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ghdgahs. Kjahsjdh akhydkjhas dyuqhj 567l;lk;l well it was a new stuff can be very
frustrating but great. dhghsd hjhjasd jhajshd j67. se here everythinree men not by
ts no other definition of marriage. As Kaliyuga will advance Sri Krishna’s rule
willhe 7th thereon i.e. 9 th house. This is very simple rule. In the same manner
you can see the further marriages.
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
Ok, lets understand about marriage. Marriage is related to which house? 7th house.
What Happens when person marries twice or thrice? Will you look for 7th house
again? Students: Various opinions. It means your concept of marriage nota only, do
not waste your time much in the rashi chart. 7th house in rashi Chart will tell
only you about yimilarly, 2nd marriage will break from the 3rd house and 3rd
marriage will be seen from t
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
So, what is the definition of marriage hga not of Sri Rama. Ok. Normally in India
you will not find this problem because here everythinree men not by ts no other
definition of marriage. As Kaliyuga will advance Sri Krishna’s rule will apply. So
how will you catch a chart? The 7th house from Shukra will tell us fromamsa? In
Mesh, Char Rashi ok.
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Out of these two we consider that in Guruoint in horoscope matching, which nobody
sees these days. Ok tell me your spouse’s kundali, where is Shukra in her chart?
Example Chart: Female
Shukra is in the 9th house and 7th from there is Karka rashi. There are no grahas
in karka. Now see where is Chandra, in Kumbha Rashi. So again Sthira rashi, if we
see your wife’s Kundali than we can tell her that you will meet your husband in
ynging the spouse and in female it is Moon bringing the spouse. What kind of
Sambandha is there between them? His guru is in Simha and her Chandra is in Kumbha,
you see, what yoga it makes? Guru in Simha and Chandra in
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
Kumbha, Gajkesari yoga occurred. Beautiful match, “Uttam Vivaha”. Marriage will be
successful. This is the important aspect of kundali matching, remember this, it
will work. Now, study the chart further. This is the first step, which I told you;
now see the happening of marriage. How will you see it? Second is to see upapada,
match the upapada, and third is to see 7th house in navamsa. See his 7th house in
Navamsa. Can you see the entire family of his wife by making 7th house of navamsa
as lagna of his wife? See, the same thing from ta to her lagna. Do the matching
this way. Have you seen how they got married? After that we do upapada matching. We
will do that in next class. See, I am teaching you the basics first. These basics
no body will ever teach you. Your foundation will be very strong by these
teachings. Now you do exercise by taking as many cases you can. See how they
worked? Sometimes the result will come from rashi, some time it will come from
navamsa. Study more.
Topic: Marriage
its lord. And then we will count the same number of house from the lord. For
example Lagnesh is in 2nd house, so from lagna we will count to the lord. It is two
houses away then we will count two houses from Lagnesh that will bring us to the
3our wife or husband what is that? Truly speaking it is piece of mud in which
Brahma has put the Gayatri mantra. Do not get angry with me that I am calling your
spouse a mud but that is the reality. How you recognize your spouse? By seeing
his/her body. Is there any other way of knowing him? No. So that body comes from
where? That body comes from upapada. The body of the spouse is manifested through
the upapada. It is Maya, not permanent. It will go away one day whether you like it
not. What will remain is the lagna the fame that why lagna is related to fame. Good
or bad only fame will remain. All the Arudha will go away and lagna will remain. So
my spouse is the Arudha of 12th house or manifested through upapada. Now, from
where this body is coming? How is this body? From a well to do family or from a
poor family. How will you see? If lord of upapada is exalted than it is coming from
good well to do family. In the same way if it is debilitated then from the poor
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
suddenly after 20 years see each other and marry and remain together for entire
life. Isn’t it beautiful? Don’t you feel surprised? Think for a second. So what
exactly is happening Upapada, 12th house? 12th house we talked of moksha also, it
is important. I am saying 12th house as Moksha and 12th house as bandhana also.
Marriage is a kind of bandhana only, there is no greater bondage than “Vivaha”, do
you agree? So, I mean to say that there is no greater path than “Vivaha” for
Moksha. All the rishis, I think most of them wa is the highest. She is the most
adorable. That is why I say read our texts. You need to know your culture. Student:
There are eight rishis who were not married, I do not know all of them but greatest
among them was Lomash, then Narada, then Sukdeva, there is controversy on his name,
then Markandya, then there is Ashtakbal, so there are eight rishis who were not
married. So, anyway this misconception that you need to take brahmacharya to get
moksha is wrong. Brahmacharya is purely your personal choice, of a certain path,
that is all. It has nothing to do with whether you will be granted moksha or not.
It is for god to decide, no human being will decide. You have been given body to
produce children for the continuity of the world. As far as your physical union is
for the purpose of begetting children and there are whole lot of conditions
mentioned in Shastra. Ok. Anyway, Upapada will decide the body of your spouse. If a
man want to marry what is he praying for, a goddess to come in his life. No body
wants to marry Suparnakha, sister of Ravana. Every body want goddess is it not? So
when you want a goddess you might as well pray to a goddess. See the upapada and
see what is there which is causing the problem. Why the person is not appearing in
front of you? 7th house is nothing to do with it; the problem is with the upapada.
