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The Shrimp Export Industry in Bangladesh

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Case Study: The Shrimp Export Industry in Bangladesh FOR FOOD, AGRICULTURE,


y the end of the 1970s, the Bangladesh seafood processing centage of the world market, a lower-valued product, and a
B industry had expanded rapidly. But sanitary facilities, tech-
nology adaptation, and adequate training did not keep pace.
negative reputation in quality, Bangladesh has been a price-
taker, rather than a price-setter.
Shrimp exports suffered in the late 1970s, and the U. S. Food
and Drug Administration placed seafood imports from THE EU BAN
Bangladesh under automatic detention.This was only the
On July 30, 1997, the EU banned imports of fishery products
beginning of the export market problems arising from substan-
from Bangladesh as a result of EU inspections of Bangladesh’s
dard product safety and quality that Bangladesh’s shrimp indus-
seafood processing plants. Inspections found serious deficien-
try faced over the next two decades. This case study illus-
cies in the infrastructure and hygiene in processing establish-
trates the actions taken by Bangladesh, with the aid of external
ments and insufficient guarantees of quality control by
partners, to overcome substantial obstacles to participation in
Bangladeshi government inspectors. The ban was estimated to
world shrimp markets.
cost the Bangladesh shrimp-processing sector nearly US$15
million in lost revenues from August to December 1997. (In
this brief all dollars are US dollars.) The impact on both the
Recognizing both the potential for Bangladesh’s exports and industry and the economy of Bangladesh was substantial.
the problems with safety and quality of the product, the Food The only way Bangladesh can improve its export position
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in the shrimp market is to improve the safety and quality of its
helped Bangladesh develop product standards, regulations, and exports. Safety improvements over the last two decades, with a
fish inspection schemes in the early 1980s. In 1983, the major effort in the late 1990s, have been made by the industry
Bangladesh government created a Fish and Fish Product and government, and by bilateral and multilateral agencies pro-
viding technical assistance. While the short-term loss in for-
Ordinance (Inspection and Quality Control) and in 1985
eign currency from the EU ban was high for a developing
upgraded the inspection laboratory and its personnel. country, the ban did increase the commitment by industry and
FAO initiated a 1996 project to assist in the preparation of government to raise product quality to meet international
a fish safety and quality control program for the shrimp and fish standards. Both exporters and government made major
plants in Bangladesh, based on the Hazard Analysis Critical investments in plant infrastructure and personnel training in
Control Point (HACCP) approach. The program provided train- order to achieve international technical and sanitary standards.
ing in HAACP procedures to both the public and private sec- This included new employee acquisition and employee training,
tors. It also informed the government about new requirements sanitation audits, plant repair and modification, new equipment,
of major importing countries. A parallel Common Fund for new laboratories, and other costs.
Commodities/FAO project carried out by the Intergovernmental
Organization for Marketing Information and Technical Advisory
Services for Fishery Products in the Asia Pacific Region
(INFOFISH) focused on the export promotion of value-added Some upgrades were in progress at the time of the EU ban. By
products and their sustainable development. Activities ranged 1997, the Bangladesh shrimp processing industry had invested
from industry training to the development of export opportuni- $17.6 million in plant upgrades, the government had invested
ties. Despite these efforts to upgrade product quality and safety, $382,000 in laboratory and personnel upgrades, and outside
Bangladeshi shrimp exporters continued to suffer from real partners had invested $72,000 in training programs in
problems and those that importers perceived as real. Bangladesh. Unfortunately, these improvements were not in
In 1997, the fourth leading export item in Bangladesh was place early enough to prevent the ban.The total fixed invest-
frozen shrimp and fish, with a 7.3 percent share of the total ment cost of $18 million was only slightly more than the near-
export market. The major importers at the time were the ly $15 million in lost revenue from the ban over a period of
European Union (EU), accounting for 34–50 percent of five months. These improvements would have almost been
Bangladesh’s exports, the United States at 23–38 percent, and paid for had they been implemented in time to make the ban
Japan at 15–26 percent, depending on the year. At that time, unnecessary. Research has also determined that the annual
the value per kilogram of Bangladesh’s frozen shrimp was recurring costs to maintain HACCP programs and meet inter-
