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18BCS4112-EKat ResearchPaper

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A survey of HRMs and Employee

Management systems using a Cloud-Based

Approach to Deployment

Kaustubh Barbudhe Murli Bhatnagar

IBM-Computer Science and Engineering IBM-Computer Science and Engineering
Chandigarh University of Mohali Chandigarh University of Mohali
Mohali, Punjab, India Mohali, Punjab, India

Abstract - Since the rise of today's widely distributed performance management documents. Workflow allows you
platforms, networks, middleware, and networked to automatically perform tasks and save time on
applications, software architecture, production, and management. They allow you to schedule instant
validation have become enormously sophisticated. Software notifications when holidays are approved or keep potential
system dependability has become a serious concern as the attendees informed of the progress of their application.
demand for advanced software systems has outpaced the Continuously, businesses conduct regular performance
capacity to conceive, build, test, and maintain them. In reviews to evaluate the performance of their employees in
several applications, the software has become an increasingly
the company. In other words, they analyze the results of their
vital component of a wide range of operations that execute
work and when they meet the expectations. They often ask
difficult and critical tasks. The EKat – Employee Interactions
and Directory Store is one of those programs that are essential for feedback from colleagues and analyze objectives. This
in today's culture, but few people realize it. We live in a vast can be a tedious task, but performance management software
world where every piece of data and information is Important can be very helpful. These systems facilitate data collection
and every organization or institution wants to provide the and performance. Once the above three mentioned stages of
utmost importance and protection to such information. We problem definition, requirement brainstorming, and
want Third parties to have the least coverage of our personal requirement analysis is done, as a development team its now
information and still be able to use and manage resources. time to move to the next phase, which is the design or coding
Having control over your application can help the user to phase where the team writes the code to make this
manage their environment better and create better future- application or software a reality and not just design on a
proofing for the upcoming times. paper. Once all the above-mentioned development stages are
completed, the application or software is tested for any
I. INTRODUCTION inconsistencies missed during the development process such
as development errors, or loopholes. Now, most of the
Application and system programming have risen in development stages are completed and we move to the last
popularity in recent years because they make our lives stage of development, which is maintenance where the
simpler and lessen the number of physical labor necessary by application or software is deployed into the real world and is
repeating a simple but repetitive activity over and again. The provided to the customer for access. Now with advancing
program can help with monitoring and making times and modernization, the waterfall model has had further
recommendations to guarantee high performance and timely refinements to include an iteration process of going in both
delivery of resources. Although software may make a directions which is backward and forward in case of any
person's or an institution's job simpler, building the code and issue or to incorporate any modifications or missing links
establishing the settings to operate these complex changes. The application or software development life cycle
applications remains challenging. Software is a set of process specifies a method or way of developing the
commands or assumptions written in a programming application or software to ensure best practice and avoid
language. It's also referred to as a computer program or future errors.
simply a program. Human resources are often regarded as
one of the most valuable assets of tourism and hospitality There are a series of development phases or stages that depict
organizations. Numerous studies have explored how staff the various development tasks involved in the creation or
performance can be managed to contribute to the development of the software or application. This is called the
organizational line. an overview of the emerging styles in Software Life Cycle Model or SDLC short for Software
HRM and a summary of what is recommended in staff Development Life Cycle Model. The model by which most

of the applications are implemented is by using the Waterfall to swiftly find sources, data, and other details without
Model, this model is the most widely used in a procedure- stopping and asking for contact information.
oriented development for an application or software. This
development model operated on the bases that it attempts to • Strengthen the company culture
segregate the identifiable series of activities into a When workers know how they fit in the company and have
development-oriented series of actions, each of which phase, a big picture over their platoon, you can fluently show their
must be completed before the development team can move identity and purpose. When workers know how they fit in the
to the next step. company and have a big picture of their platoon, you can
fluently show their identity and purpose.

