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KSPCB CFE-CFO Fee Structure

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12, NOVElltBfR,2020 Karthika,2r, sHAKAv ARSHA, r942) lssue 46

qnzl 9o
olz3dd adeo$drld i$* et{rl$ a3:ec3 dogcoFo ntu.go$ ddaddJ, qoGid
elslTYor e;oerAeuzt9:, ieogid d:* yoidrte,
f* oD%d
sJodBid xodnd, zoidod Oo$Corlgc *d: maiorozld d:edd oorruo.:,i
u3redzt coa", iaro{l
oo.$drddc E"rLro dd? wa{ ooro3nc.loid utDed ooStdg,

Commerce & lndustries Department,

Karnataka Government Secretariat,
Vikasa Soudha, Dr. BR Ambedkar Road,
Bengaluru - 560001.
Tel. 080-22034625
No. Cl 60 SPl2020(E) Date:04.11.2A20

Whereas the draft of the Karnataka lndustries (Facilitation) (Amendment) Rules,
2020 was published in notification No. ct 60 spl 2o2o(E), oateo oi.tjs.zo2o in part tV_A,
No. 3BB of the Karnataka Gazette Extraordinary dated 04.09.2020 inviting objections and
suggestions from all persons likely to be affected thereby within fifteen OayJtrom the date of
its publication in the official Gazette;

And whereas, the said Gazette was made available to the public on 7s september,

And whereas, no objections and suggestions were received in respect of the said

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 21 and read with
section 'l1A of the Kamataka lndustries (Facilitation) Act, 2002 (Karnataka Act 45 of 2003),
the Government of Karnataka hereby makes the following rules, namely:-


1. Title and commencement.' (1 ) These rules may be called tK'

lndustries (Facilitation)(Amendment) Rules, 2020

'^LAt dJarlrd oaa,JddJ,rbcbDd, c-9, &doDct, 9c9o qr-.rl 9o
No. FEE 205 EPC 2018 Karnataka Government Secretariat
M.S. Building
Bangalore, dated:30.09.2020.


The words and senrence "In the Govemment Notification No.FEE 316 EpC 2015, dated
19 9\?020"
in the para 1 of corrigendum Notification No.FEE 205 Epc 201g, dated
09'09.2020 shall be corrected and read as '' In the Government Notification No.FEE
316 EpC
2015, dated 19.0-1..201.6" .

Rest of the contenls in the above mentioned corrigendum Notification sharl remain

By Order and in the Name of the

Governor of Kamataka,

(Muralidhar S. Tallikeri)
Under Secretary to Government,
(Ecology and Environment)
Forest, Ecology and Environment Dept
No. FEE 251 EPC 2016 (, Kamataka Govemment Secretariat
M.S. Building
Bangalore, date d :29.L0.2020

In exercise of the powers c*ffim*"d with sub-section (2) of secrion

25 of the water (rlevention and Contror
of plilutron; Act,1gzl(cenhar Act 6
of'1974) and in
consultation with the Kamataka state po[ution
control Board, the Government of
Karnataka hereby makes the following
rules further to amend the Kamataka
Prevention and contror of water porution state Board for
(procedure for Transaction of Business)
Water (Prevention and Control of pollution) and the
Rules, 1976 namely:-
1. Title and comr
Boardrortheneventionfi ":;T:i#i^*:i"o;,,ii,tr[:il111,l".ffi,ffiT
and the water (prevention and
,,ffi:*o c""t-r""r porution) (Amendmenr)

(2) They shall come

into force on the date of their
2. Amendmen*o Rure 32_ rn the
Contror of water porution Karnata#::::T;,1::ff:"?T::.
(proceclure fJ;;;"n
of Business) and the water
dJaFtJd oaaJddJ, dDdja"d, o-9, iicuc, Jojo
(1' rcventiorl and Control of pollution) Rules, 1976, in rule 32
(a) for sub-rure (2) and the Table and the
entries relating there to, the forowing sharl be
substitute4 namely:-

'(2) such application shall be accompanied by fee as specified

in the Tables berow:
Table Ia
consent fee fol consent to establish or consent
to expansion or consert to operate for Industries or
organizations other than coffee pulping covered
under 1(b) and proiects covered under 1(c), 1(d) and 1(e).

