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Exercise 4: Self-Organizing Maps: Articial Neural Networks and Other Learning Systems, 2D1432

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Articial Neural Networks and other Learning Systems,


Exercise 4:
Self-Organizing Maps

1 Objectives
When you are nished you should understand:

• the dierent components in the SOM algorithm

• the role of the neighborhood
• how SOM-networks can be used to fold high-dimensional spaces
• how SOM-networks can be used to cluster data

2 Introduction
Self-Organising Maps (SOM) are networks which map points in the input space
to points in an output space while preserving the topology. Topology preserva-
tion means that points which are close in the input space should also be close
in the output space. Normally, the input space is of high dimension while the
output is one- or two-dimensional.
This kind of network is particularly useful in situations where complex high-
dimensional data needs to be presented in a form understandable for humans.
Visual information is essentially two-dimensional, and it is often desirable to
organise data in planar graphs or tables.
In this exercise you will implement the core algorithm of SOM and use it for
three dierent tasks. The rst is to order objects (animals) in a sequential order
according to their attributes. The second is to nd a circular tour which passes
ten prescribed points in the plane. The third is to make a two-dimensional map
over voting behaviour of members of the swedish parliament. In all three cases
the algorithm is supposed to nd a low-dimensional representation of higher-
dimensional data.

2.1 The SOM algorithm

The basic algorithm is fairly simple. For each training example:

1. Calculate the similarity between the input pattern and the weights arriving
at each output node.
2. Find the most similar node; often referred to as the winner.
3. Select a set of output nodes which are located close to the winner in the
output grid. This is called the neighborhood.

4. Update the weights of all nodes in the neighborhood such that their
weights are moved closer to the input pattern.
We will now go through these steps in somewhat more detail.

Measuring similarity
Similarity is normally measured by calculating the euclidian distance between
the input pattern and the weight vector. Note that this means that the weights
are not really used as proper weights, i.e. they are not multiplied with the input.
If we have the input pattern x̄ and the i'th output node has a weight vector w̄i ,
then the distance for that output node is
di = (x̄ − w̄i )T · (x̄ − w̄i )

We only need to nd out which output node has the minimal distance to
the input pattern. The actual distance values are not interesting, therefore we
can skip the square root operation to save some computer time. The same node
will still be the winner.

The neighborhood denes the set of output nodes close enough to the win-
ner to get the privilige of having its weights updated. It is important not to
confuse the distances in the previous step with the distances in the neighbor-
hood calculation. Earler we talked about distances in the input space, while
the neighborhood is dened in terms of the output space. The output nodes
are arranged in a grid, see gures 1 and 2. When a winning node has been
found, the neighborhood constitutes the surrounding nodes in this grid. In a
one-dimensional grid, the neighbors are simply the nodes where the index dif-
fers less than a prescribed amount. In the two-dimensional case, is is normally
sucient to use a so called Manhattan distance, i.e. to add the absolute values
of the index dierences in row and column directions.
One important consideration is how large the neighborhood should be. The
best strategy is normally to start o with a rather large neighborhood and grad-
ually making it smaller. The large neighborhood at the beginning is necessary
to get an overall organization while the small neighborhood at the end makes
the detailed positioning correct. Often some trial-and-error experimenting is
needed to nd a good strategy for handling the neighborhood sizes.
In one of the tasks in this exercise you will need a circular one-dimensional
neighborhood. This means that nodes in one end of the vector of output nodes

Figure 1: SOM network structure for mapping a 6-dimensional input (left) to
a 1-dimensional grid (right). All input nodes are connected to all output nodes
but in the gure, only connections to one particular output node are shown.
The algorithm picks the output node which has the shortest distance between
the input pattern and its weight vector. The weights are then updated for this
winning node and for its neighbours in the output grid.

are close to those in the other end. This can be achieved by modifying how
dierences between indices are calculated.

