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Sai Vijayam

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(Great Victory to Sai)

… is a CD recording commemorating the
80th Birthday Celebration of
Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
The music presented
on this compact disc titled,

is offered as
at the lotus feet of

Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba,

the Avatar
of this
Kali Yuga Age.
Dearest Swami,

First of all, we acknowledge that You are the ‘Real Doer’ in every aspect of our life. Our gratitude and devotion to
You seem so insignificant and miniscule when attempting to comprehend the mercy and grace that You have
bestowed upon each of us time after time, in lifetime after lifetime. Without having the full knowledge and
acceptance of Your presence in our lives, it is extremely difficult for us to fathom how our existence would be in
this Kali Yuga Age, for we realize that without You, our lives would be dreadful, fearful, and miserable! We feel so
blessed, and, we continually remain amazed at how providential and fortunate it is for us to be here at this
auspicious time with You. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your physical presence among us on this earth!

Several years ago, we were contacted by Dr. Sastry V. Pappu. He wanted to know if we would lend our energies in
helping to create a new musical setting for the newly revised version of the 108 Names of Bhagawan Sri Satya
Sai Baba that he had edited. We agreed to work with him. We talked with other long time devotees who were well
experienced with singing in Sanskrit the established rendition of the 108 Names of Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai
Baba. Many of them have even committed this song to memory. They balked at the idea of any change being made
to the 108 Names. As a result, we expected limited help from them.

We decided that another workable approach to introducing this change of the order of the 108 Names could occur
with having it sung in English and presenting it with a different musical style; one that is commonly used in the
Western Hemisphere, i. e., having it sung in harmony. At the same time, we felt it might be wise to create this
musical setting utilizing the same tune which is familiar to those who are already singing the 108 Names.

This portion of the planet where we live is not yet familiar with the terms: Vedas, Sanskrit, and Bhajans. Those who
inhabit this area, in general, have a misguided and minimal understanding of the accepted religious customs and
practices of anything other than the Christian faith. This same group also has little or no knowledge of You, in the
form of Satya Sai Baba, our beloved Swami.

The enclosed CD, Sai Vijayam, has been created specifically for that core of humanity who at present has no
knowledge of Satya Sai Baba. To help them, they will need something a little more familiar in style and sound
when You make yourself known to them. We believe that using the English language and singing the selections in
harmony will assist in bridging that gap and easing the cultural shock that many will experience at that time. Some
of us can readily identify with that experience. Initially, some of us had a difficult adjustment to the Bhajan concept
when we first started attending the Sai Centers.

Dr. Pappu also provided to us other song texts that he had written. Musical arrangements were then created for
them. Dr. Pappu suggested that these selections be combined into a CD which was to serve as a birthday gift to
You. It was to be titled: SAI VIJAYAM. Dr. Pappu’s preference was that the music should be uncomplicated, sung
with clarity, and have little or no accompaniment. That is primarily the reason why many of the selections on this
CD are sung a cappella, which provides an excellent opportunity to introduce music being sung in harmony. Also,
we utilized the opportunity to apply this same type of harmonic treatment to some of the old familiar tunes that are
well known and frequently sung at many Sai Organization functions. The reason why the selection: Petitions to
the Lord, has a more complicated accompaniment is that it was recorded previously and separately to our
collaborating on this particular CD.

Dr. Pappu insisted that we sing the selection: Sai Vijayam in Telugu, specifically for You.

When You are the Doer, how can we give You anything more than our love? It is with that understanding that we
offer this CD to You to be used as You deem best, for You do know what is best! We only want Your Will to
prevail! That is all that truly matters!

Sai Vijayam - Great victory to Sai!

