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Interprocess Communication: OS/2 2.

1 and UnixWare

Multi-tasking OSes like Unix and OS/2 bring interprocess communication, IPC, explicitly into the realm of
applications programming. As a Unix or OS/2 developer you can design a single system with dozens of
independent processes (or threads) if that's what you want. However, in order to make a coherent system,
these processes usually have to pass information back and forth, and that's where IPC comes in.

As an applications programmer looking at the APIs of the two systems, you would be hard-pressed to see any
similarities. However, it turns out that the models of IPC available are very similar, though the
implementations differ greatly. Here, we'll look at IPC under OS/2 2.1 and UnixWare 1.1, and see what
common ground we can find.

When you're designing a multi-process (or thread) system, there are a number of IPC issues you need to think
about. The first one is, how are the processes going to identify the shared resource? Since related processes
(child processes and threads) share a common set of open file handles with their parent, they don't have to
worry about resource naming. The parent can create any number of anonymous resources (pipes, shared
memory ...) and both parent and child can refer to them simply by handle.

Unrelated processes don't enjoy the luxury of sharing open handles, and thus, need to have another way to
identify shared resources. Under OS/2, resources have names that must be unique, fully qualified filenames
under OS/2's rules for file naming. Each resource type uses a common base filename. For semaphores this is
"\SEM32", queues "\QUEUES", shared memory "\SHAREMEM", and pipes "\PIPE".

Under Unix, queues, semaphores and shared memory share a single naming scheme. These resources have an
integer id that is typically created by a call to ftok which uses an agreed-upon filename and a char seed to create
a consistent integer id. Listing 1 shows a typical use of ftok to create a resource ID.

With the resource named, the processes then have to agree on who owns the resource, that is, who's
responsible for creating and destroying it. System-wide resources, resources that unrelated processes can
access, generally have to be explicitly destroyed. That means that if your process gets disappeared without
destroying the resource, the next time it comes up, the resource will already exist and the create call will fail.
Take it from me, processes disappear mysteriously a lot more often than anyone is willing to admit. Local
resources, like anonymous pipes, live and die with the process that created them, but in general, you have to
put some thought into what you need to do if a process fails to properly dispose of an unneeded resource.

Another issue to pay attention to in any IPC situation is atomicity. I write atomic code all the time; blows up
spectacularly. In this case, though, atomicity refers to whether or not a call can be task switched. For our
purposes, a call is said to be atomic if you are guaranteed not to be task-switched in the middle of it. Consider
the case of a bunch of OS/2 processes trying to gain ownership of a resource protected by a single, mutual
exclusion semaphore. Each process makes a call to DosRequestMutexSem and blocks waiting for the
semaphore to clear. The current owner clears the semaphore. Only one of the waiting processes can now
become the new owner. If DosRequestMutexSem were not atomic, you could get two or more processes
waking up and thinking they owned the semaphore.

The last, and perhaps most important consideration is what mode you're going to run the IPC channel in,
blocking or non-blocking. In blocking mode, your process sleeps until the call (Read or Write) can be satisfied.
In non-blocking mode, the call returns an error if it can't be satisfied. If, like the window procedure in a
Windows program, a process is solely concerned with processing the message coming in over the IPC channel,
it's simple, safe and very effective to use blocking IO. Most real-world programs, though, can't afford to block
waiting for IO. Usually, you'll have to split a program into multiple related processes in order to use blocking IO.
A common OS/2 technique is to spawn a thread for each blocking IO channel, and have each thread use non-
blocking IO to get the information back to the main thread.

1 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

Shared Memory and Semaphores

IPC divides into roughly four types: shared memory, semaphores, pipes and queues. Shared memory is the
simplest, most intuitive type of IPC. With shared memory, multiple processes have access to a single block of
memory. Shared memory is particularly effective where the size of the data being communicated is small and
fixed. The difference between shared memory and the message-style IPC APIs (pipes and queues) is the
difference between a whiteboard and a pad of post-it notes.

• You can only fit so much on the whiteboard, while post-its go on forever.

• The information on the whiteboard also has no particular order, while the post-its are always stuck to your
terminal in either chronological or priority order.

