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Department of Management


The challenges and Prospects of MIS in banking sector in cas of Wegagen

Bank (Aksum town).

Prepared by: Melak Guadie

ID.No 431/07

Advisor Name: G\MEDIN. D

Aksum, Ethiopia

MAY 2017
First and most I would like thank my almighty God for his protection and help me every step of
my life and success in my work. Secondly, I would like to thank my advisor Mr. G/MEDIN. D

(MBA) for his advise constructive comment and guidance from the beginning up to ends of this
study. Lastly, I would like to thank the managers of Wegagen bank for his giving of necessary
information and I would like my lovely friends for their moral and academic support.

This study was concern to assess the impact of management information system to enhance the
performance of banking industry in Aksum branch. The focus of this study was to identify the
basic impact and current contributions of MIS in Wegagen bank in Aksum branch. The relevant
data’s were collected from primary and secondary source and it was used open and close ended
questionnaires and interview to collect primary data from respondents. The researcher was use
descriptive research design census technique to collect information from the total populations of
Wegagen bank of Aksum branch. The researcher was processed the collected data through
editing and coding and analysis by using tabulation and percentage and finally the researcher
was conduct conclusion and recommendation Wegagen bank of Aksum branch about the impact
of management information system to enhance their performance




Table of contents.............................................................................................................................iii

List of tables....................................................................................................................................iv


CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................1

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

1.1. Background of the study...................................................................................................1

1.2. Statement of the problem..................................................................................................2

1.3. Research question.............................................................................................................2

1.4. Objectives of the study......................................................................................................3

1.4.1. General objectives.....................................................................................................3

1.4.2. Specific objectives.....................................................................................................3

1.5. Significance of the study...................................................................................................3

1.6. Scope of the study.............................................................................................................3

1.7. Limitation of the study......................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................................5

2. Literature review......................................................................................................................5

2.1. concept and definition of terms meaning of management....................................................5

2.2. Management information system and managerial functions................................................5

2.3. Management information system and managerial functions................................................5

2.4. What is an information system?........................................................................................6

2.5. Information requirement of an organization.....................................................................6

2.6. Information requirement of managers...............................................................................7

2.7. Types of information system.............................................................................................7

2.8. Information integration in business...................................................................................8

2.9. System concepts................................................................................................................8

2.10. Information technology.................................................................................................9

2.11. Importance of MIS (information technology)...............................................................9

2.12. The main role of MIS in business...............................................................................10

2.13. The role MIS in banking industry...............................................................................11

2.14. Impact of the management information system..........................................................11

2.15. The data base and data management system...............................................................12

2.16. What is data base.........................................................................................................12

2.17. Basic net work.............................................................................................................12

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................13

3. Research methodology...........................................................................................................13

3.1. Research design...................................................................................................................13

3.2. Source of data......................................................................................................................13

3.3. Sample design and population size.................................................................................13

3.4. Methods of data collection instruments..........................................................................13

3.5. Data analysis technique and interpretation.....................................................................14

4.1. Data presentation and analysis ……………………………………. 15

Table 4.1. Presentation of personal information …………………………. 15

Table 4.2. is the information’s system quality service delivery …………….. 17

Table 4.3 . the role of MIS for employee work performance………………. 18

Table 4.4. Problems of MIS in the organization…………………………….. 19

4.3.1. Open ended questionnaires......................................................................................21

4.2. Interview analysis...................................................................................................................21

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................................23

5. Summery, conclusion and Recommendation.........................................................................23

5.1. Summary.............................................................................................................................23

5.2. Conclusions.........................................................................................................................25

5.3. Recommendations...........................................................................................................26



List of tables
4.1. Data presentation and analysis ……………………………………. 15

Table 4.1. Presentation of personal information …………………………. 15

Table 4.2. is the information’s system quality service delivery …………….. 17

Table 4.3 . the role of MIS for employee work performance……………….