C o ns e n t F ee p er ann um ln R u p e es
SI Capital Investment to r In dustri es o r izatlon s
No Category Category Category
Red Oran Green
Exceeding Rs. 25 crorei
0.020% of 0.015% of 0.010% of
Capital Capital Capital
Investment Investment Investrnent
Exceedi n8 Rs. 10 crores but not
excee Rs. 25 crores. 39,000 32,500 26,000
Exceeding Rs. 5 crorei but not
exceed Rs. 10 crores, 26,000 22,750 19500
Exceeding R s. 1 crore but not exceeding
Rs. 5 crores. 19,500 16,250 13,000
Exceeding Rs 50 lakhs but not exceeding
Rs. 1 Crore. 7,800 6,500 5,200
Exceeding Rs. 25 lakhs but not exceeding
Rs. 50 lakhs. 3,900 3,250 2,600
Exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs but not exceeding
Rs. 25 la.khs. 2,600 2,275 7,950
Exceeding Rs . 5 lakhs but not exceeding
I Rs. 10lakhs. 1,950 7,625 13oo
9 Rs, 5 lakh and below 650 325 260

Table I(b)
Consent fee for consent to establish or consent to expansion or consent to operate for
Coffee pulping units:

Consent Fee
Activity Category Type of Pulper
(in Rs. per unit per annum)
Wet Pulper 1.625
Coffee Orange
Pulping Eco pulpr'r and Dry pulpcr 1000
9,4o9 dsDrud qDa.;3.,rtd.f,ad, a,j, i;orf,, j:j l

l-ablc I(c)
Consent fee for consent to establish or consent to expansion for Infrastructure Proiects viz- Rcsidential
(Standalone Apartments), l,ayouts, Integrated Proiects, Comnercial Complex, Office Complexes, Education
Institutions, Township and Local Body (including BWSSB and KLJWS&DB)

Consent Fee
in Rs. r annum
In the limits In the limits In the limits
of Mahanagara of City or of Taluk or
Category Capacity of STP Palike and City Town
No. Gram
Corporation Municipal
7. Green Up to 10 KLD 5,000 4,000 3,000
2. Above 10 KLD to 50
KLD 25,000 20,000 15,m0
Orange Above 50 KLD
to 100
3 KLD 50,000 40,000 30,000

bove 100 KLD - 300

4 D 7,25,000 1,00,000 75,U
Above 300 KLD - 500
5 KLD z,ffi,000 7,&,000 1,,20,000
Red 5m KLD - 1000
6. 3,75,000 3,00,000
) 2,',8,000
7 1 MLD to 25 MLD 6,25,000 5,00,000 3,75,000
8. Above 25 MLD 10,00 000 9,00,000 7,50,0a0

Table I(d)
Consent fee for consent to operate for Residential (standalone apartments),
Township and Local Body (including BWSSB and KUWS and DB). Layouts,

Consent Fee
(in Rs. per annum)
In the limits of the limits of Ci In the limits
Category Capacity of STP Mahanagara or Town of Taluk or
alike and Ci Municipal Gram
Corporations Councils Panchayats
Creen p to 10 KLD 2,000 -1,600
2 10 KLD to 50
Orange D 10,000 8,000 6,000
.) bove50 KLD to 100
20,000 16,000 12,000
4 bove 100 KLD - 300
50,000 40,000
Rccl 30,000
i) bove 300 KLD - 500
D 80,000 64,000 48,000
6 bove500KLD-1000
D 1,50,000 7,20,000 90,000
dJ)FL)d o)?3,\d_dJ,rbd)aJad, oi, - jc!;cf , gcJo

lz MLD to a5 MLD 2,50,000 2,00,000 1,50,000

I 8. bove 25 MLD l 5,00,000 4,00,000 3,00,000

Table I(e)
Consent fee for consent to operate for Integratcd Projects*, commercial complex, office complex, education

Consent Fee
(in Rs. per annum)
Capacity of STP In the limits of In the limits
sl. Category (inKLD) In the limits
Mahanagara of Citv or
No. Palike and lown of Taluk or
Citv Municipal Gram
Corporitions Councils Panchayats
I Green Up to 10 KLD 5,000 4,000 ._) 000
2. Above 10 KLD
Orange 25 000 20.000 15,000
to 50 KLD
3 Above 50 KLD
50,000 40000 30,000
to 100 KLD
4 Above 100 KLD -
1,25,000 1,00,000 75,000
5. Above 300 KLD -
2,00,000 1,60,000 1.,20,ON
6 Above 500 KLD -
3,75,000 3,00,000 2,25,00A
1 MLD to 25
6,25,000 5,00,000 3,75,000
B- Above 25 MLD 10,00,000 9,00,000 7,50,000
* In the tables above,
Integrated hojects means the prolect comprising two or more of the
components viz. Residential, Commercial, Hotel, Education Institutiort Hospital, Club Mall and such

