Form C
Form C
Form C
Architect / L.S.
Geo-Tech Expert
Site Supervision
This is to certify that I the Architect / LS of the site has inspected the site at
the NOC / remarks along with certificate from the concerned agencies on fulfillment of the
NOC conditions at the time of applying for Completion Certificate.
I the Architect / LS to inform competent authoritybefore the commencement of
crucial stages of construction viz.
Earth work for foundation
Foundation concreting
Laying the roof of basement floor
Laying the roof at each floor level
After completing the finishing work
(White washing, colouring, fixing, water supply, drainage or other sanitary fitments)
and before obtaining regular connection for water supply / electricity.
I the Architect / LS also undertake to communicate to …………………………
(competent authority)Certificate to the effect that the construction is in conformity with the
plan approved by competent authorityat the crucial stages mentioned above.
If any deviation to the approved plan is proposed to be made, I the Architect / LS
shall obtain prior approval of the Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority
I the Architect / LS shall intimate ………………………….(competent
authority)immediately if for any reasons association with the project ceases
The above information furnished is correct. If any information furnished is found
wrong, I am aware that action shall be initiated against me and I shall not be henceforth
allowed to sign in the Plans for the Planning Permission Applications processed by GCC,
Local Body, CMDA and DTCP. To this effect an Undertaking shall be obtained from
Architect / Licensed Surveyor and owner.
We (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect / Geo-Tech Expert)
certify that the structural plans of the building meet the structural safety requirements for
all situations including natural disasters, as applicable, as stipulated under Part 6
Structural Design of the National Building Code of India and other relevant Codes; T he
design has been done after detailed soil test and we are satisfied as to the adequacy of soil
test carried out and the information given therein is factually correct to the best of our
knowledge and understanding.
T he site is fit for the proposed construction, it has been tested vide soil test report.
No......................... dt..................... done by ...................................
We (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect / Site Engineer) certify that
the development, erection, re-erection or making alteration in the building shall be carried
out under our supervision and we certify that all the materials (type and grade) and the
workmanship of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general and detailed
specifications, as per NBC standards and to meet out the structural design of the proposed
We (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect / Site Engineer) undertake
not to continue construction without any supervis ion by the our Site Engineer and submit
the report to the local body.
I (Landowner / Builder ) certify to engage the above mentioned Engineers for the
active period of building execution and I hereby assure to give Revised Certificate in case of
any change of Engineer, I shall ensure no work is taken up in this period till required
Engineers are engaged by me.
In case construction work is entrusted by a Builders Agreement to a 3rd Party, I
(Land Owner or Power of Attorney Holder or Builder or Promoter)shall undertake to include
these conditions as part of the agreement.
Applicable incase of existing building within the site
I (Structural Engineer / Architect / Site Engineer) hereby certify that the
development, erection, re-erection or for making alteration in the building has been carried
out under our supervision and we certify that all the materials (type and grade) and the
workmanship of the work was in accordance with the general and detailed specifications, as
per NBC standards and met out the structural design of the constructed building. The
construction was made under the supervision of Site Engineer and submitted the report to
the local body periodically.
I (Owner / Builder / Structural Engineer / Architect) hereby certify that the
building, has been designed by me ………………………………………………and the Structural
Design was made by Thiru ……………………………………………………………… to the
approved plans sanctioned in the Planning Permission No. ………………………… dated
…………………… and the Building Permit No………………………………
dated………………………….. The Building has been constructed and completed under my
guidance and supervision as per the structural design furnished by the Structural Engineer
engaged by us. I also assure and undertake that, I have signed in the plan and in “as on
site” plan and the same is structurally safe and fit for occupancy based on my personal
assessment and certification of the Structural Engineer engaged by us.
This deed of undertaking is executed by us on the…………………….day
of…………………………………….20………….with the full knowledge of the contents of this
Owner of the
land / Power of
Attorney Holder /
Lease Holder
Architect / L.S.
Geo-Tech Expert
Site Supervision