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GoFree Web Interface

1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2 Service Discovery .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 UDP Multicast ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Bonjour....................................................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Web Socket ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4 JSON .................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
5 Digital Data ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5.1 Requesting a list of data IDs - C2S.............................................................................................................................. 5
5.2 Send a list of data IDs - S2C ........................................................................................................................................ 5
5.3 Request full information about a data value - C2S .................................................................................................... 5
5.4 Send full information about a data value - S2C ......................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Requesting a value – C2S ........................................................................................................................................... 5
5.6 Unsubscribing – C2S ................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.7 Sending array of values – S2C .................................................................................................................................... 6
6 Settings.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
6.1 Request a settings group - C2S................................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Send a list of setting IDs - S2C .................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Request setting information - C2S ............................................................................................................................. 7
6.4 Send setting information - S2C .................................................................................................................................. 7
6.5 Request a list of settings - C2S ................................................................................................................................... 7
6.6 Unsubscribe from a list of settings............................................................................................................................. 8
6.7 Send a setting- S2C and C2S ....................................................................................................................................... 8
7 Events ................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
7.1 Register to receive an event - C2S ............................................................................................................................. 8
7.2 Unregister from an event – C2S ................................................................................................................................. 8
7.3 MOB Event – C2S and S2C.......................................................................................................................................... 8
7.4 Create a Waypoint – C2S and S2C.............................................................................................................................. 9
7.5 Activate/Silence/Acknowledge/Deactivate an alarm – C2S and S2C ........................................................................ 9
7.6 Reset a Trip Log .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
8 Vessels ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9

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8.1 Register for vessels – C2S ........................................................................................................................................... 9

8.2 Register for vessels – C2S ........................................................................................................................................... 9
8.3 Unregister for vessels – C2S ....................................................................................................................................... 9
8.4 Vessel Data – S2C ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
8.5 Vessel Removed – S2C ............................................................................................................................................. 10
9 Other WebSocket Functionality ...................................................................................................................................... 10
9.1 Grouping many instructions..................................................................................................................................... 10
10 Appendix A – Service Discovery .................................................................................................................................... 11
11 Appendix B - Websocket ............................................................................................................................................... 13
12 Appendix C .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
12.1 Data Groups ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
12.2 Data Types.............................................................................................................................................................. 16
12.3 System Units .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
13 Appendix D .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
13.1 Setting Types .......................................................................................................................................................... 31
13.2 Setting Groups ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
13.3 Setting IDs .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
14 Appendix E .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
14.1 Events ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
15 Appendix F .................................................................................................................................................................... 32
15.1 Vessel Types ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
15.2 Vessel Status .......................................................................................................................................................... 32

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GoFree Web Interface

1 Overview
This document details the GoFree web interface provided by Navico Multifunctional Displays ( MFD ). The GoFree web
interface is designed to allow developers to create web pages and applications that use data from the Navico system.
Additionally the web interface can be used to change settings on the Navico system and control some functions.
The GoFree web interface is provided by an HTTP server and a WebSocket server.
The WebSocket server is used to bi-directionally send data between the Client (Web Browser, IPad App, PC
Application, etc) and a selected Navico device. The WebSocket data is encoded in simple JSON strings, which are very
easy to work with on the client side. The basic format of any data is:
{“ObjectType” : {OBJECT DATA} }

2 Service Discovery
2.1 UDP Multicast
Mobile devices wishing to connect can listen to multicast address, port 2052 to discover the IP address and
port of MFDs that support the data bridging function.
Any MFD will send the following JSON string to this multicast address:
{ “Name” : “Name”, “IP”: “N.N.N.N”, “Model” : “Model”, “Services” : [ { “Service” : “Service” , “Version”: N , “Port”: N }
<Name> The friendly name of the MFD. If this is changed on the MFD the multicast will change to match.
<IP> IP Address of the MFD. This will be obtained from a DHCP server if one is available, otherwise it will be a
Zeroconfig address. Note that if a DHCP server is added to the network after power on the IP address announced will
switch from Zeroconfig to DHCP.
<Model> Model name of the MFD (e.g. "NSS-12").
<Service> Describes the type of data services that the MFD supports. For MFDs that support websockets, this will be
<Version> Version of the data protocol.
<Port> Port number used to transmit the data (e.g. 443).
MFDs will send this message at a rate of 1Hz. If this message is not received for a period of 2 second or longer, clients
should consider the MFD to be unavailable, and attempt to connect to a different MFD for data.
A code example is included in the appendices.

