Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms: Sr. No. Key Deterministic Algorithm Non-Deterministic Algorithm
Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms: Sr. No. Key Deterministic Algorithm Non-Deterministic Algorithm
Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Algorithms: Sr. No. Key Deterministic Algorithm Non-Deterministic Algorithm
The common resources are time and space, meaning how much time the
algorithm takes to solve a problem and the corresponding memory usage.
The time complexity of an algorithm is used to describe the number of steps
required to solve a problem, but it can also be used to describe how long it takes
to verify the answer.
The space complexity of an algorithm describes how much memory is required
for the algorithm to operate.
Complexity classes are useful in organizing similar types of problems.
Types of Complexity Classes
This article discusses the following complexity classes:
1. P Class
2. NP Class
3. CoNP Class
4. NP hard
5. NP complete
P Class
NP Class
The NP in NP class stands for Non-deterministic Polynomial Time. It is the
collection of decision problems that can be solved by a non-deterministic
machine in polynomial time.
1. The solutions of the NP class are hard to find since they are being solved by a
non-deterministic machine but the solutions are easy to verify.
2. Problems of NP can be verified by a Turing machine in polynomial time.
Let us consider an example to better understand the NP class. Suppose there is a
company having a total of 1000 employees having unique employee IDs. Assume
that there are 200 rooms available for them. A selection of 200 employees must
be paired together, but the CEO of the company has the data of some employees
who can’t work in the same room due to some personal reasons.
This is an example of an NP problem. Since it is easy to check if the given choice
of 200 employees proposed by a coworker is satisfactory or not i.e. no pair taken
from the coworker list appears on the list given by the CEO. But generating such
a list from scratch seems to be so hard as to be completely impractical.
It indicates that if someone can provide us with the solution to the problem, we
can find the correct and incorrect pair in polynomial time. Thus for the NP class
problem, the answer is possible, which can be calculated in polynomial time.
This class contains many problems that one would like to be able to solve
1. Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT).
2. Hamiltonian Path Problem.
3. Graph coloring.
Co-NP Class
Co-NP stands for the complement of NP Class. It means if the answer to a
problem in Co-NP is No, then there is proof that can be checked in polynomial
1. If a problem X is in NP, then its complement X’ is also is in CoNP.
2. For an NP and CoNP problem, there is no need to verify all the answers at
once in polynomial time, there is a need to verify only one particular answer
“yes” or “no” in polynomial time for a problem to be in NP or CoNP.
Some example problems for C0-NP are:
1. To check prime number.
2. Integer Factorization.
NP-hard class
An NP-hard problem is at least as hard as the hardest problem in NP and it is the
class of the problems such that every problem in NP reduces to NP-hard.
1. All NP-hard problems are not in NP.
2. It takes a long time to check them. This means if a solution for an NP-hard
problem is given then it takes a long time to check whether it is right or not.
3. A problem A is in NP-hard if, for every problem L in NP, there exists a
polynomial-time reduction from L to A.
Some of the examples of problems in Np-hard are:
1. Halting problem.
2. Qualified Boolean formulas.
3. No Hamiltonian cycle.
NP-complete class