. hearings.

- _ Prevision for social and physical infrastructure. ~- TPO varies the final scheme as pex the decision of the BOA
and submits to the state government for its sanction.
- — Redistribution of reconstructed plots amongs: original
owners. | Contents of the Draft T.P. Schemes

~ Automatic acquisition of land for public purposes. - Area, ownerthip and tenure
of each original plot

- Recovery of Betterment contribution to recover the cost of - Particulars

of the land allotted or reserved
with details.
development. - Extent to which it is proposed to alter the boundaries of
@ Town Planning Scheme Procedure original plots.

- Deciding the Town Planning area - Estimate of the net cost of the scheme to be bome by
appropnate authority.
- Declaration of the intention to prepare a TPS
- Full description of al details of scheme infrastructure
- Preparation of the Base Map.
- Preparation of the Draft Town Planning Scheme.
- Any other prescribed particulars.
- Arrangement of the Owners meeting to explain Draft TPS

- Invitation of the Objection and Suggesuons for the Draft TPS

Syllabus Topic : Levels of planning

- Modification of the Scheme. Levels of Planning
- Submission of the Draft TPS to the state Government.
The different levels of planning are
- Appointment of the Town Planning Officer (TPO) by the
state Government. Levels of planning

- Serving of individual notices to affected persons.

1. Nationa!
- Hearing of the objections and suggestions.

- Preparation of the Preliminary TPS considering the 2. State

~-objections ‘and suggestions: 3. Regiona!

- Submission of the Preliminary TPS for sanctioning.
4, Local or settement level
~ Sanctioning of the Preliminary TPS with or without
§. Sub-city level

- TPO working out valuation, incremental contribution and Fig. C3.5 : Levels of planning
informs the land owners.
=> 1, National level
- Further invitation for the objections and suggestions.
- This type of planning is characterized by it’s extensive
- Decisions on the Final Scheme proposals.
nature. However it is mainly confined to economical] and

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3-10 Town Planning and Various Lovols of Plan
(SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil)
ar Architecture & Town Planning
“> (4) Local or settlement level
planning at national
social policies. There is no authorized
the development
level. The policies laid down at national
level mainly The local conditions play's a vital role in
agriculture, plan of a city or town.
emphasis on the major items such as mining,
of the local planning are proper
basic industries, forestry. The main objective
traffic control, location of
national population density distribution,
Communications, defense as well as other aspects of
sion of suitable green
significance such as national park and conservation
of shopping and recreational centers, provi
historic and archaeological monuments.
viability and economic
rized Zoning of the area. The financial
In nvt shell the planning at national Jevel can be catego ing the development
conditions are the key parameters decid
as follows. under this category.
of the town, Development plan comes
National development in accordance with it’s
(a) (5) Sub-city level
administrative or political system.
The planning at sub-city comprises of
(>) Development in hierarchical order - i.e. development
(a) Town planning scheme’s
from top level to bottom level and vice-versa
(b) Area development scheme
(c) Economical sector development program.
(c) Projects under integrated urban development
(d) Social sector development
(d) Improvement scheme's
2. State level of development plans
The statutory zoning purposes
is also
The objective and scope of the planning at state level influences the sub-city level planning.
in alignment with the national level planning except
topics such as defense railways which are of nationa l Syllabus Toplc : Neighbourhood planning
at state level also.
significance. There is no statutory planning
3.4 Concept Neighborhood Planning
=> 3. Regional level

factors such as economics, spatial => (SPPU - Dec. 15, Aug. 16)
The predominant Tyee
into account for
dimensions are more effectively taken
and rural areas. In
planning is carried out for both urban
for one district as a
Maharashtra Regional plan is prepared
unit for region.
Neighborhood is a small unit which serves the local
@ Necessity of regional planning community and encouraged them to nurture a neighborhood
(a) To prevent the prodigal duplication of
facilities such as spirit or relationship which seems to have been lost in
highways, trunk routes etc. modem life.
—"Néighborhood planning is to organize neighborhood
ensure the optimal of ~resources~ to~
(b) To
benefit for and seek their input throughout the planning
minimize the expenses and maximize the
nities in process.
the welfare of both the individuals and commu
the region. The goal of Neighborhood Planning is to build social capital,

and planned which is the ability of the neighborhood to organize itself to

(c) It permits the coherent harmonious
that identify problems and solve them is. partnership with elected
development of national economy particularly for
officials, businesses, and public agencies.
of the developing countries.
Neighborhood planning is effective and provides inspire
(d) It permits the mutual co-operation and co-ordinat
those creative strategies that can increase the capacity of
amongst the areas of a particular region.
residents in charting out their shared future.

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a Architecture & Town Plannin 0 (SPPU-Sem7-CWil) 3-11 Town Planning and Various Levols of Planning

It’s a vision of a better future, > 1. Size

@ Evolution of nelghbourhood planning Size of neighbourhood reduced to approximately 5000

Neighborhood Unit’ is introduced by Clarence Arthur Perry resident to have one primary school among them, at walk
able distance.
2. Facilitles
Perry’s neighborhood unit concept began as a means of
insulating the community from the ill-effects of burgeoning All necessary facilities such as school, club, sport centres etc

sea of vehicular traffic. should be provided in neighbourhood unit.

The ‘Neighborhood Unit’ as a planning concept evolved in 3. Street System

Tesponse to the degenerated environmental and social There should be well planned street system in the unit for fast
conditions fostered as a consequence of industrial revolution and safe movement of traffic.
in the early 1900s. 4. Protective strips
Purpose of Nelghbourhood Planning
Units should be provided with minor green belts at periphery.
To make the people socialize with one and another. §. Layout of building

To enable the inhabitants to share the public amenities and

Accommodation to various categories of people depending
recreational facilities. upon on their income should be provided.
To support a safe and healthy environment within the 6. Shopping centre
Local shopping centres should be provided only at perimeter
To provide safety and efficiency to road users and of the unit.
pedestrians. 7. Community centres

To maintain, enhance, and improve area for recreational

Community centre should be provided to every community in
the unit. ~
To determine community’s prospects for the future. 8. Open space

= Principal of Nelghbourhood Planning

10% of neighbourhood land should be dedicated to parks and
Principal of Neighbourhood open spaces.
Elements of Ne!ghbourhood Planning
5 >
=p! 1. Size

—s 2. Facllitias

= 3. Street System

+» 4. Protective strips

ep! 5. Layout of building

aap 6. Shopping centre

= 7. Community centre
Fig. 3.4.1
=p! 8. Open space
@ Benefits

Fig. C3.6 : Principal of Neighbourhood Planning 1. It make the people socialize with one and another.

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-Civil) 3-12 Town Planning and Various Levels of Plannin

er Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU-Sam7
3.5.1 Relation between Development Plan
2, Itimproves communication and focuses ideas.
and City Development
3. It helps a neighborhood identify its strengths and evaluate its
own resources.

It helps to build consensus about what needs to be


5. It encourages creativity and builds partnerships both within | _ Both plan are the same.
a city showing
and outside the neighbourhood. Both plans contain a general future layout of
open spaces,
6. It enables others to become more informed and responsive both the existence and proposed streets or roads
about the policy and financial decisions of local government. public buildings etc.
of an old city
Both plans are prepared either for improvement
3.5 City Development
or for a new town to be developed on virgin soil.
fulfill the
- A City Development Plan is a comprehensive document | — Both plans are serving as a policy framework to
needs and aspiration of the community.
outlining the vision and development strategy for future
development of the city, prepared in consultation with a wide Structure Plan
range of stakeholders to identify the thrust areas to be
addressed on priority basis in order to achieve the objectives sets
A structure plan is an old-style development plan which
and the vision. It thus provides the overall framework within planning policies and forms the hasis for
out strategic

which projects are identified and put forward in a City detailed policies in local plans.
Investment Plan. It is plan drawn up by a local planning authority for the use
developed of a prescribed area of land.
— Itis an action plan for equitable growth in city,
e the | _
and sustained though public participation to improv A Structure Plan is a long term (ten to fifteen years) statutory

quality of life for all citizens. framework used to guide the development or redevelopment

future of land.
— CDP is both, a perspective and vision for the
development of city. It is used to define; future development and land use pattems;
the layout of trunk (primary distribution networks)
@ Features of city development plan infrastructure and main transportation routes, including
1. CDP presents current stage of city’s development. terminals; conservation and protected areas; and other key
features for managing the direction of development.
2. CDP indentifies thrust areas.
A Structure Plan should generally be prepared for
3, CDP sets goals for different sectors. the following urban and urbanizing areas
4. CDP attempts a resource based planning. Towns with rapid urban growth.
to achieve 4
5. CDP suggests altemative routes and strategies Urban settlements that are subject to redevelopment and

predefined goal. regeneration due to changing dynamics of economic growth

at and employment.
6. CDP identifies a financial plan that can be operationalised
3. New towns or urba:, settlements
the institutional Jevel and then as an aggregate at citylevel.
to be
projects Parts of towns, or ‘sectors’, where development is
7. CDP provides a framework and vision within which
phased over time
need to be identified and implemented.

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(EF architecture & Town Planning (SPPU- Sem 7- Civil)_3-13 Town Planning and Various Levels of Planning
5. Arvas likely to be affected by major industrial, - After the succession of ‘Development plan’ in the Bombay
communications or other development Schemes. Town Planning Act in 1954 for Bombay Region, concepts of
6. Areas proposed for major tourism projects and development Regional Planning arise.
including near important heritage sites,
- This was incorporated in the MRTP Act, 1966; which a
3.6.1 Differences between Structure Plan Model act for Maharashtra State which was based on the
and Development Plan
comprehensive planning theory.

- Itis An Act to make provision for planning the development

the “differences: and use of land in Regions established for that purpose 2nd
for the constitution of Regional Planning boards.

- Therefore; to make better provisions for the preparation of

Development plans with a view to ensuring that town

A structure plan is an old- A development plan or a master planning schemes are made in a proper manner and their
execution is made effective; to provide the creation of new
style development plan | plan may be defined as a general
towns by means of Development Authorities; to make
which sets out strategic plan for future layout of a city
provisions for the compulsory acquisition of land required
pianning policies and forms | showing both the existence and
for public purposes in respect of the plans; and for purposes
the basis for detailed policies proposed streets or roads open
connected with the matters aforesaid.
in local plans. spaces, public buildings etc.
@ Objectives of enactment of MRTP Act

It includes report and a| It includes regicnal plan , new — Planning development in “regions”
Zoning Plan. town development plan etc. — Constitution of Regional Planning Board

- Better provision for preparation of DP and RP

Syllabus Topic : Maharashtra Regional Town
- To provide for creation of new towns by means of D.P.
Planning Act, 1966
- To make provisions for the compulsory acquisition of land

3.7 Maharashtra Reglonal Town required for public purposes in respect of the plans.

Planning Act, 1966 @ Sallent features

The Salient features of this act include the provisions for

=} (SPPU-— May 12, Nov. 13, Nov. 14,
Dec. 15, May 16, May 17) Regional Planning, Development plan, Town plisnning Schemes
ES oR x and finally Implementation schemes such as Lsnd Acquisition,
Transfer of Development Rights and Plot Reconstitutoa

~@ MRTP Act consists of nine chapters, whicn are

summarized as follows :

I - Preliminary

It Includes Short title, Definitions, extent of act and details

regarding commencement of act etc.

Chapter I

It includes provisions related to regional plans & regional

planning boards etc.

