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MET 2021 Sample Papers

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Q. 1 A Zener diode is connected to a battery and a load as shown below :

The currents I, IZ and IL are respectively

Option 1:
5 mA, 5 mA, 10 mA

Option 2:
15 mA, 7.5 mA, 7.5 mA

Option 3:
12.5 mA, 5 mA, 7.5 mA

Option 4:
12.5 mA, 7.5 mA, 5 mA

Correct Answer:
12.5 mA, 7.5 mA, 5 mA

In the given gure 

Voltage across RL= 2K is same as that across zener dioxide i.e 10V

Total applied potential = 60 V

 Potential di erence across 4K will be 50 V

Current through 4K  = 

 Current through diode

Q. 2 A car is moving with speed 30 m/s on a circular path of radius 500m. Its speed is increasing at the rate of  .What is the acceleration of the

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned-

Centripetal acceleration -
When a body is moving in a uniform circular motion, a force is responsible to change direction of its velocity.This force acts towards the centre of circle and is called
centripetal force.Acceleration produced by this force is centripetal acceleration.


When a body is moving in circular motion,a centripetal acceleration acts along the radius and is directed towards the center of the crcular path and a
tangential acceleration along the tangent.

Total acceleration in circular motion 


Q. 3 In nity number of the masses, each 1 kg , are placed along the X-axis at  . The
magnitude of the resultant gravitational potential in terms of gravitational constant G at the origin is 

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learn

Superposition of Gravitational potential -

 Sum of mass


- wherein


As we know 

Total Potential (v)   [because particle along the both sides]


As, m =1 kg

So, V= 4G

Q. 4 Equal amount of an ideal monoatomic gas at 400K is lled in two cylinders A and B. The piston A is free to move while that of  B is held xed. The
same amount of heat is given to the gas in each cylinder. If the rise in temperature of the gas in A is 45 K. Then the rise in temperature of gas in
B is

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:

The gas lled in monoatomic piston A is free to move i.e it is isobaric process. Piston B is xed i.e ir is isochoric process. If same amount of heat is given,






Q. 5 If     and  the value of magnitude of resolution of   - 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Q. 6 Find the value of pushing force P just to move the block. If the coe ecient of friction between block and the oor is given as  .


Option 1:
55.6 N

Option 2:
60 N

Option 3:
35.5 N

Option 4:
50 N 

Correct Answer:
55.6 N

F = Force

R = Reaction

For just tendancy to move



Q. 7 Calculate the acceleration of the system as shown in the gure , assume all the surfaces are smooth 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


            FBD of 10 kg                                              FBD of 5 kg


By solving both the equation - 

Q. 8 There are 5000 turnes of a wire in every metre length of a long solenoid . If 4 ampere current is owing in rthe solenoid the approximate value
of magnetic eld along its axis at one end will be 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Magnetic eld due to In nite length solenoid -

Near one end 

Q. 9 The line joining the earth's surface joining the points where the eld is horizontal is

Option 1:
Magnetic Meridian

Option 2:
Magnetic Axis

Option 3:
Magnetic Equator

Option 4:
Magnetic Line

Correct Answer:
Magnetic Equator

At a place of Equator -
 At magnetic equator, the magnetic eld is in horizontal direction.

Q. 10 A screw gauge gives the following reading when used to measure the diameter of a wire:

Main scale reading is 50 mm

Circular sacle reading is 50mm

1mm of the main scale corresponds to 100 divisions of circular scale. The diameter of the wire is:

Option 1:
100 mm

Option 2:
50.05 mm

Option 3:
50.5 mm

Option 4:
99.5 mm

Correct Answer:
50.5 mm

Least count of screw gauge = 0.01mm

Diameter = Division on circular scale x L.C + main scale reading 


                = 50.5 mm

Q. 11 Choose correct statement rearding Escape speed of body from earth. 

Option 1:
It depends on mass of the body.

Option 2:
It depends on direction of projection of body.

Option 3:
It depends on height of location from where body is projected. 

Option 4:
All of these. 

Correct Answer:
It depends on height of location from where body is projected. 

Escape velocity ( in terms of radius of planet) -

 Escape velocity

Radius of earth

For di erent height 'g' value would be di erent so it depends on height of location from where body is projected. 

Q. 12
What is ratio of acceleration due to gravity at      

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Variation in 'g' with height -

gravity at height from surface of earth.

Radius of earth

height above surface


Value of g when h < < R -

Value of g decreases.
Radius of earth

height above surface of earth




Q. 13
3 mole of He is mixed with 2 mole of O2 . Then nd the value of  for the mixture:

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

for Monoatomic gas    

for Diatomic gas         

for Triatomic gas        

For O2                                                                                    For He




Q. 14 Two springs have a spring constant K1 and K2. These are the extended through a distance x1 and x2 respectively. If their elastic energies are
equal. Then  is equal to:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learn

Potential Energy stored in the spring -

- wherein
x= elongation or compression of spring from natural position

So    = elastic energy

U1 = U2

Q. 15 Which are the factor which cause a process to become irreversible

Option 1:

Option 2:
Inelastic deformation

Option 3:
Heat transfer due to nite temperature di erence between system and surrounding

Option 4:
All of these

Correct Answer:
All of these
Condition of reversible process -

1)    Complete absence of dissipative force. (Like friction, inelastic deformation etc.)

2)    The process should be in nitely slowing. 

3)    The temperature of system must not di er appreciably from surrounding. (Finite temperature di erence heat transfer will occur which is irreversible)

No process is reversible in true sense.

e.g. extreme slow contraction of spring.

Q. 16 Two system starting from the same state A return to the same state A after performing a di erent path as shown in graph


Then choose the reaction between 

Where   - Change in internal energy of system I

        - Change in internal energy of system II

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:

Non Cyclic Process -

The series of changes involved do not return the system back to its initial state.

So   is this case

But for a cyclic process

Q. 17 The ratio of radius of nuclei   and  is:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Q. 18 The Q value for the given reaction is equal to - 

Binding energy  per nuclear for detron ( =1.1 Mev

Binding energy per nuclear for Helium 

Option 1:
10.5 Mev 

Option 2:
13.4 Mev 
Option 3:
23.6 Mev

Option 4:
9.7 Mev

Correct Answer:
23.6 Mev

Q value -


and are mass of reactant

  is mass of product


Q value -

Q. 19 Bragg's law for X-rays is -

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Bragg's law -


(condition of constructive maxima )

d=distance between parallel lines

= wavelength

= angle between light & plane

Q. 20 The equivalerd of the Boolean expression 

(A+B) B + (B+C) C + (A+C ) A

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Q. 21 Find the current through the circuit for Si diode`

Given that - 

Knee voltage for Ge is 0.3 V

Knee voltage for Si is 0.7 V

Option 1:
4.5 A

Option 2:
5.6 A
Option 3:
4.5 mA

Option 4:
5.6 mA

Correct Answer:
4.5 mA

Knee voltage of P-N junction -

It is de ned as that forward voltage at which the current through the junction starts rising rapidly with increase in voltage .

Knee voltage for Ge is 0.3 V

Knee voltage for Si is 0.7 V

Q. 22 Centre of the mass of a hollow cone of height "h" from the top of the cone is at a distance

Option 1:


Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Centre of mass lies at a distance of   from apex of cone.

Q. 23 A ring is rolling an inclined plane of inclination  The minimum value of the coe cient of friction between plane and body for pure rolling is

Option 1:


Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Condition for pure rolling on inclined plane -

- wherein

= limiting co cient of friction

for pure rolling

for ring
Q. 24 A time variable force   is applied on block. Then nd work done by friction force for time interval t=0 to t=2 sec. 

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


As we learned 

Work done by the frictional force is negative -

When the force is large enough to overcome the friction






block will start moving. 

as time increase force value decreases.

so at, F = 0 at t = 2sec.

But Block will stop moving 



So at t = 1sec block will stop and it will be at rest upto t = 2sec. 

So work done by friction force from t = 1 sec to t = 2 sec is zero.

Now for block 

at t = 0   V = 0

at t = 0     S = 0



So for t = 0 to t = 2 sec -- S = 0 



Q. 25 Choose the corect relation b/w 

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Relation between RMS speed, average speed and most probable speed -


Q. 26 The equivalent capacitance between point A and B of given diagram is:

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

By rearranging



Q. 27 The magnitude of charge of electric dipole is 3.2 x 10-19 C and distance between them 2A0. Then the dipole moment is ( in C- m):

Option 1:
9 x10-5

Option 2:
12x 10-14

Option 3:
6.4 x 10-29
Option 4:
1.6 x 10-9

Correct Answer:
6.4 x 10-29

Dipole moment M = q x l

                             = 3.2 x 10-19 x 2 x 10-10

                             = 6.4 x 10-29 C -m

Q. 28 what should be the height of transmitting antenna if TV telecast is to cover a radius 128 Km

Option 1:
1280 m.