Consider the case of an uninterruptible power supply. A typical smart UPS keeps track of a couple of dozen
variables, like line voltage and load, which it transmits to the system every couple of seconds over the serial
port. The UPS control program might consist of two processes; a daemon which reads the serial port and
updates the variables in the shared memory block and a user interface which displays the variables it reads in
the shared memory block. The user is interested in only the current value of any variable, so the user interface
doesn't need to try to display every change of value and thus has no need to synchronize with the daemon. In
this case, the shared memory block is used like the outfield scoreboard at a baseball game, simply transmitting
the scores to anyone who wants to read them.

A simple example, but it presents two potentially nasty atomicity problems. The first is in initialization. The
daemon process creates the shared memory block, and the user interface process attaches to it. There is a small
window of time after the daemon makes the block when the values in the block will be uninitialized. In that
window, the daemon could be task-switched and the user interface could attach to the block and read the bogus
values. Figure 1 illustrates the problem. The second situation occurs whenever the user interface reads, or the
daemon writes the block. Assume, for arguments sake that one of our UPS' values is a string. The daemon
could be strcpy'ing our string to the shared memory block, when the OS task switches to the user interface,
which then tries to use the half completed string. Not a good situation. The same thing can be said in reverse;
if the user interface is halfway through strcpy'ing the string to video memory and the daemon overwrites the
string you also get inconsistent data.

This is where semaphores come in. With our UPS example, a single semaphore could guard the block. On
startup, the daemon would create the semaphore and set it. Then it would create and initialize the shared
memory block. Only after initialization would the daemon clear the semaphore. The user interface would
attach to the semaphore and always block waiting for it to clear before reading the shared memory block. Since
the daemon would always set the semaphore before beginning to write the block, the user interface is
guaranteed never to read a half-complete value. Figure 2 shows how semaphore protection might work in this

Tables 1 and 2 show the OS/2 and UnixWare shared memory and semaphore APIs. As usual, under OS/2
there's a separate call for every step, while Unix lumps a bunch of functionality into a catch-all, ioctl-style,
shmctl call. OS/2 goes even further, by dividing semaphores into two types: mutual exclusion like the one in
our example above, and event such as one might use to indicate that a print job has finished. Unix also operates
by default on a set of semaphores, making you jump through hoops to implement a single semaphore, while
OS/2 assumes a single semaphore and makes you use different calls to operate on sets. I tend to agree with
R.W. Stevens who calls the SVR4 semaphore implementation unnecessarily complicated. Stevens goes so far as
to suggest using file record locking for simple semaphores. Listings 2 and 3 show OS/2 and UnixWare
implementations of a semaphore-protected, shared memory initialization sequence.

Anonymous Pipes

But everyone knows that real comm programmers send messages, and if it's messages you're after, you have
only two choices; pipes and queues. A pipe is a FIFO and it comes in two flavors, named and anonymous, with

2 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

two sizes, full and half duplex. The original pipe was a Unix invention and it came in only one flavor and size;
anonymous, half-duplex. If you wanted full-duplex you had to buy two half-duplexes. A call to pipe yielded one
read and one write handle. The reading process used the read handle, the writing process the write handle. If
Process A wrote a message using the write handle, then read a message using the read handle, it would get
back the message it just wrote. Figure 3 shows an example of a half-duplex pipe.

OS/2 anonymous pipes are always half-duplex. For Process A to talk to Process B via an anonymous pipe,
Process A creates a pipe, getting a read and a write handle, then spawns process (or thread) B which inherits
both of those handles. Process A then closes the read handle, while process B closes the write handle. This
leaves A with a valid write handle and B with a valid read handle. Closing the useless handle ensures that the
process gets notified when the process on the other end of the pipe goes away. If B wants to talk to A, they
have to open another pipe.

A full-duplex pipe is a two way channel which makes the name pipe a bit of a misnomer, because in a real-world
pipe, the water always flows in one direction at a time; half-duplex. In the Unix world, half-duplex pipes were
judged to be less than completely elegant, so as of SVR3.2, all pipes are full duplex (also known as anonymous
stream pipes). A call to pipe gives a handle to each end of a full-duplex pipe. Process A reads from and writes
to the first handle, while Process B reads from and writes to the second handle. So a pipe shared by processes A
and B is more properly thought of as two pipes, one from A to B and one from B to A. Figure 4 shows an
example of a full-duplex pipe.

