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Etl Interview Questions

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The key takeaways from the document are that ETL testing is an important part of data warehousing to ensure data quality and accuracy, and involves validating data as it moves through the extract, transform, and load process.

The importance of ETL testing is to validate, evaluate, and qualify data after it has been extracted, transformed and loaded to ensure there are no errors or data quality issues. ETL testing helps ensure the data is complete, accurate and reliable.

The different challenges of ETL testing include testing large volumes of data, testing complex transformations, testing data quality, and testing ETL performance and scalability.

ETL Testing Interview Questions

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ETL Interview Questions for Freshers

1.   What is the importance of ETL testing?
2.   Explain the process of ETL testing.
3.   Name some tools that are used in ETL.
4.   What are different types of ETL testing?
5.   What are the roles and responsibilities of an ETL tester?
6.   What are the different challenges of ETL testing?
7.   Explain the three-layer architecture of an ETL cycle.
8.   Explain data mart.
9.   Explain how a data warehouse differs from data mining.
10.   What do you mean by data purging?
11.   State difference between ETL and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) tools.
12.   Write about the difference between power mart and power center.
13.   What is data source view?
14.   Write the difference between ETL testing and database testing.
15.   What is BI (Business Intelligence)?
16.   What do you mean by ETL Pipeline?
17.   Explain the data cleaning process.

ETL Interview Questions for Experienced

18.   State difference between ETL testing and manual testing.

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

ETL Interview Questions for Experienced (.....Continued)

19.   Mention some of the ETL bugs.

20.   Can you define cubes and OLAP cubes?
21.   Explain what is fact and write its type.
22.   Define Grain of Fact.
23.   What do you mean by ODS (Operational data store)?
24.   What do you mean by staging area and write its main purpose?
25.   Explain the Snowflake schema.
26.   Explain what you mean by Bus Schema.
27.   What do you mean by schema objects?
28.   What is the benefit of using a Data reader destination adapter?
29.   What do you mean by factless table?
30.   Explain SCD (Slowly Change Dimension).

ETL Scenario Based Interview Questions

31.   Explain partitioning in ETL and write its type.
32.   Write different ways of updating a table when SSIS (SQL Server Integration
Services) is being used.
33.   Write some ETL test cases.
34.   Explain ETL mapping sheets.
35.   How ETL testing is used in third party data management?
36.   Explain how ETL is used in data migration projects.

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

ETL Scenario Based Interview Questions (.....Continued)

37.   What are the conditions under which you use dynamic cache and static cache in
connected and unconnected transformations?

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Let's get Started

What is ETL Testing? 

Almost every business relies heavily on data nowadays, which is good! With
subjective and accurate data, we can grasp more than we can comprehend with our
human brains. What matters is when. Data processing, like any system, is prone to
errors. What is the value of data when there is a possibility that some of it could be
lost, incomplete, or irrelevant? 

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

This is where ETL testing comes into play. In business processes today, ETL is
considered an important component of data warehousing architecture. Data is
extracted from source systems, transformed into a consistent data type, and loaded
into a single repository through ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load). Validating,
evaluating, and qualifying data is an important part of ETL testing. We conduct ETL
testing a er extracting, transforming, and loading the data to verify that the final
data was appropriately loaded into the system in the correct format. It ensures that
data reaches its destination safely and is of high quality before it enters your BI
(Business Intelligence) reports. 

ETL Interview Questions for Freshers

1.   What is the importance of ETL testing?
Following are some of the notable benefits that are highlighted while endorsing ETL
Ensure data is transformed efficiently and quickly from one system to another.
Data quality issues during ETL processes, such as duplicate data or data loss, can
also be identified and prevented by ETL testing.
Assures that the ETL process itself is running smoothly and is not hampered.
Ensures that all data implemented is in line with client requirements and
provides accurate output.
Ensures that bulk data is moved to the new destination completely and securely.