Dennis Neal
The CD - SAI VIJAYAM (Great Victory to Sai) page 1
Track No. 1 - THREE OMS 7. Om Sri Sai, You are the One from the lineage-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gotra- of sage Bharadwaja, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Bharadvaja Rishi Gotraya Namaha
Track No. 2 - THE 108 NAMES OF 8. Om Sri Sai, You are the One personifying the
BHAGAWAN SRI SATYA SAI BABA principle, Sutra, of breath control, and You
personify the lineage of sage Apastamba,
HIS MISSION Om Sri Sai Apastamba Sutraya Namaha
The SAI AVATAR, comprising of the trinity of THE IMMEDIATE PAST
SHIRDI SAI, PARTHI SAI, and PREMA SAI, is con- 9. Om Sri Sai, You are the personification of Shirdi
sidered to be the pristine AVATAR in the age of Sai, Namaha
Kali, our present time. Om Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Murtaye Namaha
10. Om Sri Sai, You are the very resident of
Shirdi Sai ended His sojourn on earth in October, Dwarakamayi, Namaha
1918. Eight years later, Parthi Sai was born on No- Om Sri Sai Dwarakamayi Vasine Namaha
vember 23, 1926 in the village called Puttaparthi in 11. Om Sri Sai, You are the embodiment of the
the state of Andhra Pradesh in south India. renowned resident of Shirdi, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Yashahkaya Shirdi Vasine
Parthi Sai bears the name: SRI SATYA SAI BABA, Namaha
which literally means the personification of Truth 12. Om Sri Sai, You are the incarnation of
and the Creation Principle. His name and glory are undifferentiated Divine power of Shirdi Sai,
now spreading to the four corners of this world. Namaha
Om Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Abheda Shaktyavataraya
The original compilation of 108 names of BHAGA- Namaha
WAN SRI SATYA SAI BABA is rearranged here to
tell a story of the Avatar’s advent, glory, and mis- THE AVATARIC ASPECT
13. Om Sri Sai, You are the universal Absolute
(The English texts suggested by Dr. Sastry V. Pappu) Godhead, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarveshaya Namaha
SAI AVATAR: 14. Om Sri Sai, You are the foundation of
FAMILY LINEAGE OF HIS PRESENT BODY everything in the manifest worlds, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarvadharaya Namaha
1. Om Sri Sai, Let us offer our salutations to You, 15. Om Sri Sai, You are the endlessly praiseworthy
Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai Baba, Namaha Creator, Namaha
Om Sri Bhagavan Satya Sai Babaya Namaha Om Sri Sai Anantanuta Kartr’ne Namaha
2. Om Sri Sai, You are The one born in the 16. Om Sri Sai, You are the Supreme Self, the
Ratnakara dynasty, Namaha Paramatma, or Brahman, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Ratnakara Vamshodbhavaya Om Sri Sai Mahimatmane Namaha
Namaha 17. Om Sri Sai, You are the embodiment of all the
3. Om Sri Sai, You are the one born in the village of incarnations of Absolute Godhead, Namaha.
Puttaparthi, Namaha Om Sri Sai Avatara Murtaye Namaha
Om Sri Sai Parti Gramodbhavaya Namaha 18. Om Sri Sai, You are the personification of the
4. Om Sri Sai, You are the resident of (Putta)Parthi Holy Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu,
and its environs, Namaha Maheshvara, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Parti Kshetra Nivasine Namaha Om Sri Sai Murti Traya Svarupaya Namaha
5. Om Sri Sai, You are the joyful stroller on the 19. Om Sri Sai, You are the personification of Lord
banks of the river Chitravati in Maheshavara, known as Lord Shiva,
Puttaparthi, Namaha Namaha
Om Sri Sai Chitravati Tata Puttaparti Viharine Om Sri Sai Maheshvara Svarupaya Namaha
Namaha 20. Om Sri Sai, You are the very incarnation of
6. Om Sri Sai, You are the descendent of the Lord Shiva, Namaha
Progenitor Jodi Adipalli Somappaya, Om Sri Sai Shankaraya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Jodi Adipalli Somappaya Namaha
The CD - SAI VIJAYAM (Great Victory to Sai) page 2
21. Om Sri Sai, You are the very Preacher, the Lord Om Sri Sai Siddhi Rupaya Namaha
Krishna of the Bhagawad Gita, Namaha