Weight modication
Only the nodes suciently close to the winner, i.e. the neighbours, will have
their weights updated. The update rule is very simple: the weight vector is
simply moved a bit closer to the input pattern:

w̄i ← w̄i + η(x̄ − w̄i )

where η is the step size. A reasonable step size in these tasks is η = 0.2.
Now it is time to start with the three tasks. You will have to write the
central parts of the algorithm yourself. Remember that Matlab is good at
handling vectors and matrices so try to avoid dealing with individual elements.
The main learning loop can be written in less than 20 lines.

Presentation of the result

After learning, the weight vectors will represent the positions in the input space
where the output nodes give maximal response. However, this is normally not
what we want to show. It is often much more interesting to see where dierent
input patterns end up in the output grid. In these examples we will use the
training patterns also for probing the resulting network. Thus, we loop through
the input patterns once more, but this time we only calculate the winning node.
Depending on the type of data, dierent techniques can then be used to present
the mapping from pattern to grid index. In the rst example you will sort the
patterns in order of winner indices; in the last example you will use color to
visualize where dierent input patterns end up.

Figure 2: SOM network structure for mapping a 6-dimensional input (left) to a
2-dimensional grid (right). Like in gure 1, only the connections to one of the
output nodes are shown.

3 Topological Ordering of Animal Species

The SOM algorithm can be used to assign a natural order to objects each
characterized only by a large number of attributes. This is done by letting
the SOM algorithm create a topological mapping from the high-dimensional
attribute space to a one-dimensional output space.
As sample data, we will use a simple database of 32 animal species where
each animal is characterized by 84 binary attributes. The SOM network will
take these 84 values as input and the output will be 100 nodes arranged in a
one-dimensional topology, i.e. in a linear sequence.
The SOM network will be trained by showing the attribute vector of one
animal at a time. The SOM algorithm should now be able to create a mapping
onto the 100 output nodes such that similar animals tend to be close while
dierent animals tend to be further away along the sequence of nodes. In order
to get this one-dimensional topology, the network has to be trained using a
one-dimensional neighbourhood.
In the directory for this lab (/info/ann05/labbar/lab4) there is a Matlab
le animals.m with all the animal data. This le denes the 32 × 84 matrix
props where each row contains the attributes of one animal. There is also a
vector snames with the names of the animals in the same order. This vector
will only be used to print out the nal ordering in a more readable format.

3.1 Your task

Your task is to write the core algorithm in Matlab. Use a weight matrix of size
100 × 84 initialized with random numbers between zero and one (hint: use the
function rand). Use an outer loop to train the network for about 20 epochs,
and an inner loop which loops through the 32 animals, one at a time.
For each animal you will have to pick out the corresponding row from the
props matrix. This can be done using the Matlab statement p = props(a,:)
where a is the row index. Then nd the row of the weight matrix with the
shortest distance to this attribute vector (p). Note that you can not use a

scalar product since the attribute vectors are not normalized. Therefore you
have to take the dierence between the two vectors and calculate the length of
this dierence vector. (Hint: the Matlab function min returns two values where
the second one is the index to the minimal value).
Once you have the index to the winning node, it is time to update the
weights. Update the weights so that they come a bit closer to the input pat-
tern. A suitable step size is 0.2. Note that only weights to the winning node and
its neighbours should be updated. The neighbours are in this case the nodes
with an index close to that of the winning one. You should start with a large
neighbourhood and gradually make it smaller. Make the size of the neighbour-
hood depend on the epoch loop variable so that you start with a neighbourhood
of about 50 and end up close to one or zero.
Finally, you have to print out the result, i.e. the animals in a natural order.
Do this by looping through all animals once more, again calculating the index
of the winning output node. Save these indices in a 32 element vector pos.
By sorting this vector we will get the animals in the desired order. If we save
the permutation vector from the sorting we can print the names of the animals
using these statements:

[dummy, order] = sort(pos);

Check the resulting order. Does it make sense? If everything works, animals
next to each other in the listing should always have some similarity between
them. Insects should typically be grouped together, separate from the dierent
cats, for example.