Option 2:
1560 m.

Option 3:
640 m.

Option 4:
320 m.

Correct Answer:
1280 m.

Range of transmitting antenna -

height of antenna

Radius of earth

d  =1280 meter

Q. 29 Using ohm's law experiment we can nd the value of 

Option 1:
static resistance

Option 2:
dynamic resistance

Option 3:
both (a) and (b)

Option 4:
None of the above
Correct Answer:
static resistance

To determine resistance of given wire by plotting graph between V versus I -

So we can draw the graph by using Ohm's law and the slope of that graph gives the value of static resistance. -  


                    V= IR


R= Resistance

I = Current

V= Voltage

Q. 30 If   and   are the instantaneous values of voltage and current then the apparent power of the
circuit is-

Option 1:
2.5 watt

Option 2:
5 watt

Option 3:
3 watt

Option 4:
2 watt

Correct Answer:
2.5 watt




Q. 31 In the given gure, the potentiometer wire has a resistance of  and length 4m. The balancing length AC for emf 0.5V is


Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

l = 2.2 m

Q. 32 Which of the following is true about pure resistive circuit-

Option 1:
Phase di erence between voltage and current 

Option 2:
Time di erence is 

Option 3:
Power factor 

Option 4:
None of the above

Correct Answer:
Power factor 



Power factor   

Q. 33

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:
Both (1) andd (2) 

Option 4:
None of the above 

Correct Answer:
Both (1) andd (2) 

This law is also known as kircho 's Voltage law 

For loop   A  B  C  D  E  F  A 

For loop  A  B  C  D  G  H  A

Q. 34 The length of an astronomical telescope of focal lenth of objective lens 'fo' and focal length of eye lens 'fe' for normal vision (relaxed eye) is

Option 1:


Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


               = focal length of objective

             focal length of eyepiece

Q. 35 Two waves represented by


interfere at a point, then the amplitude of the resultant wave is

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Resultant amplitude of two wave -

- wherein

amplitude of wave 1

  amplitude of wave 2

phase di erence


Q. 36
Light take 9sec. to cover a distance 'd' if the whole medium is lled with water  then the time taken to cover the same distance is

Option 1:
12 sec
Option 2:
10 sec

Option 3:
8 sec

Option 4:
14 sec

Correct Answer:
12 sec


Q. 37 If we want to reduce De - Brogile wavelength of electron from 10-9  m to 0.25 x 10-9 m then we have to increrase its velocity  by:

Option 1:
twice of intial velocity

Option 2:
equal to intial velocity

Option 3:
thrice the itial velocity

Option 4:
four times the intial velocity

Correct Answer:
four times the intial velocity

Hence option (4) is correct

Q. 38 Two rods of same length are arranged as shown. The ends are maintained at temperature   and    . The temperature at the junction
point (where the area of cross-section changes suddenly) is -

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learn

Temperature of Interface (Junction Temperature) -

- wherein

 Let   be temperature of junction point and in series rate of heat ow is same.

  (As length is same for both)

Q. 39
The thermo emf of a thermocouple varies with temperature as      If the cold junction is kept at   , the neutral

temperature is 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
No neutral temperature is possible 

Correct Answer:
No neutral temperature is possible 

At neuttral temperature


So, No neutral temperature is possible because Neutral temperature can never be negative hence no θ is possible.

Q. 40 A 4 m long rod of radius 1cm which is xed from one end is given a twist of 0.4 radians . The shear strain developed in a rod is -

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learn

Shearing strain -

- wherein

So, shearing strain can also be written in terms of 

by equating both

Q. 41 Within the elastic limit the ratio of stress and strain is de ned as -

Option 1:
Modulus of elasticity 

Option 2:

Option 3:
Plastic coe cient 

Option 4:
None of these 

Correct Answer:
Modulus of elasticity 

The ratio of stress and strain up to elastic limit is known as Modulus of elasticity or Young's modulus. It is denoted by E.


Q. 42 The condition where  the uid  properties  at a point in a system is time dependent is called -

Option 1:
Steady ow
Option 2:
Unsteady ow 

Option 3:
Laminar ow

Option 4:
Turbulent ow 

Correct Answer:
Unsteady ow 

As we learn

Unsteady ow -

They varies with time.

Unsteady ow is dependent ow..

Q. 43 Which rays are used in radio and TV communication -

Option 1:
Radio and microwave

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:
Radio and microwave

Application of Radio and Microwaves -

These are used in radio and TV communication.

Q. 44 The peak value of electric eld of light coming from sun is   N/M then the average total density of the electromagnetic wave is 
 then the value of P is 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Energy density =

So, P = 32

Q. 45 Find the speed of sound in hydrogen gas at 300K.


Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:




Q. 46 A pressure wave is represented by  . The frequency of the wave is 

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Q. 47 A 100 V carrier wave is made to vary between 160 V and 40 V by a modulating signal . What is the modulation index ?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:


From (1) & (2) 




Q. 48
Let    where then the value of ' '  is given by :

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:


Q. 49 Dimensional formula is equal to dimensional formula of

Option 1:
Surface tension

Option 2:
Kinetic Energy

Option 3:
Both (1) and (2)
Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:
Kinetic Energy

As we know that the dimension of Work as well as that of energy is same i.e.,   

Also, we know that the dimension of Surface tension                              

And we know kinetic energy is given by:


so it's Dimensional formula-  

                                So, correct option- (2)

Q. 50 The unit of absolute permittivity is

Option 1:
Farad - Metre

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

The standard SI unit for permittivity or absolute permitivity is farad per meter (F/m or F·m−1).

So the answer is -

So the option (2) is correct. 

Q. 1 The correct corresponding order of names of four aldoses with con guration given below

respectively, is:

Option 1:
L-Erythrose, L-Threose, L-Erythrose, D-Threose

Option 2:
D-Threose, D-Erythrose, L-Threose, L-Erythrose

Option 3:
L-Erythrose, L-Threose, D-Erythrose, D-Threose
Option 4:
D-Erythrose, D-Threose, L-Erythrose, L-Threose

Correct Answer:
D-Erythrose, D-Threose, L-Erythrose, L-Threose

As we learnt, 

        D-Erythrose                  D-Threose                    L-Erythrose               L-Threose

Therefore, Option(4) is correct.

Q. 2  Which of the following statements about is not correct ?

Option 1:
 It is diamagnetic in nature.  

Option 2:
 It is a derivative of 

Option 3:
     oxidises  to in   acid medium.       
Option 4:
 It is the super oxide of sodium. 

Correct Answer:
 It is the super oxide of sodium. 

As we discussed in

The reaction of oxygen with metals -

Form oxides 

- wherein


2Ca +

The superoxide of sodium is   and not   

Therefore, option (4) is correct.

Q. 3 Among the following complexes the one which shows zero crystal eld stabilization energy (CFSE):

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt in 

CFSE in the octahedral complex -

 for Fe3+  we have


Hence, the option number (2) is correct.

Q. 4  The geometry and magnetic behaviour of the complex [Ni(CO)4] are:

Option 1:
 square planar geometry and paramagnetic

Option 2:
tetrahedral geometry and diamagnetic

Option 3:
        square planar geometry and diamagnetic

Option 4:
tetrahedral geometry and paramagnetic

Correct Answer:
tetrahedral geometry and diamagnetic

As we learnt in

Hybridisation -

sp3d2 - square bipyramidal or octahedral 

d2sp3 - octahedral 

sp3 - tetradedral 

dsp2 - square planar

sp3d2 - outer complex

d2sp3 - inner complex

sp3 - 

dsp2 - 

Hence, the option number (2) is correct.

Q. 5 When  is fused with an alkali metal hydroxide in presence of an oxidizing

agent such as  ; a dark green product is formed which disproportionates in
acidic solution to a ord a dark purple  solution. X is :

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt in 

Colour of d-block element complexes -

Generally, d1- d9  electronic con gurated metal complex show colour according to the 

Hence, the option number (4) is correct.

Q. 6 Which of the following liquid pairs shows a positive deviation from Raoult's law: 

Option 1:
Water-nitric acid

Option 2:

Option 3:
Water-hydrochloric acid

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned 

Condition for positive deviation -

When A - A interactions and B - B  interactions  are  stronger than A - B interactions.

e.g. Ethanol + water

- wherein

 In solution showing the positive type of deviation, the partial pressure of each component of the solution is greater than the vapour pressure as expected
according to Raoult’s law.
In a solution of methanol & benzene methanol molecules are held together due to hydrogen bonding as shown below.