THE OMNISCIENT, OMNIPOTENT, 38. Om Sri Sai, You are the primeval Purusha, the
OMNIPRESENT INDWELLER Creation Principle, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Adi Purushaya Namaha
22. Om Sri Sai, You are the indweller of all beings, 39. Om Sri Sai, You are the most ancient One, the
Namaha Purusha, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Apantaratmane Namaha Om Sri Sai Purana Purushaya Namaha
23. Om Sri Sai, You are the resident of all hearts, 40. Om Sri Sai, You are the supreme Creation
Namaha Principle , Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarva Hr’dvasine Namaha Om Sri Sai Purushottamaya Namaha
24. Om Sri Sai, You are the all-pervading One, 41. Om Sri Sai, You are the truthful and pious
Namaha Purusha, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarvantaryamine Namaha Om Sri Sai Sat Purushaya Namaha
25. Om Sri Sai, You are the limitless One, Namaha 42. Om Sri Sai, You are the pure and holy Creation
Om Sri Sai Atitaya Namaha principle, Namaha
26. Om Sri Sai, You are the one not limited by time, Om Sri Sai Punya Purushaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Kalatitaya Namaha THE BENEVOLENT RULER
27. Om Sri Sai, You are the all-knowing One,
Namaha 43. Om Sri Sai, You are the ruler of all manifest
Om Sri Sai Sarvagnaya Namaha worlds, Namaha
28. Om Sri Sai, You are the personification of all Om Sri Sai Loka Nathaya Namaha
knowledge and wisdom, Namaha 44. Om Sri Sai, You are the One committed to
Om Sri Sai Gnanasvarupaya Namaha protecting everything in the manifest
29. Om Sri Sai, You are the primeval source of worlds, Namaha
energy and power, Namaha Om Sri Sai Lokaraksha Parayanaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Adi Shaktaye Namaha 45. Om Sri Sai, You are the guardian and friend for
30. Om Sri Sai, You are the embodiment of all all in the manifest worlds, Namaha
kinds of power, Namaha Om Sri Sai Loka Bandhavaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarva Shakti Murtaye Namaha
31. Om Sri Sai, You are the repository of mysterious THE REVERED FIGURE
powers, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Aparupa Shaktine Namaha 46. Om Sri Sai, You are free from all kinds of
32. Om Sri Sai,You possess esoteric and mysterious attachments, Namaha
willpower, Namaha Om Sri Sai Sarva Sanga Parityagine Namaha
Om Sri Sai Siddha Sankalpaya Namaha 47. Om Sri Sai, You are the One revered by the
33. Om Sri Sai, You perform supernatural and as masters of Yoga, Namaha
tonishing actions, Namaha Om Sri Sai Yogindra Vanditaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Adbhuta Charyaya Namaha 48. Om Sri Sai, You are the supreme Yogi, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Yogishvaraya Namaha
34. Om Sri Sai, You are the One of indescribable
form, Namaha 49. Om Sri Sai, You are the Teacher of all systems of
Om Sri Sai Avyakta Rupine Namaha philosophy and knowledge, Namaha
35. Om Sri Sai, You are the One of charming and Om Sri Sai Sakala Tatva Bodhakaya Namaha
beautiful form, Namaha 50. Om Sri Sai, You are the dispeller of all kinds of
Om Sri Sai Sundara Rupaya Namaha doubts, Namaha
36. Om Sri Sai, You are the One wearing golden Om Sri Sai Sakala Samshaya Haraya Namaha
robes, Namaha 51. Om Sri Sai, You show the path for the right
Om Sri Sai Kanakambara Dharine Namaha kind of knowledge and wisdom, Namaha
37. Om Sri Sai, You are the One personifying super Om Sri Sai Sugnana Marga Darshakaya
natural powers, Namaha Namaha
The CD - SAI VIJAYAM (Great Victory to Sai) page 3
THE EMBODIMENT OF HUMAN VALUES 66. Om Sri Sai, You are the happy stroller in the
(Satya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema, Ahimsa) hearts of devotees, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Bhaktajana Hr’daya Viharaya
52. Om Sri Sai, You personify the sublime essence Namaha
of all religions, Namaha 67. Om Sri Sai, You are the heavenly abode for
Om Sri Sai Sarvamata Sammataya Namahaya devotees, Namaha
53. Om Sri Sai, You are the embodimenmt of Truth, Om Sri Sai Bhakta Mandaraya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Satya Svarupaya Namaha THE DARLING OF DEVOTEES
54. Om Sri Sai, You personify truthful and virtuous
qualities, Namaha 68. Om Sri Sai, You are the darling of everyone,
Om Sri Sai Satya Gunatmane Namaha Namaha
55. Om Sri Sai, You are the adherent and Om Sri Sai Priyaya Namaha
practitioner of Truth and Righteousness, 69. Om Sri Sai, You are very affectionate towards
Namaha devotees, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Satya Dharma Parayanaya Om Sri Sai Bhakta Vatsalaya Namaha
Namaha 70. Om Sri Sai, You are the darling of devotees,
56. Om Sri Sai, You are the embodiment of eternal Namaha
Peace, Namaha Om Sri Sai Bhakta Priyaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Shanta Murtaye Namaha 71. Om Sri Sai, You are the One kindling devotion
57. Om Sri Sai, You are the embodiment of pure and wisdom, Namaha
Love, Namaha Om Sri Sai Bhakti Gnana Pradipaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Prema Murtaye Namaha 72. Om Sri Sai, You are the One totally beholden to
58. Om Sri Sai, You are the One whose Atma, the the truly devoted, Namaha
Self, is the very seat of pure Love, Namaha Om Sri Sai Bhakta Paradhinaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Prematmane Namaha