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Chl) 3
Som U-
[AFT architecture & Town Planning (SPP own Planning and Various Levelsof Planning
Chapter IL “Bombay town Planning act” was enacted in India which was
It includes details regarding development plan such as the first legislation for town planning
preparation, submission and sanction to DP etc.
“Bombay town planning act” is then replaced
Chapter IV by MRTP Act,
It consists of points such as control of development and use
of land included in development plans etc. Main objective of MRTP Act 1966, is to provide better
Provisions for preparation of DP and TP.
Chapter V

Tt includes details regarding town Planning schemes and Under MRTP Act 1966, the second level of planning is-to—

guidelines for making of town planning schemes etc, prepare development plan for municipal region or any other

Chapter VI Specified region,

It consists of guidelines for New Towns etc. MRTP Act 1966, gives following procedure for sanctioning
of DP.
Chapter VI-A

It consists of points such levy, assessment and recovery of

development charge etc. LEADS

Chapter VII Declaration of intention | — Resolution and

to prepare development Declaration
It Includes details regarding Land Acquisition etc.
plan - Declaration in official
Chapter VIII gazette and in local
It Includes details regarding Finance, Account and Audit etc. newspaper
Preparation of plan
Chapter IX
showing boundaries of
It Includes details regarding Supplemental and Miscellaneous
Submission of prepared

Syllabus Toplc : Legislative Mechanism for DP DP to state government

Suggestion and
3.8 Legislative Mechanism for DP
(By MRTP Act 1966) objections from public

Appointment of town | Appoint of a person

=> (SPPU - Dec. 15, May 16, Dec. 16, May ud planning officer possessing required
pntants”o 966 qualifications by planning
~———-authority.-- -—

Provision for survey and | Land use Survey by planning

preparation of existing authority for preparation of
land-use map existing land use map

Preparation and - Preparation of draft DP

publication of notice of =| _ Inspection for public

draft development plan | _ — pstication of notice in

official gadget


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x tA hia iy vy,
tela ve
Ae seine igh ay Ae en! aL acclianl Minn ty
Provision of Regional If any area within the 9 | Sanction to draft State Government may after

Plan to be considered Judisdiction of a Planning development plan consulting the Director of

Authority is included in a
Town Planning by notification
Region, the Planning
in the Official Gazette
Authority has to check and
sanctions the draft DP or can
follow the proposals made in
return for modification or can
any draft Regional plan

Obdjections to draft — Suggestions or objection

development plan relating to the draft DP
Forwanting all objections

and suggestions which are Q.1 Explain history and necassity of town planning in
received to a Planning brief.
Q.2 — Explain aim and objectives of town planning.
Matification made afler - Modification made by a
preparing and publishing Planning Authority or the Q.3 Explain principles of tovm planning in briaf.
notice of draft said Officer
in the draft DP
Q.4 — Explain concept of town planning schema.
Development plan - Publication of a notice in
the Official Gazette and Q.5 — Explain concepi of land usa in town planning.
also in the local
Q.6 Why and when D. P. of any town is prepared?
newspapers for inviting
objections and suggestions Q.7 — Explain concept of neighborhood.
from public
Q.8 Explain concept of city development plan.
Submission of draft Submission of the draft
development Plan Development Plan to the State


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area Eats)

Surveys and Transportation


Syllabus :
* Various typas of civic surveys required to be conducted for DP : demographic, housing, land use, Water Supply &
e Planning agencies for various levels of planning. Thelr organization and purpose (CIDCO-MHADA-MIDC,
¢ Traffic transportation systems: hierarchy of urban road, traffic management, Intelligent Transport Systems.

2. There are variety of survey which are carried ovt for the
41 Concept of Development Plan purpose of planning.

4.2.1 Types of‘Survey > (SPPU- May 16, m

1. Every local authority has to prepare a development plan for
their area which sets out planning policies to guide the
Development plan is a document which includes the overall

strategy of planning authority for the proper planning and

sustainable development
3. DP provides the main public statement of planning policies at There are basic four types of survey :
different levels. Types of Survey
Syllabus Topic : Various Types of Civic A Regional survey
Surveys for DP
B. Towner or city survey |

4.2 Surveys 1. Land use Surveys

> (SPPU - May 12, Nov. 14, Dec. 18) 2. Demographic survey

Q. ~ Beplein various ‘pes of. data colected tor

3, Housing survey

4. Density Surveys

5. Traffic Surveys

6. Other Social Surveys

2 Biposal wane &Ssgnitéance.
C. National survey
‘A. survey 13$ ¢ data collection toot which is s used
= ‘for gathering. iaformation about artcilar area D. Civic survey
‘or individual -
Fig. C4.1 : Types of Survey

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et Architecture & Town Planning (SPP U
- Sem7-Civil) 42 Surveys and Trans

“> A. Regional survey => D. Civic survey or Socio-Economic survey

— It is carried out over a larger region dealing with

- Physical factors like topography, physically difficult land,

geology, landscape etc.

- Physical economic factors like agricultural value of the land, - Sir Patrick Geddes advocated the civic survey as essential to

mineral resources and water gathering lands areas with public urban planning : his motto was “diagnosis before treatment”.

services, transportation - — Suchasurvey should include, at a minimum, the geology, the _

— ° Social economic factors like areas of influence of towns and geography, the climate, the economic life, and the social

villages, employment, population changes etc. institutions of the city and region.

B. Town survey — The civic survey or town survey is conducted at local level
with special reference to the conditions prevailing in and
around the town to be planned.

The topics which are usually covered in the civic survey are
- These surveys are conducted to prepare a base map for the as follow:
Town planning scheme.
1. Land use
—- They are done at much small scale and apart from the above
— Iris the study of the way in which land is being used in area.
data collected from the regional surveys it also includes :
— Usually classified as commercial, industrial, Residential
=> 1. Land
use Surveys
public etc.
It is a study and recording of the way in which land is being
2. Public service
used in an area; usually classified as commercial, industrial,
public, residential, etc. It is the study of public service of such as water supply
=> 2. Demographic survey system, drainage system, electricity supply etc.

— Demographics are the characteristics ofa population. 3. Population

— It's a special type of survey that takes into account the It is a study of density of population, age structure,
surveyed in terms of specific factors like their age, occupational structure and literacy people.
where they live, income level, family situation
4. Health condition
=> 3. Housing survey
It consist of study of diseases, birth rate and death rates of the
used for
— It includes the points such as type Materials peoples of particulars area.
and Height of
construction, present Housing condition type
5, Communication
the buildings etc.
ty. It is the study of means of transport in particular area, such as
It also includes age of houses and type of proper
roadways railway, airways etc.
4. Density Surveys

Traffic Surveys 6. Amenities


6. Other Social Surveys It is the st:dy of common committees such as playgrounds,

parks, gardens etc.
C . National survey
potentialities. 7. Industries
It consists of study of natural resources and
level which includes It is the study of industrial development and problems with
This survey is conducted at national

respect to various types of industries.

different regions.

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4.3 Planning Organization at Different
Syllabus Topic : Planning Agencies for Various
Levels of Planning. thelr Organization and Purpose

4.4 Varlous Planning Agencles

There are basic four levels at which planning 3organization > (SPPU- May 16, May 17)
Engen ee her Oa
= St be ee hs " e


Planning Organization
at Different Level:

1. Central level
Various Planning
2. Stats level Agencies

3. District level 1. CIDCO

4. City level 2. MHADA |

Fig. C4.2 : Planning Organization at Different Levels 3. MIDC

> 1. Central level 4. MMRDA

5. Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA)
There are two organization at central level who work under

planning commission, Fig. C4.3 : Various Planning Agencies

(A) Ministry of Urban Development (M.U_D.). 4.4.1 CIDCO

y 13, Nov. 13, Dec. 15
(B) The Central Town and County Planning Organization Sa RS


> 2 State level

State level consist of following organization.

(A) State Ministries of Urban Development.

= Introduction
(B) Town on Country Planning Depaitment of State.
- The City snd Industrial Development Corporation of
> 3. District level
Maharashtra or CIDCO is a city planning organization
District planning and development council undertake the created by the Government of Maharashtra.

planning related work at district level. - CIDCO was formed on 17 March 1970 under the Indian

> 4. City level

Companies Act of 1956.
- Its purpose at the time of its creation was to develop a
Local municipal authorities undertake the planning and
satellite town to Mumbai, Msharashtra India to ease traffic
development related work at city level. congestion in the city and provide open spaces, playing
fields, housing and industrial sites outside the city.

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et Architecture & Town Planning 9 ( (SPPU - Sem7-
Civil) ) 4-4 Surveys and Transportation Management
® Organization
- The multidimensional activities undertaken today by CIDCO
The corporation is controlled by a board of directors can be classified under these three broad concepts :
appointed by the state government.
1. Planning and Development of New Towns.
Day-to-day management is provided by the vice chairman
2. Consultancy
and managing director supported by a team of joint managing
3. Project Management and Designing.
directors, made up of the chief administrator (New Towns),
the heads of various departments and personnel from various @ Clitles Developed by CIDCO

technical and non-technical disciplines, including officers,

Navi Mumbai (34400 sq. m.) | New Nanded (172 Ha)
engineers and subordinate staff.
Oros-Sindhudurg (430 Ha.) | Waluj (8571 Ha.)
The corporation is managed according to the Companies Act
and the Memorandum of Articles of Association of the Aurangabad Fringe Area Khopta (9400 Ha.)
Corporation. (15184 Ha.)

Decisions are made through a democratic process including

Jalna New Town (470 Ha.) New Aurangabad (1012 Ha.)
department-head meetings, committee meetings, board
meetings and general meetings. New Nashik (398 Ha.) Vasai-Virar Sub Region (38000

Annual reports on the working and affairs of the company,
with audit reports, are regularly laid before the houses of the Meghdoot, New Nagpur Chikhaldara Hill Station (1953
State legislature. The Board of Directors of CIDCO meets at Ha)
least once a month.
Besides Mumbai, CIDCO operates successfully in
@ Objectives of CIDCO
Aurangabad, Nashik, Latur and Nanded in Maharashtra state. Some
CIDCO was given a mandate to undertake all development as very successful projects have been undertaken by CIDCO in
works and recoup the cost of development from the sale Aurangabad Neighborhood-Two (N-2) through N-12.
proceeds of land and constructed property.
4.4.2 MHADA => (SPPU - Nov. 13, Nov. 14)
Based on the mandate, CIDCO set several broad objectives
fees 7 Sesh ee
for itself. It aims to prevent population influx into Mumbai,
diverting it to the new town, by providing an urban
@ Introduction
alternative which will lure citizens wishing to relocate to a
city of peace and comfort. - MHADA (Maharashtra Housing and Development
Authority) is an apex public body constituted under MHAD
Immigrants are to be absorbed from other states and efficient
ACT 1976, established in 1977 under Housing Department
and rational distribution of industries is promoted by
Government of Maharashtra _
preparing a ground for them who otherwise could have opted
— Since then, it has been engaged primarily in constructing and
for Mumbai.
selling housing to low and middle income groups in urban
CIDCO plans to provide basic civic amenities to all and
and semi-urban areas, In Mumbai, it has constructed about
elevate standards of living for people of all social and
30,000 housing units.
economic strata.
- The Maharashtra Housing Board formerly called "Bombay
Moreover, it wants to offer a healthy environment and
Housing Board" was established in year 1948 and had a
energizing atmosphere in order to utilize human resources at
jurisdiction over the entire State of Maharashtra except
their fullest potentials.
Vidharbha region.

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(SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 4-5 Surveys and Transportation Mana! jernent
(FT architecture & Town Planning
y basis , because
This body undertook construction of residential building
s - So they decided to give the homes on lotter

under various housing schemes for different sections of

the of this only some lucky member gets the home.
an advertisement is
society. When the flats available with MHADA,
the details.
The allotment and maintenance of these buildings was being given in the newspaper which will give all
for the houses and submit
looked after by it. - - After that applicants apply online
the require document.
Its functions were similar to those of the Maharashtra
Housing Board, except that it also advanced loan ta co- forms, scrutiny of the
— After the acceptance of application
eligibility of the
operative housing societies, institutions and local authorities | forms is done to check the first hand
is declared through the
for the construction of houses. applicant and after that a date

At present MHADA is coordinating and controlling the newspapers for the lottery.

activities of seven regional housing boards, setup for each @ Advantages lottery scheme
revenue division in the state viz. Mumbai, Konkan, Pune,
1. Transparency ia the process.
Nashik, Nagpur, Amravati, Aurangabad and two special
and 2. Lottery results are drawn by applicant only.
purpose boards viz. Mumbai Building Repairs
Reconstruction Board and Mumbai Slum Improvement 3. — It became income generation to the MHAD
Board. 4. Minimum application fee is going to MHADA account

@ Administration 5. Reducing agents and middleman.