On adding benzene, the benzene molecules get in between the molecule of methanol thus breaking the hydrogen bonds. As the resulting
solution has a weak intermolecular attraction, the escaping tendency of alcohol & benzene molecule from the solution increases. Consequently, the vapour
pressure of the solution is greater than the vapour pressure as expected from Raoult’s law.

Hence, the option number (2) is correct.

Q. 7 The half life of a rst order reaction varies with temperature according to

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


As we learnt 

E ect of Temperature and Activation Energy on rate constant -


                  decreases with the increase in T

                   increases with increase in T

 = Activation Energy

T = Temperature

   = Rate constant

- wherein

Hence, the option number (1) is correct.

Q. 8 Which of the following work as antifreeze agent for water in cold countries?

Option 1:
Ethyl alcohol 

Option 2:
ethylene glycol

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:
ethylene glycol

As we learnt,

Antifreeze -

In cold countries, coolant water is mixed with Glycol making it as an freeze and does not freeze at low temperature.

- wherein

Application of depression on freezing point.

 Ethylene glycol is used as antifreeze agent in cold countries

Hence, the option number (2) is correct.

Q. 9 hybridisation leads to:

Option 1:
Hexagonal shape

Option 2:
Trigonal bipyramidal

Option 3:
Octahedral shape

Option 4:
Tetrahedral shape

Correct Answer:
Octahedral shape

As we have learned

Coordination Polyhedron -

The spatial arrangement of ligands around the central atom de nes a Coordination Polyhedron.

Types of Polyhedron - Octahedral, square planar and tetrahedral etc.

  -hybridisation leads to octahedral geometry

Hence, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 10 The sky looks blue due to:

Option 1:
Dispersion e ect

Option 2:
re ection

Option 3:

Option 4:
scattering of light

Correct Answer:
scattering of light

As we learned

The blue colour of sky -

Dust particles along with water suspended in the air scatter blue light which reaches our eyes and the sky looks blue to us.

Hence, the option number (4) is correct.

Q. 11 Which of the following enzymes are responsible for biological oxidation and reduction reaction? 

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Oxidoreductase -

Enzymes responsible for the biological oxidation and reduction reaction

- wherein

Eg. Oxidase, Dihydrogenase

Dehydrogenase belongs to the group of oxidoreductases that catalyse the oxidation and reduction reactions. These enzymes fall into six categories:
oxygenases, reductases, peroxidases, oxidases, hydroxylases, and dehydrogenases.

Therefore, Option(2) is correct.

Q. 12 Ethanol is manufactured by the fermentation of:

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:
Both a & b

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Ethanol -

Commercially obtained by fermentation, used in paints.

- wherein

Hence, the option number (4) is correct

Q. 13 The drugs which may interfere with the e ciency of oral contraceptives and increase the failure rates are the following except?
Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Sulpha drugs -

Synthetic chemotherapeutic drug which contain - group used for bacterial infection in human

- wherein

Sulphonamides do not interfere with the e ciency of oral contraceptives.

Therefore, Option(4) is correct.

Q. 14 When borax is heated strongly it gives:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Borax/ Tetraborate Decahydrate -


 (Naturally occur as tincal)

Therefore, option (4) is correct.

Q. 15 In the following reaction

The formed hydrocarbon has the hybridisation:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Both 1 & 2

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Preparation of Alkanes - 1 -

Dihydrogen gas adds to alkenes and alkynes in the presence of nely divided catalysts like platinum, palladium or nickel to form alkanes. This process is
called hydrogenation. These metals adsorb dihydrogen gas on their surfaces and activate the hydrogen – hydrogen bond. Platinum and palladium catalyse
the reaction at room temperature but relatively higher temperature and pressure are required with nickel catalysts.

Preparation of alkyne from calcium carbide -

Ethyne is prepared by treating calcium carbide with water.

- wherein

 Here both carbon atoms are sp hybridised.

Therefore, option (4) is correct.

Q. 16 Hybridisation of XeF6 is:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

XeF6 :

 Hybridisation = Sp3d3

Hence, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 17 For an exothermic reaction (negative    ) as temprature increases the equilibrium constant : 

Option 1:
also increases 

Option 2:
remains same 

Option 3:

Option 4:
rst increases then decreases 

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Le Chatelier’s principle -

E ect of change in temperature

On increasing the temperature, equilibrium shifts to that direction which proceeds with the absorption of heat.

This is an endothermic reaction. Thus, on increasing the temperature, equilibrium shifts in the forward direction.
This is an exothermic reaction. Thus on increasing the temperature, equilibrium shifts in backward direction.

For example:

In this reaction, the product formed is HI and the release of 3000 calories of energy. Thus if temperature is increased then equilibrium will shift
backward and form the reactants. 

E ect of Adding Inert Gas on Equilibrium

When np is equal to nr there is no e ect of adding an inert gas either at constant volume or pressure.
When np ≠nr there is no e ect of adding an inert gas at constant volume.
When np ≠nr at constant pressure on adding inert gas equilibrium will shift towards more volume side. e.g., dissociation of ammonia will be more at
constant pressure by adding inert gas like argon (Ar).

Equilibrium constant and sign of Enthalpy Change -

The equilibrium constant for an exothermic reaction ( negative  ) decreases as the temperature increases.

 As the T is increased for an exothermic reaction more of the reactants are formed as the concentration of the reactants increases the value of equilibrium
constant decreases 

Therefore, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 18 In the estimation of Sulphur by Carius Method, 0.468g of organic compound gave 668mg  . Calculate %S.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Test for Sulphur -


    m - the mass of Organic compounds

- wherein

Hence, the option number (1) is correct.

Q. 19 DDT is an:
Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Insecticides -

used to control insects thus curbing diseases and protecting crops.

For example:  (DDT) Dichloro diphenyl-trichloro ethane, aldrin, dieldrin.

Hence, the option number (1) is correct.

Q. 20 The correct match between item I and item -II is

              Item-I                              Item-II

              (drug)                               (test)

A         chloroxylenol                P   carbylamine test

B         Norethindrone              Q   sodium hydrogen carbonate test

C         Sulphapyridine             R  ferric choride test

D         Penicillamine                S  Baeyer's test   

Option 1:
A→R; B→P;C→S;D→Q

Option 2:
A→Q; B→S;C→P;D→R

Option 3:
A→R; B→S;C→P;D→Q

Option 4:
A→Q; B→P;C→S;D→R

Correct Answer:
A→R; B→S;C→P;D→Q


Lassaigne’s test for Unsaturation( Baeyer's test) -

Compound + 1% alkaline
KMNO4 Solution -------------->  Pink Color Disappear
- wherein

Alkene or Alkyne Present

Test of Ferric -

 with K4[Fe(CN)6] .Fe3+ gives Prussian blue color

- wherein

Test for Carbonyl Compound -

Carbonyl + 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazinet-----------> Yellow Orange PPT

- wherein

Carbonyl Group Present

    as we know

1. carbylamine test

2. sodium hydrogen carbonate test

3. Feric chloride test


4.Bayer's test


Therefore, Option(3) is correct.

Q. 21 The process with negative entropy change is:

Option 1:
Sublimation of dry ice

Option 2:
Dissolution of Iodine(s) in water
Option 3:
Synthesis of ammonia from N2 and H2

Option 4:
Dissociation of CaSO4 (s) to CaO(s) and SO3(g)

Correct Answer:
Synthesis of ammonia from N2 and H2

As we learnt,

Entropy varies as : Gas > Liquid > Solid


Entropy change is directly related to the 

If   is negative then   is also negative.

The decrease in moles of gas in the Haber ammonia synthesis drives the entropy change negative, making the reaction spontaneous only at low
temperatures. Thus higher T, which speeds up the reaction, also reduces its extent.

Therefore, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 22 Which of the following compound is a constituent of the polymer

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


urea-formaldehyde resin -

Urea-formaldehyde (UF), also known as urea-methanal, so named for its common synthesis pathway and overall structure, is a non-
transparent thermosetting resin or polymer. It is produced from urea and formaldehyde. These resins are used in
adhesives  nishes,particle-board, medium-density  breboard (MDF), and moulded objects.

- wherein


This is a urea-formaldehyde polymer and its monomers are urea and formaldehyde.

Hence, the option number (2) is correct.

Q. 23 The correct match between Item -  and Item -  is :

  Item - I   Item-II

(a) Highest density (I) Peroxide

polythene catalyst

(b) Polyacrylonitrile (II) Condensation

at high
& pressure

(c) Novolac (III) Ziegler-Natta


(d) Nylon 6 (IV) Acid or base


Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

High density Polythene (HDP) -

-  Polymerization of ethene in a hydrocarbon solvent under low pressure in presence of triethylaluminium and titanium tetrachloride (Ziegier. natta catalyst)

-  Chain growth, Homopolymer 

- wherein

-  Chemically inert and tougher than LDP.

