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Maintenance Schedule of Stenter Machine: Objects

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Maintenance Schedule of Stenter Machine

1. To observe the machine.

2. To learn about the controlling points.

3. To know about the mechanism.

4. Overall maintenance of tank.

Main parts:
1. Feed roller

2. Guide roller

3. Horizontal clip

4. Fan

5. Motor

Utilities used:
1. Water

2. Steam

3. Electricity

Controlling points:
1. Motor rpm

2. Proper movement of the rollers

3. Proper grip by clips

4. Proper gearing and fabric path

5. Temperature

6. Proper fan speed

7. Guide roller movement

8. Proper width adjust


1. To adjust the length and width of the fabric

2. To dry the fabric

3. To give the dimensional stability of the fabric

4. Used for heat setting

5. Used for straightening of weft or course yarn

Maintenance schedule:


01. Steam pressure regulator checking Every hour

02. Cleaning of the feed & guide rollers Every batch unloaded

03. Checking the hearting system Everyday

04. Checking the motor and electric connection Weekly

05. Greasing and oiling in roller bearings and gears Weekly

06. Cleaning the steam inlet and outlet pipe Weekly

07. Checking the blower fan Every hour

08. Checking the efficiency of fabric tensioner and clips Every hour

09. Checking the inlet and outlet valves Everyday

10. Cleaning the exhaust system Weekly

Maintenance Schedule Of Calendering

1. To observe the machine.

2. To learn about the controlling points.

3. To know about the mechanism.

4. Overall maintenance of tank.

Main parts :
1. Guide roller

2. Tension roller

3. Scutcher roller

4. Bowl

5. Free roller

6. Wooden roller

7. Swing roller

Controlling points :
1. Bowl: Calendering machine is a finishing machine. It is used after the bleaching , dyeing etc

processes. The bowl is used to press the fabric. Before coming in this machine the fabric

remain wet. So, the bowl controls the whole process by pressing the fabric

2. Wooden roller speed: If the wodden roller speed is high then the fabric will move quickly.

Utilities :
1. Steam

2. Electricity

Maintenance schedule :



01. Steam pressure regulator checking Every hour

02. Cleaning of the cylinders Every batch unloaded

03. Checking the water pipe Everyday

04. Checking the motor and electric connection Weekly

05. Greasing and oiling in roller bearings and gears Weekly

06. Cleaning the steam inlet and outlet pipe Weekly

07. Checking the bowl Every hour

08. Checking the efficiency of fabric tension roller Every hour

09. Checking the inlet and outlet valves Everyday

Proper maintenance makes a machine run its full life the. So learning the machine was a lifelong
experience , Which will be useful in our job life.

Preventive Maintenance in Blow Room;

It means to attend and check the machines regularly and systematically and defects are
discovered and remedied before they cause a need for, major repair and before the wear &
tear of the machine starts affecting the quality and production,
  Parts to be inspected Rating &  Action taken
Remarks Repaired/replaced
Check the condition of:

1 spikes on lattice If the part is defective,

write  "poor & needs
&lattice   tension Correction" in the rate &
Remark column.

2 Striking edge of all the beaters

3 Feed roller weighting & its setting The parts that are replaced
with beater. or repaired   will    be
entered by maintenance
4 Position of damper & air current in
the cage.
5 Sharpness of blade/spike/pins Importance of maintenance
of   beater. in Blow Room.

6 Stripping rail setting in beater.

7 Function of P.E. cell swing door  & If   a     serious breakdown

other feed control mechanisms. occur in Blow

8 Condition   of   pedal feed   control

9 Calender Roller bearing & Room, a high   proportion

its weighting.
of a Mills production will
10 Racks condition & Effectiveness be stopped causing the
of brake. subsequent process to   be

11 Timing and synchronisation of short of material.

auto doffing mechanism. This can be avoided to

12 Lap length measuring motion. some extent by a thorough

13 Lap hardening Mechanism. inspection and systematic

14 Lubrication system Programme

of   maintenance.

15 Al1 bearings-condition. which can also helps to

16 Belt,     gear,    chain,    Robe & reduce     the      1ap

all driving connection. irregularities and improve

17 Motor & its pulley condition. the cleaning efficiency.

18 Roller vibration/ Eccentricity

19 Speed & settings.

20 Pan whether chocked with dust,

or not.

21 R.H.% & Temp condition.

22 Ratio of fan to beater speed &

Air current.