Under the MHADA Act, 1976 the Authority is constituted 4.4.3 MIDC => (SPPU - Dec. 16)
a President, a Vice President and five non-official Member
all appointed by the State Government.
The seven Regional Housing Boards and special @ Introduction:
the estate
boards (MBRRB & MSIB) are also constituted by
— Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) is
n, a Vice
government by appointing a part time Chairma
a project of the government of Maharashtra state in India and
The Divisional
Chairman and other non-official members.
is the leading corporation of Maharashtra.
Commissioner, the Municipal Commission
— It provides businesses with infrastructure such as land (open
Setup of MHADA organisation is given below plot or built-up spaces), roads, water supply, drainage
Setup of RHADA
facilities and street lights.

@ Objectives

To achieve balanced industrial development of Maharashtra

with an emphasis on developing parts and underdeveloped
parts of the State.

Infrastructural. development of each and every district of

registered member of Maharashtra and Facilitate entrepreneurs in setting up

First individual have to become
can industries at various locations.
' MHADA by submitting necessary documents, then he
MIDC has developed specialized parks based on sectors such
apply for flat by paying fees.
g for
‘There are infinite number of people who are waitin
getting their own houses through MHADA
scheme, But 1. Automobiles and Auto Components
MHADA homes are very less as compare to the applic 2. Biotechnology


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(er Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 -Civil) 4-6 Survoys and Transportation Management

Consumer Durables <-> 2. Provision of Infrastructure Facilities


Chemicals In terms of the provision of the MID Act, 1961 and the
A fF

Engineering relationship prescribed by the Government in that regard, the

Electronics Corporation is required to provide infrastructure facilities


like Roads, Streetlight, Drainage, Water Supply schemes and

7. Information Technology
Buildings for Common facilities like Post and Telegraphs,
8. Petrochemicals
Canteen, Bank, Telephone etc. 7
9. Pharmaceuticals
The Corporation meets the expenditure on such works
10. Transportation (facilities) generally from the premium lease moncy received
11. Textile by it from the allotters'.

12. Wine 3. Providing of Services

* Activitles carried out by MIDC
The Corporation provides the following services to the units
The MIDC has been declared as an agent of the State in its industrial areas :
Government for carrying out the activities within the framework of
Assured Water Supply
the MID Act and the MID Rules.
Maintenance of Industrial Areas
These activities can be divided under following THREE
broad categories. Drainage (effluent disposal) and CETP Schemes

Other common Services

Activities carried out by
Examples of MIDC's industrial areas

1. Acquisition and disposal of land

Pimpri-Chinchwad near Pune

i - 2; Provision of Infrastruciure facilities Tarapur, Boisar

3. Providing of services TTC (Trans Thane Creek) near Thane and Navi Mumbai

Satara MIDC, Satara

Fig. C4.4 : Activities carried out by MIDC
Degaon 5 star MIDC, Satara
=> 1. Acquisition and disposal of land
Kupwad, Sangli
— The land for industrial areas is acquired by the Government
of Maharashtra under Chapter VI of the MID Act. 1961 and Miraj, Sangli

handed over to the Corporation for further disposal. Latur, Latur

Likewise, wherever available, the Government land is also
handed over to the Corporation as an industrial area. 4.4.4 MMRDA > (SPPU - Dec. 16)

— The Government pays for the compensation for the private

land from its own fund.
@ Introduction
— The Corporation in tum plans the area and disposes the land
MMRDA (Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development
in suitable plots by leasing out for 95 years. For this purpose
the Corporation recovers the premium lease money at Authority) is a body of the Government of Maharashtra that

different rates for different industrial areas. is responsible for the infrastructure development of the MMR
( Mumbai Metropolitan Region)

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Stun Pegeiuties im india ferrraned Considerably im recent
(MMRDA) was establiched in ancordznce with the Moma Sew wears.
Metropolitan Development Act, 1974, oz 25th Jaemury, 1973. Dar to cmrecidabie cecumsumers. he ¢welless im these
Since its establishmen,
MMRDA is engagod i long term Sho, kad am umbypiesic Mfestylc and have poor standards
planning. promotion of new growth conto, mmpitenceation of ive
of strategic projects and) finmong ico By considering Gis, he Goveremest
of Maharashta hat
beooght a2 amendment to the MRTP Act $6 aod isrroduced a
The Regional Plan provides for a strategic frame work of nodal ageacy “Siom Rehabiliotion
Astherity” (SRA).
MMR's sustainabl: growth,
SRA brett forsad 2 Sho Rebubiliatics Proopammed
The object behind establishing MMRDA was to mits MMR at maabytss and reviews existing positions of slam areas in
a destination for economic activity by promote te ctr.
infrasrucmare development and improvieg the guilty of Efe, The SRA theo formocianes the plans for rehabilitation of Gese
The MMRDA prepares plans, formolatss poSciss and Hestified shom areas aad eosores that the slem rebabiliatios
programs, implements projects snd helps ic Geecting scheme plied is executed to he best of SRA abilities.
in the Region. The Slee Rebsitbure Anchormy (SRA} i= Inca enables
@ Responsibilities
cf the MMRDA property developers mp rebabiitwe siem-deeiless in-sitaz and

Preparation of Resions] Development Pimms. coenpenstss Ge Ladowner od developer by searding Gem

with Ge Trosfeable Development Rizsss (TDR)
Providing financial assistance for Smificent mone!
Projects. The Stee Goverement is implemesting
varices development
belp to loca] amthorities
and their infrestucore schemes t0 weit he sim dwells & wopade their stad
projects. f Eving by providing
them 2 sheer.

Coordinating execution of projects andor schemes in MMR. = Need for Sum RehabliRstion
Restricting any activity thet cold adversely affect
A rapidly cctenizing pogelstion and the imadequacy of city
eppropriate development of MAR, et.
governments 0 meet is demends have meant a ciitical
@ Some projects undertaken

1, Mumbai Skywelks 2. Mombsi Mooccail It is esmeed he Gee == mostly 100 millicn dee
3. Wadala Truck Terminal 4. Mahim Nate Pek dwelless
ic Ge oenty.

5. Mumbai Urban Infrastructure Project Toe Shem dwells ee impotent coetitess te

development of the city by readecing their services to the
6. Mumbai Metro Rail Project
Giizees & coganizations To bring this weaker section in to
7. MMRmal
Nira Abhiyan the maiestream of the society, it is necessary to give then
kast proper shelter.
4.4.5 Slum Rehabilitation Authority (SRA)
The costritutices of stam dwellers to the city’s ecomomy — as
industrial wockess. coastraction Site Lebooren, domestic
servants, reg-pickers, heekers and a wide range of small
seale trades is vital to the city.

AAA We a Nekoovere beieve hot Siem Rebbiliotie 5

Slum Rehabilitation Authority imperioes to raise he slom dwellers standard of Living and
increase their coafidence evel thoegh a perme:
zothorizad sractare.

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AhiectTownuoPlann&ing y y
Inculcate a sense of hygiene, cleanliness and
discipline. This
Syllabus Toplc : Traffic and Transportation
Will also fulfill the dreams of a better living for citizens
from Systems
the economically weaker section of the societ
2 Benofits of Slum Rehabilitation
4.5 Traffic and Transportatlon
The new uousing follows a high-rise building design Systems
optimal ground footprint and frees up land for commer
building and other development.

The SRA model is a financially sustainable mod«1, which

requires no goverment funding and gives new homes to - Transportation plays a major role in the development of the
slum dwellers free of cost.
human civilization. For instance, one could easily observe the
The new housing follows a high-rise building design using strong correlation between the evolution of human settlement
Optimal ground footprint and frees up land for commercial and the proximity of transport facilities.
building and other development. - Also, there is a strong correlation between the quality of

The SRA model is a financially sustainable model, which transport facilities and standard of living, because of which
Tequires no government funding and gives new homes to society places a great expectation from transportation

slum dwellers free of cost. facilities.

There is bound to be a favorable and positive effect to the

Syllabus Topic : Urban Road
Slum Rehabilitation. Some of them according to the different
Strata of society are given below: 4.5.1 Importance/Objective of Urban Roads
1. City 2]

An increased number of low-income housing options emerge

from SR.

It allows for better roads, drainage, and other civic amenities

— Roads are an integral part of the transport system.
The city is induced with a lower crime rate as more and more
- A country’s road network should be efficient in order to
people talk the road towards literacy and civic well being. maximize economic and social benefits.
The impacts on the social well-being along with safety are - They play a significant role in achieving national
unarguably positively affected. development and contributing to the overall performance snd
social functioning of the community.
Slum Dwellers
— It is acknowledged that roads enhance mobility, taking
It is a permanent and lifelong beneficial asset that is created people out of isolation and therefore poverty.

in the long mun. — Road Provides a channel for movement of people and goods
between various centre's of the town.
It leads to the slum dwellers’ Social upliftment and improved
- Road provides means of spproach to all the residential
living conditions.
This in tum leads to improved Quality of Life.
4.5.2 Classification of Urban Roads
(Function Based)
Increased Tax revenues Functional classification is the process by which streets and
highways are grouped into classes, or systems, according to the
Open fand value for infringed areas character of service they are intended to provide.

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4-9 Surveys and Transportation Management
er Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU -Sem7-Civil)

‘The five functional systems for urbanized areas are : Pedestrian allowed to walk only at intersection.

Functional systems for Mobility on arterials road are high but land access is very
urbanized areas

1. Freeway or expressway
> 3. Sub arterials road

Connect local areas and arterial roads.

2. Arterial streets
Connections for through traffic between arterial roads.
3. Sub Arterial streets
Ithas Less traffic than arterial streets.
4. Collactor street
Pedestrians are allowed to cross only at intersections.
areas to 3 to 5
5. Local roads Spacing varies from 0.5 km in central business
km in residential area.
Fig. C4.5 : Functional systems for urbanized areas
and controlled.
> 1. Freeways or express ways Parking, loading, unloading usually restricted
> 4, Collector streets
A free way is a highway with separated lanes, traffic doesn’t
from local
stop in freeways. Interchanges (ramps) are used to enterand These roads are Meant for collecting the traffic
streets to arterial streets.
exit freeways.

Freeways have strict classification rules: These roads have Direct access to properties.

1. Multi-Lane, divided road. These roads have Access to public transport.

2. Noccross traffic. No stop lights or stop signs. These roads have Pedestrian access.

No parking. Highest speed limits, with minimum speed These roads Situated in residential, commercial, industrial
limits sometimes. areas.

These roads have Few parking restrictions except for peak

4. Limited access restrictions like : No pedestrians, No
designed with an > 5. Local Street
5. Entrance ramps are typically

acceleration zone so that cars can accelerate

up to These roads basically serves the need of intemal portion of
freeway speeds before merging into freeway traffic. the local area.

6. _ Exit ramps are typically designed with

a deceleration Open access from residents, business or other properties.
at freeway
zone so that traffic can exit the freeway Does not carry large volume of traffic.
speeds without obstructing traffic, then have
Unrestricted parking and pedestrians allowed.
distance to slow down before any tums.

—=d--2-~Arterial road Mobllity Arterials

highway or
Arterial roads connects the town to the state
national highway.
longer and
Arterial. streets are. basically meant to camy
through traffic.
Land access Locals
Function of arterial is to provide access to commercial and
residential land uses.
Fig. 4.5.1 : Relationship of functionally classified systems in
e on these service traffic mobility and land access
There is No frontage access, no standing vehicl


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& Town
ctu Planing

Fig. 4.5.2 : Schematic illustration of a functio

nally classified road network

4.6 Varlous Types of Urban Road Patt


Types of Urban Road


1) Rectangular or Block patterns

2) Radial or Star and block Pattam H

3) Radial or Star and Circular Pattym

4) Hexagonal Street Pattem

5) Iegular Pattam

Fig. C4.6 : Types of Urban Road Pattern

> 1. Rectangular or Block pattern
In this pattern, the whole area is divided into rectanguiar blocks
of plots, with streets intersecting at right angles.