-  Used in manufacturing buckets, Dustbins,etc.

Polyacrylonitrile -

- Addition polymerization of acrylonitrile

- wherein

- Hompolymer

- Used in making commercial bres orlon or acrilon

Nylon 6 -
- Obtained by heating caprolactam with water.

- Homopolymer

- wherein

- High tensile strength

- Used in manufacture of tyre, cords, fabrics and ropes.



(a) High-density polyethene   (III)Ziegler-Natta catalyst


H.D.P is obtained by using Zigler-Natta Catalyst

(b) Polyacrylonitrile   (I)Peroxide catalyst

  Polyacrylonitrile is obtained by using the peroxide catalyst 

(c) Novolac  (IV) Acid or base catalyst 

   It is obtained by acid /base Catalyst polymerisation of formaldehyde & phenol.

(d) Nylon 6   Condensation at a high temp. & pressure.

 At high T &P, it is a condensation polymer of caprolactam.

Hence, the option number (4) is correct.

Q. 24 The major product obtained in the given reaction is :

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Preparation of alkyl/ aryl halide by the electrophilic substitution reaction -

Benzene undergo electrophilic substitution reaction when treated with Cl2 in presence of lewis acid (FeX3 / AlX3).

- wherein

This is Intramolecular fridel craft acylation which provides a useful synthetic approach to cyclic ketones. The cyclization is well-suited to the preparation of six-
and particularly ve-membered rings

Therefore, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 25 The major product of the following reaction is :

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

Oxidation of primary alcohol or an aldehyde -

Primary alcohol oxidizes in the presence of oxidising agent to give aldehyde which further oxidises to give the carboxylic acid. 

- wherein

Option (3) is correct

Q. 26 The method used to remove the temporary hardness of water is:

Option 1:
Calgen's Method

Option 2:
Clark's Method

Option 3:
Ion-exchange method

Option 4:
Synthetic Resins method

Correct Answer:
Clark's Method


Clark's Method -

In this method temporary hardness is removed by adding Slaked Lime Ca(OH)2

Option 2 Clark's method

This method is used for removing the temporary hardness of the water.

These precipitates can be removed by Filtration.

Hence, the option number (2) is correct.

Q. 27 Among the following, the narrow spectrum antibiotic is:

Option 1:
penicillin G

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:
penicillin G


Narrow spectrum antibiotics -

Those e ective against gram positive or gram negative bacteria

- wherein

Eg: Penicillin G

Penicillin G is a narrow spectrum antibiotic. It is used for the speci c infection when the causative organism is known and will not kill as many of the normal
microorganisms as a broad spectrum antibiotic in the body.

Therefore, Option(1) is correct

Q. 28 The de-Broglie wavelength of a tennis ball of mass 60g moving with a velocity of 10 metres per second is approximately:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


De-broglie wavelength and Association of de-broglie principle with bohr's model -

De-broglie wavelength

where m is the mass of the particle

v its velocity 

p its momentum
Bohr model and de-broglie principle :

Bohr model,  


Combining the two

 As we have learnt,

de-Broglie wavelength is given by:

Thus, we have:
Therefore, Option(1) is correct

Q. 29 Identify the group which is not a Dobereiner triad:

Option 1:
Li, Na, K

Option 2:
Be, Mg, Cr

Option 3:
Ca, Sr, Ba

Option 4:
Cl, Br, I

Correct Answer:
Be, Mg, Cr

Introduction of Periodic Table -


J.W. Dorbereiner pointed out that within a group of three elements having similar chemical and physical properties, the atomic weight of the middle element
is the mean of the other two. Some examples of such triads are given below. He also pointed out the triad - iron, cobalt and nickel in which the atomic
weights of the elements are almost the same.

Some representative triads of Dobereiner

Triads Elements Li   Na K  Ca   Sr Ba S   Se Te Cl   Br I

Atomic Weight 7 23 39 40  88 137 32  80 128 35.5  80 127

Mean Value 23 88.5 80 81.25

 Other examples. (K, Rb, Cs), (P, As, Sb) (H, F, Cl) (Sc, Y, La).

Though it was the rst successful attempt to rationalize the problem, it could not be generalised or extended.

Drawback or Limitation: All the known elements could not be arranged as triads.


John Alexander Reina newland in England made the rst attempt to correlate the chemical properties of the elements with their atomic weight. According to
him -

1. If the elements are arranged in order to their increasing atomic weights, every eighth element had similar properties to rst one like the rst and eighth
note in music. For example

Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa

Li Be B C N O F Na

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl K

2. Inert gases were not discovered till then.

3. All the elements could not be classi ed on this basis.

We know that according to Dobereiner's law of triads the atomic mass of the middle element of a triad is the arithmetic mean of the atomic masses of the
other two elements. 

The group which does not follow Dobereiner’s law of triad is Be, Mg, Cr.

It is because Cr is not of the same group as Be and Mg are. Be and Mg belong to group second whereas Cr belongs to group sixth.

Moreover, the arithmetic mean of the atomic masses of the other two elements is not equal to the atomic mass of the middle element.

Atomic mass of Be = 8, Mg = 24, Cr = 51.9

Arithmetic mean = 51.9+82=29.9.  This arithmetic mean is not equal to atomic mass of central element.

 Therefore, Option(2) is correct

Q. 30 The molecular orbital has ________ nodal planes.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Energy Level Diagram for Molecules -

Molecular Orbital Energy Diagrams

The relative energy levels of atomic and molecular orbitals are typically shown in a molecular orbital diagram. As given in the gure below, for a diatomic
molecule, the atomic orbitals of one atom are shown on the left, and those of the other atom is shown on the right. Each horizontal line represents one
orbital that can hold two electrons. The molecular orbitals formed by the combination of the atomic orbitals are shown in the center. Dashed lines show
which of the atomic orbitals combine to form the molecular orbitals. For each pair of atomic orbitals that combine, one lower-energy (bonding) molecular
orbital and one higher-energy (antibonding) orbital result. Thus we can see that combining the six 2p atomic orbitals results in three bonding orbitals (one σ
and two π) and three antibonding orbitals (one σ* and two π*).

molecular orbital diagram 

The molecular orbitals are lled in the same manner as atomic orbitals, using the Aufbau principle and Hund’s rule.

As we have learnt,

Representation of molecular orbital:

There are two nodal planes in it.
Hence, option number (1) is correct .

Q. 31 Calculate the  (in m/sec) of if its density at 1 atm pressure and is 1.429g/l.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Root Mean Square Speed urms

It is the square root of the mean of the square of the velocities of di erent molecules.


We know that rms velocity is given as:


And d = 1.42g/litre = 1.42kg/

Therefore, Option(1) is correct

Q. 32 Value of equilibrium constant depends upon:

Option 1:

Option 2:
Method of expressing activity or active mass

Option 3:
Both 1 and 2

Option 4:

Correct Answer:
Both 1 and 2

Equilibrium constants are changed if you change the temperature of the system. Kc or Kp is constant at a constant temperature, but they vary as the
temperature changes.

The equilibrium constant K  is determined by the activities of the components in the equilibrium expression.
The value of  Kc and Kp can be di erent in magnitude as well as dimensions.

Therefore, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 33 The potential (in V) of a hydrogen electrode  in a solution with pH = 5 at 25oC is :

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Therefore,option(2) is correct

Q. 34 Why do galvanic cells need a salt bridge?

Option 1:
to move electrons from the electrolyte
Option 2:
to maintain charge balance

Option 3:
for both (1) and (2)

Option 4:
To form precipitate.

Correct Answer:
to maintain charge balance

The purpose of a salt bridge is not to move electrons from the electrolyte, rather to
maintain charge balance because the electrons are moving from one half cell to the
Without the salt bridge the solution in the anode compartment would become positively charged and the solution in the cathode compartment would
become negatively charged, because of the charge imbalance, the electrode reaction would quickly come to halt, therefore it helps to maintain the ow of
electrons from the oxidation half cell to a reduction half cell.

Therefore, option(2) is correct

Q. 35 The rate of a reaction triples when temperature changes from 20oC to 50oC. Calculate the energy of activation for the reaction? (R = 8.314 J K-

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

As we have learned,

Complex Reaction - Mechanism of Reaction -

On the basis of mechanism, we have two types of reactions:

Simple or elementary reaction

Complex or multi-step reaction

Simple or Elementary reaction

The reactions, which occur in single step, are called simple or elementary reactions. For example:

An elementary reaction is an individual molecular event that involves breaking or making of chemical bonds. The overall reaction describes the
stoichiometry of the overall process but provides no information how the reaction occurs.