Table 4.4. Problems of MIS in the organization…………………………….. 19


MIS…………………………. Management information system

TPS ………………………….transaction processing system

DSS …………………………decision support system

ESS …………………………..Exclusive support system

1. Introduction

1.1. Back ground of the study

There was no consensus on the definition of Management information system (MIS)
some writer prefer alternative terminology such as information processing system.
Information and decision system of an organization information system refers to the
computer based information process system which supports the operations.
Management, and decision making function /B.davis and Holston, 2000).
Management information system provides managers with reports and in some case,
on line access in the organizational current performance and historical data record
management information system primarily service the function of planning,
controlling and decision making of management level.
Management information system is the term given to the discipline focused on the
integration of computer system with the aims and objectives on an organization, the
appropriate development and management of information system. Technology tools
of great help to the executives and management.
The management of information system and business data is the production of report
to be use as the tools for decision making.
The core objects of the management information system were to process data in to
information (B.Brien 2010).
Modern banks most respond to changes such as process automation, increase clients
expectation at the some bank must also manage risk harmonize there business
operation with the growing national and international regulation.

1.2. back ground of the organization

Wegagen bank was privately owned share company which started its operation on
Jun/16/1997 with subscribed capital of birr 60 million and paid capital of birr 30 million as
of Dec/31/2013 its paid up capital was birr 1.2 million and the total capital (including
premium and services) reached birr 1.8 billion while shareholders number stood 2.166 and

it has 90 branches from the total branches 43 are found in Addis Abebe and the remaining
47 are located in other cities and towns of the country.
To expand its service coverage, the bank was finalizing preparation to open additional
branches in Addis Abeba and other regional towns of the country.
Mission- To be one of the top 10 African banks in 2025.
Vision-becoming the most be preferred bank in Ethiopia.

1.3. Statement of the problem

In to days business world there are verities of information system such as TPs, Dss,
MIS and Ess etc each plays different role in the organization hierarch and decision
making process.
Organization has multiple function system such as sale system, call center financial
system and inventory system.
Management information system support the planning, control and operation function
of organizations uniform information system the reform produce information that
supports management function of an organization.
|Information considered to be important asset for any company in the modern
competing world was banking service and the customer buying trends and behavior
could been predicted by it analysis of sale and revenue report. for each operating
region the company, they failed the increasing complex demand by Clint and the
market the need for automatically business operation more efficient process
management and control contemporary bombing service the necessity of the study
would been on the challenge and prospect of management information system to
enhance to performance of banking industry, there were no abundant opinions and the
researcher would been conducted on the area from this consideration. (Georg
B.Dolvils and Margreth H.olso.2000).
This study to assess the challenged prospect of management information system
chance the performance of banking industry/ particular in Wegagen bank in Aksum

branch and the research would been analysis, conclude and recommended to the

1.4. Research question

1.How technologies can change the performance of Weganagen bank?
2. What are the advantages of management information system for banking service
improvement in bank of wegagen?
3. What are the problems related to management information system practice in Wegagen
4. How to measure the impact of MIS performance of Wegagen bank?

1.5. Objectives of the study

1.5.1. General objective

The main object of the study would been to investigate the challenge and the prospect
of management information system to enhance the performance of banking industry
in the case of Wegagen bank in Aksum branch.

1.5.2. Specific objective

1) To identify how technologies change the activities of Wegagen bank.
2) To identify the advantage of management information system for banking service
improvement in bank of Wegagen.
3) To assist the problem related to management information system practice in
Wegagen bank.
4) To measure the impact of MIS in the performance of wegagen bank.

1.5. Significance of the study

The researcher would be indicating the advantage of Management information system
in Wegagen bank Aksum branch.
It would be to solve the problem and forwarding possible solution to the problem.
And in addition to this it would be maintain the technologies that could be change the
performance of Wegagen bank and the activity of the employee. It would be
significance in the future for service delivering and customer satisfaction.
1.6. Delimitation / Scope of the study
Conceptually, the study would be focused on assessing the changing and prospects of
management information system to enhance the performance banking industry in case
of Wegagen bank of Aksum branch.
Geographically, the study would be focused on Wegagen bank which was found
integrity region (Aksum town).

1.7. Limitation of the study

During the condensing of the study some limitation are faces from different direction.
1) The most limitation of the studies was lack of experience of researcher of to
conduct the study.
2) The limitations of the study was also shortage of money and time of researcher to
conduct the study.
3) Another limitation that faced the researcher was un willingness of the respondents
to fill the questionaries.

