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STIG Design Feutures Traffic Signal Controlled Intersection

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Design features

High capacity and safety within a roundabout intersection are encouraged by layout features which
maximize the use of the space available.

Entry width

The entry width of the approach arm at the roundabout is the largest single factor, apart from approach
carriageway half-width affecting capacity.

Flares on the approaches to roundabouts should be such that the maximum entry widths are not greater
than 10.5 m and 15 m for single and dual carriageway approach roads, respectively.

Entry angle

The best entry angle (i.e. the optimum conflict angle between entering and circulating streams) is about
30 degrees. Very acute merging angles encourage high-speed merging and should be avoided.


Similarly, to entrances, exits should be easy for vehicles to negotiate. As a general rule, each exit should
allow for an extra traffic lane over that of the link downstream.

Entry path curvature

For safety reasons it is essential that vehicles slow down on the approaches to a roundabout and
traverse the intersection at a relatively low speed.

No part of a through vehicle's design path (assumed 2 rn wide) should be closer than 1 m to the central
island, or on a radius greater than 100 m, i.e. the curvature corresponding to approximately 50 km/h
with a sideways force of 0.2 g.

Circulatory carriageway

Ideally the circulatory carriageway should be circular in plan and have a constant width that is normally
1.0-1.2 times the maximum entry width (but not more than 15 m).
Design vehicle

The vehicle normally used to develop the layout for a roundabout is a 15.5 m long articulated heavy
commercial vehicle with a single axle at the rear of the trailer. If the largest circle that can be inscribed
within the intersection outline is called the inscribed circle (IC), then the smallest IC-diameter that will
accommodate this design vehicle at a normal roundabout is 28 m; a mini roundabout must be used if
the IC-diameter is smaller.

Left-turn lanes

Segregated left-ram lanes are otien used at roundabouts between an adjacent entry and exit if space is
available and more than 50 per cent of the entry flow, or more than 300 veh/h in the peak hours,
intends to leave the roundabout at the first exit after entry.


Super elevation is unnecessary on circulatory carriageways. However, a crossfall (typically 2 per cent) is
required to drain surface water, and the correct siting and spacing of gullies is critical to efficient


A roundabout should be illuminated at night, for safety reasons. Its layout should be simple, clear and
conspicuous so that its important design features are easily seen and understood in the night as well as
during the day.

Delay at roundabout-modified T-intersections

Delays at a conventional T-intersection are normally inflicted on minor road vehicles, which have
to yield priority to the major road traffic streams. At an offside-priority roundabout intersection,
however, the previously unimpeded straight-ahead major road traffic has both to reduce speed and to
be prepared to give way to minor road vehicles on its right.

where D24g= total anticipated 24-hour fixed delay (h), Q24 = anticipated total daily intersection flow
(veh/24-h), R = ratio of minor to total flow (daily average), and Dg =average geometric delay per vehicle
(hundredths of a minute) obtained from the empirical equation D = 0.432 V- 15.5 in which V is the
average of the mean of the approach and exit speeds (km/h).
where D24 c = total anticipated 24-hour congestion delay (h), Q24 = anticipated total daily intersection
flow (veh/24 h), P3 = ratio of flow in the three highest hours to the 24-hour flow, and Q, = 0.8K(~W +
A'/-,). Here ~W = sum of the basic road widths used by traffic in both directions on all approaches (m), A
= area within the intersection outline (including islands) which lies outside the area of the basic
crossroads (m2), and K = site factor depended on the roundabout type and arms, e.g. 60 for a single-
island three-arm roundabout.

Traffic signal-controlled intersections

Intersections under traffic signal control operate on the basis that separate time periods are allotted to
conflicting traffic movements so that each can make safe and efficient use of the carriageway space
available. Traffic signals are usually installed only at at-grade intersections in built-up areas.

Advantages/disadvantages of traffic signal control

Properly installed and operated signals have the following advantages:

- they are accepted by the public as providing for the orderly movement of vehicles and pedestrians at
conflict locations

- they reduce the frequency of vehicle-pedestrian and right-angle vehicle-vehicle accidents

- they can increase the traffic-handling capacities of congested non-signalized intersections

-they can be programmed to increase the people-handling capacities of intersections (by giving priority
to pedestrians and public transport vehicles)

-under conditions of favorable intersection spacing they can be coordinated to provide for nearly
continuous vehicle progression through intersections in linked or area-wide urban traffic control

-they can be programmed to give priority to movements through particular arms of an intersection

-their capital costs and land take needs are usually less than for roundabouts of similar capacity.

Disadvantages of traffic signals include:

-they usually result in an increase in rear-end vehicle collisions (more so with fixed time signals than
vehicle-actuated ones)

-they can increase total delay (and operating costs) to vehicles, particularly in uncongested non-peak
-signal installations need to be continuously maintained and their operations monitored

-signal failure, although infrequent, can lead to serious and widespread traffic difficulties especially
during peak traffic periods.


The decision as to whether a traffic signal should be used at a particular intersection depends very much
upon the conditions prevailing at the site, such as:

-the type of intersection (Note: three- or five-way intersections are better treated by roundabouts than
by traffic signals, especially when the flows are balanced and the junction is Y-shaped)

-how close the intersection is to the next intersection(s), and whether it is within the linking orbit of an
urban traffic control scheme. (Note: About two out of every five traffic signals in Britain are eventually
expected to be part of area-wide schemes)

378 Intersection design and capacity

-the number and types of accident previously experienced (if it is an existing intersection)

-the speed, volume and composition of vehicular traffic. (Note: On well trafficked dual carriageways, for
similar flows on both roads a signalized intersection will generally have more accidents than a
roundabout ~)

- the (turning) destinations of the traffic. (Note: When the proportion of right-turning vehicles (in Britain)
is greater than, say, 30--40 per cent a roundabout may be preferred)

- the volumes of pedestrians and cyclists. (Note: Traffic signals represent much less of a hazard for
cyclists than roundabouts)

- the site topography. (Note: Signalized intersections located on the crests of hills may be difficult to
perceive for drivers approaching uphill while those following steep downhill approaches will require
carriageway surfacing with high skid resistance)

-the land takes available.

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