Complex Reaction

A complex reaction takes place in a sequence of a number of elementary steps. 

Molecularity of complex reaction is not de ned. Molecularity of each step can be de ned but not for overall.
Overall rate of reaction is given by slowest step of the complex reaction.
For example, combination of NO2 and CO occurs in a sequence of elementary steps.

Important Facts:

The numbeer of reactant molecules taking part in an elementary step or in an elementary reaction is expressed as molecularity of that step of
molecularity of that reaction respectively.
For elementary reactions usually order of reaction and molecularity are same. Thus, it can be said that if order of a reaction for a change is fractional it
cannot be an elementary reaction.


The Arrhenius equation is:

Therefore, option(2) is correct

Q. 36 In a metallurgical process the ux used for removing acidic impurities is:

Option 1:
Sodium carbonate

Option 2:

Option 3:
Sodium chloride

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Process in Metallurgy -
There are various stages of metals before it comes into pure form. Hence we need to perform certain steps to extract a particular metal. We will discuss the
di erent processes which are required for extracting these metals.

1. Crushing and grinding: The rst process in metallurgy is the crushing of ores into a ne powder. This process is known as pulverization.
2. The concentration of ores: The process of removing impurities from ore is known as a concentration of minerals or ore dressing. The concentration
of ores can be done by the following methods
Hydraulic Washing
Magnetic Separation 
Froth Floatation Method
3.  Roasting: In metallurgy, the process of heating a concentrated ore in the presence of oxygen is known as roasting. This process is applied in the case
of sul de ores.
4. Calcination: For ores containing carbonate or hydrated oxides, heating is done in the absence of air to melt the ores, and this process is known as

5. Re ning: The impurities contained in the metal product of the roasting/reduction process are removed.

Basic ux like limestone(CaCO3) is used to remove acidic impurities such as SiO2. The process occurs as follows:

Basic          Acidic          Slag

  ux            gangue
Therefore, Option(2) is correct

Q. 37 How many hydrogen-bonded water molecules are associated with CuSO4.5H2O?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Chemical Properties of Water -

These are the various chemical properties of water:

Water is neutral in nature. pH of the pure water is 7. It is a weak electrolyte and ionises into H+ and OH- ions.

It reacts with active metals and evolves hydrogen The reaction is exothermic in the case of alali and alkaline earth metals.

Reaction with non-metals: Water reacts with non-metals like uorine and chlorine as follows:

Action on non-metallic oxides: Acidic oxides combine with water to form acids viz:

Action on metallic oxides: Basic oxides combine with water to form alkalies.

Action on hydrides carbides, nitrides, phosphides:  Water decomposes these compounds with the ration of hydrogen acetylene, ammonia,
phosphine respectively.
Hydrolysis: Many salts undergo hydrolysis with water.

Decomposition: Water containing either alkali or acid when electrolysed gets decomposed into H2 and O2.

Water of crystallisation: It combines with many salts during crystallisation to form hydrates. For example, CuSO4.5H2O, FeSO4.7H2O, etc.
Water as a catalyst: Water acts as a catalyst in many reactions. Perfectly dry gases generally do not react but the presence of moisture brings the
chemical change. Ammonia and hydrochloric acid gas combine only in presence of moisture.

In CuSO4.5H2O, Cu is cordinated with 4 water molecules. Now fth water molecule is hydrogen bonded and is deeply embedded in the crystal. It is not
cordinated. Only 4 water molecules are coordinated and fth is only hydrogen bonded.

Therefore, Option(2) is correct

Q. 38 The dipole moments of CCl4, CHCl3 and CH4 are in the order:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Let us rst look at the structures of the given compounds
Therefore, Option(1) is correct.

Q. 39 What is the product of following reaction:?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,
Grignard Reagent - 1 -

All three types of monohydric alcohols can be prepared by the use of Grignard reagents. Grignard reagents form addition compounds by nucleophile attack
with aldehydes and ketones which on hydrolysis with dilute acid yields alcohol.


For example:

Reduction by LiAlH4 and NaBH4 -

NaBH4 can only reduce keto groups. But LiAlH4 can reduce even anhydrides and esters. LiAlH4 is a very good reducing agent because (Al) atom present in ir is
more covalent than (B) atom in NaBH4. Therefore, Al has more tendency to gain the electrons, thus, it will try to keep the electrons to itself and hence H- will
go in a particular manner. Thus, LiAlH4 is better reducing agent than NaBH4.

The mechanism for LiAlH4 occurs in the following steps:
1. Deprotonation

2. Nucleophilic attack by the hydride ion

3. Nucleophilic attack by the hydride ion

4. Leaving group removal

5. Alkoxide is protonated

Some examples include:

The reactions occur as follows:

Therefore, Option(2) is correct.
Q. 40 The number of orbitals associated with quantum numbers

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Quantum Numbers -

Quantum numbers:

They are the set of four numbers which explain the state of electron i.e., location, energy, type of orbital, orientation of orbital, etc. in an atom. Various
quantum numbers are as follows:

1. Principal quantum number(n)

2. Azimuthal quantum number(l)

3. Magnetic quantum number(m)

4. Spin quantum number(s)

Principal quantum number(n):

It represents the principal shell of an atom. It can have integral values except zero like 1,2,3,.... Also denoted as K,L,M,.....etc.

Maximum number of electrons in a principal shell can be 2n2 where n is principal quantum number.

This quantum number gives information about :

Distance of electron from nucleus i.e., size of electron cloud.

Energy of electron in any shell

Where, Z is atomic number and n is principal quantum number.

Azimuthal quantum number(l):

Azimuthal quantum number represents the subshell or subenergy shell in an atom.

l has values from 0 to (n-1).

For eg: for n=2 ; l= 0, 1

Subshell notation for 0, 1 is s and p.

No. of electrons [2(2l+1)]: for s subshell = 2; for p subshell = 6.

Magnetic quantum number(m):

It represents the number of orbitals present in a subshell.

m has values ranging from -l to +l including zero.

For eg: for ‘s’ subshell :

1. Value of l is 0

2. m has value=0
For ‘p’ subshell :

1. Value of l is 1

2. m has value= -1, 0, +1

Spin quantum number(s):

Electron in an orbital can spin either clockwise or anticlockwise.

Thus, an electron can have only two possible values of this quantum number, either   or respectively.

We have:

n = 5, ms = +1/2

Thus, the values of l are from 0 to (n-1)

l = 0 to 4

Thus, values of l are 5s, 5p, 5d, 5f and 5g

Now, the total number of orbitals

Therefore, Option(1) is correct.

Q. 41  Two solutions A and B each of 100L was made by dissolving 4g of NaOH and 9.8g of H2SO4 in water, respectively. The pH of the resultant
solution obtained from mixing 40L of solution A and 10L of solution B is_________:

Option 1:
pH = 10.6

Option 2:
pH = 12.7
Option 3:
pH = 9.8

Option 4:
pH = 11

Correct Answer:
pH = 10.6

As we have learnt,

pH of solution/mixture -

Mixture of Strong Acids:

NOTE: Shortcut only for monobasic acids and monoacidic bases:

Mixture of Strong Bases:

Using the shortcut formula for bases as given above, we get:

Mixture of Strong Acid and Strong Base:

Clearly, moles of (H+) = 2 x 10-2 moles and moles of (OH-) = 1 x 10-3 moles. 

Since moles of (H+) is greater than moles of (OH-), therefore the solution medium will be acidic.
Now, remaining moles of H+ = 2 x 10-2 - 10-3 = 19 x 10-3

Thus, pH of the mixture = 2.2

For given solutions, we have:

Moles of NaOH  4/40 = 0.1 moles

Moles of H2SO4 = 9.8/98 = 0.1 moles

Molarity of NaOH = 0.1/100L

And molarity of H2SO4 = 0.1/100

Now, 40L of NaOH solution and 10L of H2SO4 solution are added, thus we get:
Total volume = 50L

Milliequivalents of NaOH = 40x(0.1/100)x1 = 0.04

Milliequivalents of H2SO4 = 10x(0.2/100)x2 = 0.02

Thus, Meq of NaOH left = 0.04 - 0.02 = 0.02

[OH-] = 4x10-4

pOH = -log[4x10-4]

pOH = -log4 - log10-4

pOH = -0.60 + 4 = 3.4

Further, we know:

pH = 14 - 3.4

pH = 10.6

Hence, the option number (1) is correct.

