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Distinguished Alumni Award

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Distinguished Alumni Award

Administrative Competence
Distinguished in Research
Distinguished Public Service
Academic Excellence

ln Commemoration of the celebration of

the 25h Anniversary of the ASEAN Institute for Health Development and

the 120h Anniversary of Japan-Thailand Diplomatic Relations

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Distinguished Alumni Award

Administrative Competence
Distinguished in Research
Distinguished Public Service
Academic Excellence

In Cnmmemoration of the celebration of

the 25"'Anniversary of the ASEAN lnstitute for Health Developrnent and

tho 1Zfith Annivernary of Japan-Thailand Diplomatic Relations
The Master of Primary Health Care Management is an international degree

program begun in 1986 only three years after the founding of the ASEAN

Institute for Health Development. To date there have been 502 graduates of

this program from 34 countries, most of whom are from the Asia Region.

These graduates provide leadership in medicine and health in their countnes as

well as some who have taken positions in international organizations. The

graduates have developed expertise in their roles, much to the pride of AIHD

which has played a part in the success of these alumni.

0n the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of AIHD, it is with great pleasure

that we present some of the fruit of the alumni efforts in their countries for self

and professional development as well as for the benefit of the wider society,
Therefore we are pleased to award some of the most outstanding alumni with

awards for their efforts in a variety of health fields, while recognizing there are

so many others worthy of recognition. We will continue to track the work of

our alumni and celebrate their milestones in service.

Congratulations I

Sirikul lsaranurug, M.D., M.P.H.

Director, AIHD


Distinguish Alumni Award For Administrative Competence













Distinguished Alumni Award For Distinguished in Research

TIN Oo 41



Eistinguished Alumni Award For Distinguished Public service



Distinguished Alumni Award For Academic Excellence





Distinguished Alumni Awand
Fon Administnative ComPetence
Year of Birth: 1957

Nationality: Bangladeshi

MPHM Alumni Batch: 2

Academic Year: 1 987-1 988

Current Position: Director.

Workplace Name/ Address:

Institute of Epidemiology,
Disease Control and Research (IEDCR)

Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.

Home: House - 9, Road - 2, Sector - 4, Uttara Model Town,

Dhaka 1 230,Bangladesh.

Country: Bangladesh.

Telephone: +880 2 8912223(Hl, +880 2 8821237(0l,

Fax: +880 2 8821237
Mobile: +880 171 1595139

Email: mrahman@citechco. net

Educadon Background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 975 Dhaka College, Dhaka Higher Secondary

Bangladesh Certif icate

1 983 Chittagong Medical M.B.B.S.

College, Chittagong Bangladesh

1 988 ASEAN Institute for Health M.P.H.M.

Development, Mahidol University

Year Place of Study Degree

1 996 Dept.of Biological Anthopology, Ph,D. (Epidemiology)

University of Cambridge,U K.

Worklng Experlences

Sl No Designation Of f ice/Organization/l nstitute Joining Date Release Date

1 Medical Officer In different haalth facilities 07-03-1983 14-01-1987

2 Lecturer Department of Epidemiology, 1$01-1987 17-0G1989

NIPSOM, Mohakhali, Dhaka

3 Assistant Professor Department of Epidemiology, 1&0&1989 2G04-1 991


4 Assistant Professor Department of Community 27-04-1991 16-09-1996

Medicine, NIPSOM

5 Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology, 1G0$1996 1 1-07-1 999


6 National Consultant WHO, Dhaka 1 1-07-1999 29-1 1-1999

7 Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology, 30-1 1-1999 04-06-2002


Professor Department of Epidemiology, 04-06-2002 1G0&2004


Professor Department of Cencer 16-06-2004 07-10-2004

Epidemiology, National lnstitute

of Cancer Research and Hospita

(NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka

Institute of Epidemiology Disease 07-10-2004 Till date

Control and Research

Year of birth: 1959

Nationality: Bhutanese

MPHM AlumniBatch: 7

Academic Year: 1992-1993

Current Position: Deputy Secretary

Workolace Name/Address:

Thimphu Ministry of Information &

Comunrcation , ThimPhu: Bhutan,

Country: Bhutan

Telephone: +975-2-335043

Fax: +975-2324522

Mobile: +975 17'110125

E-mail: //

Educaffon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 986 Osmania UniversitY, HYderbad, B.A.


1 993 ASEAN Institute for Health M.P.H.M.

Development, Mahidol UniversitY,


Worklng experlences
Year Position Place of work

1 990 Under Secretary Thimphu

Year Position Place of work

1995 Director Thimphu

2005 Deputy Secretary Thimphu

Academlc / Research publlshed

Number of publications TWO
Year Title

1993 fiPB on HIV/AIDS By ThaiConstruction Workers.

2002 Occupational Health Hazard

Year of Birth: 1956

Nationality: Cambodian

MPHM Alumni Batch: 18

Academic Year: 2003-2004

Current Position: Deputy Director.
Workplace Name/Address:

Phnom Penh Municipal Health

Departmenl. # 101 Monireth Blvd, S/K Phsar Doeum
Kor, Khan Tuol Kork, PhnomPenh

Country: Cambodia

Telephone: (855) 23994360

Fax: (855) 23994324

Mobile: (855) 12356735


Educadonal Background
Year Place of Study Degree
1 963-1 974 Primary & Secondary school, Cambodia Certif icate

1974-1975 Faculty of law Cambodia. Ouited to Pol Pot rregime

1 983-1 989 Faculty oJ Medicine, Cambodia M.D.
2003-2004 AIHD, Mahidol Universitv, Thailand M.P.H M.
Working experlences
Year Position Place of work
1 989-1 991 Director Russey Keo. District Hospital, P.Penh
1 991-1 999 Chief P.Penh Municipal Maternal and Child Health
1 999-2002 Deputy Director P.Penh Municipal Hospital
2002-2007 Deputy Director Phnom Penh Municipal Health Department

Year of birth: tYcz

Nationality: lndonesian

MPHM Alumni Batch: 10

Academic Year: 1 995-1 996

Current Position: Director

Workplace Name/Address:

Directorate of Specialistic Medical Services

Ministry of Health- Republic of Indonesia

Country: lndonesia

Telephone: +62 21 5203880

Fax: +62 21 5214571

Mobile: +62816925847


Educaflon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1996 ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol M.P.H.M

University, Thailand

1979 Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia M.D

Worklng experlences
Year Position Place of work

2005-2007 Director of Specialistic Medical Services MOH-RI

2004-2005 Director of Basic Medical services MOH-BI

Year Position Place of work

2002-2004 Head of Subdirectorate of Specific Medical Minrstry of

Services and Matra Health, Republic

of lndonesia

2000-2002 Head of Subdirectorate of Self Reliance MOH-RI


1997-2000 Chief of Administration Dept MOH-RI

1994-1 997 Head of Registration Section and Hospital N/OH-RI


Outstandlng/Achievement Award Received

Year Name of Award PlaceMhom

2002 Satya Lencana Kesetiaan/ President of Republic Indonesra

Government Loyality Award

Year of Birth: 1 958

Nationality: Pakistani

MPHM Alumni Batch: 8

Academic year; '1993-1994

Current Position: Deputy Director General

Workplace Name/Address:

National Nutrition Programme,

Ministry of Health

Country Pakistan

Tel: (ot 92-51 -92024 45 I 92 1 497 6

(R) 92-51-2871 0151922091 1

Fax: (o) 92-51-9208824


Residence: Flat# 04,Block#01, Street#54,

Sector F-6/4,lslamabad, Pakistan

Educadon Background
Year Place of Study Degree

1982 Liaquat Medical College: Jamshoro/ MBBS

Hyderabad, Pakistan
1 00/ ASEAN Institute for Health Development, MPHM (Master of
Mahidol University,Tha iland Primary Health Care

Worklng Experlences
Year Position Place of work

2005 to date: Deputy Director General National Nutrition Programme,

Ministry of Health

Year Position Place of work

1998 -2005 -DDG-PHC/National National Programme for Family

Co-ordinator, (LHWs Planning and Primary Health

Program) Care

-National Co-ordinator, lntegrated Management of

Childhood lllness (lMCl)
-National Co-ordinator, Health Management Information
System (HMIS)

1999 Deputy Executive Director, Pakistan Institute of Medical

Sciences (PIMS)

1995 - 1998 Deputy Director, National Institute for Handicapped


1994 - 1995 Assistant Director National Programme for Family

GeneraUDeputy National Planning and Primary Health

Coordinator. Care

1994 ChiefMedicalOfficer Pakistan Institute of Medical

(Emergency & Accident Sciences (PIMS), lslamabad


1992 - 1993 Assistant Director Ministry of Health,lslamabad

General (Planning)

1991 - 1992 Assistant Director Pakistan Institute of Medical

Sciences (PIMS). lslamabad
Year Position Place of work

1988 - 1991 Medical Officer Incharge Pakistan Institute of Medical

(Emergency & Accident Sciences (PIMS), lslamabad


1987 - 1988 Assistant Chief (Health) Planning and Development Division,


1986 -1 987 Medical Officer Incharge Pakistan Institute of Medical

(Cardiology & ICU) Sciences (PIMS), lslamabad

1984 - 1986 Resident Medical officer, National Institute of cardiovascular

Incharge (Cardiac Surgery Diseases, Karachi

1983 Physician
House Liaquat Medical College/Hospital,
(Medicines) Jamshoro,HYderabad

1982 - 1983 House Physician (Surgery) Liaquat Medical College/Hospital,

Jamshoro, Hvderabad

1982 House Physician (Surgery) Nawabshah Medical College/

HosPital, Nawabshah

- Integration of PHC Activities in Pakistan on December 14-1 5,

1 997

- National Seminar on Current lssues in Hospital Management on

October. 1991

- National Feedback workshoo on HMIS

- National Workshop on lmproving Planning Capabilities of use of

Economic Principles in Health Management

- Organizers 4th Safe Games Health organizes, 1987

- Meeting on Regional Initiative to Eliminate Micronutrient
Malnutrition in Asia through Public Private Partnership, Philippines,

Manila from 13-16 August 2001.