18] 9 f10]14
Fits TaN


Fig. 4.6.1

~ The main road which passes through the center of the area | - Chandigarh is good example of rectangular street pattem in
should be sufficiently wide and other branch roads may be
: © Advantages
comparatively narrow.
. . . ; . The rectangular
plots may be further divided into small
~ The main road is provided a direct approach to outside the
rectangular blocks for construction of buildings placed back
to back, having roads on their front.

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(SPPU - Sem 7-Civil) 4-11 Surveys and Transportation Mana
(FP architecture & Town Plann
tions, crash
the city roads. 2. Safety appurtenances such as guide rail transi
This pattem has been generally adopted for to
bases have not been designed
attenuators, and post support
Every part of the land is used properly. hazardous locations from the
provide adequate protection at
pattern is
‘The construction and maintenance of roads of this opposite direction of travel.
* comparatively easier. > 3. Radia! or Star and Circular Pattern
@ Limitations roads radiating from central
In this system, the main radial
This pattem is not very much convenient because at
the ther with concentric roads.
business area are connected toge
intersections; the-vehicles face each other. by adjacent radial roads
In these areas, boundary
As the nos. of junction or crossroads is more in this type
of the built-up area is planne
corresponding circular roads,
street, there are high chances of road accidents. with a curved block system.
Ring road
=> 2. Radial or Star and block Pattern

In this pattern, the entire area is divided into

roads radiating from the business outwardly.
a network of

x AP,


arca may be wi
In between radiating main roads, the built-up AS fant
planned with rectangular block. Do



Radial roads
“OH uy ‘ha

Fig. 4.6.3

Central business area

/ @ Advantages
the local traffic to the
Z ws |

The circular roads help to distribute


ocd 1.
_—_ oo suitable from traffic
q different thoroughfares. Hence it is most
Bullt up area
point of view.
up as they approach
Removing the reason for drivers to speed
at red lights.
green lights and by reducing abrupt stops
the efficiency of traffic flow
Fig. 4.6.2 Because of roundabouts,
vehicle emissions and fuel
improves, they also reduce
@ Advantages
at the primary bottleneck
1. Reduces level of congestion Limitations
location. d be
Center lines of roads leading to circular pattem shoul
ng local flow routes in the properly aligned with the central island.
_ Prevents_traffic_ from_accessi
operate in favour of egress
direction of the event venue that ‘There is wastage of open space due to irregular
portion which

traffic flow. is left out.

gh in
3. If one is block then other side traff
ic can move. Approach roads should be sufficiently curved, far enou
s of
pattem. advance of circular pattern, to reduce vehicle speed
4, Vehicles face each other less than block
entering drivers.
@ Limitations ‘These type of intersections are proved to challenging to the
t be
1, Proves patticularly effective if two-lane
ramp traffic does not old drivers, as their vision and hearing capacity migh
have to merge at downstream end of ramp.

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ey Archit ecture & Town Plannini (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 4-12 Surveys and Transportation Manaceruent
> 4 Hexagonal Street Pattern
2. There is less traffic congestion, in road pattern.
In this pattern, the entire area is provided with a networ
k of a
3. Irregular road pattern has Less intersection.
toads formatting hexagonal figures.
* Disadvantages
Ateach comer of the hexagon, three roads meet the
ares boundary by the sides of the hexagons is furth-.r 1. There are chances of petting lost.
in suitable sizes. 2. Traveler have to travel long distance.

CTY — 4.7 Road Junction or Intersection

> (SPPU - Nov. 14)

- An intersection is a road junction where two or more roads

either meet or cross each other at same or different level.

Fig. 4.6.4
- Intersection is an area shared by two or more roads.
2 Advantage
- This area is designated for the vehicles to-turn to different
Three roads meet the built-up area boundary by the sides of
directions to reach their desired destinations.
the hexagons.
- This is because vehicles moving in different direction want to
= Limitstions
occupy same space at the same time.
Traffic signs, pavement markings, and lighting should be
@ Types
adequate so that drivers are aware that they should reduce their
travel speed. There are two main types of intersection of roads.
=> 5. Irregular rosd pstiern
Types of Interssction of
— This type of street has Irregular or no set pattern.
or city
— An irregular street pattern usually indicates a town A. At-grade intersections

that has grown over a long period of time.

B, Grade-separated Intersections or interchanges

Fig. C4.7 : Types of intersection of roads

A. At-grade intersections
— This is type of intersection in which all the exchange
or same
between the roads take. place on the same plane


It mainly consist of rotanes or roundabout.

Rotary Intersections or Roundabout

section or junction in
A roundabout is a type of circular inter
almost continuously in
which road traffic is slowed and flows
3 Advantages d to several exits onto the
one direction around a central islan

due to different roads. various intersecting roads.

1. It Creates aesthetic appeal

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-Civil) 4-13 Surveys and Transportation Management

(FP architocture & Town Planning (SPPU -Sem7
@ Limitations for rotarles which are listed below
— Rotary intersections or round about are special form of
and negotiate the
at-grade intersections Jaid out for the movement of traffic in 1. All the vehicles are forced to slow down
delay will be much
one direction around a central traffic island. intersection. Therefore, the cumulative

~— There are no traffic signals or stop signs in a modem higher than channelized intersection.
vehicles are
roundabout. 2, _Bven when there is relatively low traffic, the
— The vehicles entering the rotary are gently forced to move in forced to reduce their speed.
aclockwise direction in orderly fashion. They then weave out Rotaries require large area of relatively
flat land making
of the rotary to the desired direction.
them costly at urban areas.

4.7.2 Grade Separator

ing a junction of two
— Grade separation is the method of align
s) so that they will
or more roads at different heights (grade
routes when they
not disturb the traffic flow on other transit
cross each other.
vertical grade.
Grade-separator separates the traffic in the

of grade-separators are flyovers and

- Different types
— Flyovers itself are subdivided into overpass and
— When two roads cross at a point, if the road having
traffic is elevated to a higher grade for further movement
traffic, then such structures are called overpass.

— Otherwise, if the major road is depressed to = lower level to

cross another by means of an under bridge or tunnel, it is
called under-pass.

— Interchange is a system where traffic between two or more

roadways flows at different levels in the grade separated
(b) Rotary Intersection 2
junctions. Common types of interchange include trumpet
Fig. 4.7.1
interchange, diamond interchange, and cloverleaf
“ Advantages of rotarles interchange.
Rotaries Increases efficiency of traffic handling. === —= —=_———=
Syllabus Toplc : Traffic Management
2, There is Reduction in accidents. <= === == Sa Ee

3. Reduce delay, improve traffic flow.

4.8 Trafflc Management
tion of
4, Because of lower speed of negotiation and elimina
=> (SPPU - May 13, Nov. 13, Dec 15,
severe conflicts, accidents and their severity are much less May 16, Dec. 16, May 17)
an Sere |

5. _ Rotaries are self-governing and do not need practically any

control by police or traffic signals.

6. It is Less expensive.

7. It requires Less space.

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To maintain smooth traffic flow, safe road movement, traffic
regulations plays vital role.
i :Anat :
ae @ Mossures
“ap al
"enportarion “ot Tha
A Se - To Maintain traffic control devices such as signals, road sign
— Itincludes Management of the road network, using a number
- Todevelop and design suitable road pattern.
of measures, in order to achieve improvements in traffic and
~ To maximize use of public transport instead of private
road safety, congestion, pollution, general environment and
amenity, and better accessibility for all road use.
- To develop proper parking location and parking system.
- Traffic management is the term used to describe how
councils and highway authorities control use of the road - To make one-way roads wherever required.
network in order to achieve improvements in road safety and - To make separate lanes for bus, cycles, light vehicles.
- Tostrict the traffic rules.
@ Objective tratfic management
Syllabus Tople: Intelligent Transportation
— To reduce road accidents.
System (ITS)
— To maintain smooth traffic flow.

- To keep all road users safe. 4.9 Intelligent Transportation System

- To keep traffic moving.

— To encourage people to use transport modes in a sustainable

- Dec 15)

- Toimprove quality of life for all road users and residents.

- TTS is an emerging transportation system which consists of
- To avoid delays.
an advanced information and telecommunications network
- To minimize traffic blocks.
for users, roads and vehicles.
- Enhance the local environment. ~ ITS is the integrated application of advanced Technologies
@ |mportance using electronics, computers, communications, and sdvanced

- Transport system is developed much in recent years. sensors. These applications provide travelers with important
information while improving the safety and efficiency of the
- Number of stecets which are constructed decade before are
transportation system.
carrying high traffic volume due to increase in population
_and number of vehicles.

- These roads were not designed for the high traffic volume,
due to which there is problems of traffic blocks, delays etc.

- Traffic management aims to ensure smooth and regulated

flow of traffic by applying different regulatory measures and

~ Smooth and easy flow of traffic can be maintain by retaining

existing pattern of road but to alter the pattem of traffic
movement on it, every time widening of road is not required.

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4-15 Surveys and Transportation Management
(ey Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil)
> 4. Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS)
@ Need of ITS
- It belps to save the travel time, Reduce cost reliability,
— ToSolve Social Problems caused by Road.
more comfort to travelers, gives safety and security.
-— Toactivate the Economy.
— The information which the travelers want is of both
= Toreach an Advanced Information and Tele-communication static and dynamic.

Static information includes routes and schedules,


— To Co-ordinate different Transport Modes. Whereas dynamic information includes, traffic

conditions, real-time transit schedules, incidents,

= ——To reduce Driver's run.
weather, parking etc.
- Toavoid delays.
5. Automatic Passenger Counter
- To reduce traffic problems.
APC automatically records the number of
7 Application of ITS
time and location of each stop as
Application of ITS passengers get on and off the bus.

— The APC can collect data, with a reduction in time,

1. Global Positioning System (GPS) cost, and effort by means of infrared beams at the doors
2, Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) or pressure sensitive mats on the steps.

- With the information provided by the APCs, transit

3. In-vehicle transit information system
planners can make changes to routes and schedules that
4, Advanced Traveller Information System (ATIS) better serve the transportation needs of their

5, Automatic Passenger Counter
@ Advantages of ITS
Fig. C4.8 : Application of ITS
Time Savings.
> 4. Global Positioning System (GPS)
Better traffic flow.
A system of satellites, computers, and receivers in which
Lower travel cost
traffic data is incorporated in the map, the driver can get
Better emergency response times and services.
fastest route, can know the position of the signals ahead,
predict traffic jams, etc. Reduced Crashes and Fatalities.

2. Electronic Toll Collection(ETC) 6. Cost Avoidance.

It provides Non-stop toll facilities and segregated 7. Improved safety.

traffic management. 8. Better environmental quality.

Electronic.payment done by means of contactless smart_ —9, “Increased business activity.

cards to promote fast passage through the toll lanes. Greater user acceptance.
3. In-vehicle transit information system
Better travel information.
~ It includes Announcing stops, transfer possibilities,
Better planning information.
on of
based on the vehicle's location, route, and directi
r Disadvantages of ITS
or 1. ITS equipment are costly.
— Information via variable message signs placed at one
more locations in the bus. 2, Preliminary difficulties in understanding.

3. The control system software could be hacked by hackers.

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UDPFI Guidelines and
Various Acts

Syllabus :
¢ Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act.
¢ UDPFI guidelinas (for land use, infrastructure etc.),
* Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016 and MAHA-R

Syllabus Topic : Land Acquisition Rehabilitation The Act has provisions to provide fair compensation to those
and Resettlement Act whose land is iaken away, brings transparency to the process

of acquisition of land to set up factories or buildings,

5.1 Land Acqulsitlon, Rehabilitation infrastructural projects and assures rehabilitation of those
and Resettlement Act, 2013 affected.
(LARR 2013)
The Act establishes regulations for land acquisition as a part
> (SPPU- May 12, Nov. 14, Dec. 15,
May 16, Dec. 16, May 17) of India's massive industrialization drive driven by public-
private partnership

The Act replaced the Land Acquisition Act, 1894.

Objectives of the Act

To ensure informed and transparent process for land

acquisition for industrialization, development of essential

/ infrastructural facilities.