Q. 42 In the following reaction sequence,

the major product B is:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Alkylation and Acylation of Amines -

Amines undergo alkylation with RX and undergo complete methylation and this is called exhaustive methylation, but with Me2SO4  amines undergo
monomethylation. 1o  and 2o  amines are also methylated by heating HCHO and excess of HCOOH at 100oC. This reaction is known as Eschweiler-Clarke
methylation. The reaction occurs as follows:

1o and 2o aliphatic and aromatic amines react with acid chlorides (RCOCl), anhydrides and esters by SN2 reaction is called acylation reaction. The reaction is
carried out in the presence of a base stronger than amine, such as pyridine, which removes HCl so formed and shifts the equilibrium to the product side. The
reaction occurs as follows:


Therefore, Option(1) is correct.

Q. 43 The correct order of statbility for the following alkoxides is:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Carbanions -

The carbon species carrying a negative charge on carbon atom is called carbanion. Carbon in carbanion is generally sp3  hybridised and its structure is
distorted tetrahedron as shown in the gure given below. Carbanions are also unstable and reactive species.


Mesomeric or Resonance E ect -

The resonance e ect is de ned as ‘the polarity produced in the molecule by the interaction of two π-bonds or between a π-bond and lone pair of electrons
present on an adjacent atom’. The e ect is transmitted through the chain. There are two types of resonance or mesomeric e ect designated as R or M e ect.

Positive Resonance E ect (+R e ect): In this e ect, the transfer of electrons is away from an atom or substituent group attached to the conjugated
system. This electron displacement makes certain positions in the molecule of high electron densities. This e ect in aniline is shown as:

Negative Resonance E ect (- R e ect): This e ect is observed when the transfer of electrons is towards the atom or substituent group attached to
the conjugated system. For example, in nitrobenzene, this electron displacement can be depicted as:

The atoms or substituent groups, which represent +R or –R electron displacement e ects are as follows :

+R e ect: – halogen, –OH, –OR, –OCOR, –NH2, –NHR, –NR2, –NHCOR,

– R e ect: – COOH, –CHO, >C=O, – CN, –NO2

The presence of alternate single and double bonds in an open-chain or cyclic system is termed as a conjugated system. These systems often show abnormal
behaviour. The examples are 1,3- butadiene, aniline and nitrobenzene etc. In such systems, the π-electrons are delocalised and the system develops polarity.

When a negative charge is delocalised with an electron-withdrawing group like (NO2) then stability increases.

(A) The negative charge is localised

(B) The negative charge is delocalised with the carbon of the alkene

(C) Negative charge is delocalised with NO2 group

Therefore, Option(2) is correct.
Q. 44 Consider the following reactions:





Which of these reactions are possible?

Option 1:
a and d

Option 2:
b and d

Option 3:
b, a and d

Option 4:
a and d

Correct Answer:
b and d

As we have learnt,

Preparation of Aryl Halides -

From hydrocarbons by electrophilic substitution

Aryl chlorides and bromides can be easily prepared by electrophilic substitution of arenes with chlorine and bromine respectively in the presence of
Lewis acid catalysts like iron or iron(III) chloride.

The ortho and para isomers can be easily separated due to large di erence in their melting points. Reactions with iodine are reversible in nature and
require the presence of an oxidising agent (HNO3, HIO4) to oxidise the HI formed during iodination. Fluoro compounds are not prepared by this
method due to high reactivity of uorine.

From amines by Sandmeyer’s reaction

When a primary aromatic amine, dissolved or suspended in cold aqueous mineral acid, is treated with sodium nitrite, a diazonium salt is formed.
Mixing the solution of freshly prepared diazonium salt with cuprous chloride or cuprous bromide results in the replacement of the diazonium group by
–Cl or –Br.

1. Vinyl halides (C)  do not give Fridel Craft's reaction because of unstable carbocation formation.

2. Aryl halides (A) do not give Fridel Craft's reaction with Benzene because of formation of unstable phenyl carbocation.

Therefore, Option(2) is correct.

Q. 45 The molarity of HNO3 in a sample which has density 1.4 g/mL and mass percentage of 63% is ____ (Molecular weight of HNO3 = 63)

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Let, mass of solution be 100g

 Mass of HNO3 is 63 g

 Moles of HNO3 is 1

Hence, the option number (1) is correct.

Q. 46 Which of the following compounds is likely to show both Frenkel abnd Schottky defects in its crystalline form ?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Imperfections in Solids -

Point Defects, Line Defects

Although crystalline solids have short-range as well as long-range order in the arrangement of their constituent particles, yet crystals are not perfect. Usually
a solid consists of an aggregate of a large number Of small crystals. These small crystals have defects in them. This happens when the crystallisation process
occurs at a fast or moderate rate. Single crystals are formed when the process of crystallisation occurs at an extremely slow rate. Even these crystals are not
free of defects. The defects are basically irregularities in the arrangement of constituent particles. Broadly speaking, the defects are of two types, namely,
point defects and line defects. Point defects are irregularities or deviations from ideal arrangement around a point or an atom in a crystalline substance,
whereas the line defects are irregularities or deviations from ideal arrangement in entire rows of lattice points. These irregularities are called crystal defects.
We shall con ne our discussion to point defects only.

Types of Point Defects

Stoichiometric Defects
Those compounds in which the number of positive and negative ions are exactly in the ratio indicated by their chemical formula are called
stoichiometric compounds example, NaCl. These solids show following types of defects:

1. Vacancy Defect: When some of the lattice sites are vacant. the crystal is said to have a vacancy defect.

This results in a decrease in the density of the substance. This defect can also develop when a substance is heated.
2. Interstitial Defect: When some constituent particles (atoms or molecules) occupy an interstitial site, the crystal is said to have an interstitial

This defect increases the density of the substance. Vacancy and interstitial defects as explained above can be shown by non-ionic solids. Ionic
solids must always maintain electrical neutrality. Rather than simple vacancy or interstitial defects, they show these defects as Frenkel and
Schottky defects.

3. Frenkel Defect: This defect is shown by ionic solids. The smaller ion (usually cation) is dislocated from its normal site to an interstitial site.

It creates a vacancy defect at its Original site and an interstitial defect at its new location. Frenkel defect is also called dislocation defect. It does
not change the density of the solid. Frenkel defect is shown by ionic substance in which there is a large di erence in the size of ions, for example,
ZnS, AgCl, AgBr and Agl due to small size of Zn2+ and Ag+ ions.
4. Schottky Defect:  It is basically a vacancy defect in ionic solids. In order to maintain electrical neutrality, the number of missing cations and
anions are equal.

Like simple vacancy defect, Schottky defect also decreases the density of the substance. Number of such defects in ionic solids is quite
signi cant. For example, in NaCl, there are approximately 106  Schottky pairs per cm3  at room temperature. In 1 cm3  there are about 1022 ions.
Thus, there is one Schottky defect per 1016 ions. Schottky defect is shown by ionic substances in which the cation and anion are of almost similar
sizes. For example, NaCl, KCl, CsCl and AgBr. It may be noted that AgBr shows both, Frenkel as well as Schottky defects.
Impurity Defects
If molten NaCl containing a little amount of SrCl2 is crystallised, some of the sites of Na+ ions are occupied by Sr2+. Each Sr2+ replaces two Na+ ions. It
occupies the site of one ion and the other site remains vacant. The cationic vacancies thus produced are equal in number to that of Sr2+ ions. Another
similar example is the solid solution of CdCl2 and AgCl.
Non-Stoichiometric Defects
There are many compounds in which the ratio of positive and negative ions present in the compound di ers from the required by ideal formula of the
compound. Such compounds are called Non-stoichiometric compounds. For example, VOx 
In these compounds, a balance of positive and negative charges is maintained by having extra electrons or extra positive charge. These defects are of
following types:

1. Metal Excess Defect

Due to Anionic Vacancies and (F-centres)

A compound may have excess metal ion if a negative ion is absent from its lattice site, leaving a hole which is occupied by an electron to
maintain electrical neutrality.

1. The holes occupied by electrons are called F -centres and are responsible for the colour of the compound.

2. The excess of sodium in NaCl makes the crystal to appear yellow.

3. Excess of potassium in KCI makes it violet.

4. Excess of lithium in LiCl makes it pink.

5. Greater the number of F-centres greater is the intensity of colour. This type of defects is found in a crystal which is likely to possess
Schottky defects.
Due to Cationic Vacancies

1. It may occur if an extra positive ion is present m an interstitial site.

2. Electrical neutrality is maintained by the presence of an extra electron in the Interstitial site.

3. These types of defects are exhibited by the crystals which are likely to exhibit Frenkel defects. Example,— Yellow colour of ZnS.

2. Metal De ciency Defect

The non-stoichiometric compounds may have metal de ciency due to the absence of a metal ion from its lattice site. The charge is balanced by
an adjacent ion having higher positive charge. These type of defects are generally shown by compounds of transition metals. For example, FeS,

Only AgBr can exhibit both Schottky and Frenkel defect.