1.8. Organization of the paper

The study would be organized in to five chapters, the first chapter deals with introduction
of the study which contain back ground, statement of the problem, objective, significance
and scope.

Chapter two also contain review of related literature, chapter three deals with research
methodology, chapter four deals with data analysis and discussion and finally chapter
five is contains conclusion and recommendation parts.


1. Literature review
2.1. Concept and definition of terms meaning of management
Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling of human and
other resources to achieve organizations goals efficiently and effectively. Organizations
resources include assets such as people and their sills, knowhow and experience,
machinery, raw materials, computers and information technology, and patents, financial
capital, and loyal customers and employees, R. Jones and M. jeprege, (2012).

2.2.Meaning Of Management information system.

The core job of MIS is to process data in to information. This information is them
communicated or directed to the various departments in an organization for appropriate
decision making.

2.3. Management information system and managerial functions

 MIS and planning: an MIS for planning enables the corporation to have a central
facility where large amount of information can be gathered and stored. This
information can be rapidly retrieved and updated to assist managers in decision

 MIS and staffing: the success or failure of an information services organization

rests primarily on the weight of its people. Many firms consider information
technology staff planning or recruiting, training, and refining qualified
information system personnel, as one of their greatest challenges.

 MIS and directing: MIS in directing is influencing people’s behavior through

motivation, communication, group dynamics, leadership and disciples.

 MIS and controlling: MIs in controlling is the management function, in which
managers set and communicate performance standards for people, process and

2.4. What is an information system?

An information system can be organized compunction of people, hard ware, soft ware
communication net work and data resources that collects, transfers and disseminates
information in an organization people have relied on information system to
communicate with each other suing with variety of physical device (hard ware)
information processing instruction and procedures (soft ware) communication
channels (net works) and stored data (data source) since the cause of civilization
(M.stair and W.reynolds. 2010).

2.5. Information requirement of an organization

Information is the data that has been processed in to meaning full format for use by
decision makers with o organization. Information is a vital resource to organization. Its
important in gradient in day to day operations and it is also use full as meaning of
communication with other organization and individuals. Historically the organizations
information needs were categorized as follows, (M. Stair and W.reynolds, 2010).

 Information for planning

 Information for controlling activities

 Information for monitoring performance

 Information for decision making

 Information for recording and processing transaction

 Information for communication

 This list tends to treat information as something to help management in the


2.6. Information requirement of managers
The information requirement of managers was depend on their specific role. Within
an organization, management is normally divided in to three different levels. These

 Strategically level of management: concerned with monitoring and controlling

organization as a whole making decisions in the areas such as opening new
shoes and factories or investment in new product lines is done at strategic
level. Managers concern is at a long term objectives and positions of the

 Tactical level management: are involved with implementing the decision of

strategic managers and ensuring that the different divisions or department
within the organization are operating correctly.

 Operational level of management: are responsible for control of day to day

operations of the organization. Reporting aeries or problems back to tactical
management for decision as necessary.

2.7. Types of information system

Each of management levels within an organization uses different types information
system is focused on the needs of management with in each level and so they have
different objectives contain and tend to present that information indifferent ways.

 Operational level: these systems are provided to support operational manager by

taking the individual transaction that occurs within an organization.

 Management level: it is designed to assist with the monitoring and control system.
They will tend to provide reports on an exception bases to support decision
making or more senior managements. Decision support system (DSS) is used to
provide this summary information while MIs provided summaries of the
transaction data for tops.

 Strategic level: strategic level system helps management addresses more long t
erm issues and problem. Such as the overall strategic direction and products, or
production plants the educative supports system will provide management with
summarized strategic information needed to make decision.

2.8. Information integration in business

For a business to be successful it needs to integrate information from all aspects of the
organization. Modern management techniques of just in time production and mass
customization require high degree of internal integration, as well as strong links to
suppliers and customers. Computer sue in most companies began with transaction
processing system because transaction system is structured and there is considerable
experience, it is logical place to begin, (Mstair and W. Reynolds, 2010).