- Consultative Working Meeting on the Theme "Health and

Sustainable Development Planning, Strengthening the Basis of

Cross-sectoral Collaboration" from 21-22 Mav 2001 at South Bank

University, London
- Appointed as team member for duty at Hajj Medical Mission,

Saudi Arabia from 25th January to 12th March 2001

- ECO/UNFPA Conference on "Expanding Contraceptive Choice

and lmproving Ouality of Reproductive Health Programs" from 7-

11 May 2000 at lstanbul, Turkey

- Workshop for "Revising and Updating technical & Administrative

Tools for Systematic lmplementation of Basic Development Needs

(BDN) among the Member States" in EMRO Alexandria from

27th Mav to 3rd June, 2000

- Meeting of China International Travel Health Care conference in
Xiamen, China, 1998
- ECO/UNFPA Conference on the Bole of Men in Population and

Reproductive Health Services in Baku, Azharbaiian, 20-24

September, 1998.
- Inter-country Consultation on Basic Development Needs review

and evaluation, June 24-26, 1998

- Study the Health System in lran, 1995

- WHO/CC-IDDTNlCEF meeting on IDD in Alexandria on 25-26

April, 1993
- Asia & Neat East (ANE) Conference on 'Scaling Up for Success:

Best Practices in Family Planning & Reproductive Health" at Cairo,

Egypt from March 29 to April 02,2004.

- Global Core Course on "Achieving the Millennium Development

Goals: Poverty Reduction, Reproductive Health and Health Sector

Reform" f rom I8 - 29, 2004 at Turin, ltaly.

- UNFPA / WHO Joint Regional Workshop on Guidelines for making

Pregnancy Safer & Family Planning at Cairo, Egypt from 14 to 18

Jan, 2005.

- Dialogue between Ministry of Health of India and Pakistan Jor

Future Collaboration in Health Sector, in May 2006 at Dehli, India

- Sharing Experiences and Lesson Learnt in the context of "lodine

Initiative" from 4th - 7th December, 2006 at Jatpur, India

- Sharing Experiences in Context of 'Wheat Flour Fortification"

from 1Sth -20th January 2007 al Amman, Jordan

- South Asian Regional Workshop on "Micronutrient in Maternal &

Child Health Development" from 26th - 30th March, 2007 aI

Jaipur, India

- Health Human Resource Planning at Health Services Academy,

lslamabad 20-21 April,1993 under ODA[hird Health Proiect

- Course on Health Administration and Management at Health

Services Academy, 1989

- Short Intensive Advance course in Medicines at PIMS, lslamabad

1 998
- Completion of the course "Strategic Leadership for the 21st
Century: Change and Sustainability" from June 16- July 2, 1999,

Bostan, M.A., USA

- Management Operation Research conducted by UNFPA

Khatmandu (Nepal) on 16-20, March, 1998

- Regional Training Course on Result Based Management in WHO

Logical Approach to Managing Programmes" from 26 - 28 Dec,

2003 at lslamabad

- International Workshop on Safe Motherhood on 23-25 November,

1 999

- GOP-UNICEF National Feedback Workshop on HMIS, 1998, Munee

- Workshop on NGOs' Initiative in Primary Health Care 1995,


- Assessment Workshop for Master Trainers of PHC, 1994

- Training Workshop for the staff o{ First Level of Care Facilities,

1994. Lahore

- Training Workshop for Master Trainers on PHC, 1994, lslamabad

Year of birth: 1 958

Nationality: Vietnamese

MPHM Alumni Batch: I

Academic year: 1994 - 1995

Current Position: Deputy Director

Workplace Name/address:

Hanoi Department of Health.

4 Sontay street, Hanoi

Country: Vietnam

Tel/Fax: (84417340671

Mobile: +84913229157


Educaflon backgound:
Year Place of Study Degree
1976 - 1982 Hanoi Medical College Medical Doctor
1990 - 1994 Hanoi Medical College Specialist in lnternal

1994 - 1995 ASEAN Institute for Healtn Master in Primary
Development, Mahidol Health Care Management

University, Thailand

1997 - 2000 M illitary Academic Institute Doctor of Philosophy

for Medicine in Epidemiology

Working experlences
Year Position Place of Work

2002 lo present Deputy Director Hanoi Department of Health

1995 - 2001 Head of Planning Department Hanoi Department of Health

1987 - 1994 Officer in Medical Professional Hanoi Department of Health


1983 - 1986 Medical Doctor in lnternal Dong Da Hospital


Outstandlng/Achievement Award Received

Year Name of Award PlaceAilhom

2007 class
Labor Decoration 3rd Vietnam/ President of SRV

2004 Governmental Diploma Vietnam/Prime Minister

2002 - 2006 Diploma of Health Ministry Vietnam/Health Minister

1996 - 2006 Diploma of Hanoi People's Vietnam/ Chairman of Hanoi

Committee PeoPle's Committee

Academlc/Research publlshed
Number of oublications: 31

Year Title


1 Occupational Allergy to Betalactam Antibiotics in Pharmaceutical

Industrial Workers. 1st World Congress of Health and Urban

Environment, Madrit - Spain, PaperNo 360, 1998

2 Some remarks on Health Care Service for Out- Patient at Some Hospital

in Hanoi Area in Some Years Recently. Journal of Practical Medicine.No

12 (358) pp 5 -7


Allergy to Beta{actam Antibiotics in Hospital Health Workers. Journal

of Pharmaceutical and Medicine Information, No 2, pp: 31 - 34

4 Study of Various Factors Influencing on Acceptance of Peasant Health

Insurance in Hanoi Suburb. Annual report of Policy Unit. Ministry of

Heath, 1999.
Total Serum lgE in Health Personel with Allergic History to
Betalactam Antibiotics. Journal o{ Pharmaceutical and Medicine
lnformation, No 3, pp: 26 - 29
Parent's Knowlegde, Behaviour and Practice in The Health Care for

Their Children in Schoolage. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicine

lnformation, No 4, pp: 28 - 32
HBV and HCV Infection among Hanoi Health Workers. Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Medicine Information, No 4, pp: 32 - 35


8 The Role of Occupational Factor in Allergy to Drug in Pharmaceutical

Industrial Workers. 56th Annual Meeting of American Academy of
Allergy Asthma & lmmunoloSy (AA4AI) March 3-8, 2000 Sandiego,
USA. Astract No: 144

Some Epidemiological Chracteristics of Allergy to Betalactam Antibiotics

in Pharmaceutical Industrial Workers and Hospital's Health Personels

in Hanoi area. Journal of Military Medicine Research, Volume 3, pp:

10 Situation and Causes of Overloading in some Hospitals at Hanoi area.

Journal of Military Pharmaceutical - Medicine, Vol 29, No 4, pp: 17

Result of a Survey on Bronchial Asthma in Hanoi Urban Pupils. Journal

of Preventive Medicine. Vol. XlV, No, 2+3, pp: 50 - 54

Strengtheng Emergency Medical Service System in Vietnam. 7th World

Congress on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Vienna, Austria

Abst, Book, pp: 806

IJ Some Epidemiological Characteristics of Asthma in Suburban of Hanoi

Pupils. Journalof Preventive Medicine. Vol. XV, No. 1 (72), pp'.57 -62

14 Survey on Situation of Malnutrition Among Under Five Years Old Children

in 42 Communes of 5 Suburban of Hanoi City. Journal of Military

Pharmaceutical - Medicine, Vol. 30, No 2, pp: 31 - 37

t3 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Health Personnel in Sain't Paul

and Ducgiang Hospitals on Familial Violence. Journal of y Military

Pharmaceutical - Medicine, Vol 30, No 5, pp; 11 - 20

to The Survey on Inpatient's Opinion in Some Hanoi Hospitals. Journal

of Pharmaceutical and Medicine Information, No 9, pp: 20 - 24

17 A Survey on Nososcomial Infection Control in Five Hospitals in Hanoi

City. Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. XV, No. 4 (75), pp: 53 - 58

18 Situation and The Need of Strengthen of Emergency Medical Service

System In Hanoi City. Journal of Disaster Medicine and Burn Injuries,

No. 4. 24 - 31.

19 Survey of Broncho-Asthmatic allergic Rhinitis Among Preschool Childen.

Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. XVl, No. 1 (79), pp: 51 - 55

20 Responding Capability to Emergency Transportation of Road Traffic

Accident in Hanoi. Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. XV, No. 2 (80),

00: tu - rc

21 Result of Survey on Asthma in Hanoi Pupils. The Journal of Allergy

and Clinical lmmunology (USA), Vol. 117, No.2.

22 Some Epidemiological Characteristics of Neonatal Mortality in Hanoi

Capital 2004. Journal of Preventive Medicine. Vol. XVl, No. 2 (81), pp:

/o - tJ I

The Community and Hospital-Based lntervention Address Gender-Based

Violence in Vietnam. 8th World Congress on Injury Prevention and

Safety Promotion, Durban, South of Africa. Abst. No 1417

z4 The Changes of Knowledge and Practlce of Health Staffs A{ter

Intervention Activities of The project " lmprove of Health Care for
Victim of Gender Based Violence" in Duc Giang Hospital, Hanoi. Journal

of y Military Pharmaceutical - Medicine, Vol.31, No.3, pp: 21 -26

Survey on The Linking Between Asthma and Air Pollution Factors in

Primary and Elementary Pupils of Hanoi Capital. Journal of Preventive

Medicine. Vol. XVl, No. 5 (84), pp: 32 - 39

lo Responding to The Avian Influenza Pandemic Threat in Hanoi, Vietnam.

ANMC21 Conference on Coutermea-sures to Combat Infectious disease

in Asia, Taiwan, August 22 - 2412006.