• Collaboration becomes easier

The worker directory software is a fantastic way to connect
The Human Resource or Employee/staff management world workers and ease the collaboration between brigades and
is continuously changing, evolving, and craving towards a departments.
complete digital metamorphosis because every organization
• Onboarding is bettered
knows the importance of technology, and is familiar with
how easy it is to absorb and come means for any association. Whenever someone new joins the company, they're
The business terrain is subject to fierce competitiveness overwhelmed with all the new names and faces, especially
where only the strongest survive and grow. Among the those who handle what. It can get a little disturbing when
strengths of a company are the pool and the software that you're bothering a platoon member to help you remember
eases the operation. The management of employee operation who's who. Using an online worker directory, you can reduce
of management software/ System is increasingly complex, the threat of awkward hassles when you cannot put a name
permanently streamlined, and updated on the request to the face. All the new hire needs to do is check the directory
realities and challenges, and allows you to concentrate on and find out which worker handles what.
essential business development pretensions. One of the
generally requested features in the digital plant is the
employee operations and management directory. All ten IV. LITERATURE REVIEW OF RELATED
stylish intranets of 2020 nominated by Nielsen Norman ACTIVITIES
Group had a management system for employee’s directory
on the homepage. Companies Frequently use one of the Jin Wei Tu [1] published a paper on employee management
available tools for managing a management system systems based on SOA, the paper proposed a system to
directory. Some still are dependent on manual spreadsheets, introduce the concept of a Service-Oriented Architecture-
but they're hardly flexible and not dependable enough for based management system by highlighting the main ways of
housing an entire employee’s contact list, the company reducing traditional management system practices of pen-
paper-based records, as well as the side effects of using a
phone directory, or a simple management database.
paper-based management system causing problems during
data sorting and refining. The report proposed solutions to
improve the existing state of the management system by
III. PURPOSE OF STUDY deploying a computer system across the employer's premises
for greater reachability. This system lacks [a] Flexibility,
• Make better working connections: which makes it difficult to maintain status on-premise and
When you can put or associate a face to a corresponding not remotely accessible. [b] The system did not provide any
name, you're formerly near to creating a better workroom risk management for the organization's data, and resource
association between individuals. Rather than having a paper management became more difficult and increase the
directory sketched on for long unorganized text or numerous complexity of storage. Timothy Bartman [2] proposed an
figures on your phone for reference, a worker directory employee management system in an organizational context
software allows you to have prints, a memoir, job title, proposing a theoretical model of the qualities and
position, know-how, etc. The digital directory or determinants of employee management setups, basic
management software makes it easier to find who's who, management, personnel management, and human resource
predominantly when you use a personality-service approach. management (HRM). A typology of six employee
A visual commercial directory app creates a social management structures is developed in both unionized and
experience. non-unionized situations. This paper criticizes the
universalistic approach to human resource management.
• Boost worker engagement This study investigates the motivations for staff management
When workers can hand over and pierce information practices as well as the elements that impact them.
directly, they feel more empowered, which boosts worker Originality/value – In the normative HRM literature, there
engagement. Either, a worker directory app makes it easier has been little analysis of the role of context in influencing
the nature of HRM or employee management in general. The

