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Business To Business Digital Content Marketing Marketers' Perceptions of Best Practice

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Business to business digital Business to

business digital
content marketing: marketers’ content
perceptions of best practice
Geraint Holliman 269
Department of Marketing Operations and Digital Business, Manchester
Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK, and Received 25 February 2014
Revised 16 May 2014
Jennifer Rowley 19 June 2014
Department of Information and Communications, Manchester Accepted 22 July 2014
Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK

Purpose – This paper aims to draw attention to the emerging phenomenon of business to business
(B2B) digital content marketing, offers a range of insights and reflections on good practice and
contributes to theoretical understanding of the role of digital content in marketing. B2B digital content
marketing is an inbound marketing technique and hence offers a solution to the declining effectiveness
of traditional interruptive marketing techniques.
Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 key
informants involved in B2B content marketing in the USA, UK and France, in five industry sectors.
Findings – B2B digital content marketing is an inbound marketing technique, effected through web
page, social media and value-add content, and is perceived to be a useful tool for achieving and
sustaining trusted brand status. Creating content that is valuable to B2B audiences requires brands to
take a “publishing” approach, which involves developing an understanding of the audience’s
information needs, and their purchase consideration cycle. Valuable content is described as being
useful, relevant, compelling and timely. Content marketing requires a cultural change from “selling” to
“helping”, which in turn requires different marketing objectives, tactics, metrics and skills to those
associated with more traditional marketing approaches. The article concludes with a theoretical
discussion on the role of digital content in marketing, thereby contextualising the findings from this
study within a broader exploration of the role of digital content in marketing and relational exchanges.
Originality/value – As the first research study to explore the use of digital content marketing in B2B
contexts, this research positions digital content marketing with regard to prior theory, and provides
both an agenda for further research, and suggestions for practice.
Keywords Internet marketing, Value, Brand, B2B marketing, Metrics, Social media marketing
Paper type Research paper

1. Introduction
According to Smith and Chaffey (2013), the web is a pull marketing environment in
which companies pull customers to their brand websites through search engine
optimisation and social media. In pull marketing, companies are seeking to capture the
interest of customers who are already seeking information, advice, a product or a Journal of Research in Interactive
service. Recently, there has been growing interest in the potential of pull or inbound Marketing
Vol. 8 No. 4, 2014
digital marketing in which customers and prospects actively seek out brands that pp. 269-293
provide engaging and valuable content which is relevant to their needs (Halligan and © Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Shah, 2010). Not only does “inbound marketing” positively discourage explicit selling DOI 10.1108/JRIM-02-2014-0013
JRIM messaging and a brand-centric approach, but it actively encourages brands to take a
customer-centric perspective on their propositions and also engenders higher levels of
8,4 trust from those customers and prospects that seek it out. This is consistent with the
service dominant logic philosophy, in which customers are viewed as part of an
extended enterprise and as co-producers of the firms’ marketing. Further, Lusch and
Vargo (2009, p. 6) suggest that “inbound marketing is made more effective and efficient
270 and whole when your customers are viewed as a partner to be ‘marketing with’ or
‘co-creators of value’”. This stance heralds a paradigm shift from outbound (described
by some as interruptive) to inbound marketing (Halligan and Shah, 2010).
Content is a key component of inbound marketing techniques, and hence an
understanding of how content can be used in marketing, or more specifically, in
engaging customers, is central to the development of an effective inbound marketing
approach. There are some ambiguities as to the nature of content, and the definition of
content marketing, which this research seeks to address. However, as a starting point we
suggest that content includes the static content forming web pages, as well as dynamic
rich media content, such as videos, podcasts, user-generated content and interactive
product selectors (Smith and Chaffey, 2013), and adopt Pulizzi and Barrett’s (2008, p. 8)
widely used, but untested, definition of digital content marketing:“the creation and
distribution of educational and/or compelling content in multiple formats to attract
and/or retain customers”. This definition of digital content marketing was proposed to
capture the use of digital content by a firm as a means of drawing B2B customers to their
online space (e.g. a website or social media presence), and promoting ongoing interaction
and engagement with the brand community. This is the notion of digital content
marketing that is the focus of this article. Nevertheless, there is much to be gained by
viewing this incarnation of the use of digital content in marketing as part of a wider
landscape in which digital content is used in the marketing exchange. Specifically, the
term digital content marketing has also been used to refer to the marketing of digital
content as a commodity (Koiso-Kanttila, 2004; Rowley, 2008), otherwise referred to as
the digital goods business (Bradley et al., 2012); typically, this use of the term refers to
“paid for” content in B2C contexts, such as the music and apps sectors. More recently,
with the advent of social media, there has been increasing interest in the role of
user-generated content in influencing brand reputations, the development of brand
communities and the co-creation of the brand (Christodoulides, 2009; Iglesias et al., 2013;
Quinton, 2013). Hence, we summarise key theoretical stances and research findings in
the literature review, as a basis for the development of a theoretical exploration of the
role of digital content in marketing exchanges which aims to position the findings from
this study within a wider landscape.
Returning to digital content marketing in the incarnation that is the focus of this
article, this is particularly appropriate in B2B contexts in which companies often form
long-term relationships with their customers (Kaplan and Sawhney, 2000), and are
increasingly engaged in the co-creation of mutual value (Cova and Salle, 2008; Vargo
and Lusch, 2011). In addition, the sales cycle is often long, complex and multifaceted,
and involves many participants (Ramos and Young, 2009). The ready availability of rich
information to all of those involved in the various stages of the purchase process is
valued by B2B customers. Consistent with this, eConsultancy’s (2012) recent survey
confirmed that content marketing and its associated digital marketing techniques now
are among the key priorities for both B2C and B2B marketers, and recently Google
introduced a new algorithm, Hummingbird, that has the potential to promote content Business to
and inbound marketing (Lin and Yazdanifard, 2014). On the other hand, only 39 per cent
of brands have an explicit content marketing plan, and 60 per cent of the content was
business digital
“dull and irrelevant”, focusing just on product messages (CorporateVisions, 2012). content
Furthermore, research on inbound marketing, in general, or content marketing, more marketing
specifically, is virtually non-existent.
Accordingly, the specific aim of the research reported in this article is to contribute to 271
understanding of digital marketing in B2B contexts by examining the growing
phenomenon of content marketing, from the stance of practitioners in content
marketing. This is the first study to explore the use of digital marketing in B2B contexts.
The more general aim is, through this study in a relatively unexplored area, to
contribute to theory-building associated with the use of digital content in marketing
exchanges. More specifically, the objectives of this study are to:
• surface and propose a definition of digital content marketing;
• enhance understanding of aspects of the strategic decision-making associated
with content marketing;
• develop criteria for content selection and development;
• offer recommendations regarding future practice in B2B digital content
marketing; and
• propose and discuss a holistic framework for the use of digital content in
marketing exchanges.