2.9. System concepts

o System concept underline the field of information system understanding system
concepts would help to understand many other concepts in the technology,
application, and development, and management, information’s system, system is a
group of interrelated components working together towards a common goal by
accepting inputs and providing out puts an organization transformation process
such system (sometimes called a dynamic system) ahs three basic interacting
components or functions. (c.Laundonamdp. Lavdon, 2013).

o Inputs: involves capturing and assembling elements that inter the system to be
processed for example, raw materials energy, and data, human effort must be
cured and organized for processing.

o Processing: involves transformation process that converts breathing process or

mathematical calculation.

o Output: involves transforming elements that have been product by transformation

process to their ultimate destination for example, finished product, human
resources and management information must be transmitted to their uses.

Feed back and controls

The system concept becomes even more use full by including two additional components are
feedback and control. A system with feedback and control components is sometimes are called a
cybernetic system that is a self monitoring self regulating system.

- Feed back: is a data about the performance of a system for example, data about sales
performance is feed back to sales manager.

- Control: involves monitoring towards the achievements of its goal. The control function
that makes necessary adjustment to a systems input and processing components to ensure
that it produces roper output.

2.10. Information technology

Business professionals rely on many types of information system that use variety of
information technology computer based information system that use computer hard ware
and soft ware, the internet and other telecommunication net works, computer based data
resources management technology and many other computer based information
technologies to transform data resources in to endless variety of information products for
customer business professional.

2.11. Importance of MIS (information technology)

Revolutionary advances in information technology reinforce economic and social
changes that are transforming business and society. From this revolutionary emerges a
new kind of information economy. Information is the critical resources and basis for
completion of old ways and doing business would be challenged and sometimes differed.
This means with the passive time.

 Information revolution is occurring

 Information revolution magnifiers and accelerates economic


 Information fuels social transformation

2.12. The main role of MIS in business
The development and use of MIS in modern phenomenon concerned with the use of
appropriate information that will lead to better planning, better decision making and
better results. Information system is a professional and academic discipline concerned
with the strategic managerial and operational activities in the gathering, processing strong
distributing and using of information, and its associated technology in society and
organization information system are implemented within an organization for the purpose
of improving of the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. MIS is a process
that provides information needed to manage organizations effectively. Management
information’s are regarded to be subset of the overall internal control procedures in
business, which cooer the applications of people, documents, technologies and
procedures used by management accountants to solve business problems such as costing
a products, service or business wide strategy.

Instructions of MIS should be designed to achieve the following goals.

 Enhance communication among employees

 Delivery complex material through the institution

 Provide an objective system for rewarding and aggregating information

 Reduce expenses related to labor intensive manual activities

 Support the organizations strategic goals and direction. Because MIs supplies
decisions makers with factors, it supports and enhances the overall decision
making process. MIS also enhance job performance throughout the situation. MIs
have changed the dynamic of running business effectively
(>business>management and management corporation

2.13. The role MIS in banking industry

The role of MIs in banking industries are:

- MIS is always management oriented and keeps in every level of management and gests
the desired information.

- Integrated refers to how different components (sub systems) are actually of up together.

- Useful for planning as every organization making long term and short term plans with the
help of information like sales, production, capital investment and stock et.

- It is important for increasing efficiency

- MIs provides up dated result of various departments to management

- MIs is high computerized so, it provides accurate results.

- Helps manager in decision making

The over purpose of MIS is to provide profitability and staff under stands business
performance and plans its future direction.

2.14. Impact of the management information system

MIS plays a very important role in the organization; it creates an impact on the
organizations’ factions, performance and productivity. The impact of MIs on the function
is in its management with a good MIs supports the management of marketing, fiancé,
production and personnel becomes more efficient. The managers kept alert by providing
certain information indicating and probable trends in the various aspects business. This
helps in forecasting and long term perspective planning. The MIS creates another impact
in the organization which relates to the understanding of the business itself,
( impact - and
importance of MIs force no splash true).

2.15. The data base and data management system

Most organization data base management system provides the foundation for organizing
managing and in working with information. In data base management system
environment the data base contains the information and the data base managements

system is the collection of soft ware tools that supports management of a data base and
information system (S.sehrawat and sharima 2007).