In service, a pipe is sort of a cross between a serial port and a file. Like a file, you can generally choose how you
want to read the data, binary or translated, whether you want a byte at a time or CR-LF delimited lines. Like a
serial port, you can never read what you write (unless you're abusing a half-duplex pipe), and read data always
comes at you in FIFO order. You can open it as a byte-stream (raw mode), or as a message stream (cooked
mode). You can also end up blocking on the open, if there's no process on the other end, on the read, if there's
no data available, on the write, if the pipe's full and on the close if there's still data flowing.

Named Pipes

Named pipes are exactly what the name implies: IPC channels which are referred to by name, and can thus
have unrelated processes on either end. OS/2 has a single, fairly simple, named pipe API which provides full-
duplex IPC channels.

On the other hand, if you plow into the UnixWare doc looking for named pipes you will be sorely disappointed.
UnixWare actually has two forms of named-pipe; FIFOs and named stream pipes. FIFOs are an interesting
case. They are actually FIFOs, in that data always gets read in the order it was written in. They are also files
though, in that they actually exist within the file-system and can be seen with a simple directory listing. The file
IO functions (open, close, read, write ...) work on them. You create a FIFO by calling mkfifo or using the creat
system call with the FIFO_MODE bit set. FIFOs have one big drawback; they are only half-duplex.

If you want full-duplex named pipes, you need to use named stream pipes. Named stream pipes are even
more difficult to find in the doc than FIFOs (try streams(7) or just read Stevens). This is mostly because
they're implemented by combining two other facilities: FIFOs and anonymous stream pipes . On the server
end, you create a FIFO and an anonymous stream pipe, push the streams module connld onto the stream,
then use fattach to attach the FIFO name to the anonymous stream pipe. Voila, the anonymous stream
pipe now has a name. The tricky part is that the file descriptor the server uses for reading and writing is
neither the original anonymous stream pipe descriptor, nor one gotten from opening the FIFO but one
received via the ioctl call I_RECVFD. The client end is easy; simply open the FIFO and read and write it as if
it were an anonymous stream pipe. If it all sounds a little convoluted, well, it's not that bad. Listing 4 shows
a complete program for a client and server exchanging messages over a named stream pipe. Tables 3 and 4
list the calls in the OS/2 and UnixWare pipe APIs.

If you need to send a byte stream, pipes, named or anonymous, are the only IPC choice you have. This is why
the classic pipe examples always involve dup'ing standard input and ouput. In fact, a good application for named

3 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

pipes is in a multi-user game, where the users all sit there bashing the arrow keys to move their game pieces
around and shoot at each other. There's a single, global game process and then a user-interface process for
each user. Each user-interface opens a pipe to the game process. The user-interface sends the user's
keystrokes to the game process over the pipe, and receives all the other user's moves from the game process
over the same pipe. Someone at Microsoft actually wrote a great multi-user Tank game for LAN Manager that
used networked, named-pipes in this fashion.

The Other End

Unlike all the other forms of IPC, pipes are true process-to-process connections, so they pay close attention to
the status of the processes on both ends of the conversation. Depending on what the processes are doing,
something happening on one end of the pipe can result in a signal (SIG_PIPE), an error return, or blocking on
the other end.


Now that Windows has conquered the world, message queues are a painfully familiar topic. The Windows
message queue is actually a very good example of when to use a queue.

• All the events have to be received (forget about mouse moves for now). Wouldn't do to miss any mouse
clicks. In our UPS example, all the data value changes didn't have to be processed by the user interface.

• The order of events must be maintained. When you double -click on an icon, the double-click message has
to come after the mouse -move that took the mouse to the icon. In our UPS example, the user doesn't care
if the value for line voltage was received before the value for load.

• The event can be described with a small amount of data of fixed size. Most Windows messages try to put
the event data into the fixed-size message. When the data won't fit, Windows uses a pointer.