The next section of this article presents a review of the published literature on digital
content marketing, and summarises relevant theoretical and empirical foundations.
Then, the interview-based methodology is outlined. Findings are reported next, in three
sections that align with the first three objectives. Finally, the Discussion and
conclusions section summarises the research findings and discusses them with
reference to prior research and theory, offers recommendations for practitioners and
researchers and proposes a holistic framework regarding the use of digital content in
marketing exchanges.

2. Literature review
2.1 Insights into B2B digital content marketing
There has been no prior academic and peer reviewed research specifically into digital
content marketing. However, there have been several surveys by well-regarded
marketing research agencies (Handley and Chapman, 2011; CorporateVisions, 2012) and
books that offer advice on digital content marketing (Handley and Chapman, 2011;
Wuebben, 2012; Rose and Pulizzi, 2011). This section will use these sources to explore
the definitions of digital content marketing currently in circulation, and some of the key
practitioner debates.
2.1.1 Definitions. The notion of “content” has its root in the publishing world where
words, images and motion graphics have to be sufficiently interesting for the target
audience to seek out the publishing platform whether it is a newspaper, magazine, TV or
radio channel. However, the concept of content as used in B2B digital content marketing
is less familiar, and hence less clearly defined. For example, Handley and Chapman
(2011, p. 21) define content as “anything created and uploaded to a website: the words,
JRIM images or other things that reside here”. Halvorson and Rach (2012, p. 13) suggest that
content is “what the user came (to your website) to read, learn, see or experience”, and
8,4 Wuebben (2012, p. 5) sees content as the key component to telling a brand’s story, “the
story of your product or service and propels your brand into the hearts and minds of
your prospect, customers and others”.
The next important step is consideration of how these notions inform definitions
272 of content marketing. Pulizzi and Barrett (2008, p. 8) proposed one of the first definitions
of content marketing: “the creation and distribution of educational and/or compelling
content in multiple formats to attract and/or retain customers”. Later, Rose and Pulizzi
(2011, p. 12) suggested: “content marketing is a strategy focussed on the creation of a
valuable experience”. Others (Halvorson and Rach, 2012; Scott, 2011; Bloomstein, 2012;
Odden, 2012) each suggest variations which give the topic a slightly different focus.
Silverman (2012, p. 14) concludes that the purpose of content marketing is to “draw in
leads and supplement brand credibility”, whereas Godin (2007, p. 34) simply remarks
that content marketing “is the only marketing left”.
2.1.2 Character. Various commentators have suggested that content marketing
represents a change of role for B2B marketers, and associate it with inbound marketing,
publishing and story-telling. They claim, for example, that as a form of inbound
marketing, content marketing requires a change of mind-set from a “broadcast”
mentality, where brands broadcast a one-way stream of product-based selling messages
hoping to “interrupt” the recipient from whatever they are doing. Rather, organisations
need to adopt an “inbound” approach (Halligan and Shah, 2010; Odden, 2012) whereby
customers actively seek out a brand because it provides them with relevant, engaging
content which educates or entertains them. Odden (2012) suggests that customers are
now expecting brands to invest in their relationship with them before they get into a
purchase scenario. Jefferson and Tanton (2013) agree that a paradigm change in
marketing philosophy is required, and suggest that this involves a shift from selling to
helping, which will only be achieved if organisations commit to this and develop the
necessary skills.
Another aspect of being a content marketer, it is suggested, is the need to take on and
learn the role of publisher. As Baer (2012) suggests: “all companies now find themselves
in two industries: the business they are actually in, and the publishing business”. An
important characteristic of publishers is that they carefully identify and define target
audiences and consider what content is required to meet their needs (Scott, 2011).
According to Rockley and Cooper (2012, p. 56), this is a substantial cultural shift for
many B2B organisations, as most corporate marketing is structured: “in order to create
content around products and services rather than from a publishing perspective which
emphasizes the customer’s interests”. Many authors and commentators suggest that a
core purpose of content marketing is to tell the “story” of the brand rather than simply
to broadcast product-based messages to customers and prospects (Bhargava, 2012;
Halligan and Shah, 2010; Pulizzi and Barrett, 2008; Pulizzi, 2012a; Signorelli, 2012). Yet
industry surveys suggest that too much of B2B brands’ website content is still focussed
on company, product or services (CorporateVisions, 2012). The key point of developing
a B2B brand’s story is to differentiate it from its competitors: “differentiate means telling
a different story (to that of your competitors) – not the same story told incrementally
better” (Rose and Pulizzi, 2011, p. 76).
2.1.3 Objectives. Content marketing objectives must form part of a defined content Business to
strategy, defined by Bloomstein (2012, p. 101) as: “the practice of planning for the
creation, delivery and governance of useful, usable content”. The key objectives for
business digital
content marketing as identified by Rose and Pullizzi (2011) are: content
• brand awareness or reinforcement; marketing
• lead conversion and nurturing;
• customer conversion;
• customer service;
• customer upsell; and
• passionate subscribers.

Interestingly, these objectives are very similar to the objectives for social media
marketing in small and medium-sized B2B brands as observed by Michaelidou et al.
(2011), perhaps as a result of their common foundations in the creation and sharing of
digital content. Rose and Pulizzi (2011) also propose an “analytics pyramid” or hierarchy
of objectives, with the first level being suitable for the analytics team, the second level
for reporting managers and the top level for top-level management. In a recent content
marketing study, lead generation (51 per cent), brand awareness (38 per cent) and
thought leadership (34 per cent) were cited as the main objectives (B to B Magazine,
Building a trusted authority position is widely mooted as one of the primary drivers
for the success of content marketing (Pulizzi, 2012a; Fill, 2009; Silverman, 2012; Scott,
2011). Usefully, Peppers and Rogers (2011) identify the four key elements of a content
marketing strategy that could enhance trust:
(1) shared values (with the customer);
(2) interdependence (mutual value in the relationship);
(3) quality communication; and
(4) non-opportunistic behaviour.