2.2 Bonjour
The server will be announced via the Bonjour protocol as a TCP service called “navico-nav-ws” on the port used to
transmit the data (e.g. 443). This is automatically supported in OS X and iOS, and can be added to Windows by
installing Bonjour for Windows:

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3 Web Socket
A WebSocket is a web technology which provides a bi-directional, full-duplex communication channel over a TCP
connection. The WebSocket API is being standardised by the WSC and the WebSocket protocol has been standardised
by the IETF as RFC 6455.
WebSockets have been designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers. However they can be used by
a client or server application. They provide a standardised way for the server to send content to the browser without it
being requested by the client. This is therefore useful for sending live real-time data to a client as required in the
Navico system without the client being required to poll for the data.
As it is bi-directional it also provides a convenient way for the client to send commands to the server.
Communications are done over the regular TCP port number 443. The WebSocket protocol is currently supported in
several browsers including Safari, Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer 10. More information on browser support can
be found at .
In an HTML file the standard client side scripting language is JavaScript.
Connecting to a WebSocket server is as simple as:
websocket = new WebSocket( WsUri );

The GoFree SDK includes a JavaScript library that contains basic functions for WebSocket control.
A complete function to obtain full WebSocket functionality can be found in Appendix A.

• JSON Basics: “{}” surrounds an object, “[]” surrounds an array.
• S2C = Server to Client
• C2S = Client to Server

5 Digital Data
Digital Data is any data available in the Navico system that can be displayed on the Info panel on a Navico MFD. This
includes data like boat speed, engine RPM and heading. It doesn’t include high bandwidth data such as radar or sonar
The WebSocket client can get information about what digital data is available, information about an individual digital
data value and get an individual digital data value. It can also register to get digital data values in real time.
Each digital data value has a unique ID that is used in the JSON messages. These unique IDs are detailed in Section 11.
They can also be obtained from the server using some of the commanded detailed below.
This section details the JSON commands and responses used for digital data.

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5.1 Requesting a list of data IDs - C2S

The client can request a list of data IDs. Digital data values are grouped so a client can request all the data IDs in a
group ( e.g. request all engine data ). The groups are detailed in Section 11.

group = The group of the data IDs being requested, in this case 1.

5.2 Send a list of data IDs - S2C

The server will send a list of Data IDs in response to a data list request ( see 5.1 )

Data IDs, Format examples and unit information can be found in Section 11.

5.3 Request full information about a data value - C2S

The client can request information about a data value, using its data ID.

40 in the example above is the ID of the data requested. The client can request information about many data
values at the same time.

5.4 Send full information about a data value - S2C

The server will send information about a data value in response to a data info request ( see 5.3 ).
{“DataInfo”:[{ “id”:40,“sname”:“SOG”,“lname”:“Speed Over

id = ID of the data value

sname = Short name of the data value in the currently selected language
lname = Long name of the data value in the currently selected language
unit = Units. These will be the currently selected system units.
min = Minimum possible value.
max = Maximum possible value.
numInstances = The number of instances of the data
instanceInfo = Information about specific instances
instanceInfo.inst = the instance Id
instanceInfo.location = the location ID of the instance
instanceInfo.str = the human readable instance name

All of the values other than ID are optional, and more may be added.

5.5 Requesting a value – C2S

The client can request a data value.

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id = The ID of the data

repeat = Should the data repeat, or be sent only once. This is an optional parameter that defaults to false. If set
to true then the server will periodically send the data to the client whilst the WebSocket connection remains
open. The update rate is set by the server.
Inst = The data instance. This is an optional parameter that defaults to 0. It is used for values such as Engine
RPM which can have more than one instance.

5.6 Unsubscribing – C2S

The client can unsubscribe from a repeating data value.

Id = The ID of the data

Inst = The data instance. This is an optional parameter that defaults to 0.

5.7 Sending array of values – S2C

The server will send values either when they are requested by a data request ( see 5.5 ) or periodically if the data was
requested with repeat set to true.

