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omni INSTRUCTION MANUAL 120 TON MODEL $-3.5 Sree SES — BOWEN MODEL S-3.5 POWER SWIVELS INDEX GENERAL DESCRIPTION Page 1 USES Page 1 CONSTRUCTION 1 Page 2 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION _ Page 4 MAINTENANCI Ws Page 7 c DISASSEMBLY OF SWIVEL eee Page 10 REASSEMBLY OF SWIVEL Page 14 TROUBLE SHOOTING ate Page 16 SPEGIFIGATIONS AND TEGHNICAL DATA. soecsosnncnn Page 17 COMPONENTS AND REPLACEMENT PARTS cco nn Page 26 The designs and specifications of the tools described in this Instruction Manual weve in effect at the time this manual was approved for printing. Bowen Tools, Inc., whose policy is one of continuous improvement reserces the right to. discontinue models at any time. or to change designs or specifications withont notice or without incurring obligation Sixth Printing, March 1982 INSTRUCTION MANUAL : BOWEN MODEL S-3.5 POWER SWIVELS GENERAL DESCRIPTION Bowen Model $-3.5 Power Swivels are hy- Graulic motor driven, pipe rotating machines These compact machines, weighing only 2000 Ibs., are rated to support tensile pipe loads of 120 tons at zero R.P.M. and 65 tons dynamic load at 100 R.P.M. They incorporate a 2-3/4 bore gooseneck anc washpipe assembly. allowing circulation through the stem while rotating or in a static condition. The $-3.5 Power Swivel is rated at 6300 fi Wbs. maximum torque and 155 RPM maximum, The variable volume pump and hy- Graulic system allows the torque and speeds to be infinitely varied, within the above stated ranges, with no need to shifi gears or stop and restart the unit to increase or decrease speed or torque. The Bowen S-3.5 Power Swivel is supplied with a prime mover of the correct. size and horsepower ouiput to match the swivel and with cither air or electric remote control assemblies. All of these components are skid or wailer mounted to form a rugged portable unit. USES A. Fishing and Workover Operations: The §-3.5 Power Swivel is ideally suited to sup- ply rotary power for internal and external cut ting of casing, drill pipe and tubing: for drilling out. packers. pli and for milling and casing scraping. The smooth and accurat controlled torque is essential in eliminating much of the danger of twisting off the work string or damaging a cutting tool oF mill. B. Drilling Operations: Duc to the com- pactness of the $-3.5 light weight and man= euverability, it is extremely effective for light 10 medium drilling jobs. The drilling application includes oil and ‘gas wells, water wells, piling drilling for offshore platforms, piers and founda- tion drilling for construction, In many instances the swivel is suspended from a boom or crane to accomplish operations such as pile drilling, which practically eliminates time of setting up or shifting to a second location. sor cement, ©. Coring Operations: The use of a $-3.5 swivel for any type coring operation allows any length of desired core to be taken while insuring less chance of damage to core tools or strings with its accurate and smooth torque. CONSTRUCTION Bowen &-3.5 Power Swivel The Model $3.5 Swivel is powered by tu fixed displacement piston type motors rated at S.1. hydraulic pressure, mounted on the ide rear of the motors are protected from damage by a steel guard frame swivel. The The two high pressure hydraulic hoses and the motor drain hose (low pressure) hang navwr- ally from the bottom and are easily handled The high pressure hydraulic hoses are connected to the hydraulic motor swivel joints with self sealing quick disconnect. couplers, ‘The mowr Grain hose is als. provided with a self scaling Quick Disconnect Coupler The cast steel gooseneck is of one piece con- struction and is provided with a 2-1/2" NPT pipe plug in the top. Removal of this plug per nits passage of any tools smaller than 21/4" di ameter through the swivel to perform downhole operations. The gooseneck and swivel packi are hydrostatically tested and are rated to 5000 P.S.1. circulating pressure The Packing and Washpipe Assembly will utilize a Floating type construction for selFalign- ment. The arca on the washpipe where the Packing bears is ceramic surfaced for maximum wear resistance, ‘The Elevator Bail is forged and machined from an alloy steel plate and heat treated for maximum strength. The elevator bail_ may be used with 3-1/2" or 4-1/2" elevators. The Bail Bail Pins, and Body are proof tested to APJ requirements, The gear train of the swivel consists of wo (2) Motor Drive Gears, one (1) Reduction Drive Gear, one (1) Intermediate Gear and = Main Drive Gear. These gears are held in close align- ment and mesh by rolling element bearings. The Swivel is equipped with a magnetic drain plug located on the lower cover plate and 2 filler /rclie! plug located on the upper cover plate. It is also provided with an oil Jevel sight glass to enable the operator to ascertain at a glance if the gear case is at the proper oil level A tell-tale hole is provided in the lower cover plate to indicate leakage of hydraulic oi past the motor shaft seal or gear oil past the input pinion shaft A dirt excluder seal is provided below the packing nut to protect the main stem oil seal Control Units Control Assemblies for Bowen Power Swivels are af tivo basic types. the pedestal mounted re mote air and pedestal mounted remote elvetri¢ Both types may be located at a point remote fiom the prime mover assembly and the swivel unit. providing operator convenience and safety All control assemblies are lighteweight. with re- movable pedestals or legs for ease of stor the trailer or skid AIR CONTROLS Because of their desirability for offshore oper~ ations, air controls are standard. The air control consists of an air compressor and Gan, air filter regulatur-lubricitor unit. manual torque control, and a control panel. pedestal mourned wid § four air and gage hoses that are equipped with Quick Discomneet couplers The air comvol panel utilizes a single Tevers operated air valve far control of Power Swivel direction and specd. another lever-operated air valve for control of engine specd. and a_calib- rated torque gage for torque indication in foot pounds, Both the air control and electric contra sys tem utilize 2 torque control unit mounted on the prime mover limit torque. Torque control for these units is preset by taming a knob until the desired torque limit is indicated on a dial calib- rated in foot pounds. The contro} provides accu- rate and easily: adjusted torque limits ELECTRIC CONTROLS The electrie control panel provides a switch for swivel direction, a knob for control of swivel speed. a switch for prime mover en control and tachometer for read out, a start and kill switch (master switch) calibrated torque indication in foot pounds. and a Prime Mover Units Bowen Swivel Prime Movers may be mounted on a trailer, skid, or tuck, at the purchaser's option. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM All prime movers, either trailer or skid mounted, consist of an engine assembly with hy- draulic pump. hydraulic piping, hydraulic fluid reservoir, heat exchanger, a trailer or skid a sembly, a hose reel assembly with necessary hoses to supply hydraulic fluid power to the power swivel motor. The complete skid or trailer alsn includes brackets to hold and wansport the swivel and control panel, making a compact easily transportable unit, + HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ‘The hydraulic assembly includes a direct dri- ven, variable displacement hydraulic pump. ounted directly to the engine flywheel housing, and all piping, valves, filters, fitings. hydraulic reservoir and other components required to com plete the system. The complete system is de- igned and rated at 4500 P.S.1. working pres- The hydraulic adequately dissipate any foam that _might be generated and a heat exchanger to dissi heat. The hydraulic fhuid is filtered by 10 micron suction and high pressure loop filters w provide continuous filtration of the hydraulic oil. Both suction and high pressure loop filers incorporate visual indicators to indicate when the replace able elements need changing All hydraulic hoses are mounted on reels cated on the prime mover and fitted with self sealing Quick Disconnect Couplers. The hydrau- lic manifold incorporates swivel joints and mat ing quick disconnect cuuplers The swivel is stored on a conveniently Io: cated carrier $3.8 Power Swivel Traller Mounted TRAILER MOUNTED UNIT Bowen trailer units are compact four-wheel trailers, conforming to all 1.C.C. regulations They are equipped with hydraulic “surge” or electric brakes, and heavy-duty. springs. ‘The hitch is equipped with a support and leveling jack. Tongue weight is carefully controlled to ase sure on-the-ruad tracking stability withwtt buck= mond floor plate t provide solid decking. or weaving. The frame is covered with dia BOWEN $9.5 Power Swivel ‘Skid Mounted SKID MOUNTED UNIT. Bowen skid units are ruggedly built. heavy- duty oilficld class skids of “H” beam, all welded construction. Both ends are rounded for easy skidding, and have an integral pipe running from side to side. These pipes may be used 10 attach lines for booming or slings for hoisting the unit. The pipe ends are flush with the sides of the skid The main runners are strengthened by members for rigidity. making each skid’ self sup porting, The entire framework is covered with diamond pattern floor plate to provide a skid re sistant surface, Both trailers, and skids may be equipped with “skirts” on the floor plate to eliminate any fluid spillage and meet environmental regula- tions BASIC POWER SYSTEM The Bowen $3.5 Power Swivels normally are equipped with a diesel engine as the prime mover. The engine is sized to provide the horse- power required to operate the swivel to its full torque and RPM. limits. When air controls are utilized, the engine is provided with a factory air compressor rated at 7-4 C.F.M. along with a 13 gallon air receiver tank and air fiter-lubricator unit. Power for the electric control system is pro- vided by the engine’s generator and battery, The engines are further provided with heavy duty radiators, safety shut downs. rain caps and side panels. They may be farnishtd with electric, air or hydro starters, ‘The diesel engine speed is controlled at the remote control panel by either a lever operated B-way pressure regulating valve, which controls the air pressure applied to the throttle actuator positioner located on the engine, oF with electric Control, from the remote panel with an increase- decrease switch which operates an electric tor- que motor connected to the engine throttle Gonnected directly (o the diese] engine is the hydraulic pump. The pump utilized with the S- 3.5 is a piston type. variable displacement. re- versible over center, pump. These 5000 P.S.1 pumps allow usc of & ‘closed loop” hydraulic System, The pump’s displacement setting con- trols flow and therefore eliminates relief valves and heating problems. This “closed loop” sys- tem cuts hydraulic reservoir capacity required by 30% over fixed-displacement, relic? valve type systems, The volume and directional fow of the by- draulic fluid through the pump, are controlled by a single control arm and servo valve. an in- tegral part of the pump itself, Control of the pump direction allows forward or reverse of the sivivel’s stem while control of the hydraulic flow controls the speed of the stem. The position of the pump’s control arm is controlled by cither air pressure applied to an actuator-positioner or D.C. electric voltage con- trolling an electric torque motor positioner. ‘The air control system utilizes a single lever type control valve mounted on the remote con- trol panel to provide variable air pressure (0-100 PS.1.) to the actuator positioner to control both speed and direction of rotation. The electric control system utilizes a for- ward-neutral-reverse switch to control direction of rotation and a knob controlled rheostat to control speed from the remote control panel. These control systems provide continuously variable control of swivel or sub speed. direction control, and quick set torque control system, Torque control for the §-3.5 Model Prime Movers. is of the pressure compensator type which overrides the speed control to reduce pump output to maintain the desired maximum torque. The torque control unit is mounted on the prime mover. Torque control for these units is presct by turning a knob until the desired tor- que limit is indicated on a dial calibrated in foot pounds. A torque gage calibrated in foot pounds is provided on the remove control panel The output of the hydraulic pump is run to the fixed displacement, 5000 P.S.1. rated motors on the swivel itself and transmitted through the motor's splined shafi directly to the gears. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION Rigging Up Before leaving for the job site, the operator should check over the swivel, prime mover and controls, te assure all components are included and that all are in serviceable condition. The best method of checking the equipment, if Gme permits, is to operate the swivel for a short time. This will enable the operator to check the filter indicator, response of controls, etc Be sure all accessory items are packed, such as saver subs, crossover subs, torque rein, guyline (if required) and clamps, spare parts kit with swivel spares. and any required hand tools. Since the control panel is portable and may have been removed from the unit for safckeep- ing. the operator should assure that it is re placed on the skid or trailer, Be sure of an ample supply of fuel and that the hydraulic re- servoir is full Upon arrival at the job site, the prime mover trailer or skid should be spotted a safe distance from the well head and other hazards, and set in level position. When a trailer unit is used, it should have chocks set front and back of trailer wheels, and the jack support lowered to level the trailer bed. A skid should be shored up so that no comers overhang unsupported. Lift the swivel unit from its rack with @ eat- line or desrick line, and suspend the unit over the well head from the elevators os the drilling hook: Ifa suitable guyline is available on the rig. it may be used for torque rein back-up. If no cuyline is on the rig. the operator should install ‘one. Tie one end off near the crown block. and the other near the rig Noor. Stretch it tight. Lo- cate the gusline in such a position that it will be within reach of the telescoping torque rein at any level of operation. Remove the control cable or air control hoses and the pressure gage hose from the storage hangers on the prime mover. Connect them to the control panel and to the prime mover unit Pre-Operation Starting and Checkout Pro- cedure ELECTRIC CONTROL UNIT (Sce Fig. 1) 1. Turn the speed control knob to full “De- crease” position, 2. Set the direction control switch to the “NEUTRAL” position. 