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this is explained because varicocele causes gradual damage to the testes and

abnormalities in the semen parameters.

please do meet a psychiatrist or professional counselor for this.

what does" mild prostatomegaly(29.36gms) from ultrasound suggest?

are small vessel ischemic changes the same as having lesions?

what causes pain in lower left abdomen and down the legs?

is there a suggested cure for terrible pain in neck?

can plan b pill causes abdominal,back,rib pain and headache?

lately when i even get remotely upset, mad or in front of people my lips get numb
and i have twitching in my face. at first i thought it was anxiety, but it also
happens when no one is around. if i get a little upset, i get this big rush where
my lips feel numb and so does my cheeks.

your psa levels are just above the borderline this might be due to the enlarged
prostate that you had. do you have any symptoms of enlarged prostate like hesitancy
or frequent urination at night or sense of incomplete bladder evacuation?

why is benztropine prescribed for bipolar disorder?

add more conciousness to ur life.just awareness can help u a lot.go and join some
meditation group.u wil find answer .

could demerol apap100mg be proper medication for fibromyalgia?

dear sir i karthi form tamilnadu, india, 29 yrs old i have problem in my
scrotum..ihave pimples in that area. when i squeeze it some pimples are breaking
but some pimples are not breaking..please give me the solution for this as much as
possible.thanking you.

am a black and i had a skin infection on my scrotum and it is discoloured.

percocet is a paracetamol/oxycodone combination. you might have developed tolerance

and that may be the reason it has got no effects now.

what is the treatment for extreme panic attacks and delusions?

is acute psychosis curable and does the patient return to normal state after taking
treatment ?

there is no link between the absence of erection and urination. you can go with
regular exercise, yoga and physical games. consume a lot of water. if not cured
with these remedies, consult a psychologist.

what causes burning while urinating with brown discharge while masturbation?

hi. there is nothing to worry if this dark mark is of a long duration of a month or should not take anything for this is it is not causing any symptoms.yet ,
to get a confirmatory reply, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist at least

what should i do as my hubby had stroke due to heavy weights lift?

what else do you feel apart from flutters? is it just flutters or do your feel any
other symotoms in addition?

it is due to infection in the surrounding region. start a short course of

antibiotics for five to seven days and it will settle soon. it persists you can
consult a urologist and get evaluated.

when i inhale smoke or talk on the phone my right ear starts to really hurts what
do i do ?

what causes oozing of ejaculate with urine during chicken pox bout?

why am i feeling scared and getting flashbacks of nightmares?

aloe gel is the clear, jelly- like substance found in the inner part of the aloe
plant leaf. aloe latex comes from just under the plant's skin and is yellow in
color. some aloe products are made from the whole crushed leaf, so they contain
both gel and latex.

what is the time-frame for follicle rupture after injecting hucog 5000?

child suffering from autism. fell on right arm, unable to lift. x-ray normal.

old healed tuberculosis usually presents as pulmonary nodules in the hilar area or
upper lobes, with or without fibrotic scars and valume loss bronchiectasis and
pleural scaning may be present.

it seems you are having depression.this is common at this age due to hormonal

what causes problems with numbness on the right of the body, memory loss, confusion
and weakness?

my brother who is 29 yrs of age happened to drink this water unknowingly. my

question is whether he would get this disease? kindly reply.

weekly scrubbing by home made packs (oats + curd/milk) is good for removing dead
skin and for good blood circualtion.

does mirtaz help to treat depression, anxiety, nervous and insomnia?

you may need to go back to your urologist. you may need brain ct scan or mri to
check if there is something wrong with your pituitary gland.

clinical evaluation by a general surgeon or preferably a urologist. color doppler

with ultrasound can help further clarify. tests of blood and urine can give further
clue. till then you can have scrotal support.

suggest medication for severe cramps in chest,back and vomiting sensation

why is conversation difficult?why am i shaky and anxious?

anxiety problem, bipolar manic depressant, medicine leading to weight gain. will
gain weight with lamictal, trazodone, vitaril?

- i think heat won't help but make inflammation worse, should apply cold compresses
or glucosamine packs (ask at your local drug store)
what causes fainting along with confusion and memory loss?

hello sir , i am 30years now doing masterbating since from last 16 years
continousely even i will do 5 times in a day wanna to know is it destroy my life as
i think if i fails its the main cause even when i tense ill do it . pls get me away
from this

what is the best way to monitor if i am ovulating again?

feeling that she does not medication could be a symptom of mania, if the diagnosis
of mania or bipolar disorder is correct

i massaged and kept it in the worm water for some time. got some temporary releife.
again after 2 days, severely paining and swolen.

you can consult a dermatologist and get evaluated to make a diagnosis.

suggest treatments for mood swings and pain in upper ribs

dear sir,i am kalyan srinivas i am suffering with ocd problem from last 10years,
but still i am using medicine for the same. if i stop medicine for 1week then again
the problem will arise. so please kindly do the needful by giving valuable

i really need help because it pushes people away because i forever worry and ask
them what have i done wrong etc when really its nothing.

you would have taken a large dose to cause over dose or it can be due to allergy.
go to emergency room er immediately.

semen analysis reporting, usually done on the same day - both automated and manual.
enquire other labs in your area.

what is the prognosis for a fetus with high risk of down syndrome at 16 weeks?

my cousin is a 14 year old male 110 pounds about 5 foot 1. he smokes marijuana
daily all day bites his nails down to the point of bleeding and was diagnosed with
adhd at age 5. he now claims to here voices that tells him to kill himself but his
parents doesn't take it serious. can it bad drugs?

i am atomatically seeto her brust part .i am not interested to see .but

atomatically see this part .this problem for t con't speach any lady person .this
is not joke docter .i am seriasly tellinng plz plz replay me

rest assured doms don't last more than 2-3 days. continue exercise but at a slow

please forgive me for bothering you, but would appreciate help.

what causes emotional distress and excessive crying?

excessive possessiveness in love relationship. how can i overcome this?

you can consult a general surgeon and get an ultrasound scan done.

suggest treatment for intermittent explosive disorder

i hadd liposuction done a week ago i know not to smoke nicotine but what about
marajuana it helps my pain instead of percocet is it safe
1) apply momentasome on affect part nght times..(elocon) .,

what is the remedy for pain after putting rods and screws in the back?

i have depression i am always thining negative and worry in mind.

what medicines should i take if the second semen analysis report is also abnormal?
it all depends on how abnormal the report is.

what causes itchiness in scrotum while having cyst?

the unwell feeling could be because when you masturbated, somewhere some muscle
might have pulled. therefore i suggest consulting a physician for physical
examination, diagnosis and treatment.

advised by gp to start pills during menstrual cycles. can you advise the right
dosage and time ?

which fruit shake ,timing of pill with shake is also imp some fruits like grape
seeds etc interfere with the metabolism of drug also timing of taking pill plz read
the information along the pills care fully

my dob is 17th aug 1990...height 6-3 feet weight 75kg

as a first line management, you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac
for pain relief.

some people have scanty(less) hair. not unusual or abnormal.

when ever i sit and fall back on my bed my heart beat increases.

what health disorders do babies with chromosomal anomaly have?

additionally some medicines may create this problem. therefore, if you are taking
any medicines regularly, please talk to your doctor if they need change. do not
press nipple as it can further worsen the problem.

so theres this lump, well hard spot that i can feel in between my scrotum and
rectum. its sore when you touch it and it hurts a little when i try to walk or move
too much. it just now started draining pus. what should i do. this is the first
time this has ever happened.

consult psychiatrist for examination and discuss all these.

you should not allow others' conduct to influence your conduct...

need medication for redness around the anus,pain due to masturbation

how frequently peripheral neuropathy is caused by psychosomatic illness, if the

patient has psychiatric health in check ?

it could be either due to allergy or fungal infection. very difficult to comment

without seeing directly or pictures. you need a direct check-up with skin

wed dreams/nightfall called nocturnal emission is normal.

as a first line management you can take drugs like tramadol for pain relief.
this is a common enough anxiety disorder for which effective interventions are
available. wish you good health.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

as u mentioned that your problem is currently severe, i would advice you to start
with paroxetine and clonazepam. u will need sessions of behaviour therapy once your
anxiety levels are reduced.

what causes depression, sleepiness and lack of energy?

studies say that if you miss only a single dose, you have to take two pills a the
next scheduled time. but missing the dose more than once compromises the efficacy
of the pills.

afp: 95.8 ng/ml 0.74

have been with psychiatric. have been prescribed gabapentin. if administered less
dosage acting abnormal. why?

and treat such cases. many time treatment with psychotropic medicines take 4-6
weeks to show response, so if treatment is started recently, then wait for some
time to see response.

moreover some vacation spent which gives both a break from stressful life of modern
days is a good way to repair old wound.

suggest birth control pills that also helps in treating acne

can anxiety and depression be managed without any consultation and with otc
medication alone?