This example shows two pieces of data. IDs 1 and 2, Values 10.4 and 90 respectively:
id = The ID of the data
val = The value of the data in currently selected user units.
valStr = The value of the data as a correctly formatted string
sysVal = The value in system units. Standard system units can be found in section 11.3
inst = The data instance. This is an optional parameter that defaults to 0.
valid = is the data valid?
Note that there is no limit on the number of data values between [ and ].

6 Settings (details available upon agreement only)

Selected settings in the Navico system can be accessed and changed through the WebSocket.
The WebSocket client can get information about what settings are available, information about an individual setting,
adjust a setting and get notified if a setting changes.
Each setting has a unique ID that is used in the JSON messages. These unique IDs are detailed in Section 12.3. They can
also be obtained from the server using some of the commanded detailed below.
This section details the JSON commands and responses used for settings.

7 Events (details available upon agreement only)

Selected events in the Navico system can be received and sent through the WebSocket.
Each event has a unique ID that is used in the JSON messages. These unique IDs are detailed in Section 13.1.
This section details the JSON commands and responses used for events.

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7.1 Register to receive an event - C2S

7.2 Unregister from an event – C2S

7.3 MOB Event – C2S and S2C

7.4 Create a Waypoint – C2S and S2C

7.5 Activate/Silence/Acknowledge/Deactivate an alarm – C2S and


7.6 Reset a Trip Log

8 Vessels
Vessel information can be received through the WebSocket. A vessel can currently only be an AIS target. The client can
register to receive updates when a vessel of each type is changed.
This section details the JSON commands and responses used for vessels.

8.1 Register for vessels – C2S

The client can register to receive vessel information from the server.
{“TrafficReq”:{“subscribe”:true,”id”:12345,”sourceType”:0 } }

sourceType is described in section 14.1 and is compulsory

subscribe - if true then all updates of sourceType will be sent to the client. This is optional and defaults to false. It
is not possible to subscribe to a single vessel ID.
id is vessel ID (mmsi for AIS). It is optional. If not included all data of “sourceType” will be sent.

8.2 Register for vessels – C2S

The client can register to receive all traffic updates of a specified type.

The elements of the array are vessel type IDs ( see section 14.1 ).

8.3 Unregister for vessels – C2S

The client can unregister to stop receiving vessel information from the server.

The elements of the array are vessel type IDs ( see section 14.1 ).

8.4 Vessel Data – S2C

The server will send vessel data each time a vessel is updated to any client that has registered to receive updates for
that type of vessel.

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{“Vessel”:[{“type”:1,“id”:40,“name”:“vessel name”,”lost”:false,”distance”:10.2,
sog”:5.0,”relative cog”:210.1,”status”:2}]}

type = Type of vessel e.g. AIS ( see section 14.1 ).

id = Vessel ID which is the MMSI of the vessel for AIS and DSC vessel types.
name = Name of the vessel
lost = Indicates if the vessel has been lost
distance = Distance of the vessel from own vessel in current distance units
lat = Latitude of the vessel in degrees
lon = Longitude of the vessel in degrees
trueBearing = True bearing of the vessel in degrees
cpa = Closest point of approach to own vessel in current distance units
tcpa = Time to the closes point of approach in seconds
sog = Speed over ground of the vessel in current speed units
cog = Course over ground of the vessel in degrees
relativeSog = Relative speed over ground of the vessel in current speed units. This is the speed relative to own
relativeCog = Relative course over ground of the vessel in degrees. This is the course relative to own vessel.
status = Status of the vessel ( see section 14.2 for values ).
Other available data include eta, draught, destination, status, isAton, atonType, dimensions { bow, stern, port,
stbd}, and offPosition.
Only type and id are guaranteed to be present.

8.5 Vessel Removed – S2C

A client subscribed to a traffic source will be notified if a vessel is removed.
{“TrafficRemoved”:[{“sourceType”:0, “id”:12345}

sourceType is described in section 14.1 and is compulsory

id is vessel ID (mmsi for AIS). It is optional. If not included all data of “sourceType” will be sent.