3. To start the engine, which can only be started at the control panel: a, Turn the engine ignition switch to “ON”. The red light should come on at upper center of the panel. b. Hold throttle control in “DECREASE” position for 15 - 20 seconds, c. Hold engine ignition switch in the “START” position; when engine starts release the switch which will return to the “ON” posi- tion. NOTE: If the engine fails to start promptly, check the tip lever on the air intake manifold located inside the right hand engine panel, This lever trips when the “EMERGENCY KILL” handle is pulled and must be reset 4. Adjust engine speed to 800-1000 RPM with the “throttle” switch and release switch. 5. Check to sce that “charge” pressure is 175 PSL. or greater. Gage is located near pump 6. Check suction filter indicator for filter condition. The filter condition indicator is Jo- cated on top of the hydraulic reservoir 7. Check suction vacuum gage mounted near pump. It should not indicate over 5° He, B. Set torque control to desired maximum torque. The torque control system is contained in an aluminum box mounted at the edge of the skid or trailer adjacent to the pump. An adjust- ment knob and torque indicator dial calibrated in ft. Ibs. is provided on the front of the bos. Turn the adjustment knob until the desired maximum torque is indicated on the dial NOTE: Some electric control $-3.5 Prime Mover Units have been built with remote torque con- trols, instead of the manual system. Maximum desired torque for these units may’ be preset by the fallowing procedure a. Place direction control switch in “NEUTRAL” position, urn speed control knob to full decrease and hold torque control switch in “DECREASE” position , Close the 1-1/4” ball valve located in the line running from the hydraulic pump to the hose reel, place direction control switch in “FORWARD” position, advance throttle to 1500, RPM and turn speed control knob about 1/8 to 1/4 tam clockwise. ©. Hold torque control switch in “IN- CREASE” position until desired torque setting is indicated on torque gage. Release switch. 4, Place direction control switch in “NEUTRAL” position and speed contro! knob in full decrease position fc. Use throttle switch co slow engine speed to 800 RPM f. Open the 1-1/4" ball valve, The de- sired maximum torque is now set. 9. Place direction control switch in “FOR- WARD” position, 10, Turn speed control knob clockwise until desired swivel speed is attained or engine begins to overload. Increase engine speed with throttle switch until desired swivel RPM is attained and engine is running smoothly 1. Check high pressure filter condition indi- ‘cator for filter condition. Check charge pressure which should be 100 to 200 P.S.1 AIR ‘TROL UNIT (See Fig, 2) 1. Set direction and speed control lever to “NEUTRAL” position and throule control lever to minimum posi 2. Press engine start button on prime mover engine and release after engine starts NOTE: If the engine fails to start promptly check the wip lever on the air intake manifold located inside the right hand engine panel. This lever trips when the “EMERGENCY KILL” handle is pulled and must be reset. the 3. Adjust engine speed to a fast idle (800. 1000 RPM). 4, Check to see that “CHARGE” pressure is P.S.1. or greater. Gage is located on pump 5. Check suction filter indicator for filter condition. The filter condition indicator is lo- catcd on top of the hydraulic reservoir 6. Check suction vacuum gage mounted on pump. It should not indicate over 5” Hg. 7. Check air filter-regulator-lubricator unit Air pressure should be 100 P.S.1. or rising. Lu- bricator should be full of oil and dripping. Filter should be free of water, Open drain valve on bottom of air reservoir to drain water. Close drain valve. 8. Set torque control to desired: maximum torque. The torque control system is contained in an aluminum box mounted at the edge of the skid or trailer adjacent to the pump. An adjust- ment knob and torque indicator dial calibrated in ft. Ibs. is provided on the front of the box. Turn the adjustment knob until the desired maximum torque is indicated on the dial 9. Move the direction and speed. control lever to its maximum position in the “FOR- WARD” direction. If the engine begins to over Joad increase engine speed by advancing the - throttle lever uml engine runs smoothly and de= sired swivel RPM is attained, 10, Check high pressure filter condition indi: cator for filter condition. Check charge pressure which should be 100 t0 200 P.S.1 Operational Rules AIK OR ELECTRIC 1. Always operate the swivel with the pump displacement (speed control) set as high as pos- sible and engine speed as low as possible for the desired swivel RPM. This will result in fuel eco nomy, less oil burning, longer engine life and Jonger pump life (CONTROLS 2. Always set speed control at minimum and engine speed to idle before changing direction of rotation. Stop at “NEUTRAL” nul swivel stops turning before going to reverse 3. Check filter condition indicators daily 4. Check hydraulic uid level in reservoir weekly, Add hydraulic fluid if Jevel is below sight gage 5. Monitor charge pressure and suction gage daily. These readings give the first indication of possible trouble 6. Hydraulic oil temperaure should not ex- ceed 190°F for extended periods of time NOTE: When adding or changing hydraulic fluid use only Bowen H-47100 or an approved equivalent uid. See maintenance section for ap- proved hydraulic fluids. Operation AIR CONTROLS: Engine speed is controlled by a lever oper- ated air valve marked “Throttle” mounted on the control panel. Direction of rotation and pump output is controlled by a single lever operator with ex- treme positions marked “Forward” and “Re- verse”. When this lever is in the center position, the pump is in “Neutral” and the Power Swivel is not rotating. Right hand rotation and pump output is eon- trolled by a single lever operator with extreme positions marked “Forward” position. The farther the lever is advanced from the neutral position, the faster the swivel will rotate. When the control limit is reached, higher rotational speed can be attained by increasing engine speed with the “Throttle”, Left hand rotation of the Power Swivel is accomplished hy moving the control lever from “NEUTRAL” toward “REVERSE”. Always re- duce engine speed to idle and stop the control lever movement at “NEUTRAL” until the Power Swivel stops rotating before going into “REVERSE”. The torque control automatically reduces power swivel speed to the maximum speed that can be maintained without execeding the pre-es- tablished torque limit. It accomplishes this by reducing the pump stroke while maintaining ¢ gine speed. If this condition continues. the ¢ gine speed should be reduced