Eng Q4 G7 Las 1-4
Eng Q4 G7 Las 1-4
Eng Q4 G7 Las 1-4
WEEK 1 to 4
Name of Learner: _________________________________________ Score: ____________________
Grade and Section: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
B. Bear in Mind!
Directions: Using the graphic organizer below, enumerate three Features of Academic
Writing and discuss them briefly. Do this on your paper.
Sender Receiver
What is communication?
• Imparting or exchanging of information or news.
• A two-way process between the sender and the receiver of the message.
What is interpersonal communication?
• It is a process of exchange of information, ideas, and feelings between two or more people
through verbal or non-verbal methods.
Why is interpersonal communication important?
• People are expected to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs with other
• Communication whether verbal or non-verbal, allows us to engage and to socialize.
How can we effectively communicate with others?
• It is by following different communication strategies.
1. Turn-taking and turn-giving strategies show how the participants of the conversation
communicate in an alternating manner. Speakers are expected to more aware of when to
commence and when to conclude their turn to talk since communication has to undergo a
process of responding and transitioning to the statements of the different speakers. The
more awareness the speaker has, the more sensitive he or she to know when to speak and
when to be quiet to provide chance for other participants to share. For successful turn-
taking and turngiving, the participants should be able to do the following:
o Identify who wants to speak. o Recognize the perfect timing to get a turn.
o Know how to use appropriate turn structure in order to use his or her “turn” properly.
o Discern other speaker’s signals of their desire to communicate.
o Sense others’ needs to have their “turn.”
2. Strategies to increase speaking moment
o Speak, then ask tell the point you want to say to other participants. Then, ask them
direct questions so they will be obliged to answer.
o Use conjunctions such as however, as a result, and on the contrary appropriately to
lengthen your turn.
o Use phrases for agreeing or disagreeing like I agree/disagree with you, I’m afraid I
can’t agree with you, and I couldn’t agree more. Then follow up with your reasons of
agreeing or disagreeing.
o Use fillers for pauses like let me see, let me think, the thing is, and what I mean is to
give you time to think about of the next thing you are going to say. o Avoid
interruptions by beginning your speech with phrases that will make your listeners
• There are a number of things I’d love to do
• Although I
• Because they
o Avoid correcting the speaker while he or she is talking. Reserve the feedback at the end of
her/his turn.
Many speakers look naturally confident. Their confidence comes from constant practice.
In speaking, your goal is to be understood by the receiver. Hence, you need to be more
expressive and more compelling than your usual self. In order to effectively put your message
across, work on your body language: gestures, stance and facial expressions
Speaking or communicating is a collaborative effort between the speaker and the
receiver. The initiative to talk will be coming from the speaker. Thus, he or she is the one who
introduces, directs, and controls a topic he or she wants to talk about until such time that the
receiver responds to or interrupts him or her and stirs the conversation in a different
3. Topic control – is an important communicative strategy because not only does it inhibits
unnecessary interruptions and shifts in a certain dialogue but it also contributes to the
progression of definite topic/s in a particular discussion.
Now that you already know the strategies for effective interpersonal communication, let
us differentiate the three examples of interpersonal communication.
1. Interview - is essentially a structured conversation where one participant asks
questions, and the other provides answers. In common parlance, the word "interview"
refers to a one-on-one conversation between an interviewer and an interviewee. The
interviewer asks questions to which the interviewee responds, usually providing
information. Interviews usually take place face-toface and in person but the parties may
instead be separated geographically, as in videoconferencing or telephone interviews. For
an example, click this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj7CBPui5XY and listen
2. Dialogue – refers to a conversation or discussion or to the act of having a conversation
or discussion. It is between two or more people of a book, play, or movie.
Partial beginning, to be completed by partner
A: Hi, Martha! Do you remember we had some homework? – Here we are saying that both
of us go somewhere together, where we have been given some assignment.
Basic info in one turn:
A: Hi, John! Did you come up with any ideas for our cultural week at school? – This
beginning includes all the basic info, really.
Basic info in two turns:
A: Hi, Joan! Hey, I’m really excited. I managed to get some great ideas!
B: What are you talking about? (Just realized!) Oh no!!! I completely forgot! Our cultural
week at school!
Basic info in four turns:
A: Another day at school… Thank God today we have a more entertaining activity!
B: What do you mean?
A: We’ve got a meeting to work out our cultural week! Don’t you remember?
B: Oh, yes! Have you got any ideas? / Did you come up with any ideas for that?
3. Conversation - is interactive communication between two or more people. The development
of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization.
Let us have some small topics and examples for starting a conversation.
• Introductions - Before you can get to know someone, it’s a good idea to introduce
yourself. You can introduce yourself to anyone you don’t know, or to remind someone
you’ve met before who might have forgotten you. When you’re introducing yourself, you
can add a little bit of information like where you first met, or what you do. You can even
use your English learning as a conversation starter.
“Good morning! We always have coffee at the same time but we’ve never spoken
before. My name is [Your Name].”
“Hello, how are you today? My name is [Your Name]. I’m still learning English so
please let me know if I make any mistakes.”
