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Self-Management Skills: Class IX

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Class IX Self-Management Skills

1. Introduction

Self-Management refers to management of or by oneself; taking of responsibility for one's own

behavior and well-being. It also means managing yourself with the people and resources around you.
It aims at conducting oneself for the greater good of the individual, family and the society. A Self-
managed person not only manages himself well but also behaves responsibly towards people around.
Self- Management is needed by everyone around us and it is needed in all stages and walks of life.
Self-managed person is like a tree who is taking care of itself and is also helping others to lead a
comfortable life.

The reasons behind promotion of self-management are as follows:

1. We do not want the individual to be dependent on anybody else, when life poses dilemmas
or difficult situations.
2. Self-management instills self-confidence in individual to deal with his or her life and develop
ways to tackle his or her own problems.
3. Self-management provides a long term and sustainable mechanism of handling personal life.

Self-management is exhibited by our

habits, manners, knowledge, intentions
and our deeds. Good habits like brushing
teeth, taking bath, eating balanced diet and
getting up and sleeping at right time every
day, helps us maintain good health and
physique. Good manners like being kind
and friendly, helping others, being a good Manners Intention
listener, respecting, sharing, saying please
and thank you, are key to maintaining good
relations with others. Being responsible for
knowledge acquisition and learning Self-
increases self-esteem and develops an Management Deeds
inquisitive mindset and curious approach.
Good intentions guide us to do the right
things. They help us identify the right path
and right approach to handle situations.
A good deed done to help others is worth
more than a Fig 1: Exhibitors of Self-Management
million good words spoken. All these elements together
exhibit, how well an individual manages himself.

2. Positive Results of Self-Management

Parents, teachers and guardians are not always along the child to guide him/ her. In that case
principles of self-management guide the individual day in and day out, on how to respond to the
environmental forces. These environmental forces for students can be the class schedule,
assignments, competitions, exams, different students and their behavior etc. Students can sail through
various situations in life comfortable by taking following benefits from self-management…

• It guides individuals to self-monitor their conduct and behavior

Students, once become aware that they are responsible for their behavior, they become pro-
o Prepares individual to complete the task independently.
o Instills ownership to the task and
the consequences amongst
• It helps in self-evaluation Self- monitor

Self-management makes individuals

realize that they need to do course
correction by themselves if they do not
get desired goals. Once the goals are
achieved as desired, it also motivates
individuals. Self- Self-
o Helps in setting individual goals evaluation reinforcement

o Directs evaluation of
performance, objective resetting
and enhances self-esteem.
• It leads to self – reinforcement of positive behavior
Self-management reinforces appropriate behavior of students as per the time, situation and
people involved. It motivates individuals to take up right things and refrains from getting
indulged into negative things, keeping long term consequences in focus.
o Enforces self-learning for goal achievement
o Self-reliance is enhanced and which reinforces the behavior.

3. Self-Management Skills
Following are the self-management skills that individuals should possess to enjoy the fruits of self-

3.1 Self Confidence

It refers to trusting one capabilities and potentialities to achieve the necessary goals,
objectives and challenges in life and being worthy of leading a happy life.
o Initiating a new activity, like writing a blog can boost your confidence
3.2 Stress Management
It refers to a state of psychological tension and discomfort originating from unforeseen,
difficult, confusing and challenging situations.

o Doing homework well in time, will give you more free time which you can enjoy
without the shadow of homework hanging on you.
3.3 Independent Working
This typically means is when an individual is assigned a task(s), he/she takes ownership and
doesn't require constant assistance or supervision to complete that task(s).
o Preparing for a test, a competition or learning something new on your own shall help
enhance self-reliance.
3.4 Team Player
A person who conforms well with norms of a team and contributes to the attainment of the
common goals in an efficient and effective way is called as a team player.
o While doing a group project, you can develop your team work skills as well as you can
learn from someone else
3.5 Time Management
It is conscious effort to prioritize task according to the time at hand to increase productivity,
efficiency and effectiveness.
o While studying, you need to plan for sports and
relaxation activities. Proper time management for all
of them will leave you with more positive energy.
3.6 Self-Motivation
Motivation is defined as a driving force responsible to do
something. The students who are motivated to achieve their
academic goal, their future is much better than others.
o Making lists and study notes in advance
3.7 Personality management
General neatness, grooming, appropriate dressing, apt verbal and non-verbal communication
are components of good personality.
o Dressing in a prim proper way for school, friend’s place or for playground creates good
and favorable impression.

4. Self-Confidence
Realistic belief and trust of an individual in one’s own judgement, capabilities and worthiness is self-

Factors that help in building self confidence

• Social
Interactions with family and social environment, like friends, relatives, teachers and media
influences self-confidence of individuals. Development of confidence on self is a process which
results from the experiences of individuals while interacting with others.
• Cultural
Cultural factors comprise of values, beliefs and customs. Indians give higher importance to
family values, believe in the philosophy of “Vasudhev Kutumbhkam” and follow custom of
celebrating Diwali. Conforming to cultural values, beliefs and customs enhances self-

• Physical
Physical self-efficacy, physical activity and social physique anxiety are found to be influencing
self-confidence of individuals. Physical activity is found to be directly related to self-
confidence. Physical self-efficacy refers to physical potential to complete a given task. Social
physique anxiety is a concern amongst individuals about perceived evaluation of one’s
physical self by the society.

5. Self-Confidence Building Tips

Mind is like a fertile land, if you do not plant good thoughts there, weeds are bound to grow.

• Getting rid of negative thoughts

Going away from negative thoughts takes individuals closer to a peaceful positive mind. To
travel away from negative thoughts, individuals need to involve themselves in an activity –
take a walk, draw, sing, dance, chat, watch, read or talk.

• Thinking positively
Positive thinking brings brain to a peaceful stance and increases productivity and
performance. When individuals start thinking positively, they feel happy from within and their
self-confidence boosts up.
• Staying happy with small things
An individual who is full of gratitude for every small blessing in his life feels contended. Being
thankful towards people and the world, instills confidence in individuals.
• Staying clean, hygienic and smart
Personal hygiene is the first key to a confident person. Keeping hair, teeth, fingers, body and
skin clean and well maintained is an easy and effective way to be at best.
• Chatting with positive people
Interacting with positive people brings forth a fresh and progressive perspective to life. People
in similar stages of life go through similar issues. Some positively handle these situations, and
interacting with them shall help boost confidence.

A 1, A2

Lets’ Do It !!

Hands on exercises to understand the concept better

2 sessions

Session A. Identification of self-management Skills(Strength and Weakness Analysis)

Strengths Weakness Steps taken to overcome Steps planned

weakness for overcoming

Session B. Skit on building self confidence

a. Using positive metaphors/words

b. Positive stroking on wake up and before going to bed
c. Helping others and working for community
Suggested topics:
a) The day my mother/ parents/teacher felt proud of me
b) One beautiful/memorable day of my life


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