2.   Explain the process of ETL testing.

ETL testing is made easier when a testing strategy is well defined. The ETL testing
process goes through different phases, as illustrated below: 

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

Analyze Business Requirements: To perform ETL Testing effectively, it is crucial

to understand and capture the business requirements through the use of data
models, business flow diagrams, reports, etc.
Identifying and Validating Data Source: To proceed, it is necessary to identify
the source data and perform preliminary checks such as schema checks, table
counts, and table validations. The purpose of this is to make sure the ETL
process matches the business model specification.
Design Test Cases and Preparing Test Data: Step three includes designing ETL
mapping scenarios, developing SQL scripts, and defining transformation rules.
Lastly, verifying the documents against business needs to make sure they cater
to those needs. As soon as all the test cases have been checked and approved,
the pre-execution check is performed. All three steps of our ETL processes -
namely extracting, transforming, and loading - are covered by test cases.
Test Execution with Bug Reporting and Closure: This process continues until
the exit criteria (business requirements) have been met. In the previous step, if
any defects were found, they were sent to the developer for fixing, a er which
retesting was performed. Moreover, regression testing is performed in order to
prevent the introduction of new bugs during the fix of an earlier bug.
Summary Report and Result Analysis: At this step, a test report is prepared,
which lists the test cases and their status (passed or failed). As a result of this
report, stakeholders or decision-makers will be able to properly maintain the
delivery threshold by understanding the bug and the result of the testing
Test Closure: Once everything is completed, the reports are closed.

3.   Name some tools that are used in ETL.

The use of ETL testing tools increases IT productivity and facilitates the process of
extracting insights from big data. With the tool, you no longer have to use labor-
intensive, costly traditional programming methods to extract and process data.  

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

Technology evolved over time, so did solutions. Nowadays, various ways can be used
for ETL testing depending on the source data and the environment. There are several
ETL vendors that focus on ETL exclusively, such as Informatica. So ware vendors like
IBM, Oracle, and Microso provide other tools as well.  Open source ETL tools have
also recently emerged that are free to use. The following are some ETL so ware tools
to consider:   
Enterprise So ware ETL 
Informatica PowerCenter
IBM InfoSphere DataStage
Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)
Microso SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
SAP Data Services
SAS Data Manager, etc.
Open Source ETL 
Talend Open Studio
Pentaho Data Integration (PDI)
Hadoop, etc.

4.   What are different types of ETL testing?

Before you begin the testing process, you need to define the right ETL Testing
technique. It is important to ensure that the ETL test is performed using the right
technique and that all stakeholders agree to it. Testing team members should be
familiar with this technique and the steps involved in testing. Below are some types
of testing techniques that can be used: 

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

Production Validation Testing: Also known as "production reconciliation" or

"table balancing," it involves validating data in production systems and
comparing it against the source data.
Source to Target Count Testing: This ensures that the number of records
loaded into the target is consistent with what is expected.
Source to Target Data Testing: This entails ensuring no data is lost and
truncated when loading data into the warehouse, and that the data values are
accurate a er transformation.
Metadata Testing: The process of determining whether the source and target
systems have the same schema, data types, lengths, indexes, constraints, etc.
Performance Testing: Verifying that data loads into the data warehouse within
predetermined timelines to ensure speed and scalability.
Data Transformation Testing: This ensures that data transformations are
completed according to various business rules and requirements.
Data Quality Testing: This testing involves checking numbers, dates, nulls,
precision, etc. Testing includes both Syntax Tests to report invalid characters,
incorrect upper/lower case order, etc., and Reference Tests to check if the data is
properly formatted.
Data Integration Testing: In this test, testers ensure the data from various
sources have been properly incorporated into the target system, as well as
verifying the threshold values.
Report Testing: The test examines the data in a summary report, verifying the
layout and functionality, and making calculations for subsequent analysis.

5.   What are the roles and responsibilities of an ETL tester?

Since ETL testing is so important, ETL testers are in great demand. ETL testers
validate data sources, extract data, apply transformation logic, and load data into
target tables. The following are key responsibilities of an ETL tester: 

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

In-depth knowledge of ETL tools and processes.