27 Model of Center for Women Health Care Counseling In Supporting
the Victim of Domestic Violence. lnternational Coference on lnjury
Prevention and Safe Community, Hanoi, Vietnam 26 -27 ,Oclober, 2006,

pp:248 - 255
An Assessment on Infection Control Performance in five Hanoi City
Hospitals. Journal of Practical Medicine, No. 2 (564), pp; 85 - 87

Influence of Air pollution to Morbidity of Respiratory Disease in People

Living in Laclong Ouan Area and Around Thuong Dinh Industrial Zone.

Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. XVll, No. 2 (87), pp: 38 - 45.

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Oral Health Care of Hanoi Pupils.

Journal of Preventive Medicine, Vol. XVll, No 2 (87), pp: 46 - 49,

31 Some Epidemiological Characteristics of Mother to Child Transmission

of HlV. Journal of y Military Pharmaceutical - Medicine, Vol. 32, No.

3, pp: 89 - 94

Others: Teaching as a plurality lecturer at Military Academy of Medicine

From 2002 to 2007: being major adviser for 7 master students. All of

these 7 have sucessfuly defended their theses.

Year of birth: I YOJ

Nationality: Vietnamese

MPHM Alumni Batch: 14

Academic Year: 1999- 2000

Current Position: Deputy Director General

Workplace Name/Address:

Department of Therapy,

Ministry of Health - Viet Nam

Country: Vietnam

Telephone: 0042732285

Fax: 0042732289

Mobile: 091 91 21 81 8


Educadon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1979 - 1985 Thai Nguyen Medical University D.D.S. and M.D

HaNoi Medical University

1993 - 1994 HaNoi Medical Postgraduate

University Training

1999 - 2000 ASEAN Institute for Health M.P.H.M.

Development, Mahidol University

2001 - 2005 HaNoi EH National Institute Ph.D.

Working experlences
Year Position Place of work

1985- 1989 MD. Thai Nguyen General Hospital

1990 - 2000 -Secretary to the MOH, Vietnam

Vice MinistrY

-Deputy Head of Cabinet of MOH, Vietnam


2001 - Now Deputy Director Department to Theraphy, MOH,Vietnam


Academlc / Research publlshed

Number of publications

Year Title

2001 Hospital Management in Viet Nam

2003 National Guidelines on Care and Treatment on ARV and Ol

for AIDS patients in Viet Nam

2005 Palliatine Care in Viet Nam findings for a situation analysis

in five provinees

IUUO National Guidelines on Palliatine care for cancer and AIDS

Patrents in Viet Nam

2007 National Guidelines on Methadol Substitutron in Viet Nam

Year of birth: 1 950

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Alumni Batch: i

Academic Year: 1 986-1 987

Current Position: Director General

Workplace Name/Address:

Department of Medical Sciences,

Ministry of Public Health

Country: Tha iland

Telephone: 0-2589-9862

Fax: 0-295 1 -1 459

Mobile: 08-1 344-8534

E-mail:, manit@health.

Educaflon background
Year Place of Study Degree
1 969-1 973 Mahidol University, Thailand B.Sc.
1 973-1 975 Mahidol Unrversity, Thailand M.D.
1 986-1 987 ASEAN Institute for Health Development, M.P.H.M

Mahidol University, Thailand

1992 Mahidol University, Thailand Board of Preventive
Worldng experlences
Year Position Place of work
1976-1984 Drrector Yang Talad Hospital, Kalasin
Year Position Place of work
1 985-1 988 Director Office of Technical Promolion and

Health Service, Kalasin Provrnce

'r988-1990 Senior Expert in Office of Provincial Health Service,
Preventive Medicine Kalasin Province
1 990-1 990 Senior Expert rn Office of Provincral Health Service
Preventive Medicine Nakhonratchasima Province
1 990-1 992 Chief Medical Office Office of Provincial Health Service,
Burirum Province
1 992-1 993 Director, Bural Health Off ice of Permanent Secretary
1 993-1 997 Chief Medical Office Office of Provincial Health Service,
Khon Kean Province
1 997-1 999 Chief Medical Office Office of Provincial Health Service,
Udon Thani Province
1 999-2001 Deputy Director General Department of Health,MOH
2001-2004 Deputy Director General Department of Disease Control,
2004-2005 Inspector General Off ice of Permanent Secretary,
2005-2007 Deputy Permanent Off ice of Permanent Secretary,
Secretary MOH
2007-Present Director General Department of Medical Sciences

Outstandlng/Achievement Award Recelved

Year Name of Award Place /Whom
2007 Outstanding Alumni Sirrral Medical School AIumni Association
under the Royal patronage of His Majesty
the King

Year of birth: 1 953

Nationality: THAI

MPHM Alumni Batch: 2

Academic Year: 1 987-1 988

Current Position: lnspector General

Workplace Name/Address:

Office of the Permanent Secretary,

Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.

Country: Thailand

Telephone: 02-590-1 478

Fax: 02-590-1 891

Mobile: 081 -558-2440


Educadon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1972 Chulalongkorn University, Thailand M.D.

1 988 ASEAN Institute for Health Development, M.P.H.M

Mahidol University, Thailand

Worklng experlences
Year Position Place of work

1991-1992 ProvincialChiefMedical Udonthani Province


Director of rural Health Ministry of Public Health


Year Position Place of work

1994-1996 Provincial Chief Medical Nakhon Pathom Province

Off icer

1997-2005 Supervisor
Senior Health Ministry of Public Health
2006-present lnspector General Ministry of Public Health

Year of birth: 1952

Nationality: THAI

MPHM AlumniBatch: J

Academic Year: 1 988-1 989

Current Position: Deputy Director-General

Workplace Name/Address:

Department of Health, Ministry of Public HealIh,88122

Tivanon Road, Muang District Nonthaiburi 11000

Country: Thailand

Telephone: 02-5904014

Fax: 02-590-401 5

Mobile: 081-124-8632

E-mail: praditwi@anamai. moph.

Educaffon background
Year Place ofStudy Degree

IV/J Chulalongkorn University B.Sc.

1 975 Chulalongkorn University M.D.

1 989 ASEAN Institute for Health M.P.H.i\4

Development, Mahidol University

Working experiences
Year Position Place of work

1980-1994 Director Pua Crown Prince Hospital, Nan

Year Position Place of work

1994-2002 Provincial Chief Medical Lamphun Province

Off icer

2002-2006 Provincial Chief Medical Lampang Province


2006 till now Deputy Director-General Department of Health


Year of birth: I v50

Nationality: THAI

MPHM Alumni Batch : 4

Academic Year: 1 989-1 990

Current Position: Deputy Secretary - General

Workplace Name/Address:

National Health Security

Office, 200 M004 Jasmine International Tower, 27th-

28th FL.,Chaengwatana RD. Pakkret, Nonthaburi
Tel: 0-2831-4022

Fax: 0-28314004

Mobile: 0-81 92-6551 1


Educaflon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 979 University
Faculty of Science, Mahrdol B.Sc

1 981 Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital M.D.

Mahidol University
1 990 ASEAN Institute for Health Development, M.P.H.M.

Mahidol University

Working experiences
Year Position Place of work

1981 - 19Bg Director of Rasisalai Hospital Rasisalai Hospital

Year Position Place of work

1990 - 1992 Head of Monitoring and Ministry of Public Health

Evaluation Section

1992 - 1994 Head of Planning Section Ministry of Public Health

1994 - 2001 Director of Amnatcharoen Amnatcharoen Hospital


2001 -2003 Assistant Permanent Secretary Ministry of Public Health

2003 - Present Deputy Secretary - General National Health Security Office
Year of birth:

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Alumni Batch: 11

Academic Year: 1996 - 1997

Current Position: Dean

Workplace Name/Addres:

Faculty of Public Health Mahidol University,

42011 Rajvithi , Rajathevee, Bangkok 10400

Country: Thailand

Telephone: 166t2-354-8527

Fax: (66)2-3548554

Mobile: (66)81 -8s40234


Educaffon background
Year Place of study Degree
2007 College of Management (USJR) Doctor in Management (HRM)
2005 Thai Medical Council Dip. Thai Eoard of Epidemiology
1 997 AIHD, Mahidol Universrty Master of PHC Management
1 991 Gullas College of Medicine(UV) Doctor of Medicine
1 984 Faculty of Vet. Sci., Doctor of Vet. Medicine

Chulalongkorn University

Worklng experlences
Year Position Place of Work

2006 Dean Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University

2007 Regional Director APACPH

2007 President SEAPHEIN

2006 President THAIPHEIN
2004 - 2006 Secretary General Royal College of Family Medicine

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award Recelved

Year Position Placelwhom

2006 Alumni best performance Faculty of Vet. Sci.,

Chulalonqkorn Universitv

Academlc/Kesearch published
Number of publications 50
Year Title

2005 Health Status of Buddhist Monk in Bangkok Area

2004 Health Status of Sanitary Health Worker BMA

2004 Evaluation of 30 Baht Scheme Proiect

Other (please speclfy)

Temporary Consultance to WHO Bangladesh (2007)


Year of birth: 1 956

Nationality: Thai

Student Batch: 1)

Academic Year: 1 997-1 998

Current Position: Deputy Director General

Workplace Name/Address:

Department of Medical Services

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

514 Luang Road, Pomprab District,

Bangkok 10100 Thailand

Home Address: 4111 M.9 Soi Nongyai Kanchanapisek Road

Bangkae District, Bangkok 10160 Thailand

Country: Thailand

Telephone: (ot 02-2224959 (R) 02-8033388

Fax: lot 02-2214876 (R) 02-8033388

Mobile: 089-8330484

E-mail: sa,

Educadon Background
Year Place of Study Degree

1980 Chiangmai University Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)

1987 Thai Medical Council Diplomate Thai Board of Orthopedic


1994 Sukhothaithammathirat BachelorofArts(lnformationTechnology)

Year Place of Study Degree

1998 AIHD, Mahidol University Master of Primary Health Care

Management (MPHM)

