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Laser Notes

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A Presentation on



Dr. Tanushree Basak


Ø What is Laser?

Ø Classification of light/ atom interaction

Ø Necessary condition for lasing transition

Ø Properties of Laser

Ø Types and Use of Laser

What is Laser?

LASER : Light Amplification by Stimulated

Emission of Radiation

Laser is a device which can produce a high intense,

highly coherent, more directional and highly
monochromatic beam
Classification of light- atom interaction

Radiation matter

Spontaneous Stimulated
Emission Emission
Absorpti Atom be initially in the lower state E1, If a
on photon of energy h ν is incident on the
atom in the lower state, the atom absorbs
the incident photon and gets excited to the
higher energy state E2.



Where, B12 is the

E1 proportionality constant,
N1 is population of the
lower energy level, R12 is
Rate of absorption.
Atom + Photon Atom*
ous It is a process in which there is an
emission of a photon whenever an atom
Emission transits from a higher energy state to a
lower energy state without the aid of any
external agency.


hν=E2/ E1

Where, A21 is the

E1 proportionality constant,
N2 is population of the
higher energy level, R21 is
Rate of spontaneous
Atom* Atom+Photon emission.
Stimulat It is a process in which there is an
ed emission of a photon whenever an atom
Emission transits from a higher energy state to a
lower energy state under the influence of
an external agency. i.e. an inducing

Inducing hν=E2/ E1
Where, B21 is the
E1 proportionality constant,
N2 is population of the
higher energy level, R21 is
Rate of stimulated
Atom*+Photon Atom+(Photon+Photon)
Necessary condition for lasing transition

ØStimulated Emission
3- state system
ØPopulation Inversion
(N2 > N1)

ØMetastable State

Population inversion: The redistribution of atomic   energy  levels
that takes place in a system so that laser action can occur. Normally, a
system of atoms is in temperature equilibrium and there are always
more atoms in low energy states than in higher ones. Although
absorption and emission of energy is a continuous process, the
statistical distribution (population) of atoms in the various energy
states is constant. When this distribution is disturbed by pumping
energy into the system, a population inversion will take place in which
more atoms will exist in the higher energy states than in the lower.

(N2 > N1)

Properties/Characteristic of Laser:

Ø High Monochromaticity - It can emit light of single

wavelength. The spread is of the order of 1nm for laser.

Ø High Directionality – An ordinary light source emits

light in all possible directions. But, laser travels as a
parallel beam it can travel over a long distance without

Ø High Intensity It has a ability to focus over a

small area of 10 ^(- 6) cm2

Ø Coherence identical in phase and direction.

All the constituent photons of laser beam possess the
same energy, momentum and propagate in same
Basic concepts:

Population Inversion: It is a state of achieving more number of

atoms in the excited state compared to the ground state. i.e., N2 >
N1 . It can be achieved by a process called pumping.

Pumping: It is the mechanism of exciting atoms from the lower

energy state to a higher energy state by supplying energy from an
external source.

Lasing: The process which leads to emission of stimulated photons

after establishing the population inversion is referred to as lasing.
Basic concepts:

Life time: The limited time for which a particle or an atom

remains in the excited is known as life time. It is about a nano

Metastable State: Metastable states are the energy levels in an

atomic system where the life time of atoms is very large ( of the
order 10-3 to 10-2 second).

Active Medium: A medium in which population inversion is

achieved for laser action is called active medium. The medium can
be solid, liquid , gas and plasma.

Optical Resonator: It is a pair of reflecting surfaces (mirrors); of

which , one is being a perfect reflector and the other being a partial

i. Optical pumping : Exposure to electromagnetic radiation

obtained from discharge flash tube results in pumping ( For
solid state lasers)

ii. Electrical discharge : By inelastic atom-atom collisions,

population inversion is established. ( For Gas lasers, i.e. CO2

iii. Chemical pumping : By suitable chemical reaction in the

active medium, For liquid lasers.

iv. Direct Conversions: A direct conversion of electric energy

into light takes place ( for Semiconductor laser).
The Relation between Einstein’s Coefficients:
Relation between Einstein’s coefficients
Laser action comprises following three processes;
Absorption 2. Spontaneous emission 3.
Stimulated emission
In thermal equilibrium, the number of upward
transition is equal to the number of downward
transition per unit volume per second
In other words;
Rate of absorption = Rate of Spontaneous emission +
Rate of stimulated emission
= (sp) + (st)
ρ = + ρ ……………..(1)

By rearranging equation (1), we get

(- )ρ=
ρ = ……………………….(2)
According to Boltzmann distribution law
= ……………………….(3)
= ……………………….(4)
On dividing equation (3) by equation (4)
= =
= , since
= …………………..(5)
 On putting value of from equation (4) in (2), we get
ρ = …………..(6)
From plank’s black body theory of radiation
Ρ= ……………(7)
By comparing equation (6) and equation (7)
= ………………….(8)
And = ………………….(9)
Here and are proportionality constants which are known as
Einstein’s constant
Equation (9) show that the probability of absorption is equal to the
probability of stimulated emission
Type of Laser

Ø Solid State Lasers ( Nd- YAG laser, Ruby


Ø Liquid Lasers

Ø Gaseous Lasers ( He- Ne laser, CO2 laser)

Ø Dye Lasers

Ø Semiconductor Lasers
Essential components of a laser system :
Active medium or Gain medium : It is the system in which
population inversion and hence stimulated emission (laser action) is
Active Pumping Optical
Medium Mechanism resonator

Pumping mechanism : To achieve Population Inversion

i.e., it is the method for raising the atoms from lower energy state
to higher energy state to achieve laser transition.