An approach that incorporates these elements is particularly useful for B2B brands with
their wider decision-maker involvement and extended purchase timescales.
2.1.4 Content selection. Many commentators agree that the key success criterion for
content in content marketing scenarios is that it should be in some way great (Pulizzi
and Barrett, 2008), remarkable (Halligan and Shah, 2010) or awesome stuff (Handley and
Chapman, 2011), in contrast with standard selling messages. Halvorson and Rach (2012)
suggest that content is more or less worthless unless it supports a key business objective
and fulfils customer needs, while Davis (2012, p. 23) argues that:
[…] you need to create content that your audience wants and needs. Often that content will
have little to do with the actual products you sell and more to do with the audience you are
looking to attract.
Davis proposes the “virtues of valuable content” as being the confluence of frequency,
quality and relevance. Jefferson and Tanton (2013) point out that content needs to vary
with the platform, with, perhaps, Facebook content being funny, beautiful or inspiring,
whereas newsletter content should be newsworthy. However, as is evidenced in
JRIM CorporateVision’s survey (2012), many commentators suggest that B2B brands are
missing these messages, and still consider content marketing as simply another
8,4 opportunity to communicate product-driven selling messages rather than solving the
audience’s problems (Wuebben, 2012; Pulizzi and Barrett, 2008; Handley and Chapman,
2011; Stelzner, 2011).

274 2.2 Theoretical and empirical foundations

While research on digital content marketing in the sense used in this study is extremely
sparse, there are established bodies of theory and/or research in a number of related
areas, including B2B buying processes, B2B brand-building, information quality and
other aspects of the use of digital content in marketing exchanges. We draw insights
from these areas to build a theoretical platform from which to better understand and
elucidate the nature of B2B digital content marketing.
2.2.1 B2B buying processes. B2B buying processes are characterised as multi-stage
and complex, involving many decision-makers. Marketers’ objective is to move
potential customers through the pre-purchase stage to the purchase stage, and then to
further assist customers in the post-purchase stage (Harrison-Walker and Neeley, 2004).
The post-purchase stage is important, as B2B purchasing managers tend to form strong
bonds with those suppliers who satisfy both the firm’s organisational needs and the
purchasing manager’s personal needs (Tellefsen, 2002). In addition, there is evidence
that while B2B buyers are influenced by information from numerous sources, they
frequently use the Internet as their initial source of information (McMaster, 2010).
Indeed, Adamson et al. (2012) found that B2B customers typically completed around 60
per cent of a purchase decision before any conversations with a supplier.
2.2.2 Brand-building, buying and trust in B2B markets in the digital age.
Acknowledging that content marketing commentators view brand awareness and the
creation of a trusted status as key objectives of content marketing, we turn to B2B
branding theory. Traditionally, branding was regarded as superfluous in the B2B
context, with the focus being on the dedicated sales force (Kotler and Keller, 2006; Leek
and Christodoulides, 2011). However, brand-building has become increasingly
important for B2B companies, especially for those companies in worldwide,
commoditised technology markets where the brand is a signifier for trust (Kotler and
Pfoertsch, 2006). A better brand reputation has been found to give the buyer a greater
feeling of assurance of the product quality, which leads to a greater willingness to pay a
price premium (Bendixen et al., 2004), and confidence that suppliers will stay the course
of a long customer relationship (Glynn, 2012). In particular, it is recognised that the
corporate brand has a fundamental role in the creation of sustainable relationships
between an organisation and its multiple stakeholders (Balmer and Gray, 2003;
Schwaiger and Sarsted, 2011). Accordingly, B2B brand owners are becoming more
proactive in managing their digital brand presence. Yet, in this endeavour, they face two
key challenges. First, in digital environments, trust is both important in engaging
customers in remote locations, and more difficult to achieve (Ibeh et al., 2005; Li et al.,
2012). Second, with the advent of growing participation in social media, brand
reputations are more vulnerable, and indeed, some would argue that the more active and
interested the customer community associated with a brand, the greater the chance that
the “ownership” of the brand identity is contested (McCarthy et al., 2013). Brand owners
may have no option but to acknowledge that they are losing control of their brands and
to view brand-building as an interactive process in a conversational environment Business to
(Vallaster and Lindgreen, 2011) and to empower customers in the co-creation of brand
meaning (Christodoulides, 2009) and value (Iglesias et al., 2013). In many instances,
business digital
especially in B2C social media contexts, this is associated with co-creation of the content content
on the brand’s website or social media presence, and hence B2B marketers, for whom marketing
brand reputation is pivotal to long-term relationships, might usefully consider ways to
develop a more collaborative approach to content development. 275
2.2.3 The use of digital content in marketing exchanges. Digital content is used in a
variety of different ways in marketing exchanges. In this article we focus on the
relatively new phenomenon of B2B digital content marketing, in which the digital
content is typically used as an inbound marketing technique to pull customers to the
website, and to potentially create brand community dynamics associated with the
website. Typically, such content is provided free by the organisation to promote their
products and services, and more widely to cultivate relationships with the other
organisations that are their customers; the content might be referred to as “non-paid”
However, the term “digital content marketing” has been used by other authors
(Koiso-Kanttila, 2004; Rowley, 2008), in a rather different context, to refer to the trading
of digital content or goods over the Internet, where both the products and their delivery
are digital (Koiso-Kanttila, 2004). Bradley et al. (2012) refer to this as the digital goods
business. The digital goods business is typically concerned with “paid content”, such as
dating services, digital music and online newspapers. Interestingly, and of relevance to
this research, Koiso-Kanttila (2004) comments that in this context, the term “digital
content” is widely used in industry analysis, while the term “digital product” is used in
the academic literature. All of the major seminal works in this area are essentially
theoretical (Bradley et al., 2012; Koiso-Kanttila, 2004; Rowley, 2008). In addition, all
comment on the lack of research into digital content marketing. Nevertheless, they do
raise some interesting issues which are revisited in the Discussion and conclusions
section, such as the difficulty in fixing notions of value in relation to digital content and
its consequences, the notion of value in use (Rowley, 2008), the different roles of content
in different business models (Bradley et al., 2012) and the key characteristics of digital
content (Koiso-Kantilla, 2004; Rowley, 2008; Wolk and Theysohn, 2007). In addition,
Wolk and Theysohn (2007) draw attention to the role of content in driving traffic to a
Oestreicher-Singer and Zalmanson (2013), an interesting recent contribution in the
information systems literature, propose that social computing/media has the potential to
cause a paradigm shift in the online content industry, and argue for a strategic approach
that makes the social experience central to the content websites’ digital business
strategy. This acknowledgement of the importance of social media as an environment
for the creation of user-generated content is acknowledged by many other authors, and
has been discussed in relation to its potential influence on brand reputations, the
development of brand communities and the co-creation of the brand (Christodoulides,
2009; Iglesias et al., 2013; Quinton, 2013). Thus, there is a third type of digital content
marketing, where, unlike in the two categories discussed above, the content is not
produced by the organisation, but by its customers or other users of their website; such
“social content” (Oestreicher-Singer and Zalmanson, 2013) has a pivotal role in building
and maintaining marketing relationships between the organisation and its customers,
JRIM and also, particularly in B2B contexts, supports sharing and evolution of customer
knowledge (Rowley, 2002).
8,4 Finally, while for ease of exposition the three types of digital content marketing have
been distinguished from each other, it is important to acknowledge the importance of
hybrid or “freemium” models, in which a website offers most of its content for free, but
restricts access to some premium features to fee-paying customers, or those prepared to
276 exchange their contact details for access to the premium content.
2.2.4 Content and information quality. Finally, recognising that content is
information, we look to the information quality literature for insights into how users
evaluate the usefulness of information. According to Hilligoss and Rieh (2008, p. 1477):
[…] information quality refers to people’s subjective judgment of goodness and usefulness of
information in certain information use settings with respect to their own expectations of
information or in regard to other information available.
Further, Rieh (2002) proposes that information quality has five facets: usefulness,
goodness, accuracy, currency and importance. More specifically focusing on web
content, Fink-Shamit and Bar-Ilan (2008) suggest that in their assessment of information
quality, users consider the credibility of content, credibility of the site, predictive
relevance and veracity. Authority, or the reputation of the source or the author, is also
widely cited as an important factor when evaluating information on the web (Freeman
and Spryrikiadis, 2004; Eysenbach and Kohler, 2002; Tillotson, 2002; Fink-Shamit and
Bar-Ilan, 2008).