1998 Thai Medical Council Diplomate Thai Board of Preventive

Medicine (Occupational Mediclne)

2002 Thai Medical Council Diplomate Thai Board of family Medicine

1994 Facultv of Medlcine, Cert,Hospital Administration

Ramathibodi Hospital

1996 Japan National Institute of Cert, Hospital Administration

Health Service Management

1996 BMA Institute of Civil Service Cert. Senior Medical and Health

Development Administration

2001 BMA Institute of Civil Service Diploma. Senior Administration


2007 BMA Institute of Civil Service Cert. Crisis Management


Worklng Experiences
Year Position Place of Work

1981-1982 Surgeon Kanchanaburi Camp Hospital , Royal Thai Army

1982-1 987 Surgeon Taksin Hospital, Department of Medical Services,

1 987-1 999 Orthopedic Charoenkrungpracharak Hospital, B MA

Year Position Place of Work

1987-1 999 Chief Section of Rehabilitation, Charoenkrungpracharak

Hospital, BMA

1987-1999 Chief Subdivision of Technical Services,

Charoenkrungpracharak Hospital, BMA

1999-2002 Director Luangphothaweesak Hospital, BMA

2002-2003 Deputy Medical service, Charoenkrungpracharak Hospital,

Director BMA

2003-2005 Director Charoenkrungpracharak Hospital, BMA

2005-Present Deputy Department of Medical Services, BMA General



- Medical subcommittee, Medical Benefit section, Social Security Fund, Social
Security Office, Ministry of Labour ( since 1991)
- Medical subcommittee to the Compensation Fund, occupational musculoskeletal

section. Social Security Office, Ministry of Labour (since 1994)

- Medical committee to the Compensation fund, Social Security Office, Ministry

of Labour (1994-1998)
- Chairman, Medical subcommittee to the Compensation Fund, Disability and
impairment evaluation section. Social Security Office, Ministry of Labour (since 1996-
1 004\
l vwv,

- Group secretary, BMA Developmental Plan 5th Edition Seminar. (1997)

- Medical subcommittee to the Compensation Fund, Healthcare facility standard

section. Social Security Office, Ministry of Labour (1998-2000)

- Unit 2,Chairman, Medical subcommittee to the Compensation Fund, Social
Security Office, Ministry of Labour (since 2004)

- Chairman, Subcommittee of Emergency Medical Service System, National Health

Security Office, Bangkok Branch. (since 2006)


- Knight Grand Cross (Third Class) of the lvlost Noble Order of the Crown of
Thailand (1987)

- Knight Grand Cross (Third Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant

(1 989)

- Knight Grand Cross (Second Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of

Thailand ('1991)
- Knight Grand Cross (Second Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White
Elephant (1995)
- Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of
Thailand (2001)
- Knight Grand Cross (First Class) of the Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant

- Occupational lumbar disc herniation among Thai workers claimed for
compensation. J Med Assoc Thai, vol.84 no.2, February 2001. p. 253-257 I

- Common Occupational Musculoskeletal Injuries. In Bovornkitti S. et al : editor,

Occupational Medicine. JSK Printing , Bangkok, 1999, p. 331-342.

- Medial Plantar Artery Fasciocutaneous lsland Flap, Charoenkrungpracharak Hospital

Gazette, vol.l5 no.l June 1996, p. 59-63

Distinguished Alumni Awand
Fon Distinguished in Reseanch
Name: TIN-Oo

Years of Birth: 1 966

Nationality: Myanmar

MPHM Alumni Batch: 9

Academic Year: 1 994-1 995

Current Position: Research Scientist


Parasitology Research Division, Department of Medical

Research (Lower Myanmar), No.5, Ziwaka Road, Dagon

Township, Yangon 1 1 191, Myanmar.

Country: Myanmar

Phone (Office): 251508 or 251510, Ext. 153;

Mobile: 09-99-2821 1;

E-mail:,mm; (2) dr,

Educaflon Background:
Year Place of Studv Degree

1 987 University of Yangon, Myanmar B.Sc.

1 995 ASEAN Institute for Health Development N/] PH N/I

Mahidol Universrty, Thailand

2003 The University of Oueensland, Brisbane, PhD

Australia (Tropical Health)

Attendlng cerdficate courses :

'l . "Contemparay rssues on Human Fesource Development in developing

countries'. The International Forum sponsored by the Thailand Society for Trainrng
and Devlelopment rn developrng countries in collaboration with Civil Service Training

Institute and ASEAN lnstitute For Health Development, 31 March, 1995.

2. "Course on Management of Training Programme" sponsored by Khemmani

International Development Consultants & Associates (KIDCA), 20 January to 31 March,

1995 at AlHD.Thailand

3. "Course on applying molecular epidemiology in drug resistant malaria funded

by IAEA. Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand, 4 June to 8

August 2007.

Experlence ln Health Programmes:

- As an assistant project manager for "Primary Medical Care and Referral of
Patients Project" as one of the components of Community Health Care
Programme from Department of Health.

- Particlpate in Reproductive health programmes planned by MCH/Birth spacing

section from Department of Health, preparation of reproductive health manual

for Basic Health Staff, implementation of primary health care services and
evaluation of Community Health Care Programme, training of Township

Medical Officers in Rapid Survey Methodology sponsored by Department

of Health.
- Active participation as a facilitator in malaria IEC situation analysis and field
research protocol development, Roll back Malaria lnitiative, Mekong Region,

- As a Lecturer in Annual Research Methodology Workshop conducted at

Department of Medical Research, Lower Myanmar,

- Experiences in field-based laboratory research: Monitoring of drug resistant

malaria in endemic areas and multicentre randomized clinical trial for

comparison of Ouinine vs Artesunate in treatment of severe malaria in

Kesearch projects conducted :

1 993-1 994 The use of personal protective measures in control of malaria in

a defined community (co-investigator) (funded by WHO)

1 994-1 995 Factors influencing breastfeeding and weaning practices among

mothers of children under three years, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand

(Thesis for the fulfilment of MPHM degree) (funded by WHO)
1 995-1 996 Needs assessment in Shwe-Kyet- Yet BHC: implrcations for
community health development (Co-investigatod (funded by Basic

Health Services Division, Department of Health)

1 996-1 998 Home management of malaria in rural Taikkyi (Principle investigator)

(funded by Department of Medical Research)

1 999-2003 Gender dimensions in malaria seltcare in rural Mvanmar (Doctoral

thesis) (funded by WHO/|DR, Project lD 991091)

2003-2004 Voluntary Confidential Counseling and Testing of Human

lmmunodeficiency Virus: Minimizing Barriers for Pregnant Women

(Principle investigator) (funded by UNFPA)

2004-2004 Midterm Evaluation of Save the Children from TB Project (Principle

Investigator) (funded by World Vision International Myanmad

2004-2004 Second Generation Behavioral Surveillance: A KAP studv on HIV/

AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections among out-of-

school youths in Taunggyi and MeikHtilar (Principle Investigator)
(Funded by National AIDS Programme, Department of Health)

2004-2004 Seafaring communities: HIV /AIDS prevention and care prolect in

Mon State and Tanintharyi Division, Myanmar (Principle Investigator)

(Funded by UNICEF, MOFA/Japan & World Vision Myanmar)

2004-2005 The use of antimalarials in malaria endemic areas of Myanmar;

choices, compliance and patterns of seeking care (Principle

Investigatod (funded by WHO)

2004-2005 Burden and determinants of malaria in pregnancy in Myanmar

(case histories in biosocial aspect to measure the soctal burden)

(Co-rnvestigator) (funded by WHO/SEARO)

2006-2006 Adherence to national guidelines in home management of child

malaria in high risk villages, Mon State, Myanmar (Funded by

WHO) (Principal Investagator)

2004-2007 Intensifying health promotion in malaria: options for social
movements in endemic areas of Myanmar (Project lD 3.107)
(Principle Investigator) (funded by Alliance for Health Policy and

Systems Research, World Health Organization)

2005-2005 Mid Term Assessment of Border Area Chin Hill Development
Project (CARE INTERNATIONAL in Myanmar) (Principal Investigator)

2005-2006 Program process evaluation of strengthening ofHlV/AIDS Prevention

Project in UNFPA Supported Townships in Myanmar (funded by

UNFPA, Myanmar) (Principal Investagator)

2005-2006 Evaluation of school and extended community-based approaches

for DOTS in Tuberculosis in Yangon Division (funded by World

Vision lnternational, Myanmar) (Principal lnvestigator)

2006-2006 A KABPP study on sexual an-d reproductive health of young peopre

(15-24 years) in Mandalay and Muse: A base line survey for Youth

Engaged Safely (YES) Project (CARE International, Myanmad

(Principal Investigator)

2006-2006 Healthy living, healthy life style Konchan; Base line report for
Primary health Care. (World Vision Myanmar) (Principal Investigator)

2006-2007 Cost analysis of amputee cases at Defence Services Rehabilitation

Hospital, Mingaladon, Myanmar (Co-investagator)

2007-2007 Effects of project interventions for primary health care in support

of healthy living and healthy life style on KAP, Konchan, Loukkai

district, Myanmar (World Vision, Myanmar) (Principal Investigator)
2007-2007 Health in Chin Project in Kanpetlet Township, Chin State: Baseline

KAP Survey (CARE lnternational in Myanmar) lPrincipal Investigator)

2007-2007 lmproved Food and Livelihood Security Prolect in Mindut and

Kanpetlet Townships, Chin State: Baseline KAP Survey (CARE

International in Myanmar) (Principal Investigator)

2007-2007 Oualitative Evaluation of Targeted Dengue Vector Interventions

for efficient and sustainable dengue control in Myanmar (WHO/
TDB lD: 450520) (Principal Investigator)
2006-up till Eco-bio-social dynamics for better informed dengue prevention in

now Myanmar (WHOnDR/illRC, lD: 460629) (Co-investigator)

2007-up till Situation of empowering communities and health staff to strengthen

now malaria prevention and control in Tarchileik District, Eastern

Shan State, Myanmar, Greater Mekong sub-region, Malaria Project

(WHO/SEARO) (Principal Investigator)

Research papers publlshed:

- Myint Lwin, Htein Linn, Nay Linn, Myat Phone Kyaw, Myint Ohn & Tin- 00,
1997. The use of personal protective measures in control of malaria rn a

def ined community. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and
Public Health, 28, 254-258.
- Myint-Oo, Myint-Lwin, Tin-Oo, Ye-Htut, Myat-Phone'Kyaw, Nwe-Nwe-Oo

& Kyin- Hla-Aye, 2000. Radiometric assessmenl on in vitro antimalarial

sensitivities of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Myanmar' Myanmar

Medical Journal, 44 (21',57-61.
- Tin-Oo, Pe-Thet-Htoon, Khin-Thet-Wai, Parks WJ and Bryan JR., 2001.
Gender, mosquitos and malaria: implications for community development
program Laputta, Myanmar. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical

Medicine and Public Health. 32, 588-594.