lower than average for the Asian region. Furthermore, national standards would be $2.2 million for industry and
Bangladesh had a reputation for producing seafood that some- $225,000 for government.
times did not meet minimum international standards as speci- Subsequent inspections by the EU determined that some
fied by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. With a low per- plant improvements now met EU standards. Subject to certain
provisions, the EU ban was lifted for six approved establish- edly impacted the seafood and food-processing sectors as a
ments for products prepared and processed after December whole, due to the intertwined nature of the food-processing
31, 1997. By July 1998, a total of 11 plants had been approved industries in the country. Even in 2002, however, Bangladeshi
for export to the EU. Collective efforts by the industry, the shrimp exporters did experience some safety problems, and
Bangladesh Department of Fisheries, and the Bangladesh more testing laboratories were established.
Frozen Food Exporters Association have continued to Developing countries can often compete in world food
strengthen the export-processing sector. By 2002, out of 65 commodity markets because export products can be produced
plants licensed for export by the government, 48 plants had EU at a lower cost than in developed countries, provided the prod-
approval. uct can meet minimum safety and quality standards. To accom-
plish this, developing countries need assistance not only with
THE CHALLENGES AHEAD technology, but also with training workers to use technology
As the industry faces new challenges, ensuring safety and quali- and conform to world food-handling, sanitation, and personal
ty continue to be important elements in industry development. hygiene standards. This normally requires a cooperative effort
One concern is the sustainability of shrimp production. The between a country’s industry and government and its external
revamped factories, having greater capacity, are mostly operat- partners. The Bangladeshi shrimp export case demonstrates
ing at about 20 percent of capacity due to limited supplies of that these efforts can be successful. It shows that developing
shrimp. This has resulted in a growing focus on sustainability in countries, with careful guidance and focused effort, can success-
the production sector with increased emphasis on hatchery fully face the challenges of the global market. ■
production of shrimp post larvae for seeding the ponds, rather
than harvesting from natural stocks. As hatchery production For further reading see J. C. Cato and C. A. Lima dos Santos,
expands, Bangladesh has also placed increased emphasis on “European Union 1997 Seafood Safety Ban:The Economic
good aquaculture practices as well as certification of aquacul- Impact on Bangladesh Shrimp Processing,” Marine Resource
ture facilities. Economics 13 (No. 3, 1998): 215–227; J. C. Cato and C. A. Lima
A second challenge is the need to become more diversi- dos Santos, “Costs to Upgrade the Bangladesh Frozen
fied in terms of both products and markets. A large number of Shrimp Processing Sector to Adequate Technical and Safety
export processors are now producing increasing amounts of Standards and to Maintain a HACCP Program,” in The
value-added products such as individually quick-frozen, peeled Economics of HACCP: New Studies of Costs and Benefits, ed. L.
and deveined, and butterfly cut shrimp, as well as cooked prod- Unnevehr (St. Paul, Minn., USA: Eagan Press, 2000); and M.
ucts. In 2001 these value-added exports made up almost 25 Rahman, Market Access Implications of SPS and TBT:
Bangladesh Perspective (Jaipur, India: CUTS Centre for
percent of the total exports of 32,500 metric tons, valued at
International Trade, Economics and Environment, 2002).
$363 million. Technical assistance from FAO and INFOFISH
continues to play a role in industry development
by transferring simple, low-cost technologies for
adding value and by matching buyers and sellers Value of Bangladesh’s Shrimp Exports, 1990–2001
to facilitate market diversification. Industry and
the government also continue to upgrade the 12
export sector as a whole. 11
Improvements are making a difference
because the unit price of exports has risen steadi- 10
ly over recent years, in contrast to the sharp 9

decline in 1997 (see the figure). Some exporters

are now recording an average unit price of more 8
than $15 per kilogram, a price comparable to that 7
received by major exporters from the region.
The average volume of exports has also increased
from about 24,000 metric tons in 1990–92 to 5
about 30,200 metric tons in 1999–2001. 4
Improvements in food safety have thus set the 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
stage for Bangladesh to become more competitive
in the global market for seafood. Moreover, Sources: FAO Commodity Updates and Bangladesh Frozen Food Exporters Association.
improvements in the shrimp sector have undoubt-

James C. Cato ( is a professor of food and resource economics and director of the Florida Sea Grant College Program at the University of
Florida, Gainesville, USA, and S. Subasinge ( is director at INFOFISH, Kuala Lumpur.

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