7th house is your spouse who is somewhere else doing job or study or business
whatever, something, you do not know about him. Because the person is not in front
of you. So there is no point in worshipping 7th house, worship upapada so that he
appears in front of you in physical body. How to do it? All these grahas have Adi
deveta and Pratyaadi devetas, you must be aware of them. Worship the
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
Adi deveta of the planet, who is the lord of the upapada, provided no grahas in the
upapada. If there are grahas is in upapada then the Avatar of that Graha need to be
worshipped. Adi deveta will indicate a particular deity and Graha will indicate
avatar of that deveta. Immediately marriage will take place. The right time of
marriage is when Brhaspati has rashi Drishti or Graha Drishti on 2nd house from
upapada. Even if there is no Drishti, but it has some connection with the 2nd lord
from upapada in any form or manner then it is good forp Vishnu on Thursday then you
are increasing Akash tattva because he rules it. The effect of this worship will be
different from the Dwadashi worship of Vishnu. And it is also very different from
Wednesday fasting or vratam of Vishnu. What do we want? We want that her spouse
should come to her in physical self. So, remember, we have to take the day lord,
not the tithi lord, not the tattva lord. Because “Vaar” rules physical bodies. Have
you read Panchaang? No, pick up that book of Visti and read about it. Buy that book
and read it. So Vaar (day) is body, and fasting on Wednesday from sunrise to sunset
and worshipping Vishnu will bring the spouse to her. It was impossible thing as far
as her mother was concerned but I told her you wait and see. It happened. Now you
understood why it is important. All the Arudhas are nothing but physically
manifested people. You can do many things if y the girl?
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
Student: Fasting on Thursday. Yes, first thing is to recommend the fasting on for
the day lord. If you are not going to fast forget it. You must tell it. No body
else can do any thing if you cannot fast. Not tantrik pujas and all, nothing. It is
between you and god no third party. As a jyotish you must tell the person it is
your dharma to tell that person. They do it or not it is upto them. If Upapada is
creating the problem then fasting is must. You must tell that. In this case fasting
is on Thursday. What else? Students: Worship of Krishna avatar. Why is the Chandra
better than Ketu? Ketu in Upapada can give you spiritual husband. So tell me any
avatar of Vishnu, which represent Chandra and Ketu. Before that please check if it
is e you looking for? Devi Parvati. Clear. She will be a good mother. So the Das
Avatars are called Das Maha Vidya. The Graha representing the Maha Vidya that Devi
will come to your house. This the way a man should look at his wife. He should not
look at his wife as Lakshmi till they are married. After marriage it is a different
issue. Similarly if a woman has to look for man she has to look for sustenance that
is why she has to look at lord Vishnu. If she looks for Shiva, who is Parma yogi,
having two-piece of cloth sitting in the Himalayas why he will come and marry her.
Tell me, will you marry a person who does not have anything and sitting in the
Himalayas, then why worship him for marriage. You want your husband to be wearing
Mukuta, Good clothes, have some position, status, and who can sustain you. Right.
So at the time of marriage woman must worship Vishnu and Man must worship Devi
Parvati. See the Sumya forms of goddesses for example Tara. For Mars you can take
Pitambara, because Bagula Mukhi is the Pila Shakti. Do no
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
see her as troublemaker that my wife is Mangala, very furious. Look at her as
Bagula and think that your son will be like Hanuman. It is the question of how you
look at it. Ok now, this is a female kundali so Vishnu avatar of Chandra is Krishna
and further you can take Krishna avatar of Ketu. Who is that? Krishna has many
avatars like Bal Gopal, Lord Jagannath, and Lord Vitthal etc. so Chandra with Ketu
is Jagannath, Parma Brahma. So she neehings do not matter, what matter is 2nd from
upapada. How the marriage can break? If you can see that first and make a guard
against it than it will be helpful. 2nd from upapada will decide what will be the
cause of breakage of marriage. 2nd and 7th house from upapada will tell you why the
marriage is breaking. 2nd house from upapada will tell what will be the immediate
reason of breaking and 7th house will tell who are the people who will be against
that marriage. Who are the people opposing you in the marriage? 12th from upapada
is the secret enemies to the marriage. Now in this chart you can say Chandra in
Upapada will show good family and Ketu can show the Rishis family. Why did you miss
that Ketu is in his Mool Trikona. See I have not finished this case. I wanted to
catch you over here. You people have taken Chandra blindly and forgot that Ketu is
in Mool trikona. If any Graha is uccha in upapada then what could be better then
that. Why should we ignore Ketu and take the Chandra. If Ketu is exalted in upapada
it is beautiful. Have you noticed that Ketu’s exaltation and Mool trikona are is
houses of Jupiter. Brahman’s houses so this girl can get husband from some Rishis
Parivar. So why should I give Krishna’s mantra, why not Ketu’s mantra, Matsya
Avatar Mantra. Which Graha is Stronger? Also in jyotish when good and bad planets
co join Ketu will give result of Chandra and Chandra will give result of Ketu. Why
I will not give Ketu’s mantra, it will give result of Chandra. You know this Yuti
yoga, when two grahas joins they give result of each other. So take every thing in
SJC-Atri-Class-4&5 What Gurudev Said…
SJC-Atri-Class-4 &5: Jyotish Guru Sanjay Rath
Topic: Marriage
consideration before giving mantra. In this caems. Moon in 7th will create
opposition from Mother in law. Worst situation. Worst is the situation when upapada
is in Makara. 7th lord is moon mother in law will definitely trouble. See horoscope
of Menka Gandhi and study that, what gave her such a family and troubles also. In
the next class we will take up this chart and study. Study it carefully. I think
that will be enough for today.