3. Methodology
3.1 Research approach
B2B digital content marketing is in a relatively early stage of development, and the
knowledge base is dominated by advice from practitioners and consultants. Therefore,
an inductive approach, informed by an interpretive stance and executed using a
qualitative methodology, has been adopted for this study. Such an approach is useful for
understanding and developing rich descriptions of interviewees’ attitudes, perceptions
and behaviours (Bryman and Bell, 2011; Saunders et al., 2009), and may act as a basis for
theory-building. In addition, Daymon and Holloway (2011) suggest that qualitative
research techniques are useful when gathering data from professionals such as
marketing communications practitioners. More specifically, the method of data
collection was semi-structured interviews. Kvale and Brinkmann (2009) suggest the
interview is a “conversation”; interviews are useful, in the context of this in-depth,
exploratory study, to illustrate what is happening within the subject area and lead to
new insights (Saunders et al., 2009).

3.2 Key informants

Key informants were identified and recruited through professional networks. One of the
researchers is a practitioner in the digital marketing area, and was able to make use of
his experience, professional connections and credibility in this area, to encourage
high-profile experts to participate in the study. Key informants were selected on the
basis of their ability to comment on current practice and challenges in digital content
marketing. This might be described as a purposive sample (Silverman, 2010),
constituted to draw on the specific knowledge of the participants (Braun and Clarke,
2006). Participants all held senior positions in their organisations and worked in B2B
markets in one of the following sectors: technology hardware and software, recruitment, Business to
business and professional services, marketing services and recycling and renewables.
These sectors include both manufacturing and service sectors and are representative of
business digital
the opportunities and challenges faced by B2B businesses in utilising content content
marketing. Companies based in the UK, USA and France are included. Informants can marketing
be divided into companies using digital content marketing (users), and those, typically
in marketing services companies, (advisors), who are advising other companies on their 277
digital marketing strategies. The number of participants is consistent with that used in
other qualitative studies that require informants from business backgrounds (Veloutsou
and Taylor, 2012; Wallace and De Chernatony, 2007). Table I shows the profile of the
research sample.

3.3 Interview design and data collection

Semi-structured interviews were chosen, as they provide a framework for the
conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee, while allowing flexibility
(Bryman and Bell, 2011), and scope to pursue interesting emergent topics (Liedner,
1993). An interview guide was developed with nine open-ended interview questions,
which align with the research objectives as shown in Table II. Between four and six

User (U) or Company

Interviewee adviser (A) Job title Location activity

1 U Operations Director UK Translation

2 A President/Founder USA Marketing
3 A President USA Marketing
4 A President/Speaker USA Marketing
5 U Vice President of Thought Leadership France Recruitment
and Marketing
6 A Chief Executive Officer USA Marketing
7 U Senior Director of Global Marketing USA Software
8 U Chief Marketing Officer USA Software
9 U Head of Marketing UK Recruitment
10 U Head of Branding and Corporate France IT hardware
Publications and software
11 U Content Marketing Director USA Software
12 A Chief Content Officer USA Marketing and
13 A Chief Operating Officer UK Marketing
14 U Head of Marketing UK Renewables
15 U Vice President of Marketing USA Software and Table I.
services Profile of key informants
JRIM Research objective Interview question
Surface and propose a definition of content What is your definition of content marketing?
Enhance understanding of aspects of the How are you selecting the content marketing
strategic decision-making associated with distribution channels that you are currently
content marketing using?
278 What marketing objectives have you set for
your content marketing?
How are you justifying the use of content
marketing within your business?
How are you using content marketing to
increase the trusted status of your brand?
What do you consider to be the significant
internal or external obstacles to content
marketing success?
What measures do you use to evaluate the
effectiveness and ROI of your content
Develop criteria for content selection and What criteria are you using to select the
Table II. development digital content you are currently creating?
Interview questions What do you consider to be the
mapped against research characteristics of content which can be
objectives considered truly “great”?

additional prompts per question were included in the interviewers’ version of the
guide, to support the researcher in ensuring that all aspects of the question had been
The interview guide was pre-tested and then piloted with a research/practitioner
working in a role similar to the proposed interviewees to establish content validity
(Saunders et al., 2009). This pilot interview confirmed that the questions were
relevant and comprehensible and that the interview length was appropriate. All
interviews were conducted within a one-month period, using Skype. A week prior to
their interview, interviewees were sent a copy of the interview guide showing the
nine interview questions. Each interview took between 40 and 50 minutes.
Interviews were recorded and transcribed.