4 Cyclic Tour
In the previous example, the SOM algorithm in eect positioned a one-dimensional
curve in the 84-dimensional input space so that it passed close to the places
where the training examples were located. We will now use the same technique
to layout a curve in a two-dimensional plane so that it passes a set of points.
In fact, we can interprete this as a variant of the TSP (travelling sales-person)
problem. The training points correspond to the cities and the curve corresponds
to the tour. With some luck, the SOM algorithm will be able to nd a fairly
short route which passes all cities.
The actual algorithm is very similar to what you implemented in the previons
task. In fact, you might be able to reuse much of the code. The main dierences

• The input space has two dimensions instead of 84. The output grid should
have 10 nodes, corresponding to the ten cities used in this example.

• The neighbourhood should be circular since we are looking for a circular

tour. When calculating the neighbours you have to make sure that the
rst and the last output node are treated as next neighbours.

• The size of the neighbourhood must be smaller, corresponding to the

smaller number of output nodes. It is reasonable to start with a neigh-
bourhood size of 2 and then change it to 1 and nally zero.

• When presenting the result, it is better to plot the suggested tour graph-
ically than to sort the cities.

The location of the ten cities is dened in the le cities.m which denes
the 10 × 2 matrix city. Each row contains the coordinates of one city (value
between zero and one).
If you use a 10 × 2 matrix w to store the weights, then the following code
can be used to plot both the tour and the training points:

tour = [w;w(1,:)];

5 Data Clustering: Votes of MPs

The le votes.m contains data about how all 349 members of the swedish par-
liament did vote in the 31 rst votes during 20042005. There are also three
additional les mpparty.m, mpsex.m and mpdistrict.m with information about
the party, gender and district of each member of parliament (MP). Finally, there
is a le mpnames.txt with the names of the MPs. Your task is to use the SOM
algorithm to position all MPs on a 10 × 10 grid according to their votes.
By looking at where the dierent parties end up in the map you should be
able to see if the MP's votes actually reect the traditional leftright scale, and
if there is a second dimension as well. You should be able to see which parties
are far apart and which are close.
By looking at the distribution of female and male MPs you could get some
insight into whether MPs tend to vote dierently depending on their gender.
You can also see if there is a tendency for MPs from dierent districts to vote
systematically dierent.
The le votes.m denes a 349 × 31 matrix votes. Each row corresponds to
a specic MP and each column to a specic vote. The elements are zero for a
no-vote and one for a yes-vote. Missing votes (abstrained or non-present) are
represented as 0.5.
You should use the SOM algorithm to nd a topological mapping from the
31-dimensional input space to a 10 × 10 output grid. The network should be
trained with each MPs votes as training data. If all works well, voting patterns
that are similar will end up close to each other in the 10 × 10 map.

5.1 Useful Matlab tricks

Indexing output units

The output nodes are conceptually arranged in a two-dimensional grid. Still, it
may be easier to write the algorithm itself so that all the nodes are represented
in a vector, using a single index. The Matlab function reshape can be used to
transform between the two representations. For example, you can calculate the
indices in the two-dimensional grid and store them i two vectors like this:

[x,y]= meshgrid([1:10],[1:10]);
xpos = reshape(x, 1, 100);
ypos = reshape(y, 1, 100);

Now, you can write, e.g. xpos(winner) to get the x-position in the grid of
the winner node.

Displaying the results

By locating the winning output node for each training example, i.e. for each
member of parliament (MP), you can build a 349-element vector, pos, where
each element is a number between 1 and 100. Using these two statements:

a = ones(1,100)*350;
a(pos) = 1:349;
you will get a vector a where each element corresponds to one output node and
contains the index to an MP who belongs to that position. In fact, several MPs
may end up at the same output node and this code will simply keep the last
one. Nodes which never win will have the index number 350 (remember: there
are only 349 MPs).
Load the le mpparty.m which denes a vector mpparty with the party for
each MP. The parties are coded with numbers from 1 to 7. The following code
will add a 350'th element and then draw a colored map of where the parties
have ended up.

The +1 is needed because the image function plots both index zero and one
as black. The colors codes for the dierent parties are dened in the mpparty.m
By replacing mpparty with mpsex or mpdistrict, you can look at the distri-
bution of women versus men or the distribution of the dierent voting districts,

Good luck!

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