There is an important difference between OS/2 and Unix queues. Unix queues can hold a configurable
maximum total number of bytes in the queue, so you can copy variable sized messages directly into the queue,
while OS/2 queues operate strictly on 32 bit data values. Big deal, you say; just use pointers. Pointers to what,
though? Say Processes A and B are unrelated and trying to communicate 10 byte messages via a queue. A
passes B a pointer to a 10 byte bit of memory. Unless that pointer points to shared memory, B will GP fault
trying to read it. Listing 5 shows an example of an OS/2 program that uses queues and shared memory to pass
> 32 byte messages.

OS/2 queues allow you to choose either FIFO, LIFO or priority ordering of elements. You set the read order
when you create the queue and it can't be changed. Unix approaches read ordering a little differently. You
create the queue without specifying a read order. You specify (and can change) the read order with each call to
read. You can read either the first message, or the first message that has a particular integer id attached to it.
By using the target process's pid as the integer id, you can then use the queue as a two way, full-duplex FIFO
channel. Tables 5 and 6 show the Unix and OS/2 queue APIs.


In many cases, you'll want to set up a single process that serves a number of blocking IPC channels. UnixWare
includes the ability to operate on multiple IO handles (not just pipes) via the poll and select calls. Under OS/2,
you have to attach a semaphore to each pipe or queue, then create a multiplexed semaphore containing all the
individual semaphores. Listing 5 uses OS/2 multiplexed semaphores to implement a single process servicing
multiple queues.

4 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM


Unix strives to preserve a consistent approach to all system resources, whether they be files, devices, or IPC
channels. Thus, with all the four forms of UnixWare IPC, you have to pay careful attention to the read/write
permissions (execute mostly doesn't apply) for owner, group and public the same way you do for files. Along
with permissions you also have to be aware of the effective user id of the processes. In OS/2, permissions are
generally binary: other processes can access the resource or they can't, with no gray areas.


I've ignored signals to this point. Under UnixWare, they provide a significantly different IPC model whereby
you can register a function to be called when an event occurs, then "send" that event from within an unrelated
process. They suffer from serious restrictions, however. No information is passed with the signal, and the
number of user-defined signals is severely limited. As well, if a process is in a blocking system call when a signal
arrives, the system call will generally return an error which must be explicitly ignored. OS/2 uses the signaling
model for handling exceptions like CTL-C, but does not provide for user-defined signals.

Other IPC

Under UnixWare and OS/2, several other forms of IPC are also available. These include things like, OLE, and
DDE (which is built on shared memory anyway) and the messaging APIs of the Motif and Presentation Manager
GUIs. Both also support network socket APIs and UnixWare, of course, comes bundled with the NetWare
networking APIs.


Like most everything else, IPC is not portable between OS/2 and UnixWare. However, though the
implementation details differ greatly, the two systems do share certain ways of thinking about IPC. They try to
cover the same functionality, and almost any style of IPC you implement in one can usually be replicated in the

John Rodley is a writer and independent consultant.


R.W. Stevens, Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Addison-Wesley

Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey, Client/Server Programming with OS/2 2.0, Van Nostrand Reinhold.

OS/2 2.0 Technical Library, Programming Guide Volume 1, IBM

5 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

OS/2 Shared Memory API Notes

DosAllocSharedMem Create shared memory.

DosFreeMem Destroy shared memory.

DosGetNamedSharedMem Attach to named shared


DosGetSharedMem Attach to unnamed shared


DosGiveSharedMem Give access to unnamed

shared memory.

OS/2 Semaphore API Notes

DosCloseEventSem Destroy event semaphore.

DosCreateEventSem Create event semaphore.

DosOpenEventSem Attach to event semaphore.

DosPostEventSem Trigger an event.

DosQueryEventSem Query event sem status.

DosResetEventSem Clear an event from


DosWaitEventSem Block waiting for event


DosCloseMutexSem Destroy a mutual exclusion


DosCreateMutexSem Create mutex semaphore.

DosOpenMutexSem Attach to mutex semaphore.

DosQueryMutexSem Check status of mutex


DosReleaseMutexSem Clear mutex semaphore.