Performs thorough testing of the ETL so ware.
Check the data warehouse test component.
Perform the backend data-driven test.
Design and execute test cases, test plans, test harnesses, etc.
Identifies problems and suggests the best solutions.
Review and approve the requirements and design specifications.
Writing SQL queries for testing scenarios.
Various types of tests should be carried out, including primary keys, defaults,
and checks of other ETL-related functionality.
Conducts regular quality checks.

6.   What are the different challenges of ETL testing?

In spite of the importance of ETL testing, companies may face some challenges when
trying to implement it in their applications. The volume of data involved or the
heterogeneous nature of the data makes ETL testing challenging.   Some of these
challenges are listed below:    
Changing customer requirements result in re-running test cases.
Changing customer requirements may necessitate a tester creating/modifying
new mapping documents and SQL scripts, resulting in a long and tedious
Uncertainty about business requirements or employees who are not aware of
During migration, data loss may occur, making it difficult for source-to-
destination reconciliation to take place.
An incomplete or corrupt data source.
Reconciliation between data sources and targets may be impacted by
incorporating real-time data.
There may be memory issues in the system due to the large volume of historical
Testing with inappropriate tools or in an unstable environment.

7.   Explain the three-layer architecture of an ETL cycle.

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

Typically, ETL tool-based data warehouses use staging areas, data integration layers,
and access layers to accomplish their work. In general, the architecture has three
layers as shown below: 

Staging Layer: In a staging layer, or source layer, data is stored that is extracted
from multiple data sources.
Data Integration Layer: The integration layer plays the role of transforming
data from the staging layer to the database layer.
Access Layer: Also called a dimension layer, it allows users to retrieve data for
analytical reporting and information retrieval.

8.   Explain data mart.

An enterprise data warehouse can be divided into subsets, also called data marts,
which are focused on a particular business unit or department. Data marts allow
selected groups of users to easily access specific data without having to search
through an entire data warehouse. Some companies, for example, may have a data
mart aligned with purchasing, sales, or inventories as shown below: 

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In contrast to data warehouses, each data mart has a unique set of end users, and
building a data mart takes less time and costs less, so it is more suitable for small
businesses. There is no duplicate (or unused) data in a data mart, and the data is
updated on a regular basis.

9.   Explain how a data warehouse differs from data mining.

Both data mining and data warehousing are powerful data analysis and storage
Data warehousing: To generate meaningful business insights, it involves
compiling and organizing data from various sources into a common database. In
a data warehouse, data are cleaned, integrated and consolidated to support
management decision-making processes. Object-oriented, integrated, time-
varying, and nonvolatile data can be stored within a Data warehouse.

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Data mining: Also referred to as KDD (Knowledge Discover in Database), it

involves searching for and identifying hidden, relevant, and potentially valuable
patterns in large data sets. An important goal of data mining is to discover
previously unknown relationships among the data. Through data mining,
insights can be extracted that can be used for things such as marketing, fraud
detection, and scientific discoveries. 

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Difference between Data Warehouse and Data Mining -

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Data Warehousing Data Mining

Data is extracted from

It involves gathering all relevant
large datasets using this
data for analytics in one place. 

Data extraction and storage It identifies patterns by

assist in facilitating easier using pattern recognition
reporting.  techniques. 

Data mining is carried out

Engineers are solely responsible by business users in
for data warehousing, and data conjunction with
is periodically stored.  engineers, and data is
analyzed regularly. 

In addition to making data

mining easier and more
Analyzing information
convenient, it helps sort and
and data is made easier. 
upload important data to

It is possible to accumulate a Not doing it correctly can

large amount of irrelevant and create data breaches and
unnecessary data. Loss and hacking since data
erasure of data can also be mining isn't always 100%
problematic.  accurate. 

Data mining cannot take place Because the process

without this process, since it requires compiled data, it
compiles and organizes data always takes place a er
into a common database.  data warehousing.  

Comparatively, data
Data warehouses simplify every
mining techniques are
type of business data. 

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

10.   What do you mean by data purging?

When data needs to be deleted from the data warehouse, it can be a very tedious
task to delete data in bulk. The term data purging refers to methods of permanently
erasing and removing data from a data warehouse. Data purging, o en contrasted
with deletion, involves many different techniques and strategies. When you delete
data, you are removing it on a temporary basis, but when you purge data, you are
permanently removing the data and freeing up memory or storage space. In general,
the data that is deleted is usually junk data such as null values or extra spaces in the
row. Using this approach, users can delete multiple files at once and maintain both
efficiency and speed. 