73. Om Sri Sai, You are the saviour of those who
59. Om Sri Sai, You are the very source of surrender and take refuge, Namaha
auspiciousness, joy, and happiness, Namaha Om Sri Sai Sharanagata Tranaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarva Mangalakaraya Namaha 74. Om Sri Sai, You are the guardian and protector
60. Om Sri Sai, You are the very embodiment of of the poor and the destitute, Namaha
auspicious qualities, Namaha Om Sri Sai Anantha Nathaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Kalyana Gunaya Namaha 75. Om Sri Sai, You are committed to providing
61. Om Sri Sai, You are the ever blissful One, succor to people in distress, Namaha
Namaha Om Sri Sai Arta Trana Parayanaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Anandaya Namaha 76. Om Sri Sai, You are the true friend and helper
for the helpless, Namaha
77. Om Sri Sai, You are the remover of calamities,
62. Om Sri Sai, You are the planter of the Banyan Namaha
Tree for the benefit of spiritual aspirants, Om Sri Sai Apannivarine Namaha
Namaha 78. Om Sri Sai, You are the friend and provider in
Om Sri Sai Sadhakanugraha Vata Vriksha the face of calamities, Namaha
Pratisthapakaya Namaha Om Sri Sai Apad Bandhavaya Namaha
63. Om Sri Sai, You are the searcher for the pious 79. Om Sri Sai, You are the destroyer of the ill
mind, Namaha effects of our actions, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sadhu Manasa Parishodhakaya Om Sri Sai Karma Dhvamsine Namaha
Namaha 80. Om Sri Sai, You are the remover of the worldly
64. Om Sri Sai, You are adored by pious minds, grief and suffering, Namaha
Namaha Om Sri Sai Samsara Dukha Kshayakaraya
Om Sri Sai Sadhu Manasa Shobitaya Namaha Namaha
65. Om Sri Sai, You reside in the heart-temples of 81. Om Sri Sai, You are the destroyer of mental
devotees, Namaha anguish, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Bhaktajana Hr’dayalayaya Namaha Om Sri Sai Arti Haraya Namaha
The CD - SAI VIJAYAM (Great Victory to Sai) page 4
82. Om Sri Sai, You are the separator of impurities, 99. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of appropriate
in thoughts, words and actions, Namaha rewards, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Kalusha Viduraya Namaha Om Sri Sai Phalapradaya Namaha
83. Om Sri Sai, You destroy desire and anger, 100. Om Sri Sai, You give appropriate rewards for
Namaha good actions, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Kamakrodha Dhvamsine Namaha Om Sri Sai Punya Phala Pradaya Namaha
101. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of liberation
THE GREAT HEALER from birth and death cycles, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Mukti Pradaya Namaha
84. Om Sri Sai, You are the remover of all kinds of
Om Sri Sai Sarva Bhaya Nivarine Namaha AND EASILY PLEASED
85. Om Sri Sai, You remove all knds of suffering,
Namaha 102. Om Sri Sai, You are the dearest of everyone,
Om Sri Sai Sarva Badha Haraya Namaha Namaha
86. Om Sri Sai, You heal all kinds of illness, Om Sri Sai Sarva Jana Priyaya Namaha
Namaha 103. Om Sri Sai, You sustain and protect the pious,
Om Sri Sai Sarva Roga Nivarine Namaha Namaha
87. Om Sri Sai, You are the destroyer of all sins, Om Sri Sai Sadhu Jana Poshanaya Namaha
Namaha 104. Om Sri Sai, You are the One who nourishes the
Om Sri Sai Sarva Papa Kshayakaraya Namaha pious, Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sadhu Vardhanaya Namaha
THE GREAT GIVER 105. Om Sri Sai, You are the sustainer and protector
of the poor, Namaha
88. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of boons, Namaha Om Sri Sai Dinajana Poshanaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Varadaya Namaha 106. Om Sri Sai, You are the Most compassionate,
89. Om Sri Sai, You fullfil all kinds of wishes, Namaha
Namaha 0m Sri Sai Karunakaraya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Sarvabhishta Pradaya Namaha 107. Om Sri Sai, You are the easily pleased One,
90. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of food and Namaha
clothing. Namaha Om Sri Sai Sulabha Prasannaya Namaha
Om Sri Sai Anna Vastradaya Namaha 108. Om Sri Sai, Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Babaya
91. Om Sri Sai, You are the Giver of good health, Namaha
Namaha Om Sri Sai Bhagawan Sri Satya Sai Baba
Om Sri Sai Arogya Pradaya Namaha Namaha
92. Om Sri Sai, You give physical, mental, and
spiritual strength, Namaha Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi
Om Sri Sai Shakti Pradaya Namaha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
93. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of freedom from Track No. 3 - SAI VIJAYAM
fear, Namaha (The melody and Telugu text authored by
Om Sri Sai Abhaya Pradaya Namaha Dr. Sastry V. Pappu)
94. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of pure love,
Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Sai Baba Naam,
Om Sri Sai Prema Pradaya Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Shirdi Raam,
95. Om Sri Sai, You give power of wisdom, Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Dwarakaa Maayi Raam,
Om Sri Sai Gnana Siddhidaya Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Siva Avataara Raam,
96. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of devotion and Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Kaliyuga Avataara Raam.
wisdom, Namaha Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
Om Sri Sai Bhakti Gnana Pradaya Namaha Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
97. Om Sri Sai, You are the giver of eternal bliss, Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam.
Om Sri Sai Ananda Daya Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Sathya Sai Naam,
98. Om Sri Sai, You give miraculous powers, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Parthi Raam,
Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Prasaanthi Nilayaa Raam,
Om Sri Sai Sarva Siddhi Pradaya Namaha Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Siva Sakthi Avataara Raam,
The CD - SAI VIJAYAM (Great Victory to Sai) page 5
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Kaliyuga Avataara Raam. Sai Shankara, Sai Shankara, Sai Shankara,
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam, Make me Your devotee,
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam, Like Markendeya was to Lord Shiva.
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam. Sai Rama, Sai Rama, Sai Rama,
Make me Your devotee,
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Prema Sai Naam, Like Anjaneya was to Lord Rama.
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Guna Parthi Raam, Sai Krishna, Sai Krishna, Sai Krishna,
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Hridaya Vaasi Raam, Make me Your devotee,
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Sakthi Avataara Raam, Like Meera was to Lord Krishna.
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Kaliyuga Avataara Raam. Sai Budha, Sai Budha, Sai Budha,
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam, Make me Your disciple,
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam, Like Padmapada was to Lord Budha.
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam. Sai Jahweh, Sai Jahweh, Sai Jahweh,
Om, Santhi, Santhi, Santhi. Make me Your chosen instrument,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like Moses was to Jahweh.
Track No. 4 - THE UNIVERSAL PRAYER Sai Jesus, Sai Jesus, Sai Jesus,
Make me Your disciple,
THE SARVADHARMA PRAYER Like the twelve apostles were to Lord Jesus.
(English text authored by Shankar A. Iyer) Sai Allah, Sai Allah, Sai Allah,
Make me Your chosen instrument,
Om Tat Sat, You are Sai Narayana, Like Mohammed was to Allah.
You are the Supreme Being, Lord. Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Sai Baba,
You are Enlightened Buddha, Make me live Your message of
You are Skanda, Ganesha, Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema, Ahimsa.
You are Sun God, Purifier, too. Aum Santhi, Aum Santhi, Aum Santhi.
Sai, You are Sun God, Purifier, too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You are Mazda Creator,
Jehovah, Holy Father, Track No. 7 - AARATHI
You are Jesus, our Lord, Sai, (The English text authored by Dr. Sastry V. Pappu)
You are Vishnu and Rudra.
You are Rama and Krishna, Om, Hail, Ruler of the Cosmos,
You are Prophets Rahim and Tao, Sai. Swami, Sathya Sai Hare,
You are Prophets Rahim and Tao. You take care of all earth's inhabitants,
You are Vasudeva, Mother Universal. You protect your faithful devotees,
You are divine Bliss, Lord Sai. You, Shiva, reside in Parthi,
You are without equal, Om, Hail, Ruler of the Universe.
Timeless and free of fear,
You are Shiva, our soul divine, Sai, Moonfaced forerunner,
You are Shiva, our soul divine, Sai, Giver of great news,
You are Shiva, our soul divine! You provide for all mankind,
Swami, You provide for all mankind,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We surrender all our desires to you,
Track No. 5 - THE GAYATRI MANTRAM We surrender all our desires to you,
Friend of those who face harm's way,
Om Bhur Bhuvah Suvahah Om, Hail, Ruler of the Universe.
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bargo Devasya Dheemahe Mother, Father, Teacher, Divine God,
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat You are all that we can comprehend,
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Swami, all that we can comprehend,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You began sound, produced the Universe,
Track No. 6 - PETITIONS TO THE LORD You protect Earth and rule the Universe,
(The English text authored by Dr. Sastry V. Pappu) Reclining on the Cosmic Sea,
Om, Hail, Ruler of the Universe.
Sai Vishnu, Sai Vishnu, Sai Vishnu,
Make me Your devotee, Om, Sai, Form of the Primal Sound,
Like Prahlada was to Lord Vishnu. Embodiment of Absolute Godhead,
The CD - SAI VIJAYAM (Great Victory to Sai) page 6
Sathya Sai, the Absolute Godhead, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Siva Sakthi Avataara Raam,
Please accept our auspicious flame-offering, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Kaliyuga Avataara Raam.
Please accept our auspicious flame-offering, Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
Lifter of Mandara Mountain, Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
Om, Hail, Ruler of the Universe. Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam.