To ensure informed and transparent process for urbanization

with the least disturbance to the owners of the land and other

affected families,

Provide just and fair :ompensation to the affected families

whose land has been acquired or proposed to be acquired or

are affected by such acquisition.

Make adequate provisions for such affected persons for their

rehabilitation and resettlement.

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_UDPFI Guldolinos & Various

> Foatures of the act
~ An additional entitlement of a Job to the family
Foatures of the act Member, or a payment of Rs, 500, up front, or a
monthly annuity totaling Rs. 24,000 per year for
1. Compensation 20 years with adjustment for inflation - the option from
these three choices shall be the legal right of the
2. Consent
affected land owner family, not the land acquirer.
3. Compensation for livellhood fosers - An additional upfront compensation of Rs. $0,000 for
> 4. Rehabilitatlon and resettlement
- An additional upfront resettlement allowance of Rs.
=>) 5. Retum of unutilized land
6. Exemption from income tax and stamp duty - If the land owner loses a home in a rural area, then an
additional entitlement of a house with no less than 50
=> 7. Shara In appreciated land value
square meters in plinth area.
8. Safeguards against displacement 5, Return of unutilized land

9. Multiple checks and balances In case land remains unutilized after acquisition, the new Bill
empowers states to retum the land either to the owner or to
Fig. C5.1: Features of the act
the State Land Bank.
—> 1. Compensation pote
6. Exemption from income tax and stamp duty
The Bill proposes the payment cf compensations that are up WE
No income tax shall be levied and no stamp duty shall be
to four times the market value in rural areas and twice the
charged on any amount that accrues to an individual as a
market value in urban areas.

2 cose er
result of the provisions of the new law.

7. Share in appreciated land value

- In case of acquisition of land for use by private
The acquired land is sold to a third party for a higher price,
companies or public private partnerships, consent of 80
40% of the appreciated land value (or profit) will be shared
per cent of thé displaced people will be required.
with the original owners,
- Purchase of large pieces of land by private companies
8. Safeguards against displacement
will require provision of rehabilitation and
resettlement. — The law provides that no one shall be displaced until

3. Compensation for livelihood losers and unless all payments are made and alternative sites
for the resettlement and rehabilitation have been
In addition to those losing land, the Bill provides
compensation to those
acquired for their livelihood. - The Third Schedule even lists the infrastroctural

> 4. Rehabilitation and resettlement amenities that have to be provided to those that have
been displaced.
- Over five chapters and two entire Schedules have been
9. Multiple checks and balances
dedicated to outlining elaborate _ processes
(and entitlements) for resettlement and rehabilitation. - A ‘comprehensive, participstive and meaningful”
— The Second Schedule in particular outlines the benefits process by involving the participation of focal
(such as land for land, housing, employment Panchayati Raj has been put in place prior to the start

and annuities) that shall accumulate in addition to the of any acquisition proceeding.

one-time cash payments.

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Architocture & Town Planning (BPPU - Gorm 7 - 5-3 UDPFI Guidelines & Various Acts

~ Monitoring committees at the national and state levels 'r Chapter X

to ensure that R&R obligations are met have also been It consists of guidelines regarding payment of compensation,
established, ete.
7 Act conslot of thirtoon chaptore which aro 7 ChapterXI
summarized as follows
It consists of guidelines regarding temporary «cupation of
& Chaptor f- Proiiminary land, etc.
It consists of Short title, Definitions, extent and particulars T Chapter Xil
regarding commencement of act etc,
It consists of guidelines regarding offence and penalties for
F Chaoptor Il false information, etc.

It Includes details regarding : F Chapter Xiil

a. Preliminary investigation for detection of social impact and It consists of miscellaneous provisions, etc.
public purpose.
Syllabus Toplc : UDPFI guldelines (for land use,
b. Appraisal of social impact assessment by an expert group etc.
Infrastructure etc.)
@ Chapter Ill

It consists of details regarding special provisions to safeguard 5.2 UDPFI (Urban Development plans
food security, etc. Formulation and Implementation
@ Chapter IV
- May 12, ‘ay 13,
May 16
It consists of details regarding publication of preliminary
notice and scquisition process followed by preparation of
rehabilitation and resettlement schemes, etc.

@ ChapterV

It consists of details regarding rehabilitation and resettlement

award for affected families, etc.

@ Chapter VI

and manners for

It Includes details regarding Procedures
rehabilitation and resetUement. ~ Planning is a continuous process end planning system should
be such that it ensures continuity.
@ Chapter Vil
In last few decades, there is tremendous growth and
of national
It consists of guidelines regarding establishment resettlements of the urban areas end the need of guidelines
monitor committee for resettlement, ctc. for urban development arises.
@ Chapter Vill By considering above need, government introduced UDP

of land guidelines for urban development.

It consists of guidelines regarding establishment
scquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement authority, etc. & The need of guidelines
s is needed to
@ Chapter IX The study of UDPFI norms and standard

on, develop:
It consists of guidelines regarding allotment of compensati le ient
= — System that is dynamic, flex effic

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(F] Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU-Som7-Clvil) 5-4 UDPFI Guidelines & Varlous Acta
— Process that is less time consuming, “> 4. Plan of Projects/echemes
~ Innovative ideas of tand assembly and fiscal resource ~ Conceived within the frame work of approved
mobilization development Plan.
— Simple and effective form of laws, rules and regulations, ~ Includes detailed working layouts with cost of
* Urban development planning system : development, source of Finance and recovery:
instruments for Executi i i
Tt consist of following plans :
" nF Badenle paee
Urban development @ Norms and standards of act
planning system

1.Pe @ plan Norms and standards of act

2. Development plan k=! A. Distribution df land use

3. Annual plan ()) Developed area average denalties

4. Plan of Projects/schemes (I) Work force

Fig. C5.2 : Urban development planning system (ill) Proposed land use structure of
urban centers In plain area
—> 1. Perspective plan
=> B. Infrastructure
— 20-25 years duration.
(i) Physical Infrastructure
— Includes Maps and Diagrams.
(ii) Social infrastructure
- State government’s goal, policies, strategies of
urban local authority regarding spatio-economic C. Commercial lacilities
development (i) Hierarchy of commercial centers

> 2 Development plan

I (il) Area of commercial centers

- Conceived within Frame work of approved Perspective (ill) Distribution of shops

=> D. Recreational facilities

- Medium Duration for S years.

E. Traffic and Transportation

- i ic and and sp: spatial development

Proposals for socio-economic Pp () Classification of Urban roads

of urban centers including land use. oo

(li) Design standards of Urban roads
> 3. Annual plan
Fig. C5.3 : Norms and standards of act
Conceived within the frame work of Development
> A. Distribution of land use
(i) Developed area average densities.
— Details of new and ongoing projects for local authority
(ii) Work force.
to implement in financial year.
(iii) Proposed land use structure of urban centers in plain
— Necessary fiscal resources mobilization. area.

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Architecture & Town Planning (8PPU « Som 7 - Civil UDPRI Cusddirns & Vorens fiAs
=> 1B, Infrastructure D> A, Welributton
of and wee
=> (\) Phystcal infrastructure “b () Developed aren wveruye demdtles
ree a Te " i ” TILES Lg.
- Water Supply
‘1 eeiegtmen
yen Boer e (yah)bo
- — Water Requirements for institudonal bulldings ie ey (i i CT WE

- Sewage

~ Drainage Small tovrn TSAI KTS

- Electricity ~
i 7 DS
- Solid waste Disposal Medium town 7 10-1) sl a

DG) Soclal Infrastructure Layecities | 104% a

- Educational facilities
Maro cities 125-175 .
- Health care facilities
> (il) Work force
- — Socio- Cultural facilities

- Distribution services Work force participation 99% oh wal prrpsaion ’

- Police
Industrial workers (%) of total work force
- *Fir

> C. Commercial facilities Small and sredium town D4

(i) Hierarchy of commercial centers Large cities 5%

(ii) Area of commercial centers

Worker’s Densii 1%)to 125
(iii) Distribution of shops § Density » 125 pple

=> D. Recreational facilities => (lil) Proposed land use structure of urban omnters
in plain area
=> §. Traffic and Transportation

(i) Classification of Urban roads

(ii) Design standards of Urban roads.

@ Urban center classification on the basis of

Residential 45-50 | 40-45 | 35-40 | 35-49

commercial 2-3 34 4-5 4-5

Industrial 8-10 8-10 10-12 | 12-14

Pub & Semi-Public 6-8 10-12 12-14 | 14-16

Medium town 50,000- } 20,000 less than 80,000 —— 214 | 1820 | 1620 | 20-25
Slakh Transport & 10-12 | 12-14 | 1214 | 45-18
Large cities More | 80,000 and more Communication
lakh Agriculture and balance | balance ] balance | balance

Water bodies


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- Som 7 - Civil
UDPFI Guidelines & Varous Arts
> a. Infrastructure

(i) Physical infrastructu

~ One electric substation of 11 KY for a population of 15,00
is recommended for townt/ cities,
Basic requirement of urban life,
Solld waste disposal
Innovative efforts to ensure wide coverage and ~ The garbage is removed and dumped at the sanitary
equitable distribution. landfill
or in some cases it is converted to Compost especially in
“Water Supply
small towns.
- The generation of waste varies from a quarter of Ky in smail

towns to about half a kg per capita in large and metro cities.

Medium |‘. Large and
a prevsriss! ‘ny ge @ Soclal infrastructure
page A Metro
Domestic 70-100 135 Iped - These facilities shall be provided with 25% additional
Absolute Min. Iped population.
desirable 100 135-150 | 135-150 Iped ~ In case of metro cities, these facilities serves the regional
Iped Iped
Non- Domestic 1% of | 20-25 30-35 Iped - In case of small and medium towns, the villages end
Fire fighting total Iped
demand surrounding areas depends on them

@ Educational facilities
Public purpose 10-15
Iped @ Pre-primary to secondary education

@ Sewerage and Drainage - Pre-primary, nursery school 1 for 2500 population.

The drainage system for any city/town is governed mainly by - Senior secondary school 1 for 7500 population.

natural course and topography. The discharge is calculated @ Technical Education centre
that guides the requirements for provision of additional drain
1 such ceatre provided for every 10 lakh population Includes 1
as well as up gradation of existing drains.
industrial training institute and 1 polytechnic institute.
The treatment of sewerage is essential to provide hygienic = College
- 1 for 1.25 lacs population
The sewerage is estimated at the rate of 80% of the water
supply demand. - — Noof student 1000 to 1500

The large and metro cities shall be provided with regular - Area 1.80 Ha
sewerage treatment facilities at zonal / city level.
- University Campus with Area of 10 ha shall be provided.
The newly developed areas shall have community level
septic tanks based on economic and environmental
considerations. (a) General hospital
The squatter settlements may be provided with a facility of Hospital for 2.5 lakh population capacity | 500 beds
onc toilet for 4 to 5 families based on the concept of low cost Initially the provisioa may be for 300
and low water consumption. beds Sha
@ Electricity Area for hospital tha
Area for residential sccommodatioa 6ha
Power supply consumption works out to be about 2 KW per
Total area
household at the city level including domestic, commercial,
industrial and other requirements.