11.   State difference between ETL and OLAP (Online Analytical

Processing) tools.
ETL tools: The data is extracted, transformed, and loaded into the data
warehouse or data mart using ETL tools. Several transformations are necessary
before data is loaded into the target table in order to implement business logic.
 Example: Data stage, Informatica, etc. 
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) tools: OLAP tools are designed to create
reports from data warehouses and data marts for business analysis. It loads data
from the target tables into the OLAP repository and performs the required
modifications to create a report. Example: Business Objects, Cognos etc.

12.   Write about the difference between power mart and power


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Power Mart  Power Center

It only processes small

It is considered good when the
amounts of data and is
amount of data to be processed
considered good if the
is high, as it processes bulk data
processing requirements
in a short period of time.  
are low.  

ERP sources are not ERP sources such as SAP,

supported.  PeopleSo , etc. are supported.  

Currently, it only supports Local and global repositories

local repositories.  are supported. 

There are no
specifications for turning It is capable of converting local
a local repository into a repositories into global ones.  
global repository.  

To improve the performance of

Session partitions are not
ETL transactions, it supports
session partitioning. 

13.   What is data source view?

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

Several analysis services databases rely on relational schemas, and the Data source
view is responsible for defining such schemas (logical model of the schema).
Additionally, it can be easily used to create cubes and dimensions, thus enabling
users to set their dimensions in an intuitive way. A multidimensional model is
incomplete without a DSV. In this way, you are given complete control over the data
structures in your project and are able to work independently from the underlying
data sources (e.g., changing column names or concatenating columns without
directly changing the original data source). Every model must have a DSV, no matter
when or how it's created.
Using the Data Source View Wizard to create a DSV
You must run the Data Source View Wizard from Solution Explorer within SQL Server
Data Tools to create the DSV.
In solution explorer, Right Click Data source view folder -> Click New Data Source
Choose one of the available data source objects, or add a new one.
Click Advanced on the same page to specifically select schemas, apply a filter, or
exclude information about table relationships.
Filter Available Objects (If we use a string as a selection criterion, it is possible to
prune the list of the available objects).
A Name Matching page appears if there are no table relationships defined for the
relational data source, and you can choose the appropriate method for
matching names by clicking on it.

14.   Write the difference between ETL testing and database

Data validation is involved in both ETL testing and database testing, however, the
two are different. The ETL testing procedure normally involves analyzing data stored
in a warehouse system. On the other hand, the database testing procedure is
commonly used to analyze data stored in transactional systems. The following are
the distinct differences between ETL testing and Database testing. 

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ETL Testing  Database Testing 

The ETL process is

used to test data
extraction, Data is validated and integrated by
transformation, and performing database testing. 
loading for BI reporting

Data movement is This test is primarily designed to

being checked to verify that data follows the rules or
determine if it is going standards defined in the Data
as expected Model.  

It ensures that foreign key

It verifies whether the
relationships are maintained and
counts and data in the
no orphan records are present, as
source and target
well as that a column in the table
match or not.  
has valid values. 

This technique is
This technique is applied to OLTP
applied to OLAP

The approach utilizes

denormalized data
The approach utilizes normalized
with fewer joins, more
data with joins. 
indexes, and more

Some of the most

common ETL tools are Some of the most common
QuerySurge, database testing tools are
Informatica, Cognos, Selenium, QTP, etc. 

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

15.   What is BI (Business Intelligence)?

Business Intelligence (BI) involves acquiring, cleaning, analyzing, integrating, and
sharing data as a means of identifying actionable insights and enhancing business
growth. An effective BI test verifies staging data, ETL process, BI reports, and ensures
the implementation is reliable. In simple words, BI is a technique used to gather raw
business data and transform it into useful insight for a business. By performing BI
Testing, insights from the BI process are verified for accuracy and credibility. 