Research papers presented:

- Myint-Oo, Marlar-Than, Myat-Phone-Kyaw, Nwe-Nwe-Oo, Aye- Yu-Soe,
Khaing- Khaing-Gyi, Sabei, Tin-Oo & Madar Aung. 1994. Effiux mechanism
of Plasmodium Vivax: a rapid radiometric assay of chloroquine resistance'
Abstracts of Papers. Myanmar Health Research Congress, p.80.

Myint-Oo, Marlar-Than, Myat-Phone-Kyaw, Nwe-Nwe-Oo, Kyin-Rla-Aye, Tin-

Oo. Marlar-Aung & Myint-Lwin, 1995. Reversal of chloroquine resistance in

malaria parasite; in vitro study with Verapramil. Abstncts of Papers' Myanmar

Health Research Congress, p,54,

Tin-Oo, Pe-Thet-Htoon, Ye-Htut, Khin-Thet-Wai, Aye-Aye-Sein & Saw-Lwin,

2004. Chloroquine and malaria self-care: revisiting unmet requirements.

Abstracts of Papers. Myanmar Health Research Congress, p.42
Tin-Oo, Pe-Thet-Htoon, Khin-Thet-Wai, Aye-Aye-Sein, Aun g-Kyaw-Kyaw, Ye-

Htut & Saw-Lwin,2004. Self-care training and self-care manual: channelling

malaria information in Laputta. Abstracts of Papers. Myanmar Health
flesearch Congress, p.43
Tin 00, Ye Htut, Pe Thet Htoon, Khin Thet Wai, Aye Aye Sein, Kyin Hta Aye

and Saw Lwin, 2006. Malaria Decision-making in Rural Area of Laputta,

Myanmar. . Abstracts of Papers. Myanmar Health Research Congress

Tin 00, Bryan JH, Williams G, Ye Htut, Pe Thet Htoon, Khin Thet Wai, Aye

Aye Sein and Saw Lwin, 2007. The effect of gender on knowledge of
malaria in rural area of Laputta. Abstracts of Papers. Myanmar Health
Research Congress

Years of Birth: 1 956

Nationality: Nepali

Student Batch: 5

Academic Year: 1 990-1 9991

Current Position: Director

Workplace Name/Address:

Council for Technical

Education and vocational Training(CTEVT) Sanothimi

Bhaktpur, Nepal

Country Nepal

Telephone: 977-1 -6630679

Fax: 977-16630491


Home Address: Chakrapath, Maharajgunj, Srijansil Tole Sneha marga

62 Kathmandu, Nepal
Telephone: 977-14371481

Mobile: 977-1 -9851 0831 72

Educaffon background
Year Place of Study Degree

2003 National Institute of Publice Health Doctor of Public Health (Dr.PH)

Japan Tokyo

1 991 AIHD, Mahidol University Thailand Master of Primary Health Care

Management (MPHM)

Year Place of Study Degree
'1983 Tribhuvan University lTU), Kathmandu Bachelor (Public Administration)


1 978 Institute of Medicine Kathmandu Certrf icate rn General Med crne


Worklng Experiences

SN Year Position Place of work Remark

1 978-1 983 Health Assrstant Mrnrstry of Health (Remote

Area Health Posts)

1 984-1 991 Health lnstructor Council for Tech Edu.Voc

Training (CTEW),Karnali Tech,


1 992-1 993 Vice Principal Council for Tech Edu.Voc

Trainrng (CTEVT),Karnah Tech,


1 993 1 995 Prrncrpal Councrl for Tech Edu.Voc

Tra nrng iCTEVT),Karnalr Tech,


1 996 Director CTEW, Nepal

1 996/1 997 Prolect Director Family Plannrng Association Deputatron

of Nepal

1 998-2005 Project Manager CTEVT School of Health

Scrences, Chitwan, Nepal

2006 Executive Director CTEVT, Kathmandu, Nepal

2007 till date Drrector Ministry of Education and Deputatron

Sports, Kathmandu, Nepal from CTEVT

Outstandlng/Achlevement Reward Kecelved

SN Name of Award PlacE whom Remarks

1 Reomte Area Service Award His Maiesty's Government Working long period in very
of Neoal remote areas

2 Outstanding Manager on His Majesty's Government Outstanding performance in

Natronal TEW Management lvlinistry of Education/CTEW TEW management

3 (Gorkh
First Class Medal King
His Majestry In honor of Dr. PH Degree

Dachhinbahu) Gyanendra completaon

Acadolc Qcscarch Pubtlshcd

Number of Publications:

SN Year Title Publication

1 2001 Single dose of SA 14-14-2 vaccine provides long-term lnternational Journal "Vaccine"

protection against Japanese encephalitis: A case-

control study in Nepalese children five-year after


2 2007 Education and Skill Training for Income Generation A Concept Paper WINROCK

and Conflict Mitigation in Mid-western Region of INTERNATIONAL


3 2005 An evaluation study on post antFfrlarial mass drug Besearch study MoH and

administration EDCD

4 2005 Effectiveness of single dose ot Sa 1414-2 The Lancet

vaccrne after I year of immunization in Napalese


5 2004 antifilarial
An Evaluation study on post Research study MoH and

mass drugadministration EDCD

6 2003 Risk foctors for aquiring symptomatrc Japanese International Journal NIPH,

encephalitis in western Terai of Nepal Japan

SN Year Thle Publication

7 2OO3 Scourge of Japanese Encephalitis National News paper

Kathnmandu posl

I 2OO2 A Case Control Study on eflicacy of Japanese The Lancet

Enceohalitis Vaccine {SA-14'14-2)1999 in Nepal

g 2OO2 Health Manpower Development in Nepal International Health Korea,

Korea Medical Publisher Co.

10 2000 Japanese
A Study on Adverse Effects of Epidemiology and disease

Encephalitrs Vaccine (SA 1+14-2) in BardiYa, control division MoH,

Neoal 2000. Kathmandu

1 l 2000 A Glance of Japanese Encephalrtrs Outbreak Japanese Encephalities

in Western Terai in Nepal 2000 (A Video Support group Nepal


12 1999 An Epidemiological study of Japanese Eprdemrology and Drsease

Encephalitis in Banke, Bardiya and Kailal control division. N/'linlstry of

District of Nepal health/Boran Pharmaceutical


'13 1994 An lmpact Study on Short Course Skill Training Karnali Technical School Jumla

in Agriculture Construction and Health in Karnali Nepal



Participation in a volunteer Organizations

- Chairperson: Japanese Encephalitis Support Group of Nepal

- Chairperson: Nepal Cancer Service Society

- Chairperson: Bioethics Association of Nepal (Ad Hoc committee)


Year of birth: 1 962

Nationality: Japan
MPHM Alumni Batch:
Academic Year: 1 989-1 990

Position: Professor for field

epidemrology station
Workplace Name/Address:

Nagasaki University, Vietnam Field Station at National

Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiolosy (NIHE), 1 Yersin

Street, Hanoi

Country: Viet Nam

Telephone: 844-9724493
Fax: 844-9724493
Mobile: 84-902-241305

E-mail: jp

Educadon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 997 The Research Institute Graduate Diploma in Tuberculosis

of Tuberculosis JATA, Tokyo, Control and Epidemiology


1 996 School of Hygiene and Public Doctor of Public Health (Ph.D.

Health, Johns Hopkins equivalent)

University, USA

Year Place of Study Degree

1990 ASEAN Institute for Health Master of Primarv Health Care

Development, Mahidol University,Management (M.P.H.M.)


1989 National Medical Center,Tokyo, Certificate in Residency

Japan (lnternal Medicane)

1987 School of Medicine, Nagasaki Medical Degree (M.D.)

University, Nagasaki, Japan

Working experlences
Year Position/Place of work

January 2006 - present Professor for field epidemiology, Center of

International Collaborative Research, and

Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University

May 2003 - Dec 2005 Project Manager, TB/HIV Research, Research

Institute of Tuberculosis, JATA, Tokyo, Japan

May 2001 - April 2003 Chief, Epidemiology Division, The Besearch Institute

of Tuberculosis, JATA, Tokyo, Japan

November 1997 - Field Manager, TB/HIV Research Proiect, the

August 2002 Research Institute of Tuberculosis, JATA, Tokyo,


October 1995-October 1997 Medical Epidemiologist, The Research Institute

of Tuberculosis, JATA, Tokyo, Japan
Clinical Officer, FUKUJYUJI Hospital, JATA, Tokyo,


Year Position Place of work

June 1987-August 1989 Resident Physician (lnternal Medicine),

National Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award Recelved

Year Name of Award Place Mhom
2004 Pfizer Health Research Foundation travel grant

1994 Research Fellowship Grant, Japanese Foundation for AIDS Prevention (JFAP),


1993-95 Tuition reduction for qualified student, Johns Hopkins School of Public


1990-91 Scholarship for International Development, International Development Center

of Japan,
'1985 Summer Internship Scholarship to visit National Tuberculosis Institute,

Bangalore, India, The West-Japan News Paper Compa

Academic / Research published

Number of publications 41 (list .some as below)

Year Titla

2007 The Khanh Hoa Health Project: Characterization of Study Population and

Field Site Development for Clinical Epidemiological Research on Emerging

and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases Tropical Medicine and Health

2007;35(2):61 -63

2007 A survey of tuberculosis prevalence in Hanoi, Vietnam the lnternational

Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease2007;11(5):1-5.