until the same tor que and speed conditions exist at full pum stroke and reduced engine speed. The §-3.5 is equipped with @ control for tor que release. During right hand rotation. tor sional wind up in drill string may be present when the power sivivel is stopped. This ean be released by actuating the torque release control found on the control panel ELECTRIC CONTROLS Tum the “Speed” control knob tw full “De- crease” position, Move direction control switch wo “Forward” for right hand rotation of Power Swivel Tum the “Speed” control knob clockwise increase Power Swivel rotational speed, until de- sired speed is attained or engine begins to over- load If engine begins to overload or higher swivel RPM is required, increase engine speed by hold- ing throule switch in “INCREASE” position until desired swivel rotational speed is attained. Release switch to maintain this speed. The torque control automatically reduces: Power Swivel speed to the maximum speed that can be maintained without exceeding the pre-es- tablished torque Timit. Te accomplishes this. by reducing the pump stroke whike maintaining the engine speed. If this condition continues, engine speed should be reduced until the same torque and speed conditions exist at full pump stoke and reduced engine speed MAINTENANCE, These recommendations are designed to in- sure maximum life of all portions of the $3.3, Power Swivel, but are guides only and extreme peak load usage, heat, ‘cold. etc the intervals of service may: change Maintenance Of Power Swivel LUBRICATION 1, Prior ter service. the gear Tubrieating oil should be checked. If required, it should be drought to proper operating Jevel with Bowen gear Iubricant G-14085. ‘The Power Swivel oil Tevel should he kept to the level af the oil level sight wage at all times. 11 it does met appear in the sight gage. gear oil should be added 2. On initially being put into service, the Ie bricating oil should be changed alter the first 100 operating hours, When changing oil, be sure tw check magnetic drain plug for flings. Gear lubricating ofl capacity for $-3.5 is Hons, S. After break in period af dhe first 100 hours. the Tubrieating oil should be changed aficr each 1000 operating hours or afier havi been ont of service for an extended period: Again. check mangetic drain plug for filings. BREAK-IN On initially being put into service or when operating afier long idleness, the swivel should be “run-in” at a reduced speed and reduced Joad. until it attains normal operating wmpera- ture. Depending on circumstances, normal operating temperature will be beaween 120 de- grees and 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The permissi- ble operating temperature may be somewhat higher in very hot climates, provided that it climbs gradually STORAGE In the event that a Bowen Poiwer Swivel must be stored, the unit should be competely filled with gear lubricant, 10 prevent oxidation, Saver subs or stems should have thread protec tors oF lifi plugs installed w protect the threads from damage. These threads should be well de- greased or doped before the protectors are in- stalled. If it is ever necessary tw remove motors oF open the gear housing. the open ports should be shielded with clean cloth drapes to prevent the entrance of dirt and mash. Any parts to be ship- ped should be completely wrapped in heavy kraft paper. or all openings sealed befure ship- ment WASHPIPE AND PACKING To Replace the Washpipe and/or Packing NOTE: Hem numbers in parentheses will cor ae eet B PAI No. 59299 goby. ‘BOWEN $3.5 Power Swivel Floating Washpipe Assembly Tee] ast Jory. DESCRIPTION rev] PART Tory, DESCRIPTION 1 [23002 | 7 [V2 1012 Up Socket Ress Gap Seen | 10 | 72555 |) Set Paowng 2 |aiear | 7 | 172 Loamasner 15 [aren | 1" | Upper Backing nut 3 |eares | 4 | Gooseneck 42 [62760 | 1 | Lower Packing Nut 2 [ese | 4 |Bomer 45 | 2rese | 1 | Packing Nut Grease Feng = |Sesct0 | 3 |'o™Ring ta [F227 | + | Packing Lantern Fing & |22002° | 3 | Wesnoipe Lock Pin 1s |72a8e | + | Comanaton Ang + |asres | & [aectencexi/2tg soca sascrw | 16 [65700 | 1 | Botiom Packing Fing Fit Pot 47 [56020 | 2 |"O"Rne 8 |ecioz | © |Warnope Packing Nut Serow Retainer | 16 fes7e | 1 | Wastpipe 8 [earer_|_ 5 | Upper Packing Not Ping | c \ respond to Fig. 3. on Page &. Vi the washpipe shows evidence of wear, noted by scoring or the wearing away of the sur face. it should be replaced. The Floating Washpipe Assembly including both Upper and Lower Packing Nuts may be re= moved from the Swivel as an assembly without removing either the Goosencek or Bonnet Remove the four (4) Retaining Screws (7) with their respective retainers from the Lower Packing Nut (12). Strike the lower packing nut in @ clockwise direction until it turns frecly. Tt may be necessary to secure the lower stem of the Swivel to keep the upper stem from turning while loosening the Lower Packing Nut. Back the Lower Packing Nut completely off the upper stem. Repeat dhe procedure for remusal of die Upper Packing Nut (11) and back it completely off the Gooseneck. Remove the Washpipe (18: and Packing Assembly (10). Press the Washpipe out of the Lower Packing Nut (12) and slide the Upper Nut (11) off as well, Remove the three (3) Upper Packing Locking Pins (6) and_press the Upper Packing off the Washpipe. If the Washpipe (18) shows signs of wear, noted by scoring or wearing away of the surface, it should be replaced. The Packing (10) should be replaced as nec- essary (average life expectancy is 200 = 250 hours) and is available through Bowen in sets After removing the old packing from the Packing Nuts, thoroughly clean the inside of both nuts and install the new packing using Figure 3 as a reference. Assemble the packing and washpipe assembly in reverse of the Disassembly proce- dure, tightening the packing nuts to their full ca- pacity and locking with their respective retainers and retainer screws (7). Prime Mover Unit Maintenance Maintenance of prime mover units relates primarily to engine, piping and filters, reservoir, hoses, cable and electrical components and gages, ENGINE, Maintenance instructions of the specific en- gine manufaciurer should be followed in each HYDRAULIC OIL AND FILTERS ‘The hydraulic reservoir should be main- tained full at all times. When cold, the oil level should be visible in the sight gage — correct oil is as follows: For ambient temperature +65°F and higher, vse Bowen H-47100. For ambient temperature —30°F to +65 use Bowen H-44100. OTHER APPROVED OILS: Mobilfluid 350 Texaco Rando HD-B Shell Tellus $29 Code 652: Humble Teresstic Grade 47 Humble Nuto - Grade 48 Humble Univis - Grade 34 Sun Oil - Sunvis 747 Sun Oil ~ Sunvis 821 ‘Mobil DTE Union Una AW 215 Tar the abscace of the above listed offs, use Automatic Transmission Fluid Type “A”, Suffix ong FILTERS Thr SUCTION FILTER, located in the top of the reservoir. should be replaced at any time the indicator pointer indicates “needs cleaning” This indicator works any time engine is running, The HIGH PRESSURE FILTER, located in the pressure line should be serviced any time the condition indicator shows RED. color. A GREEN color visible indicates the filter element is in satisfactory condition. The indicator works only when the swivel is