9 Other WebSocket Functionality

9.1 Grouping many instructions
Many instructions can be bundled as one message using the format below.

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10 Appendix A – Service Discovery

Sample C# code for service discovery. This uses the open source plugin Json.NET ( for
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace NavicoDiscovery
class Program
public class MFDService
public MFDService(string service, uint version, uint port)
Service = service;
Version = version;
Port = port;

public string Service;

public uint Version;
public uint Port;

public class MFD

public string Name;
public string IP;
public string Model;
public MFDService[] Services;

static readonly object _locker = new object();

private static void ReceiveOldMessage()

// Navico NSS 2.0: Multicast, port 2050
UdpClient client = new UdpClient();

IPEndPoint localEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2050);


IPAddress multicastaddress = IPAddress.Parse("");


string output;
while (true)

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Byte[] data = client.Receive(ref localEp);

if (data.Length > 0)
string strData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
char[] lineEnd = { '\r', '\n' };
strData = strData.TrimEnd(lineEnd);
string[] strParams = strData.Split(',');
output = string.Format("Service: {0}\tVersion: {1}\tIP: {2}\tPort: {3}",
strParams[0], strParams[1], strParams[2], strParams[3]);
lock (_locker)
Debug.Print(output + string.Format("\r\n"));

private static void ReceiveNewMessage()

// Navico NSS 2.5: Multicast, port 2052
UdpClient client = new UdpClient();

IPEndPoint localEp = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2052);


IPAddress multicastaddress = IPAddress.Parse("");


string output;
while (true)
Byte[] data = client.Receive(ref localEp);
if (data.Length > 0)
string strData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data);
MFD deserializedMFD = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MFD>(strData);

output = string.Format("MFD: {0}\tModel: {1}\tIP: {2}", deserializedMFD.Name,

deserializedMFD.Model, deserializedMFD.IP);
lock (_locker)
for (uint service = 0; service < deserializedMFD.Services.Count(); service++)
output = string.Format("\tService {0}: {1}\tVersion: {2}\tPort: {3}",
service, deserializedMFD.Services[service].Service, deserializedMFD.Services[service].Version,

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static void Main(string[] args)

Thread oldThread;
oldThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveOldMessage));
oldThread.IsBackground = true;
Thread newThread;
newThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ReceiveNewMessage));
newThread.IsBackground = true;

while (true) { }

11 Appendix B - Websocket
The code below is an example of how to connect to a WebSocket from a client using JavaScript. The functions that are
called within event handlers will need to be implemented elsewhere.
function initWebsocket(WsUri)
if ("WebSocket" in window)
if (typeof MozWebSocket == 'function')
WebSocket = MozWebSocket;
websocket = new WebSocket(WsUri);

websocket. (evt)

websocket. (evt)
websocket. (evt)
websocket. (evt)
debug('ERROR: ' +, 1);
catch (exception)
debug('ERROR: ' + exception, 1);

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alert("I don't think this browser supports WebSockets");

There is currently a bug in Safari for IOS that causes what look like buffer overruns. To work around this issue it is
necessary to handle messages as below:
websocket. (evt) {
setTimeout(function() { handleMessage( );}, 0);

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12 Appendix C
12.1 Data Groups
Data Group ID


Navigation 2

Vessel 3

Sonar 4

Weather 5

Trip 6

Time 7

Engine 8

Transmission 9

Fuel Tank 10

Fresh Water Tank 11

Gray Water Tank 12

Live Well Tank 13

Oil Tank 14

Black Water Tank 15

Engine Room 16

Cabin 17

Bait Well 18

Refrigerator 19

Heating System 20

Freezer 21

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Data Group ID

Battery 22

Rudder 23

Trim Tab 24

AC Input 25

Digital Switching 26

Other 27

GPS Status 28

Route Data 29

Speed Depth 30

Log Timer 31

Environment 32

Wind 33

Pilot 34

Sailing 35

AC Output 36

Charger 37

Inverter 38

12.2 Data Types

Note : Not all multifunction displays or systems will support all the data types listed below.