2005 Raoid Awareness and Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

in Hanoi French Hospital, Viet Nam. Amerrcan Journal of Troplcal Medrcine

& Hygiene, 2005: 73(l:17 -25.

2004 HIV notification and migration. - Epidemiological analysis of migrants from

Southeast Asian countries during 1986-2001 .J Population Studies

(Jinko-gaku Kenkyu) 2004 Nov; 35:1-11.

2004 Care for People Living with HIV/,AIDS: An assessment of Day Care Centers

in Northern Thailand AIDS Patient Care and STDs 2004; 18(5) 305-14

2003 Integrated counseling and screening on tuberculosis and HIV among

household contacts of tuberculosis patients in epidemic area of HIV infection:

Chiang Rai, Thailand the lnternational Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung

utsease luuJ: /\t4 >+t4-451.

2003 Bisk of Mvcobacterium tuberculosis infection and disease among health

care workers, Chiang Rai, Thailand. . the lnternational Journal of Tuberculosis
and Lung Disease 2003; 7(1):36-45.

2003 lmpact of enhanced tuberculosis laboratory results notification to minimize

treatment delay, Chiang Rai Hospital, Northern Thailand. the lnternational
Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Dlsease 2003;7(1):46-51.

2OO2 A Statistical Method for the Estimation of Window-Period Risk of

Transfusion-Transmitted HIV in Donor Screening under Non-Steady-State

B ios ta tis t ics, 2002; 3:1 33-1 43

2001 Health seeking behavior and diagnosis for pulmonary tuberculosis in an HIV

epidemic and mountainous area of Thailand. the lnternational Journal of

Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2001;5 (11) 1013-1020.

2001 Tuberculosis Preventive Therapy as Part of a Care Package for People

Living with HIV in a District of Thailand. A\DS2001: 15:1739'1741

2001 Feasibility of home-based and health center-based DOT: perspectives of TB

care providers and clients in an HIV epidemic area, Thailand. the lnternational

Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease200l; 5:741-745.

1999 lmproving Tuberculosis Services in Chiang Rai province: Challenge to control

dual epidemic on TB and HlV. Journal of Communicable Disease 1999;

1997 Utility of Tuberculin and Anergy Skin Testing in Predicting Tuberculosis
Infection in H|V-infected Persons in Thailand. the lnternational Journal of
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 1997; 1',427-434

1997 Adherence to tuberculosis preventive therapy among HlV-infected persons

in Chiang Rai, Thailand. AIDS 1997; 11107-112

1997 HIV-Related Risk Factors of Blood Donors in Northern Thailand before and

after Knowing HIV Test Results. lnternational Journal of Epidemiology

1996 Rapid Increase in H|V-Related Tuberculosis, Chiang Rai. Thailand, 1990-

1994. AIDS 1996; 10:527-531

1996 An Estimate of the Number of Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HlV)-Positive
Blood Donations by H|V-Seronegative Donors in a Northern Thailand. The

Journal of lnfectious Disease 1996; 174:870-3

Year of birth: 1 957

MPHM Alumni Batch:

Nationality: Thai

Academic Year: 1 988-1 989

Current Position: Director of Graduate Program

of Social and Administrative

Workplace Name/Address:

Social Pharmacy Department,

Faculty of Pharmaceutical

Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok '1 0330,


Country: Thailand

Telephone: 066-02-21 8-8335

E-mail: vithaya. k@chula,

Educadon Background:
Year Place of Study Degree

2000 University of Maryland, Doctoral of Philosophy in Pharmacy

School of Pharmacy, U.S.A. Administration,

1 989 ASEAN Institute for Health Master of Primary Health Care

Development, Mahidol Management

University, Thailand

1 980 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Bachelor of Sciences in Pharmacy,

Science, Mahidol University


Admlnlstradve Posldon:
2006 - Present Director of Graduate Program in Social and Administrative
Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongrorn

-niversity, Bangkok, Thailand.

2001 - Present Chair of Social Pharmacy Department, Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,


2004 - Present Director of Health Consumer Protectron Project (HCPP),

Chulalongkorn University, supported by Thai Health
Foundation. Three Year Grant from 2006-2008

Teachlng Course: Bachelor Degree:

Public Health, Public Health Pharmacy

Health Consumer Protection, Pharmacoepidemiology

Multidisciplinary Study for Rural Development

Doctoral and Master Degree:

Drug System Analysis, Pharmaco econmics,


Professlonal Poslffon:
National - Board of National Pharmacy Council, Thailand
- Chair of Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Economics and

Public Health, National Essential Drug Committee, Thailand.

- Committee, Consumer Protection, National Economics and Social

Advisorv Council.
lnternational President, International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and

Outcome Research (ISPOR), Thailand Chapter

Committee. ISPOR Asia Consortium Executive

Recent Publicafions:
- Vithaya Kulsomboon, Wanna Sriwiriyanuparb. 12005j Awareness on Kid's Snack

Advertising in "Understanding and Care for Your Health". Bangkok, Chulalongkorn

University Print. Summary from the Conference on Kid's Snack Problems in Thailand

and Recommendations,
- Vithaya Kulsomboon, Jrraporn Limpananont, Worawit Kitttwongsunthorn, Paisan

Limsatit, and Usawadee Maleewong. Credibility on the Web: A Study of the Credibility

of Consumer lnformation on Thailand E-Commerce Websites. Bangkok: Socral

Pharmacy Research Unit, 2005, Dissemination in Asian Seminar on Consumers and

E-Commerce organized by Consumer International during 23-24 August 2005 at

Hotel Equatorial, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

- Vithaya Kulsomboon, Jiraporn Limpananont, Worawit Kittiwongsunthorn, Paisan

Limsatit, Usawadee Maleewong, Wisit Tangkeangsirisin, and Nattiya Kapol. Online

Shopping: An Exercise with Thai and Malaysian Product and Service E Commerce

Websites. Bangkok: Social Pharmacy Research Unit, 2005, Dissemination in Asian

Seminar on Consumers and E-Commerce organized by Consumer International during

23-24 August 2005 at Hotel Equatorial, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

- Kittipibul, P,, Kulsomboon, V., and Kittisopee, T, "Pharmaceutical Care-based
Practice of Thai Community Pharmacists: A Focus Group Study". Thai Journal of

Hospital Pharmacy. 15 (l): 2005, 20 - 27 .

- Phosri, 1., Kulsomboon, V., and Kiatying-Angsulee, N. "lmpact of Cox-2 Inhibitors

in Thai Orthopaedic Outpatients". Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research.

35(2): 2005, 11 5-1 1 &
- Kulsomboon, V. Consumer Protection on Sale and Advertrsement of
Pharmaceuticals via Internet in the United States. The Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical

Sciences.2S (3-4) 2001 : 99-108

- Kulsomboon, V., Palumbo, F, Mullins CD. (2000) Criteria to Request

Pharmacoeconomic Data and Data Sources for Hospitbl Formulary Decisions. Drug

lnformation Journal. 2001 ; 35(1 ): 231 -240.

- Kulsomboon, V. (1986) Primary Health Care and Community Organizing.

Proceedings of International Conference on Primary Health Care and People's
Movement. The Coordinating Committee for Primary Health Care of Thai NGOs.

- Kulsomboon, V. (1985) Role of Pharmacist in Community Hospital in Thailand.

Paper presented at the workshop" Drug Logistic Supply and Management", New
Delhi. Organized by WHO, Searo Southeast Asia Region, Common Wealth
Pharmaceutrcal Association and Management Science for Health Institute, Boston,


Recent Presentaffon:
- Vithaya Kulsomboon, Usawadee Maleewong, Vimol Suwankaesawong, and
Chootima Jameekornkul. Adverse Events of Antiretroviral Therapies Containing
Nevirapine or Efavirenz Based on Intensive ADR Monitoring Database. ISPOR 2nd

Asia-Pacific Conference. Shanghai Worldfield Convention Hotel, Shanghai, China. 5-

1 March 2006,
- Contrrbution of Social Pharmacy Research to Drug and Health System, 29 October

2547, Health Strategy and Policy Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam

- e-Health and Consumer Protection in Thailand. Presented in Korea, at the 19th


2002 SEOUL FAPA : For Efficient Care to Pharmacy Practice, 5-9 October, 2002.
- Survey on the Direction of E-Commerce and Consumer Protection of Health

Care Products. The 18 th Annual Research Meeting in Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Scrences, Chulalongkorn University. December, 2OO'l .

- Use of Pharmacoeconomic Data for Hospital Formulary Decisions, Drug

Information Association, 35th Annual Meeting, June, 28, 1999, Convention Center,
Baltimore. MD.


- Pharmacoeconomics, For WHO fellowship, Ms. Huda Lahham from Food and

Drug Administration, Ministry of Health, Palestine, September 2548.(2005)


Year of birth: 1 962

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Alumni Batch: 15

Academic Year: 2000-2001

Current Position: Director

Workplace Name/Address:
Bureau of Policy & StrategY,

N/OPH. Tiwanon Rd Nonthaburi 11000

Country: Thailand

Telephone: 02-591 -81 95

Fax: 02-590-1 393

na1 -??o-?n?q


Educadon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 987 Faculty of Medicine MD.

