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Diploma in Financial Business Informatics

AY 2011 / 2012 Level 3 Apr Semester


<Report Title>

Class Group: C2__

Team Name:
Team Leader Name: Admin No:

Team Member Name: Admin No:

Date of Submission:
Word Count of Executive Summary:
Table of Contents

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................3
1.2 Purpose.............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Operational Risks..............................................................................................................3
2 Literature Review....................................................................................................................4
3 Proposed Framework...............................................................................................................4
3 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................4
4 References................................................................................................................................5
Appendix A - Weekly Progress Report (FILA Chart).....................................................................6
Appendix B – Weekly Summary of Research.................................................................................8
Appendix C – Reflective Journal.....................................................................................................9
Executive Summary

1. Introduction

The introduction part can be divided into sub sections as shown below:

1.1 Background

Describe the background of the task given to the Risk Management Department of Traders Bank

1.2 Purpose

Describe the purpose of this executive summary.

1.3 Operational Risks

Describe the operational risks currently faced by Traders Bank Ltd.

1.4 Regulatory / Standard

Describe the regulatory / standard that governs Traders Bank in term of information / processes
related to the business information.
2 Literature Review

List out the sources of your weekly research and make comparison of at least TWO (2) sources
on similarities and differences. In addition, you are expected to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of each sources used.

3 Proposed Framework

The proposed framework can be divided into sub sections as shown below:

2.1 Overview

Provide illustration of the proposed framework with its explanation.

2.2 Benefits of the Framework

Describe how the proposed framework will address Traders Bank’s operational risks and how
the proposed framework will lead to the compliance of regulatory / standard that governs Traders
Bank in term of information / processes related to the business information.

3 Conclusion

Conclude that the proposed framework will benefit the Traders Bank and thus, your Risk
Management Department are seeking Board of Governance approval to implement the proposed
risk information framework.
4 References

Use APA format to list out all the references of your literature reviews. Index the references
and state the reference index in your literature review pages. For example:

I. Operational Risk Definition, retrieved from, on 14 April 2011. (i.e. see the
literature review example)
Appendix A - Weekly Progress Report (FILA Chart)

Please include week 1 to week 7 FILA Charts, so that tutor can see your team’s weekly progress.
For example,

Week: __1__

Facts Ideas Learning Issues Action Plan

1. Traders Bank has no 1. To design Risk 1. No idea. 1. Search for book in

Risk Information Information Updates: library to find out
Framework to address Framework. added. We still the definition of
their operational risks. Updates: added. have no idea at Operational Risks.
Updates: added. 2. The framework this point of Updates: person in-
2. Framework has to has to address time. Waiting charge: A.
comply with the related Bank’s for the 2. Search for book in
regulatory/standards. operational findings from library to find out
Updates: added. risks. Updates: action plan. the definition of
added. Risk Information
Updates: person in-
charge: B.
Week: __2__

Facts Ideas Learning Issues Action Plan

1. Traders Bank has 1. To design Risk 1. No idea. Updates: 1. Search for book in
no Risk Information Information removed because it library to find out
Framework to Framework. is not relevant to the definition of
address their Updates: keep. the facts. Operational Risks.
operational risks. 2. The framework 2. How to design Updates:
Updates: keep. has to address Risks Information Completed - A has
2. Framework has to Bank’s Framework that completed this task
comply with the operational will address and shared his
related risks. Updates: Traders Bank’s findings to team
regulatory/standards keep. Operational Risks? members.
. Updates: keep. 3. The framework Updates: added. 2. Search for book in
has to comply library to find out
with Basel II the definition of
Note: please do NOT
standards. Risk Information
keep changing the facts
Updates: Framework.
because your ideas,
added. Updates: In
action plan and
progress - B has not
learning issues will be
completed this task.
3. Search for ejournal
in library to find
out more about
Basel II standards.
Updates: person in-
charge: B.
Appendix B – Weekly Summary of Research

Action for Week: <1> Completed on Week: <2>

Team Member Name: <Eric Tay>

Title: <Definition of Operational Risks>


<Start of summary: Operational Risks is xxx>

References #: <I> (i.e. this must be linked to the Executive Summary’s References section)
Appendix C – Reflective Journal

Team Member Name:

<Start of reflective Journal: xxx>

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