16.   What do you mean by ETL Pipeline?

As the name suggests, ETL pipelines are the mechanisms to perform ETL processes.
This involves a series of processes or activities required for transferring data from one
or more sources into the data warehouse for analysis, reporting and data
synchronization. It is important to move, consolidate, and alter source data from
multiple systems to match the parameters and capabilities of the destination
database in order to provide valuable insights. 

Among its benefits are: 

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They reduce errors, bottlenecks, and latency, ensuring the smooth flow of
information between systems.
With ETL pipelines, businesses are able to achieve competitive advantage.
The ETL pipeline can centralize and standardize data, allowing analysts and
decision-makers to easily access and use it.
It facilitates data migrations from legacy systems to new repositories.

17.   Explain the data cleaning process.

There is always the possibility of duplicate or mislabeled data when combining
multiple data sources. Incorrect data leads to unreliable outcomes and algorithms,
even when they appear to be correct. Therefore, consolidation of multiple data
representations as well as elimination of duplicate data become essential in order to
ensure accurate and consistent data. Here comes the importance of the data
cleaning process.  
Data cleaning can also be referred to as data scrubbing or data cleansing. This refers
to the process of removing incomplete, duplicate, corrupt, or incorrect data from a
dataset. As the need to integrate multiple data sources becomes more apparent, for
example in data warehouses or federated database systems, the significance of data
cleaning increases greatly. Because the specific steps in a data cleaning process will
vary depending on the dataset, developing a template for your process will ensure
that you do it correctly and consistently.

ETL Interview Questions for Experienced

18.   State difference between ETL testing and manual testing.

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ETL Testing  Manual Testing 

It requires technical
The test is an automated process,
expertise in SQL and
which means that no special
Shell scripting since
technical knowledge is needed aside
it is a manual
from understanding the so ware. 

In addition to being
It is extremely fast and systematic, time-consuming, it is
and it delivers excellent results.  highly prone to

Manual testing
Databases and their counts are focuses on the
central to ETL testing.  program's

It lacks metadata,
Metadata is included and can easily
and changes require
be altered.  
more effort.  

It is concerned with error handling, From a maintenance

log summary, and load progress, perspective, it
which eases the developer's and requires maximum
maintainer's workload.   effort.  

As data increases,
It is very good at handling historical
processing time

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ETL Testing Interview Questions

19.   Mention some of the ETL bugs.

Following are a few common ETL bugs:

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User Interface Bug: GUI bugs include issues with color selection, font style,
navigation, spelling check, etc.
Input/Output Bug: This type of bug causes the application to take invalid values
in place of valid ones.
Boundary Value Analysis Bug: Bugs in this section check for both the minimum
and maximum values.
Calculation bugs: These bugs are usually mathematical errors causing incorrect
Load Condition Bugs: A bug like this does not allow multiple users. The user-
accepted data is not allowed.
Race Condition Bugs: This type of bug interferes with your system’s ability to
function properly and causes it to crash or hang.
ECP (Equivalence Class Partitioning) Bug: A bug of this type results in invalid
Version Control Bugs: Regression Testing is where these kinds of bugs normally
occur and does not provide version details.
Hardware Bugs: This type of bug prevents the device from responding to an
application as expected.
Help Source Bugs: The help documentation will be incorrect due to this bug.

20.   Can you define cubes and OLAP cubes?

The cube is one of the things on which data processing relies heavily. In their simplest
form, cubes are just data processing units that contain dimensions and fact tables
from the Data warehouse. It provides clients with a multidimensional view of data,
querying, and analysis capabilities. 
On the other hand, Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) is so ware that allows you
to analyze data from several databases at the same time. For reporting purposes, an
OLAP cube can be used to store data in the multidimensional form. With the cubes,
creating and viewing reports becomes easier, as well as smoothing and improving the
reporting process. The end users are responsible for managing and maintaining these
cubes, who have to manually update their data.  

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21.   Explain what is fact and write its type.