23 Robe & Bls tension.

24 All nuts, Bolts, screws-tightening

25 Check for any rough places on

various rollers or calenders

Routine Maintenance in Blow Room: It means to

attend the machine and maintenance work is carried
out as per the maintenance schedule so as to maintain
the Machine in perfect condition with minimum wear
& tear.

Nature of
operation                                                              Frequency

1. Dismantling -Checking- thorough

cleaning & resetting of
i) Cage Unit, ii) Lap doffing
unit                                  Every month

iii) Lap measuring Motion

iv) Lap hardening
v) Piano feed regulating

2. Cleaning of grid bar Every shift

3. Removal of droppings from

the grid bar. Twice per Shift

4. Straightening of bent pins of Whenever needs

kirschner beater and
sharpening the
beater blade.

5. Polishing of grid bar. 6 months

6. reversal of beater blade. 1 year

7. Re dressing of beater blade 2 year

8. Clean inside the cage each shift.

9. Applying Black-lead powder
inside the
cage periodically

10 . General cleaning .15 days

11 . Lubrication of all the gear Daily & greasing at

&. bearing. the time of frame

12 correct the leakage places in the

entire pneumatic duct line. Every week.

Maintenance Schedule Of Exhaust/Jigger

Dyeing Machine
1. To know the different parts of the machine

2. To understand the mechanism of the machine

3. To learn the operation of the machine

4. To find out the main maintenance points of the machine

Main parts:
1. Auxiliary roller

2. Guide roller

3. Take up roller

4. Let off roller

5. Steam channel
6. Dye bath

Utilities required:
1. Water

2. Steam

3. Electricity

1. Motor rpm: motor rpm should check to maintain the proper revolution as we need.

2. Proper movement of roller: every free roller should move freely as required. We need to

ensure the free movement of these rollers.

3. Correct take up & let off: we have to look at the smooth take up of dyed fabric and proper

let off of grey fabric with out excessive tension in dyeing.

4. Proper concentration of liquor: without even concentration of dyeing liquor even shade

would not be achieved. Proper concentration of dye bath is necessary to ensure even and

proper shade.

5. Temperature of bath: proper temperature of the dye bath should maintain constantly and

should rise and lower evenly with the gradient as require.

6. Roller movement: different roller like feed roller, let off roller etc should move smoothly as

Fig: diagram of a jet dyeing machine.
1. Used in case of semi continuous dyeing

2. Suitable for woven dyeing

3. Not suitable for dyeing at high temperature and high pressure

Maintenance schedule:



01. Steam pressure regulator checking Every hour

02. Cleaning of the machine Every batch unloaded

03. Checking the water pipe Everyday

04. Checking the motor and electric connection Weekly

05. Greasing and oiling in roller bearings and gears Weekly

06. Cleaning the steam inlet and outlet pipe Weekly

07. Checking the flow of water Every hour

08. Checking the efficiency of immersion roller Every hour

09. Checking the inlet and outlet valves Everyday

Maintenance Schedule of Bleaching Tank

1. To observe the m/c.

2. To learn about the controlling points.

3. To know about the mechanism

4. Overall maintenance of the bleaching tank.

Main Parts:
1. Acid tank

2. Bleaching mixture tank.

3. Winch roller.

4. Eye pot.

5. Winch

6. Valve
Maintenance Points:
1. Wood vessel: The mixing or processing unit will be wood otherwise metal may react with


2. Proper Mixing Tank: We have to maintain proper mixing of acid, water etc. For proper

mixing, proper controlling of valve of that tank is required.

3. Proper motor maintenance: Motor should be properly maintained; otherwise correct power

cannot be generated. So action of flow will be improper.

4. Feed pipe control: Feed pipe should be restless & without leakage. So, we have to proper

control of feed pipe.

5. Shower Pipe: In the upper of the bleaching tank there is a shower. It has to be properly

perforated to come out the solution.

6. Winch roller: The winch roller will also be perfect as it running smoothly without any steady

motion. So it is also be maintained.

7. Valve maintenance: Different valve if it is leakage or rusty then it will more problem in

mixing no other flow of liquid. So it will be properly maintained.

Maintenance schedule:



01. Water pressure regulator checking Every hour

02. Cleaning of the mixing tank Every batch unloaded

03. Checking the spray shower Everyday

04. Checking the motor and electric connection Weekly

05. Greasing and oiling in roller bearings and gears Weekly

06. Cleaning the water & waste inlet and outlet pipe Weekly

07. Checking the flow of water Every hour

08. Checking the efficiency of winch Monthly

09. Checking the inlet and outlet valves Everyday

Doing this experiment we knew about the maintenance of bleaching tank. Surely this experiment will
be helpful for our future professional life.

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