3.4 Ethics
The subject matter of this study is not contentious and unlikely to be subject to any
corporate or professional ethics committee jurisdiction (Bell, 2010), or to be business
critical and, thus, pose any risks to participation. All responses were regarded as
confidential and no attribution was made of any comment to a named individual.
Participation in the interviews was voluntary. All interviewees were read a pre-prepared
interviewee advisory statement outlining the purpose of the research and offering a
copy of the transcript. Any question could be skipped if interviewees preferred (Bell,
2010), and participants were offered the opportunity to withdraw their contribution up
to a given date prior to submission of the final report (Saunders et al., 2009). No
participants exercised this option.
3.5 Analysis Business to
Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts was conducted to identify themes and
perspectives (Creswell, 2009). Given the researchers’ familiarity with the topic, manual
business digital
analysis of the transcripts, using standard office productivity software, was used to content
support an intuitive approach to the process (Daymon and Holloway, 2011). The Braun marketing
and Clarke (2006) thematic analysis checklist was utilised throughout the analysis
phase to maintain consistency of approach. Transcripts were edited to remove 279
extraneous comment and then themes were colour-coded. Finally, colour-coded
responses were collated into individual Microsoft Word documents for analysis and
comparison. Care was taken to avoid selecting data which matched the researchers’
pre-conceptions and avoid bias (Kvale and Brinkmann, 2009).

4. Findings
4.1 Definitions and essence
4.1.1 Content. Commencing with definitions of content, participant 7 (P7) offered a
definition, which summarised the stance taken by most participants:
Any kind of information in many different types of digital formats, such as video, written texts
graphics, slides […] any kind of digitally presented information delivered essentially over the
Web, over the internet or in any kind of social network.
This is further amplified by P12’s comment that content is “anything that you create or
share that tells your story”.
To provoke further reflection on the nature of content, the interviewer proposed a
typology of content types (social media content, web page content and value-add
content) and invited views on this typology. Of the 11 participants who expressed an
opinion on this typology, seven (P1, P2, P3, P5, P9, P10 and P14) agreed that it was a
useful and accurate reflection of the types of content that B2B marketers produce and
would be a useful model. Other useful comments included:
I think that (the typology) captures it pretty succinctly but they’re not all mutually exclusive
[…] maybe “format” and then “purpose” of content might be two ways to think about it too
4.1.2 Content marketing. Participants offered a wider range of comments on the
definition and nature of “content marketing”. While there was a reasonable level of
consensus over the scope and nature of content marketing, a number of different
perspectives were evident. The most concise definition was offered by P2:
Valuable, compelling and relevant content on a consistent basis to attract and retain customers
through information that they actually want to receive.
However, many participants suggested that since content marketing was a relatively
new term the topic was marked by “relative immaturity” (P5) and a lack of consistent
definitions. Some participants explicitly stated that the definition of content marketing
was not well understood by marketers:
[…] for me […] (it) is perhaps the most poorly defined sub-segment of marketing (P15).
I think there’s a fair amount of confusion around it (P8).
JRIM […] we’re still at a very early phase of this content marketing and people barely understand it
Moving onto related issues regarding the nature of content marketing, several
participants commented on the growing importance of inbound marketing. They
acknowledged that customers are no longer willing to be subjected to “being interrupted
by brands” (P2), and that this was leading to a significant increase in the adoption of
280 inbound marketing techniques (P2, P4, P7, P8). Inbound marketing where “customers
actually want to receive our marketing” (P2), was cited as a key driver of content
marketing adoption (P2, P6, P8). Indeed, inbound and content marketing were seen by
some as inextricably linked, if not interchangeable (P6, P8).
Many participants referred to the notion of brands behaving like publishers and
telling stories about their brands to engage customers in dialogue. Digital marketing
techniques are perceived as enabling marketers to converse with customers; as P11
observed “you no longer need to have a television station or a radio station to become a
publisher”. However, it was noted that a key success factor for a “brand as a publisher”
(P2, P8, P11) was to be able to “tell a good story” (P2, P3, P5, P11, P12, P13). P11
suggested that the definition of a “brand as publisher” was:
Being a story teller and engaging an audience, customers and prospective customers in the
story in a meaningful way that’s about the brand, not about the company.
However, P2, P8 and P10 shared the view that with technology easily available and low
barriers to entry, publishing digital content could be construed as being too easy,
leading to a lack of clear objectives in digital content marketing; P2 commented: “the
majority of the companies we talk to cannot clearly articulate why they are creating