Optical Resonator: It is a pair of reflecting surfaces (mirrors) of

which one is a perfect reflector and the other one is a partial
reflector…….used for amplification of photons.
Nd-YAG Laser
Active medium :
The host medium for this laser is Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG = Y3
Al5 O12) with 1.5% trivalent neodymium ions (Nd3+) present as
The (Nd3+) ions occupy the lattice sites of yttrium ions as
substitutional impurities and provide the energy levels for both
pumping and lasing transitions.

Pumping Source:
-The principle behind Nd-YAG laser is optical pumping. The population
inversion is achieved by a flash light either using xenon or krypton
flash tube. As a result, Nd ions are transported into the excited levels.

Resonating Cavity:
- In the Nd-YAG laser, a rod of 5 to 10 cm length and 6 to 9 mm
diameter is used. The ends of the rod are polished and made optically
flat and parallel. The optical cavity is formed either by silvering the two
ends of the rod or by using two external reflecting mirrors. One mirror
is made hundred percent reflecting while the other mirror is left
slightly transmitting to draw the output
This laser system has two absorption bands (0.73 m and 0.8
Optical pumping mechanism is employed.
Laser transition takes place between two laser levels at 1.06 mm.
When flash lamp is switched on, neodymium ions acquire energy from
the flash light. The Nd ions are excited to energy levels E3 and E4 by
absorbing energy with wavelengths of respectively 0.73 µ m and 0.80
The Nd ions are not stable in the excited state, it makes a non –
radiactive transition from E3 and E4 to a metastable state E2 . Ions can
stay for a long time in this state until population inversion is achieved.
When population inversion is achieved between E2 and E1 state, a
stimulated emission takes place from the energy levels E2 to E1 by
emitting radiation of the wavelength 1.064 µm.
Nd:YAG applications :
The important industrial uses of YAG and glass lasers have been in
materials processing such as welding, cutting, drilling.
Since 1.06 m wavelength radiation passes through optical fibre
without absorption, fibre optic endoscopes with YAG lasers are
used to treat gastrointestinal bleeding.
Remote sensing applications
Medicines for endoscopic applications, medical surgery, dental
surgery etc.
Introduction :
CO2 lasers belong to the class of molecular gas lasers.
In the case of atoms, electrons in molecules can be excited
to higher energy levels, and the distribution of electrons in the
levels define the electronic state of the molecule.
Besides, these electronic levels, the molecules have other
energy levels.

Symmetric stretching mode (m)

Bending mode (n)

Asymmetric stretching mode (q)


Active medium :
It consists of a mixture of CO2, N2 and He or water vapour.
The active centres are CO2 molecules lasing on the transition
between the rotational levels of vibrational bands of the
electronic ground state.

Optical resonators :
A pair of concave mirrors placed on either side of the
discharge tube, one completely polished and the other partially

Pumping :
Population inversion is created by electric discharge of the
When a discharge is passed in a tube containing CO2,
electron impacts excite the molecules to higher electronic and
vibrational-rotational levels.
This level is also populated by radiationless transition from
upper excited levels.
The resonant transfer of energy from other molecules, such
as, N2, added to the gas, increases the pumping efficiency.




V ib ra tio n a l
e n e rg y tra n s fe r

2 n n
iot oit
ait ait
c cx
n 1

C O 2 G ro u n d S ta te N 2 G ro u n d S ta te


Working Principle:

The He molecules increase the population of level 4, and

also help in emptying the lower laser levels.

The molecules that arrive at the levels 3 and 2 decay to

the ground state through radiative and collision induced
transitions to the lower level 1, which in turn decays to the
ground state.

The power output of a CO2 laser increases linearly with

length. Low power (upto 50W), longitudinal flow of gases.
The power o/p – 10kw/m, when flow is perpendicular to
the discharge.


- The CO2 molecules dissociate into CO – it may

contaminate the active medium.
- It has to be periodically removed away by the vacuum


- In Material Processing: drilling, cutting, etching,

welding, melting….
- Open air communication
- Pollution monitoring, remote sensing & LIDAR
- Medical field

The Application of Lasers
Ø Science and engineering applications
precise measurements and spectroscopy
Fiber optic communication
Communication between planets is possible with Laser
used in Holography

Ø In Medicine
for the treatment of detached retinas
eye surgery and in cancers treatments

Ø In Industry
cutting, welding, melting
To test the quality of the materials
for the heat treatment of metallic and non- metallic
Military applications:

The laser beam can serve as a war weapon, i.e. a

powerful laser beam can be used to destroy in a few
seconds, the big size objects like aeroplanes,
missiles etc. by pointing the laser beam on to them.
For this reason, it can be even called as death ray.

The laser beam can be used to determine precisely

the distance, velocity and direction as well as the
size and form of distant objects by means of the
reflected signal. It is known as LIDAR.

Holography is a technique of recording the amplitude and

phase of the light waves reflected from an object. A
three dimensional image of the object can be
obtained. The recorded photograph is called a


1. Recording of hologram or construction of hologram

( based on interference of coherent light waves).
2. Reconstruction of hologram (based on diffraction of
light waves).
1. Recording of hologram or construction of

The light from a laser source is split into two components –

splitter and reference beam. The wave illuminating the object is
called the object wave or signal wave and the wave directed
towards the photographic plate is called the reference wave.

Thus , the two beams interfere with each other producing

interference pattern on the photographic plate. Thus, the record
of this interference pattern constitutes a hologram.
2. Reconstruction of hologram

The developed hologram is exposed to a laser beam of the

same wavelength. This laser beam interacts with the
interference pattern on the hologram and gets diffracted to
produced two images of the original object. The virtual image
and the real image which is in three dimensional form.

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