“Hi Angela. You might not remember me but we met at Tom’s Christmas party last
year. I’m [Your Name].”
• Universal Topics - can be shared by almost anyone. Things like the weather, current
news, sports and entertainment are usually safe conversation starters, especially when
you’re speaking to a group—even if one person doesn’t really watch sports, someone else
in the group might.
“Did you watch the Oscars last week? I can’t believe Leonardo DiCaprio finally won
“This weather is crazy! It was cold yesterday and today I came in with an open jacket.
I hope it stays warm, don’t you?”
“That basketball game yesterday had me glued to my seat. Wasn’t that a great sav at
the very end?”
• The Day - If you’re not sure what topic to talk about, or don’t have anything interesting
to say, you can just ask someone about their day, or you can talk about yours.
For example, you could ask them:
How was your day?
How have you been feeling today?
What have you been doing today?
V. Activities
A. T or F?
Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is wrong.
__________ 1. People are expected to communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs with other
__________ 2. Communication is a one-way process between the sender and the receiver of
the message.
__________ 3. Communication whether verbal or non-verbal, does not allow us to engage and to
__________ 4. Communication is imparting or exchanging of information or news.
A. My Understanding
Cell Phone
A cell phone is a personal Trans receiver, a device so small and compact that
every human being can comfortably carry one wherever they go today. However, in the
recent past, cell phones were barely portable, unlike the handheld devices. The enabling
cell phone technology with a limited cellular network range was developed in the 1940s
for the first time and they became widely available in the 1980s. This current paper, sets
out to discuss the introduction of cell phones in the technological world.
Working on a computer can be very frustrating if you don’t follow the rules. Rule Number
One for word processing is “Save your work frequently.” You can sit and yell at the machine
when your stuff disappears. You can bang the keyboard. You can even cry. The fact remains,
had you saved frequently, a lot more than nothing would still be there!
With this learning activity sheet, you are to sharpen your analytic or critical
thinking skills and other reading comprehension skills as these same skills will allow
you to determine the truthfulness and accuracy of material viewed.
Whatever your view is on’ truth’ and the line between ‘fact’ and ‘opinion’,
accuracy is a simple idea.
Accuracy means not only getting the objective, the verifiable facts right -
names, places, dates of birth. Quotations should actually report opinions expressed
by those whom you report.
Truth is most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality. Accuracy is
the quality of being exact, but includes the elements as to why a person is said to
be famous for being correct, precise or exact. One cannot be truthful, at the same
time, use the power of semantics very cleverly to intimidate, insinuate and imply
things that may not be accurate.
Accuracy in reporting opinion exists on two levels.
• First ensuring that you quote or report the opinion accurately.
• Second- ensuring that you correctly convey the broader meaning of the
quote or opinion you report.
_________2. This is most often used to mean in accord with fact or reality
_________3. It means not only getting the objective, the verifiable ‘facts’ right –
names, places, dates of birth, but also quoting the exact words.
_________4. Genuine information or imagery is manipulated to deceive.
_________5. Manipulated content is a type of information disorder when
information is manipulated to ________.
_________6. New content is 100% False - designed to deceive and do harm.
_________7. It has no intention to cause harm but has the potential to fool.
_________8.Genuine content is shared with false contextual
B. Come and see.
You are given a bar graph and a line graph. Compare and answer the questions.
Choose the letter of your answer.
1. From what government agency are the data?
c. Philippine Statistical Agency
d. Philippine National Bank
2. Both graphs show same reference point of our gross domestic product during
Duterte administration.
a. Yes, they show the growth rate of the economy by year.
b. No, they show the GDP growth monthly.
c. No, they come from different agencies from NSO and PSA.
d. No, one shows GDP growth as of January of the year and the other, by a
quarter of the fiscal year.
3. There is a steady increase in the rate of growth.
a. Always
b. No
c. Yes
4. Is it justifiable to compare the growth rate with the other stronger years?
a. Yes, just to show how pandemic affects income.
b. No, it is obvious that pandemic affects production.
c. No, data should not be compared.
5. Suppose that a thorough, non-partisan economist writes an analysis of our
country's GDP growth rate starting from 2020, then always 4 years backwards
(2020,2016,2012,1998,1994), and draw a conclusion about the efficiency of the
administrations in meeting the productions of food and services. Will it be an
objective and a rational conclusion?
a. No, because he/she does not do it yearly.
b. No, because it treats figures which in one year, one was negatively affected by a
circumstance beyond human capacity of immediate intervention.
c. Yes, because the GDP growth rate in 2020 the year pandemic approximately
began is offset by GDP growth in 2016, thus it cancels out the adverse effect of
d. Yes, because the economist can be objective and rational so long he/she does
not compare the administrations by the light of figures alone.
C. Personal Viewpoint
Answer the following questions:
1. How do you evaluate the information regarding the present situation (the
2. _ What are your reactions to the news / information about the COVID 19
3. Do you easily believe in what your fellow students, friends and member of the
family tell you about information of COVID 19? Explain your answer.
4. Who do you think are the person/ persons you personally trust/agree with in
what they are saying? Explain your answer.