7.drink 5-6 litres of water everyday dont by ever compromise on that.

i have been on microgynon since 16 im know 21, and the thought of children is in
the back of my mind. will having been on the pill so long have affected my
fertility. im scared i might not be able to have children. is there any test you
can take to test your fertility?thank you lucy

me suffer dizziness, hand tremors, weakness, can not concentrate. evening come top
of the heat wave, i can not sleep because it seems that the heart stops and i will
die. begins the panic attacks. what can i do? i still have a temperature of 37.3 at
all times. it is already three weeks.

i am very anti-drug and am scared of taking these additional drugs which i have
read are linke to cancer. what should i do?

does masturbation cause weak memory and low concentration problems?

hi sir,i am rl,;ul. i used to masturbate daily but i have stopped the practice of
masturbating from last four months. and now i am suffering from night fall,it
happens twice every week and due to this i feel weakness in my body. so,sir please
me to cure night fall permanently.

continuous bleeding, feel light headed, woozy after switching from aviane birth
control to lessina. reason?
prescribe medication for chronic depression, anxiety, bipolar with difficulty

good day and thank you for being with health care magic. i think you may have a
suture granuloma or your body is reacting to the suture that they have used. my
suggestion is that just wait for a few more weeks so that the wound will be greatly
healed and i'm sure it would look better by that time.

if your depression lasts longer than 2 weeks with with few of these symptoms such

could the loss of memory be due to the increased dosage of nortriptyline and

dealing with grief is greater than just losing a loved one, it is how you show your
respect for the departed and how you register every lesson that person has taught
you during their life time.

yes, it is a reasonable assumption on your part to think of anomic aphasia after

the seizure. it is possible.

it indicates mild venticulomegaly. go for regular scans if it doesn't increase in

size then no need to worry but if it increases in size then consult your
gynaecologist as well as paediatrician.

why worry about what you are not certain or about what you cannot control?

i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 8 years ago. i am now experiencing tenderness to

the touch on my skin which is different then my normal symptoms from fibro. when i
touch my skin if feels as if i am touching a tender bruise and this is all over my
body. what could this be indicitive of?

there may be some hematoma that have developed following the fall.

as the first line of management, you can take analgesics like acetaminophen or
tramadol for pain relief.

can tingling legs, fainting feeling, low blood pressure and headache be signs of
panic attack ?

- i'm not happy in marriage because i feel that i need to beg love from him and
remind him that i exist. he works from 8 till 8 either when he comes back he sleeps
or go to play card with his friends, all we talk about is asking me to prepare him
sometimes dinner, he is kind but we rarely talk

problem of erectile dysfunction and difficulty in urinating. renal cyst found. how
to rectify problems?

what causes moments of aggression post rny surgery?

my head for a couple days feels like i had a few drinks, the lightheaded dizzy fog
buzzed feeling. my heart feels like its racing. prior to this i have been diagnosed
with anxiety, wore a heart holter and been put on bp medicine for high blood
pressure. does all this boil down to anxiety

what are the chances of ovulating in may as there was a delay in taking birth
control pill?

can i use sprintec 28 day birth control as emergency contraceptive pills?

i suggests you investigate by cbc and serum tsh estimation for primary workup.

for seasonal affective disorder, many times tricyclic anti depressants like
clomipramine are very good.

weakness, shaking, stress, inferiority complex, unable to control emotions. anxiety


what causes pain in tongue,blurred vision and muscle pain?

what are the differences between varicoceles and veins in scrotum?

hi bhavana from india. since last one month i am suffering from lower back & lower
limb pain during night. i am on painkillers priax but is of no help. i get swelling
on my feet after having evion 200 mg. getting up in the night for urination
frequently. pls can you help me with correct diagnosis.

hello doctor i had masturbated frequently up to last 4 years, after that i felt
tired,hair losses, so i stopped that habit..but now i having night fall problem
even i doesn t watch any porn movies before bed at night...whether is it
problem,,any remedies there? kindly give solution.

what causes tiredness and sleepy only after masturbation?

take muscle relaxant and hot fomentation in the painful area. sometimes spasm in
this area confuses with renal infection pain

suggest treatment for anxiety disorder and depression

after incomplete abortion back pain is due to...some products trying to expel on
its own u get cramping pain...can b infection...can b weakness....u need to
visit ur gynecologist fr tvs...n check if any retained products of conception...n
further management

hi doc i am having a chronic pain on the rt waist dating back from 1994.this pain
radiate from the waist ,when getting on the buttock it feels hot ,down the thigh it
becomes numb and when it reaches the knee it becomes pain again .what could it be.
than you vickie

insist her to take any thing if not in a position to take. thank you.

mai apani bibi ke sath sax karta hu to hast methun ke karan mera sax kartesamey
jaldi ho jata h aur mai aapni wife ka sax ka maja bi nai de pata huiskan mera ling
bi jada samay tak tait nai rahta h aur mai aapni bibi ke sathsax bhi nai kar pata

can devil s claw be taken for severe lower back and hip pain?

any difficulty in passing urine apart from burning ? any perineal heaviness or pain
? go for urine r/e & c/sreview with investigation.

dizziness fainting difficulty breathing or swallowing

i dropped a steel gate on my big toe yesterday and it is black & blue (area is a
band going around toe from

took kit tablets along with wife, feeling tired, dizziness, nausea, vomitting. need
to see a doctor?
if the proper storage temperature specified on the pack is not maintained, it is
possible that the pills would not produce desired effect.

what is on a guy's mind when he gets very possessive about me?

which contraceptive pill is recommend for adult acne? is yasmine safe to take?

     pain from neck is extending upto right shoulder (refer “shoulder”)

he can go for swimming no problem with that online only be careful that he uses the
ointment well,and water is clean

on treatment for ms. can i get anxiety, night sweats, sleep problem due to

use very very soft sandelsnever bare foot walkpossibly calcanic spurjust relaxtake
methycobal 500 mcg thrice a day for a month

my name is hafiz from pakistan i asked you for i used my hand frome 16 years to 25
years when without women now i get marriage i was a problems of doing with myh
wife at night what should i do tell me simple answer for me my english is verey
weak sorry.

had a mirena iud placed. getting watery discharge. due to yeast infection?

what causes burning sensation in the groin area post a hernia surgery?

you need to speak to someone about this problem and get over it soon. please speak
to any of your family members who are close to you or a close friend, or a teacher
or mentor at your college.

for panic attack syndrome, cognitive behavioural therapies by a psychotherapist

might show some improvement over time. the extent of improvement depends on the
number of sessions and the severity of the disease.

what causes pain in leg and bruise behind the knee?

hi my son was diagnosed with aspergers ,adhd,bipolar mood disorder since he was
3 .he is now 15 and months and hearing voices hes fighting in school, he comes
homes he doesnt like to socialize or go out he on alot off med is it possible hes
schizaphrenic? sorry for speeling

what is the best medicine for anxiety and depression?

what can cause severe pain when touched on lower left leg, can feel a knot on my
leg when massaged, hurts after running, also have bulging veins on my foot that
just appeared since the pain started 8 weeks ago. pain started when i started
training for a 1/2 marathon.

how can one create an active and fruitful life for oneself?

will the woman diagnosed for teratoma will be having major mood swings?

in theory, there can be an overgrowth of gut bacteria causes loss of weight and
pain. frankly, most other causes would be pretty obvious even without the

i would recommend that in addition to using the clobetasol for the itching that you
also add tinactin or lamisil powder to reduce the fungus.

what to do if having severe pain in armpit when hand is lifted?

your symptoms do suggest that you are suffering from schizophrenia. your eyes are
not the problem, but the thoughts, delusion and hallucination make it appear as if
there is some problem with the eyes.

what could bruising and swelling of scrotum post hernia surgery suggest?

having bloated tummy and face. had non hormonal coil inserted now removed. will the
bloating come down? suggestions

if your mri is clear and you have some problem other than that, your doctor should
advice you.

but as you are having the symptoms continuously better to consult your doctor and
discuss regarding changing the contraceptive method.

what is the cause and treatment for tightness and pain in chest as ecg is normal?

hello, i have a face injury and still have a bruise after nearly 2 months. i was
hit in the face with the base of a metal lamp, i had it x-rayed at hospital but i
still have a bruise, swelling, an indent in my face and it does still hurt. could
you please advise what to do?

i'm ayan dolai . i'm taking anxit 0.25mg 1 tablet/day .but it's not works. if i
take 2 tablet in a day what it will be after take some food ?? if i take 2 tablet
after food what will be that time ? it works or not after taking food ?? please
give me the answer right now .

red rashes around naval, thigh after implanting contraceptive. continued after
removing. possible reason?