rotating in right hand direction, GENERAL Hose reel swivel joints should be lubricated monthly with automotive type chassis grease The torque control mechanism should be in- spected at six month intervals and all moving parts coated with chassis grease NOTE: Always avoid any contamination of the hydraulic Muid and hydraulic system, including hoses and couplings. Bowen Power Swivels are refined machinery, and will not tolerate grit, dust, water or other foreign matter without dam- age. CAUTION: Do not disconnect the self'sealing Quick Disconnect Hydraulic Hose Couplings unless absolutely necessary. Disconnecting them makes it possible for grit or dirt to get on or in the couplings which could transfer into the hy- draulic fluid system when the couplings are re- connected and cause extensive damage. The torque gage hose end connections should be kept clean at all times. This can be done by diligent use of dust covers, or by wrapping them with a clean cloth and ‘tying them in place, when not in use. Ifan open loose-end is dropped in grit or dirt, it should be thoroughly cleaned externally and flushed internally before use ~ Never allow hoses to be kinked, twisted or stretched unnecessarily Never allow any sharp or heavy object to lay for drop on hoses. This will crush or cut the car~ cass and shorten the hose life Never allow hoses or machinery to remain in the weather when not in use When the prime mover is trailer mounted, the trailer should be inspected prior to each job to assure that it is safe and roadworthy. Particu- larly important points to be inspected are: 1. Trailer hitch and safety chain Brakes and tires, Tail lights, stop lights and turn indicator. Reserve fuel supply on. the prime mover 5. Trailer tongue jack and support legs. Upon completion of a job, the prime mover should be thoroughly cleaned. The engine fuel supply and hydraulic oil supply should be re- plenished. Make any needed repairs to trailer or the brackets. All hoses should be reeled or coiled afier cleaning and dust covers placed on hose ends. Care should be taken to maintain the hy: draulic system free of moisture, either from con- densation or from water contaminated hydraulic fluid. This is particularly important in cold cli- mates, since any moisture allowed to freeze while in the system, may cause severe damage to ‘components, especially pump or valves, Swivel units should not be started or oper- ated in freczing weather until the system has been prepared for cold weather service by 1. Charging the hydraulic system with cold ‘weather hydraulic oil. 2. Preparing the prime mover engine for cold weather service in accordance with the engine manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Assuring that the hydraulic system is moisture-free Never allow the prime mover to operate when it vibrates distinctly. Vibration is an indi- cation of mechanical misalignment or the prime mover being poorly supported. When vibration is evident, the unit should be shut down until the cause can be located and eliminated. Con- tinued operation may result in severe damage to the hydraulic pump and other components. PRIME MOVERS WITH AIR CONTROLS: Open drain valve on bottom of air receiver daily. Tank should be pressured up before open- ing valve. This will expel the water condensate from the tank. The filter-lubricator should be inspected vi- sually twice daily. Drain off any water collected in filter bow! and keep lubricator filled to proper level with SAE 10W motor oil Pump stroke cylinder rod, rod bearing and levis should be coated with chassis grease at all times, PRIME MOVERS WITH ELECTRIC CON- TROLS: Electrical cable should be coiled upon the cable bracket when not in use, Cover open end with the dust cap provided. Avoid kinking or undue tension upon the cable. Do not allow cable to be run over by wheeled equipment Once a year, and more ofien in humid cli- mates, on the unit with the electric control panel, the relay cabinet on the prime mover should be opened, cleaned, dried and coated with silicone or varnish spray. All exposed ter minals and metal parts should be sprayed DISASSEMBLY OF SWIVEL It should be noted that as the swivel is preci- sion made machinery, precaution should be taken to insure that no foreign material enters the internal portion of the swivel; for this reason, it is recommended that all major repairs be con- ducted in a clean, well-equipped shop. NOTE: Item numbers in parentheses will cor respond to Fig. 4, Page 12. A. Remove all hydraulic hoses from swivel. NOTE: All hydraulic hoses when not in use should be recled up out of the way to prevent any kinking and other damage to them. Bloc- kage of the hose may produce damage to the unit or it may not function properly. All hose end covers should be attached to help prevent foreign matter from entering the system. B, Place the Swivel in a suitable rack for dis- assembly; preferably a rack similar to the brac- ket on the skid or trailer which supports the Swivel on its bail pins. =104 r \ C. Remove the hydraulic motor guard (not shown on drawing) D. Set an open contamer below the magnetic drain plug (42) and remove plug. Be sure to check plug for filings and fluid for any foreign matter. E, Remove the four (4) Retaining Screws (58) with their respective retainers from. the Lower Packing Nut (59). Strike the Lower Pack- ing Nut in a clockwise direction until it tums frecly. It may be necessary to secure the lower stem of the Swivel to keep the upper stem from turning while loosening the Lower Packing Nut Back the Lower Packing Nut completely off the upper stem. Repeat the procedure for removal of the Upper Packing Nut (63) and back i¢ com: pletely off the Gooseneck. Remove the Washpipe (o) and Packing Assembly F. Press the Washpipe out of the Lower Packing Nut (59) and slide the Upper Nut (69) off as well, Remove the three (3) Upper Packi Locking, Pins (96) and press the Upper Packin off the Washpipe. If the Washpipe (6) shows signs of wear, noted by scoring or wearing away of the surface, it should be replaced. G. Remove the packing assembly parts from inside both nuts. The Lower Packing Assembly consists of an “O"-Ring (5), Packing Bottom Ring (43), Combination Ring (44), Packing Lantern Ring (67) and three (3) Packing Rings (68). Similarly, the Upper Packing Nut contains an “O”-Ring (5), Upper Packing Nut Ring (7) and one (1) Packing Ring (68). When replacing packing, it is important to make sure that both packing nuts are cleaned and free of all particles remaining from packing elements H_ Remove gooseneck (4) and bonnet (3) and set aside 1. Turn Swivel upside down. Remove piping from hydraulic motors and then remove motors (17). The snap rings (70) and pinion oil seals (88) should be taken out at this ime, NOTE: The hydraulic motor(s} should not be disassembled. If trouble is known or sus- pected with the motor(s} the ports should be plugged, and the motor(s) returned to Bowen for inspection and further handling, J. Next remove the lower bearing retainer (9): It may be necessary to use a soft hammer to break the freeze of the gasket. Set the bearing retainer aside and remove the gasket (60), mak- ing sure both sealing surfaces are clean, K. Remove seal retainer snap