goal of this study is to use population ecology theory to problem in software management and requiring specialized
analyze how context influences the characteristics of staff trained labor to manage the software life cycle, non-hosting
management. Initial investigation and requirement of critical organizational data onto on-premise servers poses
brainstorming determine the project's operability in the real a problem of data breaches and has little to no disaster
world, and usability within the organization, it also management, and because it uses complex software
determines the use of resources most effectively or functionality, it poses a problem. The ability to add new
efficiently possible to minimize loss and money wastage. features to the system while it is still operational may result
The main objective of the feasibility study before the in little to no feature attachment in the future. Java is used as
development process is not to solve the problem but it is to the foundation of software development in the employee
determine whether this application or software development management system, whether it is an application or desktop
proves beneficial to the business itself or not and is it going software. The use of a very complicated programming
to make any profit. During the development process and after language complicates the internal code and programming.
the completion of the development the main questions are Sadhana kamatkar, Amarapali tayade, Amelec Viloria, Ana
cost and time spent on the project which is estimated with Emilia Hernandez [5] proposed a paper on Applicationthe of
pinpoint accuracy to get the exact result. Cost and time play classification technique of data mining for employee
the bridge between the end user’s product requirements and management system by developed an employee management
the output achieved after the development process. The system that, in addition to our regular employee management
cutting-edge terms ‘human assets’ and ‘human capital’ system, leverages data mining techniques to improve the
replicate the increasing popularity of the strategic users' or clients' data retrieval experience and provide more
importance of personnel. The phrasly confer with the refined control for the business. It is vital for organizations
developments that humans convey to the place of work, to collect accurate data about the performance of their
inclusive of knowledge, intelligence, enthusiasm, a potential employees or human resources. In order to cluster and easily
to analyze, analyze forth. personnelise seen much less and identify the various employee data sets and their
less as a highly-priced necessity, and more and more as a performance, a data mining system is necessary to extract
strategic useful resource that could provide an business and cluster critical information regarding employee
enterprise with aggressive gain. In service industries along performance. When integrated with the management system,
with restaurants, aforan instance, wherein employees have this provides firms with useful data on efficiency and
direct contact with clients, having personnel which can be productivity. For meaningful analytics, personnel
pleasant and helpful has a big impact on how clients will management systems can be combined with technology like
view the enterprise. In IT industries, having group of workers as artificial intelligence and machine learning. This enables
with top technical knowledge is essential. Jie Dong and the organization to track the company's long-term growth
Qinglong Liu [3] proposed the Paper about Human resources and manage resources such as expenditures. When properly
management of college teachers on the theoretical basis of aligned, this can help the organization produce higher-
all-round development of human beings by conveys that the quality results. Qingru Kong and Yabo Luo [6] proposed a
idea of human development is an inherent aspect of the paper about an agent enabled logarithm arithmetic for cost
Marxist system and serves as the foundation for the theory estimation of human resource sharing has effectively
of human resource management in colleges The key to the explained that rising online-based staff-sharing technology is
transformation of the college workforce system should be to a vital aspect of the E-human resource management system
make human resource management in colleges science and that successfully overcomes the difficulty of transparency
standard, based on the full development of Marxism people and poor efficiency when compared to the old staff-sharing
and the environment for completely realizing the scientific strategy. However, the lack of a cost-effective model for
vision for development. Beginning with the theory of online staff sharing is an understatement, resulting in a wide
universal human development around the world, the author gap between theory and reality in staff sharing. This research
analyses the importance of universal development theory in intends to bridge that gap by developing a coherent theory
human resource management for college teachers, as well as followed by an operating system. First, a brief introduction
the neglect of theory in human resource management in is offered based on earlier research initiatives that encompass
colleges these days, and prioritizes other specific steps in theory and visual business development. Second,
emphasizing the theory of universal human development logarithmic arithmetic powered by a cost-effective
when addressing human resource management. Sajid Umair innovative agent has been presented: a logarithmic time-
[4] proposed an Employee Management System in java for saving function and an online bidding method driven by
the Capital Television network to enhance or innovate an entropy employing agent technology are proposed. Finally, a
existing or previously built software-based management scheme for staff sharing was created. A better system
system by taking into account the features of the previously recognizes both automation and intelligence sharing, which
developed system and adding features to increase is why it is an excellent technique to boost competition in a
performance and usability When it comes to re-inventing the collaborative corporate relationship. Prety Diawati, Djoko
system, the new system is software-based but is not hosted Pitoyo, and Tomy Fitrio [7] proposed a paper on the
on a server for better reachability and flexibility, posing a challenges of implementing an employee management