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[BBP arcitocture& Town Panning (SPPU- Som7- Cll UDPFI Guidolines & Various Acts
(b) Intermediate hospital — One petrol pump for 40 ha of gross industrial area.
1 hospital for 1 Jakh population capacity
- — Two petrol pumps in cach district centre,
Area for hospital 2.70 ha
Area for residential accommodation Tha = One petrol pump in cach community centre.
Total area 3,70 ha
=> (b) Milk distribution

(c) Nursing home, child welfare and

One milk booth for 5,000 population.
matemity center
1 for 0.45 to | lakh population 25 to 30 beds => (c) LPG Godown
Capacity 0.20 to 0.30
~ One gas Godown for 40-50 thousand population is
Area ha
sufficient for any size of town,
(d) Dispensary
1 for 0.15 lakh population 0.08 to 0.12 - — The major concem for its storage and distribution is the
Area ha location which shall be away from the residential areas.
@ Pollco station
@ $Soclo-Cultural facilities

(a) Community room 660 Sq.m Police station

1 for 5,000 population area 1 for 90,000 population
Area inclusive of essential residential | 1.5 ha
(6) Community hall and library 2000 sq.m
1 for 15,000 population area

(c) Recreational club Police post

1 for 1 lakh population area 10,000 sq.m 1 for 0.4 to 0.5 lakh population
Area inclusive of essential residential | 0.16 ha
(d) Music, dance and drama centre 1,000 sq.m
1 for 1 lakh population - area

(e) Meditation and spiritual centre 5000 sq.m District office and battalion
1 for 1 lakh population area 1for 10 lakh population 0.80 ha

15ha Area for district office area for battalion 4ha

(f) Socio-cultural centre
1 for 10 lakh population area Total area 4.80 ha

@ Distribution services Police line 1 for 20 lakh population 4to6ha

Distribution services
District jail 1 for 10 lakh population - area 10ha

(a) Petrol pump @ Fire station

(b) Milk distribution

1 fire station or sub fire station within 1 to
(c) LPG Godown 3km to be provided for 2 lakh population.

fire station with essential | I ha

Fig. C5.4 : Distrib-ition services - Area for

residential accommodation. 0.60 ha

> (a) Petrol pump
- Area for sub-fire-station with essential
- One petro! pump for 150 ha of gross residential areas in
residential accommodation.
residential zone.

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Syllabus Topic ; Real Estate (Regulation and exceed 5(X) sq.mtrs or the number of epartinents does wa

Development) Act 2016 and MAHA-RERA exceed 8,

Project launch or sdvertisement ae nA slowes tefore

5.3 MAHA — RERA (Maharashtra Real registration with RERA.
Estate Regulatory Authority) 10% of the funds collected from sllutices needs to te
deposited in the RERA account, Withdrawals allows
covering project cost.

Transparency about the project enabling buyer ww Ue

informed decision as project plan, layout, approvals, Lad
tile status, sub-contractors are in public domain,

Consent of 2/3rd allottees for any major addition or alteration

in plan.

@ Crganlisation Structure

Government of India has enacted the Real Estate Act 2016

1 Werke |
with effect from i" May, 2017.
y {(MahaRERS)!
\O4shahERs 7 2.
Under this Act, Government of Maharashtra established
Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (Maha-
RERA), vide Notification No. 23 dated 8" March 2017.
It is established for regulation and promotion of real estate
sector in Maharashtra.


It enhances efficiency and transparency in the real estate

business. Fig. 5.3.1: Organogram for Maharashtra Real Estate

Regulatory Autnority (MakaRERA)
There is clear information regarding the plot sale, project,
apartment, building, etc.
eheview Questions:>
It establishes a mechanism for a quick redress of a dispute.
. . Q.1 Give anote on MRTP act 1966.
- It protects the customers’ interests in the field of real estate.
_ late Tribunal, so th Q.2 Explain legislative mechanism for preparation of DP
- — Itestablishes the concept of Appellate Tribunal, so that any by MRTP act 1966.

misconduct can be filed for complaint by the buyer.

Q.3 — Give a note on SEZ.
@ Important Clauses
Q.4 — Give anote on CRZ.
- RERAis applicable for all residential & commercial projects
, Q.5 — Give anote on smart city.
that have not received their completion certificate /
occupancy certificate as on 31st July 2017. Q.6 — Explain features of smart city.
on “UDPFI" guidelines for Jand use.
— _ Registration of the real estate project is not required, where | Q.7 ‘Give a nota
Q.8 Give anote on Infrastructure.
the land area for development of real estate project does not


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Applications of Modern Tools

in Town Planning

* Special townships, SEZ, CRZ Smart Cay, AMRUT Guidelines,

* Applicaton of GIS, GPS, remote sensing in planning.

Various Concessions are granted to such “declared areas” as

Syfsbus Topic : Special Township
follows :

6.41 Special Township 1. N. A. Permission

Non-agriculture permission will be automatic for special

township project.

As soon ss the scheme is notified, lands notified under

Special Township area as per 1.2 wil] be deemed to have

been converted into non-agriculmre and no separate
permission is required,

Noa-agriculture, assessment, however, will commence from

— Goverment of Mabrastos hes decieed fs policy oa
he date of sanction of scheme as per Regulation No. 7(c).
xd developing Specie] Township Projects (STP)
with Notification dated 16* November 2015.
Stamp Duty
— The perposs of this policy is to promote privele investments
The stamp duty rates applicable in Notified Special
in housing sector to facilitete housing st reasonsble prices snd
Township area shall be 50% of prevailing rates of the
also to create hassle free stmosphere for investors.
Mumbai Stamp Act.
— Accortingly Developmect Control Regulations (DCRs) have
Grant of Government Land
been exclesively prepared for Special Townships. As per the
can be
said policy any suitable ara, vot less than 100 Actes, Any special Government land falling under township area
declared by Government for purpose of development as shall be leased out to the developer st the prevailing market
“Special Township’. Tate on usual terms and conditions.

— Cestain areas ae excloded from the township such as aa

Relaxation from Mumbal Tenancy and Agriculture
under forest. water bodies Eke river, creek etc. The basic
Land Act
necessity which is of ctmost importance is that, the land must
be continues and it should not be scattered. The condition that only the agriculturist wills be eligible to
buy the agriculture land shall not be applicable in Special
— JOO% foreign direct investment (FDI) is also permitted in
Special Township. Township area.

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(ep Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 6-2 Applications of Modem Tools in Town Planning

5. Floating F.S.I. SEZ proved much effective in India by business point of

There will be floating FSI in the township. Unused FSI of
one plot can be used anywhere in the whole township. @ Objectives of SEZ act

6. Exemptlon from payment of scrutiny Generation of additional economic activity.

Promotion of exports of goods and services.

A Special Township Project shall be partially exempted from
payment of scrutiny fee for processing the development Promotion of investment from domestic and foreign sources.
proposal. Creation of employment opportunities.

Development of infrastructure facilities.

Syliabus Topic : SEZ
SEAEB Ko has oe
@ Role of SEZ In Indian Economy

6.2 SEZ (Special Economic Zone) To provide internationally competitive environment.

> (SPPU- May 12, May 13, Nov. 13, To encourage FDI and enhance GDP.
Nov. 14, May 16, Dec. 16, May 17) i
To increase share in global exports.
export in
SEZ exports accounting for 26% of India’s total

@ Incentives and facilities offered to the units In SEZs

for attracting Investments Into the SEZs, Including
forelgn investment Include
EZ me <

import/domestic procurement of goods for

Duty free

development, operation and maintenance of SEZ units.

The Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy in India first came 100% Income Tax exemption on export income for SEZ for
into inception on 1" April, 2000. first 5 years.

Exemption from minimum alternate tax.

Exemption from Central Sales Tax.

Exemption from Service Tax.

as foreign and State level
SEZ is a particular arca inside a state which acts Single window clearance for Central
s tax
territory for tariff and trade operations. Govt. provide approvals.
zed water
exemption (IT, Excise, customs, sales etc.), subsidi Exemption from State sales tax and other levies as extende
and electricity etc. by the respective State Governments.
@ Major Incentives and facilities avallable to— SEZ
developers Include
opment of
Exemption from customs/excise duties for devel
SEZs for authorized operations approved by the BOA.
The prime objective was to enhance foreign investment and the business
free Income Tax exemption on income derived from
provide an internationally competitive and hassle
environment for exports. ‘ of development of the SEZ in a block of 10 years in

The idea was to promote exports from the country and Exemption from minimum alternate tax.
realizing the need that level playing field must be made Exemption from dividend distribution tax.
to be
available to the domestic enterprises and manufacturers
Exemption from Central Sales Tax (CST).
competitive globally.

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ET avohitocture & Town Plannin
Ing (GPRU > Gon 7 « Civil) 6-3 Applications ol Mentor Tools in Town Pianining

Kxemption from Service Tax, Kestelctions were impos on developmental sctivitics and
& Advantagos of SEZ the notification would nccordingsy regulate the uve of land
within 500 meters of the const and 100 meters along the tidal-
- Growth and development,
Influenced water badies,
Attracts Forelgn Direct Investinent.
‘The above notification Includes only the intertidal uae and
Exposure to technology nnd global market
land part of the coastal area and dose nen include the ocean
Increasing GDP and Economic Model.
Employment opportunities are created,
Malin objectives of the act
* Disadvantagos of SEZ
Ensure livelihood security.
Land acquisition at very low prices.
Conterve and protect coastal stretches.
Farmers loose their livelihood,
Protect coastal environment and marine area.
Syllabus Topic : CRZ
Promote development through sustainable manner.

6.3 CRZ (Coastal Regulatlon Zone) Dut consideration to Natural hazards, Sea level rise.

> _(SPPU- Dec.a Dec. 16) F Classification of Coastal Regulation Zono

For regulation of developmental activities, CRZ classified

into following four zones :

India has a long coastline of 7,500km, ranging from Gujarat
It includes eco!ogically sensitive areas such as mangroves,
to West Bengal, and two islands.
coral reefs, salt marshes, turtle nesting ground and the inter-tidal
Our coastal ecosystems provide protection from natural
disasters such as floods and tsunamis to the 250 million
people who live in our coastal areas. fF CRZII

Our marine ecosystems are a treasure trove of biodiversity, It includes areas close to the shoreline and which have been
which we are only beginning to discover and catalogue. Thus developed.
our coastline is both a precious natural resource and an
important economic asset, and we need a robust progressive
framework to regulate our coast. It includes coastal areas which are not substantially baik up

of protecting coastal resources from including rural coastal areas.

For the purpose
depletion and degradation and to manage developmental @ CRZIV
activities along the coastline, the Ministry of Environment
It includes Water area from LTL to the limit of teritorial
and Forests (MOEF), Government of India, issued the
waters of India
Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) on 19* February, 1991.
CRZ IV has been changed from the 1991 notification, which
Notification of the act, declared the coastal stretches of seas,
covered coastal stretches in the islands of Andaman &
bays, estuaries, creeks, rivers and backwaters influenced by
tidal action up to 500 meters from the ‘High Tide Line’ Nicobar and Lakshadweep.

(CHTL”) and land between ‘Low Tide Line’ (“LT1L”) and the The MOEF has issued a separate notification tied Island
HT Las the Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ5). Protection Zone 2011 in relation to these areas,

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ey Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU +Sem7-Civi) 64 Applications of Modem Tools In Town Planning
* Activities prohibited within the CRZ
— In most parts of the world, the idea begins with using digital
Following are the some activities which are prohibited technology to make a city more efficient and to improve
the CRZ: wellbeing.

Dumping of ash or aay wastes from the date of notifica Smart city has :
Mining of sand, rocks and other substrata materia
ls not (A) Basic infrastructure,
available outside CRZ areas.
(B) Uses ‘smart’ solutions to make infrastructure and
Setting up of new industries and expansion of existing
_ Services better, and-—————
industries, except these directly related to water front or
(C) Relies on Area based development.
directly needing foreshore facilities.
(A) The basic infrastructure elements in a Smart
Mesnufacture or handling or disposal of hazardous substances, City would include
Setting up and expansion of units/mechanism for disposal of
1. Efficient urban mobility and public transport,
waste and effluents into the water course.
2. Affordable housing, especially for the poor,
Discharging of city untreated waters and effluents from
3. Adequate water supply,
industries, cities or towns and other human settlements.
4. Assured electricity supply,
Dumping of city or town waste for the purposes of land
5. Sanitation, including solid waste management,
filling or otherwise; the existing practice, if any, shall be
phased out within a reasonable time not exceeding three years 6. Robust IT connectivity and digitalization,

from the date of notification. 7. Good govemance, especially e-Govemance and citizen

— Construction activities in ecologically sensitive areas, participation,

8. Sustainable environment,
Syllabus Topic : Smart City
9. Safety and security of citizens,

6.4 Concept of Smart City 10. Health and education.

(B) Smart solutions

Smart solutions are application of information and

communication technology to municipal services and
infrastructure to make them better. Following are some
— Population of India increasing continuously.
examples of smart solutions :
— Peoples from villages tend to shift in cities due employment
© Intelligent traffic management,
& other reasons.
o Energy efficiency and green buildings,
~ It is estimated that by the year 2050, the number of people
© Smart water meters and billing systems,
living in Indian cities will touch 843 million,
© Remotely controlled automatic distribution valves,
— To accommodate this massive urbanization, India needs to
find smarter ways to manage complexities, reduce expenses, © Real time, online systems of monitoring water quality,

increase efficiency and improve the quality of life. o — City-wide intelligent video surveillance network,

The term “smart city” encompasses a vision of an urban © Using mobile phones for cyber tour of worksites.