22 year old girl, shy, anxious behaviour, frequent urination. prescribed risdone,
tranxene. safe to take?

what causes discharge of semen during urination and bowels?

what could be the effect of flashing lights on patient with encephalitis?

what causes soreness , tiredness and pain all over the body?

he definitely need an urgent evaluation including ecg and further tests to rule
out cardiac issues.

it's been 10 days since i gave a normal delivery to a little princess.. and where
the cut which the doctors stitched is paining very bad and having a burning
sensation.. can i use betadine no the stitched area or which pain killer is
recommended . . thanx

suggest treatment for excessive crying and loss of appetite

feeling that i am not breathing normally. is this due to stress?

i have been catheterised because of enlarged prostate. i am noe starting drugs to

reduce the gland but i expect to be catheterised for at least a couple of months.
after about 3 weeks, i am increasingly getting erections at night which disturb my
sleep. is it safe to gently relieve these?
what's the cause of frequent swelling of the scrotum?

my heal of my left foot feels like i have stepped on a rock, but i have not. it s
very painful. it really hurts after i have sit for awhile and then get up again. i
am on my feet for about 5 hours a day, 3 days a week. i wear good tennis shoes at
work. it s been this way for 3-4 weeks.

severe hair fall after taking contraceptive pill. prescribed medication for 3 more
months. advice?

hello doctor , i am suffering from depression and anxiety neurosis for about eight
years. i am taking the following medicinces 1.escitalopram-10mg 2.clonazepam
3.oleanz -2.5 mg. is there better medication . please tell me sir,

on depo, spotting bright red mucus like, feeling dizzy, nausea, bloated, tired,
body sore. what is this ?

sleeplessness, irritability. has stage four liver disease. diagnosed mania. explain

rest and protect an injured or sore area. when resting, place a small pillow under
your knee.

suggest treatment for vericocele and pain in testis

how can erectile dysfunction be treated after recovering from a stroke?

short temper, stressed, depressed, mood swings. something i can do?

what causes severe stiffness and pain in the fingers and shoulder area?

suggest treatment for loss of memory and concentration

realize yourself,leave all imaginations behind ,come out into reality

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

it might be due to nerve involvement after the surgery.

most probably it will be a simple superficial fungal infection. as a first line

management, you can apply topical antibiotics like mupirocin for symptomatic

when should a double marker test be done after talking hucog injection?

is mood change frequently a symptom of bipolar depression

with oral contraceptive pills chances of failure are negligible. explain this to
your husband

suggest treatment for pain and swelling after retracting foreskin

suggest treatment for skin peeling on fore skin with scars

anxiety, legs and fingers get affected. taken cipraflex. suggest?

does continuous masturbating affect making of muscles?

any suggestion for high glucose content discovered in semen analysis?

first of all, the most important thing to prevent darkening of skin is to prevent
constant sun exposure by using a sunscreen of spf more than 50 if possible. this
has to be applied on all exposed parts half an hour before going out to sun and
reapplied every 4 hours.

what are the best tests available to check for adhd, bipolar and depression?

what is the treatment for low bp , depression and dizziness?

i am abdulrahman..from koyilandy...i am undergoing treatment for manias disease

since 10yrs..there is no sufficient remedy so far..suffering lot of noises in my
ear and loss of hearing also... if i come to you..can u make treatment for a better
changes in my sickness..

what causes severe itching under the scrotum and anal opening?

could mild discomfort in scrotum with pain between legs, possible swollen veins be
due to lifting weights?

as you trust in your god,he will do everything fine.

had ruptured back disk in childhood, since then on pain killers. taking duragesic
patch, hydromorphone

•     stress due to work or family-related, night duties

can feminine feelings and thoughts suggest klinefelter's syndrome?

it can be due to stress, varicocele, diabetes, hypertension and smoke and alcohol.

but as you are having congestion spots, better to consult gynecologist once and get
examined to rule out serious complications like blood coagulation problems.

sir i had done with 4 time shaving but certainly i find some tome my hair og
mustaches start shedding like small hair get to be shed tey just seens to be life
very ligth hair which shed so could u tell me a relevant answere for this

what medication is suggested for extreme pain on the big toe?

it can be urinary tract infection prostate infection starting antibiotic as early

as possible will help you dead cells can be due to infection

the problems are likely to be due to frictions used during masturbation. use
moisturizer. maintain hygiene. use cotton and soft underwear.

suggest treatment for bump in between scrotum and anus?

hi doc i have neck pain when i lower my head to my chest right at the base of the
neck at the back of my head, could have been caused by sleeping slumped after a few
beers for a couple of hours cross legged head bowed to chest, any remedies you

hello doctor. my name is samuel, male. my semen always flows back immediately after
coitus and i dont know if this is not the reason for delay in my wife's conception.
i have not undergone any medical treatment. doctor, ca you help out with
explanation? i will be right waiting for your response.
are very miserable when anxiety is associated with bad depression. you do not find

hallo. psoriasis is a autoimmune disorder. diet may play a role in managing

psoriasis.eliminating red meat and fatty foods have been effective for skin
infections. apply neem oil two times daily on the affected part and wash with
turmeric powder with lukewarm water. god bless you..!

hi, i stopped taking birth control about 4 months ago i notice since i stopped
taking it my nose is very stuffy.. i never had this problem before and was
wondering if this was from taking birth control. its worst at night... also, i have
been having panic attacks at night.

can being inactive for more than 9 months cause any problem?

there are a certain condition in which psa is raised most common are bph,
prostatitis and prostatic cancer, but this much rise in psa warrants further
investigation. i would have advised you to get your prostate biopsy to rule out the
actual disease.

your chest pain is likely to be because of anxiety but you should rule out physical
causes like cardiac chest pain by consulting cardiologist.

the symptoms like someone is watching you or suspiciousness, seeing things or

hallucinations are most likely retires of prodromal schizophrenia. i advise you to
visit a good psychiatrist for proper opinion as if proper treatment given at this
stage you will see improvement in no time.

it could be due to shoulder problem rather than fibromyalgia.

hi, i m ex paratrooper in the army and had back issues for 18yrs and in the last
5yrs my hips will go out.i took a 18hr drive from fl to mi a couple months ago ,and
when i got back i started having major pain issues in back,hips,thighs, and now
recently srotum, pins and needles, warmness...

get a checkup with your physician for other causes.

as a first line management you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac
for pain relief.

even the condoms are known to produce redness because of the rubber content as well
as certain chemicals on the condoms as lubricants and as a fragrance.

suggest treatment for panic attacks post caffeine withdrawal

suggest treatment for semen leakage before first urine in morning?

dr. penchila prasad kandikattu, internal medicine specialist

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

heavy coffee intake was there earlier but have reduced to minimal, however coffee
is one of the regulars since years.

is it risky to take fish oil supplements before a prostate biopsy?

after my first anxiety attack, i feel like i'm gonna snap at any moment

taking loestrin, bulimia. how long does bc pill take to dissolve?

shaking hands,pressurized and mentally upset,nervousness,lost interest in

life,consumes tobacco

it is better to masturbate to remove the collected semen and prevent infection.

sir, my husband is behaving abnormaly. he say i am alright but he is not, he checks

her trousers pocket several time,he pick up anything he saw on the ground and take
it in his pockets.he asked same quastion again and again till i shouted.according
to u what happens with him.

can anyone tell me plz what r these problems. what's the reason and how can it
solved ? should i take medicines ? which types ? and how costly they will be ? im
very frustated. plz plz plz ........... help me..

prescribed microgynon ed fe pills as contraception. explain

suffer from negative thinking.... anxiety...low self esteem....... fits of

rage,,,,, and lash out at my family members. after a fit of anger i feel dazed and
unable to focus or sleep . i try light exercises and meditation but is of little
use. can you help ?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

i have been having pain in my upper arm when i move it certain ways. if i hold it
straight out to the side it consistant. sometimes it cracks. i thought it was from
carrying a heavy bag to work daily. sometimes it hurts to sleep on it. can you
give me some info on what i'm experiencing?

you must see a doctor if there is headache and pain all over face. there might be
internal damage also if its bleeding from nose and if its giving headache. i
suggest to see a doctor as early as possible. because early prevention is always
better then cure. take care.

how can i convince the child to meet the doctor who has high glucose level and was
diagnosed for glandular fever?

you can go for a scrotal ultrasound to look for any possible abnormalities.

what is the cause and treatment for cognitive impairment?

suggest remedy for anxiety, panic attacks with severe migraine treated with xanax

can an abnormal hippocampus cause short term memory?

what is the treatment for mood swing and depression after general anesthetic?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

you should consult a homeopathic doctor and discuss your condition. in homeopathy,
there are several medicines which can solve this.

if you had an open wound on your body and the semen made contact, then we can worry
and start pep or else no need.

hi my husband has for the past few months, has been getting alot of pain to the top
of his head. his head is very tender to touch. lately this is followed by sharp
shooting pain in his ears. as it is happening alot and getting worse could you
offer any advice.thanking you, deborah.

forehead and eye voluntary tick, obsessive compulsive disorder. suggest?

i read that 2 tbs of honey, 1 tsp cinnamon powder, and 8 oz of hot water mixed
together will help arthritis pain. but how many times a day would i need to take
this? do you think this will help? i have stomach problems, am on b/p meds and
not able to take arthritis meds.

what is the analysis for the attached semen report?

suggest treatment for anxiety disorder and numbness in the arm

suggest medication for back pain after gastric by-pass surgery

i am 49 yrs. old. i have developed enlargement of prostrate up to 42g. during the

last 04 months. my doc. as advised me to take alfusin d . does this drug reduces
the size of prostrate up to normal size.priviously another doc. advised to take
tamdura.wht should i do?