Data Type ID Group

Altitude 1 GPS

Position Error 3 GPS

HDOP 4 GPS Status

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Data Type ID Group

VDOP 5 GPS Status

TDOP 6 GPS Status

PDOP 7 GPS Status

Geoidal Seperation 8 GPS Status


Position Quality 10 GPS Status

Position Integrity 11 GPS Status

Satellites In View 12 GPS Status

WAAS Status 13 GPS Status

Bearing 14 Navigation

Course 15 Navigation

Course To Steer 17 Navigation

Cross Track Error 18 Navigation

VMG to Waypoint 19 Navigation

Destination 20 Navigation

Distance to Turn 21 Navigation

Distance to Destination 22 Navigation

Time To Turn 23 Route Data

Time To Destination 24 Route Data

ETA At Turn 25 Route Data

ETA At Destination 26 Route Data

Total Distance 27 Route Data

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Data Type ID Group

Steer Arrow 28 Navigation

Odometer 29 Trip

Trip Distance 30 Trip

Trip Time 31 Trip

Local Date 32 Time

Local Time 33 Time

UTC Date 34 Time

UTC Time 35 Time

Local Time Offset 36 Time

Heading 37 Vessel

Voltage 38 Other

Current Set 39 Other

Current Drift 40 Other


Water Speed 42 Sonar

Pitot Speed 43 Vessel

Average Trip Speed 44 Trip

Maximum Trip Speed 45 Trip

Apparent Wind Speed 46 Weather

True Wind Speed 47 Weather

Water Temperature 48 Sonar

Outside Temperature 49 Weather

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Data Type ID Group

Inside Temperature 50 Vessel

Engine Room Temperature 51 Engine Room

Main Cabin Temperature 52 Cabin

Live Well Temperature 53 Live Well Tank

Bait Well Temperature 54 Bait Well

Refrigeration Temperature 55 Refrigerator

Heating System Temperature 56 Heating System

Dew Point Temperature 57 Weather

Apparent Wind Chill Temperature 58 Weather

Theoretic Wind Chill Temperature 59 Weather

Heat Index Temperature 60 Weather

Freezer Temperature 61 Freezer

Engine Temperature 62 Engine

Engine Air Temperature 63 Engine

Engine Oil Temperature 64 Engine

Battery Temperature 65 Battery

Atmospheric Pressure 66 Weather

Engine Boost Pressure 67 Engine

Engine Oil Pressure 68 Engine

Engine Water Pressure 69 Engine

Engine Fuel Pressure 70 Engine

Engine Manifold Pressure 71 Engine

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Data Type ID Group

Stream Pressure 72 Other

Compressed Air Pressure 73 Other

Hydraulic Pressure 74 Other

Depth 77 Sonar

Water Distance 78 Sonar

Engine RPM 79 Engine

Engine Trim 80 Engine

Engine Alternator Potential 81 Engine

Engine Fuel Rate 82 Engine

Engine Percent Load 83 Engine

Engine Percent Torque 84 Engine

Suzuki Alarm Level Low 85 Engine

Suzuki Alarm Level High 86 Engine

Fuel Tank Level 87 Fuel Tank

Fresh Water Fluid Level 88 Fresh Water Tank

Gray Water Fluid Level 89 Gray Water Tank

Live Well Fluid Level 90 Live Well Tank

Oil Fluid Level 91 Oil Tank

Black Water Fluid Level 92 Black Water Tank

Fuel Remaining 93 Fuel Tank

Fresh Water Fluid Volume 94 Fresh Water Tank

Gray Water Fluid Volume 95 Gray Water Tank

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Data Type ID Group

Live Well Fluid Volume 96 Live Well Tank

Oil Fluid Volume 97 Oil Tank

Black Water Fluid Volume 98 Black Water Tank

Generic Fluid Volume 99 Unconfigured

Generic Tank Capacity 105 Unconfigured

Fuel Tank Capacity 106 Fuel Tank

Fresh Water Tank Capacity 107 Fresh Water Tank

Gray Water Tank Capacity 108 Gray Water Tank

Live Well Tank Capacity 109 Live Well Tank

Oil Tank Capacity 110 Oil Tank

Black Water Tank Capacity 111 Black Water Tank

Tank Fuel Used 112 Fuel Tank

Engine Fuel Used 113 Engine

Trip Fuel Used 114 Engine

Seasonal Fuel Used 115 Engine

K Value 116 Engine

Battery Potential 117 Battery

Battery Current 118 Battery

Trim Tab 119 Trim Tab

Rate Of Turn 121 Vessel

Yaw 122 Vessel

Pitch 123 Vessel

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Data Type ID Group

Roll 124 Vessel

Magnetic Variation 125 Other