ring (64) and two lower oil seals (36 & 38) from the bearing retainer L. The lower gear cover plate (8) may now be removed. It may be necessary to use a soft hammer to break the freeze of the gasket. Clean both sealing surfaces of any material remaining M, Turn the unit upright and remove upper seal protector (73) from top of stem. N. Next, the upper cover plate should be re- moved. A soft hammer may be needed to break the gasket freeze, Then make sure the upper cover plate shims (39) and gasket (14) are scraped clean from both sealing surfaces. ©. Remove the oil seal (34) from the upper cover plate. NOTE: It will now be necessary to rig a de- vice to pull on the top of the stem or a hydraulic Jack beneath the stem in order to move the stem within the swivel body. This is required for re- moval of the gear. P. As the stem (16) is forced up within the swivel body (J), the third stage shaft and gear (25) and the second stage shaft and pinion (26) will move up also, the second stage shaft and pinion should then be removed through the top of the body along with the first reduction gear (27) out the bottom. The third stage shaft and gear (25) will then be free for removal. Q. All bearings may then be removed from these shafts R. The stem should then be removed from the swivel body. The inner race of the upper stem bearing (18) as well as the inner race of the lower stem bearing (19) and the seal wear ing (19) and the main thrust bearing (21) may then be removed. The ring groove pins (55) must first be removed before it will be possible to force the main drive gear (29) off the stem. S. Remove the first reduction pinion (28), first reduction gear spacer (24) and upper bear= ing-input pinion (30), from the bottom of the swivel body T. The bail (66) should only be removed when required. Lay the bail and swivel body down so that the holes at the bottom of the bail pockets in the body can be reached. Using a 10” dowel rod with a diameter just smaller than the bail pocket holes, set it against the pin (54) and strike it with 2 6 - 8 Ib. hammer, Once the ‘ooved pin has been removed, insert a rod in the pull pin hole and use 2 soft hammer to loosen the bail pin by rapping it in alternate di- rections. After initial loosening, pour’ penetrating ene Loo b re ws © ~ . BOWEN S-3.5 POWER SWIVEL PARTS LIST Tey] AE ow. ~pesoneriow ee fo] pesonPTion 1 sez09 | 1 | Booy 47 | 46719 | © | Wasner - % Special Fiat 2 | 99900 | + | Upper Gover Pate ae | 31027 | 15 [ook Washer 1" Sring Type 3 | es7ee | 1 | Bonnet 49 | 23045 | 6 | Soc. Ho. Cap Sci. 34 10-NC x 3% Lo a [eres [+ | Gooseneax 20 | 20009 | § | Soc Ha Can So. ONC alg 5 [868.263 | 2_| Packing Nut O-Ring - Lower Upper ‘i | 2088 | 6 | Soc Ho Cap So. 84 10NC x Ho Le | ere [1 | Wasnpne sz | 208s | 6 | Hex Head Cap Sciew 19 18NG 2 12 be 7_[ #9767 |_+_ | Voper Packing Nut Ring 53 | 22040 | 15 | Soc. Heed Cao Screw ss ONC K2 Le | 59501 | 1 | Lower Gear Cover Pate s+ | ste | 2 | Be Pe Grove Pin [27226 [+ | Lover Siem Bearing Resin 55 | 27228 | € | Fina Gear Grove Pn 10 | s14e2 [2 [bai Pin 56 | w2009 | 2 | westppe Lock Pin tt | stata [1+ | orave Ren Put in 57 | 2763s | + | packing Nut Grease Fring 12 [568-010| @ [-O-Fing se] 23705 [6 | r16NCx stg. Soe, St So. Fal Pot 13 $0708_| 2 | Motor rive Gear Bening Lover se [ wares [1 tower Packing Rn 14_| 227s [1 | ner Geer Cover Gasiat co | 27236 | + | Lower Stem Beaing Avanos Gase 15 | 27276 [1 [Loner Goar Cove: Gasiet or | eest | 2 [rive Pg 16 | #3000 | 1_| stm ez | aie? | 1 [1° Couping Nps Hat 17 [64548 [2 | icraute Mote ea [zone 1+ Tousican- 9 6 | 27277_|_1_| Unoo Siem Beating | s0asa_| 1_| Sea! RetanerSrap Ang 18 | 27e7e_[ 2 [Loner Stem Beasng “Inet es | eetg0_[ 52 [ Lecevasher= "Sorin Type 20_| 27426 | 1 | Lower Stem Bearing - Outer 6 | 46690 | 1 | Elevator Bail” 21_| 27279 [+ [Mein Thus Bearing e7 | 72357_| + [Lan fing 22_| 50281 | 3 [shat & Geo: Beorng ee_| 72955 | Sei] Pacing Set (Rigs) 23 | 59530 | 1 | Second Stage Shafi Big (Lower) 69 | es768 | 1 | Upper Packing Nut 24 | 59765 | 1 [Fest Reduction Gear Spacer 70 | 20001 | 2 | Snao Ang 25 | 9562 | + | Third Stage Sha & Goa 71 | retos_| 1 [Sgt Pp 26_| 59000 | 1 | Second Stage Shah & Pron 7e_| esses | 2 | 11 Pipe Swivel dont 27_| 59046 |_+ | Fst Reduction Gear 73 | 4410s [1 [sel Protector 2e_| 59088 |_2 | Fist Reduction Psion 74 | eooese | 1 | 1° x45" Sie Eh 22_| 27208 | 1 [Man Dive Gear =| sosee | 1 [Torque Ren 30 | 59260 | 2 | Unper Bearing - Input Prin 76_| 62seo_ | 4 [1 « 80h “0” Ring Weld Ping a1 | 0047 [1 [Second Stage Shak ey 77 | eotza | 1 | 1%" Set Seaing Cowling a2_| z7eea [1 | Gooseneck Pig 76 | e2ees | 2 [1 SW. Toe 23 | rave7_|_1_| Saver Sub Not Shown) 7 | oes | « [1 34_| 272e5 | 1 | Upper Oil Seal 80 | e2eee | 2 | 1%" SWE 3 et [eases | « [sana Rel neon Sw 36_| 27206 | 4 | tower Oi Sealine 2 | ove | 1 [1 bos Pig a7_| e212 | 8 | WP Packing Nut Ser Retainer 23 | eores [4 [16 Dust Cap 36 [27416 | 1 | Lower Oi Soal- Gute 4 | 22001 | + [1 Gose Neve 2@_|_27287_|1 Se] Uppor Gear Cover Sin 5 | seeer [2 [1 Roo. ousting 40 | 25000 | 1 [on Fier Pg 35 | sows | 2 [cate Dain Howe Assy: a1 | 2217 | 1+ | Rete Fing e7 | asea0 [1 [tee 2 | 20627 | 1 | Magrtc Oran Pog ee | ssoit | 2 [vets SAE x NET OER 7263700 [+ | oto Packing Ang 0 | sover [2 [rion OF Sea “4 | 72356 [1 | Combination ing = [eraoe [+ [Pan Bai ater 45 | 27260 | @ | Cover Dovel Pin 16 | 20002 | 7 | 80. Fd Cap Ber ve NOE LD ‘SPARE PARTS FOR HYDRAULIC MOTOR: 154232 Motor Shaft Sea Kt (Inc. Valve 8 Bearing Plate) 200016 Fixed Swash Piate 200418 Rotaing Group Sub Assembly 200417 Mounting Flange Bearing Kit ‘200418 Enc Cover Bearing Kr -13- oil around pin, Repeat the loosening process while pulling on pin until pi has been removed and then lift out bail NOTE: As cach part is removed during div assembly. it should be thoroughly: cleaned. This can best be done by the use of steam or high pressure washer for metal parts, or by using a good grade of solvent and clean new paint brush. As cach pati is cleaned. it should be checked for needed repair or replacement. After cleaning, all parts should be dried by compres: sed air or clean sofi cloth and coated with lubri- cating oil. Parts should never be lefi overnight without coating with protective oil REASSEMBLY OF SWIVEL NOTE: All parts should be thoroughly cleaned, viled and in good operating condition. Never reuse the lubricating oil drained from the swivel. Always use new clean oil of the recom- mended type and grade, “O" Rings should never be reused once removed. It is recom mended that all oil seals be replaced also. NOTE: Item numbers in parentheses will correspond to Fig. 4, Page 12. A: Aficr alll parts have been cleaned and thoroughly inspected. the assembly of the swivel may begin by setting, the swivel in a suitable stand or rack in an upright position. B. Install component parts on Stem (16). 1. Press Main Drive Gear (29) back on stem and install Groove Pin (55). 2. Press on Upper Stem Bearing Inner Race (18) 3, Install Main Thrust Bearing (21) 4. Press on Lower Stem Bearing Inner Race (19). 5, Press on Lower Seal Wear Ring (19) , Install component parts onto shafts, 1. Press Shaft and Gear Bearings (22) on each end of third stage shalt and gear (25 2. Press Shaft and Gear Bearing (22) on upper end of second stage shaft and gear (26). 