4.2 Strategic aspects

4.2.1 Objectives. The study sought to understand how participants configured their
content marketing objectives within the context of a content marketing plan or strategy.
Consultants/advisers were keen for client brands to develop a separate or stand-alone
content marketing plan (P2, P6, P12 and P13). On the other hand, only P5, among
the clients, had a separate content marketing plan, with all other client participants who
responded explicitly to this question saying that it formed part of their overall
marketing plan (P 6, P7, P9, P10, P14).
Many participants cited several objectives for their content marketing. Lead
generation was the most commonly mentioned objective (P2, P3, P5, P6, P10, P12, P15)
with P5 commenting:
(we have a) pretty heavy sales orientated set of objectives.
Aligned to this, P1 and P6 also identified a key objective as generating traffic to their
Brand awareness or brand-building (P1, P2, P7, P9, P10, P11) was also an important
objective, suggesting that a lot of practitioners were viewing content marketing as a
substitute for advertising as a means of distributing their brand messages. As P7 stated:
[…] our content marketing objectives are quite specifically intended to reach the audience of
people that don’t know exactly what we do.
However, there was also evidence that participants were keen to use content marketing Business to
as a means of building a thought leadership position for their brands and enhancing the
brand’s status as a trusted brand (P2, P6, P10, P12, P14). Some participants (P8, P9, P14)
business digital
felt that it was important for their brands to take a strong position on key market issues content
and be prepared to discuss them, even if their position was contentious. As P8 marketing
[…] you need […] to take a stance and have an opinion about things, even if not everyone 281
agrees with you.
Participants agreed that “trust” was an important attribute of their customer
relationships, and noted that trust is earned over time and requires consistent behaviour
(P2, P6, P8, P11). As P2 suggested:
Content is a promise to your customers and if you don’t keep that promise in some kind of a
regular format, they’ll forget about you.
Participants identified several key characteristics of the content marketing approach
that they believed contributes to brands status as a trusted source. They emphasised
strongly that content marketing should not try to explicitly sell or use selling language
(P 2, P6, P8, P9, P10, P11). Overt selling language is easily discernible by customers and
prospects and diminishes the perceived value of the content. P6 also noted:
If you can take that position where you’re giving them some great content and not asking for
the sale, not only will you build credibility and trust, but you’re going to be the one who gets the
business down the road.
However, adopting this stance can be a challenge for B2B content marketers whose
executive management still perceive content marketing in the same way as other
marketing methods. As P9 observed:
I’m still battling (to) get them to accept that there doesn’t have to be a sales message at the end
of everything.
Participants also expressed their views on the type of content that is most useful in
building trust. There was a general agreement that long-form content in either text or
video formats was most useful. The most cited content format for engendering trust was
market research and reports (P2, P5, P6, P9, P11) whereby the brand commissions its
own original research into a key market issue. P11 summarised several participants’
(research) has by far been one of the most successful types of content […] in building trust to
(sic) our brand.
However, P11 also noted that even original research as a content marketing tool was
potentially being undermined by its own popularity, “it seems that everyone does it now,
so how trusted can it be?” Other long-form text content such as case studies (P1, P3, P14),
whitepapers (P3, P9, P12) and E-books (P4, P9, P12) is also considered important in
allowing a brand to expound its view on issues important to customers and prospects.
Other formats such as webinars, blogs and video were also suggested as key
trust-building tools.
4.2.2 Justifying investment. Several participants argued the case for content
marketing on the basis that a large proportion of B2B purchase decisions are being made
JRIM before the customer makes direct contact with the vendor. However, many had
experienced difficulties in persuading executive management to commit to investment
8,4 in content marketing, and felt that executive management struggled to understand the
concept of content marketing and hence there was a need for internal education (P3, P5,
P11, P14). In particular, B2B content marketers face challenges in persuading executive
managers to view content marketing differently and not to apply established
282 campaign-based criteria. As P13 said:
It’s not campaign led. Content marketing is a culture not a campaign.
P2 took the view that the time that content marketing activities take to deliver
measurable results can be longer than other marketing activities (“expect nothing to
happen for the first six months”) and that this mitigated against executive
management’s understanding of the value of content marketing to the customer and the
brand. Other participants argued the case with their managers by suggesting
“advertising’s not working any more” (P5). P5 and P11 considered appealing to the ego
of executive management by positioning content marketing not only as a brand builder,
but also as reputation builder for them individually by, as P5 suggested, making them
into “internal rock stars”. However, it was widely acknowledged that the most effective
way of justifying content marketing is by testing, measurement and showing results,
with pilot studies being particularly useful (P1,P2, P3, P6, P7, P9, P10, P12, P13).
4.2.3 Distribution channels. There was no strong consensus on the criteria for
choosing content marketing distribution channels. Five participants identified that
media choices were made on the basis of where targeted recipients were “likely to
congregate” (P13), which may not necessarily be where brands hope or expect them to be
[…] customers are now in charge and they’ll tell you what and how they want to consume it
Others suggested that the media which drove most engagement (P1, P12) or those that
were most affordable (P10) were most likely to be selected. Two suggested that the
plethora of channel choices was both a benefit and an obstacle (P3, P12). Finally, P7, P8,
P9 and P12 emphasised the importance of on-going testing of content distribution
channel efficiency.
4.2.4 Measuring effectiveness. P2 reflected the views of others, in noting the
importance of setting quantifiable goals for content marketing:
[…] if you don’t put a number to it of some kind, you never know when you hit the objective.
P11 and P13 elaborated further, pointing out that it was important to understand the
customer journey that content marketing was seeking to influence before metrics could
be selected and applied. Nevertheless, many of the participants were utilising the same
metrics that they use for other marketing activities. Four participants (P3, P7, P9, P11)
referred to the groups of metrics recently identified by the Content Marketing Institute:
consumption, lead generation, sharing and sales. However, P11 cautioned against
setting too many objectives noting:
I’d rather have two KPIs that I can do something about than thirty KPIs that mean nothing to
Web analytics were also identified as key to the measurement of content marketing Business to
efficacy (P3, P12, P14). Other primary metrics used by participants included bottom-line
profit or sales (P1, P11), cost per new customer (P8) or the number of backlinks generated
business digital
by the content (P9). content
4.2.5 Obstacles to success. All participants had faced challenges when implementing marketing
content marketing. The most significant challenge for seven participants (P2, P3, P7, P8,
P9, P10, P12) was related to the cultural shift associated with content marketing. P2, P3, 283
P7 and P9 faced the problem that their brand’s executive management:
[…] want to see highly promotional pieces of content coming out of marketing (P7).
As P3 commented too many B2B marketers are:
[…] in the traditional marketing mind-set where they think this content needs to be selling.
P4 and P6 elaborate further:
[…] they end up just talking about their products and services because that’s what marketers
have done for ages (P4).
[…] they (B2B brands’ executive management) are in love with what they do, they’re in love
with their products and they want to tell the world about it (P6).
P8 and P12 suggested that brands struggle to understand that content marketing is a
significant cultural commitment and not simply a new tactic or single campaign. P10
added that:
[…] this way of working calls on skills that marketers and communicators inside companies
don’t normally have.
Time lag to delivery of measurable results was cited by P2, P3 and P10 as an obstacle to
engaging their executive management, a situation often exacerbated by the long
purchase cycles that are common in B2B markets.
Time and budget resources were, not unexpectedly, posed as real obstacles to content
marketing implementation (P1,P6, P7, P10, P14), as was access to, or engagement of,
subject experts (P1, P5, P6, P11, P14) who were potential content authors, but were not
always available, due to time pressures. The rising popularity of content marketing has
also created significant clutter within the markets of several participants. Both P1 and
P11 complained that low barriers to entry for the creation and publishing of digital
content makes it difficult for their high-quality content to “get through all of the bad
content” (P11). Other assorted obstacles included: unwillingness to engage in a proper
planning process (P2), legal compliance processes (P3) and the perception that
high-quality content was perceived as “giving away the source of our thought
leadership or expertise for free” by the brand’s executive management (P7).