Therefore, Option(1) is correct.

Q. 47 The solubility product of at is . The concentration of hydroxide ions in a saturated solution of will be

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:



                                   s           3s

Hence, the option number (3) is correct.

Q. 48 At constant volume, of an ideal gas when heated from  to changes its internal energy by . The molar heat capacity
at constant volume is ______.

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Thus, the correct answer is

Hence, the option number (1) is correct

Q. 49
Kjeldahl's method can be used for:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:

Kjeldahl's Method -

Kjeldahl's method is a method for the quantitative determination of nitrogen contained in organic substances as well as nitrogen contained in unorganic
compounds ammonia and ammonium.

But, Kjeldahl's method cannot be used for nitrogen determination of compounds having nitro group or azo-group or nitrogen present in rings as the nitrogen
of these compounds cannot be converted to ammonium sulphate  under the condition of this method.

Hence,  option is correct.

Q. 50 Which of the following sulphide is completely precipitated only when the acidic solution is made dilute?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt,

Preliminary Test with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid -

If no positive result is obtained from dil. H2SO4 test, take 0.1 g of salt in a test tube and 3-4 drops of conc. H2SO4. Observe the change in the reaction mixture
in cold and then warm it.

Con rmatory tests for the anions which react with concentrated sulphuric acid are given below in the Table:
Con rmatory tests for Cl–, Br–, I–, NO3– and C2O42-
CdS is only completely precipitated when the acidic solution is made dilute.

Therefore, Option(4) is correct.

Q. 51 If are natural numbers such that  , then the minimum possible value of  is 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


the value of ab is minimum when 

Q. 52 If   are four distinct number chosen from the set  then, the minimum value of  is
Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:



Q. 53 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words

Renegade: Traitor

Option 1:
Ghetto: Colony

Option 2:
Hit: Destroy

Option 3:
Exhilarate: Excruciate
Option 4:
Damp: Lively

Correct Answer:
Ghetto: Colony

The question pair of words contains synonyms, similarly, ghetto and colony are also synonyms.

Q. 54 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words:

Implore: Command

Option 1:
Brutal: Humane

Option 2:
Gregarious: Gracious

Option 3:
Stupendous: Staggering

Option 4:
Monotonous: Tedious

Correct Answer:
Brutal: Humane

The question pair of words contains antonyms, similarly, brutal and humane are also antonyms.

Q. 55 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words:

Haggle: Bargain
Option 1:
Razor: Obliterate

Option 2:
Attack: Exterminate

Option 3:
Obdurate: Obstinate

Option 4:
Impersonate: Paragon

Correct Answer:
Attack: Exterminate

Haggling is done to bargain, similarly, attacking is done to exterminate or kill.

Q. 56 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words:

Poignant: Marked

Option 1:
Powerful: Potent

Option 2:
Embellish: Admonish

Option 3:
Braggart: Flaunt

Option 4:
Sensational: Moribund

Correct Answer:
Powerful: Potent
The question pair of words contains synonyms, similarly, powerful and potent are synonyms

Q. 57 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words

Proselytize: Faith

Option 1:
Fly: Nation

Option 2:
Elevate: Exile

Option 3:
Relegate: Delegate

Option 4:
Retail: Retailer

Correct Answer:
Fly: Nation

Proselytize is a verb which denotes moving into another faith; ying may denote moving into another nation

Q. 58 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words:

Inordinate: Nondescript

Option 1:
Convoluted: Tortuous

Option 2:
Bawdy: Decent
Option 3:
Decrepit: Dilapidated

Option 4:
Mercenary: Vindictive

Correct Answer:
Bawdy: Decent

The question pair of words contains antonyms, similarly, bawdy and decent are antonyms

Q. 59 Find out the pair of words from the options which exhibits the same relationship as shown by the question pair of words:

Plateau: Altitude

Option 1:
Meticulous: Victory

Option 2:
Fraternity: Disunity

Option 3:
Palpable: Sensible

Option 4:
Astonish: Dexterous

Correct Answer:
Meticulous: Victory

By being on plateau (the raised part of land) the altitude is enhanced, similarly, by being meticulous, victory may be achieved.
Q. 60 Rearrange the following paragraph to answer the following question

(A) Therefore, it is an encouraging symbol, but we must watch against our rising pace of populace expansion.

(B) De ciency mitigation is one of the most momentous programmes.

(C) Even though this modi cation is sluggish and steady, it appears to be unswerving.

(D) The degree of success of this programme can be gauged when we examine the share of citizens underneath de ciency line.

Which sentence should come SECOND in the paragraph?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

The correct arrangement of sentences is: BCAD

B- This is the opening line of the paragraph which establishes the idea of de ciency mitigation

C- C and B form a mandatory pair. Here ‘this modi cation refers to de ciency mitigation.

A- This is the concluding sentence of the paragraph.

D-This sentence further elaborates about the triumph of this programme.


Q. 61 Rearrange the following paragraph to answer the following question

(A) Therefore, it is an encouraging symbol, but we must watch against our rising pace of populace expansion.

(B) De ciency mitigation is one of the most momentous programmes.

(C) Even though this modi cation is sluggish and steady, it appears to be unswerving.

(D) The degree of success of this programme can be gauged when we examine the share of citizens underneath de ciency line

Which sentence should come FOURTH in the paragraph?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

The correct arrangement of sentences is: BCAD

B- This is the opening line of the paragraph which establishes the idea of de ciency mitigation

C- C and B form a mandatory pair. Here ‘this modi cation refers to de ciency mitigation.

A- This is the concluding sentence of the paragraph.

D-This sentence further elaborates about the triumph of this programme.


Q. 62 Rearrange the following paragraph to answer the following question

(A) Therefore, it is an encouraging symbol, but we must watch against our rising pace of populace expansion.

(B) De ciency mitigation is one of the most momentous programmes.

(C) Even though this modi cation is sluggish and steady, it appears to be unswerving.

(D) The degree of success of this programme can be gauged when we examine the share of citizens underneath de ciency line

Which sentence should come THIRD in the paragraph?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

The correct arrangement of sentences is: BCAD

B- This is the opening line of the paragraph which establishes the idea of de ciency mitigation

C- C and B form a mandatory pair. Here ‘this modi cation refers to de ciency mitigation.

A- This is the concluding sentence of the paragraph.

D-This sentence further elaborates about the triumph of this programme.


Q. 1 If is less than or equal to 500y and y is (0-1), If y is 0, then will be

Option 1:
equal to 0

Option 2:
less than 0

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:
equal to 0


Solution of Linear Programming Problems -

As we learnt in 

Corner Point Method -

This method of solving a LPP graphically is based on the principle of extreme points theorem.


So only   satis es.

Q. 2 The  points (x,3) satis es the inequality , -5x-2y 13, nd the smallest possible value of  x?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Solution of Linear Programming Problems -

Corner Point Method -

This method of solving a LPP graphically is based on the principle of extreme points theorem.





minimum value of x is = -3.8

Q. 3

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Result of integration by parts -


Q. 4 The area bounded by 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
none of these 

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Area between two curves -

If we have two functions intersection each other.First nd the point of intersection.  Then integrate to nd area
- wherein

 The line y = x+2 


Q. 5
If f (x) =   Then 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:
none of this 

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Type of integration by substitution -

Integral of the functions containing functions of trigonometric functions 


- wherein



Q. 6 In how many ways can 5 women and 3 men be seated in a row so that no two men are together 

Option 1:
6 ! 5! 

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Number of Permutations without repetition -

Arrange n objects taken r at a time equivalent to lling r places from n things.

- wherein


Let us rst seat the 5 women 

It can be done in 5 ! ways for such arrangement, 3 men can be seated only at X position 


so, 3 men can be seated in 

Q. 7 In expansion of 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
none of these 

Correct Answer:

As we have learned
Coe cient of x^{R} -

We write general term


We arrange all of x together and make

compare : 


- wherein

Take a in terms of x.

r can't be negative or fraction.

Q. 8

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:
mulitple of 15 

Option 4:
none of these 

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Properties of Binomial Theorem -

Sum of the binomial coe cients of the odd term is equal to sum of the binomial coe cients of even term and each is equal to .

- wherein

 A= B = 2 14 ; Thus 

Q. 9
If in   ratio of 
Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Result of Binomial Theorem -

If the three consecutive terms in the expansion of are in the ratio then the value of is given by

- wherein

Take  term


Q. 10 What is the equation of an upward opening parabola with distance between its focus and directrix as 7 and passing through origin as vertex 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Standard equation of parabola -

- wherein

2a = 7 

a = 7/2 

Q. 11 What is the name of the line segment through the center and perpendicular to the major axis of an ellipse ? 

Option 1:
Principal Axis 

Option 2:
Minor Axis 

Option 3:
Major Axis 

Option 4:

Correct Answer:
Minor Axis 
As we have learned

Minor axis -

The line segment through the centre and perpendicular to the major axis.