Deviation 126 Other

Water Fuel Economy 127 Engine

GPS Fuel Economy 128 Engine

Water Fuel Range 130 Engine

GPS Fuel Range 131 Engine

Engine Hours Used 132 Engine

Engine Type 133 Engine

Vessel Fuel Rate 134 Vessel

Vessel Water Fuel Economy 135 Vessel

Vessel GPS Fuel Economy 136 Vessel

Vessel Fuel Remaining 137 Vessel

Vessel Water Fuel Range 138 Vessel

Vessel GPS Fuel Range 139 Vessel

Apparent Wind Angle 140 Weather

True Wind Angle 141 Weather

True Wind Direction 142 Weather

Inside Humidity 143 Vessel

Outside Humidity 144 Weather

Set Humidity 145 Vessel

Rudder Angle 146 Rudder

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Data Type ID Group

Transmission Gear 147 Transmission

Transmission Oil Pressure 148 Transmission

Transmission Oil Temperature 149 Transmission

Commanded Rudder Angle 150 Rudder

Rudder Limit 151 Rudder

Off Heading Limit 152 Vessel

Radius of Turn Order 153 Vessel

Rate of Turn Order 154 Vessel

Off Track Limit 155 Vessel

Logging Time Remaining 156 Other

Position Fix Type 157 GPS Status

Engine Discrete Status 158 Engine

Transmission Discrete Status 159 Transmission

GPS Best of Four Signal to Noise Ratio 160 GPS Status

Generic Fluid Level 161 Unconfigured

Generic Pressure 162 Unconfigured

Generic Temperature 163 Unconfigured

Internal Voltage 164 Other

Structure Depth 166 Sonar

Loran Position 167 Vessel

Vessel Status 168 Vessel

Battery DC Type 169 Battery

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Data Type ID Group

Battery State of Charge 170 Battery

Battery State of Health 171 Battery

Battery Time Remaining 172 Battery

Battery Ripple Voltage 173 Battery

AC Input 1 Quality 174 AC Input

AC Input 2 Quality 175 AC Input

AC Input 3 Quality 176 AC Input

AC Input 1 Voltage 177 AC Input

AC Input 2 Voltage 178 AC Input

AC Input 3 Voltage 179 AC Input

AC Input 1 Current 180 AC Input

AC Input 2 Current 181 AC Input

AC Input 3 Current 182 AC Input

AC Input 1 Frequency 183 AC Input

AC Input 2 Frequency 184 AC Input

AC Input 3 Frequency 185 AC Input

AC Input 1 Breaker Size 186 AC Input

AC Input 2 Breaker Size 187 AC Input

AC Input 3 Breaker Size 188 AC Input

AC Input 1 Real Power 189 AC Input

AC Input 2 Real Power 190 AC Input

AC Input 3 Real Power 191 AC Input

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Data Type ID Group

AC Input 1 Reactive Power 192 AC Input

AC Input 2 Reactive Power 193 AC Input

AC Input 3 Reactive Power 194 AC Input

AC Input 1 Power Factor 195 AC Input

AC Input 2 Power Factor 196 AC Input

AC Input 3 Power Factor 197 AC Input

Switch State 198 Digital Switching

Switch Current 199 Digital Switching

Switch Fault 200 Digital Switching

Switch Dim Level 201 Digital Switching

Previous Commanded Heading 202 Pilot

Commanded Wind Angle 203 Pilot

Commanded Bearing Offset 204 Pilot

Commanded Bearing 205 Pilot

Commanded Depth Contour 206 Pilot

Commanded Course Change 207 Pilot

Pilot Drift 208 Pilot

Pilot Distance To Turn 209 Pilot

Pilot Time To Turn 210 Pilot

Pilot Reference Position 211 Pilot

DC Status 212 Battery

AC Input 1 Status 213 AC Input

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Data Type ID Group

Switch Voltage 214 Digital Switching

Battery Capacity Remaining 215 Battery

H3000 Linear 1 217 Sailing

H3000 Linear 2 218 Sailing

H3000 Linear 3 219 Sailing

Boom Position 220 Sailing

Sailing Course 221 Sailing

Daggerboard Position 222 Sailing

H3000 Linear 4 223 Sailing

Heading on Next Tack 224 Sailing

Keel Angle 225 Sailing

Leeway 226 Sailing

Mast Angle 227 Sailing

Target True Wind Angle 228 Sailing

Keel Trim Tab 229 Sailing

Race Timer 230 Sailing

Canard Angle 231 Sailing

Next Leg Apparent Wind Angle 232 Sailing

Next Leg Apparent Wind Speed 233 Sailing

Target Boat Speed 234 Sailing

VMG to Wind 235 Sailing

Time to Layline 236 Sailing

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Data Type ID Group