Space that is ecologically friendly, technologically integrated

(C) Area based development
and precisely planned, with a particular reliance on the use of
For Developing Areas step-by-step, three models of area-
information technology to improve efficiency.
based developments are introduced as follows :

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9P Arctitoc Planning SPPU-Som7- Chl) _
& Townture pplications Tools In Town Planning

1, Retrofitting Promoting a variety of transport options

It includes Development of an existing built area greater than Transit Oriented Development (TOD), public transport and
500 acres so as to achieve the objective of smart cities last mile Para-transport connectivity.
mission to make it more efficient and liveable c.g. Local Area
6 = Making governance citizen-friendly and cost effective
Development (Ahmedabad),
~ Increasingly rely on online services to bring about
2. Redevelopment
accountability and transparency, especially using mobiles to
It includes Replacement of existing built environment in an
reduce cost of services and providing services without having
area of more than 50 acres and enable“co-creation of 1 new
to go to municipal offices.
Jayout, especially enhanced infrastructure, mixed land use
and increased density e.g. Bhendi Bazar, Mumbai. — Porm e-groups to listen to people and obtain feedback and
use online monitoring of programs and activities with the aid
3. Greenfield
of cyber tour of worksites,
It focuses on, Developing a previously vacant area of more
7. Giving an identity to the clty
than 250 acres using innovative planning, plan financing and
plan implementation tools with provision for affordable Based on its main economic activity, such as local
health, education, aris and craft, culture, sports goods,
housing, especially for the poor e.g. New Town, Kolkotta.

@ Features of smart city furniture, hosiery, textile, dairy, etc.

8. Applying smart solutions

Some typical features of comprehensive development in
Smart Cities are described below. - To apply smart solutions to infrastructure and services in
area-based development in order to make them better.
1. Promoting mixed land use in area-based developments
- Forexample, making Areas less vulnerable to disasters, using
— Planning for areas’ containing
‘unplanned a range of fewer resources, and providing cheaper services.
compatible activities and land uses close to one another in
order to make land use more efficient. Syllabus Topic : AMRUT Guidelines

— The States will enable some flexibility in land use and

building bye-laws to adapt to change. 6.5 AMRUT

2. Housing and inclusiveness

Expand housing opportunities for all.

3. Creating walk able localities

air pollution and resource depletion,

Reduce congestion,
economy, promiote interactions and ensure
boost local
only for
The road network is created or refurbished not SSE
and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation
vehicles and public transport, but also for pedestrians and Urban Transformation
cyclists, and necessary administrative services are offered
within walking or cycling distance.

Preserving and developing open spaces

in order to of @
bt Ah
Parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces

enhance the quality of life of citizens, reduce the urban heat

effects in Areas and generally promote eco-balance. Fig. 6.5.1

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EFF ntact & Town Planning (SPPU-Sem7-Civil) 6-6 icatio Tools in Town Plannin
of Modemns
- Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Ustan Transportation 6.5.1 Mission Components
(AMRUT Scheme wea launched on 25th June 2015. Mission Components

— It has replaced the earlier Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban

Renewal Mission SNNURM) bp) A. Water Supply

- AMRBUT focuses on ensuring water supply, sewerage and B, Sewerage

ieplage management, storm water drainage, urban transport

> C. Septage
and availability of green and open spaces, reform
management and support, and capacity building. lh ——beps -D--Storm Water Drainage ~~

— S00 cities are to be covered under the scheme and this would >! E. Urban Transport
include all cities with a population above
>, F, Green space and parks
— The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) is the nodal
| G. Reforms management & support
ministry for the scheme.

@ AMRUT will focus on the following Thrust Areas po] H. Capacity Building

(i) Water Supply, > |. Indicative list of inadmissible components

(ii) Sewerage facilities and septage management, J. Funding

(iti) Storm Water drains to reduce ficoding,

(iv) Pedestrian, non-motorized and public transport facilities,

1. Service Level Improvement Plan (SLIP)
parking spaces, and
2. State Annual Action Plan (SAAP)
(v) Enhancing amenity value of cities by creating and upgrading
green spaces, parks and recreation centers, especially for 3. Resource Person
Fig. C6.1 : Mission Components
& Coverage
“> A. Water Supply
500 cities will be taken up under AMRUT. The list of cities
i. | Water supply systems including augmentation of existing
will be notified at the appropriate time. The category of cities that
water supply, water treatment plants and universal metering.
will be covered in the AMRUT is given below:
ii. Rehabilitation of old water supply sysiems, including
(i) All Cities and Towns with a population of over one lakh with
treatment plants.
notified Municipalities, including Cantonment Boards

(Civilian areas).
iii. Rejuvenation of water bodies specifically for drinking water
supply and recharging of ground water.
(ii) All Capital Cities/Towns of States/ UTs, not covered in
iv, Special water supply arrangement for difficult areas, hill and
coastal cities, including those having water quality problems
(iii) All Cities! Towns classified as Heritage Cities by MoUD (e.g. arsenic, fluoride)
under the HRIDAY Scheme.
+> B. Sewerage
(iv) Thirteen Cities and Towns on the stem of the main rivers
sewerage systems,
with « population above 75,000 and less than 1 lakh, and (i) Decentralised, networked underground

including augmentation of existing sewerage systems and

(v) Ten Cities from hill states, islands and tourist destinations
sewage treatment plants.
(not more than one from each State).
(ii) Rehabilitation of old sewerage system and treatment plants.

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7 Civ
(ii) Recycling of water for beneficial purposes and reuse of | (iv) Telecom,
v) Health,

> C Sep
(vi) Education, and
(i) Faecal Sludge Management- cleaning, transportation and (vii) Wage employment programme and staff comp

treatment in a cost effective manner. '

> J. Funding
(ii) Mechanical and Biological cleaning of sewers and septic is Rs. 50,000 crores for five
. . — The total outlay for AMRUT
tanks and recovery of operational cost in full. sexi
——— $ _____—— years from financial year 2015- and the Mission
to 2019-2016
=> D. Storm Water Drainage
will be operated as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme.
(i) Construction and improvement of drains and storm water | _ ‘The AMRUT may be continued thereafter in the light of an
ate flooding. evaluation done by the MoUD and incorporating leanings
in order to reduce and
the Mission
“> E Urban Transport
portbay | —
(excluding porlibay roject fund will be divided among States/UTs at the
The proj
(i) Ferry vessels for inland waterways
infrastructure) and buses. beginning of each year.

walkways, sidewalks, foot over-bridges and | — The Central Assistance (CA) for the projects will be in three
(i) Footpaths/
installments of 20:40:40 of the approved cost.
facilities for non-motorised transport (e.g. bicycles).
— The use of state funds will be recommended by the State
(iii) Multi-level parking.
through State
High Power Steering Committee (SHPSC)
(iv) Bus Repid Transit System (BRTS).
and part Annual action Plan (SAAP).
> F Green
> K. Planning
(Gi) Development of green space and parks with special provision components have been
Under AMRUT, the following
for child-friendly components
introduced for better implementation of the project: .
G. Reforms management & support
=> 1. Service Level Improvement Pian (SLIP)
for reform
@ Support structures, activities and funding support
: — SLIP assesses the service level gap and the Urban Local
. Body (ULB)develops a plan to correct these gaps. After
planning, a cost is estimated, and prioritizing of projects and
(ii) Independent Reform monitoring agencis®
> H. Capacity Building is done.

Financing of projects, including the Operstion and

() This has two components- individual and institutional | _
capacity building. Management (O and M) costs will be planned through the

to the Mission SLIPs.

(i) The capacity building will not be limited
=> 2, State Annual Action Plan (SAAP)
ULBs as well.
Cities, but will be extended to other

(ii) Continuation of the Comprehensive Capacity Building | _ The States decide on the inter-ULB sliocation based on gap
analysis and financial strength of ULBs.
Programme (CCBP) after its realignment towards the new
Missions. - Typically the ULBs selected have higher gaps in provision of

I. Indicative (not exhaustive) list of inadmissible water supply and sewerage.

=> . .
components the
— At the State level the SAAP contains projects where
project cost is linked with revenue sources.
(i) Purchase of land for projects or project related works,
_ the States,
to ULBs throug
Funds are provided by AMRUT h
(ii) Staff salaries of both the States/ULBs,
(ii) Power,

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(ey Architecture & Town Planning (GSPPU - Sem 7 - Civil) 6-8 Applications of Modem Tools In Town Planning
> 3. Resource Person
GIS Consist of five main components which are given as
A Project Develpoment and Management Consultant follows :
(PDMC) will be stationed in cities having population greater
than five lakh and serving all surrounding AMRUT cities
having population below five lakh.

o Each PDMC will have one state office.

The scope of PDMC under the proposed mission will be

divided into four broad componentsnamely Planning, Design and
Supervision and Project Management.

Syllabus Tople : Application of GIS

6.6 GIS (Geographic Information ,

> (SPPU - May 13, Nov. 13, Dec. 15,
May 16, Dec. 16, May 17) Fig. 6.6.1 ; Components of GIS

Components of GIS

1. Hardware

2. Software

4. People

5. Mathods or Applications

Fig. C6.2 : Components of GIS

1. Hardware

Hardware is the computer on which a GIS operates.

GIS software runs ou a wide range of hardware types, from

centralized computer servers to desktop computers used in
stand-alone or networked configurations.

2. Software

In a general sense, the term describes any information system GIS software provides the functions and tools needed to

that integrates stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and displays store, analyze and display geographic information.

geographic information. Key software components are :

GIS is relatively new field, started in 1970s. o Tools for the input and manipulation of geographic
Over a time GIS applications have also become easier to use.
o A database management system (DBMS)
GIS is more than just a software, it refers to all aspects of
managing and using digital geographical data.

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IF architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Sem 7 ~- Civil) 6-9 Applications of Modam Tools in Town Planning

© Tools that suppom geographic query, analysis, and trscking delivery vehicles, recording details of planning
visualization applications, to modeling global atmospheric circulation.

co A graphical user interface (GUI) for easy socess to tools The working of a GIS can be summarized as follows :
> 3. Data
Working of a GIS
— Possibly the most important component of a GIS is the data.
Geographic data and related tabular data can be collected in-
1. Relating Information {rom different sources
___ house or purchased from a commercial data provider.
/ locations
2. Geographic referenc
— A GIS will integrate spatial data with other data resources
and can even use 2 DBMS, used by most organizations to 3. Data capture

organize end maintain their data, to manage spatial data.

4. Data Integration
> 4. People
5. Projection and registration
— — GIS technology is of limited value withoutthe people who
manage the system and develop plans for epplying it to Teal- 6. Data structure and modeling

world problems. |
i. Vector data model
— — GIS users range from technical specialists who design and
li. Raster data model
maintain the system to those who use it to help them perform
. their everyday work.
Fig. C6.3 : Working of a GIS
=> 5. Methods or Applications
=> 1, Relating Information From Different Sources
d plan
— A successful GIS operates according to 8 well-designe
— The ability of GIS to relate information from disparate
and operating
and business rules, which are the mociels
sources helps in planning and management of natural
practices unique to each organization. :
@& Working of GIS :
GIS can be used for converting existing digital
— A
world as a collection of
_— — GIS stores information about the information, which may not be in map format, into forms,
r by geography.
thematic layers that can be linked togethe which it can recognize and use.
d to
- For example, digital satellite images can be analyze
layer of digital information about
produce a thematic
can be
— Additionally, existing tabular data such as census
be usable, it
converted to map-like format. For the data to
in some way.
needs to be geo referenced to the map
=> 2. Geographic References

information contains either an explicit

— Geographic
longitude or
geographic reference, such as a latitude and
reference such as an
national grid co-ordinate, or an implicit
code, census tract name, forest stand
address, postal

identifier, or road name.