it’s a myth that masturbation is harmful and weakens the body. do not repent after
masturbation. take it easy. you may take vitamin e cap daily. take anxiolytics like
fluoxetine daily to reduce anxiety.

need a direct examination including semen analysis.

what causes lethargy,loss of memory and confusion after a brain surgery?

do not loose your heart, keep patience and continue medicine

what to do if arm is heavy, itchy, bumpy, bruised in the area where implanon was

what is wrong with me... i'm tired all the time, i have been putting on weight for
the past month and nothing helps. i feel like crying all the time, i'm cranky and
moody and i feel like i move in slow motion. people just say to get over it but i

have gained weight and nausea. took medication. took a depression test. what to do?

there is lot of age mismatch. there are surgical option available for complete cure
of your issue - we can wait for ultrasound repot. yes you need to inform your
doctor regarding your issue.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

will the scan show the conception date of the baby?

typically it is oupatient surgery - home the same day

what is the treatment for hair loss , panic attack and weakness?

got addicted to pain pill, cannot walk, hallucinating, feeling to have stroke.

i feel as though a may have a minor case of bipolar, i have sudden highs and sudden
lows, ive recently started taking this weightloss supplement. i have taken it for 6
weeks and it seems to be agrivating the problem, im very irritable about things i
wouldn t usually bother me

suggest medication for prostrate enlargement along with burning sensation while

it's a healthy obstetric usg scan report. fetus is healthy and weihing 1.6 kg with
150 bpm. no need to worry

suggest treatment for panic attacks along with numbness in the arm

what causes irritation with genital ulcers on foreskin?

if you have shared a picture of your lesion, it would be of great help to diagnose
the problem. yes it could be herpes but other things also need to be addressed like
penile melanosis, eczema and fungal infections as well.

what can be the reason for becoming very emotional suddenly?

hi i am 26 year male , having some problem with my left testis ,it seems hanging
to one direction as compare to right one. i dont have much painful experience but
some time there is. i need to consult a doctor for the same ... need ur valuable

this sounds like mania (bipolar disorder). your father would need to meet witha
psychaitrist and be treated for symptoms. also he would need weekly therapy

what is the time limit to get new copper t after removing the old ones?

anxiety attacks are quite common after trauma events, the girl needs cognitive
behavioural therapy, please take her to a psychiatrist. patient needs proper
psychological therapy to prevent these attacks.

sir i have been reffered to aiims for rtms therapy . what will i have to do do to
get this therapy there?????????. what r the procedures, formalilities i will have
to fulfil

i fell two years ago and had a lot of pain in left upper quadrant. when i lift some
thing heavy the pain comes back stays for days. it hurts really bad when i sit or
take a deep breath. i also pass a lot of gas and then seem to feel a little better.

my child is 12 years of age and one of his testicels is very red and swollen should
i be concern? i observed him to see if he is in pain but there does not seem to
have much face reaction when i exam him but his deminer is low and doesn't want to
eat much .

first under go surgery for phymosis. rest of the thing will be alright slowly. the
surgeon operating will take care of cracks and tear.

should i be concerned about the severe pain and dizziness after undergoing
intrauterine devices (iud) insertion?

what will happen if i consume excess anxinil 0.5mg ?

hi my name is tina smith i have anemiea ,ashma,epilepsi,head injury from falling in
pass i have confusion,memory loss, weekness, blurry, dizzyness, and getting worse i
need you help well opinion i even losing my spelling , and dont no how old iam but
i was born in june 24,1981

what is the cause of buttock pain with facet disease?

what is a good choice of medication for a teen newly dx w add who has been
previously dx w ptsd and major depression and is currently taking 100mg zoloft and
2mg abilify? also is there a non-stimulant available for a 10 y/o (parents are
divorced and father is a former addict)?

26 years old has numbness in left hand wrist. is it fibermylgia or slip disk ?

there can be many reasons for not responding to medication. i don't know your
complete history so can only mention probable cause and you need to figure out
which one you are having.

suggest treatment for pain on shoulders along with bloating

you can consult an endocrinologist and get evaluated for reassurance.

hi doctor ! i m a 20 yr old guy i ve had primary complex as a baby (came to know

frm my mom) i feel i hav less stamina than other guys of my age. when i indulge in
a simple exrcise i start breathin excessively may this be because of the primary
complex ???

hi,.i saw your message.your wife is having enough medications for can use
sumo spray for local application.please consult a cardiologist and get a cardiac
evaluation done.thank you

hi,you have probably compressed a nerve. meet your doctor for further management.
don't worry your arm will be fine soon.

lubricant jelly can be used to prevent further damage to the foreskin.

suggest remedy to overcome addiction to masturbation

dear gentian violet i % but unfortunately this is an inelegant preparation which

obscures the progress of the lesions. better to use anti viral drugs like acyclovir
or gancyclovir. which are useful systemically or topically to cure problem.

i have facial pain & pressure which i have endured for years but also have pressure
in the sinus cavities in the back of my head& neck area. ent has suggested balloon
sinuplasty . d o has helped before with pressure in the back of my head. which do
you think w3ould be the best?

nope you are not having autism it is social phobia easily treatable. consult a
neuropsychiatrist. behavioral therapy and tab fluoxetine will cure you.

if symptoms persist better to consult a general surgeon and plan for an ultrasound

suggest remedy to stop hallucinating that baby is an alien

do not take too much pain killers. they may have unwanted effects.

light sweats, numb hands, depressed due to stomach bug lasting for long. is anxiety
taking over?

i have had bulimia for about 5 years. i don't feel that i can talk to anyone about
it and i feel extreme anxiety when talking to friends or even the people that i
live with. how do i overcome my depression and get the old me back that everyone
loves to be around?

is bloating generally accompanied with mirena coil?

does tramadol help to reduce pain in hip due to tendonitis?

you need to take your brother to a psychiatrist. his condition would get better
with medications. a lot of medications are available with very good results.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

hi, i m 19 years old and living bachelor in hostel. i have a problem of night
falls, i think about a month i get night fall after one or two days contineously
now i m weak day by day and also memory loss. so dr: sahab what i do to control
this???? plz ans me i m worry about it

my wife want to conceive. she is not on any medication. but i had non alcoholic
fatty liver problem and non ulcer dyspepsia for lat 6 is under control. i
just stopped medication ("ursector 300mg - ursodeoxycholic acid tablets" and
morease sr for irritable bowl syndrome)

suggest treatment for pain due to glossophyrangeal neuralgia

i'm feeling tired all the time, i'm feeling depressed, i can't concentrate

hi, i have a ball ache in my right ball, and have had on and off head aches for the
last couple of weeks! could there be any relation? the ball ache has increased in
the last couple of days! i have queried photos of std but cannot find anything
similarities so far thankfully?

we tried all the possible medication and therapy but all in vain.

suggest remedy for pain in lower back and tail bone

what causes hallucinations after taking anti-depressant pills?

how to heal red,burning,painful scrotum while no relief with topical micronazole

and allergic to doxycycline?

dr. penchila prasad kandikattu, internal medicine specialist

what should be done for the depression because dicorate er tab is not showing any

hi i have a problem in my hand its always shaking and nervous sometimes i can't
even eat by spoon why is that?

episodes of crying hysterically and harming self. addicted to drugs, drinks and
smoking. need help
85 yr old suffering from dementia, memory loss, extreme anxiety, unhappiness.
medications to relieve this?

what will happen if i take a overdose of betaloc tablets

pulled hair from the scalp as there were curly, diagnosed with trichotillomania.
why is it so?

is lack of bodily hair a concern when testosterone levels are normal?

hello dr. im aravind from kerala. my problem is my mustache. i m 26 years old. my

mustache is not grown proper till this date. from the initial stage there is a gap
in the center of the mustache. now i m preparing for my marriage. please give me an
affordable reply. waiting to hear from you.

this is a feature of stress which you have inculcated and now not able to go away
from it...take rexipra ls bedtime and take felicita of with lunch

what causes abdomen pain and does lansoloc help to reduce stress?

suggest treatment for severe leg and back pain after lumbar fusion surgery

nothing to worry. it may be due to the drug or anxiety.

hellohow are you?if the patient comes to my clinic ,i would ask her,is she having
vomiting , diarrhea , fever or any rashes?if the answer to above questions is
nothan relax.take care in futuredr. mira butani

74 year old with palpitations and night sweats. concerned about marijuana exposure.
due to stress?

is it a kind of mental disorder if one behaves like animal at night and forgets
about it the next day ?

taking suboxone, effexor for depression. vibration in brain. cause?

what prognosis is recommended after a prostate cancer surgery?

hello. am a 28yr old male weight problem is that i salivate a lot while
asleep, which sometimes chocks me. is this a disease. if yes can it be cured.
however, never have i visited a doctor in relation to this.

the person i love has been on depression for a very long time. instead of coping
normally, he will turn to drugs. and he usually takes large doses of lsd! he has
tried taking medication, but it doesnt work. i need help! i want to be able and
truly help him get through this!

please go for proper checkup, as this condition is not normal.

stomach ache and tingling may not be related to each other.

hi, when there is lot of stress in life there would be reduction of immunity of the
body, which would further lead to reduction of important hormones required for
normal functioning, which leads to fatigue. you need to learn coping skills in
life, meditation might also help you

hi, i have read your query and you should take alkalyser with levofloxacine this
may be due to prostatitis so you can add metrogyl & zink with above treatment.
why am i getting abdominal discomfort and pain after wet dreams and i am a
pancreatic patient?

what causes negative upt after positive first test?

4) relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing etc is perfectly normal after taking the pill (emergency contraceptive pill), so
stop worrying and let her cycle take its wishes.

-decrease worrying by keeping yourself busy and distracted from worrisome thoughts
by talking to family members or watching t.v. or counting back (100 to 0).

hello i have a friend who is suffering from a sore throat, his body is shaking, and
he is hot but also cold. i am trying to figure what he might have caught from
someone so i can figure out what our somethings he can do or take to help. i am
someone who likes to use home remedies. please help.

gabapentin is given for neuropathic pain after knee replacement.

suggest treatment for irritable and aggressive behaviour

how to treat depression that is caused due to low and thin voice?

hai,calf pain and tenderness may be due to deepvein thrombosis of calf muscle,
which is a rare complication of pills.get done with doppler study of lowerlimb to
rule out thrombosis.dont ignore it.

- feeling that someone is watching or suspiciousness

it may be due to minor contusions that have developed following the fall. nothing
much to worry and you can take analgesics like tramadol or acetaminophen for pain
relief. if symptoms persist, you can consult a physician and get evaluated.

hi i am 16 and have been experiencing panic attacks daily for the past 2 years.
however recently more physical symptoms have come on ect. chest tightness, swelled
throat, fast heart rate and dizziness. are these all still panic attacks or could
there actually be something seriously wrong?

hellou seems to have apd i.e acid peptic disease...treatment is - ● tablet

ranitidine twice daily● capsule omeprazole once daily before breakfast● tablet
dicyclomine three times a day● syrup diovol-la 4 teaspoons three times a daytake
this treatment for 2 weeks

can any online doctor help me with the semen analysis report?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

i advice you to consult a psychiatrist as early as possible.hearing voices and

seeing images are symptoms of psychosis that need immediate attention,medications
and professional help with therapist.its difficult to mask them with music or
writing alone.the symptoms may worsen if not treated early.

taking loette. have been on different birth control pills. suffering from
depression. continue medications?

she is having diabities, high bp, improper sleeps at night.

brown discharge after taking birth control pill. problem?

is a quad test showing trisomy and ntd a serious concern?

what causes swollen ankles and pain in toes after lithotripsy?

several medicines have worked in some people but mainly getting enough rest and
checking with a sleep study is most likely to fix it.

but it doesn't cause any harm in the body. so don't worry.

suggest treatment for severe mood swings and temper rages

hi doctor, my name is arsal & i am from pakistan i live in islamabad the capital
city of pakistan .i am 17 years old & i want to quit this addiction of masterbation
& i am actually on my way to quit it but sometime this urge makes me can
i cope up whit this urge ?

hi, i have a 17 year old son and when i change the bedding i find a lot of pee
spots on it. i'm sure he probably masturbates as most teen boys do but why does he
have spots of pee, they're about 6 to 8 inches in diameter. is this normal or
should i take him to a doctor?

which birth control other than lo loestrin fe would prevent gaining weight and is
also low hormone?

could diarrhea, tiredness with stomach bloating be due an enlarge spleen?

what causes sleeplessness while taking trika forte for anxiety disorder?

if only you have any particular issue regarding any system, a special examination
of the particular system will be done. otherwise this is it.

does clear gel like discharge need medical attention?

as per your information, your child is suffering from sudden memory loss which
might be a feature of epilepsy.

- ive gone through alot in my life and its been really hard.

4) relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, deep breathing etc

i think i am going mad. i can't control my actions, i am scared of hurting people

around me, i have tried to get nhs help i have been on a waiting list for a long
time, i can't afford to go private but i need help, what can i do? i can't live my
life this way for any longer

depression, too, sometimes cause delay in conception again causing some hormonal

unable to quit masturbation and getting depressed and frustrated. how to quit it?

hi i am a 21 year old engineering student in hyderabad. i weigh 85 kgs. but my

chest is very large compared to my arms i feel. i think i might be suffering from
gynecomastia but i am not sure. what do you suggest? should i go some tests or
consult a doctor??

please give details about your ptsd and add.i think you have bipolar disorder
rather than add.diagnostic evaluation by a good psychiatrist is needed.pls give
details about your other medical problems.if not contraindicated starting you on
valproate or carbamazepine is a good option.thank you.

my wife (57) has had edema in her legs since april. along with this, she has been
feeling heat and a prickling sensation in various areas of her body in addition to
the legs. she has had some pain in the legs and the tingling feeling that comes
and goes.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

hi i am 28 yrs feel changes in my behaviour coze of my family problems please tell

me how to overcome from the stress

pelvic pain could be due to ovarian cyst or need to rule out with
abdominal ultrasound.

hi,it seems that bleeding is from urethra mostly due to soreness in urethra while
inserting catheer.nothing to worry, it will stop gradually.if bleeding does not
stop then go to er and get examined.ok and take care.

even after trying all the standard treatment for erectile dysfuction the patient
does not improve then the last resort would be penile implant. i would advise you
to discuss the option of penile implant with your urologist/andrologist.

4. other painkillers would give a partial relief in higher doses. 5. let me know
if this helps.

so i was taking a shower and got a gillete razor and was shaving my testacle and i
cut my left testicale and i put a peice of toilet paper on it and let it heal when
i thought it was healed i took it off and touched it and it burned and started to
bleed again should i be worried.

over reaction to surrounding is a form of anxiety and that is in your case.

im trying to concieve baby number 2 for 2months now

remember medicine takes 3-4 week time to starts its action and minimum of 6-8 month
for permanent improvement when there are less chances of recurrence.

how can i confirm the paternity of my unborn child?

if symptoms persist, it is better to consult a physician and get evaluated.

how can anxiety be treated while suffering from alzheimer s disease?

what causes memory loss in a recovering alcoholic, who had 2 mini strokes?

suggest home remedies to remove the black spots on tongue

you need a surgical intervention when you have cardiac symptoms. tiredness,
breathlessness, chest pain, difficulty doing routine work, frequent lung infection
and there is increased pulmonary congestion.

have pain in the ovaries with pinkish discharge after implant removal. what are the

so please visit a psychiatrist immediately,describe your problem and follow his

drug theray and or counselling and please stop alcohol.
my son is 33 he was just became ill cant go to work always with family scared to
use his money scared of the dark he is on abilify and ativan but this has been
making him cry so we stopped that one any thing else we should try never mind
should have figured it was all about $$$$

yes, contraceptive pill can cause mood swings.stopping it for a while would prove
it.use an alternative method for a couple of months and see the difference.

what is the solution for a pain due to blister like bubble on gum?

dear friend..i am dr anshul varshney. i understand your concern.yes ms can cause

sensory symptoms. even it can cause sensory symptoms all over the body when neck is
flexed down.i would advice you to take regular treatment for this.stay healthy.dr
anshul varshney

can any online doctor help in reading semen analysis result?

need to rule out the simple cause. it can be due to infection or inflammation in
the scrotum. we can not think of cancer at early age. still doing a simple
ultrasound will help you diagnose.

suggest remedy for heart palpitations, anxiety, ocd and insomnia

you may be suffering from decompensated cirrhosis of liver with generalized edema
of the body. yes it may cause resistance ascites with groin edema. he may need high
dose of lasix and aldactone in 10:4 ratio.

need treatment for numbness in the upper area and problem for erection with

take a aceclofenac 100 mg . probably this is a case of coccydynia. take sitz bath ,
or apply heat packs to that area

following are possible causes of anger in your case: anxiety and depression,
hormonal imbalance, personality issues and adjustment problem. you can meet nearby
psychiatrist to ascertain cause and treatment according to cause.

he is stressed out that's for sure. weather he is suffering from depression or not
depends on various symptoms like how is his sleep, appetite, mood, energy levels,
attention concentration etc etc etc......he will need a full psychiatric

is the bhp treatment for reducing the prostrate size advisable?

you can consult a physician and get an ultrasound scan done to look for any lesions
or any bowel related problems.

low levels of serotonin lead to depression and anxiety.

hi, i have been taking fluticasone furoate for 3 weeks now and have been
experiencing anxiety and low mood. i am wondering if these symptoms can be a result
of the medication. (i do not have a history of these symptoms, although, i have a
lot of stress in my life at the moment).

i ve had black spots on my tongue for years and no its not birthmark or it wasn t
there when i was born.please help!!any treatment or home remedies? i also have
black gums and have blackness on the corner of my lips but not the whole lip thx in
suggest treatment for difficulty in concentrating despite taking vyvanse

my right foot has mortons nuromas, and my foot doctor fitted me with crthodic. pain
was still bad and he gave me injection cortisone , told him was having leg pain,
4days later foot feels fine but dull ache in leg. should i give it more time or see
my m.d.

suffer with sickness phobia, hesitation to try new foods. how can i get over the

can monocef be given in case of scrotum cellulases?