8. Press Lower Bearing (13) onto First Reduction Pinion (28) D. Wi th Stem Lower Bearing (20) in place, set the Main Stem (16) in position in the body It will pilot through the stem lower bearing. E. Assure that the top face of the body is clean and free from any burrs on the surface. Lay the gasket (14) in place on the face of the body F, Take a set of shims (39) composed of three (3). shims (005°. ,007°, 020 thickness each) and lay them on the body face G. Turn the Upper Cover Plate (2) upright and press the Upper Oil Seal (34) in position Press the outer race of the Stem Upper Bearing (18) into the upper cover plate. H. Set the upper cover plate over the stem and into place on the body. Insert and tighten the cap screws with lockwashers in the upper plate 1. Place a small hydraulic jack beneath the lower end of the stem and a micrometer indi- cator against the top of the stem so that end play (vertical movement) may be detected and measured. Apply lift to the stem with the jack, noting any movement shown by the micrometer indicator. When movement has ceased, note the amount of total movement J. Remove the jack, micrometer and uppet cover plate. Remove the shims and replace them with a combination of shims sufficient to allow a total amount of end-play of between .004" and 005 NOTE: Never tighten the cover plate down without sufficient shims, so that the bearings are placed in a bind and never overctighten the upper cover plate screws. K. Press the second reduction pinion lower bearing (23) into the lower cover plate L. Set the First Reduction Pinion (28), First Reduction Pinion Upper Bearing (30). and First Reduction Gear Spacer (24) imo place in swivel body NOTE: As when disassembling the unit, it will be necessary for the stem to be moved “up and down within the body in order to set the gears in place. M. Remove the Top Cover Plate. As the stem is moved up within the body, set the third stage shaft and gear (25) into place. When the gears mesh, lower the stem and third stage shaft and gear to check for proper fit, Now set, the first reduction gear (27) into the bottom of the body to mesh with the first pinions. Then set the second stage shafi_ and Pinion (26) into place. Again, the stem will need to be moved up within the body in order for the gears to mesh. As the stem is lowered, make sure the key (31) on the lower end of the second stage shaft fits into the first reduction gear (27). Then set the upper -4- a cover plate back on and secure the screws. N. Turn the swivel “upside down, Afier checking the bottom face of dhe body for any burrs and assuring that it is a lat surface, lay the lower cover plate gasket (13) on the face Place the lower cover plate (8) on the body and insert and tighten the ¢ap screws with Jockwashers. ©. Place the nwo lower stem oil seals (36 & 38) imo place on the stem’s lower bearing tainer (9). Then set the seal retainer snap ring (64) on the bearing retainer. Be sure the oil seals are assembled so that their lips point up- ward when in position. Use care when assembl- ing the oil seals over the wear ring so as not to tear or turn back the lips of the oil seal or dam- aye the seals, oF leakage will result, Set the lower bearing retainer over the stem and in place on the body. Insert the six lower bearing Fetainer cap screws with Jockwashers into place and tighten. P. Insert the first reduction pinion oil seals (89) and snap rings (70) into place. Place the hydraulic motors (17) into place, insert the screws and tighten, Q. Tum the body upright. R. Pack grease on the upper oil seal (34) and put the (upper) seal protector (73), in place on the stem. Make sure the protector is right side up, with the lip against the upper cover plate. S. Assemble the Bonnet (3) tw the Upper Cover Plate (2) and then bolt the Gooseneck (4) to the Bonnet. Insert the Gooseneck Pipe Plug (32) and tighten T. Coat the packing elements (3. 7, 43. 44, 67 andl 68) gencrously with Bowen packing In! bricant and insfall them: into their respeetive packing Assemble the puckinig and washpipe assembly in reverse of the Disassembly procedure, tightening the packing nuts to. their full capacity and locking with their respective re- tainers and retainer screws. See Figure 3 on Page 8 for arrangement U. Lay the unit flat on a workbench and in- sert the bail (651 into the bail packets of the body. Align die bail pins so that the lock pin holes in the body align with the holes in the bail pins. Using @ light, soft hammer. drive the bail pins in place. securing the bail. As the lock pin holes come inte alignment, drop a drift punch through them and drive lightly w align them laterally V. Drop the bail pin groove pins (54) in place and snug-up with 2 small hammer. Hang the swivel up by the bail and drive pins through until the tops are flush with top of the bail pock- ets, Use a medium (2-1/2 lb.) sledge and drive straight, in line with the pins. Support the un- derside of the swivel. W, Attach all piping to hydraulic motors. Then attach hydraulic motor guard TROUBLE SHOOTING PROBLEM DETECTION CAUSE / SOLUTION Loss of choroe No charge pressure 1. Check for defective gone. pressure — Pump in indiceted on gage. 2: Remove charge pump and inspect for heutrel. broken shaft, etc. Loss of charge High (10° Hg. or higher) Clogged suction strainer ~ Replace element. pressure ~ Pump in vacuum gage reading neutral. Loss of charge Less than 60 PSI charge Detective pump or motor. Close the ball pressure ~ Pump on pressure when rotating Valve in high pressure line. Put pump on stroke, ower swivel at full RPM. Stroke, if charge pressure is normal, the motor is defective. Replace valve plate and bearing plate. It charge pressure is not normal it indicates defective pump. Replace valve and bearing plates in pump. Overheating — Temperature gage reading Aerated hydraulic oil (air in oil) detected by Hydraulic Oil, in excess of 190°F. milky appearance. Check charge pump Suction connections. ‘Check oll Level in reservoir. B._AIR CONTROL SYSTEM: PROBLEM DETECTION. (CAUSE / SOLUTION Loss of speed Low R.P.M, Power Swivel, 1. Low ait pressure contra. 