DosRequestMutexSem Wait for semaphore to clear,

then set it.

DosAddMuxWaitSem Add a semaphore to

semaphore set on the fly.

6 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

DosCloseMuxWaitSem Destroy the semaphore set.

DosCreateMuxWaitSem Create semaphore set.

DosDeleteMuxWaitSem Delete a semaphore from

semaphore set on the fly.

DosOpenMuxWaitSem Attach to existing semaphore


DosQueryMuxWaitSem Check semaphore's status.

Table 1: OS/2 shared memory and semaphore API

UnixWare Shared Memory API Notes

shmget Create shared memory.

shmctl Destroy shared memory.

shmat Attach to existing shared memory.

shmdt Detach from shared memory.

UnixWare Semaphore API Notes

semget Create a semaphore set.

semctl Destroy a semaphore set, get and

set semaphore values.

Table 2: UnixWare shared memory and semaphore API

OS/2 Pipe API Notes

DosCallNPipe Does a transact and a close. See DosTransact and


DosConnectNPipe Put server end of pipe into listen mode. Blocks

until client end calls DosOpen.

DosCreateNPipe Make a named pipe.

DosDisConnectNPipe Server acknowledges client calling DosClose.

DosPeekNPipe See if anything's in the pipe.

DosQueryNPipeHState See if pipe's listening, connected, closed ...

7 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

DosQueryNPipeInfo Check pipe parameters.

DosQueryNPipeSemState Check on the semaphore attached to this pipe.

DosSetNPHState Change blocking and read modes.

DosSetNPipeSem Attach a semaphore to a pipe.

DosTransactNPipe Write a message and read a response.

DosWaitNPipe Wait for named pipe to be created.

DosClose Close the pipe.

DosCreatePipe Create anonymous pipe.

DosOpen Open a pipe.

DosRead Read a pipe.

DosWrite Write a pipe.

Table 3: OS/2 pipe API.

UnixWare Pipe API Notes

pipe Create anonymous stream pipe.

popen Exec a process and create a new

anonymous stream pipe and attach it to
process's stdin and stdout.

pclose Close a pipe.

ioctl Used to push connld onto named pipe

stream and to receive named pipe file
descriptor. See I_PUSH and I_RCVFD

fattach Attach file system name to stream.

creat Create a FIFO (set FIFO_MODE).

mkfifo Create a FIFO.

Table 4: UnixWare pipe API.

OS/2 Queue API Notes

DosCloseQueue Destroy a queue.

8 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

DosCreateQueue Create a queue.

DosOpenQueue Attach to an existing queue.

DosPeekQueue See what's in the queue.

DosPurgeQueue Clean out the queue.

DosReadQueue Take a message off the


DosWriteQueue Put a message into the


Table 5: OS/2 queue API.

UnixWare Queue Notes


msgget Create a new queue or attach to

an existing queue.

msgctl Destroy the queue.

msgsnd Send a message.

msgrcv Take a message off the queue.

Table 6: UnixWare queue API.

Time slice Daemon Process User Interface Process

1 Loop waiting for shared memory to appear.

2 Create uninitialized shared memory.

3 Read shared memory.

4 Initialize shared memory.

5 Display bogus values from uninitialized

shared memory.

Figure 1: Unprotected shared memory initialization.

9 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

Time slice Daemon Process User Interface Process

1 Loop waiting for semaphore to appear.

2 Create and set semaphore

3 Block waiting for semaphore to clear.

4 Create uninitialized shared memory.

5 Block ...

6 Initialize shared memory.

7 Block ...

8 Clear semaphore

Unblock now that semaphore is clear

read shared memory block,
and display initialized values.

Figure 2 : Shared memory initialization protected by a semaphore.

After call:
pipe( fd );

fd[1] = write handle fd[0] = read handle

write handle read handle

Figure 3: A half-duplex pipe.

After call:
pipe( fd );

fd[0] = server read/write handle

fd[1] = client read/write handle

Server Client
read/write handle read/write handle

Figure 4: A full-duplex pipe.

10 Interprocess Communication: OS/2 and Unixware 1/28/2006 11:49:36 PM

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