suggest treatment for behavioral changes in a 12 year old boy

feeling sad suddenly, wanting to cry, loss of appetite and weight, nausea. reason?

suggest dosage for paroxetine and citalopram while treating anxiety and depression

what is the treatment for soreness and pain in the arms?

you need to take pain killer that reduce nerve pain like will act on
nerve and reduce your pain giving you can take it along with your
regular analgesics for additive effects.

but the main criteria for seeking help is if it is distressing/hurting you, if it

is disturbing you a lot or to such an extent that your
family/social/personal/work/student/other occupational life is affected or you are
at a risk to self or others.

any negative emotion and if the same continues for long is injurious to either of
the partners

i fall asleep and i have these dreams where i'm still in the surroundings where i
fell asleep but i can't wake myself up and i don't know if i'm awake or not so i
yell out and try to move around and nothing works. it's scares me because it
happens a lot i don't know what to do

what are the blister looking bumps on my thighs near groin?

what is the opinion about traveling of a person with concussion?

hallucination and impaired speech are just tip of the iceberg.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

five days ago i started taking ortho tri cyclen lo after being off birth control
for over a year. then today i started having nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. i hadn
t taken the pill yet today when this happened. could this be from the birth

do a usg lower abdomen & some hormone test to rule out underlying pathology if any.
take some analgesic for headache and multivitamin supplements with your diet.

my husband was told his impudency was caused by the sciatic nerve. he experiences
burning in neck headaches and bouts of non erection. he was told it would go away
in time. meanwhile what are alternatives to help. we r currently both under many
stress this partially part of it
hello sir, i really don't know whats wrong with seems that i have
forgotten the way i use to think....the way i each day i feel i am only
getting worse...i don't know what to brain has completely become
numb..please help me...

what could be the reason for having itchy red lines on my scrotum?

do i have some serious disease like cancer or may be i have anxiety

suggest treatment for mental illness with aggressive attitude

this genrally does not happen with me i'm very calm and controlled person.

until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is. use cold compression
and take rest.

what does 55mm*57mm*77mm reading in pancreas with stomach pain indicate?

have you consulted any doctor yet? how can you ignore such a problem without
consulting a doctor in person, that too for some months? please consult your doctor
for physical examination at the earliest.

yes, i have severe anxiety that is causing heart palpitations and problems
breathing. i have worn a heart monitor and a cardiologist verified that the
palpitations are not life threatening however, my mind keeps going haywire and i
feel like my heart is going to explode. please help

i am suffering from depression and getting tension very often

several forums and blurbs i've researched and the advice of a friend's doctor
father tell me i should wait a couple weeks, but if the swelling and pain seems
abnormal, i would like to get it taken care of soon before it's somehow too late.

how can depression along with anxiety and blurred vision be treated?

therefore i suggest consulting a psychologist for physical examination, diagnosis

and treatment.

trouble focusing, get distracted easily. treatment?

iam currently working in saudi arabia.i am using tegrital cr400

(1) depressed mood , feels sad or empty, appears tearful as reported by other

consult a neurologist and get evaluated. drugs like oxycodone is very useful. it
has got a psychological aspect and anxiety and depression worsen the symptoms.

does online tests diagnose for the depression or bipolar disorder?

age - 7 years, weight - 17 kg , name - vansh (male)

i am 24 weeks pregnent and for the last few days i have had this butterfly feeling
in my chest, i get short of breath, it lasts for a couple of mins then goes away,
comes back.....what can be causing this? and is it ok for my pregnency?

so you should consult your doctor and you can be treated with antibiotic course.

it can be due to prostate inflammation - cystoscopy can help you. if we know the
cause for sure can think of early management.

what causes depression along with anxiety and joint pain?

liquefaction time not iquefied within 30 min. incubation.

suggest treatment for mood swings, restlessness and memory loss

a few months ago i realized that if i do not want to brown color and it was good.
dbarh but returned to the state like a black-brown and very firm. i do not know why
is that please explain to me why is that. and i do not know what the problem is the
prostate gland. thank you

until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is.

dear doctor am 28years old i have vericocele pro i have gone through with test it
grade 1 and one of surgeon gave me cal dob tablets for treatment for 3month i have
completed that course and i don't have pain in that so wt can i do now the size is
not decrees so what can i do now

please do let me know how you followed up on your case from here on...

is inability to focus on more than one thing at a given moment normal?

the pattern of fascial hair is solely genetically determined and it varies from
person to person. in your case you are just sixteen years old and it will take few
more years for complate growth of fascial hair. you can do a testosterone assay
from a trusted lab just for reassurance.

hi,it seems that there might be having some soreness due to collection of smegma,
not cleaning properly.there is another possibility of having fungal infection.apply
triple action cream for few days.keep local hygiene proper.ok and take care.

noticed being in a catatonic state after an head injury

pain in one eye, localized headache with hyperventilation, chest pain, body spasms,
long lasting blackouts. diagnosed as hyperventilation syndrome. can it be something

for further assessment, you may require ultrasound scrotum after physician

suggest treatment for abdominal pain with positive hpt

ive overmasterbated during the last 2 months, now i experience total dullness(like
not able to concentrate, not in the present moment) and forgetfullness, leading to
me forgot some words in the vocabulary, which sometimes may sound like a new one
and partial face blindness

kindly consult your doctor and go for cardiac imaging first ...a whole scan mr i
sh be done for chest and abdomen

if you take my opinion then i would suggest you not to get worried and yes you can
go for the second stage dental procedures as it can't harm your baby

eye twitches after blinking. is it simply stress? am i feeling my adrenaline?

history of on and off using opiates, now clean. severe anxiety, panic attacks,
depression. possible normal life again?
my brother is suffering from depressionhis age is 31 and going through the stress
of marriage has prescribed sizodon 1 mg in morning and olimelt 10 mg
at night.please suggest how much time these medicines neeed to be taken and are
they safe??

suffering from vertigo. prescribed reglan for stomach. will this help vertigo also?

as per your details, you possibly have social phobia or social anxiety disorder.
consult a psychiatrist for detailed evaluation and treatment as final diagnosis
rests on clinical history and mental status examination.

forced me sir. it is my childhood sir.after i tested. the test was

you need to check whether blood discharge is in semen or in the urine. so i suggest
you get checked your urine analysis and semen analysis report first for primary

feeling of squeezing and twisting in sternum, feeling of swelling in throat, on

and off stabbing in jaw, back and armpit. relief when relaxing. help

in your description yo have mentioned that she is having problems accepting her

welcome to the forum.i would approach in the following order.1. look for local
cause like hernia, hydrocele or other swelling in that area.2. look for ureteric
stones that can cause similar pain.3. finally attribute to nerve root compression
if no cause is found.sincerely,

26 year old feeling scared and stressed, tremors in the hand and leg. mri, ecg and
blood test reports are normal. have sinus problems. need help

we have lost my mother just 2 and half years ago!! we cannot loose my father too!!
he wants to fight and get better!!! he is not depressed, he is tired of being a
guinea pig and wants to get better and know what is wrong!!! can any one
help???!!!!!!!! please!!!!

it can be due to fungal infection - local anti-fungal will help you. treatment for
both partner. sudden swelling can be due to allergy for dettol. share a picture for

what is the natural remedy for the boil behind the ear?

suggest medication for tia parkinson s costochondritis

this sound may be symptom of your schizo-affective illness. in such illness people
may hear different kind of sounds which is known as auditory hallucination. nature
of sound depend on the lefe history and development of that person.

masturbation, depression, overweight, less erection, no semen discharge. cure for


ativan contains lorazepam. it is also good drug particularly for reverting acute
episode. but it has high abuse potential. so before using it regularly, you should
consult your psychiatrist.

sometimes at night i feel like crying for no reason i feel like i willl loose my
lover i feel kind of lonely all the time wen i was in 14 it is a regular problem bt
from past 5 years this problem is decreasing bt still whenever i cry i start

doing an ultrasound abdomen and scrotum will help you diagnose.

for treatment get personality assessment, detail psychometric assessment, stop

substance use (if any) morning walk and healthy diet will be helpful. final
management can be planned after assessment in your case.

i have a second question. if we will go for ivf/iui/icse whether it is necessary to

perform laporoscopy on my wife beforehand ?

you need to consult any psychiatrist without delay.

what causes blood nodules on entire scrotum causing itchiness?

it can be due to injury. doing a ultrasound scrotum can help diagnose the cause of
pain. you can take mild painkillers for the time being till an ultrasound is done.

my daughter 17 yrs old is taking prodep20mg and betacaptr 40 for the past 5 days.
she is shouting uneasily daily after taking the medicine when asked the doctor says
that after 2 weeks only it will give effect. shouting is more and sweats more. what
to do?

suggest treatment for sharp pain under left rib cage

suggest treatment for small chest pain and cough along with headache

4.kindly meet your psychiatrist again so that he will revise the dose or add a beta
blocker to improve the symptom

you should try to pull it back after you lubricate it and do it a few times per day
during erection. this may stretch foreskin and you won't have a problem anymore.