- wherein

Q. 12 Write the equation of rectangular hyperbola in standard form with x-axis as transverse axis and origin as center with length of transverse axis as

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
none of these above 

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

General equation (cartesian form ) -

Q. 13 What is the equation of tangent at (-3,5) on the hyperbola 

Option 1:
3x+y +4 = 0 

Option 2:
x+3y-4 = 0 

Option 3:
y = 3x+4 

Option 4:
none of these 

Correct Answer:
3x+y +4 = 0 

As we have learned

Equation of Tangent to Hyperbola -

- wherein

For the Hyperbola


Q. 14 Find  ?, if   & 

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these
Correct Answer:

As we learned

Properties of Conjugate of Complex Number -

- wherein

denotes conjugate of z.




Q. 15 Modulus of 2 complex no's are 4 and 7 and modulus of sum of these complex numbers is 9, then 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Property of Modulus of z(Complex Number) -

- wherein

|.| denotes modulus of z

 denotes conjugate of z



Q. 16 What is the polar term of 

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Polar Form of a Complex Number -

- wherein

r= modulus of z and   is the argument of z

&, Arg

(2nd quadrant and  )

Q. 17 What is the euler form of complex number 

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:


As we learned

Euler's Form of a Complex number -

- wherein

r denotes modulus of z and   denotes argument of z.




Q. 18
What is the argument of zw, such that      and  .

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Property of Argument of a Complex Number -

- wherein

 and it is chosen such that Arg(z.w) lies in the principal value range of Argument.  

=       (Here, n=-1 for principle arg)

Q. 19 Write the equation     in normal form 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned
Normal form -

- wherein

p is the length of the perpendicular segment from the origin and is the angle made by this perpendicular with +ve -axis.

Q. 20 For what value of angle   between intersecting plane and vertical axis of  adouble napped circular cone with   as semi vertical angle , we get
ellipse ? 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Di erent conic sections -

We get an ellipse when

- wherein


Q. 21 Find the equation of circle whose center is in 2nd quadrant and radius is 3 units , Also , the circle touches both the axes 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
none of these 

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Circle touching both axes and radius r -



C = (-3,3)

 = (-g,-f) 

r = 3 

Q. 22 Find the parameter   of a point (3,-4) on a circle whoese center is (2,-4 + ) and radisu is 2 units 

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learned

Parametric form -

- wherein

Circle having centre and radius .

 x = 3 , y = -4 

h = 2 


angle in the 4th quadrant 

Q. 23 Find the equation whose roots are reciprocal of the roots of the equation 

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Transformation of equation -

To nd equation whose roots are symmetrical functions of   and   , Where   &   are roots of some other equation. 

- wherein

Take any of the roots to be equal to    &  calculate    or     accordingly in terms of    & satisfy the given equation to get the required equation.

Let the root of the required equation be y; so, 

Q. 24 Which of the following gives "if p then q " true : 

Option 1:
p is false , q is false 

Option 2:
p is false , q is true 

Option 3:
p is true , q is true 

Option 4:
all of the above 

Correct Answer:
all of the above 

As we have learned

Validating Statements with 'If then' -

By assuming that p is true, prove that q must be true. By assuming that q is false, prove that p must be false.

Q. 25 What is the no. of ways to divide 100 persons into 20 equal groups?

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:


Rule for Division into Groups -

The number of ways in which mn di erent things can be divided equally into m groups is  .

Q. 26 What is the rank of word "AGAIN" in a dictionary with all possible arrangements of its letters?

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

The rank of any Word -

We arrange the words according to the dic onary.

- wherein

Q. 27 What is the no. of positive integral solutions of : x+y+z=8  and zero values of x, y, z are included?

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt in 

Theorem of Number of Solutions -

Number of non-negative integral solutions of the equation x1 + x2 + x3 +......... + xr=n is  .

- wherein


Q. 28 What is the exponent of 5 in (45)!?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:
Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:

As we learned

The exponent of Prime P in n! -

If m is the index of the highest power of a prime p that divides n! then

- wherein

Where [x] stands for the greatest integer value of .



Q. 29
General Solution of the D.E  

Option 1:

Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Homogeneous Di erential Equation -


Q. 30 In which of the following D.E will  be formed?

Option 1:
Radioactive material decay at rate of proportional to amount

Option 2:
Population of mice increase at constant rate

Option 3:
both (a) and (b)

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:
both (a) and (b)

As we learnt

Application of Homogeneous Di erential Equations -

Di erential equation can be applied on various problems.

- wherein

* Growth and Decay Problems

* Temperature Problems

* Dilution Problems

 for (a) 

for (b) 

Q. 31 Solve the D.E

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Linear Di erential Equation -

Multiply by    which is the Integrating factor

- wherein
P is the function of x alone

 Write the D.E

 of the form 


General Solution

Q. 32 For  nd the correct statement:

Option 1:
 is continuous at 

Option 2:
is discontinuous with a removable discontinuity at 

Option 3:
 is discontinuous with an irremovable discontinuity at 

Option 4:
None of the above

Correct Answer:
is discontinuous with a removable discontinuity at 

As we have learnt,

Removable discontinuity -

A function  f is said to possess removable discontinuity if at x = a :  

- wherein

,     ,  

Q. 33
    is equal to:

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned

L - Hospital Rule -

- wherein




Q. 34

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned


- wherein


Applying Lim  


Q. 35 Find 

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learn

Approximation -

It gives approximate value of any  f(x)  at    .  We break     to  

- wherein

Where fx is negative value of  f(x). It may be positive and negative.


Q. 36 Find the local maximum value of  ?

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learn

Method for maxima or minima -

By second derivative method :


- wherein

Local  maxima at 

Q. 37 If gof is a bijective function then,

Option 1:
f is one-one and f is onto

Option 2:
f is many-one and g is onto

Option 3:
f is one-one and g is onto
Option 4:
g is one-one and g is onto

Correct Answer:
f is one-one and g is onto

As we learnt

Property of Composition of Functions -

If f: A → B and g: B → C are one-one, then g o f? A → C is also one-one

If f: A → B and g: B → C are onto, then g o f? A → C is also onto
If g o( f)   is one-one, Then f is one-one.
If g o( f)   is onto, Then g is onto.

Q. 38 If (x-3,2x) = (y,-x+y), Then nd (x,y)

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these
Correct Answer:

As we learnt

Equality of Ordered Pair -

We have x-3=y

and 2x=-x+y

x = y and x - x - 3 = 0

Q. 39 If A and B are independent events , then nd the correct option?

Option 1:


Option 2:
Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned from

Independent events -

If A and B are independent events then probability of occurrence of A is not a ected by occurrence or non occurrence of event B.



Q. 40 What is the probability of getting a king in rst withdrawl a red card in second withdrawl from a deck of 52 cards without replacment ? 

Option 1:
2/ 52 

Option 2:
1/ 51 

Option 3:

Option 4:
2/ 13 
Correct Answer:

As we learned

Independent events -

If A and B are independent events then   and    independent event.

- wherein

Where RK= Red King

            BK= Black king

Q. 41 What is the probability of getting a red ball from a bag 1 with 2 red and 4 black balls or from bag 2 with 3 red and 2 black balls, where the
probability of selecting bags is equal:

Option 1:
Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

We leaarned from

The law of Total Probability -

Let S be the sample space and E1, E2, ......En be n mutually exclusive and exhaustive events associated with a random experiment.

- wherein

where A is any event which occurs with E1, E2, E3......En.

Q. 42 P ( x = 5 ) for n = 6 , p = 1/3 is 

Option 1:
6 /128 

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned from

Binomial Distribution -

In a series of n independent trials if the probability of success P in each trial is same, then the probapility of r success is

- wherein

Where is probability of failure.

Q. 43 Find standard deviation of   

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned 

Standard Deviation -

If x1, x2...xn are n observations then square root of the arithmetic mean of 

- wherein

where   is mean




Q. 44 If mean of 30 class Xth students marks are 15 and mean of 20 class XIIth students marks is 18, then combined mean of marks of this 50 student

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we learned

Combined Mean -

If x1 and x2 be the means of two related groups having n1 and n2 items respectively then the combined mean   of both the groups is given by 

Q. 45

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt

Results of Triple Angle Formula -

- wherein

Where A is the angle. 


Q. 46 The value of   is:

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt

Results from Submultiples of an angle -

- wherein

This shows the formulae for the conversion of half angles and their doubles.

Q. 47

Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3:

Option 4:
None of these

Correct Answer:

As we have learnt

Results from General Solution -

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