2. Sticky air eylinder, 3. Defective air control valve. Adjust air pressure to 100 PSI, Clean and lubricate air cylinder on pump. Replace valve section of pump control Swivel rotates when Visual. ‘Air cylinder tod out of adjustment. Remove “ control is in neutral. bolt end allow control to center. Adjust rod (Preumatic Controls) end to sui ‘Swivel rotates when Visual. Control valve on pump not centered properly. Control is in neutral Loosen locknut on hex bolt locsted on rear of control, Screw one direction until swivel tums, Tum the opposite direction, counting the turns until swivel turns opposite Girection. Turn screw to mid-point and lock. C._ELECTRIC CONTROL SYSTEM. PROBLEM DETECTION CAUSE / SOLUTION Loss of Speed. Visual. Defective rheostat. Voltage to control valve should be 0 to VDC. (Honeywell Control} 0 to 3 VDC (MOOG Control) Replace if defective Loss of direction Visual. Detective Forward /Roverse switch, Detected control. by absence of voltage to pump control valve, Replace with new switch, Loss of Speed. Visual. Defective or dirty control valve, Actuate manual lever on valve rapidly back and forth, This will often free @ sticky spool, Loss of Speed, Loose electrical connection at control valve for pressure safety switch. Clean and tighten. -16- SPECIFICATIONS BOWEN POWER SWIVELS MODEL NO. 8-35 Assembly Part No. 84550 Weight — Lbs. 2,000, Maximum Torque — Ft, Lbs. 8.100 Maximum Speed ~ RPM 150, Nominal Load Rating — Tons 120 100 RPM Load Rating — Tons 65 Maximum Circulating Pressure 5,000 PSI Telescopes 4-178 Radius of Torque Rein eae ae Goase Neck Connection 3° - 8 Line Pipe Thread Standard Saver Sub Connection 34/2" APA LF (Electric Starter St¢.) Gennes Ace ile Dina BE NT Set: Sb kes Te 70070 Fe Bae Sn IV Eis x oS ae ee ia ook Cisne aie Geo 6 pin 778" Gl ah Paseo Bi we Dein ose Se r oven Pave MovEn 8 conn. i TODA, os Wet Oboe tien Send Dis! ie ai Engine Horsepower (Continuous) 180 @ 2100 RPM, ‘Standard Fuel Tank 60 Gallons | 96" Wide x 212°* Long ch suid xo" High 1,500 bs, Prime Mover Skid #O7145 Prine Mover Skis weris2 344’ oR 4%" ELEVATORS 6 DIA. —+ I——4% DIA. 2'¥5 DIA.PASSAGE WEIGHT I980LBS. 2% PIPE PLUG [3% DIA. t 27%, 4% CLOSEDg aly 644" PEN] 3” NPT- ae POWER SWIVEL S-3.5 nm ~6t- OY _peguga,oaven TRAILER MOUNTED PRIME MOVER NOTE: FOR. 3 tracer th NUMBERED ITEMS SEE LISTING TA ha (alee PiPiNe:P- 66972 W3AOW JWIMd GFLNNOW GINS G 900 ~ ALLOWABLE LIFT LOAD — Las. 8000] 700 6001 5000 4001 3000} 200 1000 300,0007 PERFORMANCE DATA, BOWEN S-3.5 POWER SWIVEL %, 10.12 CU-IN. PUMP | 5900 PSI. MAX. Q, Sp &s a Oe NR ANG, ies ee {ABE Nate Yel 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 POWER SWIVEL RPM. Jo 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 280,000} 260,000} 240,000} 220,000) 200,000} 180,000] 160,000] 140,000] 120,000] 20,000] 80,000! DRILL PIPE — RPM. -21- nase, yo re i _—— a = greg one yo 1 cm | i 1 o ' t ' 1 i ; ales Le res! cae | | A caithiansitlllnnsiiaclliaaas ERED DIS. wo. MOTORS SngreanD SEUSS oe a HYDRAULIC SYSTEM AND CONTROL (ELECTRIC) ELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC mo a TORQUE conTnoues AIR AND ELECTRIC CONTROLS Assembly No. 68656 ~~ $-3.5 HYDRAULIC & CONTROL SYSTEM — AIR CONTROL, . MAJOR COMPONENT LIST & REPLACEMENT PARTS: Tew PART = mem | oy, | Pan DESCRIPTION REPLACEMENT PARTS, 3a5_| 4 | 68579] 112" - SOF HiPressure Hose 347_| 1 | 30187 | Couping - Guek Decomnect ‘No. 25714 Oust Ga sae | 2 | en122 14" HPressure Quick Disconnect Couping Se ‘No. 200201 Repar Ki ‘No. 69323 Dus! Can No. 69128 Dust Bug was [2 | esea “vag Pressure Swivel Jon (No. 73775 Repar Kt aso_[ 1 | e7aa2 = 100 Fi Drain Hose: 153) 1 | 27995 1 Quick Disconnect Wing Nut Coupling | ‘No. 62748 Snan Fin No. 61789 Sea Kr Nb. 61796 Tuba” Valve $3.5 HYDRAULIC & CONTROL SYSTEM — AIR CONTROL. MAJOR COMPONENT LIST & REPLACEMENT PARTS Te ne 10s | 1 | 66990, ume Cantal vaive = Ar "No 67060 Valve Asser (No. 76885 win Mose 2543 sos_[ 1 | 66992 “Thvote Gono! Vave = No, 67060 Valve Asser ("NO 76655 wih Made 2542), roe [1] 62820 Pressure Componeator Sysiem (Torque Conta ‘No. 62437 Check Valve No. 82436 Pressi'e Compensator No. 62438 Rete’ Vatve No. 62485 Srutie Valve TIO | 2 | 68597 | High Bresaure Fier (Favey) ‘No. 68516 Elemen: (Fairey) WP | 2 | baste | High Pressure Futer (Pal ‘No. 64619 Elemer: (Pall wit_[1_| 63611 | Sucton Fiter No_ 64111 Elemen 2 _| 47591_| Rewin Fier 112 [1 | 62120_| Pump Stroke Postioner 1A) ‘No. 67051 Ovi Seal Kit 113 [1 _| 63019 _| Charge Pressure Gage ara [4 | 60256 | Torque Gage Hose vis | 1 | ea6@ ‘i Line Gendivoner Bow! No. 69938 Fike" Esment No. 69959 Pressure Regulator w/Gage. vie | 4 | 66s7e We 80 FL A Hose ‘No. 54307 Quick Disconnect No. 64308 Quick Disconre2!(F) 1i7_|_1_| 50705__| Oi Level & Temp. Gage 118 [1 | 20608 | vacwm Gage a1 | 1 | 25100 _[ 114" Flexmester Joint No. 50516 (2 Gasket 20 | + | Past | v4" Quick Disconnect No. 27589 Dust Cas No. 27178 Packina Set wat 3 | 60870_| 7a" - 20 O-Ring Elbow 322 | 3 | 60671 | "= 20 O-Ring Sin. ting aze_| 1 _| 57554 | Torave Control Knot 325 | 1 | 68650_| Gear 325 |_1_[68551_ | Pinion & Shah x27 [+ | 65451 | Rings & Lens 726_[ 1 | 65457__| Toraue ingicator Pointer x28 + | 63008 _| Thote Actuator ‘No, 72008 DiaahragT™ 150 | 1 | 62616. | Variable Displaoement Rydraule Pump ‘No, 68048 Displacement Gontrl Gasket No, 70773 Valve Pate No. Tore Bearing Pate Nb. 70118 Ena Cave" Gasket No. 70116 Charge Pump Gasket No. 70117 Sha Sea Ke No. 77838 Charge PUMD ter | 1 | eam Torque Gage ‘No. 59707 Gage NB. 69172 Gage Fave 3 _| 76665 | Contol Valve Mocule | No. 76565 Reps Kit veo 1 | 62129 | Torque Retease Valve T 161_| 1 | 72013 | Torque Astease Pict Valve aez| 1 | resi [Check vaive "Wit Model 4706 Aetuator, Use Diaphragm No. 76664 “For Unis Bul ster 1-85 pe 8-3.5 HYDRAULIC & CONTROL SYSTEM — ELECTRIC CONTROL = MAJOR COMPONENT LIST & REPLACEMENT PARTS. Ew DESCRIP REPLACEMENT PART! mew | ory. | "a SCRIPTION {EPLACEMENT PARTS woo | 1 | 62020 | Pressure compensator System No. 62437 Check valve Corque consoy No. 62436 Pressure Componsator No. 62430 Rel’ Vave. No. 62443 Shute Valve 170 | 2 | 68517 | High Pressure Fier Farey) No. 68518 Element (Farey) a | 2 | 848:6_| High Pressure Fite fra No. 64847 Element (Pay vit |_| 69011 | Suction Fiter No. 64111 Element 2_[-47501_| Rewmn Fiter 1 _| 76725 [conto Fiter No_76726 Element 113 [1 [62019 | Charge Pressure Gage m4 | 1 | 60266 | Torque Gage Hose No 60255 Hose No. 37586 Dust Pug ‘No. 19067 Quice Disconnect 37 [+ _| 0700 [On toveit Temp Goge ne {4 | 20606 | vecvun Gage 10 [4 [25100 _[-14" Flexmaster dont No, £0516 @) Gaske! veo | 4 | 29481 | 14” Guick Disconnect No. 27580 Dust Cap No: 27178 Packing Set ver_| 2 | 60670 | 716° 20 O-Ring Eton vzz_[1_| 60571 | 716" 20 O-Ring Sixt Finny rea |_| 6865 | Torque Contot Knob 125 [1 _| 8650 | Gear 326 [1 _| 68651 | Pnion & Shah v7 [1 _| 5451_| ning a Lone s2_| + _| 65087 | Torque indicator Pome 190 | 1 | 72625 | Remote Tachometer 1 + Ratio 72630_| Remote Tachometer 1/2" Ratio sa] 1 _[ 28435 [Throttle Switch 132 | 1 _| 59751 | StanStop Swich 133 [1 | 20661 [ Lamp for Pict Light 394 [1 [62701 | Speed Conto! Rheostat x35_[ 1 | 62878 | Direction Switch x26 [1 [28605 | Controt Cable Assembiy 137 |_| 62818 | Pump Cont! valve - Honeywen 1_| 51832 _| Pump Contre valve = NOOE 138 | 1 | 63310 | Salty Pressure Swich 198 [1_| 60833 _| shu Down Solenois Relay 140_| 1 _| 5670s _| shun Down Sotencie vat_[ 1 | 50005 | stare: Retay 142_| 1 _| 37258 | Tachometer Puise Govevater 34s_[ 1 | ses02_| tome moter 150 | 1 | 62616 | Variable Displacement Hysrauic Purp No. 68048 Displacement Conve! Gasket No. 90113 Vawve Piste No. 70114 Bearog Prate No: 70118 End Cover Casket No. 70116 Charge Porno Basket No. 7014? Shat'Sea! Ki No. 77836 Charge Pump 181 [1 | e917) | Toque No. 59707 Gage = No. 69472 Gage Face 1 | 71882 | Pump Electical Dspiacemert ‘No. 78230 Mounting Ki (For 63-500) | Contr Vave No. 76546 Feedback Unnage (For 62-500) 160 | 1 | 62169 | Torque Release vane s61_[ 1 | 72013 | Torgue Release Pils valve 362 | 1 _| 70341 [check vane For Unis Bui afer 51-61 RECOMMENDED OILS AND GREASES FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE PART NO. DESCRIPTION K Gear Lubricant (G- 14085) Hydraulic Oi! (H-47100) 41863 Washpipe Packing Lubricant ~ 28 -

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