An important aspect of data warehousing is the fact table. A fact table basically
represents the measurements, metrics, or facts of a business process. In fact tables,
facts are stored, and they are linked to a number of dimension tables via foreign keys.
Facts are usually details and/or aggregated measurements of a business process
which can be calculated and grouped to address the business question. Data
schemas like the star schema or snowflake schema consist of a central fact table
surrounded by several dimension tables. The measures or numbers like sales, cost,
profit and loss, etc., are some examples of facts. 
Fact tables have two types of columns, foreign keys and measures columns. Foreign
keys store foreign keys to dimensions, while measures contain numeric facts. Other
attributes can be added, depending on the business need and necessity. 
Types of Facts 
Facts can be divided into three basic types, as follows: 

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Additive: Facts that are fully additive are the most flexible and useful. We can
sum up additive facts across any dimension associated with the fact table.
Semi-additive: We can sum up semi-additive facts across some dimensions
associated with the fact table, but not all.
Non-Additive: The Fact table contains non-additive facts, which cannot be
summed up for any dimension. The ratio is an example of a non-additive fact.

22.   Define Grain of Fact.

Accordingly, grain fact refers to the level of storing fact information. Alternatively, it is
known as Fact Granularity. 

23.   What do you mean by ODS (Operational data store)?

Between the staging area and the Data Warehouse, ODS serves as a repository for
data. Upon inserting the data into ODS, ODS will load all the data into the EDW
(Enterprise data warehouse). The benefits of ODS mainly pertain to business
operations, as it presents current, clean data from multiple sources in one place.
Unlike other databases, an ODS database is read-only, and customers cannot update

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24.   What do you mean by staging area and write its main

During the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process, a staging area or landing zone
is used as an intermediate storage area. It serves as a temporary storage area
between data sources and data warehouses. Staging areas are primarily used to
extract data quickly from their respective data sources, therefore minimizing the
impact of those sources. Using the staging area, data is combined from multiple data
sources, transformed, validated, and cleaned a er data has been loaded. 

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25.   Explain the Snowflake schema.

Adding additional dimension tables to a Star Schema makes it a Snowflake Schema.
In the Snowflake schema model, multiple hierarchies of dimension tables surround a
central fact table.  Alternatively, a dimension table is called a snowflake if its low-
cardinality attribute has been segmented into separate normalized tables. These
normalized tables are then joined with referential constraints (foreign key
constraints) to the original dimensions table. Snowflake schema complexity
increases linearly with the level of hierarchy in the dimension tables. 

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Data integrity is reduced because of structured data.
Data are highly structured, so it requires little disk space.
Updating or maintaining Snowflaking tables is easy.
Snowflake reduces the space consumed by dimension tables, but the space
saved is usually insignificant compared with the entire data warehouse.
Due to the number of tables added, you may need complex joins to perform a
query, which will reduce query performance.

26.   Explain what you mean by Bus Schema.

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An important part of ETL is dimension identification, and this is largely done by the
Bus Schema. A BUS schema is actually comprised of a suite of verified dimensions
and uniform definitions and can be used for handling dimension identification across
all businesses. To put it another way, the bus schema identifies the common
dimensions and facts across all the data marts of an organization just like identifying
conforming dimensions (dimensions with the same information/meaning when
being referred to different fact tables). Using the Bus schema, information is given in
a standard format with precise dimensions in ETL. 

27.   What do you mean by schema objects?

Generally, a schema comprises a set of database objects, such as tables, views,
indexes, clusters, database links, and synonyms, etc. This is a logical description or
structure of the database. Schema objects can be arranged in various ways in schema
models designed for data warehousing.  Star and snowflake schemas are two
examples of data warehouse schema models. 

28.   What is the benefit of using a Data reader destination

ADO Recordset holds a collection of records (records and columns) from a database
table. The Data Reader Destination Adapter is very useful when it comes to
populating them in a simple manner. Using the ADO.NET DataReader interface, it
exposes the data in a data flow for other applications to consume it. 