system for improving workplace management effectiveness for resource usage. Cloud technology can also help the
proposed a method for incorporating and managing organization to focus more on data rather than the life cycle
employees into the management system based on their job and operations of the application or software. EKat-
titles. This approach also provided the software with system Management system is being created to provide the user with
backup capabilities and logs for application monitoring. The a secure, reliable, and easy-to-use employee management
application not only delivers basic comforts to the consumer, system that can be managed with minimum computer
but it also leverages the data for useful analytics like work knowledge.
reports and performs analyses in order to improve
organizational efficiency. This staff management system • EKat - Management system is being created to
helps businesses better align with their clients and projects, provide the user with a secure, reliable, and easy-to-
use employee or staff management system that can be
as well as giving other features like a call log and holiday,
managed with minimum computer knowledge and
birthday, and notice notifications. This employee
doesn’t require a specialized individual to operate.
management system provides the user with administrative • EKat - Management System was developed by
powers as well as an internal messaging system to help the keeping in mind that the organizations, reduce capital
company communicate more effectively. This management and operational expenditure as the company is set up
system may also be used to request leave, which the or as it grows on costly management systems and
company can easily track to improve productivity. This hosting.
article also goes over some of the challenges that a company • EKat - A management system when integrated with
may have while putting together a management system, such the cloud can help the organization to focus on other
as planning and constructing a framework within which the work rather than management and sorting of user data
business may function. Hazimah Suhip Fahmi Ibrahim [8] and focus othe n actual development of business.
proposed a paper on User Satisfaction of Electronic Human • The goal of this project is to create and learn the
Resource Management System: A Qualitative Evidence of complexities of a management system hosted on the
Government Employee Management System proposed a cloud for better reachability and availability.
system for the implementation of E-HRM, training, user- • Management systems are a necessity of the modern
friendliness, infrastructure, data security, technical help, and world and where every company is looking forward
to adopting or creating software or application that
user support were all evaluated as determinants in user
can ease the management operations and could have
satisfaction. HR officers from four government departments better control over them reducing third-party
and one person from the Infotech division, which is in charge involvement and chances of data breaches.
of creating and maintaining GEMS, were questioned • EKat - Management systems are built in such a way
qualitatively. The findings suggested that GEMS did not that every operationtheyt perform is redundant and
offer users an appropriate system. Only data security and secure from any corruption.
technical support satisfy users. They are unsatisfied with the • EKat – Management system is integrated with cloud
other components, resulting in a lack of user help and an technology can help in providing high-Availability
unsatisfactory system. This management system requires and less yearly downtime.
specialized individuals to manage the application. This • EKat – Employee interactions and directory store is
provides the organization or the government with the ability integrated with cloud technology which can help in
to provide distributed management which also makes it hard providing elasticity to manage and process peak loads
to identify bugs or problems in the system. The application with highest efficiency.
is distributed provides the option to make it scalable and add • EKat – Employee Interactions and directory store is
more features over time. integrated with cloud technology which can help in
providing scalability to manage high traffic and provide
high availability throughout the year irrespective of the
IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK • EKat- Employee interactions and directory store when
integrated with cloud technology can help in providing
The goal of this paper is to create and learn the complexities load balancing to ensure better load distribution among
of a management system hosted on the cloud for better the instances on which the application is hosted to
reachability and availability. Management systems are a increase efficiency and reduce operational costs.
necessity of the modern world and where every company is • Cloud-based management systems help provide
looking forward to adopting or creating software or analytics and forecasting for resource usage. Cloud
application that can ease the management operations and technology can also help the organization to focus more
could have better control over them. Modern Management on data rather than the life cycle and operations of the
systems are built such that every operation they perform is application or software
redundant and secure from any corruption. This when
integrated with cloud technology can help in providing
scalability, elasticity, and availability. Cloud-based
management systems help provide analytics and forecasting

V. RESULTS development includes stages such as software requirement,
software analysis, software coding software testing and
Distributed employee management system is an application,
finally, maintenance of the software is performed. An initial
specifically developed to hold and maintain the details of the
investigation in terms of project development looks like a
employees working in any company, institution, or
development proposal that decides whether an application of
organization. It holds, utilizes, and maintains this
the software is feasible to develop or not by keeping in mind
information about employees, or the personal details of the
factors such as money in time.
employees working in an organization. It also manages the
details of the salary and payroll management system which
enable the organization to generate pay slips respective to the
employees based on their performance. This kind of
Management System application is well suited for the
applications that are developed using Java programming
language or python programming language. looking at the
management system itself, it is quite simple to understand or
formulate the working of the application and collect data that
can be used by someone who is not even familiar with the
operations or working of a simple employee’s management
system. It is easy-to-use and provides a user-friendly
interface to interact with the users and just asks the customers Application Interface After deployment
to follow a simple step-by-step tutorial or operations
procedure by giving them a few handy options. It is fast and
can perform many critical operations for a company or an
institution. Being distributed also provides a lot of
advantages to the user and provides ease of access to
managed data. This application built using java or python
software package has been developed using the by skilled
professionals and powerful application coding tools at both
backend and frontend and. The developed software is very
easy-to-use and user-friendly. The developed application
package contains different modules integrated into one
application. These modules are like Employee details. This
version of the application has a distributed multi-user global
approach and further development or enhancement can help
optimize the application to its best form. EKat - Employee
Management system is a distributed cloud-based application
that enables organizations or institutions to create and store
employee records and use them as base statistics for future
predictions and performance enhancement. The employee
management application also provides the organization with
the facilities of service integration such as payroll
management systems and performance monitoring systems
which enables the organizations to generate useful insights
from the data gathered.

Each development project starts with some needs or what we

call requirements and ends with some applications or
software that satisfy those user or customer needs. An
application or software development life cycle also specifies
the set of activities that should be kept in mind and
performed to go from just being an idea onto a paper to a
product that the customer or the user can use. There are a vast
number of development models for the Software
Development processes and each unique model specifies the
activities that are needed to be performed and the order in
which they should be executed to achieve the end goal. Now
the development model selection depends on the nature of
the project that is being developed, the entire process of

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