4.3 Content selection and development

4.3.1 Selecting content types. The most consistently suggested content selection criteria
was that of “shareability”; that is, brands seek to create content with the expressed
intention of it being readily and freely shareable (P1, P5, P6, P7, P8, P12, P14). In
addition, there was agreement that content should be created according to the needs of
the customer or intended recipient and that those needs must be defined by research and
testing (P9, P10, P11, P12). As P11 explained:
JRIM […] you have to know who the right people are before you create any piece of content […], […].
I think one of the reasons why that happens (ineffective content) is because the content
8,4 marketer or the marketer just doesn’t understand who he’s trying to reach and what their pain
points and what they’re interested in.
P12 elaborated further suggesting that content selection criteria should be defined as:
[…] meeting the needs of your customer first, and not about does it further our agenda.
P1 and P6 identified that content must be useful and relevant to the customers or
prospects (see also later on “Great” content), which P11 and P12 further characterised as
solving a problem or addressing a customers’ pain points. Creating content that
addresses a “hot” or trendy issue in the market place was considered important (P6,
P11). P11 mentioned looking at competitors’ content creation as a guide to the types of
content that their brand should create.
A key facet of B2B marketing is the targeting of messaging to prospects and
customers dependent on where they are in their buying cycle. Most participants agreed
that content should match a buyer’s position in their customer journey (P1, P5, P6, P7,
P8, P9, P11, P12, P13, P14); P12 summarised this:
I think it’s a matter of knowing what will resonate with them at various stages of the buying
However, many felt that undertaking this journey-based targeting of content was
“difficult” (P1, P5, P6, P10), with P10 commenting, “we’re not quite sure about where
they’re falling in the purchase cycle”. Others noted that such targeting requires
continual testing to ensure accuracy (P7,P8, P9, P11). P5 and P10 also observed that B2B
buying cycles are often long and this makes journey-based targeting more difficult.
4.3.2 “Great” content. When asked what they perceived to be “great” or effective
content, participants talked in terms of the content being of value to customers. They
saw effective content as being that which engages and is interesting to the audience (P1,
P2, P6). In particular, great content adds value by making helping the audience to do
something better, or by solving a specific problem or pain they have in their professional
life (P1, P2, P3, P6, P9, P12, P15):
(the) best way to do that is to provide something of value, content that’s going to help them to
do something better, improve something in their lives (P6).
[…] my audiences have always responded best to content that creatively and succinctly
smoothes an unspoken pain (P15).
In summary, P2 suggested that B2B marketers should simply make the content
“valuable, relevant and compelling”.
These customer-centric attitudes were balanced by the recognition of the need to
deliver some kind of positive business outcome (P2, P5, P11). Participants argued that
making content useful and valuable and not persistently selling the brand’s products
would ensure that content would be more shareable (P2, P5, P7, P9, P11) and that this
would be the “social proof that your content is great” (P2).
Some participants (P1, P8, P12, P13) suggested that a potential measure of the quality
of content could be whether the audience would be prepared to pay for it. P12 said:
[…] will your customer thank you for it […]. will they pay you for it, will they thank you for it?.
At the very least, several participants emphasised the audience’s role in evaluating Business to
content “greatness”. P11 suggested that it is, “the people consuming the content (that)
make it great”. P4 commented in the language of the content, “the content has to use the
business digital
language that those people use”, while P15 observed that truly effective content content
marketing is grounded in a brand “viewing itself through the customer’s eyes”. P12 marketing
suggested that brands should aspire to be become a content brand, and not just a brand
that creates content. 285
5. Discussion and conclusions
5.1 Summary and discussion of empirical findings
In the face of evidence that B2B purchasers are becoming increasingly reliant on the Internet
to gather information during the early stages of the buying process (Adamson et al., 2012;
CorporateVisions, 2012), content is playing an increasingly important role in B2B buying
processes and it is important that organisations develop their content marketing strategies
This research is the first to explore digital marketing practitioners’ views on the nature of,
and processes and challenges associated with, B2B digital content marketing.
First, based on our thematic analysis of participants’ comments on the nature of content
marketing, we offer the first empirically grounded conceptual definition of digital content
B2B digital content marketing involves creating, distributing and sharing relevant, compelling and
timely content to engage customers at the appropriate point in their buying consideration
processes, such that it encourages them to convert to a business building outcome.
This definition offers a more open definition than the much-quoted practitioner definition
offered by Pulizzi and Barrett (2008), in that it goes beyond creating and distribution of
content to include content sharing, is more specific about the key characteristics of content,
makes reference to the buying process and is open as to the potential business outcome. An
important point is that being in a position to engage customers at the relevant point in their
buying consideration relies on organisations having a clear view of their buying cycle,
which, in turn, depends on continuing engagement with the customer. On the other hand,
interestingly, and arguably short-sightedly, practitioners, in their rhetoric about acting as
publishers, neglect to consider user-generated content, and the value that this might have in
community and brand-building.
Second, the study provides some empirical evidence in support of the views
promulgated by previous commentators:
• Participants concurred that a key rationale for adopting content marketing was that
purchasers were increasingly passing through a significant part of the buying process
before making contact with suppliers (Halligan and Shah, 2010; Odden, 2012).
• Participants recognised the primacy of focusing content on the needs of the audience
(Halvorson and Rach, 2012), and the importance of avoiding recycling of selling
messaging in the guise of content (Stelzner, 2011).
• Participants talked in terms of adopting a publisher’s mindset, with its focus on
understanding audience needs, and story telling (Baer, 2012; Davis, 2012; Handley and
Chapman, 2011; Wuebben, 2012).
JRIM • Although many content marketers did not have a separate content marketing
strategy, as recommended by Bloomstein (2012), they were able to identify objectives
8,4 for their content marketing. Typically, they identified several objectives, key among
which were lead generation, brand awareness and brand-building, offering thought
leadership and achieving trust brand status. This list aligns with a recent survey
reported in B to B Magazine (2012) that also identified the primacy of lead generation.
286 On the other hand, it suggests that achieving a trusted brand status is less central than
other commentators recommend (Pulizzi, 2012a; Fill, 2009; Scott, 2011). There is also
some alignment of objectives with research conducted on social media (Michaelidou
et al., 2011), arising from common concerns with the creation and, ultimately, sharing
of digital content. There is also evidence to support commentators’ views that many
B2B brands are still viewing content marketing as another opportunity to
communicate product-driven selling messages (Pulizzi and Barrett, 2008; Stelzner,

In addition, this study offers further insights into the challenges associated with
developing an effective digital content marketing strategy. These include:
• The need for content marketing KPIs and metrics and the development of appropriate
• The challenges associated with recruiting and developing subject experts who were
also capable of “journalistic” story-telling, to be able to generate good quality content.
This aligns with the debate in the information sciences literature on the authority or
reputation of the source or the author (Tillotson, 2002; Fink-Shamit and Bar-Ilan, 2008).
• The importance of creating “great” content, defined as content that helps customers to
do something better or to solve a problem. Great content is seen as content that is
interesting and of value to customers. These notions align to some extent with the
notions of web-based information quality, that suggest, for instance, that information
quality has the five facets of usefulness, goodness, accuracy, currency and importance
(Rieh, 2002).
• Challenging the selling mindset of traditional marketing, and leading the culture
change in B2B organisations, such that the long-term nature of content marketing in
supporting reputation and partnership building is recognised by executive