2.16. What is data base

Data base an organized collection of dat. Like other components of an information
system is data base should help an organization to achieve its goals. A data base can
contribute to an organizational success by providing managers and decisions marker with
timely, accurate, and relevant information based on data.

What is data base management system ?

Data base management system is consists of group of programs that manipulate the data
base and provide an inter face between the data base and its users and other application.

MDS contains five important soft ware systems:

 FNMS engine

 Data definition subsystem

 Data manipulation subsystem

 Application generation sub system

 Data administration sub system

2.17. Basic net work

New works can transmit and receive information to improve organizational effectiveness and
efficiency. They enable geographically separated work groups to share documents and opinions
which foster team work, innovative ideas, and new business strategies, (M, stair and W.
Reynolds, 2012).


3.1. Description of the study area

Wegagen bank was established in June 15,1997 in Aksum town. In accordance with
the commercial code of Ethiopia the company of Wegagen bank has been established
by private Ethiopians with the total capital of birr 90,000,000 and 60,000,000
subserviced and 30,000,000share hold capitals.

The bank operating in different services to the customer to render or provide

monetary from section like deposit, lending and other transaction are operated
properly according with the commercial code of Ethiopia or the country procedures.

The bank has been generate normal profit, furthermore the bank has been considered
as the best bank from other branches interims of crating successful operating from
and for creating an employment opportunity for 20 employee.

The bank wes managed by woud experienced prefect manager who have get more
than ten years of experience in the banking industry service the bank has planned to
expanders operation as well as increasing performance by optimizing the line of
customer service quality and operating capacity of the bank and the bank generate
profited and exchange or currently for the customer with in the country and foreign
currency as banking industry. this branch is 1024km far from Addis in Tigray regions
north Ethiopia.

3.2. Research Design

In the study the research would be intend to describe the challenge and prospect of
management information system to enhance the performance of banking industry in
Wegagen bank to achieve the objective of the study which mention above the
research design would be descriptive the research would b in the in describing the
existing situation and to come up with certain possible mechanism.

3.3. Sample design and population size
To conduct the study the research would be use census method the reason behind the
researcher would be to acquire reliable and accurate information for each employee in
the bank.

Since the population are small and measureable all element of the population would
be take so that the total 20 employees are target population in bank of Wegagen but
the customers of wegagen bank we not take as a population because getting this
customer will be difficult to collect data.

3.4. Source of data

In these study the research or would be used both primary and secondary data source.
primary data would be collected from the employees and management of the
organization through open and close ended questionnaire and interviews secondary
data sources would be collected from different published and un published materials
like book, Journal and internet and report etc.

3.5. Methods of data collection instrument

The instrument which would be use together the related data which was include
interviews and questionnaire that would be open ended and close ended forms open
ended questionnaire would been use to enable the respondent in expressing their
opinion about the questionnaire give by the researcher the reason that the research use
close ended method of data collection would be appropriate for easy correction of
speech development of relationship selection of suitable candidate, collection of
primary information, gaining of sufficient information, time saving, crating
knowledge in data depth OmanMissis, solving, labor problem and flexible.

2.6. Data analysis technique (methods)

The data collected from both primary and secondary source of data would been
analyzed and examined in order to collect relevant data after gathering an required
qualitative and quantitative data the collected data would been analyzed using
statically tools like percentage and frequency and would presented by suing tables

- -


1. Data presentation and analysis

The study tries to show the impact of management information system to enhance the
performance of banking industry in Wegagen bank Aksum branch. This analysis is based
on primary data collected through questionnaires and interview about information
processing in Wegagne and. To come up with the required result, the researcher has used

the questionnaires as a data collection tools and distributed to each employees of the
bank. The questionnaire was distributed to 20 respondents and non all of them have fully
completed and collected. In this part of study, the data collected through questionnaire
are presented and analyzed. The researcher presented and analysis of the data based on
the number of questionnaires correctly fulfilled and returned from respondents.