Chulalongkorn UnrversitY

2001 AIHD, Mahidol University MPHM

1 992 Medical Council Preventive Medicine


Working experiences
Year Position Place of work

1 987-1 997 Communitv Hospital Director Kirimat District, Sukhothai


Year Position Place of work

1997-2006 Deputy Chief Tak Provincial Health Office

2006-2007 Chief Uthar-thani Provincial Health


2007 Director Bureau of Policy & Strategy

Office, MOPH

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award Received

Year Name of Award Place Mhom
1993 Golden Garuda Award Prime Minister

2004 Outstandinq Research Award MOPH

Academlc / Research publlshed

Number of publications

Year Title

2003 Unit cost of Health Services in Community Hospital in Tak

2005 Potency and Performance of Malaria Post Workers in Tak

Malaria Institutive Project

2006 Deployment of Early Diagnosis and Mofloquine. Articulate

Treatment of Falcioarum Malaria in Thailand

Distinguished Alumni Awand
Fon Distinguished Public Senvice
Year of birth: 1 958

Nationality: Lao
MPHM Alumni Batch: tz

Academic Year: 1 997-1 998

Current Position: Deputy Director

Workplace Na me/Add ress :

Sayaboury Provincial Health Department

Sayaboury Province. Lao PDR,

Home Address: Ban Simoungkhoun Sayaboury District

Sayaboury Province

Country: Lao PDR

Telephone: t}l 074 21 1080 (R) 020 5778008

Fax: (0) 074 211080


Educaffon Background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 988 AIHD, Mahidol University, Master of Primary Health Care

Thailand Management (MPHM)

I v60 University oi Medical Sciences, Medical Doctor (MD)

Vientiane, Lao PDR

TYaining attended
. Certif icate in Prrmary Health Care MAP, (data collection & analysis), Mahidol

Universitv. Thailand

2. Certificate in project proposal writing, Mekong River Commission,Khon Kaen

Province, Thailand

3. Certificate in drug abuse reduction, JIGWEL, Tokyo, Japan

4. Certificate in immunization management, UNICEF, Vientiane
5. Certificate in HIV/AIDS prevention and surveillance, MOPH, Thailand
6. Training of Trainers certificate, NET Foundation, Surin Province, Thailand
7. Certificate in health mapping, WHO, Vientiane
8. Certificate in computer studies, Word, Excel & Power Point, Vientiane
9. Certificate in financial management, Vientiane
10. Certificate in English Language Studies, NSW Institute of Technology,

Sydney, Australia

Illorklng Dxperlences
1994 until present Deputy Director of Sayaboury Provincial Health Department:

Besponsible for the management of technical services for the provincial

health department including managing and supervision of health staff

at provincial, district and dispensary levels throughout the province.

Main counterpart for the Save the Children Australia Primary Health
Care Project in Sayaboury Province since its inception in 1992.
Responsible for managing PHC Project planning, implementation,
monitoring and supervision.

Responsible for conducting and assisting in training of health staff in

the province,

Responsible for conducting project management team meetings and

intersectoral committee meetings regularly every three months.

1991-1994 Director of the Hygiene Department, Sayaboury Provincial Health

- Responsible for the management of hygiene services throughout the

province including immunization and water and sanitation departments.

198&1990 Director of Kenthao District Health Department, Sayaboury Province:

- Responsible for the management of Kenthao District Health Department.

2000-2002 Consultances for ACIL/AusAlD to assist with implementing Primary

Health Care Projects in Houaphan and Phongsaly Provinces.

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award Received

Year Name of Award Place/whom

1999 United Nations Reduction Vientiane

of Povertv Award

Academtc/Research pu bllshed

"District health programmes and health sector reform: case study in the Lao People's

Democratic Bepublic" Bulletin of the Wodd Health Organization, February 2006.84



Year of birth: 1948

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Aluminum Batch :6

Academic Year: 1991 - 1992

Current Position: Senior Public Health Expert

Workplace Name/address:

Provincial Health Office Nakhonratchasima Province

Country: Thailand

Telephone: 04446501 6

Fax: 044-465017

Mobile: 081 -8780558


Educatlon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 973 Khonkean Health Trainning Center Certif icate

1 989 Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University 6.bc.

1992 ASEAN Institute for Health Development, M.P.H.M.

Mahidol University

Working experlences
Year Position Place of work

1 993-Present Senior Public Health Exoert Provincial Health Office

Na khonratchasima


Year Position Place of work

1980 - 1993 District Health Officer Nonthai District

Nonsung District

Kong District



1975 - 1980 Head of Health Center Head of Health Center

at Sub District Level

Outstandlng /Achlevement Award Received

Year Name of Award Place Ailhom

2003 Outstanding Alumni Faculty of Public Health

Bachelor of Public Health Mahidol University

Mahidol University
1983 Outstanding Ministry of Public Health

District Health Officer

1978 Outstanding Provrncial Health Off ice

Primary Health Care Activity Nakhonratchasima Province

Academlc / Research publlshed

- Research and Development Health Decentralization to Local Government

and Health Care Reform and Universal health Insurance

- Civil Society for Health Development in Nakhonratchasima Province


Year of Birth: 1 961

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Alumni Batch: 11

Academic Year: 1 996-1 997

Current Position: Head of Pharmacy

Department (Pharmacist 9)

Workplace Name/Adress:

Chao Phya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital,

Regional Hospital Division

Deputy Permanent Secretary,Division

Ministry of Public Health

Current Address: 32148 Moo 12, Tambon Ta Ngam, Amphur Muang,

Prachinburi 25000, Thailand

Country: Thailand

Telephone (Office): +6&3721 -1 289

(Private): +6G37214549

Mobile: 0814239487


Political Experience Board member of Government Pharmaceutical

Organization (GPO) from 2001 - 2002 (ending 22

October 2002)

Current Status Board member of Botanical Gardens Organization,

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Board member of Committee for Thai Traditional
Medicine Promotion and Protection
Educaflon Background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 978-1 982 Faculty of Pharmacy. B.Sc (Pharmacy)

Mahidol University

1 997 ASEAN Institute for Health Master of Primary Health

Development, Mahidol Care Management

University (MPHM)

1 999-2004 Faculty of Soical Sciences Doctor of Philosophy

and Humanities, (Social Science and

Mahidol University Medicine)

Worklng Experlecnes
- Head of Production Unit, Pharmacy Department, Chao Phya
Abhaibhubejhr Hospital (1983); Head of Pharmacy Department,

Chao Phya Abhaibhubejhr (2002 - Present)

- Headed development of herbal medicine for hospital use (1983),

making Chao Phya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital a model for the Ministry

of Public Health
- Key Speaker on herbal medicine development for various public

and private institutions

- Special Instructor on herbal medicine development for Faculty of

Pharmacv in all oublic institutions

- Working group for selection of herbal medicine for the National

List of Essential Drugs

- Member of Board of Directors for the establishment of herb

garden for Buddhist temples

- Organizing Committee Member for the 2nd National Herbs

Exposition 2005: Building on Thai Wisdom, Department of Thai

Traditional Medicine and Alternative Medicine Development (2005)

- Resident Instructor, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine Curriculum,

Burapa University (2005)

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award recelved

Year Name of Award Placelwhom

1993 Khon Dee Sri Sangkhom Village Foundation and Thai Rath

Award Newspaper Foundation

1995 for
Outstanding Alumni Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol

Social Commitment Universitv

1999 Outstanding Pharmacist The (Thai) Hospital Pharmacist

for Herbs Association

2001 Role Model Award The Thai Senior Citizens


2002 Alumni who are Institution's Faculty of Pharmacy,

Pride Award Mahidol Universitv

Distinguished Alumni Awand
Fon Academic Excellence
Year of Birth:

Nationality: Chinese

MPHM AlumniBatch: 2

Academic Year: 1 987-1 988

Current Position: Professor

Workplace Name/ Address:

Beijing University People's Hospital
1 South Street, Xizhimen Xichen District

Beijing 100044 Chaina

Country: P.R. Chaina

Telephone: +861 06879281 6

Fax: +861 06831 8386

E-mail: wangjishan 1

Education Background
Year Place of Study
tJ/ t- tv/a Beijing Medical University

1 987-1 988 Mahidol University, Thailand

The National University of Singapor

The United States University of lllinois

Worklng experiences
Position Place of work

Vice-President Beijing University, People's Hospital

f)onr rtrr Qonroterrr- Chinese Hospital Association Capital Medical

Gerneral University Hospital

Year of birth: 1 956

Nationality: Myan?nar

MPHM Alumni Batch: qi

Acadomic Year: 1 989-1 990

Current Position: Medical Officer

Workplace Name/Address:

WHO-Western Pacific Regional Office, Manila,


Country: Philippines

Telephone: 632-528-9874

Fax: oJl-czt-tuJo
Mobile: 6391 75-75-0455


Educadon background
Year Place of Study Degree
1 980 Institute of Medicine (l) Yangon M,B. B.S. (Bgn )

1 985-1 986 Yangon Diploma in MCH

1 989-1 990 AIHD, Mahidol University.Thailand Master of Primary Health

Care Management

Worklng experlences
Position Place of work

1 981 -1 989 Medical Officer Rangoon General Hospital

Year Position Place of work

1990-1 991 International AIHD, BKK, Thailand

Public Health Expert

1992-1993 MedicalOfficer UNFPA, BKK, Thailand

1993-2000 International AIHD, BKK, Thailand

Public Health Expert

2000-2007 Officer
Medical WHO-WPRO

Present Manila, Philippines

Others (please speclfy)

- Extensive experiences internationality on maternal and newborn and
reproductive health in the ASIA and Western Paciflc Region

Year of birth: I YJJ

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Alumni Batch: 1

Academic Year: 1 987

Current PositionAfforkplace Name/Address

Senior advisor and lecturer

Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University

Reviewer research proposal

National Research Institute

Ethical Committee

Thai Traditional Medicine and alternative Medicine

Department, Ministry of Pubbic Health.

Country: Thailand

Telephone: 029269749

Fax: 025601647

Mobile: 0890381798


Educaffon background
Year Place of Study Degree

2002 Thammasat University Honorary Doctorate in Medicine


1977 Thai Medical Council

F.n.u.\-,/.\f. |.