Note: In case of Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP), the applicable fee fcr Corsent to
establish or consent to operate is based on tlre capacity of CETP and the consent fee payable shall be two times the
amount indicated in Table I(c).

l. One year Consent fee is payable for consent to establish, consent to
expansion or modernization or change of product etc., and fee and validity for
consent to operate shall be Payable as stated in the table below:-

Consent Validity Period

Category Gree n
Red Orange
dJoFrJd so6,JddJ,rbcl-rd, oi, Jdolld' -tc-9c

10 years 15 years
Largr 5 years
(10 ycars fces) (10 years fees)
(5 years fees)

10 years 15 years
Medium 5 years
(10 years fees) (10 years fees)
(5 years fees)

10 years 15 years
Small 5 years
(6 years fees) (1 year fee)
(3 years fees)

10 years Clne time

Micro (<?5 lakhs) 5 years
(1 year fee) (1 year fee) permanent
(1 year fee)

2- Where the application for consent to oPerate submitted under

one year as Per Table I(a) to (e) as aPPlicable'

3. In case of more than orre STP proposed and/or installed under any
p-i*t, the combined caPacity of such STPs shall be corsidered for the
purpose of calculation of consent fee'
4. The categorization of activities into "Red", "Orange"' "Green" and
uwhite,, has been notified by the Karnataka state Pollution Control Board
vide notificaton No. I(SITCB /n7/coc/Nlc17/1?32 dated: 14.07.2016 and
changes made thereof from time to time-
5. Ttre consent fee collected shall be termed as fund of the state
Board under section 37 of Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act,
6. Fees provided in Table 1(c) and Table (d) shall also be applicable for
Local Authorities (Urban Local Bodies, Panchayats, Notified areas etc.) or
any State or Central Government Undertakings such as KUWSDB, BWSSB,
KHB, Urban Development Authorities, Improvement Boards etc., based on
the capacity of each STP proposed and/or installed at every location.

(b) For sub-rule (4) the following shall be substituted, namely;-

"(4) The consent fee shall be paid online through Payment Gateway, NEFT' or RTGS (for Government
and tlSU's)."

(c) after sub-rule (4), the following shall be inserted, namely;-

"(5) Future revision of consent fees: The consent fees shall be revised based on an annual growth rate
dn"FLtE oiad-dJ,riddad, ()9, a;jou(,, gojc
arrived \^'ith rL'fcrcnce to Wholcsale price In.J ex (WPI) issued
pe'riodicallv by Government of India oncc in
cverv fivc years and when tlrc Boarcl deci dcs by applying
formula as bclow;
Revised consent fees = Existing consent fee X (1 + percentage
increase in fee)

Explanation: For the purpose of this rule,_

(i) Percentage of ino"ase in Consent Fee = (CAGR
of WpI)X5
(CAGR means Compound Annual Crowth Rate

WPI means Wholesale price lndex)


Etrdin(t Vatue
Beginning Valrre

By Order & in the Name of the

Governor of Karnataka

(Muralidhar S. Tallikeri)
Under Secretary to Govemment,
(Ecology & Environment),
Fores! Ecology & Environment Dept


No. FEE 257EPC2016 (ii) Kamataka Govemment Secretariat

M.S. Building
Bangalore, date d:29.10.2020.
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 54 read with sub-section (2) of section
21 of the Air (Prevention a1ld Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (Central Act 14 of 1981) and
consultation with the Karlatal<a State Pollution Conkol Boarcl the Government of
Kamataka, hereby makes the following mles furtl-rer to amend the Karnataka Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rules, 1983 namely:-

1. Title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Air
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) (Amendment) Rules, 2020.
(2) They shall cotne into force fi'om the date of publicatiorr in the official Gazctte.
duartjd ur8,,ddt,rld;r. d, c-9, ;J i c rd, -9 o-9o

2. Amendment of rule 20.-In the Karnataka Air (Prcvention and Control of

Pollution) Rules, 1983, in rule 20, for sub-rule (1) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

"(1) An application undei sub-section (2) of section 21 shall be in Form I and shall be
accompanied by a fee as specified in the Tables below;
Table I(a)
Consent fee for consent to establish or consent to expansion or consent to operate for
Industries or Orpnizations other than activities specified in table 1(c) and for consent to
operation of Integrated proiects under table 1(b):