Table 4.1. Presentation of personal information

No Item Number Present

1 Sex

Male 13 87

Female 2 13

Total 15 100%

2 Age

Less than 25 years 5 33.33

25-35 8 53.33

35-45 2 13.33

45-50 - -

>50 - -

Total 15 100

3 Level of education

12 grade completed - -

Certificate - -

College of diploma 4 27

First degree 11 73

Second degree -

Others - -

Total 15 100

4 Work experience

<1year 2 13

1-5 year 10 67

5-7 years 3 20

7-8 year - -

Total 15 100

Source questionnaire survey result 2016.

Based on the above data presented in table 4.1 have the following respective analysis and
interpretation could be given conceding from item 1, out of 15 respondents 2[13%] of
them are male and13[87% ) of them are females. According to employees profiles fo
Wegagen bank dominated by male employees. Therefore, the above information’s
implies that the numbers of males are greater than the numbers of females they work in
Wegagen bank. Concerning on the age of respondents in item 2, shows the 5(33.33%) of
the respondents are less that 25 years old, 8(53.33%) of respondents are 25-35 years old,
2(13.33%) of them are 35-45 years old. This shows that most of employees of Wegagen
bank are 25-35 years old this means that they are the young age people, who are the
working class people which return implies potential age (profitable) for Wegagen bank.
Regarding from item 3,of the table 4.1. concerning with levels of education for the
respondent out of the total respondent there is no 12 grade completed, Certificate,

Second degree and other specified respectively, and 4(27%) of the respondent are
college diploma, 11(73%) of the respondents are first degree holders. This implies that
the Wegagen bank have adequate knowledgeable man power because, majority of the
respondents have at least first degree holders. But they are mainly degree holders and
diploma holders so, Wegagen bank employees have lack of higher educational levels.
Based on the above table item 4, the working experience of the majority employees is
equal to 5 years work experience. This shows that the bank of wegagen employees more
experienced to perform their activities properly by using management information system
effectively respondents believed that MIS facilitate banking service delivery is low.
Therefore, ascending to the respondents emphasize management information system
facilitate banking service delivery is high.

According to the above table 4.1, item no 3, the role management information system in
order to facilitate work efficiency of wegagen bank, 4(27%) of the respondents believed
that very high, 6(40%) of the respondents were believed that high, 3(20%) of the
respondents stated that Fair, and 2(13%) of the respondents stated that MIS has low role
to the bank for improving work efficiency. This shows that the availability of MIS has an
important role for the bank to improve its work efficiency to perform organizations

Table 4.2. the role of MIS for employee work performance

No Item Number %

1 Are all information provided by the bank for employees

efficient are changing the performance of the bank?

Yes 8 53

No 7 47

Total 15 100

2 Is MIS is important for managerial functions in your


Yes 8 67

No 7 33

Total 15 100

3 Do you think that creating the awareness of

management information system for freshman bank
workers improve service delivery?

Yes 9 60

No 6 40

Total 15 100

Source: questionnaires result 2016

Based on the above table 4.2 item no 1, for the effectiveness information that provided by
the bank to employees, 8(53%) of the respondents approved that the information provide
by the bank has positive impact for the information, the rest 7(47%) from the total
respondents believed that some information that provide to us from `the bank has no
value to improve our efficiency therefore, based on the above assumption of employees,
information that provided by the organization to the employees that changing the
performance of the bank is valuable.

Based on the above table 3.3. item No, 10 (67%) of the respondents are believed that the
management information system is important for managerial function in the
organizations. And the rest of 6(33%) of the respondents stated that management
information system is not important for managerial functions in the organizations to
perform any activities. This show that according to the respondents answers management
information system is important for managerial functions in the organization to perform
activities that are related to organizations activity. According the above table 3.3 item no

3, 9(60%) of the respondents are believed that creating the awareness of MIS for the fresh
man employees improve service delivery and the rest 6(40%) of the respondents stated
that the awareness of MIS does not improve service delivery of the bank. This show that
creating the awareness forwards management information system for fresh man of the
banks employees is valuable to improve service delivery of the bank.

Table 4.4. problems of MIS in the organization

No Item Number %

1 Does your organization faces a problem related to

management information system?