what could cause fatigue, lack of energy and intrest, difficulty focussing and

how to deal with a person who feels he knows everything and belittles others?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

hi veronica your symptoms may be due to fall in blood pressure and hypoglycemia.
don't stay empty stomach for long.take small but frequent feeds.whenever u feel so
just lie down and take some glucose.

i took medicine for 6 month everything was fine but now i m facing same
problem.what will be permanent solution for this problem.

suggest treatment for body pain due to masturbation

what could red and leathery like scrotum with puss like bumps suggest?

suggest remedy for pain in lower chest area at the tip of rib cage

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

the complaints of yours suggests conditions involving ribs, diaphragm, usg
abdomen, xray chest should make the cause clear.i suggest consulting local surgeon
should help.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

is it to be concerned about the pain in the stomach?

but generally, it is going to be a spinal problem such as a disk hitting the spine
if there is neurological impairment. and this is generally an indication for
surgical decompression.

on birth control and azithromycin for strep. could antibiotics negate the effects
of birth control?

he is 60 years old and is a building contractor who does heavy lifting. is there
anything else he can do? he has gone to see a specialist, and they told him that
surgery might not fix the pain. any thoughts?

what medicines should i take for panic attacks resulting in stuttering of words ?

hi my mother is suffering from sciatica(57 yrs old).during day time when she does
small kitchen works,she feels fine but during night specially 12 to 2am the pain
gets unbearable.she is taking pregabalin and painkillers but no relief.what should
we do

obsessive-compulsive disorder, taking zyven od 100 mg. how to stop medication?

how to quit masturbation and can it cause future problem?

suggest treatment for chest pain which radiates to back

such shrinkage problem and cuts appear because of dryness or infection. you should
consult a skin specialist for physical investigation.

without examining you its very difficult to comment as oyu have not defined any
other associated features

what could difficulty in breathing, feeling of choking throat suggest while being
on medicine for anxiety?

hello, my son of 18 years old just had his second panic attack at school and he is
taking medication but i am interested in finding something that is over the counter
that i can give him. the medication makes him sleepy so he takes it at night but
during the day it wears off.

could addiction to smell of kerosene lead to health issues?

how can severe anxiety due to alcoholism be treated?

have palpitations, hospitalized for anxiety, depression, done x-ray, ekg, no relief
with medicine, klonopin helps

in my opinion yes it is part of adhd. attention enhancing techniques

should be practiseddaily an old newspaper , select a letter and then
cancel letter 15 mins daily next option would be stimulants as
treatment for adhd

hithank for asking to hcm i really appreciate your concern, this could be
functional conditioned in fact you must not be having any problem or disease you
just keep your self away from such act, this is nothing to worry every thing will
be alright, take care have nice day.

does taking only lithosun helps to treat depression?

at the age of 8-10 week of gestation age, you should done chorionic villious
sampling and 12-14 weeks amniocentestest to rule out. genetic cause by

- second thing is behavior therapy. behavior therapy is a psychosocial modality of

treatment. it is a complex method and used in a lot of disorders

you can safely take clonazepam and hydrocodone together.

what are the psychological and emotional issues specifically related to bestiality?

surgery is indicated if the swelling does not show signs of regression and would be
causing more discomfort. kindly consult surgeon in this regard for clinical
evaluation and appropriate management.

you can go with stop, start technique and sensate focus technique along with
regular exercise and balanced diet.

punarnava mandur 1 tablespoon, ashwagandha powder 1 tablespoon, neo tablet 2-

2,kasoor gugulle2-2

1) relaxation exercises like deep breathing, yoga or meditation

what could cause dizziness, rise in temperature and hot flashes?

blood blisters on inner butt cheek after being sick with stomach virus and
diarrhea. suggest home remedies

my son was diagnosted with a cemically induced sycotic disorder 2 yrs ago and
received a prolixin shot now the symptoms are back n he s not willing to go to the
doctor because he don t want to stay. he s in and out, will he get wrst or is he
fighting it

can histamine ,help control erection problems in male?

stay indoors and when i do go out occasionaly all i can think about is going

i am worried that the increased frequency of drowzniness may have something to do

with a decreased flow of blood to my brains and that i may have a stroke soon. i
can't afford to undego angiograms, by-pass surgery or any expensive treatment.

i need you to see your doctor as soon as possible for the pain relief and to see
what is causing all these symptoms.

scared to get married or speak to a female. feel shy amd lost. what can i do?

so i would advise you to please take him to a good psychiatrist for proper

how to treat pain and swelling of testis after surgery?

1) recognise the physical signs your body shows before you get angry like feeling
tension or faster breathing and remove yourself from the situation, drink a glass
of water or go and wash your face...that would give you time to rethink

what is the solution for obsessive, compulsive disorder ?

what causes constant pain in the arms while suffering from sciatica?

does medications for anxiety and back pain cause behavioral changes?

i know that in the 1st trimester teh raised temperature is a good sign of hormones
doing their job.... but how long the elevated temperature should stay?

what causes stomach pain, headache and vomiting with iud?

why do i suffer from fits of rage and how to control it?

unconsciousness, tiredness, high bp, loss of appetite. is it epilepsy?

suggest treatment for anxiety, depression, dizziness, partial blindness and


suggest remedy for pain post surgery with headaches and numbness in arm

kindly mention you have tried which medication. you can use topical luliconazole 1%
cream that is having the best antifungal action.

suggest home tips for controlling loose motions and cold in a baby

severe abdominal cramping after mirena insertion. can i wait for some time and go
to doctor?

hi sir h r u im a married man my wife is pregant for the 02 months but she suffers
a vomiting in a day 04 to 5 time sometime it goes to 2-3 day and she does not eat
properly what should she do please help me out with the situation i much very much
thankful to you.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

in your opinion, is it the marijuana, or the stress causing her palpitaions, or the
stress? can she be allergic?

- bullous impetigo - bacterial infection due to bad hygiene or use of public pools,
towels, etc.

i've been fully tested for std's with negative results. i do trim my pubic hair
but don't shave. i am a male.

having insomnia, panic attacks and anxiety after having zoloft. should i continue

suggest natural remedy to keep away mosquito from biting

pappaya, orange,nee leaves can be used for face masks depending upon the

suggest treatment for mycoplasma genitlium infection?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.
what causes pain during masturbation despite a normal urine test report?

can i take like nacetyl cysteine to decrese time of liquefaction, or what can i
do ?

what would be the quantity of semen produced at the age of 16?

can wrong arrow direction in the pills cause any problem?

can i take my birth control pills after taking a morning after pill?

_what is your weight and height (to rule out obesity)?

chronic ocd, anxiety problems that are worsening day by day. on contraceptive,
microgynon since a long time. is it due to pill?

the symptoms seem to be related to a muscular issue.

does taking cymbalta,welbutrin and xanax together cause mood swings?

decreased organisms and erectile dysfunction can also occur with the other
medication but again this would not impact on your chances of fertility with ivf.

if pain persists, better to consult a physician and get evaluated.

being a cardiac patient antipsychotic of choice in his case is qutiapine to start

25mg twice daily then titrate to maximum dose

in this sense, do not worry too much about it because if you worry unnecessarily,
the erection could further deteriorate.

can imipramine, zoloft and clonazepam taken for ptsd lead to increased pulse rate?

* if these symptoms present at times without interfering your daytoday

activities nt worry

you are suffering from palpitation and it is essential to find the cause.

use antibiotics if you're having blood or pus from urethra or in urine. still have
doubt you get it done urethral secretions culture and sensitivity.

in your case clonazepam doses can be tapered gradually. so ask for that from your
psychiatrist. as you are still having some symptoms then it is not advisable to
stop treatment in your case.

what causes erectile dysfunction after having c-4 supplement?

what does a well dedualized gestational sac with no embryo yet mean?

suggest treatment for inferiority complex and phobia

paranoia, stress, anxiety about trust issues in a relationship. how are these

what causes bleeding after taking contraceptive pill?

you can take analgesics like paracetamol or gabapentin for pain relief.
without an exam, i can only give general information. generally, rest, ice
immediately followed in 1-2 days with heating pad, aspirin like drugs and gradually
increasing use for a musculoskeletal injury.

i'm a retired marine and we never work out for that much,

masturbation habit is a behavioural addiction and therefore you should go for

behaviour therapy to reduce the frequency of masturbation.

if the bleeding is too heavy or associated with other symptoms,consultation with

doctor should be sought.

i m 28 year old and i have very little bear plz tell me how can i grow my bear

if symptoms persist better to consult a dermatologist and get evaluated.

suggest remedy for persistent pain and discomfort in lower back and left leg

unwell after being forced to stop taking zoloft cold turkey. possible withdrawal

drugs. druga used for anxiety are like,alprazolam, lorazopam, buspiron,


lightening of the skin of the face color may be done by a few sittings of q
swithched laser.

if your family members agree for the presence of behavior issues then you can meet
psychiatrist or psychologist for assessment.

what causes severe pain on back radiating to abdomen and bladder area?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

after fitting copper iud post abortion, why do i suffer from stomach pain and back

should tamsulosin be taken for the enlarged prostate?