Consent Fee per annum in rupees fot

sl. Capital Investment categories of industries
No. Category Category Category
Red Orange Green
(1) (2) (3) (4 ) (s)
0.02O% of 0.015% of 0.010% of
1 Exceeding Rs. 25 crores Capital Capital Capital
Investment Investment Investment
Exceeding Rs. 10 crores but not
39,000 32,500 26,000
2 exceeding Rs. 25 crores.
Exceeding Rs. 5 crore but not exceeding 26,000 22,750 19,500
Rs. 10 crores.
Exceeding Rs. 1 crore but not exceeding 19,500 "t6,250 13,000
Rs. 5 crores.
Exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs but not 7, 800 6,s00 s,200
exceeding Rs. 1 Crore.
Exceeding Rs. 25 lakhs but not 3,900 3,250 2,600
exceeding Rs. 50 lakhs.
Exceeding Rs. 10 lakhs but not 2,600 ) )7\ 1,,950
exceeding Rs. 25 lakhs.
Exceeding Rs. 5 lakhs but not exceeding

Rs. 10 lakhs.
Ils. 5 lakh and below



Note: The consent fee shall be paid online through Payment Gateway, NEFT or
RTGS (for Govemment and PSU's).
Table I(b)
Consent fee for consent to operate for Integrated projects, commercial complex, office
complex and education institutions:
duarod uraodCr,rbdi.rod, oJ, ilJcrd, _to9o r.aoe

si. onsent Fee per annum for

Type of infrastructure Proiects
o onsent to Operate

lntegrated Projects*, Commelcial Based on D.G. Set KVA rating
Comp-rlsx, Education Institutions and notified in the Government of
I Office Complex.

Karnataka notification No. FEE

100 ECO 2000 clated: 05.06.2009.

For the purpose of Table 1(b) above, Integrated proiects means the project
comprising two or more of the components viz. residential, commercial hotel,
education instifution, hospital, club, mall, etc.
Table I (c)
Consent fee for consent to establish or expansion or consent to operate for Stone cmsher, M-
Sand or Hot Mix plant:

sl. Consent Fee per annum in

No ru ees
Stone Crusher 25,000
2 M-Sand 1,00,000
J Hot mix Plant 25,000

** If unit has more than one

activity, separate Consent fee is payable for each

7. One year Consent fee is payable for consent to establish, cons€nt to
expansion or modernization or change of product etc., and fee and validity for consent to
operate shall be payable as stated in the table below:-


Consent Validify Period

Red Orange Green
Large 5 years 10 years 15 years
(5 years fees) (10 years fees) (10 years fees)
Medium 5 years 10 years 15 years
(5 years fees) (10 years fees) (10 years fees)
Small 5 years 10 years 15 years
(3 years fees) (6 years fees) (1 year fee)
Micro (<25 lakh.) 5 years 10 years One time
(1 year fee) (1 year fee) permanent
(1 year fee)
dd)FLlg craBJd docba"d,
B "icad,
tlre appli cation lor ForJ S)o
refused by the Board, consent to operate
the app Iicant, for submitted under this
shall file fr esh application getting consent to rule is
operate for the period
alo ng with a consen refused,
Tablc I(b) and Table t fee payable for one
I(c) as appli cable. year as per Table 1(a),
Categories of Industries into
uoverrurrent of India, '
,,11"6,,. ,

and "Gr€€n" shau

120011/1s/88-rAdr,*d. :*9
",,i,.i.,..#"Tt be as
Forcstt official Memorandum per
ls88,-d No.
harmonization or.t*rrn*211'
:11**di'*ri.,;;;;':lB,il*;;'l'H"::L"-Ji=X;::1ffi #*
f ii*'#,I5m:y.carionNoKsrcB/n?!!€!':(,ff ';E)(:Ili"l:;;i
Po,u tion il"T
".""" :3
#il*#,-.{}l,ffiH"te of the state Board under
rr. ,r*.. n"r,irl*dc-ontrolo,i"ililiLft
of consent Fees: The
yr;iur.r-.raoi;;S;:* fees sha-u be revised
wirh the
1,.-.T.1*,,"*;ffi n"-a
6ff ilT"T-,lffi ;I;H:^::-".;;;J#nrererence
";;ffi ;#ilTilil:f rndia once in every

f".) ---* 'ees = Existing Consent Fee X (1 +

p€Tcent€e of inoease
Explana tion: For
the pu{pose of this
(i) Percentage of
increase i t"e = (CAGR of
(CAGR means.llll'":t wpr) X 5
[ndinq Value r ofyears
CA6R =
Beginning Valrre I

By Order & in the

Name of
uovernor of Karnataka the

,,-(y.yrron* S. Tatrikeri)
r-rnder Secrstsryto Government,
oinlo8l & Environment),
PR-5s5 _(
"^ Ecology & Environment

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