Distance to Layline 237 Sailing

Aft Depth 238 Sonar

Fore Stay 239 Sailing

Polar Speed 240 Sailing

Polar Performance 241 Sailing

Tacking Performance 242 Sailing

Wind Angle To Mast 243 Sailing

CAN Bus Voltage 244 Other

Internal Temperature 245 Other

Engage Current 246 Other

URef Voltage 247 Other

Supply Voltage 248 Other

Destination Position 249 Navigation

Engine Sync State 252 Engine

Engine Predictive General 253 Engine


Engine Throttle 254 Engine

Engine Steering Angle 255 Engine

Engine Break In Required 256 Engine

Engine Break In Remaining 258 Engine

Engine Trim Status 259 Engine

Autopilot Present 260 Pilot

AC Output 1 Quality 261 AC Output

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Data Type ID Group

AC Output 2 Quality 262 AC Output

AC Output 3 Quality 263 AC Output

AC Output 1 Voltage 264 AC Output

AC Output 2 Voltage 265 AC Output

AC Output 3 Voltage 266 AC Output

AC Output 1 Current 267 AC Output

AC Output 2 Current 268 AC Output

AC Output 3 Current 269 AC Output

AC Output 1 Frequency 270 AC Output

AC Output 2 Frequency 271 AC Output

AC Output 3 Frequency 272 AC Output

AC Output 1 Breaker Size 273 AC Output

AC Output 2 Breaker Size 274 AC Output

AC Output 3 Breaker Size 275 AC Output

AC Output 1 Real Power 276 AC Output

AC Output 2 Real Power 277 AC Output

AC Output 3 Real Power 278 AC Output

AC Output 1 Reactive Power 279 AC Output

AC Output 2 Reactive Power 280 AC Output

AC Output 3 Reactive Power 281 AC Output

AC Output 1 Power Factor 282 AC Output

AC Output 2 Power Factor 283 AC Output

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Data Type ID Group

AC Output 3 Power Factor 284 AC Output

AC Input 2 Status 285 AC Input

AC Input 3 Status 286 AC Input

AC Output 1 Status 287 AC Output

AC Output 2 Status 288 AC Output

AC Output 3 Status 289 AC Output

Switch Manual Override 290 Digital Switching

Switch Reverse Polarity 291 Digital Switching

Switch AC Source Available 292 Digital Switching

Switch AC Contactor System On State 293 Digital Switching

Charger Battery Instance 294 Charger

Charger Operating State 295 Charger

Charger Mode 296 Charger

Charger Enabled 297 Charger

Charger Equalization Pending 298 Charger

Charger Equalization Time Remaining 299 Charger

Inverter AC Instance 300 Inverter

Inverter DC Instance 301 Inverter

Inverter Operating State 302 Inverter

Inverter Enabled 303 Inverter

12.3 System Units

Unit Used for

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GoFree Web Interface

Knots Wind speed and boat speed

Nautical Miles Distance

Feet Depth

Celsius Temperature

Feet Altitude

Metres Map units

Inches of Mercury Pressure

Voltage Voltage

Gallons Volume

Gallons per Hour Volume rate

Amps Amps

Nautical miles / Gallon Economy

Radians Angle, Heading, Position

Radians per second Angular Speed

Revolutions per minute Engine Speed

Seconds Timer

Percent Percent

Celsius per minute Temperature Rate

Metres per second square Acceleration

Inches per revolution Distance per revolution

No units No units

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13 Appendix D
13.1 Setting Types
Setting Type ID




13.2 Setting Groups

Setting Group ID




Trip Log

13.3 Setting IDs

Setting Name Group Setting ID Type Possible Values

Backlight Level

Night Mode

Trip Log 1 Enabled

Trip Log 2 Enabled

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14 Appendix E
14.1 Events

Event Name Group ID Data

Activate Alarm

Deactivate Alarm

Acknowledge Alarm

Silence Alarm


Create Waypoint

Reset Trip Log

Zoom In

Zoom Out

15 Appendix F
15.1 Vessel Types
Event Group ID


15.2 Vessel Status

Event Group ID

Dangerous 1

Safe 2

Acquiring 3

Acquiring Failed 4

Out of Range 5

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Event Group ID

Lost Out of Range 6

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