what causes sharp pain in collar bone while coughing?

removed mirena and went on pills, having frequent urge to urinate, bloated, tired.
is this normal ?

dear sir i have over masturbation problem i loss hair problem backpain,
sleepless,memory lost every matter forget felling weakness and also more depression
and appears over facial and moustaches hair i am soo upset about that plz give me
advice to stop them

1. your symptoms favour negative symptoms in psychosis which includes

been unwell. anxiety, tremors and headaches. could it be pheochromocytoma?

what is the treatment for trouble with walking and understanding others?

if a lied down then it is not there, howeverr i have lower back pain problem from
a many years if i correct my posture so that i donot have low back pain then the
pain in the testes cannot be felt\

i have a uti, i get them all the time and the doctors would prescribe me
antibiotics and they would come right back. i've tried everything. the only thing
is now i don't have insurance and can't afford to see a doctor right now. is their
anything i can buy to cure it? home remedies maybe?

taking multiple benzodiazepines, especiall in high doses such as 8mg of lorazepam

is definitely not good. it is likely that he has become dependent on
benzodiazepines. i would advise you to discuss with his doctor regarding a gradual
tapering of the unecessary drugs.

what could a painful, pus filled pimple in the perineal area indicate?

what causes difficulty in pulling penile foreskin after masturbating?

how to control thoughts about one who does not live anymore?

sleep well as lack of adequate sleep also leads to constipation and stay active
throughout the day to enhance bowel movements.

yes there is possibility of cogenital malformations in your baby. but it's strange
that previous scans showing severe ascites which has been resolved spontaneously.

suggest treatment for panic disorder and chest pain

it is important to see a doctor to rule out the following possibilties:

can any online doctor help with the semen analysis?

suggest remedy for pain in tailbone after an injury

using small dose of cipralex for anxiety. sleeplessness due to fibromyalgia. can
cipralex be taken with ativan or xanax?

what is the suggestion for increased psa level even after taking casodex?

they are doing, moving out with friends repeatedly will give you pleasure and

shliajit capsules: 2 capsules twice daily, with plain water or milk after
mealsvarunadi vati: 2 tablets twice dailykachnaar guggul : 2 tablets twice
dailytribulus power: 2 capsules twice daily

can cipralex safely be used for mental health problems?

is there any need for extra contraception while on trimethoprim?

blood pressure is not high enough to produce such type of symptoms so we should
evaluate the case and afterward we think of treatment.

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

what are the symptoms and treatment for attention deficiency disorder?

what relieves from stress, tiredness and depression?

what could suddenly cause shakiness,vomiting sensation,blurred vision & cold sweat?
what can you recommend for a child probably having aspergers and no differential
behavioral changes?

how to cure the condition when one constantly speaks to oneself?

until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is.

hello,this is known as deprsonalization phenomenon. it can occur sometimes in a

normal person. but sometimes it can occur in brain diseases to. i would advice you
to go for an mri brain to rule out organic brain disease. alos consult a
psychiatrist nearby you.

hi to my patient i would have advised drug by generic name fluxatintn bd with

clonazepam bd see the response to come for a week and if no relief i would have
advised to personally consult a psychistristdr lalpsychiatrist

please do not go back to him just because you have problems with your house, or
financially, it will never be worth it.

hii m a medical student and i think i have been having obsessions about having
needlestick injuries. everytime after i done a procedure, i get really worried
sometimes and start thinking whether or not i have sustained a prickit's really
affecting me emotionally. what should i do?

i am really glad to know that you have stopped stopped taking alcohol.
congratulations for getting a government job

suggest remedies for pain after susten 200 injection

i haven't had any patients who had pain relieved by back surgery and some that are
quite worse off.

canker sore can occur due to trauma physical or chemical or even due to stress.

what is the treatment for panic attack and anxiety?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

what is the home remedy for the sharp pain in the chest due to swallowing of bone?

yes there can happen irregular bleeding after mirena coil . best thing is to go for
an ultrasound of pelvis to know for exact cause of bleeding as bleeding fresh and
can be sign of something else. get one usg done.

my husband ejaculated and there was a small amount of blood in it. it burned when
coming out and he has become nauseas. everything is fine, he says he has no groin
pain, no fever, no. he's and this is the first time it has ever happened. what is
going on?

is it normal to masturbate in female under garments?

as a first line management you can take analgesics like paracetamol or aceclofenac
for pain relief.

can i take indomethacin to help with the pain after total knee replacement?

you will get used to it after few months of usage. if the issue persist you need to
contact the surgeon for rectification.

sudden memory loss, disorientation. headache, pain in ribs

i am male 70 years old with a very enlarged prostate (bph) i'm scheduled for a
colonoscopy on tuesday and wonder if it's safe o have it with such an enlarged
prostate. my prostate is 160 cc. had a biopsy and i do not have cancer. should i
opt for a virtual colonoscopy. i'm 5'10 and weigh 180 lbs.

i feei i am abnormal as i am not attached to my parents.what do you suggest?

where is this hospital located? which psychiatrist are you looking for in

well my grandads just recenly passed away and i just dont feel up to anything i
hardly go to school my friends knock i just want to be with people i just dont want
be be aloe , its been a while since he passed away and i just carnt see up to doing
anything can you help me ??

how to quit masturbation as it is affecting workouts at gym?

there is nothing much to worry about this condition. semen analysis is almost
normal. if you want to conceive some fertility enhancing drugs may be required.

is sizodon and parkin sufficient for mental disturbances?

radiating pain can be a sign of neuropathic pain and due to compression of the
nerve roots by the prolapsed disc: an mri brain is required to make a diagnosis.

-stress and anxiety: need evaluation. daily aerobic exercise will help.

i think i will certainly able to help you out of this condition.

you are not at all anti social. it is just you are introvert and that is your

solution lies in understanding and accepting the problem and tackling depression by
pharmacological or other means. human body is not just a machine, it has a mind of
its own.

hi, i'm 19 male . 175 cm . 78 kg .i ve bilateral varicocele .. i had scrotal high

resolution ultra sonography &color duplex .. they revealed :

uterus is anterverted shwos a single gestational sac. fetal pole visualized. fetal
cardic activity present. crl:3.7 cm gs:5.7 cm gestational age: 10 wks 06 days
edd:29/07/2018 adnexae are unremarkalbe. internal os is closed. impression: single
intact intrauterine pregnacy of 10 weeks 06 days.

anxiety bipolar. prescribed seriquel. any other mood stabiliser?

have memory and cognitive function deterioration. scan done. is any further
treatment or medication required?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

this is probably blood in the semen. in most cases, there is no serious issue.
however, we need to make sure there is no injury, infection or tumour. we will
advise some tests to find out the cause.
i am sweating more than the people around me and i feel like i am fully drained.
what might be the reason and solution for my problem.

what causes stabbing pains in the abdomen with back ache?

why am i suffering from mood swings and memory loss?

suggest treatment for loss of appetite, anxiety and fatigue

my anus hurts when i cough or clinch, kind of like a "spikey" ball is in there. it
doesn't hurt worse to use the bathroom, my diet is fairly healthy, i have had no
other issues except occasional constipation (about a month and a half ago). just
really uncomfortable

what causes pain and feeling of electric current in my knee?

can susten, ecosprin and lonopin be taken together?

how does a pain clinic manage a cervical ruptured disc without drugs?
iagnose for bipolar disorder?

are kallman's syndrome and borderline personality disorder interrelated?

which medication should i take for dry cough due to climate change ?

hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is
my advice.

suggest remedy for anger issues,low self esteem and problem in working in public

suggest treatment for growth on scrotum, blood in urine and loss of appetite

can taking zapiz and pexep be safe for panic disorder?

can one continue oxycodone and morphine medication for pain management despite
changing physicians?

suggest treatment for discomfort in the testicle after hernia repair

the symptoms seem to be related to a muscular issue.

suggest remedy to cure addiction to masturbation and erectile dysfunction

what is the cause of pain in leg when on cortisone injection?

i am the spouse trying to learn how best to support my loved one. my wife is in a
pretty severe depressed state and i just want to say and do the right things to
best support her. she is feeling very guilty about how this affects me. how can i
assure her she is worth whatever it takes.

your semen analysis report is not satìsfactory. count motility and morphology is
very very should get a direct check-up with urologist or andrologist to
rule out any infection, varicocele or hormonal issues. accordingly the treatment
will help you.

i have been getting numb and tingling in both my arms from elbow down in to my two
last fingers for several months. it started out just every once in awhile and now
is happening several times a day. just recently, my feet have started to tingle and
feel numb every once in a while also.

i have a really bad memory. i can very rarely remember the day before every day. i
have alot of trouble rembering jobs i have done for years and i haven't worked much
in 2 years because of it. i want to go to school but i cant rember anything. what
can i do?

4....recurrence is  more likely if you are taking antibiotics, or if you have

undiagnosed or poorly controlled diabetes.

i am 42, 5;5, 115lbs, i m pretty active. i have for the past two days had a
soreness, or tenderness between my butt cheeks that is causing some serious pain.
the pain is at the top of the butt cheeks right in the center where the cheeks
split. what is this? help

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