In the absence of prior research, other than some useful practitioner surveys that profile the
approaches that B2B businesses are taking to digital content marketing, there is plenty of
scope for further research into digital content marketing. In particular, practitioners might
be interested in case study research that provides exemplars and benchmark studies in
different sectors. From a theory development perspective, further exploration of the
character of content that is valued by business customers, would benefit from a stronger
grounding in previous research on information quality, and its dimensions, coupled with
exploration of how judgements of information quality are made in B2B buying and
relationship building processes. Such research is likely to explore the roles and behaviour of
different stakeholders at different stages in the buying/relationship cycle. In addition, survey
based studies, using quantitative approaches, would provide useful insights into the range
of digital content marketing practices adopted in different sectors, the value that digital
content marketing can deliver and the challenges to be negotiated, and in allowing the Business to
developments of measures for key variables, would offer a basis for theory testing.
In their journey to explore and improve their B2B digital content marketing practices,
business digital
practitioners should: content
• acknowledge digital content marketing as constituting a paradigm change, from marketing
selling to the customer, to helping the customer, and develop an understanding of how
this might be achieved through content in the digital channel; 287
• adopt a strategic approach content marketing that views it as an ongoing cultural
stance where the focus is on building an authentic relationship over the longer term,
rather than conducting a series of short-term campaigns;
• align their content marketing objectives with prioritising building a trusted brand
status, over, for example, short term sales or lead generation objectives;
• develop an understanding of how, for their business, digital content marketing
complements other marketing activities;
• in selections recognise that good is relevant, compelling and timely, which in turn
makes it valuable and useful for the customer;
• recognise that providing valuable content requires an understanding of customer
information needs at different points in time, and at different points in their buying/
relationship process;
• develop an understanding of the role and effectiveness of different types of content (e.g.
social media content, web content and value-add content), for different audiences; and
• develop metrics and measurement tools that align with digital content marketing
objectives, and include metrics relevant to relationship building, and customer
development, taking into account factors such as customer lifetime value.

5.2 Towards a holistic theory of digital content marketing

This section positions B2B digital content marketing within a wider framework that
also encompasses other types of digital marketing. First, while acknowledging the
explanatory value of more specific definitions for the various types of digital content
marketing, including that for B2B digital content marketing proposed earlier in this
section, we argue that a generic definition that covers all types of digital content
marketing is useful. For this purpose, we adapt the American Marketing Association
(2013) definition of marketing, thus:
Digital content marketing is the activity associated with creating, communicating,
distributing, and exchanging digital content that has value for customers, clients, partners,
and the firm and its brands.
This definition is intended to encompass all of the different incarnations of digital
content marketing. Table III summarises these incarnations simply in terms of three key
types of digital content marketing. Important points to note are:
(1) In this research, we have focussed on “Not-paid for” DCM in the B2B context.
Organisations also use this in B2C contexts where they are seeking to draw
consumers to their website and brand community. Indeed, in this context, the
freemium model, which is a hybrid of “not paid for” DCM and “paid for” DCM is
widely adopted.


Table III.

content marketing
The types of digital
Characteristics of DCM Originator of content Originators’ key aim Users of content Users’ key aim

Types of DCM
“Not-paid for” DCM Organisation Customer engagement and building Business client organizations; Business purchase decision-
relationships, knowledge and brand consumers making Business
community Business product or intelligence Consumer
service purchases, or contracts decision-making and
“Paid for” DCM Organisation All of the above, but in addition, Consumers Positive experience
sales of the DCM regarding the digital
product and its delivery
Social DCM Brand community members To express views; to learn from the Organisation Market intelligence;
organisation and other users persuasion; relationship and
community building
(2) In “paid for” DCM, the focus for the organisation is on achieving sales of the Business to
digital product (e.g. music, e-books, apps), and for consumers, the focus is on the
experience of the digital product and its delivery.
business digital
(3) Social DCM is differentiated by its focus on user-generated content, but the
organisation also has a role in managing the communication in its social media marketing
spaces, and in general, to provide community leadership to ensure that value is
created through content and interaction for all stakeholders. Again, many social 289
DCM initiatives do not stand alone, but are rather part of wider DCM activity,
involving either or both of “paid for” or “not paid for” content.

There are two key concepts that lie at the heart of all types of digital content marketing –
community and value. There is no doubt that both are difficult to achieve, but there are
strong theoretical foundations that can be used to inform the further development of a
holistic approach to digital content marketing. On community, there is established
literature on brand communities (Fournier and Lee, 2009; Muniz and O’Guinn, 2001) and
on online communities (Armstrong and Hagel, 1996). Recent years have witnessed the
advent of online brand communities, as one of the features of branding in the digital age
(Kim et al., 2008) and the notion of brand co-creation in online social spaces (Hatch and
Schultz, 2010). Digital content, whether it be “not paid for”, “paid for” or social, is at the
heart of brand-building processes. Turning to value, the research reported in this article
suggests the importance of the content being valuable and useful to the audience, and
helping them to complete a task or solve a problem. Similarly, with “paid for” content,
the consumer is likely to be seeking some functional or hedonistic gratification in
exchange for their payment. Such stances are confirmed by the theoretical literature on
information quality and credibility (Hilligoss and Rieh, 2008; Rieh, 2002). Using the
theoretical frameworks in these areas has potential to advance understanding of value
in digital content marketing. However, in this endeavour, it will be important to
acknowledge that the value of digital content is contextual and such that its value in use
by different users on specific occasions is difficult to predict in advance (Rowley, 2008).

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About the authors
Geraint Holliman, MSc, is a Practicing Content Marketer who has worked for many international
B2B clients and marketing agencies and is now Director of Planning and Head of Content
Marketing at Direction Group, a UK-based technology-focused marketing communications
agency. His current research interests are measuring and justifying content marketing, trust
building techniques for B2B brands and social media marketing.
Jennifer Rowley is Professor in Information and Communications at Manchester Metropolitan
University. Her research interests embrace knowledge management, innovation, entrepreneurial
marketing, branding and information behaviour.

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