Sodium Hydrosulfide (Nahs) : Recommended Procedures For Truck Unloading
Sodium Hydrosulfide (Nahs) : Recommended Procedures For Truck Unloading
Sodium Hydrosulfide (Nahs) : Recommended Procedures For Truck Unloading
Recommended Procedures
for Truck Unloading
• Hard Hat
• Chemical Goggles
• Full Face Shield
• Chemical Suit
• Chemical Protective Gloves
• Chemical Protective Boots
• Breathing Air/ SCBA (When
opening vapor space)
Step 2: Inspect the unloading area and
stage the truck.
Step 3: Chock the wheels.
Step 4: Place the orange traffic cone.
Step 5: Attach grounding cable.
Step 6: Check for possible hazards.
Step 7: Connect vapor recovery system.
Step 8: Connect unloading hose.
Step 9: Product Sampling, if required.
Step 10: Set the valves for transfer of
product to storage.
Step 11: Begin transfer of product.
Step 12: Complete liquid transfer and stop
the off-loading process.
Step 13: Disconnect the unloading hose.
Step 14: Disconnect the vapor
recovery system.
Step 15: Remove the grounding cable.
Step 16: Remove the wheel chocks and
store in a safe location.
Step 17: Check for hazards.
Step 18: Remove the traffic cone and
instruct driver on exiting.
Step 19: Clean the unloading area if required
Step 20:
Remove and clean
the PPE.
Spills and Cleanup
Small Releases
Chemical Goggles
and Face Shield
Protective Gloves
Rain Suit/Slicker
Protective Boots
REMEMBER ! ! ! !
The information and recommendations contained in this presentation have been compiled from reliable
sources, TDC, LLC makes no guarantee as to, and assumes no responsibility for, the correctness,
sufficiency or completeness of such information or recommendations. Other or additional safety measures
may be required based on your particular circumstances.