29.   What do you mean by factless table?

Factless tables do not contain any facts or measures. It contains only dimensional
keys and deals with event occurrences at the informational level but not at the
calculational level. As the name implies, factless fact tables capture relationships
between dimensions but lack any numerical or textual data. Factual fact tables can
be categorized into two categories: one that describes events, and the other one that
describes conditions. Both may have a significant impact on your dimensional

30.   Explain SCD (Slowly Change Dimension).

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SCD (Slowly Changing Dimensions) basically keep and manage both current and
historical data in a data warehouse over time. Rather than changing regularly on a
time-based schedule, SCD changes slowly over time. SCD is considered one of the
most critical aspects of ETL.

ETL Scenario Based Interview Questions

31.   Explain partitioning in ETL and write its type.
Essentially, partitioning is the process of dividing up a data storage area for improved
performance. It can be used to organize your work. Having all your data in one place
without organization makes it more difficult for digital tools to find and analyze the
data. It is easier and faster to locate and analyze data when your data warehouse is
partitioned. The following reasons make partitioning important: 
Facilitate easy data management and enhance performance.
Ensures that all of the system's requirements are balanced.
Backups/recoveries made easier.
Simplifies management and optimizes hardware performance.
Types of Partitioning -
Round-robin Partitioning: This is a method in which data is evenly spread
among all partitions. Therefore, each partition has approximately the same
number of rows. Unlike hash partitioning, the partitioning columns do not need
to be specified. New rows are assigned to partitions in round-robin style.
Hash Partitioning: With hash partitioning, rows are evenly distributed across
partitions based on a partition key. Using a hash function, the server creates
partition keys to group data.

32.   Write different ways of updating a table when SSIS (SQL

Server Integration Services) is being used.
In order to update a table in SSIS, the following steps can be taken:  

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Use the SQL command.

For storing stage data, use staging tables.
Keep data in a cache that occupies a limited amount of space and needs to be
refreshed frequently.
Scripts can be used for scheduling tasks.
When updating MSSQL, use the full database name.

33.   Write some ETL test cases.

Among the most common ETL test cases are:  
Mapping Doc Validation: Determines whether the Mapping Doc contains ETL
Data Quality: In this case, every aspect of the data is tested, including number
Check, Null Check, Precision Check, etc.
Correctness Issues: Tests for missing, incorrect, non-unique, and null data.
Constraint Validation: Make sure that the constraints are properly defined for
each table.

34.   Explain ETL mapping sheets.

Typically, ETL mapping sheets include full information about a source and a
destination table, including every column as well as their lookup in reference tables.
As part of the ETL testing process, ETL testers may need to write big queries with
multiple joins to validate data at any point in the testing process. Data verification
queries are significantly easier to write using ETL mapping sheets. 

35.   How ETL testing is used in third party data management?

Different kinds of vendors develop different kinds of applications for big companies.
Consequently, no single vendor manages everything. Consider a Telecommunication
project in which billing is handled by one company and CRM by another. For instance,
if a CRM requires data from the company that is managing the billing, now that
company will be able to receive the data feed from another company. In this case, we
will use the ETL process to load data from the feed.

36.   Explain how ETL is used in data migration projects.

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Data migration projects commonly use ETL tools. As an example, if the organization
managed the data in Oracle 10g earlier and now they want to move to SQL Server
cloud database, the data will need to be migrated from Source to Target. ETL tools
can be very helpful for carrying out this type of migration. The user will have to spend
a lot of time writing ETL code. The ETL tools are therefore very useful since they
make coding simpler than P-SQL or T-SQL. Hence, ETL is a very useful process for
data migration projects. 

37.   What are the conditions under which you use dynamic cache
and static cache in connected and unconnected
In order to update the master table and slowly changing dimensions (SCD) type
1, it is necessary to use the dynamic cache.
In the case of flat files, a static cache is used.


With abundant job opportunities and lucrative salary options, ETL testing has
become a popular trend. ETL Testing has an extensive market share and is one of the
cornerstones of data warehousing and business analytics. To make this process more
organized and simpler, many so ware vendors have introduced ETL testing tools.
Most employers who seek ETL testers look for candidates with specific technical skills
and experience that meet their needs. No worries, this platform is a great resource
for both beginners and professionals. In this article, we have covered 35+ ETL testing
interview questions ranging from freshers to experienced level questions typically
asked during interviews. Preparation is key before you go for your job interview. 
Recommended Resources:

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