Fig. 6.6.2 : Formation of real image
resent beter cre

and versatile concept has

This simple but extremely powerful
many real-world problems from
proven invaluable for solving

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- A representation of the world using points, lines, and
Gi ie ‘Ta
ete om. ie ie
UaePhat Wetinet
met polygons.
eB), wok hOty 3
— Vector models are useful for storing data that has discrete
These geographic references allow you to locate features,
boundaries, such as country borders, land parcels, and streets.
such as a business or forest stand, and events, such as an
> iL Raster data model
earthquake, on the earth's surface for analysis.
> 3. Data capture____ - A representation of the world as a surface divided into a

regular grid of cells.

— Raster models are useful for storing data that varies

image, a
continuously, as in an aerial photograph, a satellite
Data on existing paper maps can be digitized or hand traced
surface of chemical concentrations, or an elevation surface.
using a mouse in order to collect the co-ordinates of the


Electronic scanning devices are the other options for the data
capture. This step is the most time consuming part in creating
a GIS.

> 4. Data Integration

ic layers,
GIS stores information as a collection of themat
which are linked together by geography.
tables of spatial and
Underlying these layers are associated
Fig. 6.6.3 : Formation of real world image
aphic feanures.
descriptive attributes that describe the geogr
@ Examples of GIS Software
> 5. Projection and Registration
(i) ArcGIS (ii) GRASS
ned from various disparate
All the information that is obtai
(iv) Maplnfc ete.
consistent spatial references (iii) QGIS
sources has to be converted to
@ of GIS
before using in GIS.
data layers by establishing
This process aligns all the Appilcation of GIS
for all the data layers. Before
consistent co-ordinate system
of the
the GIS projects, projection
data is analyzed, in most of 1. Planning

map is done.
is the leap} 2. Emergency Preparedness
damentals of mapmaking,
Projection, one of the fun
__mathema tical method. of
transferring information from
L, 3. Site selection
surface to two-dimensional
earth's three-dimensional
beep} 4. Land use planning
will result in the distortion of §. Transport Planning
Map projections, however, =i
: shape, area, distance and
or more of these properties
ections thal t are used are Univ
ersal 6. Environmental studies
direction. Some of the proj
Conic, etc.
M), Lambert Conformal
Transverse Mercator (UT 7. Construction planning
= 6 Datastructures and data mod planning
8. Facilitii es Manageme: nt and
work i
with [wo
information systems of GIS
Geographic Fig, C64: Applica tion
t types of geographic mod
fundamentally differen

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Architecture & Town Planning (SPPU - Som 7 - Civil) 0-14 tions of Modem Tools in Town Planning
ars Ty
1. Planning
Syllabus Topic : Application of GPS
GIS can be effectively used in different field of planning
such as housing planning, urban planning, transportation 6.7 GPS - Global Positioning System
planning etc. > (SPPU- May 12, Nov. 13, Dec. 15,
May 16, Dec, 16, Muy 17)
2. Emergency Preparedness
A iednicememne re
GIS can be used for the purpose of identifying the most
affected and Ieast affected zones at the time of emergency
such as carthquakc , floods etc.

It can help in providing suitable measures at that situation &

also for preparing a rescuc plans.

3. Site selection

GIS helps to find out suitable site for the project as per
requirement, in a short time. __snnepeint nd nee

eT GPS ;is “satellite pane. navigation: send

4. Land use planning
a saiieiing eitehe rise eicten 4
GIS can be used for investigating current land use pattem of
It provides location and time information in all weather.
specific area which will helpful for future development.
It is maintained by U.S. government and is freely accessible
Itcan also be used for zoning purpose. by anyone with GPS receiver.

5. Transport Planning — GPS consist of 3 segments namely space segment, control

segment and user segment.
With the help of high: spatial resolution data, mapping of Toad
Brief history of GPS
and rail network can be accomplished.
Developed by US Department of Defense for 20 years
This facilitates in deciding optimal routing for transport of
— 1973-NAVSTAR Global Positioning System developed
construction materials.
— 1978 — First 4 satellites launched
6. Environmental studies
- 1993-24 satellite launched
GIS can be effectively used for the purpose of environmental - 1995 - Declared Full Operational Capability
impact assessment of particular area. = 2000- Military accuracy available to all users

7, Construction planning
& 9 segments of GPS
GIS can help the users to understand the site conditions GPS has three main segments :
which affect the schedule baseline and cost baseline.
of GPS
GIS can provide guidelines regarding utilization of resources
on site for keeping the construction within budget and
{a) Space segment
(0) Control segment
$8 Facilities Management and planning
(c) User segment
GIS can be used for locating underground pipelines and
Fig. C65 : 3 segments
of GPS
cables for mainteasnce and planning.

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Sash Toh ba Town Pe

geo ME

Control segment —

Fig, 6.7.) : SegmentsA GPS

1. Space Segment Trannies to the satellites are ephemeris constants

GPS satellives fly in circular orbits a an abtitade of and hack aijpeaments. The satellites in tum, use these

20,200) kin anid with a period of 12 terars. updates in the signals thet they send to GPS receivers.

User Segment
It is powered by wlar cells.
This part consists of user receivers which are hand-held
‘The satellites continuously orient themaclyes to point
ot, con te placed ja 2 vehicle.
their solar panels toward the sua ad their antenna
toward the earth. All GPS receivers have an elmanac programmed into
their computer, which tells them where each satellite is
Orbital planes are centered on the Excth.
wt eny given moment.
Orbits are designed 9 that, at leat, six satellites ae
The GPS receivers detect, decode and process the
always within line of sight from any location on the
signals received from the satellites.

2. The Control Segment ——- The receiver is usually used in conjunction with
computer software to output the information to the user
This consists of 5 worldwide unmanned base-ttations
in the form of a mzp.
that monitor the satellites to track their exact position in
ae opeeding As the wser does not have to communicate with the
space, and to make sure that they
satellite there can be unlimited users at one time.

The stations constantly monitor the orbits of the

satellites and use very precise radar to check altitude,
position and speed.

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__Ap plications of Modem Tools Town F Planning$
ee Architecturo_ &1 Town | Plannin g (SPPU
- Sem
7 - Civil

@ Application of GPS @ Typos of remote sensing

> (SPPU - May 13, Nov. 13, Nov. 14)

Typos of romote sonsing
GPS is useful in transportation planning.

2. This system gives us the accurate geographic position 1, Passive Source

required for land surveying.
2. Active source
3. GPS can be used for many tasks in construction surveying
such as measuring the grading, elevation, staking & mapping. Fig. C6.6 : Types of remote sensing

4. It is used for navigation purposes in Aircraft, Ships, and > 1. Passive Source
Submarines etc.
Source of energy is either the Sun or Earth/atmosphere.
5. GPS is useful tool in Traffic management.
> 2. Active source
6. GPS is used to locate different points, preparing Contour
Source of energy is part of the remote sensor system.
maps, giving Alignments of Roads, Bridges where high
RADAR is example of active system.
degree of precision is required.
@ Seven Elements of Remote Sensing (Passive remote
7. GPS is also used to track the location and usage of equipment sensing)
at construction different sites.

8. GPS can be used for Preliminary survey.

9. GPS caz be used for Site selection or location selection

10. Censtruction surveyor can take precise measurements

without the requirement of line of sight with the help of
handheld GPS device.

Syllabus Topic : Remote sensing In planning

—_—e roa
6.8 Remote Sensing
> (SPPu May 13, Dec. 15, Dec. 16)

Fig. 6.8.1 : Elements of remote sensing

poe %

This is done by sensing and recording reflected or emitted

energy and processing, analyzing, and applying that
Fig. 6.8.2 : Concept of remote sensing
Remote sensing involves an interaction between incident
radiation and the target of interest.

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ka Architecture & Town Planning
(SPPU - Sem 7 -Civil 6-14 lications of Modem Tools in Town Plann

Elements of Passive “> (G) Application

Remote Sensing
Remotely sensed data ten’t much use unless it is Ybered for
p=>| (A) Energy Source or Illumination @ purpose or application,
Application of remote sensing
hemp (B) Radiation and Atmosphere
Application of remote sensing
=. (C) Interaction with Target

> (D) Recording of Energy by the Sensor 1. Regional Planning and Site Investigations

| (E) Transmission, Reception, and Processing 2. Terrain Mapping and Analysis

ee ee ee ee ee
baa] 3. Landslide Studies
(F) Interpretation and Analysis

4, Transportation Network Analyzls

Lond | (G) Application
5. Water Resources Engineering
Fig. C6.7 : Elements of passive remote sensing
6. Site selection for projects
(A) Energy Source or Iumination
7. Medical waste, waste material disposal sites
For photography, the source is light from the sun. Other
8. Planning of parking space, compicxes etc
types of remote sensing, such as radar, supply their own

9. Urban pollution management


energy source.

(B) Radiation and Atmosphere

10. Urban slum Kentification and management
Remote sensing is affected by how well the illuminating
; Fig. C6.8 : Application of remote sensing
energy penetrates the atmosphere. This is especially
=> 1. Regional Planning and Site Investigations
important when the distance involved is great, such as from a
satellite. — Site investigations in general require topographic and
(C) Interaction with Target geologic considerations.

What the remote sensor is really measuring is how the — Remote sensing data permits such an assessment.

Energy interacts with the target. —> 2. Terrain Mapping and Analysis

(D) Recording of Energy by the Sensor — — Assessment of the performance of the terrain for specific

The sensor records the reflected energy it receives developmental activities can be made through terrain
(E) Transmission, Reception, and Processing
— For this, terrain information can be acquired from RS data
All remote sensing systems have some method of
and by generating the Digital Terrain Model (DTM).
transmitting, receiving, and processing the data. Some
=> 3. Landslide Studies
satellites actually drop film canisters to Earth using
parachutes. Most remote sensing is now done digitally, and — Landslides are the most common and recurring hazards
the data is transmitted using radio waves. mountainous areas causing enormous loss of life and

(F) Interpretation and Analysis every year.

tly include
etation — The parameters that contribute directly or indirec
Computers can do some analysis, but the final interpr relief.
lithology and structure, landform, slope, aspect,
is up to the human element. activities.
vegetation cover, climatic and human

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LF architecture & Town Planning (SPPU~-Sem7-Civd) &15 Applications of Modem Tools in Town Planning

> S Panning of parking space, complexes etc.

Information on these aspects can be collected and integrated
for preparing a landslide hazard zone map that can be done It is used for planning of parking spaces from the available
through RS and GIS. ic
space of the specifarea.
4. Transportation Network Anslysis > 9. Urban pollution management
help of the
With the help of high spatial resolution data, mapping Jf road Pollution Ieve! in the city can be studied with the
can be
and rail network can be sccomplished. remote seasing and messure for reducing the same
This facilitates in deciding optimal routing for transport of undertaken.

construction materials. Land use or land cover analysis and manag

Urtsnsum jdentific on
> 10

Water Resources Engineering area and

5, It is very important tools for identification of slum

By analyzing multi date Remotely Sease (RS) data, it would after thst for the management and redevelopment
Se hs are
be possible to monitor the effects of dam construction.
“Review Questions:
Remotely sensed data of pre and post dam construction can
reveal the forest and other land st different water levels. Q.1 Give a note on spacial township.

This would also help in preliminary investigation of finding a.2 Give a note on land acquisition, rehabilitation and
suitable areas for human resetilemeat. rasettiement Oct. 2013.

6. Site selection for projects

Q.3 Explain application of GIS in town planning.
It is used for the purpose of suitable site selectica for
Give appications of GPS in town planning.
project as per the requirement
Give applications of GIS in town planning.
7. Medical waste, waste material disposal sites

It is used for finding out area for disposal of medical
and other waste.

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