Narayana, Narayana, Om Sathya, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Prema Sai Naam,

Narayana, Narayana, Narayana Om Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Guna Parthi Raam,
Narayana, Narayana, Om Sathya, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Hridaya Vaasi Raam,
Narayana, Narayana, Om Sathya, Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Sakthi Avataara Raam,
Narayana, Narayana Om Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Kaliyuga Avataara Raam.
Om, Hail, Great Teacher and our God! Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
Om, Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi. Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam.
Track No. 8 - LOKAA SAMASTHAA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
May all the people of the world be happy. The musical selections were scored and sung in three
Lokaa Samasthaa Sukhino Bhavanthu and four part harmonic arrangements. The sounds
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanhi. reflect some of the traditional musical styles, present
and past, as sung by choral groups from the Euro-
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pean and North American countries.
Track No. 9 - VIBHOOTHI MANTHRAM Most of the renditions are sung in English.
The music renderings have been presented by
Paramam Pavithram Baabaa Vibhoothim Claudette Morrell and Dennis Neal.
Paramam Vichithram Leelaa Vibhoothim ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Paramartha Ishtartha Moksha Pradhanam PDF copies of the sheet music used for this
Baabaa Vibhoothim Edamahsra Yaami recording are available and may be downloaded from
the Sai Organization’s sheet music web site:
Sacred ash, miraculous, Baba's creation,
Flowing from His blessing hands, holy
creation, m
Granting us the greatest wealth,
God's divine protection, For more information regarding this CD, you may
Beloved Baba, grant us liberation. contact Dennis Neal directly using the following
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ methods.
Track No. 10 - SAI VIJAYAM
E-mail address:
(2nd rendition)
This rendition’s music is similar to the Gospel songs Telephone number: 1.954.765.5456
that were commonly sung by Protestant Christians
during the early 20th century in America. Mailing address:
(The Telugu text is authored by Dr. Sastry V. Pappu) Dennis Neal
P. O. Box 935
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Sai Baba Naam, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Shirdi Raam, 33302-0935
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Dwarakaa Maayi Raam, USA
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Siva Avataara Raam, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Kaliyuga Avataara Raam.
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam, SAI VIJAYAM!
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam,
Jayaho, Jayaho, Jayaho, Sai Raam.

Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Sathya Sai Naam,

Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Parthi Raam,
Jaya, Jaya, Jaya, Prasaanthi Nilayaa Raam,

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