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Jedi Knights Trading Card Game Complete Card List: Premiere

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Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Complete Card List

The following lists all American cards available for the Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game
through the Masters of the Force expansion (October 2001). The list is sorted chronologically
by series release date and card number, and lists the rarity of each card.
Key To Rarity: F — Fixed R — Rare  — “Limited Edition” Card Check Box
C — Common P — Premium  — 1 Day Release Check Box
U — Uncommon  — Foil Check Box

PREMIERE | 45 — You Should Not Have Come Back C

1 — You Like Me Because I'm a Scoundrel F 46 — Boba Fett • Relentless Hunter R
2 — Han Solo • Unlikely Hero R 47 — Boba Fett's Blaster Rifle U
3 — Han Solo • Smuggler for Hire F 48 — AF-119 • Cloud City Garrison C
4 — Han's Blaster Pistol U 49 — ST-4402 • Tatooine Garrison C
5 — He Certainly Is Brave U 50 — TK-577 • Fire Team Leader C
6 — Millennium Falcon • Modified Transport R 51 — DS-61-2 • "Mauler Mithel" C
7 — Outrun Those Imperial Slugs C 52 — Black Two C
8 — Leia Organa • Your Worshipfulness R 53 — Major Millich • Security Chief C
9 — Lieutenant Neff • Immigration Officer U 54 — You Overestimate Their Chances F
10 — Leia's Blaster R 55 — Grand Moff Tarkin • Destroyer of Alderaan R
11 — You're My Only Hope C 56 — Grand Moff Tarkin • Imperial Bureaucrat F
12 — Help Me, Obi-Wan Kenobi R 57 — Blaster C
13 — Momaw Nadon • Hammerhead Shepherd U 58 — AF-27 • Motivated Trooper C
14 — Obi-Wan Kenobi • Old Fossil R 59 — Millions of Voices R
15 — Corporal Hakin • Former Skiff Racer C 60 — Coming Up on Their Sentry Ships C
16 — Ellorrs Madak • Flight Instructor C 61 — PS-29-2 • "Mynock" R
17 — Ellorrs Madak's Blaster Pistol C 62 — PS-29-3 • "Hammer" U
18 — Corporal Kuep • Seasoned Guard C 63 — Shadow Two R
19 — C-3PO • The Professor R 64 — Come With Me U
20 — Droid Detector U 65 — Commander Kreigg • Tactical Advisor R
21 — The Force Is Strong With This One F 66 — TK-420 • Inspection Crew C
22 — Luke Skywalker • Hero of Yavin R 67 — Darth Vader • Emperor's Sinister Agent R
23 — Luke Skywalker • Moisture Farmer F 68 — General Tagge • Imperial Commander U
24 — Luke's Blaster U 69 — Emperor Palpatine • Imperial Overlord R
25 — Private Alain • Unit Scrounge C 70 — Admiral Motti • Fleet Admiral U
26 — Red Five • Luke's X-wing R 71 — Keep the Local Systems In Line R
27 — Trooper Recruit Precht • Green Recruit U 72 — ST-103 • Sabacc Player C
28 — Wedge Antilles • X-wing Ace R 73 — Dodonna's Pride R
29 — Red Two C 74 — Just Like Back Home U
30 — Proton Torpedoes R 75 — Rancor's Tooth R
31 — Zev Senesca • T-47 Pilot C 76 — X-wing Laser Cannons U
32 — Good Shooting, Wedge R 77 — You Came in That Thing? R
33 — Corporal Maer • Tauntaun Handler C 78 — Stabilize Your Rear Deflectors C
34 — R2-D2 • Feisty Astromech R 79 — Senatorial Guard R
35 — Artoo, See What You Can Do U 80 — Atgar Laser Cannon U
36 — Obi-Wan Kenobi • Old Ben R 81 — That's No Moon R
37 — Pick Up Some Power Converters C 82 — Stand by, Ion Control U
38 — Yoda • Luke's Mentor R 83 — I Have You Now R
39 — Sergeant Airten • Alliance Sympathizer C 84 — Gold Five C
40 — Now I Am the Master F 85 — Conquest R
41 — Darth Vader • Sith Warrior R 86 — Concentrate All Fire C
42 — Darth Vader • Agent of the Empire F 87 — Imperial Fleet R
43 —Vader's Lightsaber • Sith Weapon R 88 — Stalker C
44 — Vader's TIE • Advanced Prototype R 89 — Destroy Them Ship to Ship R

Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd.

Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Complete Card List
The following lists all American cards available for the Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game
through the Masters of the Force expansion (October 2001). The list is sorted chronologically
by series release date and card number, and lists the rarity of each card.
Key To Rarity: F — Fixed R — Rare  — “Limited Edition” Card Check Box
C — Common P — Premium  — 1 Day Release Check Box
U — Uncommon  — Foil Check Box

90 — Full Throttle U 135 — Cloud City Carbon-Freezing Chamber F

91 — The Guns... They've Stopped! R 136 — Cloud City Guest Quarters F
92 — RGA-972 • Assault Specialist U 137 — Back Door F
93 — Tear This Ship Apart R 138 — Dense Forest F
94 — E-Web Repeating Blaster U 139 — Frozen Wastes F
95 — Blaster Rifle U 140 — North Ridge F
96 — NT-311 • Squad Point Man C 141 — Lars Moisture Farm F
97 — Ur • Tusken Raider C 142 — Mos Eisley F
98 — Urur • Tusken Warrior C 143 — Rebel Spies U
99 — Gaffi Stick C 144 — Corellian Laser Cannon U
100 — Iasa • Jawa Merchant U 145 — Tantive IV C
101 — Imperial Precision U 146 — olaser Battery U
102 — Tiatha • Legendary Scavenger C 147 — Devastator C
103 — Iasa's Jawa Blaster U 148 — Naval Support U
104 — Jawa Trader U 149 — Stay on Target C
105 — Tiatha's Ion Blaster C 150 — Taim & Bak IX4 Laser Cannons U
106 — Ponda Baba • Doesn't Like You R 151 — Gold Two U
107 — Ponda Baba's Blaster Pistol U 152 — They Came From Behind C
108 — Greedo • Jabba's Underling R 153 — SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon U
109 — Thok • Thug Who Smashes U 154 — Shadow Three U
110 — Greedo's Blaster Pistol R
111 — Thok's Vibro Ax U Scum & Villainy |
112 — Local Trouble R 1 — He's Worth a Lot to Me C
113 — Hem Dazon • Salt Fiend U 2 — Boba Fett • Mercenary for Hire R
114 — Labria • Slippery Informant R 3 — Boba Fett • Relentless Tracker C
115 — Zutton • Holojournalist C 4 — Boba Fett's Blaster Rifle • BlasTech EE-3 R
116 — Dewback Patrol R 5 — Slave I U
117 — Ubrikkian 9000 C 6 — Darth Vader • Imperial Enforcer R
118 — Elis Helrot • Givin Merchant R 7 — Bossk • Deadly Hunter R
119 — Solomahal • Veteran Scout U 8 — Hound's Tooth R
120 — Nabrun Leids • Morseerian Transport Expert R 9 — Bossk's Mortar Gun R
121 — Obi-Wan's Lightsaber R 10 — IG-2000 R
122 — Nalan Cheel • Bandfill Player R 11 — IG-88 • Assassin Droid R
123 — Figrin D'an • Bith Band Leader R 12 — Arakyd Laser Cannons C
124 — Doikk Na'ts • Beshniquel Soloist R 13 — IG-88's Pulse Cannon R
125 — Force 1 F 14 — Guard Duty C
126 — Force 2 F 15 — I Want Them Alive R
127 — Force 3 F 16 — Over Here! U
128 — Force 4 F 17 — Control • Emperor C
129 — Force 5 F 18 — Dissipate Energy • Emperor U
130 — Force 6 F 19 — Force Defense • Emperor U
131 — Force 7 F 20 — My Kind of Scum C
132 — Force 8 F 21 — Jabba the Hutt • Vile Gangster R
133 — Force 3 U 22 — Jabba the Hutt • Devious Crimelord C
134 — Force 7 U 23 — 4-LOM • Dangerous Rogue Droid R

Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd.

Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Complete Card List
The following lists all American cards available for the Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game
through the Masters of the Force expansion (October 2001). The list is sorted chronologically
by series release date and card number, and lists the rarity of each card.
Key To Rarity: F — Fixed R — Rare  — “Limited Edition” Card Check Box
C — Common P — Premium  — 1 Day Release Check Box
U — Uncommon  — Foil Check Box

24 — Greedo • Quick Draw R 69 — Luke's Lightsaber • Weapon of a Jedi R

25 — 4-LOM's Concussion Rifle R 70 — Looks Like I'm Going Nowhere R
26 — Ponda Baba • Quick Draw R 71 — Han Solo • Quick Draw R
27 — Salacious Crumb • Kowakian Prankster R 72 — Death Star Trench R
28 — Mist Hunter R 73 — You're All Clear, Kid! C
29 — Zuckuss • Gand Findsman R 74 — Deflection • Luke U
30 — Scum and Villainy C 75 — Farseeing • Luke U
31 — Zuckuss' Snare Rifle R 76 — Sense • Luke C
32 — You'd Probably Short Circuit C 77 — End This Destructive Conflict U
33 — Elis Helrot • Underworld Smuggler R 78 — Vader's Lightsaber R
34 — No Love for the Empire C 79 — DS-61-3 • Vader's Wingman R
35 — Tessek • Jabba's Lieutenant R 80 — Sergeant Barich • Imperial Scout R
36 — A Real Bargain C 81 — TK-104 • Loyal Stormtrooper R
37 — Rancor R 82 — Imperial March R
38 — Come Here My Little Friend C 83 — RGA-972 • Quick Draw U
39 — Obi-Wan Kenobi • Alliance Agent C 84 — Biker Scout • Endor Patrol R
40 — Obi-Wan Kenobi • Jedi Guardian R 85 — Interrogator Droid • Mind Probe U
41 — Obi-Wan's Lightsaber • An Elegant Weapon R 86 — Alter • Vader C
42 — Yoda • Jedi Teacher R 87 — Control • Vader C
43 — Luke Skywalker • Quick Draw R 88 — Dissipate Energy • Vader R
44 — R2-D2 • My Little Friend R 89 — Force Choke • Vader U
45 — Ellorrs Madak • Quick Draw R 90 — Lightsaber Defense • Vader U
46 — Corporal Kuep • Quick Draw U 91 — Lightsaber Frenzy • Vader R
47 — Lieutenant Neff • Quick Draw U 92 — A Moment of Triumph U
48 — Control • Obi-Wan C 93 — Death Star R
49 — Battle Focus • Obi-Wan U 94 — You May Fire When Ready R
50 — Force Defense • Obi-Wan U 95 — AF-119 • Quick Draw U
51 — Alter • Yoda C 96 — Sergeant Baysden • Sandtrooper R
52 — Heal Another • Yoda U 97 — Reassigned U
53 — Levitation • Yoda U 98 — NT-311 • Quick Draw U
54 — I Am Not a Committee C 99 — Out of Action C
55 — Leia Organa • Princess of Alderaan R 100 — Private Alain • Quick Draw U
56 — Leia Organa • Senator C 101 — Camouflage C
57 — Leia's Blaster • Senatorial Sidearm R 102 — Freeze! C
58 — C-3PO • Goldenrod R 103 — It's Supposed to Be Freezing C
59 — Security Check C 104 — Rebel Firepower U
60 — Sense • Leia C 105 — Nebulon-B Frigate R
61 — Telepathy • Leia U 106 — They're Moving to Attack Position! R
62 — She's Fast Enough for You, Old Man U 107 — Y-wing C
63 — Nabrun Leids • Fringe Smuggler R 108 — Prepare Your Troops R
64 — 2-1B • Medical Droid R 109 — Avenger R
65 — Outrider R 110 — TIE Interceptor R
66 — Put In for Repairs R 111 — Force 1 — Black R
67 — Masanya R 112 — Force 2 — Black R
68 — A Jedi Like My Father U 113 — Force 3 — Black R

Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd.

Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Complete Card List
The following lists all American cards available for the Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game
through the Masters of the Force expansion (October 2001). The list is sorted chronologically
by series release date and card number, and lists the rarity of each card.
Key To Rarity: F — Fixed R — Rare  — “Limited Edition” Card Check Box
C — Common P — Premium  — 1 Day Release Check Box
U — Uncommon  — Foil Check Box

114 — Force 4 — Black R 17 — Snowspeeder Pilot • Hoth Detachment R

115 — Force 2 — Green (game text) U 18 — Trooper Recruit Precht • Quick Draw U
116 — Force 8 — Green (game text) U 19 — X-Wing Pilot • Red Squadron R
117 — Force 1 — Orange C 20 — Yoda • Wise Jedi R
118 — Force 2 — Orange C 21 — Yoda • Jedi Elder C
119 — Force 3 — Orange C 22 — 5D6-RA-7 • Staff Aide R
120 — Force 4 — Orange C 23 — AF-27 • Quick Draw U
121 — Force 5 — Orange C 24 — Bossk • Quick Draw R
122 — Force 6 — Orange C 25 — Darth Vader • Galactic Terror R
123 — Force 7 — Orange C 26 — Emperor Palpatine • Galactic Tyrant R
124 — Force 8 — Orange C 27 — Emperor Palpatine • Imperial Ruler C
125 — Force 1 — Orange (game text) U 28 — Emperor Palpatine • Sith Master R
126 — Force 3 — Orange (game text) U 29 — General Tagge • Quick Draw U
127 — Force 6 — Orange (game text) U 30 — IG-88 • Quick Draw R
128 — Force 8 — Orange (game text) U 31 — Kir Kanos • Palpatine's Finest R
129 — Rebel Spies U 32 — Klaatu • Nikto Skiff Guard R
130 — Corellian Laser Cannon U 33 — Myn Kyneugh • Death Star Detachment R
131 — Tantive IV C 34 — NT-757 • Fearless Soldier R
132 — Turbolaser Battery U 35 — Ree-Yees • Crazed Gran R
133 — Devastator C 36 — Scout Trooper • Speeder Bike Pilot C
134 — Naval Support U 37 — TK-577 • Quick Draw U
135 — Stay on Target C 38 — 4-LOM • Quick Draw R
136 — Taim & Bak IX4 Laser Cannons U 39 — Boba Fett • Quick Draw R
137 — Gold Two U 40 — Jabba the Hutt • Bounty Payer R
138 — They Came From Behind C 41 — Nalan Cheel • Homesick Bith R
139 — SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon U 42 — Thedit • Jawa Neighbor R
140 — Shadow Three U 43 — Thok • Quick Draw U
44 — Ururur • Tribal Leader R
Masters of the Force | 45 — Zuckuss • Quick Draw R
1 — Admiral Ackbar • Fleet Commander R 46 — Count Me In R
2 — C-3PO • Token of Luke's Goodwill R 47 — Create a Perimeter R
3 — C-3PO • Fluent in Six Million Forms of Communication R 48 — I'll Be Up There With You C
4 — Corporal Maer • Quick Draw R 49 — Just Hang On U
5 — Doikk Na'ts • Smuggling Contact R 50 — Rebel Spies U
6 — Echo Base Trooper • Rebel Soldier C 51 — Rogue T-47 R
7 — Figrin D'an • Gambler R 52 — Unlearn What You Have Learned R
8 — Han Solo • Scoundrel R 53 — Watch Your Step R
9 — Leia Organa • Quick Draw R 54 — AT-AT R
10 — Luke Skywalker • Intrepid Pilot R 55 — Death Star Conference Room R
11 — Luke Skywalker • Quick Draw R 56 — Go for Help R
12 — Nala Hetsime • T-47 Pilot C 57 — Harsh Conditions C
13 — Nien Nunb • Sullustan Pilot R 58 — Hit the Command Center C
14 — Obi-Wan Kenobi • Quick Draw R 59 — Naval Support U
15 — R2-D2 • Keeper of the Plans R 60 — Power of the Empire R
16 — R2-D2 • Worthy Adversary R 61 — We Took a Wrong Turn U

Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd.

Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Complete Card List
The following lists all American cards available for the Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game
through the Masters of the Force expansion (October 2001). The list is sorted chronologically
by series release date and card number, and lists the rarity of each card.
Key To Rarity: F — Fixed R — Rare  — “Limited Edition” Card Check Box
C — Common P — Premium  — 1 Day Release Check Box
U — Uncommon  — Foil Check Box

62 — You May Start Your Landing R 107 — Control • Luke C

63 — Boscka! R 108 — Control • Yoda C
64 — Collecting His Payment R 109 — Dissipate Energy • Yoda U
65 — Dangerous Choices R 110 — Heal Another • Obi-Wan U
66 — Engage at Point-Blank Range R 111 — Heal Self • Yoda U
67 — Get Her Ready for Takeoff C 112 — Lightsaber Defense • Luke U
68 — Got It Where It Counts R 113 — Affect Mind • Emperor U
69 — Independent Contractors R 114 — Alter • Emperor C
70 — Lead This Crazy Attack U 115 — Deflection • Vader U
71 — On Thin Ice C 116 — Fear • Vader U
72 — Stay On Target C 117 — Force Lightning • Emperor U
73 — There Goes Another One C 118 — Sense • Vader C
74 — They Came From Behind C 119 — Force 1 – Blue C
75 — We're Starting Our Approach C 120 — Force 1 - Blue (game text) U
76 — B-wing C 121 — Force 2 – Blue C
77 — Blue Four C 122 — Force 2 - Blue (game text) U
78 — Defiance C 123 — Force 3 – Blue C
79 — Gold Two U 124 — Force 4 – Blue C
80 — Home One R 125 — Force 4 - Blue (game text) U
81 — Liberty C 126 — Force 5 – Blue C
82 — Tantive IV C 127 — Force 6 – Blue C
83 — Devastator C 128 — Force 6 - Blue (game text) U
84 — Shadow Three U 129 — Force 7 – Blue C
85 — Dreadnaught C 130 — Force 7 - Blue (game text) U
86 — Howlrunner C 131 — Force 8 – Blue C
87 — Punishing One R 132 — Force 8 - Blue (game text) U
88 — Shooting Star R 133 — Force 4 - Green (game text) U
89 — YT-1300 R 134 — Force 5 - Green (game text) U
90 — Z-95 Headhunter R 135 — Force 2 - Orange (game text) U
91 — Slimy? My Home This Is C 136 — Force 5 - Orange (game text) U
92 — Somebody Has To Save Our Skins U 137 — Force 5 – Black R
93 — Where Did You Dig Up That Old Fossil U 138 — Force 6 – Black R
94 — Yoda… You Seek Yoda C 139 — Force 7 – Black R
95 — The Power of the Dark Side C 140 — Force 8 – Black R
96 — You Will Call Me Master C
97 — As You wish U Tournament Foils |
98 — Slimy Piece of Worm-ridden Filth U You Like Me Because I'm a Scoundrel P
99 — Corellian Laser Cannon U Han Solo • Smuggler for Hire P
100 — Taim & Bak IX4 Laser Cannons U The Force Is Strong With This One P
101 — SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon U Luke Skywalker • Moisture Farmer P
102 — Turbolaser Battery U Now I Am the Master P
103 — Affect Mind • Obi-Wan U Darth Vader • Agent of the Empire P
104 — Alter • Leia C You Overestimate Their Chances P
105 — Alter • Obi-Wan C Grand Moff Tarkin • Imperial Bureaucrat P
106 — Battle Focus • Luke U

Not endorsed or sponsored by LucasFilm Ltd.

Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game Complete Card List
The following lists all American cards available for the Jedi Knights™ Trading Card Game
through the Masters of the Force expansion (October 2001). The list is sorted chronologically
by series release date and card number, and lists the rarity of each card.
Key To Rarity: F — Fixed R — Rare  — “Limited Edition” Card Check Box
C — Common P — Premium  — 1 Day Release Check Box
U — Uncommon  — Foil Check Box

Jedi Knights League Foil |

1 — Emperor Palpatine • Sith Master P

Jedi Knights League Prizes |

2 — Luke Skywalker • Jedi Apprentice P
3 — Obi-Wan Kenobi • Jedi Knight P
4 — Yoda • Jedi Master P
5 — Medal of Alderaan P

Premium and Promotionals |

6 — Vader's Lightsaber • Sith Weapon P
7— Han Solo • Unlikely Hero P
8 — Luke Skywalker • Hero of Yavin P
9 — Darth Vader • Sith Warrior P
10 — Grand Moff Tarkin • Destroyer of Alderaan P

Replacement Card |
11 — Admiral Motti • Fleet Admiral P

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