Yes 8 53

No 7 47

Total 15 100

2 For whom the problem of severity is more faced in the


Employees 3 20

Managers 4 27

Customer 2 13

All of there 6 40

Total 15 100

4 How much your organization is affected by

management information system.

Varying - -

High 8 53

Fair 2 13

Low 4 27

Very low 1 7

Total 15 100

Source: questionnaires result 2016

Based on the above table 4.4.item No 8(53%) of the respondents believed that the
organizations faced a problem related to management information system and the reset
7(47%) of the respondents stated that the organizations are not faced a problem related to
management information system. This shows that according to the respondents answer
the organization faces the problem related to MIS. The organizations manager as well as
the organizations employee must be works properly in order to applied good MIS in their
organizations. Based on the table 3.4.item no 2, the problem is more faced in the
organizations, 3(20%) of the respondents believed that for employees, 4(27%) of the
respondents believed that the problems of the severity is for managers, 2(13%) from the
total respondents suggested that the problem is for customers, 6(40%) of the total
respondents stated that the problem is more faced in the organizations are for all of them
that means for employees, customers and mangers. This shows that according to the
respondents answer given in the table are that the problems or severity that feed in the
organizations are for all of them. This means that if there is one problem face in the
organization the problems are faced for all of them. According to table 3.4 item no 3, the
organization affected by management information system, 8(53%) of the respondents
stated that high, 2(13%) of the respondents believed that fair,4 [27%) from the total
respondents stated low 1(7%) of the respondents suggested that very low. This shows that
according to the above information taken from the respondents the organization is
affected by management information system is high.
1.3.1. Open ended questionnaires
The types of technology that facilitate the activities of wegagen bank are different IT
materials like computer personal computer, palm top, disk top, ATM banking solid
were used by the organization, international transferring money software and T24
application soft ware all of these listed the above are a types of technologies these
help’s to facilitate organizations activities. The types of the technologies that make
the organizations differ from other organization are T = 24 application technologies
and they also specified north types of technologies are organizations mobile banking
system, ATM and the system used by the organizations are different from other

Employees effectiveness by using information technologies in the organization are by

providing reading and development practice. Experience sharing with others, group
working or working to gather in the organizations, giving the awareness how to use
the computer technologies is their organization.


2. Summery, conclusion and Recommendation
This chapter concentrated on summary, conclusion based on the finding the finding and
recommendation. The research presents a brief summary of the study conclusion and
recommendations review the major findings and also explore the implication of the
findings in organized and sequential arrangement to get the required information.

5.1. Summary
 Based of respondent’s background Over 87% of the respondents of the
organization are male and 13% of the rest are females.

 With recording of respondents 53.33% of the respondents are under the ages of
25-35 years old, 33.33% of others are less than ages of 35-45 years old.

 the respondents of Wegagen bank were degree holders and diploma

 (80%)of the respondent responded that had work experiences of less than five

 About 11(73%) of the respondents said that MIS are able to give quality service
delivery and 4(27%) of the rest said that MIS are not able to give quality service

 From the respondents response that MIS are highly facilitates banking services.

 According to the respondents responesenced that the role of MIS is high and
very high in order to facilitate work efficiency.

 Above 8(53%) of the respondents said that all information provided by the bank
for employees efficient are changing the performance of the bank and 7(74%) of
the remaining are said that all information provided by the bank for employees
efficient are not change the performance of the bank.

 from the respondents response MIS are important for managerial function in the
organization and the rest of them (33%) are said the MIS are not important for
managerial functions in their organization.
 Based on respondents idea creating the awareness of MIS for fresh man bank
workers 60% improve service delivery and the remaining (40%) of the
respondents respond that creating the awareness MIS for fresh man bank worker
are not improve service delivery.

 Most of the respondents (53%) are said that the organization faces a problem
related to MIS and the remain (47%) of the respondents said that the
organizations are not faces the problem related to MIS.

 According to respondent’s response that the problems or severity is faced for all
of them.

 From the respondents response (53%) said that the organization affected by MIS
is high and (34%) of the respondents respond that is low and the rest of them
(13%) are said fair.