1987 AIHD, Mahidol University MPHM.

1958 Siriraj Medical School, M.D.

Mahidol University

Worklng experlences
Year Position Place of work

1958-1969 Generalpractitioner+OB ChaoPhyaAbhaibhubejhrHospital,

- GYN Prachinburi Province

1969-1972 OB - GYN Specialist Samut Songkram Hospital,

Samut Songkram Province

USAID Scholar Family Planning in Taiwan and


1972-1973 NORAD Scholar Gynaecological Oneolgy and Family

Planning Risk Hospital, Bergen

University, Norway

1973-1977 OB - GYN Specialist Lerdsin Hospital, Bangkok

Teaching GP resident

1976 Colombo Scholar Gynaecological Oncolgy NWH

Auckland and Christchurch
Hospital., NZ.

1978 OB - GYN Specialist Prapokkloa Hospital (PPK) Chantaburi


1979-1981 OB - GYN Registra NWH, Auckland, NZ.

1982-1 989 MESFAP team to start PPK hospital to be Clinical Medical

teaching Center
- Team leader in reducing PNMR, MMR and IMR at PPK hospital

and Chantaburi Province and many others

- WHO Short term consultant on Malaria in Pregnancy

- JICA expert to Indonesia on Community Health Development
1989-1994 - Director of Thammasat Chalerm Prakiat Hospital
- Preparing this hospital to be University teaching hospital
- Made the proposal of health sciences faculties for Thammasat

- Faculty of Medicine was allowed to start in 1990.

- Other three faculties were put in 7th National Economic

Development Plan

ie - Faculty of Nursing

- Faculty of Dentistry

- Faculty of Pharmacy

- Chair of Community Medicine Curriculum for Medical Student

1994 - Retired government officer

1994-1 997 - Lecturer and Field Manager for M.P.H.M at AIHD

1997-uo until now

Advisor to Thai Traditional Medicine Institute

2000-2005 - Senior advisor to the dean Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat

Universitv on Research and International Relations

- Chair of Master and Doctorate Degree Program on

Community Medicine

- Chair of Ethical Committee for Research Involving

Humman Subiect

- Chair of Thai Traditional Medicine Program

2002 - One of FERCIT (Forum for Ethical Review Committee in


2002 - Team leader of the working group preparing first Thal National

Guideline for ethics on Research lnvolving Human Subject

FERCIT and Thai Medical Council

2006 - Team leader of the working group revising first Thai National

Guidelines for ethics on Research Involving Human Sublect

2006 uo until now

Reviewer of the research proiects propose to National Research

Council Thailand (NRCT). This year reviewed 86 proposals

2005 up until now

- Senior advisor and Lecturer of Applied Thai Traditional Medicine

Bsc Program

- Lecturer Ethics on Research Involving Humam Subiects for

- Applied Thai Tradtional Medicine Degree Program

- M.D. Program
- Master and Ph.d Proqrams

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award Received

Year Name Award
of Place lffhom
1985 Distingiushed Female Medical Woman Association
Doctor of the year

1982-1985 Top Female Medical teacher PPK Medical

Teaching center all 4 years

they had the vote.

2002 Honorary Doctorate in Medicine Thammasat University

2007 Honorary Professor of Thammasat University

Communitv Medicine

Academlc / Research publlshed
Number of publications more than 30
Recent years Title

2002 Somboon Kietinun Health Problem Solving Cycle

2002 Somboon Kietinun

His Majesty King Bhumibol Aduyadate Multidisciplinary holistic

Initiatives for lmproving the Ouality of life of Thai People

2002 Somboon Kietinun et al Thailand National guidelines for Ethical

Research Involving Human Sublects FERCIT

2006 Somboon Kietinun

Ethical guidelines for Research lnvolving Human Sublect

2005 Somboon Kietinun et al Collections and Analyzing Local

Wisdom of A Traditional Healer Mor Pragorb Ubol Kao

Concerning Single and Mixeed Herbs 3 volumes

2005 Somboon Kietinun

Ethical Research Practices in the Ministrv and Academic

lnstitutions in Thailand.
2001 Somboon Kietinun et al Model Development Multidisciplinary

Holistic Health Problems solving : Case study of 6 Asean

Countries Cambodia,MVanmar,Lao POR,lndonesia,

1 997 Somboon Kietinun et al A Research study on Buddhism and

Participatory Development in Thailand ; The Asean Institute

for Health Development printing Center.
Others (please specify)
Innovative Operating Procedure

1984 - Vaginoplasty Using Foam as a Mold in Fepairing Total Vaginal


1987 - Suprapubic Tubal Sterrlization by Using Teneculum on the


Year of Birth: 1952

National:: Thai

MPHM Batch: 3

Academic year: 1 988-1 989

Current Position : f.{oelth (rrnorrricnr

Workplace Name: Ministry of Public Health

Country: Thailand

Tel: 02-5901 481

Fax. 02-5885745

Mobile: 081 -81 57332

E-mail : Pency

Address: 303 Sukhumvit Soi 49/19 , Bangkok 10110 , Thailand

Educatlon background
Year Place of Study Degree

1 979 Songkla - Nakarin University M.D

1 989 AIHD, Mahrdol University MPHM

Worklng experlences
Year Position Place of work

1980 Director Wang Nam Yen District Hospital

Prachin Buri Province (Present-Sakeo


Year Position Place of work

1 991 Provincial Provincial Health Office Prachin Buri Province

Health Off icer (Present-Sakeo Province)

2001 Director Thai Traditional Medicine Institute

2002 Deputy Director Department of Thai Traditional and

General Alternative Medicine Development

2006 Health Supervisor Bureau of The Inspector Generals, Ministry

of Public Health

Outstandlng/Achlevement Award recelved

Year Name of Award PlaceAffhom

1 984 Outstanding District Medical Officer Thai Medical Association

1 986 Distinguished Female Doctor of the Thai Women Medical

Year Association

1 996 Outstanding Thailand Business The Foundation for social

Women and Newspaper towards


1 997 Outstandlng Alumni of the Year Faculty of Medicine,

Songkla Nakarin University

1 998 Outstanding Alumni of the Year Songkla Nakarin University

2001 Outstanding Person on Thai Thai Traditional Medicine

Tradional Medicine Association

2003 Outstanding of Health Educator The Professional

Health Education Association

2005 Outstanding Alumni Faculty of Graduate Studies,

Mahidol University

Year Name of Award Placel&hom

2005 Senior Specialist Kalasin University

2007 Outstanding Medical Grommaloung Ongsathiraj

Professional Sanit Wongse Foundation,

Chulalongkorn University

Academlc/Research publlshed
Number of publication

1997 Integration of Thai Traditional Medicine Theory into the government

Health Service System

1998 Utilization of Hill tribes Herbs: A case studv of Meo in the North of


2000 The study of preservation of herbs which can be substitute in Thai

Traditional Medicine texts.

2000 Biological Property of 5 year Thai Herbal medicinal Spirit (in Thai-Ya
Dong Lao)
Year of Birth: 1957

Nationality: Thai

MPHM Batch: 10

Academic year: 1 995-1 996

Current Position : Director

Workolace Name/Address:

Emergency Medicrne & Critical Care

Department, Phramongkutklao Hospital, Bangkok 10400
Tha iland.

Country: Tha iland

Telephone: 02-354-7660 ext, 93443

Fax, 02-354-7661

Mobile: 089-1 09-1 232

E-mail : kidaphol@yahoo, com

Home Address: 303 Sukhumvit Soi 49/19 , Bangkok 101 10 , Thailand

Education background / Degrees :

Year Place of Study Degree

1977 Southwestern University, Philippines. BSc

1 981 Southwestern University, Philippines MD

1 987 Phramongkutklao Hospital,Thailand. Certification of Plastic


1 996 ASEAN lnstitute for Health Development, IVIPHIVI

Mahidol University, Thailand.

1 996 Thai Medical Council, Thaitano Diplomat in Family

Year Place of Study Degree

2003 Army War College, High Commander level Certificate

batch 49, Royal Thai Army.

Worklng experlences :

Year Position Place of work

1988 Director Phanurangsi Army Hospital , Rachaburi

orovince Thailand

1992 Director Senanarong Army Hospital , Songkla province


1999 Advisory Committee Minister of Defence ,Thailand

for Disaster,
2000 Head Faculty of Family Medicine, Phramongkutklao

Medical College,Thailand

2002 Chairman Residency Training & Board Examination

Committee of Family Medicine, Thai Medical
Council, Thailand

2006 Director PM&R Department, Phramongkutklao Hospital

Outstandlng / Achlevement Awuud Recelved :

Year Name of Awards Place/whom

1981 Most Outstanding in Surgery Southwestern University.


1981 Most Outstanding in Public Health Southwestern University.

Year Name of Awards PlaceArvhom

2003 Best Awarded Research Paper High Commander level batch

in the Class of Army War College 49,Royal Thai Army,

Academlc / Kesearch publlshed

1. Factors Related to Motorcycle Accidents among the Motorcycle Taxiriders,

in Phayathai District, Bangkok, Thailand, 1996 , AlHD., Mahidol University.

2. 30 Baht Health Scheme and Medical Ethics in Community Practice , Thai

Medical Council Journal, Vol. 32 , Jan-Mar 2003 , page 25-38

3. Medical Specialist-Appropriate Distribution in Thailand , Thai Medical Council

Journal, Sep. 2004

Others Present Posidon :

- Head of OPD Services Networks, Phramongkutklao Hospital.

- Drug Evaluation Committee, Phramongkutklao Hospital.

- Family Medicine Service, Royal Family, Jitraladda's Klng Palace
- Board Committee of the Royal College of Family Physician of Thailand
- Medical Ethic Committee. Thai Medical Council.
- Family Medicine Expert, Thai National Health Insurance Committee.
- Bangkok Military Judge , Royal Thai Army.

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