 Most of the respondents said that the types of technologies that facilitate the
activities of Wegagen banks are different IT materials like, computer, personal
computer, palm top disk top, ATM, banking soft ware used by the organization,
international transferring money soft ware and T-24 application software.

 response that the types of technologies that make the organization differ from
other organizations are T-24 application soft ware and the system that are used by
the organizations make that the organizations are differ from other organizations.

5.2. Conclusions
Under this sub topic, the research wants to put the conclusion of this particular study and
forward to the readers. The conclusion is the part of the study the data collected and
analyzed from Wegagen bank in Aksum branch.

o The (87%) of the total respondents are male are the representation of females are
very low because the participations of female in Wegagen bank are low.

o The (73%) of the respondents are first degree and the remain (27%) are college
diploma. So, the banks have no qualified man power.

o The total respondents responded that MIS have positive contribution towards the
banks performance. According to James A.F(2010) management information
system are used as a catalyst to enhance organizational performance this indicates
that MIS is very important in organization because there is no organization can
survive, expand and attain development without information.

o The overall problem MIS is lack of sufficient awareness for each workers of
Wegagen bank..

o Employees effectiveness b using information technologies in the organizations are

by taking training and development practice, experience sharing with others,
groups working or working together in the organizations, proper use of time,
delivering and giving the awareness how to use the technologies.

o The use of effective information are help to develop employees for effective
information training and updating employees know how to sue effective
information in the bank, effective use of technologies, proper use of time,
delivering appropriate information for employees and giving training for staffs
about MIS culture.

o The roles of MIS are very high in order to facilitate work efficiency of the
employees in Wegagen bank. According to MIS
implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving of the
effectiveness and efficiency of the organization and the overall purpose of MIS is
to provide profitability and staffs understand for business and plan its future

o The organizations are faced a problem related to management information system.

2.3. Recommendations
Depending on the finding of the summary the researcher pinpoints of the
recommendations are the following:

 The majority of the total respondents are male and the representations of females
are very low. So, the manager of Wegagen bank in Aksum branch should work
more in order to balance or increase the participation of females in Wegagen
bank. In order to increase the participation of females the manager should be
giving special chances at the time of requirement, motivate them by giving
incentive and allowance’s

 Most of respondents are first degree holders and the remain are college diploma.
There is no any people who have more tan first degree and other. Therefore, the
organizations manager should prepare deferent programs in order to crate a
professional (knowledgeable) man power to make the organizations more
profitable and competitors with other organizations.

 The overall problem of MIS is lack of sufficient awareness for each worker of
Wegagen bank therefore, the organizations should give awareness fro the
organizations’ employees how to use MIS in the origination to perform their
activities properly, giving training and development above MIS and other related
things that used to perform different activities in the organization.

 Employees effectiveness by using information technologies in the organization

are by training and development practice, experience sharing with others are
giving the awareness how to use technologies. So, the organizations should be
perform those activities in order to create effective employees by suing
information technologies are giving training and development practice,
experiences haring with others and giving the awareness how to use technologies.

 The use of effective information’s are help to develop employees for effective
information in the bank, effective use of technologies, proper use of time,
delivering appropriate information for employees and giving training for staff
about MIS culture. The organizations should use effective information in order to
update employees know how to use effective information in the bank, effective
use of technology, proper use of time delivery appropriate information for
employees and giving training for staffs about MIS culture.

 The roles of MIS are very high in order to facilitate work efficiency of the
employees in Wegagen bank. So, that the organization should be applied MIS in
order to facilitate the works efficiently and properly.

 The organization are faced problem related to MIS. The problems that faces in the
organizations are the problem of network, lack of experience and unable to share
information with other in the organization. Therefore, the organization should be
minimize those problems by applied increasing workers experience, exchanging
information with other, giving training and developments for organizations
worker how to use the technologies.

 D.Sehravlaz and sanjay Sharma, (2007), introduction to data base management
second edition.

 Georg B. Dolvils and Margreth H.olson. (2000). Management information system

foundation, structure and development second edition.

 James A.F. (2010). Management information system first edition.

 Kenneth C.Laudon and Jane P.laudon. (2013), Management information system

managing the digital firm eleventh edition. .


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